Dr. Romantic (2016) s01e01 Episode Script

How to Put an Elephant in a Refrigerator

Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Vod2smi /Fontby Blue-Bird™
Times of injustice.
Save him. My dad came here first.
Somebody please help us.
My dad got here before him.
Times of discrimination.
Times of grievance and distrust.
Mr. Kang Eun-yeong passed away at 8:23pm.
The operation was successful.
The senator is fine now.
-Thank you.
-Don't mention it.
My dad was here first.
My dad got here
before he did.
My dad got here first.
Let go. Let go of me.
My dad was here first.
My dad was here before that man.
You should have saved him first.
My dad was here first. Let go.
Injudicious medical operations
and discrimination against patients
created times of injustice
in the medical field.
Why? Why did you do that?
Why do you play with people's lives?
And you call yourself a doctor?
You're not supposed to do that.
Hello, is this the police?
This is the emergency room
of Geosan Medical Center.
At that moment
a man showed up.
My dad died miserably.
Let me go.
Do you hear me?
Do you feel better
after letting it all out?
Why do you care?
Don't be mistaken.
Taking it out on others
doesn't mean you took revenge.
No matter how much fuss you make
with your baseball bat,
those people won't even
remember your face.
If you really want revenge,
become a better man than those people.
Pay them back with your capability
rather than your rage.
Do you understand?
Unless you change,
nothing will change.
Pay them back with your capability
rather than your rage.
Do you understand?
How am I supposed to do that?
I can't.
I'm nothing.
Unless you change,
nothing will change.
Dr. Kang Dong-ju.
Hey, did you hear the news?
I heard one of the new interns
is a complete freak.
-A freak?
-He has no respect for his seniors.
He tries to get smart with
the seniors and even be disobedient.
In-su said that intern rove him nuts.
They say he was top of his class
while he was in med school
and the head of General Surgery Department
has his eyes on him.
Simply put, he's the untouchable.
He's still a mere intern though.
I don't want to.
How come you never run errands
for your seniors?
I didn't become an intern
to get coffee for you.
Why did you become an intern then?
To save people.
Did you hear that?
An intern saving people?
You should save
your relationship with us first.
You won't save lives if you don't
even listen to your seniors.
Please don't put irrelevant subjects
in the same sentence.
Getting coffee and saving lives
are totally irrelevant to each other.
What did you say?
It's the small things
that make who you are.
Don't ask me for your coffee
if you know that already.
Apart from my assigned tasks
I won't be your errand boy.
Did you just say errand boy?
-Stop right there!
He's not worth it.
He's the untouchable, remember?
Don't touch him.
Untouchable, my foot.
An accident at a construction site!
Four trauma patients
will arrive in two minutes.
Get Dr. Moon
of General Surgery Department.
Bring them inside.
This way.
His blood pressure and pulse are stable.
He suffered abrasions
and is complaining of wrist pains.
He says he can't feel his thumb.
-Do you feel anything?
You can't feel anything?
-Hey, intern.
Maybe it's a push injury.
The circulation is fine,
but the median nerve got compressed.
Use pad splinter for his arm
and get a wrist series of forearm
AP and lateral view.
Get reduction done quickly.
-Doctor Yun, I need you.
I can hardly feel his pulse.
We have to check for
popliteal artery dissection.
Run him through low extremity angiography.
Yes, sir.
Where did all the interns go?
-Here, sir!
-Get your butts over here.
My mom got here first.
Doctor Kang, you have to go.
I said, my mom was here first.
My mom is really sick, too.
Can you come check out this patient?
She has difficulty in breathing.
How much fluids did you inject?
2L so far
Emergency transfusion is ready.
-What about FAST?
There aren't any clear signs of
bleeding focus.
-Doctor Yun.
-How long was he under there?
Getting to the site wasn't easy.
He was rescued after an hour.
Hey, intern. Insert the Foley catheter.
There's an patient who got here first.
She has a history of COPD
and is showing presence of SIRS.
I think it's pneumonia sepsis.
Did you check her vital?
It's pretty stable at 100 to 72 but--
Then insert the catheter right now.
We have to check her chest
and run her through ABGA.
Can't you see? This patient's
blood pressure is dropping.
It could be blood poisoning
caused by pneumonia.
-Hey, intern!
You do it. Who does he think he is?
Stop bothering me and get out of my way.
Move aside. It's an emergency patient.
Move slowly.
