Dom (2021) s01e01 Episode Script


This program includes mature scenes of
violence and drug abuse involving minors.
If you need help with substance abuse,
reach out to a trusted person or contact
a substance abuse assistance organization,
This series is inspired by true events.
Some elements were created
for storytelling purposes.
Similarities between fictional characters
and actual persons are coincidental.
-We kinda match.
We match.
Is everything okay?
Hey, man!
Emergency room, good evening.
Good evening.
I'd like to check if my son
was admitted to the ER.
Can I give you his description?
He's 18, around 5'10'',
with blond hair and blue eyes.
I'd like to check if my son
was admitted to the ER.
His name is Pedro Dantas.
How do you know he's not there?
You didn't even take the time to check!
I can't believe we're
going through this again.
Dad, I talked to Elizete.
They saw Pedro going up
to the Tabajaras favela.
He's in the favela?
We'll bring him back tomorrow morning.
-He might be dead by tomorrow.
-For God's sake, Dad?
It's not his first time in a favela.
Are you out of your mind?
For God's sake, Dad!
Please, don't go there now,
especially not with a gun.
-Laura, let me go.
-Don't do this, Dad!
-Let me go!
Look at me, Dad! I'm here!
Enough! I have to go get him. He needs me.
-Fuck! Stop right there!
-Stop now, damn it!
Hands up!
-I have to get through.
-Calm down.
I don't want any trouble.
-I just want my son.
-What's going on?
Show me your hands!
Victor Dantas, Civil Police.
I need to get in there and get my son.
Come on, man.
Are you trying to get yourself killed?
Do you have kids?
Hey, is everything okay?
Is everything okay? Look at me.
Are you okay?
What the fuck was that?
Look, I'm a police officer.
-Put that gun down!
-I'm not here to arrest anyone.
-I'm here for my son!
-Put that gun down!
-I'll kill you!
-All I want is my son!
-Damn it, Pedro!
Your father's here! He's going nuts!
-You have to come with me right now!
Come with me, man, or he's gonna die!
Your father's going crazy!
He's asking for you!
My father?
-I'm gonna fucking kill you!
-Put your gun down.
Can't you see the guy is a cop?
You wanna get us all fucked?
This place will be filled
with pigs tomorrow.
-He started shooting and ruined the party!
-Shut up!
Fuck him.
Hey, motherfucker,
what the hell do you want?
I want my son! I just want Pedro!
Who the fuck is his son?
Bring me my son and I'll leave.
I just want my son!
-Get out of here, motherfucker!
-Hold on! Wait a minute.
He's my father. Chill out. I'll handle it.
-You're gonna handle this?
-Yeah, put the gun down.
-I'll take care of this.
-Then do it.
-It's all right.
-What the fuck?
-What are you doing here, dad?
-Come here!
-Go home, Dad. I'm fine!
-I'm not leaving without you!
-I'm not leaving.
-Come down here!
Fuck, Dad, please leave!
Wait. Hold on, bro.
I'll handle it. Hold on! It's fine.
Sort this shit out right now,
or I'll kill you both!
-Get him outta here.
-I've got this. It's all right.
You crazy? What are you doing here?
They'll kill you!
-I don't care.
-What are you saying?
-Go home! I'm fine.
-Get on the bike!
-I'm fine!
-Get on the bike right now.
I'm not leaving, Dad!
-Fuck, Dad. I'm all right.
-Get on the fucking bike.
I'm not leaving.
Damn it, Pedro. Get on!
What the fuck are you doing, Dad? Fuck!
A child can make you a hero
with three little words,
"Love you, Dad."
They look at us as if we know it all.
We always try to do our best
and choose the right side.
In theory it seems so simple,
but they're two sides of the same coin.
I've spent years fighting
a secret war, a lost war.
This war has made its way into my home,
into my family and my blood.
I won't come look for you
in a favela again, get it?
I never asked you to.
I was just having fun!
Having fun? Look at you,
you're falling into an abyss.
Is that what you want? To die?
-Leave me alone.
-Look at what you're doing!
-You embarrassed me!
-That's what you're worried about?
Look at you! Do you wanna die?
That's what you're doing!
-Killing yourself and us
-Leave me alone!
If I wanna die, I will!
-Stop it! Cut the crap!
-Fuck it!
Let me die alone!
-Come back here!
I didn't ask you to come get me.
-This is my room! Get out!
-I won't let you die!
-Cut the fucking crap!
