El Presidente (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Not your topo

JULY 27, 2015
Dear passengers, next station:
Zurich Landesmuseum.
Please disembark on the right.
Be mindful of the gap while getting off.
Thank you for choosing us.
We're looking forward
to seeing you again soon.
Good evening.
Please spread your arms out.
You have to be patient, Sepp.
Like I always say.
I told you. Everything passes.
Kind of weak on catering, isn't it?
Doctor, don't complain.
Did you bring any gifts for the family?
You're not a gift. Get out of there.
And the Swiss?
Did he say anything?
The only Swiss guy who's late.
Well, then we have to see
who gets the position, don't we?
Well, I should be the first in line,
shouldn't I?
You're the third vice-president,
you should be second.
Yes, but what about
the generational replacement?
Well, that's what your wife
is crying out for. Fresh meat.
Welcome to my wake.
At the Argentine
Football Association's premises,
from which I always said
I would be taken out feet first.
I lived for 82 years.
I went through a war,
three Popes, 15 presidents.
The era of Maradona, the era of Messi.
I'm so sorry.
And those who were laughing a while ago,
and now seem to be crying,
are some of the people who helped me
run the soccer business for half my life.
Sergio. Don't make a scene.
We haven't come for that.
Not today, Nené, please.
Of course the players are the real stars,
but they have a short shelf life.
They are the essence of soccer.
We are simply the owners.
These scavengers you see here
are the presidents of the
South American Soccer Confederation .
Let's make sure we understand each other.
Here in South America, being
the president of a soccer association
is worth as much as being
the president of a Republic.
Sometimes, a little more.
Sergio, aren't you going with them?
The death of Julio Grondona
brings to an end a 35-year term
as head
of the Argentine Football Association
and 26 as the vice-president of FIFA.
They say, "Dead dogs don't bite,"
but that's not going to be the case,
you'll see
Don Julio has passed through this world
leaving an indelible mark.
Let's say goodbye
to this brother who has
The first rules of soccer
were written in 1863
and are as old as these mausoleums.
But what interests these people,
who are so distressed,
are the new rules
which, modesty aside, I invented.
This could be the typical story of a boy
who is discovered on the streets
and ends up conquering the world.
But you've seen that story
20 times already.
This is the story of all those
who ride on that kid's coattails
so that the ball
never stops spinning and earning.
When a great player appears,
it's like an oil well.
You have to exploit him
until the last drop,
because fans only want to see his idol.
And while they enjoy
watching this beautiful sport,
there's a parallel world
that never stops invoicing.
Passion always is on the border of madness
and soccer is passion.
Every goal generates millions
and we package it
so that you can enjoy your idol
to the fullest.
Yes, you. All of you at home.
-Who is your favorite player?
There goes the ball.
It was the TV that allowed the fan
to become a customer.
Without TV, companies would not have
invested a penny in our beautiful sport.
TV rights for matches make up
almost half of FIFA's revenue.
A mere $2,484,000,000 every four years.
Not bad for a non-profit organization.
We make sure that each confederation
gets as much money as possible,
and then everyone enjoys it as they wish.
And how do we achieve this?
Very easily,
by raising our hands and voting.
and knowing Don Julio and his passion,
I'm convinced that being up there
won't stop him from watching his games
The boss was late.
I'm sure he's watching us right now
Sergio, what's wrong with you?
If you keep whining, those vultures
are going to leave us with nothing.
Now, Nené. Give me some space.
You're going to make me
regret bringing you.
Bringing me?
That's right.
to express themselves through sport
and unite the people who comprise it,
consolidating the foundation of a club
that reaches international levels
In this environment,
the best thing that can happen to you
is to be underestimated,
not to be seen coming.
Like this guy, Sergio Jadue,
current president of the
Chilean Soccer Confederation.
La Calera is playing for promotion,
what an important game with great tension.
The fans are arriving
en masse at the stadium.
