Dekalog (1989) s01e01 Episode Script

Part 1

Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen I couldn't go on Dad? Could you think of something, Dad? Oh, all right Say, Kermit running away from Miss Piggy Riding a sledge at sixty-two kilometers per hour Piggy chasing him skiing at eighty-seven kilometers per hour Got me? How much later as she left? Ah, yes.
Three minutes I made it, Dad.
She'll catch up with him in ten minutes and twenty-six seconds Hi Come on in Cold, isn't it? Say, somebody dies abroad Would his obituary be published, too? Possibly You see, these are paid ads You pay, they publish Why do people die? It depends Heart failure cancer Accidents, or just old age I mean, what is death? Death? The heart ceases to pump blood Blood fails to reach the brain Everything stops stops dead and that's it What remains? Everything you did The memory of what you did of you as a person Memory's quite important, I guess You remember there was somebody who walked with a funny leap or who was a kind man you remember his face, his smile the gap in his front teeth Come on, Pawel, not yet What do you want? It's too early Turned sour, eh? Yeah It says here, a requiem mass may her soul rest in peace You never said anything about the soul It's just a way to bid farewell There isn't any soul Aunt Irena says there is Some people just find life easier if they believe it What about you? Me? I really don't know What are you thinking about? What's the matter? It's nothing it's just I was so glad in the morning when I managed to get that calculation right And then the pigean came for the bread crumbs But I went shopping and saw a dead dog I knelt over him and I said to myself what good is it? Who needs the information how long it will take Miss Piggy to catch up with Kermit It doesn't make any sense Which dog was it? The one with the yellow eyes You could always find him at the dust-bins Such a poor doggy he was Know what? Yes? Maybe he's better off where he is now.
How do you think? We have visited School No 218 to talk to the head-master I see you distribute milk to the children Yes, we've made an arrangement with the dairy The children get a glass of milk each during the long break But this milk tastes foul.
The children pour it down the toilet! Not in our school There is no such problem here the toilets are locked during the long break What is it that you've got? A guinea pig What for? I brought it to biology classes But the teacher is scared of it.
Didn't even let me take it out of the box Look, it's got sharp teeth hasn't it? Pawel! Just one more time! Pawel! What's for dinner? Soup and something to follow Right? Sure it is I'm hungry Some TV people came to our school today Why? I don't know Something aobut milk They told us to run about Did you? Of course I did Want to take your bag home? Yes I've got a great thing to show to you See? Stop at the door Which door? The front one O.
I'm ready Now watch it It's going to lock it Has it? Yes Now it's going to unlock it So it has Go to the bathroom But don't touch anything Watch the tap Look what I programmed I got a letter from Mum saying what she does during the day Hour after hour Well, I fed that into its memory and I added the time difference, too.
It's thirty-now three minutes past four She's asleep Ask it what she's dreaming about I don't know It doesn't know Do you know what your Mum's dreaming about? No I guess I don't Why that's simple.
You Me? Of course she's dreaming about you Yes, about me Not about Dad? Who knows Know what he's doing? More or less Christ What is it? I'm hungry Let's go I wish Dad let me try his one it would surely know what Mum's dreaming about Care for a race? O.
Do you want odds? Not today.
Well Go! That was good Want me to wash the dishes? No, thanks.
I'll do it I want to show you something Hey, Pawel, come here That was when you brought that pink pen-case for me! Right I had them developed Know who it is? Yes Is he kind? Yes And wise? How do you think? Does he know what people live for? I guess he does Dad says we all live to make life easier for those who come after us But sometimes we fail Yes, that's right Sometimes we fail You know what matters in life is that you can do something for others help them You know how it is Whenever you do somebody a favor no matter how small you feel they need you And then, life's easier There are big and small things you can do Say today, you liked the ravioli and that made me happy Life is a present a gift, you know I say, Dad's your brother, right? Don't you know? Ah, you mean, why we're different? Your father and I We grew up in a catholic family But you Dad noticed very early that a lot of things could be counted and measured And then he started to believe that everything could He still thinks so today I guess he has doubts sometimes but he won't admit it A life like your Dad lives may seem more reasonable But it doesn't mean there's no God for your Father, too Know what I mean? I'm not sure There is God It's very simple if you believe Do you? Do you believe in God? Yes Who is He? What do you feel? I love you Exactly.
And this is what God is Checkmate! Castle the king and check her with the rook That's would be too simple She's already won six games Checkmate Seven But look she'll use the queen as a shield And then we've got her where we want her Checkmate I told you She plays routine games Well, what happens now? The bishop and the checkmate Checkmate Congratulation Thank you Thank you Hallo? Is that you, Pawel? Yes Have you talked to your father? Hey, Dad.
It's Anut Irena Well She wants to know if it's all right with you Irena? I enrolled him for religious instruction.
Has he told you? Well, if that's what he wants Of course.
If that's what he needs I talked to the priest Oh, you did? They're building a new church not far from your house The priest is a young man I think Pawel's going to like him How about tomorrow? No, thanks, I can manage Well, bye Did you switch it on, Pawel? No, I never touched it Hey, mate What do you want? I'm ready.
Switch yourself off, will you? What if if it really wanted something? Like what? I don't know.
But you asked him Hey, mate, what do you want? Just trying to be funny It's half past nine.