-Get out of my room!
-Get out!
-I won't let you die!
That was embarrassing!
You treated me like an animal!
-Like I'm a child!
-No, like you're my son!
-I'm not a fucking child!
I'm not an animal! I'm not sick!
I'm not!
You're not happy,
so no one should be happy!
That's what it is!
Let me go! Damn it!
-Let me go!
Let me go!
-Let me go!
-It's okay.
Help me, Dad.
You're my son.
You're a part of me.
I'll never give up on you.
Do you trust me, Pedro?
Look at me.
Do you trust me?
Give me your arm.
Give me your arm, son.
I love you.
You're crazy, nuts!
-We went crazy looking for you.
-I know.
I told you to call me.
-I'm here!
-What were you gonna do?
-I'd have come to get you.
-I would have found a way.
I always do. You know that.
I'm sorry.
That's all right.
I'm gonna sleep at Mom's.
You two should be alone.
Tell Mom everything's all right.
Don't tell her about this.
This is ridiculous.
Of all the truths
that have defined my life,
none have remained whole and solid.
They've crumbled over the years,
one after the other
all in the name of a noble cause
that no longer makes any sense.
Today, I handcuffed my own son to his bed.
We've had opposite lives, my son and I.
I struggle to understand,
looking for an explanation
for our differences.
Writing seems to be the only way
to soothe my spirit.
I wonder if my story
will help other people.
I wonder if the choices I made
were worth it.
My name is Victor Dantas,
and my story starts here,
underwater, at Copacabana Beach.
Damn it, Victor. Are you kidding me?
-You're diving way too deep!
-It's the adrenaline!
-Adrenaline, my ass!
-The deeper, the better!
-Someday you might not surface.
-You sound like my father.
Forget it.
There's something strange down there.
I'm gonna check it out.
-What's going on?
-I saw a dead body down there!
-There's a fucking dead body!
What the fuck!
What the hell is that?
Captain Magalhães.
He's military. Why did you touch it?
What did you want me to do?
Leave the body there?
You crazy? They'll think we killed him!
But we didn't!
Do you have any idea
of what's going on in Brazil?
Did you forget what
those motherfuckers did to me?
-I just did the right thing.
-There is no right thing.
-We're in a dictatorship!
-I'd do the same for anyone.
You're on your own.
I'm not doing this with you.
Good luck.
I was diving, training to get my license.
You found a damn body
in the water in Copacabana?
Isn't that a crazy coincidence?
I don't believe in coincidences.
Captain Magalhães was our best diver.
He'd never do that.
Indeed, only the good divers
head out there.
This story sounds fishy, kid.
What were you doing out there
at that time?
-Are you in the Student Movement?
-You're an activist!
-I'm not!
Just fucking admit it!
-I hate politics! Damn it!
-Watch your tone, kid!
I didn't do anything.
I found the body and brought it in.
Why do that if I had
anything to do with his death?
I don't know.
You're the one who needs to explain
this whole story to us.
Captain Magalhães is
a great loss to our corporation.
-Was it an act of terrorism?
-Definitely, Colonel.
You found the body?
-His story doesn't add up, Colonel.
He says Captain Magalhães
went too deep while freediving.
That's crazy.
I spoke to him the other day.
What do you know about diving?
You punk! You've got a lot of nerve!
By the looks of his body,
he must've died two days ago.
He was probably trying to get that medal.
It was by his hand on the sea floor.
His hand was wounded
and stuck in the rocks.
The Brazilian soldiers'
World War II medal.
I brought you the body, okay?
I'm an honest guy.
What you're doing to me isn't right.
I want to talk to him in private.
You're dismissed.
Kid, I'd like to apologize
for this hostile behavior.
We're living in unsafe times.
Tempers are running high.
-What's your name again?
Victor Dantas.
-How long have you been diving?
-Since I was a kid.
I'm getting my license now.
I'm almost a professional.
Diver. An unusual profession.
You seem to be a smart
and honest young man, Victor.
Have you ever considered
serving your country?
Listen, Colonel.
Colonel, right?
As I said, I'm not into politics.
Neither am I.
I'm fighting a different war, Victor.
In my war, people like you are valuable.
If you ever need anything, diver,
give me a call.
Where were you?
Today I found a
I don't wanna hear about fish
or about diving. That's it!
I don't wanna argue with you, dad.
Son, wait a minute! Just think a bit!
You went to the best schools.
You can do whatever you want,
but you keep on
with this diving bullshit,
isolated from everyone.
