Dive Club (2021) s01e01 Episode Script


Welcome back to The Diving Rose,
coming to you from our little slice
of paradise, Cape Mercy.
If you're new to my channel, I'm Lauren,
and these are my friends.
We're ready to hunt for treasure.
Are you guys coming?
Let's go!
[jaunty sea-faring music]
[dream-like music]
-What a find!
Open it! Open it!
Typical of the Victorian era.
This is so you can keep loved ones close
as you travel.
-Careful! Hey!
- It survived a hundred years underwater.
-Let's hope it survives Stevie!
I bet this is worth some coin!
Hey, hey, hey.
We return lost items, not sell them.
Now, I think the current's dragged in
from the Cape Mercy shipwrecks.
Now, that would be a dive.
Sure, if you like shark-infested waters.
-We are never doing that dive.
-No shark-infested waters.
Never say 'never'.
I wonder who she was.
[thunder rumbling]
-That's coming in fast.
-We better go. Now!
Quick, put the mainsail out.
Ahoy, Sea Dog!
Why weren't you lot in earlier?
Sorry, Grandad.
The weather was clear this morning.
It suddenly turned on us.
[thunder rumbling]
[grandad] This is no summer squall.
This is gonna be a big one!
Better get her into the cove.
[music intensifies]
Here, let me.
I got it.
Got it.
There you go.
Oh! My phone!
I left it in the boat.
You guys just, just go.
My mother will have expected me home
hours ago. I better go.
Time to batten the hatches.
But what about Lauren?
Oh, it's fine, really. Go.
-I'll wait, it's
-No, no, it's OK.
[siren wailing]
[dramatic music]
[thunder cracking]
[siren wailing]
[music intensifies]
[theme music]
[gentle acoustic guitar]
[birds singing]
[distant chatter]
[hammer banging]
Deep in the ocean
High on the sea ♪
Treasure long forgotten waits for thee ♪
Clouds will thicken
and the moon will hide ♪
Look for the omens within the tide ♪
Hi-ho, hi-ho ♪
Clouds will thicken
and the moon will hide ♪
Hi-ho, hi-ho ♪
Look for the omens within the tide ♪
Hi-ho, hi-ho ♪
Waters run dark when
she comes to the shore ♪
Hi-ho, hi-ho ♪
Till her mighty ship rides
the waves no more. ♪♪
[man] But we'll continue to
search until Lauren is found safely
Hey, Chief.
Stevie, you'll know
as soon as we find anything.
I know, but you've gotta let us help,
Chief. We can be useful.
No, not again.
What if we take one of the cruisers out?
Huh? Fresh eyes.
If you wanna help, Lauren,
leave it to the professionals!
What if she never took the boat out.
She could be lost on land.
Keep putting up the posters, OK?
They're looking in the wrong place.
Lauren knows better than to sail
the 'Indy' headfirst into a cyclone.
Exactly - why would Lauren help
pack the skiff, drag it onto the sand
just to unpack it and haul it
back out ten minutes later?
[helicopter whirring]
She wouldn't.
[girl] [squealing]
[nervous giggling]
[man on radio] Cape Mercy Tower,
helicopter 727, 10 north-west, in-bound.
[girl] That's a capsized boat down there.
[man] A cyclone'll do that.
Your specialty, my nightmare.
Give your dad a chance, kiddo.
You can't have all your best holidays
with Mum.
But, as long as I get to
keep my feet dry.
Yeah, we'll see.
[woman on radio]
Cleared for landing, 727.
We're representing a town in crisis,
not attending a French film festival,
The Chief is going out again this morning,
isn't he?
Where do you think they'll be looking?
The northern coastline?
I'm sure they'll be very thorough.
Well, if they find the 'Indy'
and the mast is down,
that proves she couldn't
have been sailing it.
We've spoken about this.
We just really don't think she took
the boat out, Mother.
Lauren was last seen at the boat,
you said so yourselves.
She just went to get her phone.
And did you see her come back?
[helicopter whirring]
And now the boat is gone.
Dr. John Martin, engineer.
And my daughter Izzie.
Renee Volkov, mayor.
And this is my daughter Anna.
Unfortunately, the hotel
has no hot water,
so you'll be staying in our
guest accommodation for the time being.
-I trust that's suitable.
-That's very kind, thank you.
Well, there's a lot to survey
before the town meeting.
We best get started.
Anna, settle Izzie in
and show her around.
[quietly] Actually, I thought I'd
Anna is a gracious host.
I'm sure you'll have
a wonderful time together.
Town meeting, six o'clock.
I love your necklace, it's super vintage.
Oh, it's OK.
You don't have to do that.
I've done this a lot
and some poor person always gets
roped into showing around the new girl.
Well, I'm the mayor's daughter
and that comes with certain obligations.
I don't mind.
You can ride a bike, can't you?
[orchestral music swelling]
[orchestral music continues faintly]
[clock ticking]
[door creaks open]
-Who's this?
That is my great-grandmother.
The heroine of Cape Mercy.
[orchestral music intensifying]
[music stops]
We're the last remaining descendants
of the shipwreck.
[woman] Anna?
Um, you can put your stuff in the guest
bedroom, I won't be long.
-And then I'll show you around.
Hey, but Anna.
[women converse in Russian]
[conversation continues in Russian]
Stevie! The table!
The last time we
saw Lauren, she was here.
- Right where we parked the 'Indy'.