Doctor, it's Doctor Yun
from emergency room.
The patient has
abdominal penetrating injury.
I'll take the call.
What's going on?
He's a 45-year-old man.
A meter-long rebar
has punctured through his abdomen.
A block of concrete
is hanging on one side of the rebar.
Stay focused!
Where is it in his body?
It's penetrating from the lower back
to the upper stomach on the left.
-What are his vital signs?
-His blood pressure is normal.
His pulse rate is 130.
There is no massive bleeding though.
Take FAST in case of hemoperitoneum.
Keep his vital signs normal.
I'll remove the rebar.
Okay, Doctor.
You heard me, right?
We finish in 30 minutes.
Stay alert.
-Get IV injection on both arms.
Prepare 2L of saline and C-line and Foley.
Yes, Doctor.
Please move out of the way.
-You can't come in.
-Clear the way.
We're coming through.
Doctor Nam.
-Go get gauze and EB now!
His BP is 90 over 60, decreasing rapidly.
Full drop on IV injection and get two pint
of pack RBC for emergency transfusion.
-Tell them to bring 20 more sets.
-Okay, Doctor.
-Set up the blood transfusion.
-Please call Doctor Moon!
Doctor, the emergency room called again.
I think you have to answer this.
I'll take it.
Doctor, the rebar fell out by accident.
His blood pressure is decreasing rapidly.
Those fools.
Where's Doctor Yun?
Doctor Yun!
What are you doing?
Doctor Moon is calling you.
-Doctor Yun.
-Doctor Yun!
Do you hear me?
Get yourself together!
What are you doing?
Yes, Doctor. I'm right here.
Please go ahead.
In ten minutes.
Hang in there.
I'll be there in ten minutes.
Do whatever you can to keep him alive
for ten minutes!
Do you understand?
Yes, Doctor.
His blood pressure keeps dropping.
You intern, bring the gauze.
-Bring me the drap and scalpel.
-Okay, Doctor.
Doctor Yun.
-What are you doing?
-His aorta might be damaged.
-Then we don't have time.
-Are you going to do incision now?
If we take more time,
the blood might fill up in the abdomen.
Then it'll be too late.
I'll make the smallest incision.
-Doctor Yun.
-Doctor Yun.
I need more gauze.
Doctor Yun.
Be quiet.
Is she looking for the artery?
-I found it.
-Did you get it?
Yes, I did.
Based on the location it's not the aorta.
I think it's splenic artery.
The patient's pulse is becoming normal.
-It's Doctor Moon.
-Seo-jeong, it's Doctor Moon.
What happened?
His vital signs
are getting stable.
What about his bleeding?
There's bleeding from splenic artery,
but I'm holding it.
What do you mean? With what?
With my forefinger.
What a freak.
Send him to the operating room now.
Okay, Doctor.
Let's move him to the operating room.
-Clear the way.
-Please move out of the way.
-Clear the way!
Move out of the way.
-Please move!
-Make way, please!
-Please make way.
-Move out of the way.
Please move out of the way.
-Wrap up the rest.
-Okay, Doctor.
Great job, Doctor.
Be careful.
We're coming through.
-I'm sorry about the accident.
-Forget it.
I'll be in charge from now on.
Good job.
Thank you.
Seo-jeong, you were amazing today.
You were awesome.
I was lucky.
Crazy Whale,
here is another nickname for you.
Queen of Forefinger.
Having fun?
What's going on, Doctor?
Why didn't you call me
about the pneumonia sepsis patient?
I had to send a patient
with punctured abdomen to the OR.
I heard that patient came in
after the one with pneumonia.
Her vital signs were stable
and she only had a slight fever.
Are you saying a slight fever
isn't an emergency?
Does a patient have to bleed
so much with punctured artery then?
That's what an emergency is for you?
That's not what I meant.
That patient had ARDS.
If Dong-ju was five minutes late,
she would have been dead.
Didn't he ask you to check the chest
and run a blood test?
He asked twice but why did you ignore it?
-I didn't ignore it--
-If you didn't ignore it?
Didn't you know?
How can a resident overlook it?
Even an intern suspected that.
-I'm sorry.
-Apologize to the patient, not me.
You dumbhead.
You don't deserve to eat anything.
This is our first meal.
He's so mean.
Dong-ju is the one to be blamed.
How can he tell on her?
What should we do about this?
What do you want me to do, Seo-jeong?
Hey, Doctor Intern.
Are you talking to me?
