Eric (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Forty-eight hours have passed
since Edgar Anderson was last seen
around 8:00 a.m. en route to school.
We are urging anybody with information,
however small, please come forward.
Help bring this lost boy home.
I wanna hand over to Edgar's parents
to say a few words.
Edgar, if you're watching this
I'm sorry, buddy.
Just come home, okay?
Prove to all these ladies and gentlemen
of the press that you're not dead.
And the one thing
we've all learned today
is that sometimes you've got to
"mustard" up the courage!
Isn't that right, Officer Charlie?
Dang right, Bug.
And you gotta let a person know
you relish 'em.
That's good.
So happy birthday, Mr. Jose.
And, you know,
even if you weren't our friend,
we'd pickle you every day!
Aw, shucks, amigos.
Frank-furt-ly, this is the best birthday
I ever had.
And what do we all say?
- Be good! Be kind!
- Be good! Be kind!
- Be brave! Be different!
- Be brave! Be different!
The trees are green
And the sky is blue ♪
The sun is up
And it's smiling down on you ♪
Hello, world
What you doin' today? ♪
Put your hand in mine
Come on, let's play ♪
If you're feeling shy
Never you fear ♪
- Bug! ♪
- Mush! ♪
- Parker! ♪
- Peggy! ♪
Are here ♪
Be good! Be kind!
Be brave! Be different! ♪
Open your heart and say, "Good Day" ♪
Say, "Good Day" ♪
Good Day Sun ♪
Good Day Sunshine ♪
Good Day Sun ♪
Good Day Sunshine
Good Day Sun ♪
Good Day Sunshine ♪
So tomorrow, we're gonna do
Bug and Mush beatbox number,
and then we go straight into
magic meet-cute.
Wow. Seriously? Beatbox?
We gotta get our numbers up.
Broaden our viewer appeal.
Ten years, Lennie.
Ten years we've been doing just great.
No, the viewer figures have been slipping
over the last 12 months.
All the suits from PLN
and the guys from city hall are coming.
I promised Jerry our A game.
Good Day Sunshine!
Fucking institution!
No one is immune
from being canceled, Vinny.
Okay? We gotta switch it up.
We gotta open up
the whole Good Day Sunshine world.
Not to raise it again,
but with our great minds
trying to find a new puppet,
I think it's a bold move
they're going for.
What you see as bold and bodacious,
I see as a crock of shit
they're gonna use to tear our show apart.
Our show that we love,
that we busted our balls over.
Now they want, what?
Beatboxing and street talk?
I mean, what next?
They're gonna pour a whole load of slime
all over Mr. Jose's hot dog stall?
It's one idea.
It is not Bug and Mush.
It is not Good Day Sunshine.
We gotta find
a new puppet, Vincent.
We have to bridge the gap
between the preschoolers
and the elementary kids.
That's where the cool kids are.
Since when has this show
ever been about the cool kids?
you are a master in your field,
but, really, have you ever been diagnosed?
Gee, thanks, Dr. Veronica,
for your input, as usual.
- I'm out of here!
- Have a fun night with your buzz buddy.
You keep it in your purse?
You know it's not a real boy.
Oh! Bzz! Bzz!
It's right here.
- Right there. Go fuck yourself!
- Oh, he is a real boy! I am!
I got a racquetball game.
- I gotta
- Sure. Yeah. Don't forget to warm up.
- Me too.
- Yeah, you too?
- Got dinner with my mother.
- Give her my love.
We'll do the schedule tomorrow.
Are you done?
Not even close.
Why do you gotta do this?
Why even ask?
You're acting crazy.
Want a swatch?
For Eric?
Thanks, Ellis.
No problem.
We gotta turn this show around.
We're gonna give them the best show
that we can possibly give,
but please be open to their ideas.
Don't let me down.
- Asshole.
- Hmm.
Hey, Lennie.
Be seeing you, kid.
Come on, get your stuff.
Bye, Greg.
Good night, Mr. Anderson. Night, Edgar.
Hey, Edgar. Edgar!
Come on, look alive.
Dad, I've got an idea
for the new puppet for your show.
Okay, so he has blue marks,
like a zigzag running down his back,
like my coat.
His tail his tail swings like Trixie's
when he gets mad.
And his name is Eric.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I appreciate you've all had a long day,
but if you could find your way
to donate to a charitable cause.
Fourteen years serving in the US military.
Two Purple Hearts.
- Thanks for your service, man.
- Thank you, sir.
