Demon's Path (2018) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

ON DECEMBER 17, 1974,
Your condition doesn't look very good.
We suggest that you take
chemotherapy immediately.
Mr. Cheung, are you okay?
I'm leaving! I'm in a hurry!
My name is Yu Yik Sam.
I'm Yu Yik Sam, Number 9413.
I've come to report to work.
Number 9413? This is a good number.
Number 9413 is the newcomer?
Hello, Sir Ma.
I've come to report to work.
You've arrived.
Which one do you want to eat?
Don't worry. Your sister
sent someone to deliver these.
This is a cake.
This is the lunchbox
your sister prepared for you.
Feel free to eat.
-I'm Sheng.
-I'm Lok.
That guy is only good at beating people up
and borrowing citizen's cars.
What did you say, Wong Sheng?
You look very familiar.
Of course. Look behind him.
Just because he was in a PSA,
he thinks he's a star.
Are you looking for trouble?
Sir Ma, my sister told me
to transfer to this team
because work is the toughest here.
Policemen are humans too.
We're just making a living.
Why should we risk our lives?
Do you know? Our team has
the least casualties in this area.
So many people want to join us.
You wouldn't be accepted
if it wasn't for
your sister's connections.
Can I transfer?
Sir, leave it to me.
Before you transfer,
you'll still be under us.
Come. Let me teach you
how to destroy the evidence.
How's your sister?
Do you know her very well?
Number 9413, put on the gloves.
You're not a new policeman.
You know how to do this, right?
These evidence are over 30 years old.
Aren't they trendy?
Do you want to take one back?
I'll keep watch for you.
Are you scared?
If you're scared,
tell your sister to come.
You're crazy. I'm not afraid.
Do it.
"March 31, 1984.
The flower trough double murder
in Elizabeth House."
Try it.
-Hey. What's wrong?
-What's wrong?
-Number 9413!
-What are you guys doing?
New guy!
Is he okay?
Why isn't he answering?
Hello, is this 999?
There's a crazy guy
chasing after me. Help me.
Hello. Why didn't you answer my call?
You scared me.
Please make way! Excuse me!
New guy, what are you doing?
Don't touch me!
-Let go!
Let go!
Wake up!
Lam Lam, wake up.
Wake up, Lam Lam.
Call the ambulance!
She's not dead yet!
She's not dead yet!
Hey, you're taking your DSE soon.
Don't be so lazy.
Come and do your maths.
-I won't be your sir soon.
I got accepted into the police force.
After a year, I can apply for a dormitory.
Once you turn 18, I will marry you.
Give me a promise.
Why is the craziest cardboard box murder
in the history of Hong Kong
repeated decades later?
I heard from my senior
that it's not just the same method used.
Even the date is the same as 44 years ago,
December 17.
What's the reason?
When I was shooting the PSA,
an officer said that
this criminal is still in jail.
I don't care.
This new guy brought us bad luck.
Our team was fine before he came.
Hey, if you're so free,
go and make yourselves useful.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Just leave this case to the rest of us.
Go back and get some rest.
I want to capture the murderer
for my girlfriend.
Do you know the difference between
the police in dramas and the real ones?
The ones in dramas
are not afraid of death.
But in reality,
there are two things we dread.
Physical injury
and psychological distress.
If you want to stick to this job,
give yourself some time
and leave work on time.
Be it for personal or public interest,
I can't let the murderer
get away with this.
Sir, they said it might be supernatural.
Should we get help from that guy?
There are many reporters here.
Let's meet up at the autopsy room.
Yes, sir.
It's really none of my business!
I really have no idea!
I really have no idea!
You said you're innocent!
If you want to purify, purify me!
If you want to punish, just punish me!
Just punish me!
Don't touch the ritual tools!
I know nothing!
I really
-You purify me
-Sir, your phone is ringing.
I don't care even if it's the Hell King!
-Purify me!
-It's ringing again.
It's CID's Ma Yu Lung.
Do you want to answer?
What's the matter?
What is this?
I might be your godson,
but my thing isn't.
Why do you always ruin my good time?
What do you want?
Have you not been to an autopsy room?
Put it on.
Yik Sam, don't force yourself.
Sir Ma,
why are there so many corpses
left untouched here?
Hong Kong has a population
of seven to eight million people.
Yet, there are only
13 forensic pathologists.
That means each of them needs to dissect
over 200 corpses in average every year.
You can't even butcher
that many pigs, let alone humans.
Moreover, it's the peak period now.
This is normal.
More deaths in winter
and fewer deaths in summer.
Didn't the old officers tell you
when you were a patrol officer?
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Watch your word when you see the doctor.
Yes. Especially this guy called Ho Fei.
We all dread seeing him.
