Enheraf (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

I I killed my wife.
Inspired by true events."
"Episode 1"
Welcome back.
We continue our episode
with the Consultant Psychologist
Dr. Hor Elwan.
Welcome, and it's a pleasure
to have you with us today.
Thank you, Angie!
I probably would like to start with
the most important question:
We're always feeling that
everyone are depressed.
There's a general depression,
people are not happy.
-How do you explain that?
-Because we got away from nature.
We must sit in the sun,
stay away from mobile phones,
and drink water.
Drinking water is very important.
At least three liters of water per day.
Water clears the body and the soul,
and it brings happiness.
We started receiving calls now.
If you allow me to take a call.
We have Anwar from Cairo.
Hello, Anwar?
What water that brings happiness, doc?
Water caused us renal failure.
The sun is burning us all day while
we're at work, we don't need the sun.
We need true solutions
to what we're going through.
Not this bullshit, you filthy
scammers and thieves.
We're truly sorry. I apologize.
No, it's fine.
Mr. Anwar, I'm aware
how difficult life is.
But since we cannot change it,
let's try to change
the conditions around us.
I know that you're hearing this
all over the TV,
from people claiming to be educated.
For that reason, I'm giving you
a free check up at my clinic.
You're welcome to come,
and see for yourself.
That is so kind of you.
Thank you very much, doc!
We have another call.
We have Yosra from Beheira.
Hello, Yosra?
Which newspaper do you work for?
I work for Al Ferdous newspaper.
-No, thanks.
-Why, what happened, doc?
Because one of your journalists wrote
a piece about me and insulted me
last week.
So I'm not going to deal with you.
Give us a chance
to make it up to you, doc.
Make it up?
Fine, I'm ok with that.
But let's see how
you will make it up to me.
Of course we'll make it up to you, doc.
Reach out to my assistance Abeer
tomorrow morning,
and arrange it together.
Hello, doctor?
-Your interview was brilliant today.
-Have you shared yet?
Not yet, I'm waiting for you
to give me a title.
Write this:
"A caller insults doctor Hor verbally,
and the latter hits back."
What is that terrible title?
Definitely it won't be intriguing.
How about this:
"Watch before it gets deleted."
"Dr. Hor rips her clothes off
after blowing up on a caller."
-It will get you millions of views.
-No, no!
Shall we stick with "Hits back" then?
Don't write "Hits back",
it's too heavy, use
"Teaches him a lesson."
It's common these days.
-Ok, as you wish.
share the video now.
Reach out to all the owners of big
pages on Facebook and Twitter,
so they can share it.
Pay them.
I want the whole country
to talk about that insult.
I want to become a trend today.
Hopefully you'll be the most insulted
person in Egypt today.
They guy who insulted me
on the show was brilliant.
Well done, Abeer.
Give him a thousand pounds.
Tell him he'll make a call
to the same show next week.
He'll say that he came to the clinic,
and he'll praise me.
Don't forget to pay the 5.000 pounds
which we pay monthly
the Homeless Women Association.
Ok, ok!
How's the clinic going?
Don't ask. After that insult,
we received 40 new cases
As we do regularly.
Make a summary of every case
and put them together in a folder.
I will choose five cases
to work on them.
All right, roger that, doc.
Ok, see you tomorrow. Goodbye.
Yes, Sarah?
I'm on my way to you.
Order my pizza while I get there.
It's the first time I see someone
craving after being just insulted.
Tell me, Isn't that wonderful?
What do you mean?
Look, my dear Sarah,
this country is into controversy.
If you want to succeed without working,
create controversy around you.
People believe in controversy
more than they believe in your skills.
Yes, but not an insult.
That's how things go.
You receive an insult,
you become famous.
All lights will be shed on you.
They will hear anything you say.
People will even forget
why they were insulting you.
Not maybe.
Fame in our country is an allurement,
just like money,
and positions.
It can help you,
it can bring you new relationships,
and it can open locked doors.
To be frank, Hor,
I don't believe in those live
medical consultations.
In college, we learned to have one
session after another with patients,
to understand their conditions
and diagnose them.
We are living in the age
of remote relationships.
Fatwas are issued remotely,
consultations are given remotely,
and patients don't want to go to clinics
because doctors don't have time.
But you're doing business
with people's pain.
Am I the only one, Sarah?
Who isn't doing business
with people's pain?
Lawyers aren't doing business
with people's pain?
Journalists, newsmen,
people's representatives?
Don't turn this into drama now.
Eat up.
So you killed your wife,
and you're here to confess?
