Divorce Attorney Shin (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

It's not a crime to fall in love.
Damn, that's hot!
I never wanted to take it this far.
But it was like fate.
- That's all.
- "Fate"?
What the hell are we then?
- There's an expiration date to love.
- What a load of bullshit.
What a load of bullshit.
I want a divorce.
- What a bastard.
- You bastard.
- What the…
- Su-jeong.
- Where are you going?
- Su-jeong!
Where are you going?
You have to sue his mistress!
Is it over?
Come on.
As you can see
in the footage we submitted,
While Mr. Kim Jeong-nam
was grabbing the plaintiff by her arm,
Ms. Lee Chun-ja was
running away with the phone.
What could have been on that phone
that she ran away with it so desperately?
Circumstantial evidence isn't proof.
Let's move on then.
The two were sitting
close together in that dark bar,
touching each other's hands
and caressing each other's faces…
and this is according to
the bar owner's statement.
What were you,
a married man, doing there?
It seems like Ms. Park Eun-ok
doesn't know her husband very well.
Are you aware that my client
has been studying numerology?
Numerology, my ass.
The thing that fortune tellers practice?
- Is that what you're talking about?
- Correct.
But don't people normally have a book open
and jot things down when they do that?
So why was he holding her hand,
caressing her face,
- and getting his hand under--
- He was reading her palm.
And her face too.
The texture of the skin plays a big part
in analyzing one's physiognomy.
- What did you say?
- It's okay.
You've already become
a physiognomy expert yourself.
I personally believe
that circumstantial evidence can be valid.
But since they're being absurd,
we'll hand this case over to the court
and I'll submit this phone as evidence
after digital forensic analysis.
Decisive evidence will
save both sides so much trouble.
And we'll be demanding compensation
for psychological damage
as well as for defamation,
for writing all of this off
as pathological jealousy.
How do you plan on proceeding, counselor?
We'll accept the plaintiff's terms.
Attorney Shin!
Thank you so much!
- Sure.
- I'm so grateful!
Please calm down.
All right.
Thank you so much.
The number cannot be reached.
You will be redirected to voicemail.
You will be charged after the beep.
Hold up!
That's her, right?
Be quiet.
I'm stomped on like dirt at times
All right
I survived another day
This is me
This is me
No matter how much I shout
In the dark alleyway
The wet shadow--
- Hello?
- How did it go?
How do you think?
Obviously, it went great.
Also, Mr. Jang.
Did you bug my car or something?
What is it? Did I spoil your fun again?
Why do you always do that?
Do you have something against me?
We'll talk once I get back.
I'm back.
Congratulations on winning your case.
You didn't have to do this, Sae-bom.
Thank you.
Great job.
Damn it.
You want to be kicked, don't you?
When will you get that fixed?
Apparently, they can't even fix it.
- We have to replace it.
- Replace it?
A new door would look out of place.
So how did it go?
Is it completely over?
Do you even have to ask?
My client reached a settlement
thanks to her excellent attorney.
Considering how old you were
when you barely passed the bar exam,
I'm not sure if I'd call you competent.
Would you mind sitting down for a second?
Come on, have a seat.
You just don't seem to understand this
no matter how many times I explain it.
Let me explain it one last time.
All right.
I began studying at an age
where my brain cells
weren't all that active.
I passed the exam triumphantly
after two years of grueling effort.
What's it called?
Believe That or Not?
My achievement is astonishing enough
to be on that show.
And you already know that,
yet you keep uttering such absurd things.
How do you think that makes me feel?
I'll state the facts.
On average, it takes four years
to pass the bar exam.
Passing the exam in two years?
That's commendable.
And after all that hard work,
you should be taking on
a broader range of cases.
This and that. Right?
Other types of cases
besides divorce, right?
You know the saying,
"Happiness begins at home," right?
I know there are different kinds
of lawsuits in this world, okay?
But I personally think
those are the most important ones.
Divorce suits.
It's not like you've ever been married.
Hold on. What's with you today?
I'm under the weather,
so don't provoke me.
Hey, you're the one who provoked me. Okay?
You feeling like crap doesn't give you
the right to give me crap.
I'm living the life.
What is it?
Why are you so depressed this time?
I'm sad.
