Dope Girls (2025) s01e01 Episode Script

When She Was Bad, She Was Very Very Bad

Anne, is that you?
So what do you think? The boys will be
desperate for a taste of home, won't they?
So I thought we could give
them somewhere nice to sit,
do bacon sandwiches,
tea, that kind of thing.
And if we make it cozy,
they'll stay longer.
He's alive.
- Oh, my God.
- So many dead. I've prayed and I prayed.
Why not him?
- When's he back?
- Tonight.
You know,
I'd keep you on if I could.
Shave the dog!
Shave the dog! Shave the dog!
Shave the dog!
Go back to the scum!
This place is a goddamn zoo.
It's not that bad.
My dad wrote.
He says the war is going to end.
For real this time.
They're planning a big party.
If they let us go home,
you should come.
It's at our London house.
So, how did it go?
Oh, thank God.
If the business is safe, we can keep Evie
at St. Anne's next year.
I know how expensive it is,
but imagine if they're right.
They don't say that
about every girl.
She'll be set up, James.
For life.
I wondered what all
this was actually in aid of.
I know how much we've sacrificed,
but now the business
is back on track.
She can stay?
Miss Davies, I saw you come in.
I'll get you the rest tomorrow,
I promise.
You said that yesterday.
I've got nowhere else to go.
I can't help that, love.
Half of England will be turning up soon,
and they'll pay for a room.
- Please.
- Will this cover it?
Thank you, Mrs. Fisher.
- I'll pay you back tomorrow.
- No, whenever you can.
I'm sure we'll see a lot
of each other this week.
If we survive the cull.
Thank you.
We could have found a summer
a little more salubrious.
Violet Davies?
Unlicensed nightclubs.
Vices of the flesh.
We are entering a time of unprecedented
moral turmoil, Miss Davies.
Policing London
requires a steady hand.
I understand, sir.
I speak for us all when I commend you
on your exemplary work in munitions.
However, whilst your application
is certainly compelling,
we do have concerns over
your suitability to serve.
My suitability?
To lose your sister in such
tragic circumstances.
It could affect your judgment,
and we cannot allow emotions
to interfere with police work.
That won't be a problem, sir.
Whilst you were
working in munitions,
your relationships with the other women
remained professional?
I'm not an invert, sir.
Because depravity of any kind
will not be tolerated.
Miss Davies,
if you pass selection,
you'll become one of the first ten
female police officers in this country.
Do you understand
what a privilege that is?
You ask me if it's a privilege
to join the police force.
It's not a privilege,
it's a duty.
You're early.
Did it hurt?
Do heart attacks hurt?
He was asleep.
He wouldn't have felt a thing.
- Oh, yeah.
- Yes.
This bit, this fucking bit!
Oh, my God!
Imagine what he's like live!
Reggie's here!
- That was quick.
- Well, my guy's not far.
You want a drink?
No, I'll see you tonight.
Come on, ladies!
I've seen more life in a morgue!
- You can do better than that.
- I bet he's got a tiny baton.
Come on.
- Who was that?
- It was me, sir.
If you're going to waste my time
whispering like a little schoolgirl, you
can run home to Mummy and Daddy.
This is an experiment, what we're
doing here, and I might believe in you,
but every other man on this floor,
thinks you're a freak show,
they want you to fail.
So go on, schoolgirl.
At the end of this week, only
ten of you will make the cut.
This is a competition,
not a bake sale,
so show some desire to win it.
Because right now, I wouldn't pick one of
you to clean the shit out of my arsehole.
I need a volunteer.
I'll do it.
Okay, schoolgirl.
Come here.
You're on patrol at night,
and a dopehead comes up
to you with a knife.
You have to get it off him.
What do you do?
Shall I run home
to Mummy and Daddy?
I mean, the look in his eyes,
it was amazing. You were amazing.
You know,
in Napoli it's even better.
You've been to Italy?
Oh, come on!
Tomorrow evening I could be back
in an empty house full of Labradors.
- Don't say that.
- Well, it's true.
This could be our last night.
I mean, I hate to break it to you,
but the odds aren't exactly in our favor.
One more.
Un'altra bottiglia, per favore?
I can't go home tomorrow.
Evening, ladies.
It doesn't have to mean anything.
Any more drinks for you?
Any more drinks?
Let me get that.
Thank you very much indeed.
Sorry we couldn't
make it to the funeral.
- I need my job back.
