Dashing Youth (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

♪Overcoming the boundary of confusion♪
♪Holding onto my life
in the face of death threats♪
♪I look into this dark night♪
♪Never once has my soul
been extinguished♪
♪With this passion♪
♪My spirit is growing
to reach full swing♪
♪Slashing the mountain
and the ocean apart♪
♪Answering the true call on a sword♪
♪I'm the chosen one
in this turbulent world♪
♪Keep my distance from the world♪
♪Who can understand my loneliness♪
♪A single thought, looking down♪
♪Blades unsheathed,
frost flies everywhere♪
♪A belief that cuts through the world♪
♪Soaring towards the sky,
the sword reigns all♪
♪Striding across the land
with a drunken gait♪
♪I will protect the people
whenever I'm needed♪
♪Atop the summit, you and I shall
battle for the world's best♪
[Directed by Chen Zhoufei]
[Dashing Youth]
[Based on "Zhou Muhan's
Juvenile Martial Arts Series"]
[from fanqienovel.com and bkneng.com]
[Episode 1]
Fifteen years ago,
Beique and Western Chu
were successively annihilated by Beili
and their territories
[Beili, Beique]
were brought under Beili's rule.
Some remnants of Beique moved north
and rebuilt their forces
beyond the ice fields
with the intention
of restoring their country.
[Western Chu]
While former citizens of Western Chu
fully assimilated themselves into Beili.
Among them, the prestigious Yan family
of the former Western Chu,
has become one
of the two most powerful forces
after years of establishment
in Beili's Xinan Circuit,
rivaling the Gu family,
a noble family from Beili.
In the fifteenth year of the Taihe Era,
the master of the Gu family, Gu Luoli,
suddenly died in Babie City,
which marks the beginning
of the struggle
for leadership of Xinan Circuit.
Seizing the opportunity presented
by the Gu family's lack of a leader,
Yan Bietian, Master of the Yan family,
is forcibly seeking a marriage alliance
with Gu Jianmen,
the Gu family's second young master.
As troubles lay ahead,
various forces are already stirring.
[Chaisang City]
[Gu Jianmen, Mr. Lingyun, one of Beili's
Eight Young Masters, Gu family, Xinan Circuit]
Second Young Master.
Fifth Master sent word just now.
He said to avoid displeasing
the Yan family,
we should replace
the white banners in our mansion
with red silk ones.
This is truly an insult!
Are we really going
to allow them
to trample over us like this?
When I was young, my elder brother
had someone read my fate.
It was said
that I would have lofty ambitions,
but they would all be in vain,
and I would die a meaningless death.
Young Master.
Young Master.
Do you remember this sword?
This is the sword my brother gave me
the year I went to Tianqi.
He told me to carry this sword,
pass the final examination
of the academy,
and not fail my lofty ambitions.
Since then,
this has been my only sword.
You ask me
if we will just allow ourselves
to be trampled over like this?
I, Gu Jianmen,
entered Tianqi at sixteen.
I rode freely on horseback
and overcame challenges in my way.
I got drunk on half a cup of Qiulubai
and soared to the sky.
The thing I fear the least in this life
is drawing my sword.
The thing
I believe in the least is fate.
The Yan family wants a marriage alliance
to swallow my family.
Since they think
white banners are inauspicious
and want red silk ones,
I will dye these white banners red
with their blood.
I am but a lunatic!
[Longshou Street, Chaisang City]
[Donggui Tavern]
How could this be?
Isn't Chaisang City supposed
to be bustling?
It's been thirteen days
[Bai Dongjun, Donggui Tavern]
and not a single customer has come yet.
After all, I am
a big shot of Qiandong City.
Why am I suffering
in this unlucky place?
Mister, come in for a drink.
It's free.
Let's make friends.
It's fine if you don't want to.
You have such a bad temper.
Give me ten jin of meat.
[Linseed oil, Sesame oil]
Move aside.
Don't block my view of my little beauty.
Have you ever heard of this saying?
"Liquor gives courage to cowards."
You can only watch her from here.
But if you drink my liquor,
you'll have the courage
to go over there.
Get lost.
If this were Qiandong City,
I would burn down your oil shop.
Young man.
Why don't you come and talk to me?