- About what?
- Lee Seo-jin.
- My favorite DJ left her radio show.
- Lee Seo-jin?
I listen to her show every morning
while you watch your drama.
Pay attention, will you?
That's so heartbreaking.
It really is. Go.
Get back to work, will you?
I hope she doesn't
make a bad decision out of despair.
She should just move to another country.
It's the one who leaked the video
who should be locked up.
Why should the victim hide?
And you should--
You have a client, sir.
I must be so sad that I'm seeing things.
She looks a lot like Lee Seo-jin.
Holy crap, it's Lee Seo-jin!
Ms. Lee.
Are you looking me up?
Just checking the weather.
It really is me.
- Where should I sit?
- Over…
Over there, please.
Sae-bom, have I told you
that I'm a huge fan of Lee Seo-jin's?
I see.
It would be inappropriate for me
to ask her for an autograph, right?
Thank you. I'll take it from here.
I'd like to speak
with Attorney Shin in private.
Sorry about that.
Let's see.
I guess I should be sitting here.
I heard you specialize in divorce cases.
Yes, that's correct.
My husband wants a divorce.
So we're going to get one.
I want it to go well.
The divorce.
I see.
You must be surprised by my attitude.
I mean, no.
In my shoes,
people would usually
want to die out of shame.
Does it make you uncomfortable
that I'm keeping my head up?
Do you feel like
you want to die right now?
I do.
Please help me.
I'm afraid
that I don't think I could help you.
Is it because it'll be hard to win?
That's correct.
I may not know everything,
but I'm roughly aware
of your current situation.
I'm sure everyone is.
Which is why
I don't think you're in an ideal situation
for a good divorce.
I see.
Attorney Shin.
What's your definition?
Of a good divorce.
I guess it's when a client
gets what they want.
Then why aren't you asking me
what I want?
I'm sorry.
What exactly is your goal?
Division of property, for instance…
I don't need that.
I don't need anything.
The only thing I want is…
the custody of my child.
Although it's not looking great for me.
An affair,
a leaked sex tape…
Motherly love in the worst situation.
Please excuse me.
Do you mean it?
Do you?
Do you really want
custody of your child?
It's bound to get really messy.
Your life could get
even more miserable than it is now.
- What are you trying to say?
- You might even
lose the suit.
Despite all that,
do you still think it's worth trying?
Despite all of that,
I still want custody of my child.
And I won't give up.
Does that answer your question?
Should we shake hands or high-five?
We should shake on it, right?
We can high-five
once you get your custody.
Look. Here she comes.
- If I were her--
- Isn't she so brazen?
I'm shocked.
- Unbelievable.
- Right?
I just stopped by to see you.
You would have come to you
if you gave me a call.
Maybe I should have.
Everyone was trying to sneak a peek at me.
That's because you're so gorgeous.
Their imaginations are running wild.
Come on.
I'm sorry for leaving like this
after working together for four years.
I also
quit the show.
Why would you do that?
I want to go on a trip.
To Chiang Mai or somewhere.
Neither of us has
taken a break in four years.
If you feel bad for introducing him to me,
there's no need to.
I brought it upon myself.
That's not why.
I haven't been feeling so well lately.
I want to rest.
How's the attorney?
Does he seem competent?
I'm not sure yet.
But he seems trustworthy.
Turn it off.
It'll ruin your eyesight.
Turn it off.
Have some.
You didn't eat much for dinner.
Get out.
- Why are you here?
- I'll stay in the guest room.
Don't worry.
Go to a hotel.
Don't make me repeat myself.
Hyeon-u is here.
I need to be with him.
I heard you were looking for an attorney.
Did you get some advice?
What is it?
Were you told to be with your son
if you wanted to win custody?
- Leave while I'm still being nice.
- Let me go!
I'm going to expose
your true face to the world.
As if anyone would believe you.
Do you still not get it?
You even got kicked off of a show
you've been hosting for four years.
Just snap out of it and find your way out.
I'm not leaving this place
without Hyeon-u.
Do you think I'm crazy?
I'd never hand him over
to a slut like you.
Watch what you say. Hyeon-u will hear you.
You're such a caring mother for someone
who had an affair and even filmed a…
Forget it.
Get out of here already!
