Doc (US) (2025) s01e01 Episode Script

If at First You Don't Succeed...

We've got a 1052
on the corner of
Whittier and Corcoran.
Car vs. truck.
Female unresponsive.
Roll an ambo to that location.
[FLINT]: Dr. Patel,
give me more suction.
[PATEL]: Where's it coming from?
I can't tell yet. Turn the
wall suction up to maximum
and get me a large-bore sucker now.
[BAN]: What is your name?
Amy Larsen.
[BAN]: Where do you work?
Westside Hospital.
[BAN]: What is your occupation?
I'm an attending physician
in internal medicine.
Where were you born?
Where do you live now?
Do you have children?
Katie and Danny.
[BAN]: How old are they?
Nine and seven.
And who is the president?
Ah, that's an easy one. FDR.
Is that your real answer?
Barack Obama.
What year is it?
This is getting ridiculous.
What do you think is wrong with me?
Hold on ♪
I just got to let you know ♪
[VOICEMAIL]: You've reached Westside
Hospital, Department of Pathology,
Autopsy Division.
Please leave a message.
This is Dr. Larsen calling
about the Dixon autopsy.
I don't see the results in my inbox yet.
Have Dr. Franco call me
as soon as she gets in.
Okay, Sweetie.
Hey, hey, listen, we can
talk about this later.
I promise. Hold on, honey.
Can I get a coffee regular.
And an iced coffee with oat milk.
Yes, honey. Okay. I love you, too.
Hey, hand the phone back over to Mommy.
Yeah, yeah, okay.
Sorry. Still sorting out the big
Halloween costume debate with Mia.
And you settled on ?
Anna and Elsa from "Frozen."
So you would be
I would be Anna, obviously.
I mean, I pushed hard for Olaf
but she was not having it.
Well, she's 5, so it makes total sense
that she's in charge.
And every-other-week
Dad's gotta be cool Dad.
Besides, being annoying and strict
comes natural to Rachel anyway.
And, sadly, to someone else we know
Wait, tell me that
coffee's not for her.
Nah, this coffee's not for Dr. Larsen.
Oh my God. You're such a kiss-ass.
Has anyone seen Dr. Miller yet?
He's gonna be late.
Dr. Park is covering.
Did he say why?
No. And I didn't feel it was
my place to interrogate him.
Morning, Boss.
Thank you.
We have a new patient,
came in last night.
Sonya's having trouble
with the diagnosis.
Would you like to tag along?
Love to.
Good morning.
Whoa. Bringing the whole team, huh?
Yeah. I'm Dr. Heller,
this is Dr. Larsen,
she's Chief of Internal Medicine.
Jimmy. My wife, Felicia.
It's great to meet you both.
Dr. Maitra, tell us about the patient.
Felicia Turner, 31, 22 weeks pregnant.
Presented with back and side
pains, intermittent fever,
chills, frequent urination.
I am sure that this is a UTI.
I get them all the time.
And it's worse with the pregnancy.
And I, usually, they
just give me Keflex.
You went to medical school?
So maybe let us figure it out.
Did you order labs?
Mm-hm. CBC, Chem 7, UA,
blood and urine cultures.
White blood cells are a little
high, but not alarmingly so.
Cultures are negative so
far, and same with the UA.
- Excuse me.
- You didn't mention the cough.
Uh, I didn't think that it
Mattered? Everything matters.
Some bedside manner you got there.
Shortness of breath?
Yes. Some.
A bit. But I am pregnant so
Did you know you have a heart murmur?
- What?
- It,
it could just be related
to the pregnancy.
Most of the time these
things are benign,
but it's something we'll check it out.
My baby's okay, right?
She seems fine, but we'll
have OB stop by and make sure.
These are splinter hemorrhages.
You didn't notice her fingernails?
- No, I
- Okay.
Keep her on antibiotics.
Let's monitor the blood cultures
and order a chest X-ray and a TTE.
Do you want a great doctor
or do you want a warm and fuzzy one?
Richard. Two hours late?
Oh, a family situation.
Is there a problem?
I wanted to give you another
chance to answer my question.
About what?
About Bill Dixon.
Like I told you
yesterday; after he coded,
I did multiple rounds of
CPR, defibrillation and epi,
and then I gave him Amiodarone.
That's it.
I checked the crash cart
before it was cleared.
A vial of Metoprolol was
unsealed and looked a little light.
If you accidentally
mixed those up, you
You This is low, Amy.
Even for you.
Let's not make this personal
Right, except your
behaviour is under review
so why not create a distraction
by taking on the guy
who could replace you?
