Double Parked (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Yeah, but what is jizz?
- You know what I mean?
- Like, I know what sperm is.
- Sperm.
- Yeah, I know, I know.
- I just mean, like- - The component parts.
- Exactly. Yeah.
OK, well, the- the sperm is inside
the, like- you know, the viscous stuff.
- That's the semen.
- I hate that word.
It turns me on, actually.
- Yeah, but that's what I'm asking.
- What's the viscous?
I'm like, is it spit?
- These aren't your kidneys?
- What is that? - Uh, no, they're the ovaries.
Look like one of
my mum's old necklaces.
So where does old mate
meet the sperm?
- Yeah, so the sperm comes up here.
- I think it's like
OK, actually, I don't know if
it's there or if it's there.
They really should tell you how
hard it is to get pregnant in sex ed.
- Oh, for God's sake.
- Don't even get me started.
- So I have to jerk off every time?
- Yes.
- Yeah. It's better when it's fresh.
- We need
- What happens if, like, I can't
- if I can't come?
Well, you can do it here
at home, if you want,
- but then we just have to transfer it to the clinic within 30 minutes.
- Ooh! I could do that.
That there could be me!
I could be the juice jizz taxi.
- OK.
- That would be so cool.
- I'd be so good.
- You would.
- It's just- Don't overthink it.
- You know what I mean?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Like, it's just what you normally do.
- Yeah, OK.
- You know, if you want to make it a special jizz session
we'll pop round the corner.
We'll go on a ladies' walk.
- That's fine. - We'll reclaim the night.
- No, no, don't do that.
Whatever makes you feel the most
comfortable is what we will do.
- OK.
- Whatever you want.
Can you also just stop pretending like
you're not doing it all the time anyway?
OK, well, how often do you wank?
A lot.
Let's do it.
- Are you actually-
- You're actually keen?
Yeah. Yeah, let's do it.
Oh, Johnny!
- It's all right.
- Just don't be weird about it.
Whoo, Daddy!
Oh my God, Johnny!
And me! I'm in it too!
Gotta say -
This version of the ute
Not for me.
- Oh, please don't sniff it.
- Please don't sniff it.
- Why? Is it making you horny?
- No. It makes me feel really weird.
- Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I'm so late!
- That's all right.
- Anybody miss me?
- Oh my God. Did we miss you? - Yeah.
Yeah, we have not stopped
gasbagging about ya.
- God, I love my gay clients.
- They're always so fun!
- Now, you must be dying to know about how your IVF's gone.
- Yep, we are.
- All righty. This is that moment!
- I'm so excited.
Um It's not that. Hang on.
That's my new driver's license.
Let's just
Um, could it possibly
be on the computer?
No way it's gonna be
on the computer, doll.
It is literally there for show
because computers and I do not mix.
We don't get on. No, I find that the
paper is actually a lot more efficient.
Now, hang on.
I have had it this morning cos
I just looked at it before.
It's quite the filing system
you got over there.
You know what? It's a lot more
efficient than it looks.
I had my niece come in
over the summer, and
She's a lovely girl, huge pothead- but
she's actually taken her time. It's quite good.
Ah, yes!
Nat and Steph.
Oh my God!
- Oh no, I didn't mean hooray- I meant hooray for finding the file.
- Oh. Right, yep.
- That was really quick.
- Yeah.
All right. Um
Yeah, no. So I'm really sorry,
but you're not pregnant.
- Right.
- Damn.
- Look, here's the thing. It definitely takes a few tries.
- Yeah, we've- we've been trying.
This was our fourth try, so
- Yeah.
- God, what are we doing wrong?
Is there anything we can, like, do or
Steph can, like- Is there anything she can eat?
I mean, you could have a lot more
unprotected sex. Ha ha! That's
No one's in the mood for jokes.
Uh, no. Look, this is very much
a part of the process, all right?
You do have a number of fertilised
eggs from your last retrieval.
- Yeah.
- OK?
So, really, we could
start another round
kind of when you're ready.
Mm. Look at that.
Hmm. Little coffee spill.
Do you know what? Had a crown done.
All fell out. The coffee falls out.
- So you're not gonna drive into oncoming traffic, are ya?
- No.
- Can't be bothered.
- That's the spirit.
Just feels like I'm failing at
- a test that I've done the homework for, you know?