Can we please keep it quiet?
You've completely lost your mind,
haven't you?
How dare you talk back to me?
If I hadn't lost my mind,
I would've left you a long time ago.
You're below human.
That's rich coming from you
after what you've done.
How dare you crawl back here?
Do you want to die?
How far behind are you on rent?
Don't you watch the news?
You should see
the real estate prices these days.
Plus, why are you
giving me crap about that?
You're not the landlord.
He won't be as nice to you
as I am right now.
Just let me be the messenger.
He doesn't scare me.
He's here. Just my luck.
- Goodness.
- Yo.
Hey, my dear Sung-han.
Hey, I'm not "your" Sung-han.
Well… Hey,
do you want some coffee?
You bought coffee?
- How much did that 100-pack cost?
- Not a lot. It was on sale.
- Hey.
- Yes?
- Is that a new Rolex?
- No, it's a knockoff.
What about that car?
Was the plate number 09G 2398?
Did you get a new car?
Come on.
I don't have the money for that, man.
If I had the money to buy a car,
I would've paid rent.
How do you think I feel
to be behind on rent
in a friend's building?
- You're unbelievable.
- Why are you yelling?
Who parks their car
in front of someone's workplace?
How did you get a new car
when you can't even pay rent?
Stay out of it, dude.
This is…
Sung-han, I can explain.
Please. I'm all ears.
- Well…
- Yes?
You know my family wasn't exactly
well-off when I was growing up.
- My mom would--
- This is getting boring.
Should we eat something? I'm hungry.
We can eat while we listen.
Sounds good.
- Let's do that.
- I'm famished.
It's a sports car.
- Really?
- Really?
- Look at the seats.
- What?
They're red.
- Look at this.
- I mean, that's…
- That's a sports car.
- It is.
- Unbelievable.
- I know.
This is Jo Jeong-sik
from Jo Jeong-sik Real Estate,
the best real estate office.
Right now?
Is it now or never?
Don't hang up. I'm on my way.
- Yes, I'll be there soon.
- I think he's acting.
He's full of shit.
Do you think the old lady got really sick?
Don't you have her number?
I have the restaurant's.
- The one that's on here?
- Yes.
This one? You think I don't see that?
Let's go to a convenience store.
I need to hurry.
I'm meeting with Ms. Lee later.
I'm not hungry. You go ahead.
Be honest with me.
About what?
You only took on her case
because she wanted custody
of her child, right?
Your office looks quite antique.
It is a bit shabby, isn't it?
But then,
it has this Korean, original, vintage
vibe going on, doesn't it?
What the hell, man?
Mr. Jang, could you get us
something to drink?
Sure thing. Right away, sir.
Sorry about that.
did you move back into your home?
I did.
I know it's tough,
but you need to hang in there.
I'm good at that.
Before I file a counterclaim,
I need to go over a few details.
Let's not beat around the bush.
You don't need to be nice to me.
Ask me exactly what you need to know.
Thank you.
When did you start having an affair?
About a year ago.
You always binge-eat
during rating survey periods.
Are you that nervous?
Of course. The ads are at stake.
This place is great.
My friend owns this restaurant.
They got a new chef
and the response has been great.
It is good.
Excuse me.
I'm a big fan of yours
and I was nervous to be cooking for you.
How do you like it?
It's good. Thank you.
It's really good.
Your boss told me a lot about you.
Thank you.
- Enjoy your meal.
- Thank you.
I'm sorry.
He must be a huge fan.
He can't take his eyes off you.
I bet his heart is racing.
Don't make jokes like that.
Eat up.
It felt nice
to know that someone
still had butterflies for me.
That's how I felt back then.
I kept going back.
To the restaurant?
Whenever I was there,
I felt like I was radiant.
Did you and your husband often argue
about similar matters?
This was the first time.
Come in.
Allow me, Sae-bom.
All right.
In that case…
Mr. Jang.
Please close the door.
Sorry about that.
Do most husbands
memorize all of their wives' underwear?
Mine does.
He remembers all of them.
Even the ones that were gifts
or ones I don't even wear.
He keeps a record of them
by taking photos every morning and night.
I knew I'd get caught one day.
But I didn't…
expect everything to go down in flames.
And when did your husband find out
about your affair?