We have malpractice
insurance for a reason
so why don't you just tell me the truth?
He was 83 years old.
He aspirated on lunch and,
despite all measures,
he could not be resuscitated.
Well, I ordered an autopsy.
If you're lying,
you're done here.
So I get there
- Uh-huh.
- Okay.
I'm all amped up.
She walks in and I swear to God,
I thought she sent her
mother to fill in for her.
- Oh, come on
I'm serious! She was 20 years older
than the picture in her profile.
Yeah, well, I told you to use Hinge.
Oh, incoming. Liz, go check 617.
Dr. Coleman. I was just in 628
and the patient can't tolerate POs
Yes. Ray Porter. Severe gastritis.
And you told his daughter
that he was gonna be fine.
I'm doing this 20 years,
I don't know that.
I was just trying to make her
We don't give false hope.
You're a physician, not a priest.
I'll take care of it.
Well, we've been married for two years
but we've known each
other since high school.
- You're 31?
- Hm-mm.
What took you so long?
You absolutely don't
have to answer that.
I mean, wasn't 'cause I didn't ask.
I needed to be sure it would work.
Well, if we could know that,
we wouldn't need prenups.
Wow. That's bleak.
It's also why he's single.
Oh, I am just so
relieved that she's okay.
OB was very happy with her vitals.
And they'll keep monitoring her.
[JIMMY]: Thank you.
Hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey!
- She's seizing!
We need help in here!
- [JIMMY]: What's going on?
- It's okay, Felicia.
- Is she okay?
- You're okay. We need oxygen!
- Felicia?
- You're all right, you're all right.
Breathe for me.
Take a deep breath in.
Come on, Felicia.
[VOICEMAIL]: Hi. It's Katie.
Leave a message.
Hi. It's Mom. Remember me?
I've been texting you.
Maybe give me a call some time?
Before I'm in a nursing home?
So, Felicia Turner just had a seizure.
She's stable now, but
she is freaked out,
and her husband's apoplectic.
Could it be eclampsia?
I don't think so,
and we did a CT and an LP.
Both came back negative.
Sent CSF for cultures.
TTE show anything?
Nothing abnormal.
Lab said it should be about an hour
before they have an update
on her blood cultures.
An hour?
Three nights at the motel ♪
Under streetlights
in the City of Palms ♪
Call me what you want,
when you want, if you want ♪
And you can call me
names if you call me up ♪
Three nights at the motel ♪
Under streetlights in
the City of Palms ♪
The on-call room's looking pretty good
right about now, isn't it?
Are you complaining?
No. Absolutely not.

Lab just sent an update.
I thought you said an hour.
Felicia's cultures are still negative.
This isn't adding up.
We need a TEE.
She's not gonna like that.
I'll take the hit.
All right.
Guess we better go then.
you know I love you, right?
You've picked an interesting
time and place to tell me that.
Oh, well, no, you picked the place.
I wanted the on-call room, remember?
I love you, too.
What's wrong with me?
I'm not sure yet.
I don't understand.
How is that possible?
You've run every test there is on her.
I need a TEE to confirm my suspicions.
I've had that one already!
No, you had a TTE.
A transthoracic echocardiogram.
I need one that's transesophageal.
Since, um,
we've established that I did not
go to medical school, do you think
you could translate that for me?
A TTE shows us your
heart through your chest.
Now we need to see it
from a different angle
so we put a probe down your esophagus
For God's sake, it's 2024!
Can't you diagnose her
without torturing her?
Until we determine what is
wrong with her and treat it,
her pain will get worse.
I'm worried about our baby
Right now, your baby's fine.
It's you who's sick
Still, this has got to affect her
If we don't figure this out,
you could be dead in a month.
What is your problem?
Why are you like this?
Well, as soon as I save your life,
you never have to see me again.
I need Felicia Turner's TEE
scheduled as soon as possible.
Cardiology fellow's
gone home for the night
and my shift ended at
7:00. I'll do it tomorrow.
I just said, "As soon as possible."
Does that really mean tomorrow to you?
I booked a court for Saturday.
Your racket's fixed?
And Wendy's going on a reiki retreat.
I'd rather have dysentery.
Is that my sweater?
You were supposed to return that to me.
I decided it would be happier with me.
I'm nicer than you are.
I asked you to come see me.
I've been busy treating patients.
Harshly and with
condescension from what I hear.
- Come on, this again?
- The complaints are adding up.
Gimme a break. Patients log onto Web MD,
and they think they can
diagnose themselves.
Patient satisfaction
surveys indicate something.