- Mm.
Would a participation certificate
feel fun or patronising?
We're gonna have to deal with everyone's
really sad, sympathetic faces as we tell them that,
nope, it didn't work
I reckon we cancel
Lily's birthday dinner.
- No, we can't, because we'll never hear the end of it.
- It's not even her birthday.
I know. I'm just having a moment,
but I'll be fine.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah. Yeah.
I'll be good by tonight.
- Are you sure she wants to do that?
- Eh, she's fine.
No, we're not cancelling, OK? This is
the first of my many birthday celebrations.
You're turning 34, mate. It's
hardly, like, a significant birthday.
Yeah, but I've already told you guys
the insignificant ones are my favourite.
OK, then let's just get
takeaways or something.
- No, she said cooking would be good for her process.
- Really? It doesn't look like it.
Dinner's ready.
Sorry. I think I cried into
the gravy, so it's a bit salty.
- Nah, it's yum.
- Yeah. I reckon that's your best one yet, baby.
Oh my God. Steph.
I'm really sorry about what happened to you
today, but you're making my birthday party so bleak.
- Lily!
- What? She is.
She won't stop crying.
She looks like a panda.
I think I have
almost got it out of me.
- I barely even noticed it.
- Thank you, Johnny.
What?! We're supposed to be
celebrating my 34th birthday.
Lily, you have two more
birthday dinners this week,
plus that zoo thing, which
I- What is the zoo thing?
- Oh my God.
- It's like a night zoo party.
- And it's for grown-ups?
- Yes! Oh my gosh.
- OK. - I put a deposit down.
- You're totally right.
And I do. I really do need to
stop crying, babe.
Maybe we just need
to get more drunk.
- I don't know if that's a good idea.
- Oh, go, go.
- So there is power in bottoms?
- Oh, yeah. No, you can be a power
- Johnny!
- Yeah! Whoo!
- Oh my God, Johnny. - And you got beers. Thank you.
- I didn't even know you'd gone.
You know what? I'm glad that I didn't get pregnant
because I do not want to ruin my gorgeous body.
Give me another one.
Babe, did I tell you that my trainer
said I have very strong deltoids?
Which ones are my deltoids?
I love you guys!
Do you know what
what really pisses me off though?
People - hey just freak out about
getting pregnant by accident.
- But we can't even get pregnant on purpose.
- Yes. Yes, like my friend Portia.
Remember her from high school? You know, her
boyfriend's sperm was in the pool, and she was in the
- She hopped in the pool, and then it swam accidentally inside her.
- Um, yeah, look,
- I don't know Portia; I don't know your school.
- It's anatomically impossible.
- But I definitely know that's impossible.
- Sperm cannot, like
She was a virgin before that. Well, explain
her kid. She's got, like, a 14-year-old now.
- Hey, pick up four.
- I don't know. It could also be my sperm, though, you know?
Cos I've got my laptop in my lap all the
time, so I could've just cooked my sperm.
Nah, it's not your sperm. You've
got really good sperm. It's
Yeah, it's definitely my
- rotten eggs.
- Sorry, Steph, you gotta pick up.
- Johnny, what the fuck? What?
- She said not to go easy on her.
It's fine. It's totally fine.
- Four.
- OK, What about this?
Don't get mad, but, like, have you ever just thought,
Steph, that maybe it doesn't need to all be you?
What about Nat?
- Just saying, you know? Like, your egg, but use Nat as the
- Microwave.
- Yeah, like the chef, the cook, you know?
- Yeah.
Or what if Nat just
does the whole thing?
- Well, I mean, Nat doesn't wanna carry.
- Nah, exactly.
I mean, she's on all the mummy blogs,
and she follows all the mummy influencers.
I guess we haven't
ruled it out entirely.
Have we? No.
Have we not ruled it out, though?
It'll be weird, though - like, me
and Johnny as a combo. Yeah.
- Not since, like, my year 12 semiformal.
- Ooh, triggered.
- Um I mean, it's crazy, but
- Yeah.
It kind of-
It kind of makes sense.
What? You- You think
you and Johnny make sense?
- Yeah. I mean, what's stopping us?
- We've got the stuff.
- Because this is completely insane!
- We've got all the stuff here though, right?