After the video got leaked.
I ran away from an asshole
and right into another.
Was it really
that wrong of me?
Adultery is considered marital misconduct,
so that's on you.
As for the leak,
you have every right
to be angry about that.
What a piece of shit.
You're very unusual.
Thank you.
The mediation date is already set,
so we don't have that much time.
But nevertheless,
we should prepare for it.
What should I wear that day?
- Sorry?
- All black?
No, I'd look too overbearing.
Flats would be better than heels, right?
I was just kidding.
You're in high spirits.
Do you have high heels
that make you super tall?
I was just kidding.
Just dress however you want.
I should go shopping.
That was exhausting.
58,900 won.
Let's round it up to 60,000 won.
I don't trust you, but deal.
Your container?
Stop right there.
Hey, why do you get three heads
when I only get two?
I get three small ones,
and you get two big ones.
I think it's fair.
- "Fair"?
- Yes.
Your container is deeper than mine.
You're obviously getting more.
Yours is wider…
We don't have a kitchen scale.
- Should I bring the bathroom scale?
- Hey.
It was 58,900 won, so I paid 60,000 won.
I paid 1,100 won more.
Then I should at least…
- What's this?
- I didn't stash it away.
I was going to give it to you.
- Did you think--
- Hey.
You stashed the filling
and the sauce away.
- I didn't stash--
- So that's how it is?
- I was going to--
- Give it to me.
I'll take all of this and call it even.
- Not all of it.
- All of it!
You can't take it all.
- What will I make kimchi jjigae with?
- Hey, I paid 1,100 won more.
- This is worth more than that.
- Shut up and pour it in.
That's more like it.
You thieving bastard.
I need at least some of it.
- Put that leaf down.
- It's not kimchi without any of this.
Just take the radish. Enough.
Okay. Is that a deal?
There's no more.
From time to time
And I bury my pain
Deep inside my laughter
I am thankful that I can
Live another day
But I am afraid
Of the days that are to come
Brother Tes
This world is too painful
For a crybaby like me
Brother Tes
Brother Socrates
Why does time have to fly by?
Do you know what time it is?
I can't sleep because of you.
Okay, I'm sorry.
What the…
Brother Tes
Brother Tes
On March 24 last year,
it was parent participation day
at my client's son, Hyeon-u's school.
Ms. Lee had promised him
that she would be there.
However, she never showed up.
Hyeon-u was so disappointed
that he stormed out during class.
I've submitted his testimony
that he was upset
and wanted to leave the school.
And that day,
he fell while climbing
over the school wall
and was taken to the hospital.
His teacher stayed with him
until his guardian arrived.
Naturally, the teacher called Ms. Lee,
since she is his mother.
She called ten times.
But she never picked up.
Why do you think that was?
What are you doing?
You look insanely beautiful right now.
You're gorgeous.
I'll show you later.
Stop it.
You should have continued pursuing acting.
I'm serious. Stop it.
Okay. I'll delete it right away.
But you do look really pretty.
This won't do.
Come here.
Lie down.
How are you so pretty?
I just don't get it
Come on.
Give it back.
It's ruining the mood. Later.
You can check it later.
- You always do whatever you want.
- Hey.
That's not true.
I'll erase the video I just took. Look.
I'll put our phones here.
Aren't you Ms. Lee Seo-jin?
I'm a really
big fan of yours.
Not everyone who's lonely cheats.
But it could happen. It's their choice.
But it's also perfectly reasonable
for my client
to not want his only son
to be with his mother.
His mother was in an explicit video.
How will the boy handle that?
I guess her written explanation
wasn't very thorough,
seeing how she's going on and on
about something that we all know.
You're right.
Not everyone who's lonely cheats.
You're absolutely right.
But let me ask you.
Do you think Ms. Lee had an affair
because she was lonely?
That was rhetorical.
She cheated out of loneliness?
Sir, I refuse to accept that.
My client wasn't invited
to her closest friend's wedding.
Even a friend who lived in Canada
was invited to the wedding.
But despite living in the same area
and being her closest friend,
she wasn't invited.
Even though she was a celebrity
who could have brightened up the day.
Why do you think that was?
Why wasn't Ms. Lee invited?
That was because
all of her friends were fed up.
