Dendam (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

I don't want to die
still suffering from this injustice.
This grudge is getting deeper
and I hate what I see.
But I have to survive.
Because I believe
the dead must be avenged.
What are you doing?
Come with me now.
What are you looking at?
What are you going to tell Dad?
Please, I can't always be there
to protect you.
I know you care about me,
but you don't need to do this.
-I know what I'm doing.
Maybe you know what you're doing,
but I don't because you never tell me.
-I can't let you keep doing this.
-But I want to get clean.
I'm sure I can be clean. Don't worry.
Please tell me how not to worry.
If you want to use that stuff,
should I just do nothing?
Stop it. You're shaming me
in front of everyone!
Ow! Watch it!
It hurts!
Sorry. Lex!
Alex is gone. He's not at school.
You go home to the apartment.
I'll go find him.
Ren. Ren. Ren!
What's actually going on with Alex, Dad?
Alex got involved with the wrong people.
But it's fine.
Some of it is my mistake.
I don't want anything bad
to happen to you.
-Now you go home.
-I'll drive you.
Alex is my little brother, Dad.
There's no way I'll leave him behind.
Ren. Those people don't mess around.
-They are dangerous people.
So, who are we meeting
and what's that money for?
We're going to District 8.
The money is for Alex's freedom.
Your brother is a good kid.
But he's been dragged into
a dangerous network.
It's all because he's using drugs.
How can you be sure Alex is in District 8?
I'm going to tell you everything.
But not now. Okay?
Now we have to save Alex.
-Why don't we just report to the police?
-No way, Ren.
These people are bigger than the police.
-Calm down.
Calm down. Just stay calm.
Everything will be all right.
Here. It's loaded.
-Just cock and pull it.
You, Tomi. Get out.
-You sit here.
-Don't leave me. Please. Dad!
You're strong.
Dad, please.
The bag has three times the amount.
Whether it's three, five,
or even ten times the amount,
you know that if the name is
already written in the book,
they can't live!
Go! Get out of here!
She's going to escape!
Alex, wake up!
Alex, wake up.
I'm really sorry.
Alex was a good kid.
I'm sorry you have to go through this.
You haven't contacted the police?
My father said that whoever
is behind this is bigger than the police.
You have to stay strong.
What we can do now is
Everything that has to be done
by someone in my position.
Never hesitate to ask for a favor.
You are under my protection now.
My door is always open to you.
Thank you, Mr. Ferry.
You already know who I am.
Your brother got more confident
when he calculated the money
and the fights he watched.
I know he wasn't just an ordinary kid.
But he forgot that the giant
couldn't be cheated.
Are you new? Let's play!
What's up?
You're just a kid but you earn a lot.
It's okay.
I bet ten, I won ten.
You come here often?
To be honest, it's my first time.
I used to go to the seventh floor.
Are you a courier or a user?
I want to quit.
This money?
I'm gonna use it to bail myself out.
What bail?
For the guy on the seventh floor.
I don't recognize the faces,
but I've seen their bodyguards.
You're still young.
You'd better be careful with them.
It doesn't matter whether you pay or not,
they won't care about you.
That's why I want to quit.
I'll order you some soda.
Cil! Soda!
Where are you going?
What's up?
Find more information about that kid.
But don't let the boss
find out about it, okay?
-Okay, James. Roger that.
-He's still a kid.
Why do you think I'm here?
I think there are three possibilities
for why you come here.
One, you're looking for justice.
Two, you want to know
what I know about Alex.
Or three,
you want to know why Alex came here.
To District 8.
Or maybe all of them.
You forgot the fourth one.
The most important thing.
Where is my father?
Unfortunately, I'm not the right person
for that question.
But you've come to the right place.
You own the place but you know nothing?
It's true, it is my business.
Underground Mixed Martial Arts.
Third floor.
Your brother Alex came here for a reason,
just like everyone else.
They are all here to bet.
But he also came here
to go to the seventh floor.
What's on the seventh floor?
My boss.
I'm nothing here compared to him.
I want to meet your boss.
You act like I owe you something.
I can tell you.
I can tell you what my boss likes.
He doesn't like hanging around
with random people like you.
He only likes to have a talk
with someone useful.
Someone who's striking.
The center of attention.
If you can be that striking,
the most striking one
on one of the floors,
then you have my word,
my boss will come looking for you.
I know what I have to do.
Come here.
You'd better keep this.
Alex won it all.
Keep it for yourself.
Take it.
Here, even the loser gets the money.
This is yours.
Mr. Ferry, I'm outside.
This is a new stage in my life.
I don't know how,
but blood must be paid for with blood.
And I know
that maybe this anger will burn me alive.
But this fist will keep clenching
until I stop feeling this loss.
Time will be the symbol of my victory.
When I can stand on their heads.
It seems that you don't want to win.
-What do you mean?
-The way you hit.
It says that you don't want to win.
So what's the right way?
Your blow comes from anger.
The angry blow may be strong and fierce,
but it cannot be precise.
Your task today is to hit me in the chest.
Cool enough?
Yeah, yeah. Cool. Good job.
Now that you have control,
I'm going to ask you one more time.
What are you going to do now?
You said never to hesitate
to ask you for a favor.
I know what I have to be.
I want to be a police officer.
Don't run!
-Let's go!
-Get out of here!
-Get out!
-Get out of this place!
Move! Get out!
Get out! Out!
Move it! Get out!
There's a body, Lieutenant.
The room is all clear.
He's dead. There's a gun in his hand.
SUV B9922 just took off from the scene.
Check the body's identity.
Do you know that Inspector Tomi
was found dead yesterday?
I just found out.
These past ten years,
Tomi never really left.
I found the car, B9922,
that took off from the crime scene.
I ask you not to go after them anymore.
I've said it many times. I don't know!
If I only knew, I'd be the one
bringing his head here.
Then you bring his head here.
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