Dr. Brain (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Chapter 1

[clicking continues]
[children chattering]
[in Korean] Hey!
[narrator] They say I was always
different from the other kids.
Whatever the object was,
I wanted to take it apart
and understand what was hiding inside.
[teacher] Sewon!
Sewon, can you please
explain to me why you did that?
[children crying]
Sewon! [pants]
Are you okay? [pants]
[crying, sniffling]
Sewon, did you do this?
[mother breathes deeply]
It's okay. Wait for me here.
Listen Mrs. Koh, I understand
he might have been curious
about what was inside
the fire extinguisher.
But the problem here is
that while all the other children
were screaming and crying all around
Sewon just kept on playing
like there was nothing wrong at all.
Oh, I'm very sorry.
I'll talk to him about it
when we get home.
I'm afraid that we're far beyond that now.
He needs professional attention.
I think you know what I mean.
Sewon isn't really able to feel things.
He has no empathy.
[breathes shakily]
I'm sure you [gulps]
I'm sure that you
Even if you can't really smile or cry,
I know that you
I know that you can feel everything too.
I'm always going to be by your side.
Don't you worry, okay?
Stop that.
-[water running]
-[crying, sniffles]
[mother crying]
[crying continues]
Did you solve it all by yourself?
You're so smart! Good!
Can we solve another cube together?
[doctor] You don't want to?
Then how about we play with dice?
His cognitive skills have improved
greatly over the past two months,
but as far as social skills are concerned,
there's been no progress.
What does that mean exactly?
Daily routines won't be an issue,
however having a social life will be hard.
We'll need to see him more often
and perform an occasional brain scan.
Let's see here
-[chair slides]
-Ah, here it is.
[items slide, clatter]
Hmm [sighs]
There is a new program
that started at our hospital.
I'll find out
if I can secure a spot for you.
This will be very helpful.
₩1,000,000 PER MONTH
[horn honks]
[breathes shakily]
[tires screech]
[people shouting]
[doctor 1] He saw his mother die
right in front of him,
but he shows no signs
of distress or any kind of emotion.
This is an MRI of his brain,
and as you can see,
the distance between his hippocampus
and amygdala is too far apart.
His memory is excellent,
but he does not display
any emotional reaction to those memories.
[doctor 2] You must be Sewon.
Do you remember what happened?
Can you tell me about the accident?
Short version, or long one?
What's the short version,
and what's the long version?
The short version is that my mom
was standing and got hit by a truck.
What about the long one?
A man in a blue hat,
his eyes opened wide, and then a crash.
The windshield of the truck
looked like a spider web.
Seoul 7 KA 1947.
[doctor 2]
You remember the license plate number?
White powder and white shards
spread like water over my mom's head.
And then my mom's mouth moved,
and then said something
Your mother spoke?
What did she say?
[echoing] Sewon.
That child has
an extremely unique brain structure.
Just look at the ratio
of his hippocampus to the amygdala.
His hippocampus is twice the size
of an average child's,
but his amygdala is only a quarter of it.
He has a brain structure
worthy of a case study.
I'm very curious to see
how his brain develops.
[Sewon] Mom said that
she'd always be by my side.
But she left me.
What was she thinking in that moment?
From then on, I've always wanted
to know the human mind
My insatiable curiosity
gave way to brain research.
Unlocking what was inside the brains
of others became an obsession.
[footsteps approaching]
[announcer] Now, please welcome
Dr. Sewon Koh for his presentation.
We all have the desire to understand
what people are thinking or feeling.
What started as a question,
born out of curiosity
has developed into
synchronization of brain waves,
done via quantum entanglement.
But wouldn't that entail
access to memories?
Or even access to one's thoughts?
It doesn't matter
how complicated the brain is,
since neurons just use
electricity to communicate.
Now we can analyze
the changes of these signals
and probe the depths of consciousness
in ways we've never seen before.
I get the connections with brain waves,
but why understand the language?
What benefits are there?
First, let's talk about
the medical aspect,
which concerns life and death.
We can help patients with brain disease,
those who cannot communicate,
or those who suffer from severe dementia.
We would also be able to extract
the thoughts of a comatose patient,
which could potentially lead to
a diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
The day may come
when we will be able to communicate
solely through thoughts
and without language.
So you're saying that you're trying
to hack into the human brain?
That would be correct.
This could have several uses
in the medical field.
Though aspects of your research
clearly disregard fundamental issues.
