Everything Calls for Salvation (2022) s01e01 Episode Script


- ["Keep Moving" by Bronson playing]
- [shouting]
Don't be afraid ♪
Yeah, okay, blackout ♪
- You morons!
- [shouting]
What's up?
- [snorting]
- [man 1] Hey, guys, what about me?
Anything left for me? My turn.
- [sighs] Oh, God.
- [knock on door]
- [man 1] Occupied!
- Give us some privacy!
- [music continues]
- [shouting]
[man 2] Thanks.
[music continues, muffled]
[muffled shouting, laughing]
- [tires screech]
- [crash]
[man 2] Fuck!
[dog barking]
- [keys jangling]
- [lock clicking]
[man 3] Mary, I lost my soul.
Help me, Virgin Mary!
Hey, who the fuck are you, huh?
Hey, please help!
- Help me, Virgin Mary!
- Hey! Hey!
- Virgin Mary!
- Pino, Madonnina is burning the new guy!
- You are an idiot!
- For crying out loud.
- Where did he get this lighter from?
- How would I know?
- [exhales]
- Hi. I'm Gianluca, and I'm a virgin.
[Daniele] I can't open my eyes.
I can't even ask for help.
How come nobody sees
that we are as light as feathers?
A breath of wind is enough
to blow us away.
What the fuck is it all for?
[Pino] Hey, dude, what's-your-name,
get up. It's past 11 a.m.
The doctor's expecting you in 15 minutes.
I'm Pino. And Pino likes
to set the rules straightaway.
If you're good, I'm good.
If you act all crazy and mean,
I'll be meaner than you. Understood?
What kind of place is this?
What am I doing here?
- [Pino] You're on vacation.
- [exhales]
It's like a resort,
with special rules though.
- [restraint rips]
- You can't walk around.
You can only go to the television lounge.
And it's absolutely forbidden
to enter the bad guys' ward.
The bad guys? What does that mean?
Where are the bad guys?
Beyond the glass door at the entrance.
But let me finish.
We have your cell phone,
because otherwise, newbies like you
will start calling everyone.
The president, the pope.
If you must make a call,
you can do it once a day
at the nurses' station, okay?
You can have one every three hours.
But we'll light them for you
to avoid what happened earlier.
Now hurry up, drink your tea.
The doctor is waiting for you.
- [man 2] Hi, I'm Daniele.
- Yes, I know who you are.
I'm Dr. Mancino. Take a seat.
Do you know what day it is today?
Today is, uh, Saturday, August 8th.
[Mancino] Wrong, Sunday the ninth.
It's okay that you don't remember,
given you slept for over 24 hours.
You were so upset
that the colleague who took you in
had to give you
a double dose of sedatives.
Okay, but, uh, what what am I here for?
I don't know. You tell me why you're here.
- If I knew, I wouldn't be asking you.
- [Mancino] I'll remind you, then.
[clears throat] What's the last thing
you remember from the other night?
I don't know. Uh, I went back home.
Mm-hmm. And what else?
[Daniele] And then I passed out.
[Mancino] All right.
You don't remember.
Never mind. You will remember.
What are you writing down?
You sure ask a lot of questions
for someone who just woke up, you know.
So when can I go back to my place?
You'll be here for a while.
- You're in a PDTW.
- What's that?
Psychiatric Diagnosis and Treatment Ward.
But the point is, you'll be undergoing
compulsory treatment for a week.
You'll be here
with us until next Saturday.
What does that mean?
I can't get out of here?
Well, no. Otherwise,
they wouldn't call it compulsory.
Formally, it's the mayor
of your city of residence who requests it.
Then comes the authorization
of the court's custodial judge.
The doctors in the emergency room
decide the treatment.
In short, you got noticed
and became famous. Good for you.
What is this, a prison or what?
I mean, what if I asked my folks
to come here and talk with you?
Actually, your parents completely agree
with this.
What do you mean they agree?
I don't belong in this place at all.
There are real lunatics.
No way I'm staying.
You all say that
when you first come. [sighs]
But if things go as I imagine,
by the time you get out,
you'll have changed your mind.