Ladies and gentlemen
a humble, former soldier
"Hey, Edgar."
"I just ate a whole box of donuts."
"They were lying
on my boss's desk, and, uh
and when I wake up,
my mama's gonna kill me."
Dad. Dad! My comic. You promised.
And Dynamite for the kid.
Hey, kid.
- Oh!
- You're good.
That's it?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Hey, hey! Hey, you!
- What?
- You took bottle, huh?
- I didn't take shit!
- I'll call the police!
- Fuck you.
- Fuck you, man!
Fuck you!
What's up, little man?
Hey. Come on. I'll race you home.
Let's go.
Go! Come on!
Come on.
Come on, Edgar. You're too slow again.
Hey, George.
Hey, got your Dynamite.
Save me that puzzle, Edgar.
I will.
Them radiators is playing up.
Thanks, George, as always.
Ah man!
Fuck you, motherfucker!
This old man! Come on!
You kiss your mama
with that mouth?
- How was your day?
- Fine.
I'm almost finished with these papers.
- Hey, baby.
- Hey, Mom.
You have a good day? Come here.
Don't smother the boy.
Don't listen to Daddy.
He's just a big old grumpy jaws.
Big and old and grumpy.
Maybe that's 'cause
I haven't gotten laid in weeks, hmm?
Wine time already? Thank you.
What's Daddy dearest up to now?
Mm, closing the shelter on 34th Street.
Make way for more of your father's condos.
What about these people?
Where are they gonna go?
Not the penthouse
on the Upper East Side, of course.
assassinate Lennie
if I have to listen to him one more time
going on about Jerry
and the network's bold ideas.
"Oh, you realize who put the banana
in the Banana Splits, Vincent."
"Awesome, do tell 'cause that's what
we need now in this show, more banana."
Guy's got a fucking cracker up his ass
'cause the viewing figures dipped by 3%.
What the fuck?
Fuck you.
Fuck you. Fuck you.
Thank you for your service, man.
Creating magic doesn't mean you have
to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
There's nothing permanent
except change, right?
"Everyone thinks about changing the world,
but no one thinks about
changing themselves."
This kid! This kid's a genius.
The problem, though,
with creating an act of magic
is an artist, Edgar, cannot be quantified
by audience fucking research
and test screenings.
They're asking you to come up
with a new puppet, not War and Peace.
Tell your mom what you're working on, kid.
He's got an idea for a new puppet.
Edgar, baby, go wash up.
Might be what the show needs.
Pitch it to me.
What? It's good for the kid.
So it's this great big blue thing?
- Eric. He's not all blue.
- Uh-huh.
Just on his back
and on his chin here a bit.
And how tall?
A bit taller than you
with fur on his face.
Fur everywhere, right down to his feet.
Feet. So Oh! He's what? A walk-around?
- Yeah, and he's got horns.
- Keep looking at me. Keep looking at me.
You wanna make contact.
You gotta pitch this thing, remember?
Not really horns.
Well, horns or not horns?
You gotta be specific.
Come on. You gotta reel me in
if you wanna get that thing on TV.
And he's
- He's got diff
- Uh-uh
It's just nosedived.
- Next!
- Vincent, stop it!
Come on, baby. Let's go freshen up.
Yeah. Sorry, Edgar.
I'm not in love ♪
No, no ♪
- We're gonna do this now?
- When else?
- You're never here. You're out all night!
- Okay, here we go!
- Yeah, poor little neglected Cassandra.
- Don't call me that. You know I hate that!
A rose by any other name
is still a fucking rose.
Fuck you!
- When are we gonna fuck again?
- Why don't you just fuck yourself?
Tried that. Gets lonely.
Why don't you help a guy out?
You know what? Your need
to destroy me, to destroy your coworkers,
to destroy our own kid, that is all you.
That is all fucking you, Vincent!
You need a shrink to feed you these lines.
Go fuck yourself!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you! Fuck you!
- Fuck!
Well, fuck you!
Hi, sweetie.
Did you brush your teeth?
Good. Can I get a kiss?
Oh, he's eating me! Oh, he's eating me!
What can you do?
Want me to check under the bed?
No monsters. All clear.
Okay. Ooh!
Is this him? Can I see him?
You've got your papa's gift.
I like him.
Sweet dreams, okay?
- I love you.
- I love you, Mom.
Want some French toast, buddy?
Gonna need more than Lucky Charms.
Not talking to me today? All right.
Leave the kid alone.