For example,
if all of your thoughts are unfiltered,
can you imagine how seriously
disturbing that would be?
Yes, brain synchronization
might present human rights dilemmas.
And certainly has a risk of being abused.
Meaning, it's critical that
before we establish the actual system,
stringent laws and proper protocols
must be enacted to avoid such matters.
In a few months' time, my pilot
experiment will be proof to you all.
Thank you for your time.
[scattered applause]
Hello, Dr. Sewon Koh.
My name is Jiwoo Hong.
I report for Science Magazine.
Thank you for your presentation.
Oh, yes. Thank you.
[mutters] So, off the record, of course,
I was wondering if I could ask you
some questions I've been curios about.
Sure, go right ahead.
Is your research at all driven
by any kind of personal interest?
Are you asking me
what my personal motives are?
Well, it seems only natural to wonder
what other people are thinking, no?
Our family, friends, wife, or children.
We want to know
what's going on in their minds
A neurologist would be fascinated
with the subject alone,
without involving any personal motives.
Yes, of course.
You see, as a journalist,
I always make sure
to do as much homework as I can
on people of interest, such as yourself.
I discovered that your mother was killed
in a car accident when you were a boy.
I also learned things
about your wife and son.
Could what happened to them
be your personal reasons?
My condolences.
Very sorry to hear about that.
I take special interest
in what personal motives
drive accomplishments, big or small.
I've even written articles on the topic.
I don't know.
Can a civilization exist without ambition?
Please excuse me. Sorry, I'm late.
It's been a pleasure.
[thunder rumbles, rain pattering]
[doctor] Here are the test subjects.
They've been anesthetized.
-Subject 72 has a normal brain.
Subject has learned through training
where to find the food.
Subject 32 is untrained.
It has no knowledge
of what's at the end of the maze.
Our objective, transfer memories
of the white mouse to the black mouse.
Initiating brain sync between the mice
while still anesthetized.
[beeping, pulsating]
Let's raise the frequency.
Raised by 1.5.
Raise it by three.
[pulsating intensifies]
[pulsating sputters out]
-[computer beeps]
Test 32 concluded.
Good evening.
Don't you think you need a break?
Why's that?
You're pushing yourself pretty hard.
-Namil, we're going out for drinks.
-Oh, yeah?
-Sewon, you wanna to join us for a--
-[Sewon] I'll pass.
You're too nice. [clicks tongue]
Why even bother?
You can keep trying,
but he won't really care,
so there's no point.
Still, we should try to be friendly.
Showing some humanity sure wouldn't hurt.
So what's the point of being humane
to a man who isn't even human?
You know, what's really weird,
is how he can show
zero emotion after such a loss.
Can we be more discreet? We're all family.
Hey, Dr. Koh!
How about a drink?
[Sewon] No, thank you.
Come on
A man needs to relieve his stress
with a drink on a day like this.
Forget it.
I don't why I even bother.
[swallows, sighs]
Don't you have any friends
to hang with on a rainy day like today?
I don't.
[cat meows]
[thunder rumbles]
[object thumping]
[Sewon] I had a wife and son
[echoes] Jump, jump! Be careful.
I always knew I couldn't be
an typical husband or dad.
But occasionally, I felt like
I was living a normal life.
[cat meows]
But I was mistaken.
What was that?
-[Sewon] Get rid of it.
Get rid of the cat.
It makes a mess of everything.
-We need him.
-[Mika meows]
We need Mika for Doyoon.
You know that Mika
is Doyoon's only friend.
Please, Sewon.
They help with empathy,
communication, and social skills.
Doyoon could seriously benefit
from a program like this.
[Sewon] He doesn't need that.
I was like Doyoon when I was young.
I'm doing just fine
with every aspect of my life.
I get along with colleagues fine too.
All I want is for my little boy
to be a little more ordinary.
[Sewon] My son was killed in an accident
when he was five years old.
[bell tolls]
After losing our son, my wife spiralled.
She refused to accept his death.
[breathes shakily]
-[distant footsteps]
-[Mika mewling]
What are you doing?
I told you to get rid of it.
And I already told you
that cat is Doyoon's only friend!
[Mika meows]
What's wrong with you?
Doyoon is dead.
Doyoon is not dead!
He died in the fire.
We recovered his body.
You're being unreasonable.
You need to accept reality.
Our son is clearly dead.
[breathes shakily]
[Sewon] My wife just kept
repeating that our son was alive.
I couldn't accept what she was becoming.
-She fell into further despair.
