Dee & Friends in Oz (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Dee and the Wonderful School of Oz

[introductory magical jingles playing]
[pencil scratching]
Once upon a time,
there was a girl named Dee,
a hero named Dee, and she had friends.
A lion and a scarecrow
and a boy made of tin,
and together, they saved all the magic
in the wonderful world of Oz.
The end.
Oh, I love your story, Dee,
but you gotta hold still.
Ooh, I like my hair, Grandma.
Good. If you're visiting me all summer,
I wanna get it right.
Next time, we'll turn it purple.
[playful jangling]
-All right now. Repeat after me.
I am strong.
I am strong.
I am smart.
I am smart.
I make the world more wonderful
just by being me.
I make the world more wonderful
just by being me.
Ha! That's what I'm talking about.
Now, who's ready for a wonderful day?
-I am.
-[tender moaning]
Good. So am I.
[soft music playing]
[Miss Emerald lyrically] Oh, Dee!
It's your first day
at the Wonderful School of Oz!
That's Miss Emerald!
Time for me to go to Oz!
-Dee and her friends
-And you ♪
-Unlocked somewhere new
-Come through ♪
-Take a leap, Oz is waiting for you
-Let's go ♪
-Dee and her friends in Oz
-Say hi ♪
-Adventure isn't far behind
-Go shine ♪
Let's see some friends
And make new ones too ♪
The story's hero is you ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
[playful music playing]
Dee ♪
Hi, Ozlings.
-We're so excited you're here.
-[Dee chuckling]
Me too. I'm going to my first day
at the Wonderful School of Oz!
-Ahh! First day?
-That's exciting.
Well, if it's your first day,
you better follow me.
-'Cause where you wanna
-I know. Who's ready to follow me?
-Right behind you.
Look out, world, I'm on my way
Ain't gonna let nobody get in my way ♪
On a mission, got a vision
Seize the day ♪
Got my friends on the journey
I know the way ♪
The places we'll go
The highs, the lows ♪
My glow will lead the way ♪
Follow your heart, the tiniest spark
We'll journey to that place ♪
The places you'll go
The highs, the lows ♪
My glow will lead the way ♪
Follow your heart, the tiniest spark
We'll journey to that place ♪
I can do anything
I can be anything ♪
No matter what this day brings
I know I'm on my way ♪
[playful music playing]
[Ozzelle] Oh! Tinland!
[Ozzo] So shiny.
[chuckling] I know that car.
-Dee! You're here.
Hey, Tin.
Ready for our first day of school?
You know it.
Look out, world, we're on our way
Ain't gonna let nobody get in our way ♪
Tin's an inventor
With the biggest heart ♪
Now that we're back together
The journey can start ♪
[playful banjo music playing]
Hmm! That almost looks like Dee and Tin,
but upside down.
Dee! Tin! First day of school hug.
[Dee] Hug!
-Hey, Scarecrow, it's been a while
-We missed the way you laugh and smile ♪
We love the way you think
Upside-down style ♪
And I know all together
We'll go miles and miles ♪
[Lion] Roar!
-I'd know that roar anywhere.
-[Lion] Roar! Roar!
Thank you, thank you.
I'll be here all week.
Happy first day of school, Dee.
-Happy first day, Lion.
-I missed you, Dee.
And I missed you more ♪
You're the brave lion
We've been looking for ♪
Amazin' in your ways
Great on the dance floor ♪
If you like my dance moves,
wait till you hear my roar.
The places we'll go
The highs, the lows ♪
My glow will lead the way ♪
Follow your heart, the tiniest spark
We'll journey to that place ♪
I can do anything
I can be anything ♪
No matter what this day brings
I know I'm on my way ♪
I can do anything
I can be anything ♪
-No matter what this day brings
-I know I'm on my way ♪
-Welcome to the Wonderful School of Oz!
-[gasping excitedly]
-[Dee] Awesome!
-[Lion] Wow!
[Miss Emerald] This is your new classroom.
Ah! This doesn't look like
any classroom I've ever seen.
That's cause it's not, honey.
It's something special.
And if you think all this is amazing,
you ain't seen nothing yet.
From now on,
all of Oz is gonna be your classroom.
There's a big wonderful world out there,
and that's where you'll learn.
-Out there?
-In Oz?
That's right. You'll sing. You'll dance.
You'll laugh and play.
You'll solve problems big and small.
And most important, you'll learn to be
the very best you, you can be.
You'll be your best you in Oz ♪
In Oz ♪
You'll be your best you in Oz ♪
In Oz ♪
♪Lookin' all around
Adventures to be found ♪
-All this wonder waiting just for you
-Ooh ooh ♪
To learn to be your best
You have to leave the nest ♪
Oz is your classroom ♪
No first-day jitters
No reason to be nervous ♪
You'll learn to be
The best version of yourself ♪
It's all fantastic
You want it, you can have it ♪
Miss Emerald will show you what to do ♪
There are people out there in Oz
who need our help.
And you're gonna learn by helping them.
I can be a hero!
