Exception (2022) s01e01 Episode Script


[inhales sharply]
[door closes]
Vision, normal.
Hearing, normal.
Smell [sniffs]
Pain perception, normal.
Blood glucose, electrolytes, enzymes,
all abnormally normal.
Just what you'd expect
from a brand-new body.
Emotional responses
and stress tolerance, normal.
Memories, clear.
I am human.
[door closes]
Morning, Nina.
Hi, Mack.
Would you please come to the medical room?
For the physical?
Just give me a moment to take all this in.
I was just born into this world, you know.
[birds singing]
The printing is accurate,
right down to the patterns in the iris.
Even twins don't match that well.
Mmm. My taste buds seem to be
working fine too.
Although this stuff may not look
all that appetizing,
it's not bad.
When I eat it,
I can tell that it tastes good.
We're instinctively comparing it
to food we ate in the past.
What about your memories?
How's the connection?
When I was getting backed up,
I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes.
And then when I opened them again,
I was on the other side of space.
It's kind of a shock.
[Mack] Same here.
I have the illusion of my consciousness
just continuing right from that day.
But the physical person I am now, it's
It's not the person
who got their memory backed up.
[device ringing]
Oscar's finished printing.
The cavity's gone.
This new body's fantastic.
[jazz music playing]
Hey, I think it's about time
we got to work.
We can, after everybody's printed.
[Mack] We need to get going
before the migrant vessel gets here.
[chuckles] Bullshit.
The migrants won't arrive
for another hundred years.
Living beings can't make it
through subspace, even in cryosleep.
They can't warp here.
- [grunts]
- [door chimes]
Damn it.
- [Mack] Hello, Patty.
- [Oscar] Hey, Patty.
Good morning, everyone.
While we're waiting for Lewis, let's talk.
We're almost at our destination
of Planet X-10.
We've already entered its star system.
How many days has it been
since we left Earth?
It's been what, a week?
But of course, that's in days
based on the rotation of the Earth.
[controls beeping]
So where are our original selves now?
We can't track them in real time.
But if we were to make a rough estimate
the migrant vessel should be around here.
It's a long trip,
so everyone's in cryosleep
to keep from aging.
Our original selves are dreaming away.
It must be strange for them too.
Another version of their self
has been created
on the other side of space
and is working while they're asleep.
We were chosen
and given special permission
to be printed by The Womb.
It's an honor.
We were selected
because we were the most qualified.
So we have to make Planet X-10
a comfortable place to live
before they arrive.
[energy crackles]
[alarm sounds]
[all] Huh?
- [alert blaring]
- What's happening?
Shit! It's an electromagnetic wave.
And it's damn strong.
It can't be.
It's a flare.
[alarm blaring]
[machine humming]
[breathes deeply]
[sighs] Had me going for a second.
No reports of fire.
But there are some areas I can't confirm.
Looks like some of
the electronic equipment isn't responding.
All right, let's split up
and inspect for damage.
- Got it?
- [all] Got it.
[Patty] Good it didn't happen
while you were out there.
Could have been exposed to radiation.
Luck was on my side.
I want to know why nobody told us
that this sun sneezes.
[Patty] Yeah, that was a little
too close for comfort, if you ask me.
It's just a little bit of bad luck.
Wow. It's huge.
[Patty] What is it, Mack?
[Mack] The atmospheric transformer.
[chuckles] It'd better be big.
That thing is gonna give
the entire planet a makeover.
[Mack] Yeah.
Technically, the plants will do
most of the work.
But we need the reactor
to stabilize the atmosphere first.
Can anyone tell what's going on
with the printing room?
The Womb should've finished
printing Lewis by now,
but he hasn't come out.
[Oscar] Hold on.
The Womb is currently in operation.
That's odd.
There's an error message.
[Nina] I'd like to take a look inside,
but entry during printing is
a violation of privacy.
Is everyone okay with me going in?
- [Oscar] Of course.
- [Mack] Permission granted.
[Patty] I agree as well.
[Nina breathing shakily]
What is this?
What's wrong?
- [Nina panting] It's Lewis, he
- [Mack] Nina?
[Nina] Get over here! Come quickly!
[Patty gasps] Oh, my God!
Thank you.
Feeling better?
[sighs] I guess so.
The DNA analysis shows
this is definitely Lewis.
But it is clearly not. Just look at him.
There has to have been an error
during the printing.
It must have been from the flare.
Maybe it caused a surge in The Womb
that led to a malfunction.
[Mack] So, is he alive?
The heart is beating.
[Mack] Any brain activity?
Yes, but only weak activity.
It's a state known as an alpha coma.
[Mack] Have there been other cases
of The Womb failing during a printing?
[Nina] None that have been made public.
There may have been
during the development phase.
Remember, it wasn't made by human hands.
[Mack] When dealing with printing errors,
those who are at the scene decide
what course of action to take, correct?
Yes, that's right.
[Mack] We should reprint a proper Lewis.
It's for the good of the mission.
We should dispose of this one.
But that would be murder, wouldn't it?
Do we have the right to take his life
just because he lacks consciousness?
He's still a living being.
Patty, we need material
that contains Lewis's genetic information
in order to reprint him.
The quickest way to do that
is to disassemble this one
and use it as biomaterial.