What an important opportunity
for La Calera
Bravo, Mr. President! God bless you!
God bless the players, because
they're the ones who have to win, Father!
I'll wait for you in the box!
Hey, hey.
You're going to break with tradition,
today of all days?
Get out of here, man!
See you after the game.
Hang in there, Cementeros.
Hold on, Calerans.
Mr. President, we'll win today.
And tomorrow our lives will change,
that's what I'm telling you, as a Caleran.
Our president, Don Sergio Jadue,
has already taken his place in the box.
Greetings to him
and his distinguished family.
Forward, Calerans. Forward!
Here comes Casals, look out,
ladies and gentlemen.
Casals is coming through.
He's going for the ball,
but slows down, ladies and gentlemen.
He was completely clear. Incredible.
I'd have thought you'd be
at the stadium, Mrs. Faty?
No, I get too nervous.
I get nervous, too.
Come on, Chechito, let's go.
Run, asshole!
Attention, Caleran public,
at this half time
Where are you going with that?
Where have you been?
Collecting the takings.
Where else would I be?
We're losing.
What are you going to do?
What do you mean? I'm going to beat
the crap out of those assholes.
Look at you, you're acting like a caveman.
Get a grip, man.
You're not thinking straight.
What do you think will happen if you walk
into the dressing room like that?
Those idiots will listen to me.
There are more than 15 of them.
And they're in great shape.
Do you hear all those people
out there, Sergio?
Today is the day.
Everything we went through,
so many years of suffering, my love,
will have paid off if we win today.
We're outgrowing this place.
Today is the most important
day in the life
of all these people
who only settle for this.
But not for me.
For me, it's the beginning of the life
we have dreamt of,
that we deserve, not the one we've got.
Now get in that fucking dressing room
and put things in order.
But use your head, you're the president.
What the hell are you doing?
We're playing for a promotion today,
and you're just walking
around the pitch, assholes?
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Take it down a notch, Jadue, come on, huh?
This club is a disaster, brother,
every little bit of it.
You didn't even bring
a new ball to practice.
You want mystique? Here you have mystique,
look, ten inches of mystique,
rich and potent.
Checks are bouncing, you know about that?
I didn't know about the checks, okay?
Nobody told me the checks were bouncing.
Why didn't anybody tell me?
You didn't know anything?
We called you, like, 14 times.
Busy, answering machine
I'm sick and tired of that ringtone.
Did you call my new number?
This number is new.
My son broke my cell phone just last week,
and I have a new number.
Hey, all these years of sacrifice,
of fighting to get back
into the First Division
And you're going to throw it all away
because of money, man?
I find that rather unsportsmanlike.
Stop it, Jadue, stop it, brother.
Enough with the theater,
nobody believes you here, that's it.
It's simple, if you don't pay, I'm pulling
back and you don't get promoted, eh?
Cut the bullshit, I'll play at half speed,
you won't get promoted.
And I'm not the only one, huh?
The $20,000 I owe you,
first thing Monday morning, in writing.
Take my car keys as collateral.
On Monday.
Are we good, then? Okay? Are we good?
Let's get on with it, shall we?
Come on, Cementeros.
Come on, Cementeros
Come on, guys! Go, go, go, go!
Cementeros, Cementeros.
Come on, Cementeros.
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death, amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
Goal! Goal! Goal, motherfucker! Goal!
Come on, motherfucking Cementeros! Goal!
We're back! Yes, sir,
we're back in the First Division!
Calera's back!
Calera's back in the First Division!
Calera's back in the First Division!
It's incredible!
Look at these celebrations!
Look at these celebrations!
Calera's back in the First Division!
There's crying, there's tears,
there's emotion!
How we suffered, how much it cost!
And here's this team, shit!
Sergio went up to the First Division
and thought all his dreams had come true.
But what he thought
was the point of arrival
was actually the point of departure.
Sergio, it's from Segovia's office.
Come on.
Yes, I'll do as you say.
See you tomorrow, then.