- Look here.
- No matter where
or with whom she was,
she had to send him a photo of herself
with the people she was with
every 30 minutes.
Is that reasonable as well?
Ms. Lee has never gone to a team dinner
with her colleagues on her show.
Actually, let me correct myself.
She never got to attend them.
Because she didn't want to create
an awkward situation
where even the staff members
would have to be in those photos.
As a result,
her friends and acquaintances
have cut all ties with her.
Can we really say that it had
nothing to do with Mr. Kang?
Let me ask you this.
Do you think her inappropriate demeanor
has nothing to do with it?
Please calm down.
I already explained it
thoroughly on paper,
but since he claims that I made it all up,
here's something
that I brought for you.
These are the notes
that Ms. Lee received from her husband
over the past three years.
She found them on the fridge,
front door, bathroom mirror, vanity,
and many other places.
Let's take a look at them.
You fall head over heels
for every young male guest on your show.
Listen to today's episode yourself
and see how cheap and shallow you sound.
Did you buy this ridiculous underwear
with your own money?
Do you have a side job?
She started collecting them
three years ago,
but she's been receiving
these humiliating notes
for over seven years.
What was even more suffocating
were the security cameras
that were installed throughout the house.
He installed six cameras
in their house that's around 40 pyeong.
There was even a camera
in the dressing room.
Is this normal?
I don't think my client is
the only one at fault here.
He was inhumane enough
to humiliate, insult,
and oppress his wife.
Isn't he at fault as well?
Sure. As a woman myself,
I empathize with Ms. Lee.
being involved in such a shocking video
surely does not help in raising her son.
Especially when he's about to
go through puberty.
Let me get this straight.
Do you think their son will be safe
from the obsession and abuse
that was directed at Ms. Lee?
That's an assumption.
Have you ever thought
of what will happen to Hyeon-u
if he comes across that video
in the future?
Sir, we've wiped the video
off the internet.
Jung Ji-hun, the assailant,
is now incarcerated
and has paid for the tape
to be taken down.
Do you really think so?
My client is desperate
to raise his son properly.
So it was only natural
for him to make sure
that the video was no longer on the web.
Last night, my client confirmed
that Ms. Lee's video
was still being distributed online.
If you want, I can show you on his phone.
It is very possible that Hyeon-u
could find the video himself
in the near future.
It would be shocking enough
if he was no longer living with her.
But if they live together?
You said my client was inhumane.
Do you think it's humane
to leave Hyeon-u with such a mother?
This situation right now…
is a blatant case
of secondary victimization toward Ms. Lee.
Ms. Lee was initially victimized
when the sex tape was leaked.
Not only did she lose a job
that she's had for four years,
but her everyday life has fallen apart
beyond our imagination.
Is it okay for your sex tape
to be leaked if you're an adulteress?
She's a victim of a heinous crime.
She's fighting for custody of her son
because she refuses to subject him
to the same abuse that she received.
Why should she be discriminated against?
There have been many cases
where the adulterer
won custody of their child.
So why is it a reason
that she can't have custody of her child?
- Because the video is still--
- Exactly.
You're claiming
that she can't raise her own son
because her sex tape was leaked.
That's a blatant case of
secondary victimization.
Do you understand that?
Let's wrap up today's session here.
At the next session,
Hyeon-u's psychotherapy results
will be revised.
I'd like to meet with Hyeon-u.
Would that be okay?
You can be there if you'd like.
He won't talk if I'm there.
I'll ask him.
- Hey, Hyeong-geun. It's me.
- What's up?
I need you to go down
to the police station tomorrow.
The police station? Why?
Apparently, Ms. Lee's video
is still being distributed.
I need you to find out
more details about it.
That little… All right.
Hold on.
Do your absolute best as her fan.
I'll put my life on the line.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Can you tell me who that is?
Then this must be you.
who's that fish with sunglasses?
She plays by herself all the time.
What did you get?
- The fishbowl question.
- Did you draw properly?
Did you draw what I told you to draw?
Your mother has some nerve,
causing this huge mess.
That lunatic.
I just got back from the police station.
I did my best as her fan.
Well done. What did they say?
Since the leak was found early,
they had it under control
relatively quickly.
They said they'd check again.