Time to bed Are you going out? Yeah.
I'll be back rather late But I'll leave the lights on for you Have you checked the thermometer? Yes.
It's fourteen degrees below zero Think Mum's going to phone before Christmas? I guess so Group one: Juda, judasz judzic, judzenie Group two: Podbechtywac podskakiwac, podkopywac Group three: Dranstwo, zaprzanstwo swinstwo, koltunstwo, panstwo These are associative fields Now take a word which does not exist in the Polish language But which we find rather easy to understand The problem only arises When we try to translate it into another language In exceptional cases only a foreign language becomes one's own intimate language We may have a very good rational knowledge of that language We may be able to use it to discuss most intricate problems Have an immense vocabulary But that's it how could we get to what's hidden deep behind the separate words syllable and letters How could we discover that language's cultural heritage? How could we formulate its connections with history, politics culture and everyday life How to know and understand All that creates that spirit of a language Its metasemantics Or perhaps even its metaphysics? According to Elliot Poetry is untranslatable But was Elliot necessarily right? Imagine a translator who is able to accumulate the entire knowledge there is about words or a language A translator who has an unlimited memory that can be drwan from any time Used in an unconventional way A computer may be something or somebody like that Consider that instrument It seems to discern just two figures, zero and one But actually it not only has something that might be called intelligence But also a kind of consciousness It selects which means it makes a choice Or perhaps it might be called conation? As I see it, an appropriately programmed computer May have its own taste Aesthetical preferences Individuality Ah, yes.
For our next class Please choose a line of any text And do what I did with that word I conceived myself I hope it's not too much for homework Is it? That's good.
Yes, yes, yes What about the test? Next week No All right Look, I left it here for one hour only Would tea freeze, too? Yes Just touch it Hey, be careful.
It's glass Great, isn't it? Leave it in the tub No, let's leave it here and check what happens Nothing.
It's going to melt as soon as a thaw sets in, what else? Or maybe during the day in the sun Let's calculate it You promised Oh, all right This one? No, the other one This one's no good at calculations It would be wrong to assume that the temperature never goes up Say, it's below zero during the night only About ten hours But we need precise date O.
All right call the Meteorological Institute And ask them about the temperature near the ground Today, yesterday and the day before yesterday Hallo.
Is this the Meteorological Institute? I need information about the temperature near the ground, please Today Yesterday and the day before yesterday Thank you.
Yes, in Warsaw Thank you.
Good bye What's the pressure formula? P equals F divided by S Fine.
Now, the temperature Eleven today, fourteen yesterday and twelve and a half the day before yesterday There's been frost for eight days now Well? As you see: This It means a fellow three times your weight can skate safely Really? Can I have them? Have what? What I was to get for Christmas From Mum and you What is it? I found those skating boots Where? In the couch Can I have them? How's the size? They're perfect Well, then.
Put off your clothes and go to bed I'm going for a walk now And I want you to be fast asleep by the time I'm back You asleep? No.
I've been watching them shine I checked the ice That's why I couldn't sleep I guessed where you went It's all right But promise never to come close to where the river fall into the lake Keep a distance of fifteen metres right? The river never freezes O.
, fifteen metres it is It's a shallow river but I don't want you to take a bath in it Where's your elephant? Asleep Is Pawel home? No, why? I don't know.
Mum wanted to know Hallo Good evening Ewa Jezierski speaking Good evening Is Pawel home? You see, Marek hasn't returned yet Good evening, Madam.
Sorry I didn't recognize your voice No, Pawel isn't here.
But he's having the English lesson tonight What time is it? Past four They ought to be back by now They'll be back any minute For you see, something's happened What? I don't know.
Something happened in the neighbourhood I'll go bring them back Piotrus! No, wait! My coat! Sonny! He, wait! Hello What's the matter with you? A nasty case of flu I couldn't lecture today I dismissed them When was that? Right after they came Where are they? I don't know Take it easy come in! She's ill.
The boys aren't there The ice broke on the lake This can't be true It broke Don't get excited It couldn't have But it did.
Please go there I I'll be all right Have you seen Pawel anywhere? At school, today morning.
He told me a dream he had But not now? No.
He said he'd call me on the phone two three four five six seven eight nine ten Pawel! Pawel! Pawel! Is that you, Irena? Yes? Has Pawel phoned you? You mean, when? Lately Today? Yes, after school.
About two p.
I asked him to lunch but he couldn't He had that English lesson He hadn't and that's the problem Where is he? I don't know.
Not here Is anything wrong? Well, the ink got spilled What?! I don't know The ink bottle cracked and it got spilled all of a sudden But I mean is anything wrong with Pawel? I don't know They say they say the ice broke on the lake But he said he said you figured it out The ice is strong enough They say it's cracked I'm coming I'm off to look for him Pawel? Where are you, Pawel? Over Pawel, this is your father calling Pawel? Over Mummy! Mummy! Mummy Jacek darling! Where have you been, sonny? We've been playing in that old car Come on, dear, we're going home Excuse me, sir Pawel was to phone me in the afternoon Do you remember me, sir? Yes That boy might know something Which boy? The small one, Jacek Please wait a moment He didn't play with us! He skated on the lake! Jacek! He skated on the lake! Jacek! Back to the flat! On the lake! I'm ready!
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