No. No.
[Donggui Tavern]
Wake up, Sikong Changfeng.
Sikong Changfeng.
What a lazy bum.
Since when does the waiter
wake up later than the owner?
It's strange, isn't it?
Isn't Chaisang City the largest city
in Xinan Circuit?
How come there hasn't been
a single person
on the streets since I arrived?
And the people I've met
are all quite peculiar.
Don't you think so?
Here come customers.
[Yan Bietian, Master of Yan family,
Xinan Circuit]
[Donggui Tavern]
[Return to the east]
That's right.
It's Donggui.
Looks like
you've come from a far place.
Donggui Tavern is a great name.
It fits you well.
Come in for a drink.
You're the waiter?
No, I'm not.
I'm the owner.
You look quite young.
But you run quite a big business.
It doesn't matter
whether it's a big business or not.
What matters is
whether the liquor is good or not.
You sound quite confident.
Of course.
We can't deceive people
about the taste of liquor.
You'll know as soon as you take a sip.
However, if you find it not
to your taste,
There must be something wrong
with your palette.
How dare you!
Looks like it might rain again.
Since we're already here,
why not go in, have a drink,
and take some rest?
Let's go.
My liquor isn't just
for resting.
We'd like to taste it carefully.
Please come in, then.
I don't have many customers here.
You're my first batch
of customers today.
Please come in.
Isn't there already someone here?
He's not a customer.
He's the waiter here.
Twelve jars in total.
Twenty liang each.
Do you know how much Yueluobai
from Lanyu Pavilion,
the best tavern in Xinan Circuit,
Eighteen liang per jar.
My liquor tastes better than it.
So I'm selling it at twenty liang.
I'll have them all.
[Five hundred liang]
Please enjoy.
Excuse me.
Since you have nothing else to do,
let's have a drink together.
In that case, I won't refuse.
What should I call you?
My last name is Bai,
Bai Dongjun.
Dongjun, the Lord of Spring,
wears a jade pendant
which emits soothing clinking.
His ride crosses and brushes
against the tips of willow trees.
It's a good name.
Someone has said the same thing
about my name.
Come on, let's drink.
Chang'an has a long-lasting flavor
and is best enjoyed on rainy days.
It's a shame
if you don't drink it today.
Have this one.
Yuanzheng is clear and sweet,
perfect for travelers returning
from afar.
You've come all this way.
A cup of it is just right.
It's not good for you to drink this one.
And it's a shame to have that one.
May I ask
what you'd like to drink?
Let's have Xuyu then.
A moment's thought.
fate's change lies
within a moment.
[Xuyu means 'a moment']
I'll drink this.
So, what do you think?
Can I make a name with this liquor?
Indeed, it's good liquor.
Among all the liquor
I've had in my life,
it ranks in the top five.
Then tell me,
what's number one?
It's Qiulubai
from Diaolou Tavern
in Tianqi City,.
I thought
good liquor could only have one flavor.
But Qiulubai of Diaolou Tavern
offers three flavors.
So if I can brew a pot of liquor
better than Qiulubai,
I will make a name for myself.
If you have the chance to go to Tianqi,
you should give it a try.
I'm afraid I won't have that chance.
My family wouldn't
allow me to return to Tianqi.
It's truly good liquor.
I really am a genius
at brewing liquor.
Everyone, won't you have a drink?
This Yuanzheng
is indeed refreshing and sweet.
Hey, the waiter over there.
Please have a cup of liquor.
He's here looking for trouble.
You wake up when there's liquor.
It's Yuanzheng. Such fine liquor.
[Sikong Changfeng]
I want more!
You wastrel,
don't spill my liquor.
My liquor
They're also here to cause trouble.
So powerful.
Zhuixu Spear?
You rascal.
I told you not to spill my liquor.
But you still did.
You wastrel.
my waiter
is just a wandering swordsman.
He doesn't know manners.
I hope you don't mind him.
It looks like
this rain won't stop for a while.
But some things cannot be delayed.
let's end today's drinking here.
Xuezheng, stop being in a daze.
Let's go.
someone else inside.
I can smell it.
The scent of a woman.
A woman?
Are you feeling better?
I'm all right.
[Yan Liuli, Yan family, Xinan Circuit]
What's the background of that tavern?