Well, not to me.
A staff member confirmed
your patient's complaint.
Let me guess. Dr. Maitra?
I'm not gonna debate this with you.
I was brought in to
change the culture here.
Which means arrogance
and indifferent bedside manner
won't be tolerated.
Being a great physician
isn't enough to protect you,
not anymore.
So, what are you gonna do?
Fire me?
Go home and get some rest.
I have a very sick patient.
It wasn't a suggestion.
You haven't had a day
off in over 2 weeks.
You know, there are
other qualified doctors.
But not nearly as good.
Go home!
[SINGING]: You may ask yourself,
what is that beautiful house?
And you may ask yourself,
where does that highway go to?
And you may ask yourself,
am I right or am I wrong?
And you may say to yourself,
my God, what have I done?
- And the days go by
let the water hold you down,
Letting the days go by ♪
Water flowing underground ♪
Into the blue again ♪
Into the silent water ♪
Look where my hand was ♪
Time isn't holding up ♪
Time isn't after us ♪
[FLINT]: Dr. Patel,
give me more suction.
Where's it coming from?
I can't tell yet.
Turn the wall suction up to maximum
and get me a large-bore sucker now.
I need it now!
I packed my bag,
and in it is a football,
a diamond bracelet, um,
Katie's BFF Michele,
a T-rex, BTS, and, um
Don't laugh at me, I'll get it.
When are you planning
on doing that, exactly?
Hey, you can't help her, Danny!
Moo cow.
Mom, did you just cheat?
I would never I would never do that!
- Yeah, you would!
She's been coming out of sedation.
Amy, can you hear me?
It's Dr. Flint.
Hello, Sunshine.
How you feeling?
You remember that tequila night,
second year of med school?
That bad?
What happened?
You were in a bad car accident.
You needed surgery but it went well.
Wait, where's my family?
Are they okay?
They weren't with you.
They were with me.
You were alone.
It was night, it was raining
No, that's not what
happened, they were
She's hyperventilating.
[AMY]: They were
Her BP's going up.
Nurse! Point five Midazolam.
We were coming back from the cabin
Wait, the cabin?
Danny was
And who is the president?
Ah, that's an easy one. FDR.
Is that your real answer?
Barack Obama.
[BAN]: What year is it?
This is getting ridiculous.
What do you think is wrong with me?
How is she?
Um, just tell everyone we'll meet
in the department office in 30 minutes.
Gina! Gina!
Come in.
Hey, Richard, have a seat.
How is Amy doing?
We're still figuring that out.
Obviously, this is very
complicated, but
I've decided to name you Interim Chief.
Effective immediately.
I know we haven't worked together long,
but you're putting the
department in very good hands.
I can promise you that.
Well, given your
seniority and experience,
you were the logical choice.
Thank you for the opportunity.
It's a tragedy.
Not an opportunity.
I misspoke.
It's a difficult situation for everyone.
I'm sorry.
Where is my family, Gina?
I wanna see 'em already.
Absolutely, I'll bring them in soon.
I just wanna talk you through
what's going on with your brain.
- Okay.
- Okay.
The accident caused a subdural hematoma.
They fixed that, but you've got
bilateral frontal lobe injuries
and a fragment of skull lodged
in your left hippocampus.
Dr. Flint feels it's
too dangerous to remove.
And the damage is already done,
which is the reason you have
partial retrograde amnesia.
Which is why I have no memories
of the last 8 years of my life.
And the odds I get 'em back?
It's the brain. Nobody knows.
Can I see them now? Please?
The gray looks handsome.
Babe, what's wrong?
we're not together anymore.
We got divorced 4 years ago.

Katie really wants to see you.
Oh, you are so beautiful.
Wow. Come here. Gimme a hug.
Where's your brother? Isn't he here?
Michael, what's going on?
We lost Danny.
Seven years ago.
It was his heart.
No! No.
I'm so sorry, Amy.
As I'm sure you've heard,
Dr. Larsen was in a car
accident last night.
Fortunately, she is awake now
and recovering from craniotomy.
However, she suffered a brain injury.
She has no recollection
of the last 8 years.
[JAKE]: I don't, um
What exactly are you saying?
Uh, everything between
mid-2016 and yesterday is gone.
And will any of it come back?
There's no way to know,
but, uh, prior to 2016 is crystal clear.
And she will form new
memories going forward.
Feels weird to ask this
but who do we report to now?
Dr. Miller will take
over as Interim Chief.
Since familiar surroundings can
potentially help with recollection,
we've decided to have her
recover on this floor.