Can't you see he's pissed?
'Cause his dad's a jerk.
It's not deep enough. His voice is deeper.
Deeper, okay.
So, like what are we talking about here?
Like, that kind of deep? Down there? Yeah?
Now we're cooking.
Deep like Lee Marvin, right?
Come on, kid. Have some
have some French toast, why don't ya, huh?
Not even to please the old man?
Can you walk him to school?
You hear that, kid?
Your mom thinks you need walking.
Stop doing that.
- Kid loves it.
- All right.
Don't forget to eat
your banana today, okay?
Love you.
Cassie? Hey, Cassie, wait up.
Stop with the voices,
or I'll start worrying
you're losing it again.
- We need to talk.
- I can't. I'm late for class.
Come on, you always say
that you're late for class. Just
I wanna believe it
Let's just
let's just take some time off. Time off
- You and me. We can take a break together.
- When?
Sometime soon, all right? I promise.
Okay, because I just I wanna
- I promise you.
- I've heard that before.
Edgar. Will you please take him?
Dad's gonna take you.
He's nearly in fifth grade.
It's only a couple of blocks.
I want you to take him.
Hey, Edgar. Still got that puzzle?
See you down in the basement later?
It's just a silly phase
I'm going through ♪
And just because ♪
I call you up ♪
Don't get me wrong ♪
Don't think you've got it made ♪
All right.
Thank you.
Who's the lucky lady?
- Uh
- Your aftershave.
Cool Water or Calvin Klein?
Oh, I I just splash on
whatever I can find after a workout.
Mm. It's nice.
Hello, Missing Persons.
Mm-hmm. Hold on. Mikey.
Vincent! Vincent!
Vincent, Cassie called.
Can you call her back?
It sounded kind of urgent.
One minute to call.
- Now, Vincent.
- Yeah, Jerry.
I know. Best behavior.
Got a whole lot of PLN suits
in the front row.
Richard Costello's in with his kids.
There was a time you couldn't get
a shooting permit without knowing the guy.
City hall's poster boy.
Koch better watch his back.
Lots of smiles. No tricks. Keep it real.
Thank you, Jerry.
All right, assholes. We doing this?
Hey, you're bleeding.
Oh, yeah, bear got me.
And live on band.
Five, four, three, two, one.
The trees are green
And the sky is blue ♪
The sun is up
And it's smiling down on you ♪
Bug, Mush, why are you so sad?
'Cause no one wants to play today,
Officer Charlie.
Yeah, there's nothing to do.
Today's boring!
- Hmm.
- Uh-uh-uh.
There's no such thing as boring.
Only boring people.
Yeah, well, you know what, Mush?
I got a game we could play.
One that all the cool kids are playing.
You know, like this boom box over here.
Okay, well, never mind.
Yeah, it's called
"Spot the pile of trash!"
Hey, Bug, you know that one man's trash
is another man's treasure.
Is that what they say in city hall,
Officer Charlie?
'Cause it looks to me like
the only thing growing in New York City
is the crime rate.
- And cut, cut, cut!
- Okay, that's enough.
- Go with the meet-cute interlude.
- Fuck!
- You're an asshole, Vincent.
- Go now! Please!
Hey, Peggy! Peggy! Peggy!
Oh, hey, Parker. What's going on?
- I lost something.
- What'd you lose?
- I lost my tail.
- Ooh!
when I go this way, it's there.
But when I go the other way,
it disappears.
So I'm putting up posters.
Missing tail.
Good luck with your tail.
- Yeah.
- Cut. Let's move on, please.
Good Day Sunshine.
All right. Thank you.
Thanks so much, guys.
Come again soon. Thank you.
- Again, please call Cassie.
- Okay.
- Soon as you can.
- Hey, Vincent.
Get over here.
Fuck this.
- Did you have a good time?
- Yeah!
That's great. Let's do this.
All right. Okay, one, two, three.
Good Day Sunshine!
Okay. You take care, all right?
Vincent, come, uh, say hello.
For Christ's sake.
Richard Costello.
- Richard's a big fan.
- Yeah.
It's a good show.
Just keeping it real.
Gotta bridge that preschooler gap.
Appreciate that nod to city hall.
Nothing if not topical
on this show, right?
We're going to edit
that part out.
We all appreciate
how much you fellas are doing at city hall
to clean up this great city of ours.
How come it takes a month before
anyone picks up my trash these days?
This guy. You never know
if this guy's kidding or not.
- I'm not kidding.