Okay, listen, speaking of "going out,"
judging by your tox screen,
it seems you had quite a night out, right?
- So what? I went out with my friends.
- [Mancino] Uh-huh.
And when with your friends,
do you always do cocaine?
I don't do drugs.
No, at most I take a few,
uh, sleeping pills for insomnia.
Oh, of course, this is my tox screen.
You realize for someone like you,
one line's like a thousand?
- What do you mean "someone like me"?
- [Mancino] What do I mean?
I mean, your nervous system
is not able to handle certain things.
We can talk about it next time.
Today's interview was only to inform you
about the compulsory treatment order.
- Now you can go back to your room.
- [pen clicks, drops]
Did you hear me? Go.
Ah, it's so fucking hot.
- [door closes]
- [sighs]
[Gianluca] Dr. Mancino is tough, right?
But he's not the worst in here,
believe me.
I did something stupid. [exhales]
I took a boyfriend home,
and my mother, that bitch, panicked.
I swear. She totally did.
I had to beat her up. [sighs]
But I'm good, you know.
[chuckles] I'm really good, even.
In every sense.
May I?
That's Mario, um, a primary schoolteacher.
He's a really good man too.
He's just obsessed
about a little bird on that tree.
Which he alone can see.
He's Alessandro.
I'm not going to tell you his story,
because later his father's coming,
and, well, he'll tell you everything.
He tells everyone. [chuckles]
You've already met Madonnina.
We call him that because
all he does is pray to the Virgin Mary.
And nobody knows
who he is or what his name his.
Poor thing.
[Madonnina muttering]
[Gianluca] Anyway.
They're all "regular" patients, but
only you and I are in for CT.
We have, um,
a lot of things in common, you and I.
- Come here.
- Leave me alone, will you?
Come on, gentlemen, lunch is served.
It smells awful in here.
What is it, someone died?
Alessandro, are you okay, yes?
My goodness. There.
Today, we have clear soup,
chicken breast and boiled potatoes.
Who could ask for more?
If I get to live again,
I wanna be a lunatic too.
- Here.
- [Gianluca] Thanks.
[Pino] You're welcome. Oh, one second.
Send me home, I'm begging you.
I can't stand it here for one day,
let alone for a week.
Don't be like that.
Seven days go by quickly.
It's no big deal.
[under breath] You son of a bitch.
[Pino] I heard you.
Here it is. A little apple for Mario.
Here, Madonnina.
Are you eating your baked apple?
That's all the professor eats.
[Pino] An apple a day
keeps the psychiatrist away.
- So
- [Mario] Thanks.
[Pino] Where did I put it?
Hey, you, what's your name? Cenni.
Careful by the window, okay?
It's supposed to stay shut in your room.
The air con's been broken for two months.
The chief has been complaining,
but the truth is, we don't have a penny.
Enjoy your meal.
[Gianluca] Thanks.
[door lock clicking]
I'd like to call home.
If you call your mother, tell her
to bring something to eat for breakfast.
And toilet paper too.
As you can see, we're broke here.
Listen, he's, uh, the new one.
I haven't figured out whether he's one
of the good guys or the bad guys.
If I were you, I'd be very careful.
You never know with these guys.
Wait, what do you mean
by "you never know"?
[Pino chuckles]
You have five minutes.
I'll wait outside.
[phone ringing]
[ringing continues]
[door opens]
- [clicks]
- [ringing stops]
Antonella. Daniele.
Oh. Yes. What do you want?
Is Mom there?
No, Mom's gone out.
Ah, well, because I wanted to know,
why am I here?
Look, Giovanni will be there soon,
and he'll bring you
everything you need. Bye.
Didn't I make myself clear?
Should I throw away this phone?
[phone beeps]
She came here after I woke up,
telling me that there's that gal
who's putting doubts in her head
that I'm making a strategy
Damn, he's so cute. [chuckles]
[man on TV]
I'm not making a fool of anybody
Do you have a cigarette?
[Daniele] No. My brother will come soon.