Yeah, perfect. Bye.
So? What did he want?
To congratulate me on the promotion,
what else would he want?
Was he nice?
It wasn't Segovia.
It was just his secretary.
It's time for you to negotiate.
You have a vote.
Yeah, but we're talking
about Mayne-Nicholls here.
Saying yes to Segovia
means saying no to Bielsa.
And Mr. Marcelo is a national hero, right?
He's the only technical director
who has done
anything meaningful
for the Chilean national team.
Tell Bielsa to go to hell.
Mayne-Nicholls is an aristocrat.
He'll never give us our place.
Segovia is a businessman.
You're right.
Come on, think of a position
you could ask for.
I was thinking fifth on the board.
Or third maybe.
Okay, sure. Second.
Now. Picture it.
You're the youngest president
in the history of a First Division club.
Hey, hey.
Play, you crazy bastard!
Hey, Jadue!
Coming! Behind you! Coming!
Come over.
No, later. You guys carry on training.
Hey, hey! The money you promised us,
the 20 grand
I'm just going to the bank right now.
-I'm just going to get it out now.
-Motherfucker! Hey!
Hey! God damn it!
Sergio Jadue,
from Club Deportivo Unión La Calera.
No. You're not on the list, sir.
Could you check again, please, sir?
Look, here's my ID card.
I'm a manager of a First Division club.
It's not a minor detail.
My friend Sergio arrived at the
Chilean National Soccer Association
on the day the new president
of the Federation was elected.
On one side was Harold Mayne-Nicholls,
the current president of Chilean soccer
and protector of the great coach,
Marcelo Bielsa,
the architect behind the national team's
revival, loved by the Chilean people.
The opposition was led by Segovia,
a Spanish vulture
supported by Chile's big, rich clubs.
What do these guys have in common?
They all want Bielsa to leave
so they can start doing their own business
with the national team.
Jorge! Sorry to bother you.
No, that's all right.
It's an honor to introduce myself,
I'm Sergio Jadue, president
of Club Deportivo Unión La Calera.
I managed to get my team the championship,
and as a result, I got the club
promoted to the First Division
after 24 long years.
Jarwe, congratulations on the promotion.
Great campaign.
-Thank you.
-Very good, very good.
-Jadue. Sergio
-Yes, yes. Jadue.
An achievement, I think,
of many years of sacrifice, of work
and, above all, of never giving up.
So, what can I do for you?
I want you to know that I have full
confidence in the impeccable management
that you will be able to put forward
as the head of the ANFP.
In which I hope to collaborate with you,
help in your project with my experience,
which is not insignificant.
I hope I can count on your vote, right?
Of course. Count on it.
I'm one of those people who thinks
it's impossible to change things
by doing exactly the same thing.
You have to innovate, work
Jashir, any news?
I was able to talk to the players.
The boys understood
that they are being promoted,
and that they owe more to the club
than the club owes them.
Thanks for handling it, huh?
I owe you another one.
I'm on my way back. Bye.
We have to retake the vote.
I'll tell you what this is.
This is a coup.
Jorge, you failed to mention
that the SEK University
has private contracts with the ANFP.
Well, we need to have a new election
with a suitable candidate.
Take it easy.
We have to think of a strategy.
Find someone who can
put their heart into it for you.
A "yogurt" president?
What do you mean, a "yogurt" president?
What's a "yogurt" president?
That's it. Exactly.
A president with an expiration date,
someone harmless.
Some small club president
who can give us transparency.
Jadue, my Calerano friend.
How old are you, kid?
I'm 31.
Thirty-one years old. Are you involved
in business with your club?
Would you be willing to take on
an important position?
I had thought about being
second on the board, I could
Look, look, look at me.
The election will be held again.
We're going to vote for another candidate
and we thought of you.
For what position?
The presidency, Jadue.
Yes, yes. Of course, the important
decisions will still be made by me, right?
You'd have to bear
the political cost of
getting rid of Bielsa.
