El Mantequilla (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Abel Rodríguez: Insurance Salesman

All characters, plots, situations
and stories in the show
are purely fictional.
Any resemblance to reality
is purely coincidental.
Mexico City - 1958.
[thunder rumbles]
[phone rings]
[ringing continues]
Corcuera Residence.
[caller] Lupita, it's me, Julián.
I don't have much time, Lupita.
I need your help.
What happened, sir? You sound strange.
My wife and I were leaving the opera
and we ran over a kid.
-The police got us.
Oh, no, sir.
Listen carefully, Lupita.
Yes, sir. Sorry.
Mr. Rivadeneira, my lawyer, is on his way
-for money to get us out of this mess.
It's important for you
to give him everything he asks.
-Fine. Yes, sir.
-We've been arrest
-[blow lands on phone]
-[caller groans]
-Sir? Are you okay?
[dial tone]
[doorbell rings]
Will my employers be okay?
Of course. That's why I'm here.
We must act quickly. Where is it?
Through that door.
I need you to bring me
the lady's jewels, please.
-The jewels?
-To be able to bribe the judges.
You know how corrupt they are.
We can't risk it.
Or do you want your bosses
to sleep in jail?
God forbid.
It's all I found.
This is enough.
Great work, Lupita.
Don't worry, everything will be okay.
-So, you'll let me know?
I'll be waiting to hear.
-[car approaches]
-[horn honks]
-It's my employers.
-[horn honks]
Really? You're sure they're not robbers?
No, it's them.
They always honk when they arrive.
Well, then, I'll put this back
since we don't need it anymore.
-[door opens]
-[people laughing]
I'm glad you're okay.
Calm down, Lupita. What's wrong?
Your lawyer is here, at the house.
He said you had been arrested,
I was very worried.
Rivadeneira is here?
[engine starts]
[car departing]
24 years later.
20 years since "Butter Man's" capture
Hey, compadre.
You really believe in
the "moral renewal" of the new president?
I'm thinking of taking the missus here.
-The dol-say veedah.
-Dolce vita.
Yeah. Capri.
They say a lot of film stars go there.
Just look at that sea, those colors.
I think my bonus will cover it.
[laughs] No way, compadre.
You can afford Acapulco, if you're lucky.
Fuck, dude, let me dream a little.
You're right. Dreams don't cost anything.
At least I'm going to get my bonus, right?
Sorry, low blow, compadre.
So, really, how are your numbers?
Would you rather go to the coffee shop
so you can keep chatting?
-Sorry, boss.
-[Rogelio] Sorry.
Hey, can you tell me why
you haven't sold Mr. Plutarco the policy?
He's never home when I go.
Remember, you wanted to land that client.
-Close the deal or switch departments.
-No, no, no.
I know I can sell him the Diamond Plan.
I just need him to be home.
You're like a rookie, Abel.
It's much better if the man isn't home.
Women are much easier to convince.
On a day like today, 20 years ago,
our department captured
the famous "Butter Man,"
Mexico's most wanted thief and con artist.
It's a great achievement
by the country's intelligence forces,
after, as we all know,
we've been hit by corruption
throughout so many mandates,
throughout so many years.
And that's why our president
is focused on a commitment
to transparency and justice.
This is the start of a new era
in the CPID.
Thank you very much.
-Do we have any guarantee
-No questions.
Now, Miss Robles will give
the administrative report.
-Good morning.
-[reporter] See you around. Is that all?
-I will start giving the report
-[reporter 2] See you.
about the internal changes
of the restructuring,
as well as transparency
regarding the use of state budgets.
If I may, I will take you step by step
through how this year's budget
will be allocated
to benefit all Mexicans.
I've never been so interested
in where my taxes are going.
I'm not in the mood, Pablo, okay?
Nobody's given you a case, Ele?
-Nobody's bought your story yet, Pablo?
-Ouch. Touchy today?
Only you stay to listen to this bullshit.
Because everything else is covered.
-I need something juicy.
-I've got nothing juicy to give you.
But you know your shit.
You must have some information,
now that you're a detective.
Nothing? No rumors, anything?
I swear, if I have something big,
you'll be the first to know, okay?
Hey. Do you want a pillow or something?