-Your name?
-Kang Dong-ju.
That's you, Doctor Intern.
My name is Kang Dong-ju.
Right, your name is Doctor Intern.
You told on me to Doctor Park
from Internal Medicine Department.
I only reported to explain
why I had to call him.
You seemed too busy
with the patient who was bleeding so much.
So is the patient with ARDS okay?
Luckily, she got better.
I sent her to the patient's room.
That's really impressive.
You saved a life as a mere intern.
You did a very good job.
Thanks to you, I will be able to
relax for the next one month.
Well, I will try my best.
Will you?
Did you all hear that?
Doctor Intern just said
he would try his best.
He will be taking care of
all the JS patients
in emergency room from now on.
What do you mean?
JS patients in this emergency room
are very delicate.
It'll be very beneficial
if you go through them.
Good luck.
What is JS?
It stands for jerks and surly patients.
Obnoxious patients.
Obnoxious patients?
Hey, lady. How much is it for two hours?
-I want to sing a song.
-Can I see your face?
The wound on your forehead is deep.
I should disinfect it with alcohol.
Alcohol isn't for disinfection.
You should drink alcohol.
How can a doctor be so ignorant?
-We should disinfect the wound first.
-No, I don't need that.
-Wait, sir.
-I don't need that.
What has the country done for me?
-Let me check your wound first.
-Oh my!
Gosh. You pervert.
Make sure to do it well.
My boss hates needles.
Do you want to die or what?
Do you think you can handle it?
Is everything okay?
Everything is okay.
I heard you are the smartest intern ever.
I knew it.
Keep trying your best.
Thanks for the coffee.
Oh gosh.
Darn it!
That's enough.
It's anal foreign body.
It seems something got stuck
inside his body. Take it out.
What is it in there?
Can't you tell?
It is the size of four golf balls.
He can't get it out.
Maybe the string got twisted or something.
The string is stuck out of his anus
but he just can't pull it out
because of pain.
Fortunately, no free air is seen
on the X-ray.
By the way, have you eaten?
Sorry, but you still have to do it.
-Make sure to get it out.
-How should I do that?
-Just think about it.
What would you need if it is too tight?
Hey, don't you think
you are being too harsh?
I think so. What if he runs away?
There's nothing I can do about it.
Sir, please relax yourself.
I just can't.
Can't you numb it or something?
-It will be okay.
-On the count of three.
We are almost there.
-Try to think of something good.
On the count of three.
You are a doctor, indeed.
I got them all out.
I heard the patient screaming.
He had an anal fissure.
Wasn't it sphincter?
I performed digital rectal examination
and it was not serious.
That's good. Good job, Doctor Intern.
-You are hazing me, aren't you?
-What are you talking about?
You are making me take care of
obnoxious patients on purpose.
-Am I wrong?
-Stop being ridiculous.
What are you talking about?
Are you discriminating patients?
I'm just complaining about
your unfair dealing.
Hey, Doctor Intern.
Do you know how to
put an elephant into a fridge?
-The answer is
Let an intern do it.
Interns in an emergency room
are supposed to do anything they are told.
It doesn't matter
if patients are nice or not.
You can't discriminate against or
reject a patient in any case.
Even if
a patient has something bigger than
a golf ball in his anus
there is no exception, okay?
If you can't do that, just quit.
I will let you go.
What did I do wrong?
While you were giving a performance
with a bleeding patient,
I just took care of the patient with ARDS.
What is so wrong about it?
What did you just say?
A performance?
Crazy Whale and Queen of Forefinger.
You like the nicknames
in that context, don't you?
You are an exhibitionist
who wants to be recognized by everyone.
In psychiatry, it is called
histrionic personality disorder.
Don't you think?
Then, you have narcissistic
personality disorder.
You are a snob who has
a swollen opinion of himself.
You are just an audacious psycho.
Damn it.
What? An audacious psycho?
Histrionic personality? why that little
He never says hello to me not even once.
Do I want to be recognized?
Why did you tell them?
-His eyes were crying.
-No, I wasn't.
My heart broke.
Eat up.
Don't you have a friend to eat with?
Do you have a girlfriend?
No, I have no time for dating.
Do you even enjoy your life?
You don't have a friend or a girlfriend.
I see. That's why you were
top for the whole six years
for your pride.
In an emergency room,
it's not the order of arrival.
It's the order of emergency.
I judged that
the patient with pneumonia sepsis
was not in critical condition.