- Guess that's the price of genius.
- All right.
- Shall we?
- Mm-hmm. It was nice to meet you, Vincent.
- Yeah.
Jerry, I'm gonna catch up with you.
- Come on. They're a bunch of suits.
- Those suits pay the wages.
- Whatever. Lennie, come on.
- Great time for you to go nuts again.
Why you always gotta be
such a douche, bro?
Uh, dunno.
Guess it's just the way I came out.
Keep it together, buddy.
This is
the first I've heard of it.
Yeah, a little boy, nine years old.
You know him?
- Right.
- Couple of doors down.
Thank God.
I've been calling and calling you.
- Edgar did not get to school today.
- What?
- Edgar did not get to school today!
- What?
I've called everywhere.
I've called everyone.
I've looked everywhere.
- Edgar?
- He's not here! The cops are here.
They've been waiting to talk to you.
Who's the artist?
Guilty. I'm a I'm a puppeteer.
I created the show Good Day Sunshine.
You draw?
Oh, no. I'm still mastering how to write.
Shouldn't you be looking for our son?
We have every beat cop in the area
going door-to-door.
We've notified all the hospitals
with Edgar's information.
But it's vital to get every detail,
so if I could
go through this again with you.
Yeah, sure, sure.
As in the real estate guy?
Who drew the fangs?
I did. He's my father.
Your wife said Edgar left the apartment
a little after 8:00 this morning.
- Yeah, to go to school.
- You remember what he was wearing?
He was wearing his red jacket. Um
His, uh, Good Day Sunshine T-shirt.
- And, uh
- Mm-hmm.
jeans and sneakers.
Jeans. Sneakers.
You have a recent photograph?
- Yes, um, just there behind you.
- Um
- Um, here.
- May I take it to circulate?
We sometimes make flyers.
You already have one lit.
The school's just a few blocks from here.
Is that correct?
Yeah, you go past The Lux.
The nightclub.
And then you take a right
and then left.
It's St, um St
- Edith's.
- Edith's.
Thank you. St. Edith's.
And you normally
let him walk alone?
Just this once.
They wanna run
before they can walk.
Walk before they can crawl.
And that's the last time you saw him?
I was asking your husband.
I'll speak to the rest of the building,
circulate Edgar's photograph.
Is that the press outside?
They pick up on our alerts.
It can help get the word out.
But you shouldn't say anything yet.
But you might
you might wanna screen your calls.
this is the Anderson family.
- Please leave a message after the tone.
- Message after the beep!
Leave your number.
Don't forget to leave your number!
Cassie, it's Mom. Pick up.
Are the police there?
Have they found him yet?
- Hi, Mom.
- Any news?
- Have they found Edgar?
- No.
No, Mom. Just stay with Dad, okay?
- Please don't cry, okay?
- I'm gonna call you later, okay?
- Mr. George Lovett?
- Yes, sir.
- Detective Michael Ledroit.
- Okay.
Wanna talk to you
about the Anderson boy upstairs.
Oh. Well, how can I help?
Sir, nothing unusual this morning?
Only that the garbage trucks
finally picked up.
You have grandkids?
No, I mends things.
Chain's gone on a little girl's tricycle.
Live below the Andersons.
He was a good kid.
Just a turn of phrase.
You got all you need, sir?
- For today.
- Okay.
- Take care.
- Okay.
All right. I want CCTV
from the Anderson apartment to The Lux,
past the basketball courts,
and up to St. Edith's.
Mark up every door you've knocked on,
every area you've searched.
I want anyone recently released,
anyone with priors,
anyone with a predilection for kids.
Pull up any pedophile rings.
Anything on The Lux nightclub,
specifically the owner, Alexander Gator.
Get to it.
- Want me to go see Gator?
- No, leave The Lux to me.
Okay. Yeah.
No, you ain't coming in here
dressed like that. This is The Lux.
Hey, handsome. Welcome back.
Science opened up the door ♪
We would feed the hungry fields ♪
Till they couldn't eat no more ♪
But the potions that we made ♪
Touched the creatures down below, oh ♪
And they grew up in the way ♪
That we'd never seen before ♪
Hey, can I get a Sprite?
Give me a beer. This guy don't pay.
- On the house.
- No, thanks, Gator. I'm on duty.
You always are, Mikey.
I just feel, like,
such a connection to you.
Gentlemen, TJ's looking after you?
Hey, Gator.
Gotto, play nice.
- Yeah.