Get out, this isn't nap time.
[radio announcer] and that's how
the new regime curbs corruption
within federal and police entities.
Because we, the Mexican people,
deserve to be able to trust
in the people who protect us.
These are the words of our president,
who also spoke about internal affairs.
-The police have ruled out
-[radio shuts off]
Today's the day.
You can do this.
You can do this.
Coffee, cookies?
A cigarette?
No, I don't smoke.
Well, I don't smoke anymore.
There's really no need to apologize,
Doña Carmenza.
I'm just happy to stop in and visit you,
and to try your cookies.
[Carmenza chuckles]
Because, you know,
my wife isn't much of a cook.
Yes, she can't cook anything.
-Not like you.
And how is my dear Itzel?
She's okay, she's okay.
-I recommended her to all my friends.
-[Abel] Mm-hmm.
[clears throat] I barely see her now.
She's the best stylist I've had.
[Abel] Well, you're a very easy client.
-You don't need to do much.
-You're lovely, Doña Carmenza.
-And Plutarco is a very lucky man.
Well, you never saw me in my glory days.
It's a good thing.
I'd be in love.
Oh, Abel. [laughs]
Doña Carmenza, what do you think
about our insurance plans?
Ah, well, I haven't been able to speak
with Plutarco.
I understand, I understand.
In fact, I'm sure that, well,
with everything we've discussed,
you already understand
the great benefits our plans have.
But today, I'll tell you something
I shouldn't tell you this
because it's supposed to be
for next year's clients, but
-No. I can't.
-Oh, no.
-No, I can't.
-Tell me, Abel, what?
I'm revealing trade secrets here.
Please don't tell my boss.
Just today, the company approved
for clients who purchase a Diamond Plan
we're giving them a trip to Capri
for two people,
all expenses paid,
to use in the first year.
Where all the movie stars go?
-The very same. Just imagine.
You could be there with all those stars,
going to museums,
the art, the men.
[folk music plays]
I've always loved Italy.
-Now, just imagine.
-[waves crashing]
Drinking coffee on a terrace
on the Mediterranean shore.
-Listening to music.
-[seagulls squawking]
-The wind flows through your hair
-[wind blows]
while you gaze
on the turquoise waters of the sea.
-La dolce vita.
-[seagulls squawking]
[music fades out]
[clears throat]
If I just buy the insurance,
they'll give me the trip?
That's right.
It has to be the Diamond Plan, but yes.
Wouldn't it be a good anniversary surprise
for Don Plutarco? Hmm?
Juanis, my checkbook!
What's wrong, Elenita?
Going to beg the boss for a case?
Why waste your time?
Come join us for a drink.
I've always liked women who wear pants.
-Don't you mean men?
-[agents laugh]
You must have something, Elenita, right?
A woman your age, without a husband,
that's not normal.
That's why I don't go out with you boys.
I might disappoint you.
[all laugh] Ooh.
I think it's a matter
of taming you a little.
You'd make a great housewife.
Then, you'd leave the important work
for those who really deserve it.
-What are you insinuating?
-Don't pretend, Elena.
We all know you were made a detective
because of your dad.
-I earned it.
-[scoffs] Whatever you say.
Detective Robles,
Captain Camacho is waiting for you.
[agent] Bye.
It's an honor to be the first woman
in the division to have this rank.
Why do I feel a "but" coming?
-There it is. I knew it.
I've had this new rank for two long months
and I haven't been given a single case.
Agent Robles, I'm perfectly aware
you want a case, but we've got nothing.
I'm the laughingstock
of the entire division.
My colleagues think I'm only here
because of my dad's sway.
I know it isn't easy.
I understand your frustration.
Because it's the sixth time this month
you've come to ask me for a case.
I understand how you feel perfectly.
Only, in these
Only you don't think I have what it takes
to have a case, and
[grumbles] I didn't say that. Be patient.
Trust me.
We'll see what we can do.
Anything else?
No, Captain.
[elevator dings]
Insurance Company
Can you explain
what this trip to Italy is all about?
With her, I had to
I spoke to Don Plutarco
and he mentioned a trip to Capri.
-I said it didn't exist
and he wants his money back, immediately.