It's run by a man.
He's pretty young.
He's probably not skilled
in martial arts.
But the waiter next to him knows
some martial arts.
But he's not that powerful.
these things are not important now.
To avoid new problems
cropping up unexpectedly,
I'll send Kuizheng and Xuezheng
to get rid of them.
How unexpected of you, sir.
You may be young.
But you're lecherous.
[Donggui Tavern]
I've done nothing.
So don't slander me
and ruin my reputation.
It's just that my mother
used that incense before.
A month ago,
I sent people to control
the whole Longshou Street.
But I can't
figure out this tavern's background.
I originally thought
it was just an unowned property.
I didn't expect
someone to appear
and open a tavern there.
Try it.
It's good liquor.
He is
quite interesting.
He even asked me
if this liquor could
make a name for him.
The fall of Chaisang.
[Luo means fall]
It's a good name.
It truly is
good liquor.
It's a pity
that he won't live
to see it make his name.
Xinan Circuit has had a major event recently.
And it's a happy event.
According to my plan,
with my brewing skills,
I could become
the top brewmaster of Chaisang City
and naturally be invited
to prepare drinks
for Xinan Circuit's grand celebration.
By then,
all the heroes
who come for the celebration
can drink my liquor.
With this
What celebration?
Didn't you know?
It's a big celebration
of the leader of Xinan Circuit,
the Gu family,
and the second-best Yan family's
marriage alliance.
Bai Dongjun.
Don't be disrespectful.
Call me sir.
Actually, since the beginning,
I have felt something peculiar
about this street.
I only stayed
because I coveted your fine liquor.
But now
I regret it a bit.
I should have left sooner.
What do you mean?
We've got involved
in the struggle between the Gu family
and the Yan family accidentally.
Not just them.
The group of people just now as well.
After wandering the world
for so many years,
I have a sense for these things.
So, can you sense
what they're after?
Earlier you mentioned
the Gu family and the Yan family's
marriage alliance.
But the first young master
of the Gu family
suddenly died not long ago.
If this celebration is real,
it's very suspicious.
If he's already dead,
how can they proceed with the marriage?
The Gu family has another son.
Have you heard
of this poem?
"Fenghua is unpredictable
and Qingge is elegant.
Zhuomo is eloquent and Lingyun is crazy.
Liuyue is peerless and Mochen is plain.
Qingxiang is talented
and Wuming is nowhere."
That doesn't rhyme at all.
This is the list
of young masters published
by Baixiao Hall.
It's not about rhyming
but about relevance.
It talks
about Beili's
eight exceptional talents.
The deeply scheming Mr. Fenghua,
the refined and elegant Mr. Qingge,
the eloquent Mr. Zhuomo,
the arrogant
and unrestrained Mr. Lingyun,
the peerlessly handsome Mr. Liuyue,
the tanned-looking Mr. Mochen,
the exceptionally talented
Mr. Qingxiang,
the currently vacant Mr. Wuming.
So, what does this have to do
with Chaisang City and the Gu family?
Mr. Lingyun's last name is
the groom of the Gu family
in this marriage alliance
is Mr. Lingyun,
Gu Jianmen.
Mr. Lingyun.
The name sounds quite marvelous.
Let's go.
Where are we going?
Gu's Mansion.
Let's invite Gu Jianmen here
for a drink.
"With soaring ambition,
he rises to the skies."
That sounds like he is a great figure.
Once he drinks my liquor
and spreads the word outside,
my fame will soon follow.
All right.
Let's walk against the wall.
Aren't you taking me
to the Gu's Mansion?
Why does it feel like
we're sneaking in like thieves?
If we walk openly
we won't even get out
of Longshou Street.
I didn't expect a wastrel like you
to know so much.
Of course.
Having wandered the world
for so many years,
I'd be dead long ago
if I didn't have such a sense.
Come on.
What's the matter?
Someone's here.
Sikong Changfeng, look.
Why did the sky suddenly turn dark?
Young Master, the sky
It's a ghost.
Young Master.
Stop right there!
You must be a guest from the Dark River.
[Su Muyu, Umbrella Ghost, Dark River]
Su Li, don't be rude.
Here comes a respected guest.
