Expedition Bigfoot (2019) s01e01 Episode Script

The Search Begins

It's a really good clearing.
As long as I go
from left to right,
It's gonna tell me
that there's something out there
Putting out a heat trace.
Do you see that?
There's something big.
It's right there.
What in the heck is that?
[ computer chimes ]
- How are you?
- I'm good, thank you.
It's on its way.
Did you receive it?
Yes, I did.
Been looking at it.
It's a very broad animal,
wide animal, and it looks
Hmm. Well, this is
quite interesting.
I see motions that look
like arms swinging.
I have to say also that
It's a creature
walking upright.
Are you saying that we captured
a large anthropoid creature
Walking in the woods
in central oregon?
This is it.
Bigfoot, sasquatch --
In the past 50 years,
There have been more than
10,000 reported sightings
Of this elusive creature in
the continental united states.
From the ozarks
to the mojave desert,
From the new jersey pine barrens
to the pacific northwest,
Every year,
hundreds of eye witnesses
Log their encounters,
But where or when this legendary
cryptid will be seen next
Has been a mystery, until now.
For the first time in history,
A team of investigators is using
an advanced data algorithm
To analyze five decades
of bigfoot sightings
To pinpoint when and where
to encounter this elusive beast.
With the results, they now know
the time and place to search,
And the greatest bigfoot hunt
ever is on.
This is way out there.
Rpg: Good news is,
is we're getting really close,
So it's not much further.
My name is bryce johnson,
And I've been obsessed
with the lore of bigfoot
For as long as I can remember.
It's been such a passion of mine
That I started a podcast
about bigfoot,
And through that,
I've had the opportunity to meet
Just about everybody there is
in the bigfoot community,
And I've tried to learn
everything there possibly is
To know about
this mythical beast.
It's been a dream of mine
to help put this mystery to bed
Once and for all,
so I've put together a team
Of elite researchers
and investigators,
And we have something that
no one else has had before --
Information telling us
where bigfoot is
And when he's gonna be there.
After processing sightings data
Through a complex algorithm,
Results show
for the next three weeks
A 90,000-acre swath of
dense forest in central oregon
Is where a bigfoot encounter
is likely to occur.
Bryce: Usually,
a sighting is reported,
And then the researchers head
to that location.
What I tried to do
was put us
- Put us ahead.
- Two steps ahead of bigfoot,
You know,
which hasn't been done before.
All the data tells us
The best chance of success
for finding bigfoot
Is right here, right now,
for the next three weeks.
To maximize their time,
The field team will be embedded
deep in the forest,
Living and operating
their mission
From within the target zone.
A quest of this magnitude
Requires a team
of skilled experts.
I've made
a scientific discovery.
I know the possibility
of finding something
That no one else has been able
to find or identify is real.
Bryce: What can I say
about dr. Mireya mayor?
She spent 20 years in the field.
She's a fulbright scholar.
She's a primatologist,
We're extremely lucky
to have her.
For more than 20 years,
I have explored the most remote
regions of the world
Places where most people
wouldn't go.
That's what has always
driven me in my field.
[ grunting ]
I discovered a new lemur species
That is now
the world's smallest primate.
It's an amazing example
of how little we still know
About what's out there.
I'm looking for really good
scientifically sound evidence
Where we could finally
put this to rest
And maybe have bigfoot walk off
the pages of myth and legend.
The world is so much more
gigantic than people understand,
And to believe
that we've explored
Every single inch of it,
And there's nothing
could be hiding from us --
That shows our arrogance,
you know, and our ignorance.
Bryce: Nobody has more
experience looking for bigfoot
Than ryan golembeske,
also known as "rpg."
He really knows
the signs to look for.
He knows the incredible lore
surrounding bigfoot,
And he's been doing it
since he was a kid,
And I think
he's a tremendous asset.
Rpg: There are hundreds of
native american stories
About bigfoot, so I base
my personal hunting style
On native american wisdom
and lore.
I'm gonna find bigfoot
Because that's been
my life's mission.
Some people go to disneyland,
disney world.
My family and I -- we would
go check loch ness out,
Or we would go camping
and howl for the big man,
And to have this opportunity
is astronomical.
We are just moments away.
We are getting
really close now.
Okay, here's the turnoff.
We're really gonna be
heading into a zone
Of old-growth forest,
so much of which has been
Either undiscovered
or unexplored.
Narrator: The mysterious
mountain forests
Of the pacific northwest
Have become synonymous
with bigfoot.
From native american legends
stretching back centuries
To many of
the most famous sightings,
This region has long been known
as a bigfoot hot spot.