You'll be your best you in Oz ♪
In Oz ♪
We'll be our best us in Oz ♪
-You're the best version of yourself
-In Oz ♪
[music fades away]
-[alarm screaming]
-[gasps] What is that?
Someone at the door?
That ain't the doorbell, honey.
That's the Oz alarm.
And it means someone needs help in Oz.
[whizzing, clanging]
-[Scarecrow] Cool!
-[Lion] Awesome!
A-ha! Looks like there's trouble brewing
in this cauldron.
Bubble trouble!
Those bubbles are blooping up
things all over.
I need you to go to that cauldron
and stop those bubbles,
or pretty soon, they'll bloop up
everything and everyone in Oz.
We're ready to help.
So, where do we go, Miss Emerald?
To Witch Village.
[all gasp]
Did you say Witch Village?
Like where witches live? [legs clanging]
I heard witches are scary and mean.
And they turn lions into pickles.
What do they turn scarecrows into?
Birthday cakes.
[all gasp]
I know Witch Village
might sound a little scary,
but the folks there need your help.
Plus, you could be surprised
by what you find there.
Yeah! We can do this. We can be heroes.
Let's pop those bubbles and save Oz.
Besides, how scary could Witch Village be?
[thunder crashing]
Okay, Witch Village
is a bit spookier than I thought.
[screams] What was that?
It was just my tail.
[heavy, intense boing]
[all gasp]
[Dee] Watch out!
[Dee grunts]
-[Dee] Ah!
-[ozzling] Bubbles!
-Hm! Huh?
-[Tin] Are you okay?
We don't wanna get blooped up
by one of those bubbles.
-It's okay. I got you.
-[exciting music playing]
There. You'll be safe here.
Wow, Tin. That was so wonderful.
Really? I was just being me.
Well, yeah.
You make the world more wonderful
just by being you.
With your big, kind heart.
I think I hear bubbles this way.
[Dee] There's the cauldron.
It's making so many bubbles.
And every time it stops,
it just starts bubbling again even bigger.
-How are we gonna stop it for good?
-[Lion screams] What was that?!
-It was just my tail again.
-Lion! Watch out!
[screams] Bubbles!
-[Lion panting] Whoa, whoa!
-[Scarecrow] No!
-[Dee] Lion! Oh no, Lion!
-[Tin] Lion!
How am I gonna get out?!
I can do this. I can be a hero.
I'm coming, Lion! I got you
[Dee grunting]
I don't got you.
[flapping, whizzing]
-Did you see that?!
[girl panting]
-Ha! Yippee!
-[bubble pops]
[exciting music playing]
[girl 1] Ha! Yah ha!
[girl 2] Gotcha!
Hm! Ha!
[all together] Wow!
-[girls grunting]
-[bubbles popping]
Let's get you unbubbled.
Yes, please.
Whoa! [grunts]
[exciting music stops]
-You okay?
You saved me!
I'm Westyn, and this is my sister, Eastyn.
What's up?
I'm Dee, and this is
Tin, Lion, and Scarecrow.
Thanks for rescuing our friends.
You two are awesome with bubbles.
Oh, no! Us? No way.
Just kidding. We are pretty awesome.
I think what she means is thanks.
Hmm. But be careful, everybody.
Besides those big bubbles,
we still have to watch out for witches.
Witches? But
That's us.
[all three] Ahhh!
But you're not mean or scary.
You're awesome.
-[chuckling] Thanks.
-You know it.
So you're not gonna turn us into pickles?
-[Westyn] What?
Or birthday cakes?
No. It's not even our birthday.
[all sigh]
I was way wrong about you. I'm sorry.
-Me too.
No problem,
but we could still use your help.
Our village's big cauldron is broken.
It keeps blasting out
those gigantic bubbles.
They'll ruin our home.
-[Eastyn] They're picking up everything!
-But how are we gonna stop all these?
I know I can think of something.
Maybe we could try
[Dee shouts] Whoa!
What if we just Aah! I got it!
No, I don't got it.
This is tough.
Gotta think my way. Upside down. Hop!
Aah! We could stop the bubbles
before they start.
Huh? How are we supposed to do that?
That cauldron is
the thing making the bubbles,
but if we flip it upside down,
the bubbles can't come out.
That's a great idea, Scarecrow.
Guess I just think
a little differently about things.
And that makes you totally amazing.
You make the world more wonderful
just by being you.
Thanks, Dee.
Look! The cauldron's bubbling again!
Now it's time to flip that cauldron
and stop these bubbles.
[Lion] Yeah!
-[Dee gasping]
[exciting music playing]
[bubbles popping]
[Tin grunts] Gotcha.
Huh! Ha ha!
[Westyn] Hm, hm! Huh!
[Scarecrow] Get those bubbles! Ah!
[Westyn] Giant bubble!
-Bubble alert!
-Watch out!
[all gasp]
I can pop it.
-You'll get blooped up again.
[deep breath]
[all gasp] Amazing!
Lion, that was so cool.
You make the world more wonderful
just by being you.
And you're really, really brave.