But they searched Jung Ji-hun's house
and erased the video
from his hard drive and cloud.
Where on earth did he find it then?
- It's still around?
- Apparently.
Where are you going?
I'll get to the bottom of it.
- What about lunch?
- How can I eat right now?
I love his attitude. That's a real fan.
What could it be?
What could it be?
Were they just bluffing?
I've been watching him for a few days,
and he doesn't seem gloomy.
They say kids whose parents fight
all the time tend to look depressed.
But that wasn't the case for him.
There he is.
- Where?
- The kid with the blue backpack.
- Bye.
- See you tomorrow.
You must be uncomfortable.
I'm sorry that we have to talk about
something like this when we just met.
Let me tell you why we're here. Well--
Mr. Jang.
I'd appreciate it if you ate over there.
But my burger is here.
Well, in that case…
I'll just move my burger…
And get you some fries…
You can eat over there now, right?
Wait. No.
You're supposed to like the window seat.
I mean, you like the window seat.
Oh, that's right.
I forgot that I like
sitting by the window.
Take your time.
You have a bad stomach.
Do you like beef burgers?
Or do you want mine?
I'm not a picky eater.
Really? Here you go then.
Help yourself.
So how's therapy going?
This is between your parents.
And you're caught up in it.
I want it to be over soon.
Yes. Me too.
And so does your mother.
Who will I live with?
Who do you want to live with?
You don't need to tell me.
Ever heard of
"the right to remain silent"?
It means you don't have to talk
if you don't feel like it.
Legally speaking.
Eat up.
Hey, doesn't it feel like
we're doing a mukbang or something?
Do you like watching mukbang?
- I like playing games.
- Games?
I don't like playing games.
My job is all about winning or losing,
and so are games.
It'd be too stressful.
It could help you relieve stress.
Playing games.
You must be under a lot of stress too.
What troubles you the most these days?
Remaining silent already?
I wish I had bad memory.
What do you not want to remember?
Just some things I saw.
Things like that.
You mean how your parents
would get into big fights?
I want to go.
Let's go. Where are you headed?
To the academy.
Do you need a ride?
No, I can go by myself.
You are by far
the strongest third-grader I know.
I hate my mom.
She didn't answer my teacher's call.
She declined it.
I waited a long time at the hospital.
But my dad came instead.
You must have been waiting for your mom.
I wish I could erase her…
from my memory.
What's with the face?
Does he want to live with his dad?
I don't know.
This is so complicated and frustrating.
I feel bad for him.
I don't know.
- Hyeon-u.
- Hyeon-u!
- Hyeon-u!
- Snap out of it, Hyeon-u!
I'll call 911!
- Hey!
- Hyeon-u!
- Hyeon-u!
- What's with you?
- Get it together, Hyeon-u!
- Let go!
What's the matter, Hyeon-u?
Please snap out of it.
She didn't answer my teacher's call.
She declined it.
I wish I had bad memory.
Brother Tes
What's wrong with this world?
Why do I feel so uneasy?
Brother Tes
Brother Soc--
What the heck?
Lee Seo-jin?
Attorney Shin.
Let's stop here.
Is something wrong?
It's Hyeon-u.
He's in the hospital.
He suddenly started throwing a fit.
This is all very hard on him.
He threw a fit?
He was suddenly screaming, crying,
and gasping for air.
He's in so much pain.
His dad picked up the phone to call 911.
Hyeon-u snatched it away and threw it.
He kept throwing it.
Let's stop here.
I should have been
more worried about Hyeon-u.
I understand, Ms. Lee.
We can end
the divorce mediation.
Once he calms down,
go out,
find yourself a restaurant
that's open 24/7,
and have a hearty meal.
Mr. Shin.
- Did you not get what I said?
- I did.
I understand.
You'll need the energy to have a trial.
This is no longer a divorce mediation.
It's a trial.
We will win.
We will win.
We are going to win.
So eat up.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Those careless words.
You already know, don't you?
What did you say about his dignity?
Don't be so scared.
I'm sorry.
I know why you left everything
in Germany and came here.
A former pianist turned attorney?
That's just ridiculous.
Are you going to fight him
once you're done coloring the grapes?
I'm going to kill him.
Ripped and synced by
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