We find the boat,
they'll see that the mast is down.
No-one can pilot a boat without a mast.
They'll have to accept the storm
washed it out to sea.
-And then they'll start a land search.
She probably got caught out riding home.
You know, we'll find Lauren at the bottom
of a landslide with a broken leg,
furious we didn't find her sooner.
We'll be back in this booth having
lodestar burgers by Wednesday.
Can I help you?
Yeah, hi, I'm Izzie.
[Anna] She's just arrived.
The engineer's daughter.
-I'm Maddie.
-This is a private meeting.
What?! It is!
Isn't it, Anna?
Usually, yes, but I'm showing her
I'm not here to intrude.
I'll just
Just wait here.
So a regular tide wouldn't have washed
the 'Indy' from shore.
But a cyclone
It totally could've
dragged it up the northern coastline
and anyone on board.
I know, but this is a
big stretch of coastline,
a small boat won't be easy to find.
[Anna] She's right.
A thorough search could take days.
Not if we commandeer a boat.
I saw a boat.
When we flew in.
Was the mast still intact?
-I couldn't tell it had overturned.
Do you think you could locate it again?
Yeah, I think so.
[Izzie] Sorry, but who's Lauren?
-[Anna] She's our friend.
And she's missing.
'Yacht's All Folks'? No.
'Seas the Day'?
'Usain Boat'.
OK, that's actually pretty funny.
-[Maddie] Stevie! Hurry!
[faint chatter]
Mm. Smashing.
[music builds]
-Come on.
-Come on, Izzie!
-[Maddie] Izzie! Jump!
[grandad] Oi!
Where are we going?
Stevie Harrison, you have
that back in one piece!
[grandad] Not a scratch now!
[dramatic music]
[Anna] That is not the 'Indy'.
Might be something worth checking out.
[Stevie] What do you think?
Shall we?
But you don't know what's down there.
I guess we'll find out.
[Maddie] It's OK, Izzie, we never know
what's down there.
That's the fun part.
Doing OK, little buddy?
Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?
[Izzie] I'm in the middle of the ocean
with three complete strangers on a stolen
[Izzie] So how long
has your friend been missing?
Three days.
We don't think she took the boat out.
We're just trying
to convince everyone else.
Medical deliveries.
Must have got lost
overboard during the cyclone.
Ha! We’re all gonna be in Grandma’s
good books today, girls.
-It's her heart medication.
You look like you need a hand.
Welcome back, man!
Why didn't you call?
I would have come to visit.
Juvie is not the sort of place
you wanna visit.
Trust me.
Well, we were all thinking about you.
How'd you go?
It turns out my sense of humor
Not really a big hit
with the other inmates.
I’ll never end up back there again,
If there's anything I can do
to make that happen,
let me know and I’ll do it.
You won't have to.
I’m gonna turn things around.
I'm gonna pay off the stupid fine.
I'm gonna go back to school
And I'm gonna get
Stevie back.
Have you seen her yet?
She still mad?
Well, you stole a boat,
then you sunk it,
and then you landed yourself
three months in prison.
- So yeah.
-[both] She's still mad.
When did you get in?
First ferry I could get on.
Man, this storm has done
a real number on this place.
You haven’t heard.
Heard what?
Lauren’s missing.
No-one's seen her
since the storm and
The 'Indy' is gone too.
That doesn’t make any sense.
They’ve had search parties
out and everything.
I’m headed out there now.
Are you OK?
Yeah. She’ll turn up.
Yeah. Of course she will.
Look, I gotta go help
with the search but
It's really good to
have you back, man.
It's good to see you too.
[bell tolls]
-Just in time, vnuchka!
You should be off your feet, resting.
Please don’t fuss, dear Anna.
I like the cool air.
Reminds me of our
ancestors back in Mother Russia.
Ah, Madeline, Stephanie,
you look like you
could do with something sweet.
-Thank you!
- Thanks Grandma Reg.
You must be Isabelle. Welcome.
-I've got you something.
Oh. My heart medication!
You clever things.
I may look robust,
but beneath this spritely exterior,
I am a very tired woman.
-Come along.
[mayor] Good evening.
First and foremost,
thank you to everyone in the community
for your continued clean-up efforts.
Our town is finally starting
to look like itself again.
I'm sorry we didn't find your boat.
Better than finding it with the mast up
and no Lauren.
-[mayor] The island's power
-There's still hope.
[mayor] infrastructure has been
significantly damaged.
For the foreseeable future,
we will experience rolling blackouts.
I know most of you have
personal generators.
So please use them.
In other good news, renowned structural
engineer Dr. John Martin has arrived.
Alongside the Emergency Management Team,
Dr. Martin will work with the local
council to get Cape Mercy up and running
in time to continue our oldest tradition,
the annual Salvation Day Festival.
[applause and cheering]
-Anyone seen Henry?
[Anna] Chief doesn’t look so good.
Who’s Chief?
Chief of Police.
-Lauren’s dad.
As you all know, one of our precious
daughters, Lauren Rose, is still missing.
As mayor, I can assure you
that the search-and-rescue efforts
will continue until
[townspeople moan]
As mayor, I can assure you that the
search-and-rescue efforts will continue
[tense music]
[music intensifies]
Easy, Henry! Easy.
Bring it in, Henry.
[dramatic music]
[Maddie] The mast
The mast is up.
[music intensifies]
[theme music]
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