Yes. I've got that tofurky baster
thing from Midwinter Christmas.
- Wait, are you seriously serious about-?
- What's stopping us?
- What's stopping us?
- Uh, because it's crazy, babe.
- Yeah, but like, fuck the clinic.
- Fuck the fertility clinic.
Why don't we just, like, you know,
take the power back
You know, all the embryo transfers
and the waiting list and,
like, that weird woman at reception with the red
hair who's always like, 'Oh, here they come again!'
You want a baby in your body?
I just want a family with you.
That's what I want.
- OK. Got it! I've got it!
- I've got it! I've got it!
- I've got it. It's all clean.
- It's totally fine.
So, Johnny, that's for you to
into, you know?
- And that's for you to hwoop!
- Oh.
- I don't know.
- Can we just, you know, tie-ho on the- on the things?
- Because, like, is it even a good time for you the moment?
- Yeah. I mean, yeah.
- Yeah, it is, but
- Oh, OK.
- Yeah.
- Right.
- No, no, no. We can't.
- Yeah, I just don't think this is, like, the appropriate forum
- for us to be having this conversation.
- It's a fun thought.
Oh, it's a fun thought. Don't
get me wrong. It's fun thought.
But just because we could,
it doesn't mean we should.
I mean, we could.
Should we?
Here it is.
- Wow!
- That was quick!
Go away! We're gonna make love.
- We have to make love.
- OK, I'm sorry.
Oh God.
Wait, what time is it?
Because I can't be late
for work today.
Oh, fuck.
It's 11.30.
- Oh, what did you say?
- 11.30.
Oh God.
Oh, shit.
Shit. Oh, I- I am still drunk.
- Hey, come back to bed.
- I'm so - Come on.
- Come on.
- Why? Whoa, whoa.
- Why are you not freaking out about- about this?
- I don't have work today.
- What?
- I've got the day off.
That is cruel. That is so, so cruel.
You know what? I take back everything I've
ever said about teachers not being paid enough.
Oh my God.
I think I still have
Johnny's sperm in me.
'Oh my God.' I have not uttered
that sentence for a long time.
I think I feel nostalgic for being,
like, straight.
- What if you are, like, actually pregnant?
- Oh, babe, look,
I don't think you did a very good job of,
like, getting it all inside me, to be honest.
- Yeah, right.
- No offence.
No. See, I have, like, bad hand-eye
coordination, I guess.
- You should call in sick.
- I can't. I can't call in sick. - Come on.
- Let's go get a big breakfast somewhere.
- I can't call in sick!
- Why not?
- Because I work for my dad,
who has zero empathy
in these situations.
- Aww, you're my little nepo baby.
- Don't.
- Nom-nom-nom that privilege.
- Stop it!
For me and you.
OK, well, I'm gonna go pee.
- Then I'm gonna shake out the rest of Johnny's sperm.
- Oh my God!
- Ai-ai-ai.
- Don't even, like, joke about it.
- And you, do not- do not drive.
- Oh yeah. I'm definitely over the limit. I'll catch a cab.
This whole sperm thing has
been such a fun throwback,
but I will make sure that
I get the rest out of me.
- My Uber's here, babe. See ya.
- Bye, babe!
- Ooh, can I?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, man.
- Is Lily alive?
- Yeah, I um
I think I heard her throwing up in the
bathroom this morning, so that's good.
- Steph had to Uber to work.
- Oh.
- Why didn't she just pull a sickie?
- Cos she's a loser.
She's, like, desperate for
her dad's love and approval.
- Oh, sad.
- I'm joking. I'm joking.
I love her.
Hey, um
I don't think I'm pregnant,
by the way.
No, I was just
Man, I was really
nervous this morning.
I'd promised your dad that I would
never get you pregnant, so
- Yeah, that was like, when were 16, though, you know?
- Yeah, but a promise is a promise.
- You're an idiot.
- Yeah.
OK, ready?
Let's go, team bibs, team no bibs.
That's it.
Honestly, what is the point
in watching the
- They can't even tackle each other.
- We're here for morale.
No. I'm here to see these bitches
take each other down.
Oh, lovely!
They've actually had a
really tough season so far.
Like, puberty's setting in, so
it's making them all a bit crazy.
- It's weird that you know that.
- Well, I know heaps about sports.
Ooh, oh dear.