He'll bring some.
Oh, so you also have a brother?
Is he handsome like you?
I'm only gonna say this once,
so listen carefully, okay?
I only like girls. Got it?
You don't know what you're missing.
Especially with my mouth.
Come on, I'm joking. [laughs]
I'll stop hitting on you. Hmm?
We're just friends. Come.
Come on, I won't do anything.
It's just that when I'm in the white part,
all I think of is sex.
I'd love to be in more control,
but I've got so much energy.
- A hunger for everything.
- What do you mean by "the white part"?
I'm severely bipolar.
What can you do?
The white part is when I'm feeling good.
Too good, even.
In fact, all this euphoria,
doctors say it's a symptom as well.
I think I'm feeling well,
whereas it's just my disease.
Then there's the black part.
Oh, that's really bad, you know?
When I'm in the black part, I [sighs]
only think about death.
And I just
I know that one of these days,
I'll be stuck in the black part.
- You're the one who can understand me.
- Not again, come on!
Why would I understand you?
I'm not like you!
Maybe I didn't make myself clear!
I don't wanna have
anything to do with queers!
I didn't think you were like this!
- Oh, how so?
- You come here, don't talk to anyone.
Insult me
like you think you're better than us?
No, I have nothing whatsoever
to do with you. Nothing.
Yeah, I think so too,
because we're all easygoing people,
but you, you're just a miserable asshole.
So full of yourself!
- [Daniele] Fuck off!
- [Gianluca] Yeah.
Daniele, to the doctor's office.
The hotter they are,
the more they act like jerks.
[man on TV] I don't appreciate
that kind of attitude,
since it's an attitude I don't like.
- [knock on door]
- [doctor] Yes.
- [Daniele] Hi there.
- Good morning, Mr. Cenni.
- [Daniele] Hi, nice to meet you.
- [doctor] Remember me?
[Daniele] Honestly, I don't.
- [exhales]
- My name is Dr. Cimaroli.
Early morning on Saturday, I was called
to the emergency room for a consultation.
You were a little upset, so to speak.
But why are you being so formal?
We were
on a first name basis this morning.
- [Cimaroli] It's a matter of respect.
- Ah.
But if you prefer,
sure, I'll call you Daniele.
And I tried to get you to tell me
what had upset you so much,
but you weren't able to give me an answer.
We had to sedate you twice.
In many years of my career,
I have rarely seen people in your state.
- Three nurses had to hold you down.
- [exhales]
Do you wanna tell us?
As I said to your colleague earlier,
I honestly don't remember that much,
apart from the fact that I, uh,
went dancing at some club with friends,
and then I went home, and I fell asleep.
In that case,
let's start from what happened earlier.
What did you do that day?
- I went to work.
- [Cimaroli] What's your job?
I'm an air conditioner salesman.
- [Cimaroli] Do you like it?
- Well, it's just a job.
After all, these days,
one can't be, uh, too picky.
I'm lucky they gave me a contract.
[Cimaroli] And how was your day?
Typical. Up to a certain point,
it was as usual.
Why? What happened next, Daniele?
[shuddering] I had an appointment
with, uh,
a family I've known for some time,
because, uh,
their son Marcello and I went
to middle school together.
Maybe they hoped for a discount, you know.
- [Cimaroli] And did you go?
- Of course I did. Yeah.
[Daniele] Look,
we have two exposed areas here,
so as a rule,
we'd need to install four in the house.
Really, four? Oh, my goodness,
how much is this going to cost us?
Don't worry, I'll give you
a good price, ma'am. No problem.
[exhales] Thank you, Daniele.
I'm so happy to see you, you know.
When was the last time you came here?
- Well, ten years ago I'd say. Hmm.
- Hmm.
I've heard that Marcello
has, uh, already graduated in engineering.
[sighs] Yes.
Yeah. Well, after all, he always
was the best student in our class.
But he'd let us all copy.
He was great like that. [chuckles]
Oh, yes, he's a good guy.
Okay, I'll go get
our electricity power contract.
Yes. Meanwhile,
I'll do the math, if I may, okay?
