Django (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

New Babylon

No, please!
Sarah! Sarah!
- 1872
Seven years after the end of the
Civil War, slavery was abolished.
In the southern states, however, blacks continue
to suffer massive discrimination and violence.
Somewhere in Texas a black
man and a young white woman
founded a city, in which every human being
could live free and as equals: New Babylon
Welcome gentlemen!
- You know the rules, honey.
- All right.
To welcome you on full-moon nights,
we need your support. Thank you.
What's your name, darling?
Corman, ma'am.
1871 Colt Open Top for Mr. Corman.
- You wanna have fun, right?
- Yeah!
Let's play. Be generous,
- that's the rule.
- Cavalry Navy
As usual, we take good care
of your weapons until dawn.
- New Babylon -
You're doing really well, okay?
- I can't anymore!
- Breathe Hattie.
- Breathe good!
- I can't make it, Sarah!
Good! Just make one last effort.
OK, now you can push!
OK, now just push!
He's beautiful.
Brothers and sisters, a toast to life.
- To life!
- And enough drink
to forget why it cares
so little about us!
You can say that again!
Now, let us entertain our rich
guests and empty their pockets.
Come on!
Excuse me
Fight! Fight! Fight, fight, fight
Fight, fight, fight
- Whoo, yeah, whoo
- Ladies and gentlemen,
we are gathered here,
on this full moon night.
We see you as our guest in New Babylon
to witness Mr. Isaac Borowka,
from Austria, across the sea
tear one of you apart,
ripping your heart out your chest
and cutting off your ears,
before offering them to the demons
that rule the world outside these walls.
- Yeah! Then
we will get drunk.
Yes! Come on!
And be merry
until we lose every
last one of our senses!
Now, which one of you is gonna
challenge our brother Isaac?
Oh come on, are you scared?
Did you come all this way for nothing?
Oh, somebody gotta challenge!
- Nobody?
- He bold!
Ladies and gentlemen,
we have a contender.
Are you ready for your destiny?
As you wish.
If you win,
your reward will be nothing
less than 100 dollars.
Now go ahead and tell
these fine people your name.
- Say that again.
- You heard me.
Ladies and gentlemen, one of your own
intends to die for us tonight.
- Glory to his blood.
- All right!
Yeah Whoo
Now, who among you is gonna
root for your friend, Django?
Yes! Yeah!
- Django
- Who among you
is gonna place bets on your friend?
Django, Django, Django
My youngest Kevin, he's
gonna take your bets.
That is 20 dollars, is
that all? Come on now
- Fight!
- Yeah, come on!
Let the battle begin.
Fight, fight, fight
Fight, fight, fight!
Kill him! Kill him!
Kill him!
Kill him!
- Aah!
- Fight, fight, fight!
Come on!
Where did you say you
were from, stranger?
Where's my money?
Well, now I'm considering that
a donation to the poor community.
Look at you.
Such an important man
but not a man of your word.
Oh, I'm a man of my word.
And my word is
if you ain't gone by
sunrise, I will kill you.
- Pay out all bets.
- Let's go get a drink.
What's going on brother?
Follow me.
They're dying.
Two others died yesterday.
Father can't know about this.
Did the Lady poison them?
She didn't poison them. God did.
Our father insists on mocking him
by welcoming thieves, murderers
and whores into our city.
If your God existed he'd love
this city and everybody in it.
Our father has a vision.
His vision
is to be our tyrant.
This land is cursed.
Hattie had a boy. A beautiful son.
I'm glad it went well.
A stranger beat Isaac.
How much did we lose?
We lost most of what we had
You will see that our marriage
will restore everyone's confidence.
Who's the man who run the fights?
The owner of this crater.
His name is John Ellis. He's our guide.
They took us in. They gave us shelter.
We killed a man, a man with
very bad manners.
Where are you running from, stranger?
I'm not running, I'm
looking for someone.
Someone. Does "someone" have a name?
No, they, they lost this tobacco case.