Where's your girlfriend?
You don't have one.
You have no friends.
You don't talk to your family.
-This is not a career!
-It's a career, all right!
-I'll make a living of it.
Victor, come back here.
I'm talking to you!
Listen to me, son. I'm talking to you.
I'm your father!
Picture yourself at my age, looking back.
Is this the legacy
you want to leave your kids?
Your brothers and I are fighting
for a better world.
-What are you doing?
-Don't you understand?
I don't wanna be a doctor, or a diplomat.
I know what you want!
You just want to have fun diving!
But who feeds you? Your old man here.
And what about this comfy bed
and this house?
All me.
Listen, I just want what's best for you.
I don't want you to waste your potential.
There are so many good things you can do.
You're right.
You're right. There's so much I can do.
There's so much I want to do,
starting by paying
for my own place and my own food
with the money I'll make from diving.
-I can't live here anymore.
We'll talk later.
Son of a bitch.
Damn it, Pedro.
I'm here, Dad.
Let's have breakfast.
I realize there's no use
in locking you up.
There's no way I can build a wall
to protect you from yourself.
I can't keep an eye on you all day.
I need to work, pay the bills.
If I leave now
who's to say I'll find you here
when I come back?
Relax, Dad.
I'm here, right?
I didn't leave, I just
I couldn't stay locked up.
I was high yesterday, but I'm not stupid.
I know you could have died.
You too.
Don't worry. Go to work.
I'll be here when you get back.
You'll need to trust me now.
I was wondering
There's something
that might be good for me.
Maybe I'll go to one of those NA meetings.
It might be a good idea.
Maybe I should get my surfboard out too.
I haven't used it in a long time.
I miss surfing. It could be good for me.
Finish your breakfast.
Quit that bad habit of yours.
That shit is gonna kill you.
The Brazilian coastline is vast,
and we know so little of it.
The job is simple.
For a young diver like you,
it should be easy.
I just wanna make sure
that I'm not getting involved
in politics in any way.
I already told you that
I'm not fighting a political war.
You're just going to do
some research for the Army.
We keep finding illegal underwater buoys.
They're drug distribution sites.
We need someone to map them for us.
This is a war that has no flag, no border,
no left or right political bias.
And it's only beginning.
The purpose is to collect information.
Find the spots and mark them on the map.
From now on you'll contact me
using an alias: Arcanjo.
Hey, you.
What's your room number?
-You are staying here, aren't you?
-Room 101?
-Yes, that's it.
There's a phone call for you in booth two.
Thank you.
There's a net full of packages.
I thought you should know.
Stop diving and wait for further orders.
What do you want? You know I'm out.
I need an outsider.
Six officers were detained,
three of them were high-ranking.
Let's get something straight here.
This time we're going all the way.
I am.
-How much is in here?
-Over 200 pounds.
The drugs were seized
while they were refueling.
They were heading for Cuiabá
and made an emergency stop at Galeão.
It's from Colombia.
Who was in charge of the operation?
Major Haia.
He's being held for questioning.
Thanks to the Colombia Plan,
we closed the cocaine route from above.
The new route passes through here.
Cocaine from around the world
will flow into Brazil.
You'll leave for Cuiabá early tomorrow.
We must find out who's receiving it.
I can't trust anyone else.
This is an inside job.
-Hey, Dad.
-Hi, honey.
Listen, I need to go on a trip.
There's this furniture show
I need you to stay with Pedro.
I can't, Dad.
I have a job interview.
-It's really important to me.
-More than your brother?
Dad, I'm sick of being
Pedro's babysitter.
I have a life, too.
Sure. I get it, Laura.
No, you don't!
I have to go home now.
I'll meet you at the airport
tomorrow morning.
Damn it!
It's my father's laptop, man.
-What's up?
-Oh, man
-Why the face?
-I'm down.
Let's have a beer. Come on!
Hey, man, make it two beers.
Dom, what's going on?
A cold beer and a line of coke.
You're hitting it hard!
I sold my father's fucking laptop,
you know.
This is his laptop I'm snorting.
I should've robbed some rich old man
in the street.
Stop being so paranoid!
Fuck it! It's done!
Leave some for me!
You're not going to snort
the whole laptop, are you?
Paranoid, my ass, Lico.
I'm fucked. My dad is gonna kill me.
He's never going to let me go home.
Your dad is tough.
You can crash at my place for a while.
It's all good.
What's mine is yours.