Yeah. He's nice, yeah. Talented, maybe.
Loved by the people, naturally.
But we have irreconcilable
ideological differences.
Do you want to be my right-hand man?
Yes or no?
That day, at that time and in that place,
Sergio was taking his first steps
as the most powerless president
in the history of world soccer.
Up above, down below,
in the middle and in it goes.
I knew we'd make it.
Checho was always ready
to get this win, yeah.
When these people find out about Bielsa,
they'll burn me alive.
You're the president. Enjoy it.
Here we started out
and here we say goodbye, in La Calera.
I'll talk to Nico.
Are you sure we have to go?
People here love you very much.
You have to trust us.
We know what's best for you.
You have your mom and dad,
and that's a big deal, dude.
I wish I had my dad so he could
see me like this, know what I mean?
Still, I'm with you and I'm glad
I can share it with you.
But you don't know where he is now?
It doesn't matter anymore.
Today, all that matters
is that you realize that dreams come true.
I am living proof
that any dream can come true.
You have to dream big, dude.
An Arab never forgets who he is
or where he comes from.
I'll take care of him, Fatima.
-I told you, you can come back anytime.
-Thank you, Fatima.
Eat up.
Perfect. Fitting for the president
of the ANFP.
Hey, Jadue! Don't let Bielsa go, man!
Don't worry about that asshole, Checho.
You'll have him eating out of your hand.
Sergio was like a salmon. He was used
to swimming against the current.
First day on the job, away from home,
and he'd start 3 - 0 down.
Good morning, boys.
I wanted to tell you that the doors
of the ANFP are open to you,
any questions, any concerns you may have.
I'm aware of your ignorance
about my professional career.
However, I know my capabilities and
I'm sure I'll do spectacularly well.
At Calera, they can vouch
for our extraordinary achievements.
You can't walk onto the pitch
in those shoes, Mr. President.
We have to take care of the grass,
don't we? How old are you, Jadue?
Thirty-one, Captain.
And how many championships have you won?
One, Captain.
How many trophies do you have
with the national team? It escapes me.
Is it three trophies? Four trophies?
Or no trophies at all?
Guys, I think it's best
that we work together, as a team,
and that way, in the future perhaps,
we can make history and win a cup.
We want to continue working
with Professor Bielsa.
You guys don't have to worry about that.
Professor Marcelo Bielsa
has a valid contract
and will be with us at least
until the next World Cup.
Just keep stretching, huh?
We don't want to get injured.
Hi. I'm María Inés.
The First Lady of Chilean soccer.
How do you do?
Good, but busy.
Trip to Luque
Segovia - Wednesday
Sergio, are you going to CONMEBOL
on Wednesday?
Hey No, why?
Segovia is the one
that has to travel to Paraguay.
I already notified Mr. Segovia.
It's all right. Carry on with your work.
As I understand it, in CONMEBOL,
there are ten South American presidents,
and one of them is Chile, right?
That means you. And by the way,
that woman's not needed here.
Okay. Sergio, still at the office.
How are you?
Good, good.
I'm officially the president now.
Right, officially. Yes, of course.
Come by my office tomorrow.
There's a ton of checks to sign, huh?
New secretary?
María Inés. Sergio's wife.
My wife has never been here before.
You're very thoughtful to visit, huh?
Bielsa, Bielsa, Bielsa
Here it is.
Rumors of Marcelo Bielsa's resignation
from the Chilean team.
The leadership has yet to make a decision
and the people are still asking
for the great coach
who led the team to the top to stay.
The rumors that have spread
through the social networks
Let Bielsa stay, asshole.
Welcome to Luque.
A small town 15 minutes away
from Asunción,
the capital of Paraguay.
Here the leaders are the royal family who,
without shame, live alongside
the poor reality of South America.
And why, when we have beautiful cities
like São Paulo or Buenos Aires ,
do we hold it in Luque,
which is not even the capital of Paraguay?