And it can't be from just anyone.
To create Lewis,
we need Lewis's biomaterial.
We can make more by cultivating.
The bodies that we have now were made
by growing material
from harvested cells, right?
I did go ahead
and start the cell cultivation,
just in case.
But it's going to take a while.
If we wait, our schedule will be delayed.
Lewis is responsible
for the atmospheric transformer.
We should destroy this one
and print a new, proper Lewis immediately.
Look, I agree with Mack.
If I were in that state,
I wouldn't want to be kept alive.
You're just trying to detract
from the fact that it's murder.
That is not a person.
It's just a lump of flesh.
[sighs] Patty
According to the rules set forth
by the Planetary Development Agency,
major decisions require unanimous consent.
If you aren't in agreement,
we can't euthanize him.
We can put it in the record
that you initially objected,
so it won't be on your conscience.
We respect your principles, Patty, we do.
And all life should be protected,
without exception.
But we're in a special situation.
That's not it at all.
[Nina] I can take care of the procedure.
He'll just go into a deep sleep,
without ever knowing he was even born.
Okay, if there's no other choice.
It just doesn't seem right
to let a soul be destroyed.
[Oscar] A soul, huh?
Do we even have souls?
[Mack] Hmm.
Beats me.
Seriously, though,
are all botanists like her?
[Oscar] I think
she might be especially compassionate.
She says she can even talk
to cats and dogs.
Well, having a botanist is essential
for this mission.
If there aren't plants rooted
into the surface of Planet X-10,
there'll be no stable supply of oxygen.
Yeah, sure,
but [scoffs] this isn't normal.
I'm not talking about her.
I mean all of us.
We asked her to agree
to kill one of our own.
That's not on us.
Blame whoever thought of
printing human beings
in the first place.
You know living things can't travel
through subspace.
This was our only choice.
[screen chimes]
Hi, Nina. How are you feeling?
Have you seen Planet X-10 yet?
I am the original version of you.
I recorded this
right before leaving Earth.
I left a present for you.
I hope you found it.
If you, the printed version of me,
properly share the same consciousness
and memories of the past,
then you should know what it is.
It's the cat doll from our childhood.
It's always been by my side,
watching over me,
and and now I'm giving it to you.
[chuckles] She's thinking of me
so that, as a printed copy,
I don't forget that I'm human.
[on screen] So, I guess I'll see you
in a hundred years.
By that time,
a green paradise will have spread out
over the surface of Planet X-10.
[Nina inhales deeply]
This smell really takes me back to Earth.
The wind, the sun
the swing that was in my backyard.
[Mack] It's going to take three syringes?
The first is a sedative,
the next is a muscle relaxant,
and the last one stops
the heart from beating.
A sedative?
[Nina] It's the most humane process.
Is Patty there with you?
No. She's in the Greenhouse.
[Oscar] She doesn't wanna see this.
[Nina] Okay, I guess I should get started.
[Mack] Please.
You shouldn't feel a thing.
You'll just start sleeping
a little deeper than you are now.
You're going to be reborn.
Your being here was a mistake.
Never mind. Must be imagining things.
Good night.
Sleep peacefully.
- [screeching]
- [gasps]
- [Lewis growls]
- [groans]
- [Lewis snarls]
- [straining]
- Nina!
- Damn it!
- [Nina panting]
- [Lewis snarling]
[groans, growls]
- [straining]
- [Lewis snarling]
- [Lewis roars, snarling]
- [Nina gasps, groans]
- [sighs]
- [bones crack]
[Lewis groaning]
[shrieks, groans]
[Oscar] Patty! Patty! C-Can you hear me?
Oscar, what's wrong?
[Oscar] Stay where you are.
Why? What's happening?
It's It's Lewis. He got up, and
[Mack panting]
- [alert blaring]
- [automated voice] Fire! Fire!
All crew members,
please evacuate immediately.
- [Mack, Oscar shuddering]
- Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
[Lewis growls]
Oscar, help Nina. [panting]
[automated voice] Fire! Fire!
- All crew members, please evacuate
- Can anyone hear me?
- This is Patty. Please respond. What ha
- [objects crash]
[Lewis groaning, breathing heavily]
[gasps] Lewis?
Patty! Run!
[groans, snarls]
Nina! Are you all right? Nina.
Oh, no. Oh, no.
[Lewis snarls]
[Mack] Lewis?
[breathing shakily]
- [gasps, grunts]
- [snarls]
[Mack winces]
Lewis! [grunts]
I I feel like we should say something.
You go ahead. I don't have any words.
[Patty stammers, breathes shakily]
Goodbye, Nina.
I I'm sorry.
Now it's more like "The Tomb"
than The Womb.
Those words are more connected
than you might think.
They say, long ago,
that people built graves and temples
as wombs for the dead to be reborn in.
[footsteps approaching]
Don't tell me
you're gonna use that for self-defense.
No, for hunting.
You know
the printer won't let us make weapons.
This is as good as it gets.
It's too dangerous to leave out there.
[Patty breathing shakily]
[Oscar] The reprint is starting.
We'll see Nina in half an hour.
[Nina] Vision, normal.
Hearing, normal.
Smell [sniffs]
Pain perception, normal.
Memories, clear.
[inhales sharply, exhales]
I am human.
Next Episode