Dragon's Dogma (2020) s01e01 Episode Script


I was so worried.
Just a dream.
Good morning, my love.
What's wrong?
Nothing's wrong. I just
I'm so glad you're OK.
Did someone have a nightmare?
Of course not.
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!
You know what?
I can eat that horse in my own home.
And let a meal like this go to waste?
You know what they say, Louis:
Breakfast is the most important meal
of the day.
Fine. You talked me into it.
Enjoying your food?
This is your best meal yet.
It's a surprise he's even able
to taste anything at that speed.
If you don't slow down, you'll end--
He never learns.
Oh, hush.
It's not his fault he can't control
himself around my cooking.
Weird how that happens
every time, isn't it?
Is it, though?
Thank you, Olivia.
Of course, Louis.
You make me feel like
the best cook in all of the land.
I don't mean for the food.
I mean, yes,
thank you for that, too, but
thank you for, well, everything.
You two have done so much for me,
after my pare--
You stood by me after I lost everything.
You may be my neighbors,
but you feel like my family.
And I know Ethan is just doing it
because he lost his parents as well.
He feels obligated to.
I hate being a bother--
Don't you dare speak like that.
We don't feel obligated
to take care of you.
You bring laughter, happiness,
and a sense of family to this home.
this child needs a big brother
to guide him.
Yes. I guess you're right.
Right, we should go hunting
before the day gets any longer.
Those animals don't stand a chance!
What you looking at there?
Looks like Ethan's headed up
to the mountains again.
Weird fella.
Don't see why he'd go hunting for food
with a sea as full as this one.
I don't blame him.
After all he's been through,
I sure as hell wouldn't go near the water.
Damn straight.
I saw roe footprints
at Vestad Hills yesterday.
That's our best bet.
That sounds good to me.
Am I wrong?
Am I wrong?
They're already drinking?
It's not even noon!
Remember when they first came down
from the Capital?
They were so put together.
Now look at them!
The hell did you say, boy?
Nothing, I swear.
You lying to a Capital soldier?
I could
jail you for that.
I I didn't mean any offense.
So, you did say something.
My deepest apologies.
He is but a boy.
A stupid one at that.
Will you please forgive his transgression?
That's a mighty big trans
Yeah, maybe we should lock you up, too.
Your job to teach the boy
some goddamn respect.
We should really get going, Ethan.
Guys like these obviously have
more important things to do.
"Like these," huh?
What's you mean by that?
Think we might need to teach these two
a lesson about respect.
My apologies.
My soldiers have become restless
as of late.
You have such a beautiful village,
and it's so peaceful
my men have nothing to do.
It seems they've forgotten their purpose.
-I'll say.
-The hell does that mean?
Calm down!
Back to your post.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Looks like we both have
some lessons to teach.
So it would appear.
-I have a question, sir.
The duke stationed soldiers all over
the land to protect us from Dragons,
but no one I know
has ever actually seen one.
The last time a Dragon appeared
was well over a hundred years ago.
But that's, like, forever ago!
My grandfather was not even
a glimmer in his father's eye
when they were last seen.
So, why are you here?
Does not the fisherman
prepare for a storm,
not knowing if there will be one?
Preparation is a necessity in life.
I guess that makes sense.
What would you do
if a Dragon really showed up?
I'd rather not think about that.
Don't worry.
If a Dragon shows up,
I'll protect you and Olivia.
I'll punch that Dragon
right in its big, stupid nose!
That will show him.
Did you see that?
You've been practicing.
Olivia's going to be thrilled.
Let's get it ready for dinner.
Louis, stop!
I don't think so, wolfy!
Damn it!
An entire pack this close to Cassardis?
Listen carefully.
I want you to run back to the village
as fast as you can and warn everyone.
Then stay with Olivia.
But, Ethan--
Help! Help!
Well, well, well.
If it ain't that little shit from earlier.
What's wrong, boy?
You and your friend get attacked
by a Dragon?
It wasn't a Dragon. It's wolves!
If what the boy says is true,
we don't have much time.
Please, help him!
We'll save your friend, boy. Don't worry.
Everyone, prepare.
Yes, sir.
It's a hell of a thing you did
for your friend,
running all the way back here.
Why are you helping me?
You may be a little shit,
but you're a brave little shit.
Our job is to protect the citizens
of this village from all threats.
About time we got to do some real work.
We're good to go, Captain.
John, go warn the villagers.
The rest of us are headed to that meadow.
-Yes, sir!
-Yes, sir!
Where did the sun go?
It can't be.
What the hell?
The Dragon's coming!
It's It's the goddamn Dragon!
-We've got to get out of here!
-Run for it!
Hold your ground!
Get into formation!
Ready your swords and bows!
If we die today, we die with honor!
Oh, shit!
To hell with this!
Get back here, you coward!
By the gods
Come on, we have to leave now! Right now!
Just go. The baby and I
will only slow you down.
What kind of big brother would I be
if I left you two?
Thank you.
You're alive. How did you--
Where are all your soldiers?
I thought you were prepared!
There is no way
we could have been prepared for this,
even with every soldier
in the king's army.
Have you seen my wife, Olivia?
Or the boy that was with me earlier?
We We're all that's left.
No, that can't be.
I'm sorry, son.
There's nothing you can do.
Come with us to the fort.
We'll regroup
and wait the Dragon out there.
I think it's gone.
Come on. I'll get you two to safety.
You're so brave.
You're alive!
Thank the gods.
It's a miracle.
We saw a group headed out
but we decided to hide.
The bigger the group,
the bigger the target.
Smart boy.
Olivia, is the baby all right?
Stay here.
I'll make sure it's clear first.
I don't see it. I think we're--
Brave human.
Dost thou hate me?
Not fear me,
but truly hate me?
Are thou filled with unbridled rage
and an unquenchable thirst
for my blood to be spilled?
Remember this.
When thou peers into the dark,
the dark peers into thee.
I'm sorry, my love.
Why would you be sorry?
I wanted to give you a family, Ethan.
You have given me a family.
The baby, Louis and myself
are no longer there.
You are alone.
Don't leave me.
Do not let yourself be consumed by rage.
It will only beget more heartache.
Don't go!
Live honorably and just, my love.
If you do that,
even destiny cannot stop you.
Where am I?
It was real.
It appears you are ready to join
the land of the living again, Arisen.
Who are you?
I am a Pawn,
and I shall be your protector.
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