Eli Roth Presents: My Possessed Pet (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

The Night Mare

Hey, buddy.
- [horse whinnies]
Cash is so majestic
and elegant-looking.
[Eli Roth] Little girls everywhere
dream of owning a horse.
He is the sweetest horse
I think I've ever owned.
He is so friendly.
Horses are
very spiritual animals.
[Eli] But what happens
when that dream horse
turns into a nightmare?
They're very easy targets
for a possession.
[horse neighing]
[Eli] What do you do when evil
takes hold of your equine love
and turns them against you?
[horse neighing]
- [woman screaming]
[Scott] I've been a paranormal
investigator for a very long time.
I've never experienced
something this evil.
[horse neighing]
- Cash, slow down!
He was headed
straight for the cliff.
Cash, please stop! Stop!
I am not going to let it win.
I would do anything
to protect my horse.
- [horse neighing]
[Livvy] It's very scary that
something unexplainable is out there
'cause it's almost, like,
what are they capable of.
The thought of my horse being
possessed is horrifying.
I have one horse
right now named Cash.
He's a big black
Tennessee Walker.
And I've had him
my whole entire life.
I basically learned
how to ride on him
and it was almost like Cash
was, like, a person.
Pretty, like, happy animal.
Very sweet and, like, mellow.
[Cash grunts]
Horses are very
spiritual animals.
It's a connection that you have
with another, like,
living thing,
and it can hear your heartbeat
from six feet away.
It's almost like the horse
can read your mind
and he knows exactly
what you want from it.
Hey, buddy.
- [Cash whinnies]
[Cash snorts]
Yeah. [chuckling]
Good boy.
Cash, he looks very intimidating
when you look at him
'cause he is this
huge black horse.
But when you get to know him,
he's a puppy.
He is so friendly.
Okay, let's go.
He looks like this horse
that a knight in shining armor
would ride.
He is so majestic
and elegant-looking.
Hey, buddy.
How are we doing?
- [Cash snorts]
[chuckling] Good.
All right. Where do
we wanna go today?
[Cash whinnies]
I agree.
[whispering] Let's go
somewhere new.
We had moved
to the property years ago.
It is probably the most
beautiful place I've ever seen.
[Cash whinnies]
What is it, buddy?
[Cash grunts]
- [Livvy] Hey, hey, hey.
It's okay.
Just stay here, okay?
I'll go check it out.
[Cash neighing]
[Cash grunting]
[Cash neighing]
[branches creaking]
Hey, Cash, you okay?
[Cash neighing]
[Cash snorts]
Okay, let's go.
- [Cash grunts]
[Livvy] This presence,
we could sense it in the air.
It suddenly felt so icy cold.
Cash, he can sense it, too.
Good boy.
You warm now?
[chuckling] Good boy.
All right.
Let me see. I might have
something here for you.
Here you are.
Good boy.
You're gonna eat
all my cookies, huh?
Okay, one more. One more.
Should I make some more?
Good night, Cash.
[thunder rumbling]
- [Livvy] Hey!
New recipe?
Thought I'd mix it up some.
Mmm, it's good! [chuckling]
Why don't we save
some for Cash, okay?
So, you, um
You went out
to the back trails today?
Didn't really get too far.
Okay, okay.
[Cash neighing]
[thunder rumbling]
[thunder rumbling]
[Cash neighing]
Hey, what is it?
[Cash grunting]
- Is everything okay?
Yeah. Everything's fine.
What are you doing out here?
- I just
I thought I heard something.
If you hear something
in the middle of the night,
you get me, okay?
You don't No.
You don't go looking
on your own.
- Yep.
- Mmm-hmm?
- Okay.
Now, please. Okay?
- Okay.
Let's go.
- I'm coming.
- [Cash grunting]
[Livvy] Cash knew
something was up.
And Cash was
the first one to sense
that something was wrong.
His ears are up.
He's snorting
at whatever he sees.
He was just staring
at the corner of the barn.
And he just froze
and just kept looking at it.
I just felt
so uncomfortable there
and I was worried for my horse.
[Cash neighing]
[Cash grunting]
[Cash neighing]
Hey, buddy.
[Cash whinnies]
- Hey.
It's okay. Shh.
You're okay.
You're okay.
It's okay.
[Cash neighs]
[Cash grunting]
[Cash neighing]
[indistinct whispers]
- [Livvy screaming] Cash!