[woman] Okay, I'll be right back.
[footsteps approach]
Hello, Danie'.
You came to play?
Let's go down
to the yard and play soccer, huh?
Marcello, sweetheart,
this gentleman is not here to play.
[Marcello] Why can't he play?
- Aren't we friends anymore, Danie'?
- Yes, of course you're friends.
- [Marcello sighs]
- [father] But now he's working.
Are you working?
- Yes. Maybe some other time, okay?
- Ah!
Some other time.
But can we watch cartoons?
Yes, of course, we'll watch together.
We'll watch them together.
- [Marcello exhales]
- Please, excuse him.
- Go, Roma!
- [father] Come on.
[mother] This year, after his graduation,
he had a car accident.
He was in a coma for three months,
and when he woke up, he was like this.
[Daniele] Poor woman,
I didn't even know what to say,
because I just kept thinking
when we were kids
and we would never let him play
because he was useless.
Why do these things happen?
And to someone like Marcello who has
With his brains, he could have
done anything in his life, right?
[gasps] Is there any fucking justice?
Can you tell me? Because I can't.
What if it happened to someone else?
Would it have made a difference?
How would I know, doctor?
I just have one question. One.
Is there a cure?
I mean, for what life is like.
What's the cure for that?
I mean, everything is meaningless, right?
And if you start looking for meaning,
then they think you're crazy. [sniffles]
[inhales] But if nothing makes sense,
then I want to
I wanna die.
[Cimaroli] It was an encounter
that deeply upset you.
Perhaps that's exactly
what triggered your anger.
You took it out on your father.
You weren't angry with him.
What do you mean, my father?
Well, you pushed him, and he hit his head.
No. No, no, no. You that's not possible.
I'd never do that.
Of course not. I guess we made it all up.
No, but I I don't remember a thing,
nothing about this.
That's normal.
We only remember what's more convenient.
No, but I I mean,
the idea of me beating up my dad.
- It's just not possible
- [Cimaroli] Daniele, don't worry.
He was discharged from the emergency room,
and he went back home.
- Nothing nothing serious happened.
- I don't believe it.
- I don't believe it.
- [Mancino] You'd better believe it.
This and everything else
we're telling you.
I can't no, I can't believe it.
I can't believe it. I
[sniffles, gulps]
[Cimaroli] Anyway,
aside from the reaction you had at home,
I think the most interesting thing
we should focus on
is what triggered all of this.
That is the encounter with your friend.
Now, it's too early to say,
but you might be suffering
from depression,
which escalated into a psychotic episode.
Have you ever heard of serotonin reuptake?
So, serotonin is a neurotransmitter.
Hmm? And you may have a deficiency.
It's all about restoring it
to its normal levels.
Sometimes things
are simpler than they look.
Okay. Of course,
as soon as the treatment is finished,
we'll issue our own diagnosis
and give you a cure.
So you can ignore that too.
[Daniele gasps]
I don't believe what you've told me,
but if it's true,
if it's true, send me home.
Send me there, to see, huh?
Because I don't
I don't belong in this place.
I don't belong here at all. Send me home.
[Cimaroli] Believe me.
You need this observation period.
This is a small ward.
- [gulps]
- [Cimaroli] You'll like it here.
[Mancino] If I were you,
I would seriously start
thinking about what you've done.
'Cause the truth is,
if you don't wanna be treated,
nothing and no one
will be able to help you heal.
Now if you'll excuse us,
we have other patients to see.
[buzzer sounds]
- Giovanni!
- [nurse] Where are you going?
My brother's here.
Can you open the door?
Good afternoon.
Visiting starts in half an hour.
You can't just do as you please.
You're absolutely right. Excuse me, miss.
I'm leaving right away.
I just have to leave these things for him.
I'm gonna have to check it first.
Over there.
[Daniele] You have no idea how happy
I am to see you, Giova.
Jesus Christ,
look where the fuck you ended up.
Listen, how is Dad? And Mom?
How do you think? They feel like shit.
- Antonella won't let me talk to them.
- And she's right.
