Delirium (2014) s01e01 Episode Script


Love is a deadly disease.
Known as deliria nervosa.
Fortunately, science has provided a cure.
We receive it at the age of 18.
Following an evaluation to determine a suitable match.
The cure releases us from the pain of loss, betrayal, and abandonment.
Our minds stay intact.
But our hearts can no longer be broken.
Still, some choose to resist.
So we rely on the law to protect us.
There's a fence around every city.
Boys and girls are forbidden to socialize.
And there is censorship of books and music that might weaken our resolve.
As for me, I believe in the cure.
I can't wait.
What's your favorite subject? They'll have my grades.
They still might ask your favorite.
Chemistry sounds too controversial.
Go with English.
Not "whatever.
" Just English.
You need to stop.
Ok? Please.
You have to trust me.
I just wanna make sure you're ready.
I've been ready my entire life.
Remember, don't talk about mom and dad.
If they ask, just say you were young.
You don't remember anything.
I don't.
There's Hana.
Good luck.
Hey, I don't mean to be hard on you.
It's just, I want this to go well.
Your match to marry is the most important Bye.
It, bye My sister is driving me nuts.
My mom too.
She made me bring this.
Home and Family? She said I should read it while I'm waiting.
Make a good impression.
One for you.
Thank you.
Here you are.
Don't bite your nails.
It's a sign of weakness.
Here, bite mine.
So we created a cure.
And it stopped the plague.
And we are happy now.
Are you happy today? Now, please welcome the man that I have the privilege of calling my father.
The founder of the DFA.
Thomas Fineman.
Our little organization has grown, over the years, into a great big success.
Celebrating the cure and all of its promises.
But now we need to stay the course.
Because outside of our city boundaries there is a resistance movement, and they are growing, and we will not let them ruin all we've accomplished.
We in the clear? Yeah.
That's for the employee entrance on the West Side of the loading dock.
There's a camera but I took care of it.
Take this.
Do not use it unless you have to.
You ready for this? I better be.
I hope you go before I go.
I will.
It's alphabetical.
I'm too nervous to spell.
Oh, you can't spell anyways.
It's nothing to do with being nervous.
Lena Haloway.
That's me.
Lena? That's me.
Welcome Lena.
Today's a big day.
So I've heard.
I'm sure it will be memorable.
Right this way.
We are here to assess proclivities and preferences.
There are no right or wrong answers.
You will receive your match within one week.
And your procedure will take place on your 18th birthday.
Any questions? No ma'am.
We have reviewed your medical records, and you are healthy.
I see here that your father died of cancer.
Um I was a baby.
I don't remember anything about it.
And it appears your mother committed suicide some time after.
Here curative procedure had failed, evidently? Um yes.
My sister and her husband Liam were the ones who raised me.
They're the closest thing I have to parents.
You have an outstanding academic record.
Is it fair to say you don't let the past interfere with the present? Lena? I love you.
Remember, Lena.
Actually, I live for the future.
My father had a favorite quote.
A man named T.
Eliot wrote, "Do I dare disturb the Universe?" Miss.
Come with me, please.
Like many works of art, that poem is now forbidden.
But I know what it means.
One person finds it easy to go along with the crowd, while another stands against it.
That cop at the lab was pretty hot.
Shut up! No one's listening.
He was way hotter than the guys who were waiting there.
They were all so awkward.
Well, you'll get the best one.
You're the luckiest person I know.
He'll be a stranger.
The perfect stranger.
There's a difference.
Don't you ever wonder what's out there? What? Behind the fence? Nothing.
And other cities.
We just never get to see them.
The fence keeps us in.
Keeps other people out.
Come on, focus on what's going on here.
I don't know why you're freaking out about this.
I mean, we've waited our whole lives for it.
I wish I could do something to make you feel better.
Maybe you can.
Oh no.
What? Ok.
I heard about this party.
It's co-Ed.
What? Any music that you wanna listen to.
Totally off the radar.
Rachel will kill me if I get busted at a party.
We won't get busted.
We can't.
This thing at the lab borders on domestic terrorism.
It's an insurgency.
It's just a nuisance.
Whose side are you on? The sheep.
They'd make nice sweaters.
Audrey, would you tell Julian it's lunch? Oh, I already did.
Thank you.
He says he's not hungry.
He went to the doctor this morning.
They wanna hold his procedure another three months.
His white cell count is still too low.
He's fine.
Can't get the cure until he passes the physical, Tom.
The longer he takes, the harder it is.
Well, what would you like him to do? Die on the operating table? I'm more worried about the disease.
Good looking boy like him, out in the world every day.
I do wonder what he's thinking.
Knock-knock, you busy? No.
