El embarcadero (2019) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Good morning.
Good morning.
-What are you doing?
To remember you before
you turn into a wild animal.
Where are you going?
-To see Tristán.
-He was up before us, I guess
Compared to you,
Ava Gardner was a hamster.
What are you saying?
Tristán, come. There! Good boy!
Oscar, are you doing that all day?
Stop that.
-Stop filming.
-What are you doing?
-Breathing you in.
-How do you feel?
-I'm having an anxiety attack.
Yeah, me to. Try to breathe.
You just reeled in the biggest
fucking deal ever for this office.
-Go and celebrate.
-We did it!
-Keep cool, they’re still there.
-Back there, yeah. We did it, girl.
-We did it.
-We did it.
We're the queens of the world!
With me:
"Take that and stuff it down your pipe!"
For God’s sake, how many
people were in there?
Who was the vintage Brit?
-The British investor guy?
-No, Katia. Hands off Satch and Trust!
Precisely that one handed
me two cards. Business
And pleasure.
Room 302?
No. You’re not going, you’re not!
-Wait, it's Oscar
Sweetheart, I'm putting
you on the speaker.
-How did it go?
-Well, good.
Your wife just sold a skyscraper
for 311 million euros!
-And your wife's partner.
-Yes! I told you, didn’t I?
Don't bridge the crisis with nothing
but renovation jobs, I said!
I’m so proud of you both!
I love you very much.
-Well, Alex I love a bit more
-I love you too, darling.
How are you? How is Frankfurt?
Are your meetings over?
Yes. I just came down to have
something at the hotel bar.
So I'll let you go.
I can hear people, are you with
Can you take it off
speakerphone for a sec?
OK, love, I'm listening.
Sure. I'd like that.
Me too.
What did he say? Nothing
Party time!
How about we open a bottle
of wine at my place?
Are you kidding?
It's party time!
-Is this Oscar León’s residence?
-Yes. Who’s calling?
-Are you his wife?
Yes, speaking. What is it?
I’m from the police.
We just found your husband’s car.
It’s at a pier, in the Albufera.
There’s a body inside.
We think it could be him.
-Excuse me?
-We need you to identify him.
No, listen This is a mistake.
My husband's in Frankfurt.
I just talked to him tonight,
so it can't be.
Either way, we need you to come.
Yes, sure. Of course.
Hi, I'm Oscar Leon.
Leave a message.
Honey, I just got a phone call
from the police.
They say they found your car
in Albufera with a body in it.
Call me back.
Oscar Leon.
Leave a message.
I don’t even know which hotel.
Call me.
Oscar Leon.
Leave a message.
Oscar, please, wake up.
They called me to identify your body!
Call me, will you?
Oscar Leon.
Leave a message.
Oscar Leon.
Leave a message.
Oscar Leon.
Leave a message.
My name’s Alejandra Leyva.
I was asked to identify a body?
-Mrs Leyva, I’m Lieutenant Conrado.
-Nice to meet you.
This way, please.
-Thanks for coming at this hour.
-No worries, ready when you are
This is Mrs Leyva, the wife of
-Nice to meet you.
-Mrs. Leyva
The moment they lifted the sheet
and I saw it was Oscar
I couldn't just say, "It's him"
and leave again. So
I don’t know, I stayed there,
just staring for a while
Staring at what?
I don’t know, maybe something
that could make me say: it’s not him.
But it was him.
So I said nothing.
His toe nail was painted
blue turquoise.
I don’t know.
Mrs Leyva
It’s him.
It’s my husband.
What happened?
He died from carbon
monoxide poisoning.
-On a pier in the Albufera.
An accident?
No. I’m afraid not.
It seems your husband inserted
a rubber tube into the exhaust pipe
and then through the car window.
We believe your husband
committed suicide.
But he's in Frankfurt.
He rang me last night and I heard people
speaking German. He’s in Frankfurt.
Well, listen, if he was planning
to take his life, it’s normal he lied.
I’m really sorry.
Katia Don't.
Sorry. I should be comforting you,
but I can’t.
-He was my friend too.
-Why would he do such a thing?
-I don’t know.
But when he called did he
say something strange?
No. Right now I can only think
of the last time I saw him.
I was taking a shower
and he was brushing his teeth.
Alex, I’m leaving for the airport.
The tie.
Know what the last
thing I told him was?
-Lose that tie.
That he had to change his tie.
The tie. It's no good.
It must have been horrible.
It looked awful.
He gave me a kiss through the glass.
Want to see something?
Do you need help to finish it?
The city boy has no clue
how to fix a hose.
-Sir, mind fixing the hose?
-Sure thing
The car. Latest model.
Maybe it’s a bit early
for lunch today, isn’t it?
You may be right.