[Cash neighing]
That's enough!
- [Cash grunts]
Hey. It's okay.
It's okay.
It's just me.
It's just me.
There you go.
Look, look, look.
It's okay.
It's okay.
There we go.
There we go.
Good boy.
There we go.
You're okay.
[Cash grunts]
[Cash neighing]
[thunder rumbling]
[Cash grunting]
[Cash neighs]
[Cash whinnies]
[indistinct whispers]
[Cash grunting]
[Cash neighing]
Aren't you cold?
I'm I'm fine.
What is it?
You're not yourself lately.
I'm just really tired.
Good night.
[indistinct whispers]
[Cash neighing]
[Cash neighing]
[Cash grunting]
- [Livvy] Cash!
[Cash grunting]
[Cash neighing]
[Cash neighing]
[Cash grunting]
[Livvy] Cash. Hey.
[Cash neighing]
Look at me!
Why is he doing this?
That's when things
really escalated.
Cash started acting up in,
like, such crazy manners.
It was, like, really scary.
It's something so unexplainable
that you're wondering
to yourself,
"What is it actually?"
I have to figure
out what's going on
[Cash neighing]
[Cash grunting]
[Cash neighing]
[Livvy] The activity happened
when I started exploring
in the woods.
[Cash grunting]
Hey, I'll be right back, okay?
[Cash snorts]
[Cash neighs]
[Cash whinnies]
[Cash snorts]
[Livvy screaming]
[Livvy screaming]
- [Cash neighing]
[Livvy screaming]
[Cash neighing]
Let's go, let's go!
[horse neighing]
Let's go!
Come on, Cash!
Come on, Cash.
- [Cash neighs]
What's wrong? What's wrong?
It's okay.
It's okay.
Cash, come on.
Hey! Cash, we're okay now.
Cash, slow down.
Hey! Whoa, Cash!
[Cash neighing]
Cash, stop!
Whoa, Cash.
Slow down!
[Cash neighing]
Cash, please, stop! Stop!
[Cash neighing]
[Livvy] Cash, slow down.
Cash running towards the cliff
was so horrifying.
It was almost like
he was possessed.
[Livvy] Whoa! Whoa!
[Livvy shouting] Please, stop!
[Cash neighs]
- [Livvy panting]
[Livvy shouting] Cash!
[Cash grunts]
[Livvy] It's almost like something
was telling him to go down there.
It was like the horse
was in a trance.
[breathlessly] Okay.
[whispering] Hey, hey.
It's okay.
- [Cash snorts]
[softly] Okay.
Okay. Let's go.
Let's go, Cash. Let's go.
Let's go.
Why? What in his mind
was making him do that?
And why?
It's really scary especially
when you're putting,
like, all your trust
into this animal
They basically have
your life in their hands.
So, when an animal
starts acting up
because of something
that they're scared of,
it puts your life in danger.
[Cash neighs]
[Livvy] This wasn't like
him at all.
Oh, my God!
You saw it? You saw it?
[sobbing] I saw it! I saw it!
[Livvy] My mom was horrified.
When you see something
and then the person next to you
is describing the same thing
and they're just as scared
as you are
I, like, wasn't crazy.
[indistinct whispers]
[Cash grunting]
Animals don't have a voice,
so we need to be there
to protect them.
I was so scared
for him at this point.
My name is Scott Davis.
I am what they call
an evidentiary medium.
Liv and Julie were experiencing
some pretty dark things,
so they called me to investigate
and help get to the bottom of whatever
might be happening on the farm.
[Scott] Horses are actually
very, very empathetic.
They have these deep feelings.
So, they're very easy targets
for demonic possession.
[Julie] Scott,
thank you for coming.
[Scott] For you guys, anything.
Even a possession?
[Scott] This isn't something you
should have to face on your own.
[Livvy] I'm worried, Scott.
- [Scott] I don't blame you.
[Livvy] Whatever this is
it's not Cash's fault.
I'm scared.
[indistinct whispers]
Let's go in.
[Scott groans]
[Scott grunts]
[Scott groaning]
When I got there,
I could sense it right away.
I started to feel
overwhelming nauseous.
Are you okay?
[Scott softly] Yeah.
- [Livvy coughing]
[Scott] It was like
an invisible force
just started to push us away.
[Livvy] We just started
getting really sick.
We felt like we were
gonna throw up.
What didn't want us there?
[Cash neighing]
[Livvy] I am not going
to let it win.