- Okay, good.
Make sure you have a good time tonight.
TJ, keep it clean tonight, okay?
Sure, Gator.
I got a near ten-year-old bourbon.
Came in tonight.
- When the fuck did you get back? Hi, Judy.
- Maybe later.
You don't know what you're missing.
Okay. Make sure
you got everything you need.
Take care of those guys by the bar,
would you?
- Fuck!
- Two burgers! Two fries!
Hey, kid, you hungry?
- Good to have you back, Gator.
- Good to be back.
VIP only.
- Gimme some of that.
- Oh shit.
- You got fucking nerve, TJ.
- Not looking for trouble tonight.
- Okay! All right!
- What? You fucking douche.
- You fucking piece of trash!
- Give me what you fucking got.
- Go easy, Kennedy. Keep it cool.
- I'm not gonna fucking tell you again.
I'll cut your fucking balls off.
What you got?
That's a good boy.
- What's up with you?
- Calm down. Fuck.
- You all right, Nokes?
- Yes. Fucking calm.
- Calm down, fucking prick.
- Jesus Christ.
- You wanna end up like 8?
- Hey, I said calm down!
Shut the fuck up about 8.
Fuck you.
You fucking faggot.
Get out of here before you give me AIDS,
you piece of shit!
- Give me a fucking break.
- You're under arrest.
- No! It's all good. It's all cool.
- Fuck off!
- Yeah.
- What the fuck?
Yeah, we're Vice, you fucking dick.
My my bad.
Come on. Let's get out of here.
- Who's 8?
- You wanna fucking talk about 8?
- Shut the fuck up.
- Tough guy.
Shut the fuck up, Cal.
Come on, get the fuck out of here.
Walk. Walk.
Kennedy, for fuck's sake.
It's been a long night.
Be grateful you got us on a good day.
You didn't eat?
Why don't you just get it over with
and kill me?
Take these.
Couple more of these and it's done.
Nice and quick.
I'm not listening to you, old man.
You're late. New case?
Another missing kid.
Don't wanna talk about it.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Come here.
Come on, bud.
You know you want to.
You smell like old times.
all seeking answers
to this increasingly worrying problem.
Twenty-four hours have passed
since nine-year-old Edgar Anderson,
son of Good Day Sunshine creator
Vincent Anderson
and grandson
of prominent property developer
and philanthropist Robert Anderson,
was last seen walking to school.
We're left asking
just how safe our streets are
- Where are you going?
- Can't just sit around here.
- What if the cops call?
- I've gotta keep myself busy.
Well, call your mother back at least.
She keeps leaving messages.
You should've walked him to school.
You should've walked him.
Should have walked him.
Should have walked him to school.
Got Nelson screaming down the phone
this morning.
Kid's an Anderson?
Press are going crazy over this, Ledroit.
Gotta give me something to tell the boss.
We got two sightings close to Bryant Park.
The degenerates
from 42nd all the way down.
We checked 'em all out. Nothing. Kid's
route to school took him past The Lux
What the fuck are you doing
at The Lux again
for, like, the fourth time this month?
What the fuck are you doing
pulling in Kennedy and Nokes?
They were shaking down the place.
I'm just doing my job.
Your job is missing persons.
You're doing yourself no favors.
Let IA deal with that shit.
Internal Affairs, right.
Going down to The Lux,
you're gonna get yourself into trouble.
- Gator needs to know he can't keep doing
- Gator served his time.
And he's only out a couple of months,
and he's back running The Lux?
Now a kid goes missing
a couple of blocks from that place.
We got him. Ledroit.
Come on, six years for dealing drugs.
What about the shit
he was pulling at the Sierra?
The age of some of the kids
he was running out of that place, doesn't
doesn't that punch you in the gut?
Those boys were hustlers.
There's a reason you transferred
to Missing Persons from Vice, Mikey.
Some people would say you couldn't cut it.
And we closed the Sierra down.
And I'm just letting Gator know
we're still watching.
The only thing you should be
watching at The Lux is that ass.
Whatever this thing is
you got going with Gator, let it go.
Focus on the Anderson kid.
You got nothing to do at night?
Go to the movies. Take up a hobby.
Get yourself a fucking date.
Lorenza's been nagging me to death
to have you over for dinner.
Guy from Hudson Sanitation
wants to talk to you, Mikey.
- Thank you.
- Hey, Tina. You free Friday?
Dinner, hmm?
I mean it. You could do worse.
What the fuck we got?