Ah, you see, this is why
I could never be a teacher.
- I'd be so suspicious. She's just playing that out.
- No, I think she's really hurt.
Total Hollywood.
- Would you mind?
- Oh no.
- Hello.
- God's sake, you've gotta be kidding me.
- Blow the whistle?
- Do you wanna blow it?
OK, is that enough milf-gawking for
one day? I'd quite like my free breakfast.
Oh, hello.
- The baby's just getting good.
- The what?
- The game, the game.
- The game's just getting good.
I'm the whistle monster.
Oh no, you've broken it!
I swear to God, if one of those kids has
given me a super flu or some germy kid shit,
I'm gonna bench them for
the rest of the season.
Can I get you anything? Peppy tea?
Big plastic ball with a door, and I open the door
and I lock myself in, and the kids can't touch me.
That's a good idea.
Um, so
I've been thinking that
I might want to try again.
Nothing's really changed for me,
you know?
I still really want to have a baby.
What do you think?
I think I love you.
But I've also just loved how
relaxed you've been, you know?
And it's just nice to think that we can have
this time together that doesn't involve me, like,
- injecting you with hormones every night, you know?
- Yeah, I do. I do get that.
- You've already booked the appointment, haven't you?
- Yep.
- Steph
- But it's just to, like, see what our next steps might be.
- When is it?
- Next week.
- Next- Next week?!
- Yeah, but we don't have to start anything, you know.
It's just, like, a super
casual, casual chit-chat.
OK. I'm not gonna debate you on it because I
can see you've already made your mind up, so
Thank you.
- Come here, you little sicko.
- Eh? What?
- Give me your jizz.
- No.
- You got some jizz?
- Yeah, I do.
- I want it.
- Mm-hmm.
- I want your jizz.
- Ooh, that was a good one.
Shit, shit, shit.
- Are you all good? - Yeah. Is, um, Lily home?
- Uh, nah, she's gone out with, um
I missed my period.
Oh. Oh!
Wow, right. Um
- That's normal, though, right?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Kinda. I mean, I guess
- I missed my last one as well.
- Sorry, what?
- Oh, it's irregular sometimes.
- Sometimes? - Yeah, kind of.
Kind of. OK, um, I reckon,
um, talk to Steph about that.
- I'm sure it's chill.
- Nat, talk to Steph about it.
Well, Steph, this
is a lovely surprise.
- Have you missed me?
- Yeah, heaps!
- No Nat today?
- Oh, she's just feeling a bit under the weather, actually.
- Do you know what? I think there's something going around.
- Yeah. Yeah.
Yes. Uh, how are you feeling?
Um, yeah, I'm OK.
I just thought it might be a good
idea to talk about next steps.
Yes. How's the baby feeling?
- Excuse me?
- The baby. How's the baby feeling?
Uh, w-what baby?
You don't think
You don't think I Nah!
- No way.
- Nat.
- I should do a pregnancy test.
- You should do a pregnancy test. - I hate peeing on command.
I don't have a baby. I'm
- I'm here to get help with having a baby? Yeah.
- Of course. I'm so sorry.
Jesus, Nat. Why do you always have to
come to me with your personal problems?
- Will you just excuse me for one moment?
- Uh, what's going on?
This is just like that time where
I had to hide that you were bi
for a year, and then I
got that stomach ulcer.
- Does it say that I'm pregnant on that piece of paper?
- Just one moment is all I need.
Am I pregnant?
- It's negative.
- Oh, thank God.
Bloody hell, Nat.
Scared the shit outta me.
I'm going outside
to do some mindfulness.
Oh, my God. I cannot believe this is
happening. I cannot believe this is happening!
Six weeks ago, I wasn't pregnant, so
how could I possibly be pregnant today?
- I don't know.
- You don't know either?
Do you think it could be that your- your
filing system is- is completely fucked?
- Um, no.
- A baby. Oh my God.
- Where's Nat?
- Still in the bathroom, I think.
Nat, let me in.
I'm pregnant.
Me too.
I love to wake up
in the morning
but keep dreaming without warning.
The day is gone.
My friends are sitting laughing
while I just keep on napping.
They're knocking on my door,
but I'm knocking them down.
They say I'm acting crazy, but
I just want to lie in the sun. ♪
Next Episode