Giova, listen, ever since I woke up,
I've been trying to remember what I did.
But I can't. I swear to you.
I can't. I just don't know what I did.
You understand?
What did Mom and Dad say to you?
Daniele, cut it out.
You're not fooling me.
Just remember one thing.
They are my father and my mother too.
You try and hurt them again,
I'll do the same to you.
Do I make myself clear?
Crystal clear, yeah.
But I swear, I don't remember anything.
I don't remember what I did at all.
What can I do, huh?
Plus, do you really think
I'm the kind of person
who would hurt my own dad or mom, huh?
Anyway, Dad is fine.
That's all that matters.
I just wanted to make sure
something like that never happens again.
If you try that again,
forget you have a home and a family.
By the way, you were rude. You could say
the same things with kindness, you know?
Those are the rules. I'm sorry about that.
All right, can I smoke now?
Yes, but we'll be keeping these.
[Daniele inhales, exhales]
[Daniele exhales]
- I'll leave it in your room, okay?
- Yeah.
And by the way,
I'm not dangerous, like Pino says.
I'm a good guy.
[Gianluca] Did they
bring you the cigarettes?
- Yes, the nurse has them.
- Can I ask her to give me one?
Sure, as long as you don't take advantage.
Ale, a cigarette for me too!
Let's see if I can find
a nice trashy show. Oh, God.
[remote control clicks]
[chuckles] Thank you, sweetie.
[lighter clicks]
Can I also have
a little spritz? [chuckling]
Mary, I lost my soul.
Help me, help me, Virgin Mary!
[chuckles] He wants a cigarette as well.
He can have one.
[inhales, exhales]
- [Daniele] What a drag!
- [Gianluca] Shh!
We'll have dinner in half an hour.
At 6:30?
Are you new here?
What's ailing you?
He was normal too.
He's always been normal.
Then one day, after he finished school,
l took him to work with me.
I had this idea.
I have 40 years as a masonry worker
under my belt.
One day, we were renovating an apartment,
and we had to build this partition.
I realized I'd run out of plaster,
and I had to go back to the depot
to get to get some more.
Yeah. So I look at him.
"Come on, son. Go on.
You put up this partition."
"Me, Dad?" "Yeah, yeah."
"You. You can do it."
And I go to the depot.
When I come back,
l find him like this, as you see him.
I couldn't understand.
I look at the partition he'd started
to build,
and it wasn't straight.
He'd probably got the wrong measurements.
Of course, it takes
quite some time to learn the trade.
But can you end up like this for a wall?
[Daniele] It's summer outside,
and I'm stuck in here.
With these guys.
What did I do to deserve this?
What do I have in common with them?
Look at them. I feel pity for them.
Bit of disgust too.
I wonder what my friends are doing.
I'd wager a coffee.
Given the time, they're probably
at the beach, passing a joint.
No, no, no,
the guys must never know about this.
They wouldn't understand, and then,
I'd die of shame.
I'll come up with something.
A week of unexpected work.
A course far away from home.
A week of sick leave.
Gentlemen, time to sleep.
You must be the new guest.
- Your name?
- Daniele.
I'm Rossana. I'm on the night shift.
Now turn the light off and sleep, okay?
[Mario exhales]
I can't. I can't, Angelica, I can't.
I can't, Angelica, I can't.
I can't. Angelica, I I can't.
Angelica. Angelica, I
[Daniele grunts]
[Mario] I can't.
My God.
Just go away. I can't. I can't.
Go away.
Go away! Go away, go away!
- [sobbing]
- [Daniele gasps]
[Daniele] The first sleepless night
I have memory of was January 6, 2010.
Many in Rome remember it because
it snowed until the following morning.
That was the only night
I was happy not to sleep.
After that, thousands more came.
Nights where I would chase sleep,
courting it like the most beautiful girl.
[Mario continues sobbing]
[Daniele] But the problem here
is not my insomnia.
In this room full of lunatics,
not even a child would sleep.
[Mario groans]
Can I have one of my cigarettes, please?
Here. You can take one of mine.
- It's easier.