Maybe we can It's just
You're lucky I'm not firing you.
Get down to the bank right now
and return that money.
[stutters] Yes, sir. I'll fix it.
The company already cashed the check.
You have to withdraw the money
from your own account
and then request a reimbursement.
I want this settled today.
[banker] To be able to withdraw
all your money from the account,
you need to request an account closure.
-[Abel] Okay.
-You need to fill out these documents.
But there's no rush.
The manager must approve the transaction
and he's gone for the day.
So you need to return tomorrow.
No, no, no.
[stammers] You don't understand.
I need that money today.
I really wish there were something
I could do, but
[phone rings]
Come back tomorrow with
the signed page copies of those documents.
Fucking thieves,
incompetent, good-for-nothing.
I'm so sorry about this situation. Truly.
At Proseguros, customer satisfaction
is our number one priority.
So, I thank you for your patience
and understanding.
-[lighter sparks]
I imagine that a businessman
as successful as you is used to mistakes.
Of course, but I don't make them.
That's why I am where I am today. Right?
Only mediocre people make mistakes.
You're quite right.
Look, I have everything here
to start the process.
All I need is for you to give me
your bank client number,
the account number
where you want the reimbursement sent,
and a signature on both pages.
I'll handle everything else.
Is that President Echeverría?
That's right.
That was an anniversary
of the Industrial Club.
Don't tell me you're a member
of that club.
-It's very exclusive, right?
-[exhales] I'm a founding member, kid.
Of course. [chuckles]
And here I am
with Rubén "el Púas" Olivares.
There are more famous people here
than at the Danubio.
What did you expect?
Carmenza, please bring me the special box
-while I finish signing
-Yes, dear.
here for this kid.
So, I'll have my money back tomorrow?
Tomorrow it is.
-[Carmenza] Here you go, dear.
-Thanks, dear.
That was a gift from the president.
-[Plutarco] Remember?
-[Carmenza] Yes.
Congratulations. And again,
I'm sorry for all this unpleasantness.
By tomorrow, all this will be behind us.
It'd better be.
Otherwise, you're out of a job.
Yes, I believe you.
Mr. Plutarco Guzmán
-[door closes]
-[Itzel] Abel!
[toilet flushes]
We're out of ham.
I think there's tuna.
You were supposed to go to the store.
You said you would buy ham.
I know.
-I left work late.
Where were you?
With some clients.
This late?
Yes. Somebody has to earn money
in this house
because if not,
we'd only eat dry tortillas.
Can you make me one?
There's no more.
If only you'd gone to the store,
like I asked.
What's happening with your bonus?
Well, I think
that things are gonna change.
So, they gave it to you.
Something like that.
So, yes or no?
Who cares?
We're focused on other things, right?
No. No, you're focused on other things.
I'm hungry and tired.
[sighs] We never fuck anymore.
Don't you want to? Because I do, I swear.
How old are you, Abel? 16?
We're adults.
Unfortunately, we've got too much
to worry about
to be wasting our energy on that.
In fact, you know
what would make me happier?
If you'd pour all that energy
into earning some money.
-[presenter on TV] two main branches.
-Pass me the milk.
Microeconomics and macroeconomics.
One example of economic theory that
-[neighbor] Hi, good morning.
-Doña Maru, good morning.
-Have a good day.
It's a family matter. I don't want
No, no, no.
I'm going to speak with your manager
You want the one from the Industrial Club?
You can call them.
Look, girlie,
bring me your manager, please.
I don't have time
to spend talking with you.
Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.
-Plutarco de Guzmán. A pleasure.
Nice to meet you.
You have lovely eyes.
May I speak with your manager?
I need to close my account.
Why do you want to leave our bank,
Mr. De Guzmán?
It's a family problem.
My parents' health. Honestly,
I don't want to go into much detail.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry.
-It's bank protocol.
-Don't worry.
And would you like the amount
in cash or check?
In cash, please.
That's why I brought the briefcase.
Did you bring your ID?
-Do you have one with a photo?
-Of course.
I also have the Industrial Club card.
If you want to call and check.
That's not necessary.
Sign this document.
In fact, haven't I seen you at the club?
No. I'm flattered, but I'm not a member.