This blood is supposed
to be her blood?
This is the knife which
you killed her with?
It's true.
I want to make an official statement
if you please.
We need to make sure of what you're
saying before any statement.
Tell me the address
where the crime took place.
4th on Elnargis Street
el Maadi
Aasim Ghorbal's house.
I need a unit to go and make sure
of this statement.
A crime just took place there.
Hello, Sherif. The solicitor is there.
Where are you?
I'm downstairs, I'll come up now.
Ok, we're waiting for you, dear.
Come in, Sherif.
This is your house.
How are you, Hanaa?
Mr. Majed, the solicitor.
Nice to meet you.
I brought the solicitor
as you asked, Sherif.
The solicitor decides
our daughter's fate.
It's fine, Hanaa.
A solicitor at home is much better
than going to courts
where everyone will see us.
Why the bother in the first place?
No problem, so everyone gets his rights.
Are you punishing me because
I'm getting married, Sherif?
Or did it hurt you a lot
that I rejected you?
Please, guys. Please!
I am late for a divorce case.
I'm going to read the resolution
for you
if you please.
Let's not use the word "Resolution",
it doesn't seem right.
I will tell you the deal.
And if someone has an objection
on any item, please tell me.
Here you go, sir.
Here you go, ma'am.
"On Wednesday, March 6th, 2021.
After the two parties acknowledged their
eligibility to make a deal,
the first party, Ms.
Hanaa Ahmad Elnajdy,
and the second party,
Mr. Sherif Mohammad Noah,
agreed on the following:
First, the first party acknowledges that
she has have up her custody
of the child, Habiba Sherif
Mohammad Noah to her father,
the second party,
without forcing or coercion.
Second, the second party is obligated
to allow the first party
to see the little girl, whenever she
requests or wants,
and to allow the little girl to sleep
over at her mother's"
No, please. I have a comment
regarding that item.
What is it?
To sleep over at her mother's in case
her father in law wasn't there.
Fair enough.
Fair enough, Mr. Sherif. She's your
daughter, and you protect here
the way you want.
-All good?
-All good.
Just edit this item,
and all will be good.
Leave the girl with me
for a couple of days while I travel,
-and I'll bring her to you.
-This can't happen, Hanaa.
I took some days off
especially to go out with her.
You'll answer me
when I call you, all right?
Don't make me
feel worried about you, ok?
Let's play.
I never stop, but I'll play.
-The loser pays for launch.
Come on.
There's a jacket besides her,
that means she has someone with her.
She's concentrating too much
on her phone.
That means someone is rushing her.
No, that's not her phone.
Because she looked around her
three times in 10 seconds.
That's the phone for the person
with her. And it's definitely a he.
She looks very upset.
Certainly she caught him
cheating on her.
He left his phone on purpose,
he wants her to see something specific.
Because he left it unlocked.
A message from a female colleague.
He's not cheating on her, no.
He wants her to feel jealous of him.
She looks upset.
She'll throw the ring to him,
and get up and leave him.
He'll hold her hand,
he'll make her sit,
he'll touch her hair,
and looks at her eyes.
He'll say: "You're the only woman
in my life."
I never stop.
You pay for the pizza, Sarah.
Can I have a cigarette?
Yes. Here you go.
Can we finish the statement now?
Yes. Go ahead.
Did you kill your wife,
Mrs. Fairuz El Sherbini?
What are your motives?
No, it's
family disputes.
What kind of disputes are they?
They are personal matters.
What's up with you, doc?
Are we chatting?
It's an official statement.
So I need to know your motives
and reasons which led you to do that.
I want Dr. Hor.
-Is she a lawyer?
She is my shrink.
My handbag!
Stop right there.
Don't move.
Don't move.
Stand up. Up!
Walk quietly.
Move it.
Come on, dear.
Calm yourself down.
It's ok, baby.
We'll go to the police station quickly,
and then leave.
Yes, me.
What station?
Ok, I'm coming now.
What's wrong?
There's trouble.
-Keep me posted, will you?
-All right.
Come on, dear.
Open this handbag to find information
about the lady whom he stole it from.
And this boy,
take him downstairs and deal with him,
to flip on his friend who ran away.
Say hi to your colleagues downstairs.
Thank you for coming on short notice,
although it wasn't an official call.
Clearly he is confused,
and he doesn't want to talk.
Also, he requested you be here
during investigation.
Dr. Aasim was visiting me
for treatment a while ago
I told him to stop visiting
when he became better.
So he really has mental illness?
These are the patient's secrets.
What's said in sessions
can't be revealed.