Don’t put anything about his bereaved
wife or the extreme unction or whatever.
No, listen, write:
"Your wife will always love you,
wherever you are."
Right. Elegant and concise.
Centered, large print, bold.
Don’t write anything like,
"Pray for him."
No cross in the middle or anything.
We’re Lutherans.
Thank you.
Print it tomorrow, alright?
Alex, I’m leaving for the airport.
-Feeling any better?
We need to get Oscar’s suit ready
and take it to the funeral parlor.
-Do you want me to choose it?
-No, I’ll do it.
How couldn’t I notice
he wanted to die?
Oh, sweetheart
What goes on in someone
else’s head is a mystery.
Even if it's your husband, the one
sleeping next to you every night.
It’s impossible to know.
I'll go look for some shoes.
How about these, honey?
No, those hurt him.
Only on long walks, though.
With all this, I forgot:
I got the skyscraper.
So that’s what's behind the flowers.
I’m so proud of you.
We’ll celebrate it in Paris.
I bought tickets
to the Rolling Stones.
No schedules. No phones.
Just you and me. I love you. Oscar
Isn't it strange?
Someone plans a trip and sends
flowers but then kills himself?
Certainly, it doesn’t seem logical.
Look, yesterday several locals saw
your husband in a bar in the village.
Seems he was drinking
and then he bought a bottle.
That was about 8 PM.
Later, seems he went to the car
and drank more than a half a bottle.
We found it in the car.
No, it can’t be, Oscar didn’t drink.
Not like that I mean.
He just didn’t.
He'd get dizzy. The other day we had
some drinks and I had to drive.
There were no injuries on his palate,
so it seems nobody forced
him to swallow anything.
There’s no trace
of narcotics in his blood either.
No sign of violence
or a fight, nothing.
You don’t understand.
Oscar wasn't depressed.
He was alright.
Yesterday he rang and asked me
Can you take it off
speakerphone for a sec?
I’d like to have a baby with you.
Wouldn’t you like it,
if someone were to say:
"Look, that skyscraper,
my mommy built it"?
Sure. I'd like that.
I had an abortion some years ago.
Because we couldn’t fit
a child into our lives.
But we were getting on fine.
We were fine.
Why would he want a baby
if he was planning to kill himself?
It just
It doesn’t make any sense,
can’t you understand? It doesn’t.
My wife wanted us to buy a dog.
But it didn't help either.
Look, don’t look for logic
in his last hours
because there can't be any.
I know this is worse
than an accident.
Because of all the open questions.
OK but let's try and understand:
I’ll write down the florist’s address.
I’ll get the movement log
of his cell phone signal.
And anything you may have
or remember, please call me.
Did he leave a note, anything?
These are his personal items.
My husband only had this cell phone.
This isn’t his.
It may be for his job.
Many people have two.
My deepest sympathy
The accident is a tragedy.
-Forgive me for coming like this.
The bastard I'm a wreck
I'm so sorry.
Alex, we’re deeply sorry.
I’m so sorry, Alex.
I don’t know what to say.
It’s fine, sweetheart.
-Did you get any sleep?
Ada, could you get me some
water from the machine there?
-Come here.
-What is it?
Oscar had two phones.
I didn’t dare check yet.
-Where are they?
Did you access it? Password.
-He used only one, just in case.
-Try it.
-Birthday? Anniversary?
-I didn't try that yet.
Do you have the PUK?
Katia, I didn’t even know
he had this phone!
No. Alex, what’re you doing?
No, you can’t do that, Alex.
She’s shattered
Let’s give her a minute to say
goodbye, please, some intimacy.
Please. Please, let’s back up.
Check his last calls.
Who are all these people?
Let's check for photos, videos
Good morning.
-What are you doing?
To remember you before
you turn into a wild animal.
Where are you going?
Alejandra, sweetheart.
My condolences, I'm truly sorry.
Thank you.
I think she needs a minute.
Compared to you,
Ava Gardner was a hamster.
-Stop it.
Stop filming me.
Your mother in law,
your mother in law.
-Alejandra, sweetheart
-Maria Luisa.
What happened?
He was a good boy,
how could he do this to us?
I'm sorry, I'll be right back.
Not bad for an anniversary
present, was it?
-You're gorgeous after coming.
Yes, your eyes shine.
My eyes shine? Let me see.
-Yours don’t.
-They don't?
No, you’re more into rouge.
Stop, Alex. Not now
Then when, Katia?
After the cremation? When?
There’s something better
than weed before a shag.
-Yes. Know what it is?
-No I don't.
-Smoking weed afterwards.
I can't believe this.
Alejandra, his wife, has written some
words to bid my brother Oscar farewell
after this tragic accident.
I remember
your colorful socks,
with giraffes and panda bears.