As Lok said, you brought us the bad luck.
Also, we all gave Ho Fei
a nickname called
"Arrival of God of Death."
Do you know why?
Because all cases
that he handles personally
will make you want to sing this song.
It's seriously troublesome
Do you know it?
When will Ho Fei come back?
Speaking of the devil.
What's coming will come.
-You're Ho Fei?
-Of course not.
So, what's so urgent?
A female police?
Is this your first time here?
Places like this are full of bad energies.
Women are yin in nature.
You'll get possessed easily.
But it's okay. Here's my business card.
I'm ready to serve you 24 hours a day.
I'm not a swindler
that'll cheat you into having sex.
I date women with marriage as the goal.
-Hey, she's one of us.
Can you stop flirting for a minute?
Did you watch the news?
The cardboard box murder
from 44 years ago struck back.
Same place, same time
and the female victim
is 16 years old as well.
Also, according to
our initial examination,
her pubic area and nipples were burnt.
In fact, she's our colleague's girlfriend.
The details of the murder
is exactly the same as the old case.
That's so creepy.
Okay. I'll do my best.
Sorry. I'm going to answer a call.
What a waste.
She's so pretty.
-What a waste!
You're not the doctor. Don't touch.
Sorry. He's just a naughty child.
Do you know that I can solve the problems
even forensic pathologists can't solve?
Do you know who I am?
A pervert.
I'm Hong Kong's royal
Sorry. There's no royal family now.
I'm the police's supernatural consultant.
I'm the 97th generation student
of the Luk Yam Sect
at Mount Longhu, Jiangxi.
My name is Chow Chu Kei.
-Chow Chu Kei.
I know what you're thinking.
Years ago, when I reported to work,
I felt the same way.
But there are things
you really need to believe.
Come forth,
powers of the heaven and earth.
I, Chow Chu Kei, humbly borrow your power.
What will happen?
Will Lam Lam come back to life?
It's Ho Fei.
Who told you to touch my patient?
Patient? It's just a corpse.
You think it's a revival of the dead?
-If you don't leave, I
It's just a misunderstanding.
Let me introduce him to you.
This is the police's
supernatural consultant,
Master Chow Chu Kei.
This is our forensic pathologist,
Dr. Ho Fei.
If you want to jump the queue
for that corpse,
get those irrelevant people out.
If you could do it, they wouldn't need me.
Enough. Do me a favor.
-I'll treat you to a massage.
-If he didn't interrupt me,
the corpse would have
gotten up and spoken to me.
There's an obvious bruise on the neck.
Judging from the pattern,
it should be caused by a wire.
It's so obvious.
We don't need an autopsy to tell.
Can you tell me something
I don't know, doctor?
The inner part of the fingers
has the same mark and bruise.
So the victim struggled before she died.
The strange bruises on her back and chin
were caused when she was pressed down
and strangled from behind.
Judging from her nails'
peeling and bleeding,
the process of her death
should have been very long and torturous.
If a normal man wants to kill a woman
less than 100 pounds,
-One minute is more than enough.
-If it was a normal rape and rob,
the culprit would do it quickly.
Judging from the marks
on the victim's back,
the murderer is at least 75kg in weight.
He'd only drag the murder for two reasons.
One reason is revenge.
He wanted to torture the victim.
-The other reason--
-He enjoys watching
the victim's painful process of dying.
This is the habit
of a typical serial killer.
But there were no blood stain
or sign of struggles at the crime scene.
Even if he cleaned up the place,
-he would need help.
-Lift her right hand.
-What are you afraid of?
Let me help you.
Done. What now?
The livor mortis on the body's right side
is darker than the left.
Her corpse was very likely stuffed
in a closed space like a car's trunk
where her right side was pressed down.
That means Happy Valley
wasn't the primary crime scene.
Someone put
the corpse there intentionally.
Is the bottom of the cardboard box torn?
-I don't think so.
-Check the cardboard box.
For her weight, the box should be torn.
That means the murderer
took the corpse to Happy Valley
and then put it into the cardboard box.
Take this to the lab and you'll know
where the primary crime scene is.
What are you waiting for? Go.
My friend in the archives
found the records
of the cardboard box murder for me.
The cardboard box used back then
is the same as the one in this case.
It's the box of a Japanese brand
17-inch black and white TV, S67B.
This box is so rare. We can just check.
I've checked.
It was discontinued a long time ago.
No one knows who it belongs to.
Who exactly took all the troubles
to repeat this big case
in the history of Hong Kong?
Don't look at me.
I'm not interested in anything
apart from corpses.
Boy, did you and your girlfriend
offend anyone lately?
Did she say anything about
getting stalked or harassed?
Are you okay?
Do you want to go home and rest?