Would you like to have a drink with me?
Thank you for offering.
But no.
Is it because you don't trust me,
Gu Jianmen?
If there's anyone in Beili
that the Dark River can trust,
it would be you.
Everyone knows
that the Dark River is a feared presence
in the martial arts world.
Wherever someone
from the Dark River appears,
there will be slaughter and death.
Do evil assassins like you
even need friends?
That's a bit too harsh.
Even assassins
need friends.
Just like
the Dark River has chosen you
because we believe
you can help us with certain things.
we can also help you
with some matters.
Some important things.
So, in the Dark River's terms,
friends are merely
people who share mutual benefits?
Isn't that more reliable?
You are supposed to have many friends.
where are they now?
It doesn't matter where they are.
Your brother
never aspired to power.
Yet, he still died in Babie City,
which is
three hundred li from his home.
Mr. Lingyun,
your enemies cannot tolerate you,
let alone your brother.
The enemies have already made
their move.
And the Dark River
will send our best assassins here
to help you
and we'll ensure the Yan family
doesn't have a chance to return alive.
My brother was like a father to me.
I swear to avenge his death.
But I don't need the Dark River
to help me with it.
The famed sword Yuexue.
It's said that this sword's edge
is so sharp
that it can cut snowflakes in midair.
Do you intend to kill me?
If the Dark River wants
to set a foothold in Xinan Circuit,
shouldn't you show
some sincerity?
Come on!
Let me see your sincerity.
Young Master!
Fine blades rain down mercilessly
at the moment of the killing,
like evening rain.
You are clearly a ferocious assassin
from the Dark River.
But your sword carries
the sword thought unique to swordsmen.
From the beginning,
you had no intention
of cooperating with us.
Why did you force me
to use my most dreadful move?
If I tell you
it's because my elder brother died
and I'm trapped here
unable to leave,
so I really want
to have a good fight with someone,
will you pierce me
with your sword?
If you think it over,
you can find me at Qingsong Inn.
I'll wait for you there for seven days.
What is your name?
I am not supposed to have a name.
But I'm willing to tell you
my name.
My name is Su Muyu.
Farewell, Mr. Lingyun.
Young Master, he
Among the three prominent families
of the Dark River,
the Mu family
is renowned for their mastery
of secretive arts.
Su Muyu definitely has not come
to Chaisang City himself.
Beyond these walls,
members of the Mu family
were certainly stationed
to protect him.
Even the sudden dark sky
is their doing.
As for these mysterious techniques,
it's best not to dwell on them
if you can't figure them out.
Well, about what he just mentioned
the Dark River's
uninvited presence looms
with sinister intentions
that send chills down one's spine.
Our enemies are merely
criminals in the mortal world.
But the ones who come to make a deal
are ghosts from hell.
Has that ghost left yet?
How odd.
The sky has brightened again.
I have an ominous feeling.
Let's leave here at once.
what did you two see?
Umbrella Ghost,
they've been waiting here
for quite some time.
We didn't see anything.
Leave this place.
Better yet, leave this city.
Umbrella Ghost.
Leave now.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
[Donggui Tavern]
That was terrifying.
I only sneaked out
to open a tavern
and sell my liquor.
It nearly cost me my life.
That doesn't make sense at all.
You must be kidding me.
It's like trouble brewing
We just got out of trouble
and here comes another one.
what took you so long?
Where did you go?
I need to buy liquor from you.
all liquor is sold out.
Come back another day.
Another day?
There might not be another chance.
The one who won't have a chance is you.
We managed to avoid the first fight
but not the second one.
So there will be a fight today.
find a place to hide.
Sikong Changfeng.
Be careful.
With your spear techniques,
you're no ordinary person.
Who are you?
I truly am an ordinary person.
I never knew my parents,
was fed by lots of people,
lived in rundown temples,
never had a surname,
and no one ever gave me a name.
But living life empty-handed
isn't too bad either.
I gave myself the surname Sikong.
I'd also like to turn into wind,
going forward without turning back.
So my name is
Sikong Changfeng.
[Changfeng means 'a gale']
So this is the real boss?
So you two are in this together.
We've never met before
nor had any grudges.
I even offered you a jar
of my fine liquor.