And eventually
[siren wailing]
Someone get the monitor
and get an IV going!
-Is the monitor ready?
Check for a pulse.
Epinephrine, stat!
[Sewon] In the end, I wasn't able
to protect my son or my wife.
[rain pattering]
[beeping, pulsating]
[pulsating speeds up]
[pulsating intensifies]
[computer beeps]
[pulsating sputters out]
-[machine beeps]
-[pulsating starts up]
Test 37 concluded.
After the death of Subject 77,
a complete transfer
to Subject 37 occurred.
Brain wave sync successful.
[Sewon] The experiment was successful
because the mouse died.
There can be memory retrieval only if
the brain sync subject is deceased.
-I need a clinical trial!
-You want a trial?
I need a fresh corpse as well.
You know how fast neurons decay
without proper blood flow.
For brains to sync, I would need
a recently deceased human body,
one that died within 36 hours.
Tell me you're not asking
for a human subject, Sewon
Let's say I manage to get you one
Then who would be the recipient?
You think you'll find
a better test subject?
First, I'd need
a dissertation draft of your results,
but I doubt
the institutional board would approve.
You'd have to collate
the results of the pilot experiment,
which we would need to review.
And we'd need follow-up measures.
Just bring me the results, Sewon.
The experiment means nothing
if it's a secret.
But that might take years.
Just for one day.
Find me a body.
[scoffs] You must be crazy.
Go away. And go back to work.
What? It worked because one of them died?
That's why I need a body.
Look, that's great and all,
but you can't go to human trials
just because it worked with mice.
Which is why we need a corpse.
But you're saying
you'll be the recipient as well.
[inhales] No way!
That could be very dangerous.
It doesn't matter.
If we succeed,
we can come up with a protocol
that will be work on someone conscious
or in a coma.
[sighs] Look, I mean
How can this work if you rush it?
Just calm down and maybe just
take your time with the experiment.
I've asked the clinical team,
but they refused.
I need an alternative.
You have access to the morgue, am I right?
Oh [scoffs]
No way! No, I won't!
And you shouldn't even
be thinking about it either.
-Even if the test was successful--
-I've made my decision.
So, are you in?
Wait, hold on!
If you want it that badly
[distant footsteps]
I think I have an idea.
[cart rolls]
[guard] Who's there?
-Who are you?
-Uh Excuse me!
I'm Dr Hong
Oh, yes! How have you been?
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, I should have told you.
Us doctors keep some strange hours.
-[guard] Yes, of course.
-We'll get going--
-However Where are you going?
Oh, well To the morgue.
-Oh, I see.
-Thanks so much.
Presents facial injuries
But there was no brain damage.
It was internal bleeding
from a car accident that killed him.
[shaver buzzing]
[breathes heavily]
Let's start.
[beeps, pulsating]
[soft instrumental music plays]
[music continues]
-[steady beeping]
-[music fades slowly]
[beeping continues]
Hey, Sewon!
Damn it!
[pants] Sewon!
Wake up!
[pants] Hey!
Dr. Koh!
[pants] Come on!--
[breathes heavily]
-[breathing heavily]
I thought that you died!
Get off me.
Huh? Oh
[breathes deeply]
[Sewon grunts, pants]
You okay?
I might have seen something
Is that important right now?
You were dead a second ago!
[breathes heavily]
You can't be serious right now!
You really can't remember anything?
I thought about it, and
We need to increase
the theta wave frequency
to about 2.1 second intervals.
All right
Dr. Sewon Koh.
Senior Researcher at BC Brain Center.
And you are?
Are you with a detective agency?
Yeah "Detective agency".
You could say that I deal
with sensitive issues for my clients.
Do you know Junki Lim?
I'm afraid not.
Seems you've found the wrong guy.
Jaeyi Jung.
I'd like to find out what happened
to your wife, Jaeyi Jung.
What happened, Doctor?
Why are you asking me about my wife?
Mr. Lim is a client of mine.
And he would like to know
what happened to your wife.
Junki Lim?
I've no idea who that is,
and you're on private property.
I suggest you leave.
I'll be seeing you.
[high-pitched ringing]
[high-pitched ringing]
Oh [pants]
[Sewon's mother]
I'm always going to be by your side.
[tires screech]
My name is Taesuk Myung.
I study the brain, you know.
And it's safer that way!
-[doorbell rings]
[doorbell rings]
-Sewon Koh?
-Yes, that's right.