Now, enough of those bad vibes
and let's go party!
Let's have some fun!
What's up, Dom? Are you on a bad trip?
It's not a bad trip, Lico!
Look at that chick.
Don't you remember her?
No, Dom! What the hell?
The girls are with Mauricinho!
I just joined his gang!
It's big money.
Fuck him! He looks like a dumbass.
Are you crazy?
His dad's a businessman!
-He's on another level.
-Businessman, my ass!
You don't get it.
There are plenty of chicks here!
Chill out!
I'm just gonna dance with the girls!
You're gonna get me fucked! Stop it!
I won't do that to you. That's the point,
I just wanna dance with the girls!
Don't do that.
There are so many girls, man!
Chill out. I'm just gonna dance.
Remember me?
Damn it!
-What the fuck?
-Are you crazy, dude?
Don't get involved!
-Let go of me!
-You fucking bitch!
-Leave her alone.
-You don't own me, fucker!
That fucking coward! He hit her!
-Get the fuck out of my way!
-You motherfucker.
-Go fuck yourself.
-Are you crazy?
I'm gonna kill you!
Get the fuck out.
Who are you gonna fucking kill?
Fuck, Dom!
-Let go of me!
-Shut the fuck up.
Get out of my way!
You're done, you prick!
If you need anything,
just let me know, okay?
Would you like some champagne?
Are you staying here with your parents?
No, I'm by myself.
Isn't this hotel a little expensive
for a young man like you?
I'm a diver.
My work is paying for me to stay here.
A diver?
Usually only spoiled guys come here.
What kind of diving?
Your story sounds a little fishy.
Don't you think, diver?
Tell me
Do you have any more dives
planned for today?
Not today.
My shift ends at 7 PM.
ROOM 130
I don't drink Brazilian cider, kid.
It's not cider.
Come in.
Come in!
Let's get to work.
Paloma, Interpol.
I'm your contact in this operation.
Sorry, but you must be mistaking me
for someone else.
Didn't your commanding officer
tell you to wait for orders?
Well, I'm the orders.
Have a seat.
Arcanjo told me the packages
you saw out at sea are cocaine.
Sorry. Cocaine?
It's a stimulant that was sold
in drugstores until the 1920s.
It's a strong drug
that gets you addicted quickly.
This is our war.
I've been tracking this shipment
all the way from Ibiza.
Some dealers are going to try
to pick up the drug tonight.
I know you're a little new
for an operation of this size,
but it has to be you.
We don't have enough time
to bring in a diving team.
But what do I have to do?
Just do your part.
Are you in, kid?
When the dealers collect the shipment
You signal and swim away.
Faster! They're gonna kill him!
Get down on your knees!
You dumb fucking kid!
You fucked with the wrong guy!
Turn that shit off!
-Where's Elizete?
-What are you doing here?
I just wanna talk to Elizete.
She's asleep.
What happened, Victor?
Keep your voice down, Victor!
What's going on?
I'm here to talk to her. Leave me alone!
-What happened?
-Do you know where my son is?
I know he's in the favela with Lico!
Let's go, and I'll bring him here.
-Wasn't Pedro with you?
-Shut up!
-Calm down, Mr. Victor.
-Calm down, my ass!
He's with your son!
Tell me where they are!
I don't know. I haven't seen my son.
Did you lose Pedro again?
It's your fault.
You brought Lico into your house.
-It's my fault?
-Stay out of it!
We're going there right now.
Show me where Lico lives.
-Go get dressed.
-I don't know.
-I don't live with him anymore.
-Let her go, Victor!
Why are you still lying?
Where does your son live?
Let her go! Are you crazy?
What the hell?
-Stop covering for your son!
-Elizete helped raise--
Lico is a criminal.
A criminal!
With all due respect
you're gonna have to hear me out as well.
What is it?
Your son
isn't any better or worse than mine.
didn't have a father.
He's never had the chance to study.
He was born and raised in the favela.
What's Pedro's excuse?
Hit me again.
-I can't feel a thing.
Come on! He's my friend!
He's coked out of his mind!
Please let him go!
-Come on, man.
-Take your hands of me.
I know he fucked up.
But he's not from here.
He doesn't know Mauricinho.
I'll take him out of here. Just chill out!
-Shoot me.
-Shut up.
-Shoot me.
-Shut the fuck up, Pedro!
He's a good guy,
he just fucks up when he's high.
Come on, man! You don't need to do this!
Next Episode