Aw, shucks. I was just being me.
Come on. We gotta turn that cauldron over.
I can do it.
I can be a hero. I'm goin' in.
[Dee panting, grunting]
Bah! Yah! Woo!
-You can do this!
All right, cauldron,
I'm gonna stop you now.
I'm gonna save Oz. I got this.
[Dee grunting]
I don't got this. I can't flip it over.
Come on. We can do this, Dee.
Everybody! Push!
[all grunting]
But I couldn't do it by myself.
Lion, you're so brave.
And Scarecrow,
you think up the best ideas.
And Tin, you care so much.
And Eastyn, Westyn, have I mentioned
you're the awesomest witches
I've ever met?
Once or twice.
[Dee sighs sadly]
You're all special just by being you.
You're heroes
but I couldn't even flip the cauldron.
I'm just a regular kid.
I wanted to be doing hero stuff ♪
But being me just isn't enough ♪
[sighs deeply]
Deep down ♪
I don't know if a kid like me
Can save the day ♪
Maybe I was wrong to think ♪
To think I could help save Oz ♪
I thought I could be a hero,
but I can't be.
But, Dee, you are a hero.
The kinda hero
that makes her friends feel special.
-That's right!
Dee, you don't have to save the world.
You already make our world
more wonderful just by being you.
Dee, you're wonderful ♪
Dee, you're wonderful ♪
Just being who you are ♪
You're a shining star ♪
Doing what you do ♪
Oz is more wonderful because of you ♪
You're kind and smart and brave ♪
You don't have to save ♪
Just because you're you
Oz is more wonderful ♪
Dee, we know you're doubtin'
So we gotta shout about it ♪
-Y'all, is she the best?
-Yep ♪
-Even when you mess up
-Met today, but I'll say you're awesome ♪
Oz knows it's true ♪
Where you go, we'll go too
'Cause we see that glow in you ♪
Dee can save all of Oz ♪
Dee can, but not alone because ♪
We're in it together ♪
We're in it forever ♪
-I can be the hero
-Just being who we are ♪
-I can write my own story
-We're all shining stars ♪
-I can be the hero
-No matter where this ends ♪
I can write my own story ♪
Oz is more wonderful
'Cause we're friends ♪
You don't ever have to
be a hero on your own.
Even heroes can use a little help.
Thanks. It's good to know you got my back.
We're all regular kids.
And together,
regular kids like us can save Oz.
[Dee] Uh Oh no!
Oh no! Yaah!
-Eastyn! Yaah!
-Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
Oh, man. Not again.
-Get us out!
-Come on!
-Pop already, will ya?
[grunts] We're trapped.
How're we gonna pop
these bubbles if we're in them?
[Dee grunting] Aah!
Hmm! I think I know how.
We've gotta do it together
by bumping our bubbles.
[exciting music playing]
-[Westyn] Yeah!
-Let's do it.
[Dee] Yeah.
-[Scarecrow] Woo-hoo!
[Dee] We got this.
[all chuckling]
-[all cheering] Yeah!
[Tin] We did it!
[Dee] Awesome!
Aah! Welcome back.
So, did Witch Village surprise you?
It did. It was way more awesome
than we thought.
And Miss Emerald,
Miss Emerald, we made new friends.
Well, isn't that wonderful?
Hiya. I'm Westyn.
And I'm Eastyn.
Mm-hmm! I know your parents.
We're in the Ozball League together.
Westyn, Eastyn,
you're our newest classmates.
Welcome to the Wonderful School of Oz.
-New classmates!
-This is gonna be fun!
Now our whole class is finally together.
And together, you're gonna make Oz
more wonderful than it's ever been.
-We did it!
You went out and found
Adventures going down ♪
You did exactly what you had to do
Oh ♪
You made it to the end
You made so many friends ♪
Oz is your classroom ♪
Those first-day jitters
Had me a little nervous ♪
But I learned to be
The best version of myself ♪
We'll work together
And we'll be friends forever ♪
Oz is more wonderful 'cause of you ♪
And you and you and you ♪
We'll all be best friends in Oz ♪
In Oz ♪
We'll all be best friends in Oz ♪
In Oz ♪
[magical whizzing escalating]
[joyful music playing]
[girls giggling]
Ah! Dee! There you are!
Thought you might wanna meet
our new neighbors.
Hi, I'm Dee.
I'm Wanessa.
I'm Emilia. We're having a bubble contest.
I'm winning.
Wow! Cool. You two are awesome.
Could I blow bubbles with you?
-Of course.
[girls giggling]
[magical jingles playing]
Let's go ♪
-Dee and her friends in Oz
-Say hi ♪
-Adventure isn't far behind
-Go shine ♪
Let's see friends
And make new ones too ♪
-The story's hero is you
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and her friends
Unlocked somewhere new ♪
Take a leap
Oz is waiting for you ♪
You're wonderful and you glow
Dee's got the key and we're heroes ♪
Oz is full of friends
Here we go ♪
I know you know the song
Everybody sing along ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-Yeah, yeah
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
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