I'm Lieutenant Ji Un Choi
from the ST Unit.
We have a few questions. Can we come in?
What's going on? It's pretty early.
Are you Jaeyi Jung's husband?
I would like to have a word with her.
-[door closes]
-[alarm chirps]
It doesn't seem like
your wife is home today.
What's going on here?
Any chance you know a man named Junki Lim?
I don't.
Are you sure?
I think Junki Lim was close to your wife
for a long time.
And then, yesterday he was found murdered.
-Thursday, March 12th.
Can you tell us where you were
and what you were doing?
I was home.
And can anyone confirm that?
Perhaps your wife can?
Are you accusing me of murder
because some dead guy knew my wife?
We never meant to imply
anything like that.
In any case, let your wife know
we'll be in touch soon.
Thank you for your time, Doctor.
Do you know Junki Lim?
His name is Junki Lim.
He was murdered two days ago.
Yes, of course.
You'll be well compensated.
[Sewon] A man died.
The police think I'm a suspect
because he was close to Jaeyi.
I need to find out why everyone
keeps asking me if I know that man.
This can't take more than an hour.
[wife, echoing] Heejin!
Come, baby.
-[Junki] Heejin!
-[wife] Careful, careful!
I want to put her in my treasure box.
During the synchronization
My heartbeat seems
to have remained stable.
Brain waves and all vitals were normal.
But it's unclear
whether the test was a success or not.
I may have gotten a glimpse
into some of his memories.
But I can't recall any of them clearly.
My memory has always been infallible.
So why can't I recall his memories?
Hey, I'm gonna grab something to eat.
Wanna join?
I guess not.
Wait! I mean I'll go.
Have to eat at some point, right?
Bye, guys.
Was that Dr. Koh?
[in Japanese] Welcome.
-[in Korean] Hello.
-Hello, how are you?
Namil, sit over here.
[Sewon sighs]
-You like sashimi, right?
-Yes, uh, but it's raining.
But sure
Okay, we'll do
The sashimi plate and some beer.
Well, this is new!
Never seen you with anyone here,
let alone drink.
I never thought I'd see you drink.
I'm surprised.
Uh, yeah
I just feel like a drink for some reason.
Maybe it's the rain.
[both chuckle]
Yeah, sure.
"Looking into memories and thoughts
by scanning a person's brain.
Brain wave synchronization possible
through quantum entanglement."
[Choi] The victim, Junki Lim.
His lover, Jaeyi Jung.
-[soft instrumental jazz plays]
[humming continues]
[Namil] Hey, Sewon.
Have you always been left-handed?
[Sewon] Brain sync not only
transfers memories
but also habits and quirks
of the deceased.
I need to separate what is mine
from what belongs
to those who have died.
[door opens]
Oh I forgot my umbrella.
Don't worry. I won't bother you.
What's that?
Is that your bio?
A bit bored, are we?
Or maybe doing a self-help questionnaire?
Dr. Koh, you drink coffee now?
Good point.
See you. Don't work too hard.
[door closes]
Who's there?
Dr. Noh?
[car alarm beeps]
[Sewon] Weird things are happening
after syncing with the dead.
I'm experiencing strange feelings
for the first time, and
I'm seeing things,
and I don't know what they are.
[brakes squeal]
What the hell? You almost killed me!
[breathes heavily]
[horn blaring]
[high-pitched ringing]
[grunts] Ah!
[gagging, retching]
[Sewon] This could be
a side effect of my brain waves
colliding with the deceased.
[mutters] What
This has to be a hallucination,
just a brain sync side-effect.
[gags, gasping]
The memories of the dead
are creating these illusions.
[person] Who is it?
-[Jaeyi] Doyoon? Doyoon.
-[overlapping voices, indistinct]
[Sewon] I need to strip them away
and look into the actual memories.
Doyoon isn't dead.
[voices echoing]
What do you mean?
My son Doyoon is alive?
[thunder rumbles]
-[alarm beeps]
-[door opens]
[door closes]
[thunder rumbles]
[door creaks]
[breathing heavily]
[Sewon] That girl said
the same thing as Jaeyi.
That Doyoon is alive.
[machine beeping]
Why did Jaeyi believe that?
There is only one way to find out.
I'm sorry.
I didn't believe you.
I think you were right.
Jaeyi, please help me.
[beeping continues]
[breathes heavily]
Do you know where our Doyoon is?
Could he really be alive?
Show me what you know.
[breathes shakily]
[beeps, pulsating]
Next Episode