- [exhales] Thanks.
But go to the other room.
- You can't smoke here.
- [Daniele] Yeah.
I was thinking, could you
give me something to help me sleep?
[clicks tongue]
There's someone in the room
who keeps crying, complaining, yelling,
and I can't take it the whole night, okay?
I'm sorry. Without permission,
I can't give you anything.
- Well, can't we ask for permission?
- [chuckles] At this hour?
You won't find anyone.
You'll have to wait
until tomorrow morning.
- All right, I'll run away. How about that?
- Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Go to the other room.
You can't smoke here.
[Daniele huffs]
[cigarette plinks]
[siren blares]
[vehicle approaching]
Half an hour for a six-mile ride.
My back is killing me.
- Damn, how long will it take you?
- [paramedic] As long as it takes, ma'am.
Yeah, sure. Let's get everybody to notice.
Mom, what do you care about them? [sobs]
Well, I do! And you should care too.
Everybody knows you!
Do you understand that?
Are you going to sedate her now, huh?
[paramedic] Jesus,
don't make things worse, all right?
[Rossana] Hey! Hey!
You really are an idiot, aren't you?
Get down. Get down!
I did warn you I was gonna run away,
didn't I?
You idiot! You could have killed yourself.
If I don't sleep, I lose it!
Come with me.
Just wait right here.
Here. Tomorrow, I'll tell the doctors.
Jeez, I've never seen such a small pill.
What is it?
What the hell do you think it is? A mint?
It's a sleeping pill. Okay, now, get lost.
- [buzzer sounds]
- [groans] This is one of those nights!
[mother] Dr. Sinibaldi sent us.
You've been notified already, right?
- Which way do we go?
- The door over there.
Somebody put something
in my daughter's drink.
They wanna ruin her.
That's what they want.
[Rossana] Easy, ma'am.
I expected this place
to be better, you know?
Mom, I'm begging you.
You can't leave me here.
- [mother] Sh!
- [daughter] Promise. I won't do it again.
- Honey, you have to keep quiet.
- But I swear. I swear I won't do it again.
[mother] Stop it.
It's already difficult as it is.
- And this place really sucks!
- [daughter] I don't wanna be here!
- [mother] You're gonna be all right.
- [daughter sobbing]
What are you doing out here?
- What's that girl's name, huh?
- What's it to you? A matter of privacy.
- No, I know her. Her name is Nina.
- Yeah, right.
Why'd you put her in
with the bad guys, huh? She's not bad.
What, do you think
we put bad guys over there?
- That's what Pino told me.
- Oh, that's what he told you?
[laughs] Oh, man.
I know her. She's famous. She acted
in a show watched all over the world.
Yeah, sure. And I'm Monica Bellucci.
Didn't you recognize me?
Come on, take the pill and go to bed.
I've got things to do.
- I took it already.
- So there you go.
Go back to your room. [exhales]
["Heater" by KLP playing]
Down, down, down,
down, down, down, down, down!
- [shouting] Oh, yeah!
- [snorting]
- I'm burning like a heater ♪
- [shouting]
[music stops]
- [man 1 on TV] I can't believe it.
- [man 2] Dumb.
- [man 1] The ball's color is the problem.
- [man 3] We kick in every way.
[man 4] Well done!
[woman 1] It's absolutely suitable
for all ages.
[man 5] Can I tell you something?
I hate these prices.
[man 6] Automatic gearbox,
eight gears, alloy wheels
[woman 2] I don't like mushy wet things.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [crowd laughing]
[strained music playing]
- [glass shattering]
- [yelling] What the fuck is it all for?
What the fuck is it all for?
What the fuck is it for?
[sobbing] What is it for?
- [gasps] What is it all for?
- What's going on?
- What are you doing?
- Will you calm down!
- Leave me alone!
- Come on!
- [Daniele] Leave me alone!
- Calm down!
- Leave me alone!
- [thuds]
[mother screams] Help!
["Medicine" by Side Baby playing]
[man vocalizing]
[rapping in Italian]
[song ends]
[ethereal music playing]
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