But she has a lot to process,
so it's best to just stay away
from her for a while.
Don't rush it.
[MICHAEL]: I know this is hard.
Full recovery is a long shot,
but if anyone can defy the
odds, it's Dr. Larsen.
Thank you all.
- [AMY]:
- Most people in my shoes
would want to do everything they could
to get their memories back,
but I lost my son and husband,
so maybe it's better that I forget.
You also saved hundreds of lives.
And you became Chief.
I never even wanted that.
Your goals changed after Danny.
What happened to him?
His arrhythmia was less
benign than everyone thought.
He was on a school trip,
and his heart gave out.
And we couldn't handle the grief?
Is that why we got a divorce?
That's a big part of it.
But Michael can give you more details.
We have a patient room ready for you.
You're done with the ICU.
Can I get used to ♪
How can I forget you ♪
Will I get used to ♪
Sleeping alone ♪
Tomorrow is a long time ♪
Forgetting so long ♪
I loved you a lifetime ♪
I loved you long ♪
Someday somehow ♪
Somewhere down the line ♪
If you save your heart for mine ♪
We'll meet again ♪
Someday somehow ♪
Somewhere down the line ♪
If you save your heart for mine ♪
We'll meet again ♪
Are you all right?
We were together. Amy and me.
For how long?
Five months.
How could you not tell me?
She was Chief.
Couldn't tell anyone.
She looked at me like
she used to, you know?
Before everything happened.
Me too.
I feel so guilty. I mean,
how am I supposed to tell her
that I don't even live with her?
Honey, honey.
One thing at a time.
Right now, your mom just needs
our support as she heals.
Whatever issues you two have had,
you always loved her.
She knows that.
In her heart.
I heard that she thought
they were still together.
Can you imagine?
Yeah, karma's a bitch.
Oh my God, how can you even say that?
Yeah, even I think that was harsh.
Oh, please, it's not like you
can stand the woman either.
You got me there. You
know, come to think of it,
maybe now's the time to
get my 3 grand back.
Wait, you lent Dr. Larsen money?
No. But she doesn't know that.
What the hell is wrong with you?
You think this is high school?
Word to the wise,
lowly intern doesn't
get to school a fellow.
Well, I shouldn't have to.
[DANNY]: Gotcha!
[AMY]: You didn't get me!
[DANNY]: What? Yes, I did!
No! No, no! No!
- Got ya!
- No!
[KATIE]: Dad! [MICHAEL]: Ah!
Got you! You're frozen!
- Ha, ha!
- I'm gonna get you!
I got you! I gotcha, I
gotcha, I gotcha! Woo!
Again! Again!
I'm so dizzy!
Oh! Okay, you wanna go get some caramels
- at the cabin?
- Yeah!
Chocolate, too?
- What about me?
- Oh, are you frozen?
- Do you need help?
- Please.
Just a tap. Just a touch.
Can I unfreeze you with my lips?
Oh, even better.
Don't! Don't you dare!
Don't you tickle me!
Hey, I'm still here.
How's she doing?
She's got a long road ahead.
It's so terrible.
They made me Chief, Vicky.
Oh my God!
This morning.
And you're just telling me now?
Sorry, I got caught up.
I know it must feel
weird getting it this way,
but you deserve it.
I'm so proud of you, sweetheart.
Let's get you back into bed. 'Kay?
Can I get you anything?
No. Thank you.
I was reading that anesthesia's
no good for the baby
It's not ideal but we went
over the risks and benefits,
and Felicia agreed to this test.
Yeah, 'cause your boss
scared the crap out of her.
Jimmy, this is what we need to do.
And Dr. Larsen is the best.
Someone will come and get
you when we're done, okay?
Felicia, can you hear me?
Dr. Douglas is gonna put the
tube down your throat now. Okay.
[PETER]: Okay.
It's okay. Won't be much longer.
'Kay, I'm not seeing anything.
And her BP is dropping.
Maybe we should pause
No, we need to keep going.
Still doing Larsen's bidding. Wow.
Hey! Just do it!
Heart rate's increasing!
It's okay, it's okay.
You can let go. You can let go, Felicia.
- Dammit, she's in v-fib!
- I told you we should stop!
Felicia. Listen to me.
We need you to hold on.
Come on, Sonya, the paddles!
- 'Kay, again!
There we go.
She's back.
Well done.
I'll call OB to check out the baby.
I heard you were up and
about this morning.
Guess you're feeling better?
Don't tell me that's for me.
The nurses kind of insisted.
Said you wouldn't let anyone help you?
I let them give me a couple of coins.