It's quite simple, because in Luque,
the Honorable Congress of the Nation
granted us diplomatic immunity,
and CONMEBOL functions as an embassy.
Here, search warrants are invalid.
This gives us the peace of mind we need
to ensure free trade.
So we could combine work
with a little pleasure.
This is better than the Vatican.
They don't call me "The Pope" for nothing.
But Catholicism has too many believers,
and is not very discreet.
What happens in here is sacred.
What are you doing here?
Look Bielsa's a pressure cooker,
you're letting it drag on too long.
It's going to cost you a lot
if you don't get it sorted out.
And neither the press nor public opinion
will give you any rest.
There's only room for one representative
from Chile in there, okay?
I'm the president of the ANFP.
Don Julio.
How are you?
And who put you in your position?
Your position is my position.
Go to the bar, help yourself.
Get the fuck out of here. Go on.
Don Jorge
I'll be at the bar
so you can keep me posted.
Shit! Motherfucker!
How are you?
Hi. Would you like something to drink?
A pisco.
We don't have any,
but I can get some for you later.
I'll take your word for it.
Give me a whiskey with two ice cubes.
Since you're here,
why don't you tell us how we're doing
with the Cup projections, huh?
Cup projections?
This is my friend, José Hawilla,
a Brazilian visionary
who invented the TV soccer business
and faithfully gave us our share.
What are you talking about?
Man, it's like three Copa Américas.
There's some cash for everyone, right?
José, what's a little short
is our payments.
Traffic has held the television rights
since 1987.
And I think I think we have been able
to support you generously.
And now here comes this post-adolescent
What's his name?
Jinkis. Nice guy.
Yeah, nice. Jinkis.
Jinkis knows about numbers and has a way
to use virtual money for all payments.
We can't keep carrying money
in our pockets, José.
When I go through Immigration,
I'm scared, damn it,
that my zipper will fall down
and it'll all fall out.
Rosarito, a whiskey for table five.
By your accent, you're Chilean.
You're not participating in the meetings?
They usually hold them around this time.
The Chilean Federation
brought two representatives.
So, we're just splitting up the duties.
And you were assigned the task
of being here drinking with an angry face.
Your youth threatens these old men.
Enjoy the drink.
No, no, no. Not with Hawilla, no.
He's a faithful friend. Loyalty.
You don't get that easily.
Cash, that's all over the place.
People find it walking down the street.
It has been working this way for 40 years,
and it's going well.
I agree with Don Julio.
That's exactly it.
Why change a system that's been
working well for so many years, huh?
I deal with it one-on-one, face-to-face.
And that's the only way to preserve trust.
Humbly, as an entrepreneur, I can tell you
that 20th-century methods
are not good enough.
You have to do like the people do,
find an edge.
How are you, sweetheart?
Can you believe the way that old bastard
showed me up in there?
Don't worry, he's always been
a cheapskate about payments.
We're going to lose the opportunity
to negotiate as a block.
No, the Jinkis era is coming.
Hey, what would "the Jinkis era" be?
The one after the Hawilla era.
Obsolete? You're going to tell me
what's obsolete?
In my hardware store,
we sold you 50-year-old bolts,
and they lasted for another 50 years.
Julio, that's how it is off the field.
It's years of pent-up anger
at goals scored against them
that they couldn't manage to stop.
As they say in Brazil
Sadness has no end
Happiness, yes
Mr. Grondona, I'm Sergio Jadue,
president of the ANFP.
I know very well who you are.
You need to build respect
for yourself, kid.
Well, I knew this would
happen anyway, huh?
In Chile, Bielsa is very much loved.
Even though he acts
like a man of the people,
he was born
with a silver spoon in his mouth.
It's very easy to be honorable
when you've never wanted for anything.
With Bielsa, we made it
to the 2002 World Cup on top.
Everyone was calling us champions.
But Bielsa is stubborn,
and you know how it went.
We went home in the first round.