How'd it go with the doctor this morning? Mom didn't tell you? Yeah, she told me.
But you know how your mom is.
She's like a hen sittin' on an egg, and you're the egg.
It's three months.
It's no big deal.
I can wait.
Well, I'm sure you can.
But it can't be easy, being your age.
I know.
I did it too.
You wanna hear somethin' I never told anybody? Sure.
I fell in love once.
The summer I turned 18.
I was a lifeguard down in Virginia Beach.
And there was this girl.
I called her Sunny.
She was so gorgeous you'd go blind lookin' at her.
Tom! You have a phone call.
Yeah, I'll take it in the study.
Wait! Wait, so what happened? She dumped me for my best friend Collie Ferguson.
His dad had a Corvette.
I wanted to kill that son of a bitch.
Beat the living hell out of him.
So I did.
And nobody could stop me.
That is what the disease will do to you son.
But you got the procedure and everything was fine, right? You felt better? I'm still here, aren't I? Who are all these people? Who cares? You aren't gonna dance, are you? What? I can't hear you? Lena.
The cop is here.
He's coming over.
Where? Look.
Right there.
Am I in trouble? Relax.
I'm off duty.
I'm Alex.
I'm Lena, but you know that already.
Actually, I see you all the time running down at the Harbor.
Usually hang out there after my shift.
I guess you never forget a face.
Yeah, I do.
I just remember yours.
You scared my friend.
I didn't know cops hung out at parties.
I'm not your typical cop.
I have to go find my friend.
See you around.
See you around.
New assignment.
Where? I need you in DC.
All the information's inside, plus some fresh ID.
Alright you guys.
We're out of here, let's go.
Alex, what's going on with your assignment? I've got it under control.
Well, I would hope so.
Lena Haloway needs us as much as we need her.
Now you do what you gotta do.
But you don't tell her anything.
I said I got it.
What is his problem? He likes her.
Senator Hargrove.
Good to see you.
Are these rumors true? Official this morning.
I'm in the race.
Wouldn't hurt to have the DFA behind you.
Five million members can't be wrong.
That's very kind.
I appreciate the offer.
But I can't imagine you'd support a fringe candidate for president.
I never called you that.
I called you that.
But people like you Elyse.
I think you have a real shot.
What do you say we make a deal? How? You're sole function is to trick people into limiting their own freedom and I plan to restore it.
I don't trick.
I lobby.
Oh, right.
Listen, Elyse.
We both believe in the cure.
Right? Kids need rules and our cities need fences.
And now, now, we have to go after this resistance movement.
They are crawlin' all over the place.
You heard they broke into a federal lab in Annapolis.
I agree armed robbery is wrong.
Get to the point.
I have a plan to keep these bastards out in the sticks where they belong.
And you have the authority, as the Head of the Security Committee, to put this into action, don't you? Five million members.
Prior to your cure, you must take every precaution to avoid the disease known as deliria nervosa.
Recognize the symptoms of stage I.
Dry mouth.
Fits of dizziness.
Is it over? Shh.
Racing thoughts Do you wanna go to another party tomorrow night? Same place.
I can't.
But I'll call you after dinner.
Stage II.
Obsessive thoughts.
Planned actions Hey Lena.
Alex, right? Right.
It's good to see you.
I was just heading down to the beach.
I should be studying for finals, but I thought I needed a break.
I'm going that way.
Police escort? Thanks for staring at me during my evaluation.
I wasn't staring.
I was listening.
I heard what you said about your parents.
Must have been hard for you.
I don't really like to talk about it.
I get it.
Some people can be so judgmental.
The deal is, my mom, she got the procedure.
But it didn't work.
She was a really good mom though.
She just couldn't live without my dad.
I know it's hard to understand.
Not really.
She loved him.
I just hope I'm not like her.
Did it hurt? What? This? No, not really.
You're asleep the whole time.
Come on, let's go over here.
Aren't we too close to the fence? You're allowed, when you're with me.
I've never been in the ocean before.
Yeah? Go for it.
I got my results.
You did? What are they saying? My husband's name is Brian Scharff.
Scharff? Yep.
Like the sounds a dog makes when it pukes.
I mean, he likes mathematics and computer poker.
Um Well, I mean, it's not like you have to love him, you know? Maybe you got matched for a reason.
Oh, so you think I'm a freak too.
No, okay, Lena.
That's not what I'm saying.
He could be a really great guy.
Hold on one second.
I'm gonna have to call you back.
Wait, what's going on? I'll call you back.
Are you crazy? You can't be here.
I wanted to see you.
Well, not now.
Ok? My sister's awake.
When? I don't get it Alex, what do you want from me? I mean, you have to be matched to someone.
I'm not.