So it was just a misjudgment.
It doesn't have anything to do
with my giving a performance.
Do you understand, Doctor Intern?
Thank you for the drink.
I'm paying back the coffee you bought me.
What did you just do?
-What was that?
-Let's go.
What was that?
-What was that?
-Oh gosh.
Was it hazing or laying hard to get?
I know he is arrogant, but he works hard.
Seriously? But he said
you have histrionic personality.
He was even covered with excrement,
but he endured.
There are not many interns
who would do that.
Look at you.
You are so in love with him.
I've had a fever since this morning.
My stomach feels heavy.
I think it's indigestion.
Do you want me to call Doctor Yun?
You will have basic checkup first.
I will X-ray your chest
and take your blood sample.
Get him an electrocardiogram, too.
It's not hazing.
I know Doctor Yun well.
I've seen her for a long time.
She just cares about you
because you are good.
Her nickname is Crazy Whale.
In fact, she is just
a tenderhearted whale.
I will prepare for an electrocardiogram.
Honey! No!
Oh my gosh.
-What's wrong with him?
-He has no pulse.
I think he's having a cardiac arrest.
-Doctor, you should do CPR.
Call Doctor Yun immediately.
What's going on?
He complained of fever
and went into a cardiac arrest.
Does he have myocarditis?
How long has it been?
About a minute.
Should I call the thoracic surgeons?
I heard they have get-together today.
It'll take them 30 minutes to come.
Bring me a defibrillator
and an intubation tube.
One ample of epinephrine
every three minutes.
Push harder. That wouldn't help.
Move over.
Bring the defibrillator right now!
I'm going to defibrillate him.
It's ventricular fibrillation.
Charge 200 joules.
Step away.
Let's check his heart rhythm again.
Charge 200 joules.
Step away.
Let's check his heart rhythm again.
I'll check his pulse.
It's PEA. I'll do chest compression.
It's not working.
His pulse isn't coming back.
How long has it been?
It's been 4 minutes and 30 seconds.
I'll do it.
Let's stop here.
Are you out of your mind?
His doctor isn't here.
I've called the cardiothoracic surgeon.
I think you should wait.
When a young man with fever
and dyspnea goes into a cardiac arrest
there's a high possibility of myocarditis.
We can keep him alive with ECMO.
If we waste any more time
he'll be brain-dead.
There's no point of reviving
his heart after that.
Bring the ECMO.
What if it goes wrong?
You'll have to take full responsibility.
I said, bring the ECMO!
You got lucky when you blocked
the bleeding with your finger.
You said yourself that you were lucky.
You can't be lucky every single time.
Let's just stick to CPR.
Let's try it for another ten minutes.
We have no other choice.
How would you feel?
Imagine that you're lying in this bed
and your doctor is talking about
how helpless it is.
How would you feel?
This is different.
It might be considered as
medical malpractice.
I agree with her.
Please wait for the doctor in charge.
Are you all serious?
I'll take full responsibility.
Bring it right now!
I brought you the ECMO.
Are you out of your mind?
You should be stopping her.
Okay. Let's move the patient
to the hybrid operating room.
Are you sure about this?
I worked in the CS team
during the last term.
I assisted over ten times within a month.
You'll be dead if you make a mistake.
A-ra, start hest compression.
This is driving me crazy.
-Let's begin.
-Hold the probe.
Guide wire.
Mosquito forceps.
Dilator forceps.
Pass me the 12 French.
Pass me the 24 French.
Hold the guide wire.
Seal it up.
Turn the ECMO on.
Thank goodness.
What's the patient's name?
It's Lee Myeong-hun.
You can hear me, right?
I'm Doctor Yun Seo-jeong
who operated on you.
This equipment is oxygenating our blood.
I believe you'll be all right.
don't give up.
I understand. Monitor his condition
and call me back.
Doctor Moon, what are you doing?
Doctor Do is waiting.
-I know.
How long has it been since the operation?
It's been 30 minutes.
The patient is in good condition.
-Call me when something happens.
-Yes, Doctor.
You come with me.
Are you out of your mind?
How dare you make such a big decision?
Who do you think
would take the responsibility if he dies?
The operation was successful
and the patient is stable so far.
When you work in the emergency room
just take care of
the emergency situations.
If you want to make a decision
to put someone on ECMO
become a licensed specialist first!
I did what I had to do to save his life.
Anyway, I won't let this slide.
Brace yourself.