Unless he asks for that.
All right, doc.
I'll leave you two together,
and see what does he want.
You can have my cigarettes.
-I'll take your leave.
–All right, go.
Didn't I tell you she was
cheating on me?
Did you see her do it?
Answer me, did you see her do it?
Yes, I saw her do it.
With who?
Die, you bitch.
If I tell you it will be a scandal.
My whole family will live in shame.
If you prove her affair,
you may be found not guilty,
or get a little sentence.
But if you don't speak up,
it will be considered a murder.
Do you know what that means, doc?
Life in prison.
How about people?
Do you think they'll stay quiet
if you don't talk?
They'll start guessing. They'll ask
why did this man kill his wife?
Certainly because she was
cheating on him.
you'll remain in custody
during investigation.
You still have a chance.
A chance to change your statement.
I'll come back to you.
I wish,
I hope you thought about it then,
and changed your mind.
-Where are you?
-At home.
Ok, fine.
Why don't we meet,
and have a little conversation?
Would you like to come to my place?
No, I don't.
I feel I'm suffocating,
and I'd like to breathe fresh air.
I'll send you the location.
Okay. Send it.
Surely, the businessman, Ahmad Hamouda
has every right to respond
to what you say.
I've already told you, sir.
Talaat Eldakkak didn't deliver
the apartments to the people,
who paid for them two years ago.
He's telling them that
he's building them.
He's advertising that the compound
is still under construction.
Here are the photos I've brought to you.
He only brought little amount
of sand and steel bars.
He's been building the bricks
for two years now,
but he hasn't finished yet.
What do you call that?
That is scamming to me.
The people a power of attorney
to take back what's for theirs.
And hopefully, they will get it back.
Okay. We tried to reach out
to Mr. Talaat Eldakkak
to give him the right to reply,
but alas, he didn't answer our call.
Therefore, if he's heard us now,
I wish he can reply to this.
We don't take any point of view.
The only point of view we take,
is that no one is above the law.
-Yes, Hanaa.
-What a wonderful start.
How can a child see thugs and thieves,
and also go to police stations?
Please Hanaa, can I
I don't want to hear
your typical excuses, Sherif.
You come.
Let's breathe fresh air.
Why aren't you answering
their calls?
Answer to say what?
All my partners have left me.
There is no compound anymore,
there's only prison.
Answer and say anything.
Buy some time. Lie.
What if they found out I'm lying,
what would I do?
You'll fetch another lie.
What is it, Talaat?
What came into you?
I'm knackered.
I really need to see you.
Me too.
I really needed to see you, Talaat.
Since you really needed to see me,
why haven't you been answering
my calls for the past two weeks?
Enough, Talaat.
Don't start judging me.
Listen to the music. Listen!
Do you see how nice it is?
But you're nicer.
-Take this pill.
-What pill!
I don't fancy taking pills and so,
you know that I am clean.
-It will help you to relax and forget.
It will take you to another world.
A world without companies,
without partners,
and without prison.
Put it under your tongue.
I need many things in my life.
You know what,
this time recently,
it was hard on me,
as much as it was hard on you.
I was planning for this moment.
The moment I meet you here.
I was considering plenty of ideas,
plenty of ideas,
plenty of ideas,
to end what's between us.
What are you talking about?
Yes, Talaat.
Every moment I spent with you,
was too heavy on my heart.
I I hated my body
when you were touching me,
when you put your hand on me.
I hate your breath.
I hate your voice.
I hate your expressions.
I hate your stupid jokes.
Yes, I hate your stupid jokes.
I don't know how I endured them.
I hate you, Talaat.
I hate you!
I hate you, Talaat.
I hate the way you look.
I hate you!
You know why?
Because you're the filthiest man
I ever met, Talaat.
The filthiest man I ever met, Talaat.
I forgot to tell you
something important.
That the pill I just gave you,
is not sedative.
It's a chemical substance
I made myself.
I made it specially for you.
It will cause you multiple sclerosis,
it will paralyze your entire body,
then you'll be mute.
It'll take only five minutes.
Five minutes and you're dead.
But don't worry, I'm not going
to leave you die alone.
I'll stay with you
until your last breath.
I'll talk to you, keep you company,
and tell you stories.
Hold on.
Look, Talaat. Look!
Hold on. Look!
Look, Talaat. Look!
You remember this man?
You remember him, Talaat?
You remember what you did to him?
Take this, Talaat.
Here, darling. Take it.
Here, it's so easy to die.
Here, Talaat. Come on.
Come on!
Next Episode