Apparently, there's something
called Apple Pay now,
but unfortunately I lost my
phone in my Nascar moment.
Well, I do think you should be resting.
So now you care?
Of course I do.
Because it seems like
you've just moved on.
No. Just, um
forward. You did, too.
I moved "forward"?
You threw yourself into work.
But, so, I became a workaholic,
and I wasn't around? Is that it?
It's not as simple as that.
Whatever it is that I
did, it was all wrong.
I mean, I lost you,
didn't I?
I can't do this here.
What happened?
Come on. I need to know.
You built up walls.
You shut everyone out.
And that's why you left me?
I didn't leave.
You did.
Excuse me, Dr. Hamda.
We're having an issue
with one of the patients.
I'm sorry. Uh, I have to go.
Please take Dr. Larsen back to her room.
So she coded?
Yeah, but she's stable,
and OB's here, the baby's fine.
- But the TEE caused the code?
- Yes, it did.
Is it true the patient didn't want it?
That Dr. Larsen insisted,
and then you convinced the husband?
Without this test, we couldn't
completely rule out endocarditis.
What did the test show?
Nothing obvious,
then she went into cardiac arrest
so we didn't finish.
So we put her through that for nothing.
Okay, the Chief of Internal Medicine
made a call, what do you want us to do?
Let patients start
dictating their own care?
You said Dr. Larsen was
particularly harsh with this patient?
She does what she does.
This patient just had the nerve
to say something about it.
What, what, what's going on here?
You building some kinda
case against her?
My attending reviewed the
TEE images on the big screen.
I didn't catch it earlier,
but he found a mitral
valve ring abscess.
There you go. Dr. Larsen was right.
It's infective endocarditis.
And it requires surgery,
but now the patient's refusing.
- I'll go talk to her.
- Thank you, Dr. Miller.
I think I better handle this one.
Dr. Douglas, come with me.
I'm sorry her behaviour
put you in that position.
you won't have to deal
with that anymore.
How's it going in there?
Too soon to tell,
but it's a good thing
you listened to Amy
Dr. Larsen.
I know what happened must
be really hard on you.
I'm sorry.
She trained you the last 4 years.
I'm sure it's not easy on you either.
TJ? What are you doing here?
Wait, are you a doctor?
I'm an intern.
You helped me match here.
This is the only part
of this "Twilight Zone"
that I'm enjoying.
Oh, wait, I hope I
wasn't too hard on you.
I got a few days off coming up,
but I wanted to make sure
I saw you before you went home.
I'm glad.
It's so nice to see a familiar face.
You know, you're the reason.
You're the reason I became a doctor.
I hope you come back.
Michael said that I
I put up walls.
That I just threw myself into work.
I guess I must have if I became Chief.
Some ways of coping you
don't need to do again.
What happened to you and
the family was beyond tragic.
And having to grieve all over
again, it's unimaginable.
But the accident has given you
something the rest of us never get.
What's that?
A chance to do things differently.
I wanna take you somewhere
so you know I care ♪
But it's so cold and
I don't know where ♪
I didn't know you were on call.
And still you found me.
I was asked questions, and
I answered them honestly.
Yeah, that's one way to look at it.
Peter was right.
Your allegiance to her was
colouring your judgment.
Body's not even cold yet, Sonya.
I wanna cry and I wanna love ♪
But all my tears have been used up ♪
Yes, Chef Toby still works here.
That's good news.
Because I really want her carbonara.
Dr. Larsen?
What happened?
Uh, car accident.
Oh man, that's awful.
I'm so sorry.
Actually, we should thank you.
Well, you saved my life.
Our lives.
Dr. Heller said you were the best.
We never should have doubted you.
Well, I'm just glad
you're feeling better.
Okay, let's get you
back to bed, Sweetie.
- Take care.
- Thanks.
This is Dr. Hamda.
[AMY]: Um, hi. I
I wasn't sure if this
was still your number.
Yeah, haven't changed it.
I hope I'm not bothering you.
- Um
- Amy,
whatever it is, I'm here for you.
Are you?
Even at our worst,
I was always your friend.
It's just, uh
I don't know what I
did or who I am now, but
I've wanted to be a
doctor my entire life,
and I don't think I
can give that up.
Not now when I've lost
almost everything.
And I know that people will
fight you on it, but
will you help me do that, Michael?
I can try.
'Cause I think I'm
really gonna need it.
I don't think I'm going to get
through this without that.
I know, Amy.
I promise.
We'll try.
I'll see you tomorrow, I guess.
Try to get some rest.
We're getting hungry.
Five minutes.
Next Episode