Someone in your position,
a bank manager, I don't
I don't see why they wouldn't accept you.
I can recommend you, if you'd like.
I would be very grateful, Mr. De Guzmán.
Here you go.
[clears throat, sniffs]
Do you have a glass of water?
Of course.
Marta, water.
-[Abel] It's hot, isn't it?
Thank you very much.
-Don't worry, don't worry.
-Marta, paper towel.
-I can't believe it.
I hope my document isn't ruined.
It would be a pity
if you made me come back.
I have a meeting with
the Secretary of Economy. What's that?
-Don't worry.
-Are you sure?
We'll fix it in a moment, right now,
before we have any more accidents.
Thank you very much.
Take this, Marta.
I'll be right back.
[exhales sharply]
Okay, calm down. Think, think, think.
Abel, you scared me!
What are you doing here?
[Itzel sniffs]
Were you smoking?
Something incredible just happened to me.
They gave you the bonus?
No, even better.
They offered me a job
at Johnson New York Insurance.
Abel, you're not making sense.
How is that better than a bonus?
Because it's an international company,
it's much bigger,
they offered me a better position,
I'll have more responsibilities.
I'll earn more money, much more.
May I ask what the fuck you're doing?
And why are there suitcases?
I started work today.
Where's my gray jacket?
-Wait, I don't get it.
-[zipper closes]
-You're leaving?
-You're abandoning me?
-No. No, no, no
No, honey.
I'm saving us. Hmm?
Look at it this way.
This is a great opportunity, honey.
I'll call you
whenever I reach a new city, of course.
Don't worry. You'll be fine.
You'll be more than fine.
Here. They gave me an advance.
Don't spend it all.
I'll send you more later, okay?
[door opens, closes]
What's up, Mom? It's me.
[mom] Who is this?
It's Emiliano, Mom. Your son.
Mom, I'm just calling to tell you
that I have everything ready.
I have some bad news.
What's wrong?
The doctor told me
the treatment's not working
and I only have a few weeks to live.
"A few weeks?" What the fuck?
Who could have imagined
I'd end up old, alone and poor
in this fucking shithole town?
[Emiliano] Look, Mom, you won't die.
Much less poor, for fuck's sake.
Look, I set my plan in motion.
[plane takes off]
This is a lost cause, boss.
I'm sure the con artist
is probably already enjoying
an exotic drink in the Bahamas.
I'm on the border trafficking case.
I can't.
Let Beto do it.
[agent laughs] No way. Fucking Beto.
He's only thinking about retirement.
Let him go without solving a case.
Don't ruin his streak. [laughs]
-[agent laughs] No?
Excuse me, Detective Robles.
May I have a word with you?
Yes, Captain.
Elena, wait.
What's going on?
Why are you so happy?
You have something, don't you?
You have something.
-An exclusive?
-[Elena scoffs]
Tell me, I don't want to write obituaries.
Okay, fine.
Only because I feel sorry for you.
Feel as sorry as you want. I don't care.
Tell me something.
Someone conned
a mega rich guy from Polanco.
[Pablo] Mm-hmm.
One of the founding members
of the Industrial Club.
They emptied out his account
by posing as him.
Like Butter Man?
Wasn't that guy the king of disguises?
I've always thought you'd have to be dumb
not to see that someone is in disguise.
Don't make fun of other people's tragedy.
[both laugh]
-So, will this make us famous?
-No, listen.
In case I should look for an agent.
First, let's hope the con artist
isn't in the Bahamas, hmm?
See you, Pablito.
[pop music plays through speakers]
I'm home.
[music continues]
It's just
they gave me my first case.
Congratulations! [laughs]
Everyone thinks the thief is already
in another country, but I don't care.
It's my first case.
And you're going to catch him.
[Elena laughs]
You'll show that bunch of assholes
what you're made of.
[both laugh]
[gasps] Are you hungry?
I'll warm up your food.
[music continues]
Stop by for your check.
[music ends]
[car approaches]
[engine shuts off]
[jazz music playing]
[music continues]
[lover] Hi, darling.
You made it.
[lover sighs]
I missed you so much, Julián.
[Emiliano] I missed you too.
[music continues]
Next Episode