It's okay.
It's okay.
You saved his life.
That's all that matters.
You did the right thing.
You did the right thing, Seo-jeong.
What is it?
I'm sorry.
It's all my fault.
I couldn't
treat him properly.
I was lousy at doing CPR.
I admit
that I have little experience.
Forget it. It's okay.
The patient is alive after all.
We did what we had to do.
A letter of explanation?
I can write 1,000 of it.
Don't be discouraged.
I guess there was a reason
why you were top of your class.
Your assistance was pretty helpful.
Was it?
It feels like I just managed to put
the elephant's foot into the fridge.
Good work, Doctor Intern.
What do you think you're doing?
Have you gone crazy?
Is it okay?
Is it okay
to be crazy about you?
You're insane.
I have a boyfriend by the way.
I'm taken.
How dare you?
He must be out of his mind.
What a lunatic.
Are you going home now?
-He's crazy.
-Oh yeah.
Doctor Moon is here.
What just happened
is an accident.
You know that, right?
-An accident?
-You know
it was right after saving a dying patient.
How should I say this?
We were a little bit too happy
at that moment.
Too much adrenaline got released
and our brains weren't
functioning rationally.
It was a behavioral disorder
of malfunction.
What are you talking about?
I'm saying it didn't mean anything.
Do you get it?
That's when it started for me.
When you put your hand
inside the body of the patient
to spot the arteries.
Then you jumped on the patient's bed
and went up to the operating room.
I thought you were really awesome.
Didn't you hear what I said?
I told you I'm seeing someone.
I want to go out with you.
I said I have a boyfriend
whom I'm seeing seriously.
I want to sleep with you.
What did you just say?
I like you.
I want to sleep with you.
That's him.
That's the man I'm seeing.
There he is.
I have to go.
What are you thinking about?
Is it this one that blocked
the blood vessel?
This is your last year
as a resident, right?
Let's get married when you're done.
Doctor Moon.
Do as I say.
This is the emergency room
of Geosan Medical Center.
What is it?
Okay, I understand.
It was Doctor Moon
from Department of Surgery.
There was a traffic accident.
Doctor Yun is serious injured.
Her blood pressure is low.
She hit the right side of her head.
X-ray the right collarbone and wrist.
Get the sonogram ready
to check for internal bleeding.
Yes, sir.
-Hurry up.
-Get her IV injections, please.
It's not much but there's hemoperitoneum.
Send her up to the operating room.
I'll be performing the surgery.
We have to care for the fracture
in her shoulders and arms.
Get the orthopedist on the shift
for the combined operation.
Did you not hear me?
Have you been drinking?
I'll call someone else
to perform the surgery.
-Let's run her through CT scan.
-Yes, sir.
Doctor Moon.
It's Doctor Intern, not Doctor Moon.
We're getting you a CT scan.
Where's Doctor Moon?
He's in the emergency room.
He's fine and not bleeding at all
so don't worry.
Check on Doctor Moon right now.
Are you out of your mind?
You're the one who might die.
It's not me. It's him.
His head was hit, not mine.
-You should go see him now.
-Doctor Yun.
Kang Dong-ju!
Check on Doctor Moon.
going on here?
How's Doctor Yun?
Kang Dong-ju!
What a jerk.
Kang Dong-ju!
No, Tae-ho!
Tae-ho! Oh no.
He's not breathing.
He's not breathing.
It's not me. It's him.
His head was hit, not mine.
Oh no.
It was cerebral hemorrhage
from the shock during the car accident.
What's with the look?
Was my proposal
too sudden?
someone confessed his love to me.
Was it that guy?
To be honest,
my heart fluttered a little.
I'm sorry.
Doctor Moon!
-The person who have dialed--
-Is she not answering?
Her phone is turned off.
Why didn't she tell me
that she's going somewhere?
I'm worried about her.
Can't you call her family?
She doesn't keep in touch with anyone.
-She's alone.
-What do you mean?
Doesn't she have parents?
No, she has no family at all.
She's completely alone.
I didn't know that.
Where did she go?
I like you.
Crazy bastard.
She still seems conscious.
She must be out of her mind.
Who are you?
How did she hike in this condition?
Is he a pervert?
Her back seems fine.
Gosh, why is it the leg?
Oh my goodness.
I can't just leave her here.
I'll reposition the ankle.
It's going to hurt a little.
What should I do next?
Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Modify /Fontby Blue-Bird™
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