Everybody is.
Not me.
The truth is, I like you.
You don't even know me.
But I want to.
You have to go.
Leave me alone.
Lena! Life without love isn't living.
Hey! Hi.
What? Were you just watching me? No.
Don't lie.
I won't tell anyone.
It's totally normal.
I'm Hana, by the way.
Well, you're imagining things, Hana.
Your parents let you have that? They bought it for me.
They don't know what I listen to.
Censorship isn't their primary goal in life.
It's not censorship.
It's protection.
You wanna listen? Uh no thanks.
You know what my dad does for a living.
It's the reason you're so weird.
If I were you, I'd poke my head out of that shell and take a whiff of the real world, while I still can.
I mean, have you ever broken a rule? Just once? Might wanna consider it.
Thanks for the advice.
Do yourself a favor.
Take it.
This is ludicrous.
Search and seizure.
Residential raids.
It's a temporary measure to recover the files stolen from the lab.
It's more Thomas Fineman fascist crap.
Elyse you can't let the DFA have this kind of power.
They have too much already.
I want that endorsement.
We'll pull back, down the road.
Who are those people? The interns we hired for the advance team.
They start this afternoon.
Per emergency order, this is arrest and Liam! Wake up.
What's happening.
Exit your home with your identity.
Lena, get up, it's the police.
What? Why? I don't know.
Just get up.
Per emergency order, this is a residential raid.
Prepare for search.
Exit your home with identification.
Per emergency order, this is a residential raid.
Prepare for search.
Where is your ID? Exit your home with your identification.
Per emergency order You were in the lab during the break in.
What do you know about it? Nothing.
Arms out.
What do you want? Quiet.
What's going on? Hey, get your hands against the wall.
I swear, I didn't do anything.
I didn't say you did.
We have an unauthorized party in progress at 37 Brook Street.
Copy that.
Go back inside.
Hana! Hey, what are you doing? We have to get out of here.
The cops are coming.
Come on.
Police! Shhhh.
It's ok.
It's ok.
It's me.
Does it hurt? Yeah.
I hope I don't have rabies.
You know, one of your pervert cop friends put his hands all over me.
They're not my friends.
Wait here for a while until things clear out.
Then I'll take you home so you don't get caught for curfew.
You know, this is no way to live.
Well, it's not like I have a choice.
You're the one who works for them.
There's a lot going on that you don't know about, ok? Explain it to me.
What's the big secret? A week before my 18th birthday, I walked out of my parents' house.
And I never went back.
I never got the cure.
I made this scar myself.
No you didn't.
Yes, I did.
And I'm not the only one.
There are lots of us.
They're all around you.
Why would you do that? Because I knew what was gonna happen.
My parents were cured.
They didn't love each other.
They were just going through the motions.
Every town is its own prison.
And I wanted my own life.
Not the one the government chose for me.
So the next time you tell me you don't have a choice, I'm telling you, you do.
Maybe you did.
But, I, I could never walk away from my whole life.
It's not about what you're leaving behind.
It's what's out there waiting for you.
Nothing is waiting for me.
Well, don't you look nice this morning.
I always do.
Julian, why aren't you dressed? Your father's endorsing Senator Hargrove.
I promised Mrs.
Freidman that I'd tutor her son for his math test this morning.
Well, I think this is more important.
It's alright son.
Do what you have to do.
And we will see you in a few hours.
Frederick, let's go.
Game's still on.
The car's waiting.
Oh, let me help you.
If you look for perfection, you'll never be content.
Don't go quoting Tolstoy at me.
That's not why we let you read it.
Education is the best provision for old age.
Do you know who said that? Aristotle.
But I'm not sure everybody agrees.
What do you mean? Why educate people if you're just gonna tell them what to do? You'll see after you get the procedure.
You'll still make your own decisions.
You just won't feel so strongly about the people involved.
That said, I want you to remember this time in your life.
Your memories are how you keep perspective.
How you stay true to yourself.
Do you hear me? That's the part I keep thinking about.
How much am I gonna change as a person? No matter what, you'll still be you.
Grab your coat.
Hi, is Hana here? Lena! Oh my God.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You saved my ass last night.
Look at you.
I like it.
That's fun.
We need to talk.
I haven't been totally honest with you lately.
What is it? Look.
I don't know what to do.
Remember that guy from the party? The cop? His name's Alex.
But he's not just a cop.
It's hard to explain, but I keep seeing him everywhere and he says it's fate.
And he says a lot of things that actually kind of make sense.
You know, about everything we haven't had a chance to experience.
I don't know.
You just gotta meet him, and talk to him.
He's he's amazing.
Oh my God.
You're in love with him.
No, it hasn't gotten that far.