Your wristbands on the bedside table
made of weathered leather
that you never wore any more.
Billie Holiday’s record
you'd play on Sundays.
The blanket on the sofa
and when I was asleep
and you would scribble with a marker
"I love you"
on my back.
The trip to France,
sandwiches on wooden tables
by the roadside.
And how you once fixed the
the rear view mirror
with my stockings.
All those memories are
the photographs of our happiness.
One moment please.
Just a sec
I want to make something clear.
Because I heard repeatedly this morning
that Oscar had an accident
and it’s just not true.
No. Oscar committed suicide.
He inserted a rubber tube
into the exhaust pipe of his car
and killed himself.
He killed himself.
-I think that's important.
-They don't need to know.
-I'm putting you on the speaker.
-How did it go?
-Well, good!
Your wife just sold a skyscraper
for 311 million euros!
Yes! Yes! I told you, didn’t I?
Don't bridge the crisis with nothing
but renovation jobs, I said!
Geez, I’m so proud of you both!
I love you very much.
-Well, Alex I love a bit more
-I love you too.
How's Frankfurt?
Are your meetings over?
Yes. I just came down to have
something at the hotel bar.
Then I'll let you go.
I can hear people, are you with
No, Alex, wait. Can you take it
off speakerphone for a sec?
OK, love, I'm listening.
I’d like to have a baby with you.
Wouldn’t you like someone
to say sometime,
"Look, that skyscraper.
My mommy built it"?
Sure. I'd like that.
I love you so much.
Me too.
I thought you weren’t coming back.
Where are you tossing
the ashes, Alex?
Far, Mom. Far.
Can we close the hood
so I can smoke a decent cigarette?
No, I need some air
OK, fine.
Then I’ll smoke them in pairs.
-Do you smoke?
-Of course the girl doesn't smoke, Mom.
Their generation eats lactose-free,
gluten-free and no one smokes.
But I do, so hand it over.
Katia, there.
Are you serious about
going to the Albufera?
-What for, Alex?
That woman needs to know
that her lover died.
-What woman?
-Oscar's lover.
You don’t need to tell anyone!
What are you saying?
Yes I do. She may be waiting
for his call or they were arguing
What do I know?
But she has a right to know!
-So I'll call her.
-How can you say that on the phone?
Exactly like they told you. So a lover
gets more consideration than a widow?
If Alex doesn’t know why he committed
suicide, maybe she does.
He had no issues with Alex
but maybe he did with her.
Maybe we did since every Thursday
he went away to fuck with her!
But don’t you see you can’t go?
They beat you down once
and you ask for more? Stop it.
-Just drive and leave me be.
-No I'm turning around.
-No you won't. Then stop the car.
-I am not!
Stop the car, for fuck’s sake.
Where are you going?
Alex? Come back to the car.
-I won’t back off.
-Go back to the car, let me.
Where are you going?
Let me go.
I know this has all been too fast,
but you need to get over it
and not lose your mind.
And how do you do that, Katia?
Tell me.
All I know is my husband would
never have committed suicide.
But maybe that pot-smoking,
hippy woman knows.
Because I don’t know
who he was anymore.
-Forget about it. It doesn’t matter.
-It may not matter to you.
Always screwing married men.
But it matters to me.
I was his wife.
We’re not talking about me right now.
Be fair.
Then give me something, Katia.
Right now, I can only think
that my life was a lie.
Who was Oscar?
You tell me, as his friend.
Who was my husband?
A fucker? A beach womanizer?
A compulsive stalker?
Who was he?
You liked women, didn’t you, Oscar?
Well, you’ll be fine
here, sweetheart.
You can watch all the chicks
in their bikinis, and their tits,
glue yourself to their thighs,
you bad boy.
You naughty boy,
you don't do such a thing
It's not nice, it's not right.
You must be strong, my love.
You must be strong, you’ll make it.
I have to speak to her.
I must speak to her.
-Do you know where this is?
-Down that way
I’m a little tired, I’m going to bed.
I must talk to her.
-What will you say?
-That Oscar committed suicide.
That her whim of fucking
my husband has destroyed me.
And that it’s so bad
I can’t even mourn
the death of the person
who mattered most to me.
And tell her to her face
that I'm his wife.
Are you alright?
Sorry but I was over by the reeds
and heard you scream and
I'm sorry.
Sometimes I need to scream
to get rid of it.
I just got some awful news.
And I wanted to get it out
of my system but
it won’t go away.
It’s stuck in here,
and it won’t go away.
The love of my life is dead.
I have to let him go somehow.
The problem is
I’m going to miss him a lot.
After so many years together.
Tristán. Excuse me.
-How many years?
Eight years.
Sorry, I’m telling you all this
and don’t even know who you are.
I'm Veronica.
What are you doing here?
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