Why do you want to kill me?
Surely it's not
because my liquor
is too expensive, right?
Blame yourself
for opening your tavern
at the wrong location.
That is such a petty reason.
Life is precious.
Everyone only has one life.
We have no right to take away
someone else's life
What did you call me?
haven't you figured it out yet?
Gu's Mansion has been surrounded
by these people.
We're in their way.
Calling you an idiot isn't wrong.
Do you actually think
you can reason with people like him?
let me ask you a question.
Go ahead.
If we leave now,
will you let us go?
Enough talking, then. Let's fight!
You haven't learned
the complete spear techniques.
You learned it stealthily.
I know who you are.
"Face official justice in life
and meet King Yan in death."
You're Yan Qiansui,
the Golden-Mouthed King Yan.
Sir, leave now.
I came all this way here
to open a tavern.
I did not come unprepared.
I said, leave.
Young man,
where are you going?
Why are you avoiding me?
Am I not beautiful enough?
Of course.
Where do you think you're going?
Over there.
Why are you still here?
Just look up there.
I underestimated you, sir.
I didn't expect your qinggong
to be this skillful
when your martial arts skills
are mediocre.
But if you want to defeat me,
these skills are not enough.
How about this?
The both of you are handsome,
so I can't bear to kill you both.
How about
How about letting us go?
Are you kidding me?
How about I spare
one of you?
And the other one will die.
What do you think?
You can discuss
who gets to die and who to live.
Bai Dongjun, I
I know.
We're just strangers
who happened to meet.
Our friendship
in that battle just now
has run its course.
I understand.
I didn't even finish my sentence.
You understand nothing.
I still have one last skill to show.
With this move,
the one in front of me
will definitely die.
But I might not survive either.
Do your best to protect yourself.
If I survive,
I'll take you out of here.
How confident are you?
One in ten.
One in ten?
With only one in ten certainty,
you dare say it
so confidently.
It is just
a dying man's gamble.
Sikong Changfeng
If today
we both survive this,
I'll tell you about it.
You're not dying.
You'll survive.
That is such a bad name.
How about a new introduction?
My last name is Lei.
Lei? Which Lei?
Lei of the Lei family
from the Lei Fortress?
You can say that.
Although the Lei Fortress may not like
a disobedient descendant like me,
I still acknowledge this family.
You're the Eloquent Mr. Zhuomo,
Lei Mengsha?
[Lei Mengsha, Mr. Zhuomo,
one of Beili's Eight Young Masters]
[No animals were harmed
during the filming of this drama.]
[Some animals were created
using bionic props and 3D effects.]
♪A gentle breeze♪
♪Intentionally touching the heart♪
♪Moored by the lake, ripples spread♪
♪Feet covered by spring mud♪
♪Branches softly murmur in the wind♪
♪Whispering secrets♪
♪Drawing your half-blue silhouette under the moon♪
♪As if destined,
gazing at your graceful silhouette♪
♪Restlessly searching♪
♪I stay with you even if the twilight
turns to a clear evening♪
♪Listening closely to the drizzle
in the shadows♪
♪Who can I lean on now?♪
♪Roaming the world together
like a pair of lovebirds♪
♪Deeply in love,
two hearts in perfect harmony♪
♪A red note as our boat,
we navigate with heartfelt devotion♪
♪A folding fan swaying
among the stars and clouds♪
♪In this perfect moment♪
♪To meet you♪
♪A gentle breeze♪
♪Intentionally touching the heart♪
♪Moored by the lake, ripples spread♪
♪Feet covered by spring mud♪
♪Branches softly murmur in the wind♪
♪Whispering secrets♪
♪Drawing your half-blue silhouette under the moon♪
♪As if destined,
gazing at your graceful silhouette♪
♪Restlessly searching♪
♪I stay with you even if the twilight
turns to a clear evening♪
♪Listening closely to the drizzle
in the shadows♪
♪Who can I lean on now?♪
♪Roaming the world together
like a pair of lovebirds♪
♪Deeply in love,
two hearts in perfect harmony♪
♪A red note as our boat,
we navigate with heartfelt devotion♪
♪A folding fan swaying
among the stars and clouds♪
♪In this perfect moment♪
♪To meet you♪
Next Episode