I'm okay.
I just want to find the murderer
for Lam Lam quickly.
It's my show time. Please step back.
I'm back. Please make way.
Come forth,
powers of the heaven and earth.
I, Chow Chu Kei, humbly borrow your power.
Lam Lam!
Where am I?
It's me.
-Yik Sam, is that you?
Tell me who killed you.
Why didn't you answer my call?
-I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. It's my fault.
Lam Lam!
Help me!
This is the best I can do.
Lam Lam was a very kind and good girl.
She never harmed anyone.
I became a police in order
to protect the ones I love.
Yet when she needed me the most,
I couldn't do anything at all.
I beg of you! Please help me!
Give me one more chance, okay?
Everyone has a destiny.
She can only say three lines at most.
Why didn't you tell us earlier?
Is there really no way to save her?
Lam Lam, please wake up again!
What are you doing?
This isn't how
she usually wears her wristband.
So the murderer took it off?
But why did he put it back?
Could it be that she removed it before
and turned it when she wore it back?
No way. This is our token of love.
She wouldn't remove it.
That's a Mobius band.
It was invented in 1858 by Mobius,
a German astronomer.
If you twist a piece of paper,
it can form a loop.
Imagine if an ant or a person
keeps walking on it,
he'll never reach the end
even until the end of his life.
Is this a message from the murderer?
What exactly is he trying to say?
If my mom is here,
she can surely settle it.
But she entered
the mountains for divination.
-She'll only be back a month later.
-What do we do?
Do we let the murderer get away?
He's very likely a serial killer
looking for his next target.
Why don't we go back
and get some rest first?
The victim is my brother's girlfriend.
How can you take it so lightly?
-You know--
-Go out if you want to quarrel.
-Don't bother my work.
-Are you heartless?
Blood vessels, artery and trachea.
-You're crazy.
-We have new information.
The victim, Ding Kwok Lam,
is the youngest daughter
of the younger sister of Bin Yuet Yin,
the 16-year-old victim in 1974.
Lam Lam never told me about that.
I think she didn't even know.
The same place and the same time.
Even the female victims are relatives.
Isn't this too creepy?
It must be a curse.
That's why the tragedy
repeated after over 40 years.
Did you guys touch anything filthy lately?
Yes, Yik Sam
Enough said.
Take us to your girlfriend's mom.
I have to work overtime again.
I need to buy supper for my wife.
Let's go.
Have you ever conducted
this experiment in middle school?
Even if the frog is dead,
if you electrocute it,
its feet will move.
Many studies have proven
that 24 hours after a person's death,
there'll still be a certain degree
of activity in the brain.
With the right equipment,
one can see
the unique viewpoint
of the deceased before death.
Most importantly, one can feel their pain.
Western doctors in the 19th century
believed that
when a person dies,
the last images he sees
will remain in his retina.
So at that time,
many forensic pathologists robbed
and dug graves
to transplant the deceased's eyes
into themselves.
Did anyone tell you that
when in pain and near death,
the brain will secrete
something called amphenol?
It's like morphine.
It gives you happiness and pleasure.
Most importantly,
it brings you all kinds
of unpredictable illusions.
Now I finally know what you went through
before you came here.
This morning, the police found
a corpse in a cardboard box
at Happy Valley's Wong Nai Chung Road.
The janitor who called the police
works in a nearby shop.
She called the police
after opening the box.
The police then arrived
and sealed the crime scene.
If there are any updates,
we will report to you.
According to the police,
the place the corpse was found
is the former site
of the veterinary clinic back then.
Still no progress?
Her mom didn't tell her
anything about the sister.
I have been a police for so long.
I'll at least believe in fate.
What luck is that?
I've never hit the lottery.
Sir, you give the lottery company
your entire salary every month.
I hope you still have money
for retirement.
Stupid brat, what did you contribute
after staying here one night?
I have an autopsy report
from the forensic pathologist.
-Let me read.
-Let me read it for you.
There is red wire glue
in the victim's hair
and some green copper wire on the corpse.
There is a white note
that says "unwelded" on her elbow.
When Bin Yuet Yin's corpse was discovered,
there was also a little red wire glue
in her hair
and some green copper wire on her clothes.
There was a white note
that says "unwelded" on her elbow too.
It's exactly the same.
You don't know
because you weren't even born yet.
That case in 1974 was sensational.
Today, some still believe
that the man convicted is innocent
and that the murderer was another.
Many people who have seen him
think he is a clever
and intelligent murderer,
and a dangerous figure
who can manipulate people.
Do you know where that convict is today?
Sir Ma, don't scare me.
Isn't he in jail?
Tell me which is creepier,
murdering while still in jail
or the occurrence of the exact same murder
right after his release?
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