That far? Hana, I'm confused, okay? I'm having all these feelings I've never had before.
And it's like I have no control over them.
Ok, well, you know what that means, don't you? No, it's not what you think.
Yes, it is.
Listen to yourself.
What about you? Your whole "let's party, let's have fun" crap is all talk? Lena, I may break a few rules once in a while, but I don't have the disease.
I'm not one of them.
Ok, I'm sorry.
So what are you going to say to make people believe you mean this? I will say that I have known you a long time.
And despite our differences, we have come together because our future is at stake, and the very best way to guarantee a deliria free future is with the next president of the United States, Elyse Hargrove.
They're ready for you, Senator.
Let's do it.
Where are we going? Get in.
I've got something to show you.
Ten minutes.
This prison was built 50 years ago.
'Til three days ago, no one had ever escaped.
What happened three days ago? A political prisoner was being held by the government.
No records were kept.
His identity was wiped from the face of the earth.
But he was known to be a brilliant scientist who could solve any problem, including how to get out of here.
His real name was Conrad Holoway.
That can't be right.
That's my dad's name.
He's dead.
And he wasn't a criminal, he was a chemist working on the cure.
No, he was destroying it.
So they brought him here and lied to your family.
But now he's out there somewhere.
That's not true.
Yes it is.
It's true.
It's why we're looking for him every day.
I know I should have told you earlier.
Why didn't you? Because I couldn't.
I'm trying to stop this cure.
So are my friends.
But we can't talk about it.
Look what happens to people who do.
So this whole time you were lying to me.
Telling me you like me.
Because I do.
I saw you.
All those times running at the Harbor.
I had no idea who you were.
I didn't.
Until we met at the lab.
You gotta believe me.
This is crazy.
So am I.
So are you.
You let her walk away? I'm not gonna force her to do anything she doesn't wanna do.
What do you not understand? Her father finds her, we find him.
Everybody wins.
If you can't do your job It's not about that, alright? When I'm with this girl, I can't concentrate.
I forget everything.
Who I am.
Who you are.
What I'm doing.
Because all I can think about is her.
Well then, you need to calm down and you need to pull it together.
Are you gonna tell me I have the disease? You wanna fight for love and tell me I can't have it? Look, it is one sacrifice, Alex.
Ok? I've made plenty, I've left my family.
Someone I loved.
I could do anything.
But I choose this.
And I am not here to screw around.
Lena, we need to talk.
About what? You need help.
Did Hana call you? She just wants what's best for you, and so do we.
I know what you're going through.
I went through the same thing.
Feeling so alone.
Falling in love with some boy who doesn't matter in the end.
What matters is being happy.
Like I am with Liam.
Like You aren't happy.
You're nothing.
Would you rather end up like mom? You're going to the lab, Lena.
No! No! I'm not ready! I'm not going! I'm not ready! No! No! Stop it! I'm not going! I'm not I don't wanna go! Stop fighting Lena.
I don't wanna go! I'm not ready to go Just relax.
Rachel please! Tell them I'm not ready.
I'm sorry.
I'm fine.
I don't need to go.
I don't want to go.
I'm sorry Lena.
It's for your own good.
You made this harder on yourself than it needs to be.
Shut up, dick.
What was that? First, I told you to shut up.
Then I called you a dick.
No, I'm fine.
Let's go.
What is all of this? Um.
Son, before you get the cure, you have to fight the spark.
And all of this, well, it's safe for me.
But for you, it's like gas on a flame.
Did you listen to any of that? Yeah.
What'd you think? It was confusing.
Made me feel Feel what? I don't know.
It just Made me feel.
Well, that's how it starts.
And now you know why we have laws in this country.
And why we have rules in this house.
It's do as I say, and not as I do.
Who do you think you are? Comin' in here and questioning me? I don't care what your mother says.
I will call the doctor myself.
Officer 717.
Code 12.
Suspects in custody.
This way.
Hold on, just a minute! Just a minute.
I can't.
I can't do this.
Yes, you can.
Listen to me.
We're gonna cross the fence right over there.
The fence? No.
I do it all the time.
You gotta get to the other side.
Out of their jurisdiction.
Where the dogs and the helicopters can't chase you.
My friends will be there.
It's all gonna be ok.
I promise.
Do you believe me? Yes.
Run! Go! Run! Run! Keep going! Run! Run! I'm right behind you! Keep going! Run! Run! Lena, run! Keep going! Run! Run! Keep going! Grab the rope! Come on, I'll pull you up! Come on.
Hurry! Come on! Keep going! I got you.
I got you.
Come with us.
Come with us.
Come on.
Come on.
Lena, we have to go and we have to go now.
Come on.
Let's go.
Let's go!