- I'm sorry.
- You always knew it was temporary.
- This place is only open because of me.
You couldn't even balance the books
on your own.
Anne, I need you out there.
Look, I said I'm sorry.
It's not exactly my decision.
So make it your decision.
I'm sure someone
in the village can help.
I don't need charity.
I need work.
How the hell am I supposed
to keep Evie in school?
Well, maybe you need
to reconsider her future.
We've been evicted.
Evie's old enough to get a job.
You must have family.
- Somewhere you can go.
- Anne, clear those tables.
Reggie loves you.
- He doesn't.
- He loves you.
He wants your baby.
Look, you should do it.
I mean, I would.
Have you seen the arms on him?
Can you smell that?
Oh fuck! Fuck! Fire!
Fuck, fire!
Fuck! Fire. Fire! Eddie! Eddie!
Water! Get some water!
- Okay.
- Get back!
Okay, got it, got it!
- I thought I got it.
- Billie, get back!
Oh, my God!
The business tanked.
And he used the house
as collateral.
Jesus, Kate, I'm sorry.
It's good to see you.
Does she even know who I am?
You've got a fucking nerve.
We need a place to stay.
Just for a few nights,
while I find some work.
And you want to stay here?
If there was anywhere else,
I wouldn't be asking this of you.
I promise.
My answer's no.
One night,
or we'll be on the street.
None of this is her fault.
One night, then you're gone.
Do you know
where I can get work?
What about the club
you told me about?
- Danton's.
- You said you made good money.
Why do you think that is?
It's not exactly a village pub.
- We serve after hours.
- I don't care.
- Kate, we get raided by the police.
- No, I said I don't care.
You don't owe me anything.
But I'll clean glasses,
mop toilets, whatever they want.
I just need to make enough money
to find us a room.
And then figure out the rest.
And be out of your life for good.
If that's what you want.
You're gonna need different clothes.
Breakfast is finished,
so I saved you this.
What time is it?
- Nearly noon.
- Wait, why didn't you wake me?
You didn't sleep well.
I'll wait for you downstairs.
Clark, Kays, Williams,
Sharpe, Chudley, Anthony,
Beadle, Fisher, East.
Congratulations to those of you
I have called.
Please stay behind.
The rest of you ladies
are free to go.
Better luck next time.
Thank you for your efforts.
I'm sorry it didn't work out.
Thank you for your efforts.
I'm sorry it didn't work out.
I need to report something, sir.
It concerns the morality
of another officer.
Which officer?
Ladies, tomorrow morning the Minister
for Policing wants to have a few words.
But there is no rest
for the wicked.
We are expecting another night
of chaos on the streets.
And the greatest clean-up
in history begins now.
From here you'll go straight to your
station, where you will shadow a sergeant.
Try not to get in their way.
They're there to train you.
Teach you.
Listen to them.
You will be going to Camden.
You have the good fortune
of joining me in Soho.
Mrs. Fisher.
Come with me, please.
If you'll follow me.
I'm gonna teach you how to make
the best scrambled eggs in the world.
How do you know my mother?
Pass me the salt.
And speed.
Lots of butter, far less speed.
So you're on butter and I'm on speed.
What do you think of this dress?
Cut some butter into the pan.
I'll be back in a sec.
Who is she?
I told you. An old friend.
She's helping me look for work.
Please don't go.
I've left your books on the table.
Do your revision.
I won't even be at
St. Anne's next year.
Oh, you'll be there.
Working in the kitchen.
Now let's finish your supper,
shall we?
Reggie, this is Kate.
She's with me.
Ready? Ready? Okay.
Money. Catch.
Money, money, money, money.
Oh, butterfingers.
You're late. Sort yourself out.
You're on stage in half an hour.
- Who's that?
- She's looking for a job.
- What, here?
- Yes.
We're a girl down.
- Get changed.
- Where?
Just ignore him.
He's a prick.
You bloody sausage.
I gave you eight wraps.
Where's the money
for the other two?
Get it. Now.
And you need to start pushing the whiskey.
The rest of you,
you're meant to be selling dope,
not snaffling it up your face holes.
Get out there and work it.
All right, let's have a look at this.
Suits you.
Berlin and Paris, until everyone
started killing each other.
And then I was
in NOLA for a while.
- New Orleans.
The patron saint is Joan of Arc.
That city's a girl.
Can cities be girls?
Oh, yeah,
I think most cities are girls.