I would do anything
to protect my horse.
[Livvy] Why me?
Why my horse?
We were trying to understand
why it was happening,
why it was happening to them,
and more importantly,
why it was happening to Liv's horse.
[Cash grunting]
[Livvy] And we just
researched the property.
I remembered hearing
ghost stories.
And I always thought
people were messing with me.
The history of the land
was very dark.
[Livvy] There's witches there
and there's witchcraft.
[woman screaming]
There were nefarious
activities happening up there.
Occult animal sacrifice
[Livvy] During
the Salem witch trials,
there was witches there
that got burned at the stake.
[Livvy] The paranormal
activity happened
when I started exploring
in the woods.
There was something in them.
[indistinct whispers]
That was the first time
I ever felt anything unusual.
[indistinct whispers]
[Cash neighing]
The history of the land,
the sacrifices,
the constant ceremony
and actions
of these living people
calling on spirits
from the other side,
it opened up a portal.
When portals like
these are opened
[indistinct whispers]
really evil things come through.
[Cash neighing]
[indistinct whispers]
Something was forcing
the horse to act like this.
[Cash neighing]
[Scott] This thing,
it will feed on fear,
and it found a good source
of energy and fear to attach to
one, by targeting the animal
and then by two,
making you afraid
of what's happening to your pet.
That was what the entity
was looking for.
We should hold hands.
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
[Cash neighs]
[Scott] Be our protection
against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him,
we humbly pray.
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection
against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him,
we humbly pray.
Let's go.
[Cash grunting]
[Cash grunting]
[Cash neighing]
[Scott] Are you here?
[Cash grunting]
[Livvy whispering] Hey, hey.
It's okay.
[Scott] What are you?
[Scott] What do you want?
[Cash grunting]
What do you want with Cash?
Careful, Liv.
[Cash neighs]
[indistinct whispers]
[Cash neighs]
[Livvy] Cash.
[Julie gasping]
[Livvy] Cash, it's me.
- [Julie gasps] Oh!
[Julie whimpering]
[Livvy] Cash!
[Scott] I've been a paranormal
investigator for a very long time.
I've never experienced
something this evil.
- [Julie whimpering]
No, stop it! Scott, please, stop it!
- By the power of God.
[Scott shouting] Thrust into
hell Satan and all evil spirits!
[Julie screaming] No!
- [Livvy] Cash! Cash!
It's okay. I'm here.
[Julie screaming]
- [Scott] By the power of God!
I'm here now. I'm here.
It's okay. It's okay.
[Cash neighing]
[Livvy sighs] It's okay.
[Livvy reciting psalm] The Lord is
my shepherd and I shall not want.
[Scott and Julie shouting]
[Livvy] He maketh me
to lie down in green pastures.
[Scott shouting]
- [Julie screams]
[Livvy] He leadeth me
beside still waters.
He restoreth my soul.
Just look at me, okay?
It's just me and you.
[Livvy repeating psalm] The Lord is
my shepherd and I shall not want.
The Lord is my shepherd.
He leadeth me
in the paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
The Lord is my shepherd. He maketh
me to lie down in green pastures.
I shall not want.
He leadeth me
beside still waters.
He restoreth my soul.
He restoreth
He leadeth me beside still waters.
He leadeth me
in the paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
[Livvy's breath trembling]
[Julie panting]
- [Livvy] It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. It's gone.
It's okay. It's okay.
[Cash grunts]
[Livvy] He was safe again.
We were safe.
And then all of a sudden,
he got, like, his life back.
He got all of his energy back.
It was like a miracle happened.
It was so great when I saw
Cash back to his normal self.
He's just back to being Cash.
If I know that Cash is safe,
everything else feels okay.
[Scott] It's so great
to see them safe
and back to their normal selves.
I believe it's still there
on the property.
It almost feels like
static electricity in the air.
[indistinct whispers]
It truly was something
that was very dark
and deep and angry
and protective and territorial.
It is my opinion that there will
not be any getting rid of it.
It is really anchored
into that property.
[indistinct whispers]
It's back over here watching us.
Yeah, it's pissed.
[Livvy] I get nightmares.
The fact that they're always on
the property with my horse 24/7,
it's very unsettling 'cause you
don't know what they're capable of.
I think it's good to, like,
tell these stories
so people are aware of what's
going on around them.
I think that's really important.
It's there
watching me.
[Eli reading]
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