That's why I'm telling you,
Bielsas come and go.
The only one who's above the team
is the manager.
And the rest let them come and go.
But you, Sergio, stay calm.
Everything passes.
Of course. Everything passes.
Sergio Jadue acted in such a way that
I understood that I couldn't trust him.
The segmentation of my contract,
the four million a day thing,
which is true
Segovia is a fucking pussy.
Now I'm the town's villain.
It breaks my heart
to see that the great Bielsa
is leaving us and I trust
Now, take it easy.
It had to happen sooner or later.
Things are settling down, Sergio.
as young people
are so amazing these days
I think I did everything in my power
to resolve the big differences
between Sergio and Mr. Bielsa and
People have to know how much
these shitty millionaires make,
then they go out and humble
themselves to ask for more.
The asshole had to quit, of course.
This is the first medal of our management.
Segovia won't give me a break.
What Mr. Bielsa said was that
he wasn't going to work
with anyone other than Mayne-Nicholls.
Well, it's something he doesn't
have the power to do,
you know,
to elect the president of the ANFP.
It's something that's clearly
not in the regulations.
Hey. Hey, hey. I've got to hang up. Okay.
No, no, thank you.
The forecasts for our friend Sergio
were not encouraging.
But in life, as in soccer, the game is
not over until the whistle blows.
And, with a little help,
Sergio was going to turn the game around
with a goal from the halfway line.
On Monday, Segovia presented
his resignation to the ANFP,
of which he was second vice-president.
The ANFP indicated that
at its next council of presidents meeting,
the candidates to fill Segovia's space
could be made known.
This could happen at the end of March.
What are you doing here?
I'm in the meeting, as I should be.
I'm the president of the ANFP.
Well, look at you
I understand Mr. Segovia ran into a little
problem with the universities again, so
I don't think he's coming.
Gentlemen, a proposal has been put forward
to change the way we spend our money.
And we have a decision to make.
We're going too fast.
We have to stop the ball.
Yes, yes, yes. We don't need to decide
how we're going to do it, now.
We just have to agree
on doing something. Yes?
We're not going to fight
like children, now.
Not after knowing each other for so long,
folks, but we have to vote now.
So, let's not waste any time, okay?
Well, please raise your hand if you agree.
His name is Sergio Jadue.
All right, Don Julio. Thank you.
I'm going to need to
take a good look at the project,
which is why I'll need a few days
to review and read it.
And since when do you make decisions?
Since 1818,
when Chile stopped obeying the Spanish,
let's say.
Look at that
Well, let's get it moving.
We have to make a decision here.
In that case, I'm going to have
to vote against it, Mr. Bedoya.
This is an issue
that cannot be taken lightly.
I find that in this folder
there are generalities
that any child could find on Google.
When a serious proposal is made,
a concrete proposal,
you will have my vote in good conscience.
As president of the Chilean
Professional Soccer National Association,
I not only represent my country's soccer,
I represent all the people of Chile.
Look at you, yeah.
Segovia, what happened?
Did they take you out of the picture, man?
I'm the first one to say
that players come and go, and we remain,
but we all come to an end.
The only thing that lasts forever
is soccer.
Man dies. Soccer lives on.
Okay, gentlemen of CONMEBOL,
are you all ready?
on an international level,
but Don Julio can be happy today,
because he worked with other men
who also dreamed of soccer
in the same way.
And through
Because his family understood that soccer
was what gave meaning to the neighborhood,
that it expressed itself through soccer.
And not only did he end up
It seems to me that people
understand each other by talking.
So, well, let's make up our minds.
What do we do now?
The bonuses, the commissions,
will continue to be those
agreed upon with Don Julio.
Everyone will receive
their 15 friends to celebrate.
What do you mean, 15? Wasn't it 12?
This dramatization is
inspired by real events.
However, certain scenes, characters,
names, businesses, incidents,
locations, and events have been
fictionalized for dramatic purposes.
Next Episode