Except London.
I think London
might be an old man.
How long are you in town?
I don't know.
Billie told me
what's going on.
I'm so sorry.
When a man takes his own life,
it's his choice,
and his alone.
Gotta go.
It gets cold at night,
so, keep your socks on.
And use that sofa.
It's softer.
See you around, kid.
Where should I start?
Get your granny out of here.
That's amazing. Thank you.
She'd scare off the customers.
Where do you get off
speaking to people like that?
'Cause you don't fool me,
you pencil-dicked little fuck.
You wouldn't last
a second in our shoes.
I'm glad you've let me know how you feel.
Thank you.
Now, put your little wings on,
get on that stage,
and show 'em your tits.
Because that
is your fucking job.
- Kate.
- I'm fine.
See you in the morning.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- How much for the phone?
A slice of cake and a smile.
Whatever that is.
The Victoria sponge,
a wise choice.
I baked it fresh this morning.
Cream comes all the way from Devon.
Would you like anything
to wash it down?
Just the sponge.
- Here you go.
- Thank you. Key?
Yes, connect me to the police.
I'm calling about a nightclub.
They're serving alcohol
after hours and selling drugs.
There was a little girl who had a little
curl right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very, very good,
but when she was bad,
she was Billie.
When she was good,
she was very, very good,
but when she was bad,
she was Billie.
When she was good,
she was very, very good,
Raid! Raid!
Nobody move!
Hands on the table! Everybody
put your fucking glasses down now!
- Stay where you are!
- What do you expect me to do?
Just get them out.
Why are you still here?
- Evie, you came!
- Hi.
Darling, how are you?
have you come for my soul?
I don't blame you for slipping away.
Fancy dress isn't really
my strong suit, either.
Alice's mother seems to relish
resembling a herder of goats.
Now, I was very sorry
to hear about your father.
He was a hero.
He died in France.
They're going to give him a medal.
Well, you should be very proud.
There they are.
What happens when people die?
I think it depends
how a man leads his life.
He can either take
the good path or the bad.
And your father
died for his country.
There is no greater honor.
Oh, there you both are!
Come on, the music's starting.
Come on, Evie, help us sing.
Guardian angels
sung this strain
Rule, Britannia!
Britannia rules the waves
Britons never
shall be slaves
Rule, Britannia!
Britannia rules the waves
Britons never
Shall be slaves
Did you even read it?
My letter.
I read it.
And didn't bother to reply.
Yet you turn up a year later with
a little sister I didn't know existed.
- Cassidy.
- Yes, sir. Of course, sir.
- Three bags full, sir.
- Here. Now.
To protect and serve, right?
She's a little girl.
Then she shouldn't be
working in a nightclub.
Whatever helps you
sleep at night, officer.
Leave her alone.
You'll regret that.
Under the powers granted by Regulation 40B
of the Defense of the Realm Act,
we have the right to search your person
and all of your effects.
Before we proceed, I am obliged to ask you
if there's anything we should know.
Search her.
Jesus Christ.
Are you gonna take that?
You're a weak little bitch.
Just like your sister.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
how I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
like a diamond in the sky.
One of your slut friends
left you this.
Get dressed.
You silly bitch.
You should've hidden it
better than that.
Kate! Fuck! Get off her, you bastard!
What the hell
are you doing here?
I came for my pay.
You have no idea
what you've just done.
Now what?
You can't do anything if you're arrested
for the murder of Silvio Salucci.
How do you feel?
You look like fucking
Jack the Ripper.
We need to get that blood off you.
Do you have my pin?
The pin has my name on it.
You said his family are bad.
How bad are they?
The Saluccis kill people.
Find my son!
Or find the fuckers
who took him!
And to our newest recruits,
you now have the opportunity
to write your names
on the pages of history.
Your dedication to the force
would not go unnoticed.
What do you want me to do?
Sometimes we have
to be bad to be good.
I can get you work.
- What kind of work?
- Depends what kind of girl you are.
That's Mr. Huxley.
What are they doing?
Talking to her brother.
I thought he died
in the war.
Yeah. It's bloody creepy
if you ask me.
You want to open a nightclub?
We're in the middle of the biggest party
the world has ever seen.
Why should bastards like him
be the only ones who profit from it?
Profit from it? We've just cut
his fucking legs off, Kate.
I'm going there tomorrow.
Come with me.
This is our chance, Billie.
Let's do this together.
Next Episode