Come on, let's go.
- Okay. Almost there.
- All right. I'm good.
I thought it best
to bring him around the back.
- Thank you.
- A lot of press out there.
Thank you.
- Appreciate it.
- Okay.
The police called. They found something.
Sober the fuck up.
We got this from a guy
working for Hudson Sanitation.
Our forensic team is checking blood type,
but if you could give us a visual ID
I mean, every kid from third grade up
has one of these.
It's Edgar's.
It's faded on the E and the Y.
- You don't know that.
- Vincent, it's Edgar's.
At this point,
we're not ruling out any possibilities.
Have you have you got a suspect?
Yes, we have persons of interest
we're investigating.
Do you think he's dead?
As hard as it might be,
please don't draw any conclusions yet.
We remain hopeful.
Someone has to be at the apartment
if someone calls, if he comes home.
He heard us fighting, Vincent.
He heard us say those things
to each other.
Everyone fights.
Even if he did, it's just what we do.
You're not listening.
Cassie, come on. It's just
I need some space.
From what?
From you.
I need some space from you.
Jesus Christ. Cassie, come on.
I have to look for him, Vincent.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow.
Okay. Yeah, tomorrow.
- Tina.
- Mm?
Go on home.
You too, Mikey.
Lt. Nokes.
Give my love to that wife of yours.
She is living in and out of tune ♪
Hey, you ♪
You're losing, you're losing ♪
You're losing
You're losing your vitamin C ♪
Hey, you ♪
You're losing, you're losing ♪
You're losing
You're losing your vitamin C ♪
Your vitamin C ♪
You have teeth.
this is the Anderson family.
- Please leave a message after the tone.
- Message after the beep!
- Don't forget your number.
- And don't forget your number!
Vincent, I've walked
the entire West Side. No sign.
I'm staying at Rhonda's.
Feed the cat, okay?
Hey, you ♪
You're losing, you're losing ♪
You're losing
You're losing your vitamin C ♪
Hey, you ♪
- Cassie?
- Don't talk.
You're losing your vitamin C ♪
Your vitamin C ♪
Hey, Joe, you know my wife, Kim?
All she does is yap, yap, fuckiddy yap.
Doesn't wanna hear
any of what's on my mind, right?
All right, you know, I tell you,
if she has that baby tomorrow,
you know, it wouldn't be too soon
because all she does
is talk about a fucking baby
that's not even born yet.
The moral the moral of that story is
keep it in your pants.
You want another one for the road?
Yeah, please. Thank you.
So no Nokes tonight, Kennedy?
No, he's kind of sore.
He says I talk too much
You know, sometimes it's, uh
it's hard to keep that stuff in.
Vice ain't no picnic, you know?
- Slainte.
- Cheers.
God bless.
That's me. I'm done. I'm off.
Fucking watch.
You good?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm good.
Wish me luck.
- Who's 8?
- You wanna fucking talk about 8?
Shut up. Shut the fuck up, Cal.
I got a near ten-year-old bourbon
out the back. Came in tonight.
- Maybe later.
- You don't know what you're missing.
Make sure
you got everything you need.
I got a near ten-year-old bourbon
out the back. Came in tonight.
Maybe later.
- You don't know what you're missing.
- Make sure you
Two burgers! Two fries!
- Hey, kid, you hungry?
- Yeah.
Good to have you back, Gator.
- Hey, kid, you hungry?
- Yeah.
- Hey, kid, you hungry?
- Yeah.
Was it a huntsman or a player ♪
That made you pay the cost ♪
That now assumes relaxed positions ♪
And prostitutes your loss? ♪
Were you tortured by your own thirst ♪
In those pleasures that you seek ♪
That made you Tom the Curious ♪
That makes you James the Weak? ♪
And you claim you got something going ♪
Something you call unique ♪
But I've seen your self-pity showing ♪
As the tears roll down your cheeks ♪
Soon you know I'll leave you ♪
And I'll never look behind ♪
'Cause I was born for the purpose ♪
That crucifies your mind ♪
Wake up.
Wake up.
Pathetic fuck.
What are you, deaf? Get dressed.
Didn't no one tell you?
The real monsters ain't under the bed.
"Be good. Be kind. Be brave."
Be blah, blah, blah.
Get your shit together, asshole.
Let's go find your fucking kid.
And you assume
You've got something to offer ♪
Secrets shiny and new ♪
But how much of you is repetition ♪
That you didn't whisper to him too? ♪
Next Episode