So you came all this way
just to return a tobacco case?
That's funny to you?
Sort of romantic.
I'm afraid I've never seen it before.
You've got about four hours until dawn.
You've best get some rest.
Pleasant dreams.
Can I see this?
Where did you get this?
It was years ago.
I got it in a little town
about 500 miles down south.
They build it, um
what do you call it?
A crater, a crater. Poor
folks, Negro folks mostly.
Crazy people.
- Who sold it to you?
- There was
this one little white girl.
Pretty face, but a lame
leg plague leg
No idea why she
how she ended up with them.
No idea.
- Ah!
- I was right about you, stranger.
You can't be trusted.
What's going on, Father?
Get him out of here.
What's going on?
John Andrew Ellis,
no man will die here tonight
if you want the wedding
to happen tomorrow.
Perhaps your destiny
is another, stranger.
- 35 miles South of New Babylon
Let's give them sinners
what they deserve, milady.
My beloved Aunt Maribel has passed away.
Come in.
Dear sirs, for our guests we
have the best cook in the county.
You can eat and fuck
to your heart's content,
it's all included in the price.
This way please.
Come on over here
Good morning, gentlemen.
Hope you had fun in our city.
- Cavalry
- Yeah, that's mine.
- Winchester.
- Yep
For you, sir
Artillery, sir
- He's dead.
- Did I do well?
Oh, you did great.
You know what the Comanche say?
If you take its heart
out and you bury it,
the bison will run forever in
the prairies of the Great Spirit.
And you will inherit its strength.
You wanna try that?
Take your time.
There ain't gonna be no wedding today.
You ain't getting married. You ain't!
You got that?
I will slit your throat while
you sleep, mark my words.
Say you won't.
You're crazy.
You will not get married.
You will never replace my mother.
I'm here, my love.
Abby made soufflé for
dinner. She kept some for you.
Oh, that's sweet.
I'll eat it now, will
you keep me company?
Where have you been?
Spreading the Lord's word on Earth.
Did he do it again?
He's getting worse.
You really should tell Father.
He's crazy about you.
Where's the stranger?
In prison. Father will deal
with him after the ceremony.
As soon as Hattie's able,
we're aiming to leave.
Hattie's got no milk.
She's not eating enough.
So you're going back to being a slave.
We fought the Civil War, things
are supposed to be different now.
"Supposed to be" and "is" is two
different things, and you know that.
Come in.
They get married today.
Brothers and sisters,
citizens of New Babylon.
When I come into your
homes, you trust me
with bringing your
babies into this world.
They're all born in
pain, covered in blood
But I see your eyes
gazing upon those babies
and I know what you're feeling.
You're afraid for their future
and that rich people of Elmdale
will frighten and divide us.
How much do we have left?
One month's worth.
Now's the time to stand
together and hold fast.
Let us not be intimidated by the
hatred that the Lady feels for us.
Take my family's share down by half.
- John, that's not necessary.
- That's not for you to decide.
I am marrying John today because
I have faith in his vision.
I have been in this
community since childhood.
And together we built
this place, this haven.
And that's why we won't ever let it die.
- We are free.
- Yeah! Whoo!
Margaret, we're back.
Mom! Mom! We shot a buffalo!
- Daddy!
- I was worried sick!
Who's tired of porridge?
We have enough meat
for the whole winter.
Elijah, let's dry it!
I'm talking to you, Julian.
You're so beautiful when you're mad.
And no more smooching my
sister. Come and give me a hand.
And who wants some meat?
Some real meat, for everyone!
Come here you little
Something's wrong with me.
I understood.
I wanna promise I'll
never do it again
but I will.
You're not condemned.
Father says it's time.
What are you doing?
Dressing for the occasion.
I stand before you here today,
in front of all our people,
offering you, Sarah,
my unconditional love
and eternal devotion.
to make you a pillar
of strength, love and hope,
always to build our community.
- I can't.
- Oh, Sarah, come on
Next Episode