More than 1,800 sightings have
been recorded in oregon alone
Over the past 50 years.
Scientists rely on
peoples' accounts
When looking for animals that
are incredibly rare or elusive
Or thought to be extinct.
But despite the high rate
of bigfoot occurrences here,
The team will need
all the help it can get.
[ radio beeps ]
Nine-year army veteran
russell acord
Is a long-time bigfoot hunter
Specializing in extended
solo expeditions.
Bryce: I look at a forest,
and I see trees.
Russell sees
a menagerie of things.
He sees game trails.
He sees signs.
He knows what to look for.
Russell's the type of guy
who can drop behind enemy lines
And know that he's gonna
come home
With a mission accomplished.
Russell: One of the things
that has helped me through
My bigfoot research
is my military experience,
Having the training to be able
to survive out
In the wilderness,
tracking, and searching.
That's my element.
This is perfect country.
Mireya: If there was ever a team
put together
That could find evidence
or find bigfoot,
I really think it's this one.
This is true wilderness.
The 90,000-acre search area
Has remained
almost completely untouched
Since the logging industry left
decades ago,
And no bigfoot investigation
has ever occurred here
On the scale
that the team has planned.
Rpg: I have been looking
for the big man
For as long as
I can possibly remember,
And if anyone is
going to find bigfoot,
This is the place
they're going to do it.
Mireya: Wow.
Lying out there in front of us
Is miles and miles
of unforgiving wilderness.
Bigfoot is here.
Narrator: Coming up
Did you hear the sound?
Right down in here somewhere.
Just sitting there --
8- foot creature
With man-like features,
You know, on two legs,
super hairy, terrifying.
- Look at that.
- That looks different. Wow.
Narrator: In a remote forest
in central oregon
Bryce: Now we're getting
into the tree line.
A team of expert researchers
Are headed into a densely
wooded mountain range.
This 90,000-acre hot zone
is where they believe
They'll find the world's
most elusive beast --
The team has chosen
this location
Based on data calculations
That reveal a unique cluster
of bigfoot sightings
That all occur
at this exact time of year,
And according to the analysis,
There's a 130-square-mile
target zone
Where bigfoot is
very likely to be.
Bryce: So this is something
that's never been done before.
We know bigfoot is here.
There's only one catch.
The window of time
where these cluster of sightings
Are taking place is between
mid-may and early June,
So we only have three weeks
to finally find bigfoot.
- So a big water source there.
- Yeah.
Mireya: So maybe we start
looking for
A place to camp
just over here.
Whenever you enter a forest,
You're in something's territory,
So when you're setting up
a base camp,
You want to be close enough
to the animal you're looking for
But far enough away where you're
not encroaching on their turf.
This looks good, yes.
- All right.
- Looks good.
- Whoo!
To me, this is the ideal place
to set up our base camp.
Narrator: Using her 20 years
of field experience
All right.
Let's get that gear.
Mireya has strategically
chosen a location
To set up base camp just
on the edge of the target zone.
This is the perfect base camp.
It's a great place to serve
as a conduit
Between getting things into them
and getting things out.
This will be the field team's
home and base of operations
For the next three weeks
as they scour the target zone,
An area of nearly untouched
This is a very serious task.
You have to be willing
to stick it out
And stay for days or weeks
or whatever it takes
To prove that bigfoot
does or does not exist.
Narrator: After decades
of bigfoot hunting
In the pacific northwest,
Survivalist russell acord
is extremely familiar
With forests in this region.
He has information that could
come in handy
To the rest of the team.
You guys are each gonna get
your own personal first-aid kit.
There's cougars.
There's all kinds of animals.
And it's definitely
a threat out here
Because we're
in the wilderness, so
How likely are we
to see cougar out here?
There's been a fatality
right here.
They're definitely something
you want to take seriously.
We're the intruders.
We're in their house,
And they're probably not
gonna like that very much.
Being in a remote area,
If I break a limb up here
or get hurt,
I know that we're hours from
the nearest medical attention.
You have to be on
your "a" game out here.
This is no place
to not be spot-on.
In your opinion, the worst
and best case happens,
And a bigfoot comes out
and charges us,
What's our game plan
for bigfoot?
With gorillas,
for example,
We have sort of a rule book
that we follow.
When a gorilla charges,
we know what to do.
With something like bigfoot,
there's no manual.
That's the more
worrisome part.
I don't know what
the strategy would be.
I'm used to the idea
of being out in remote,
Wild places where
we're facing lots of dangers.
I've worked with wild animals
now for over two decades.
I've been charged by
400-pound silverback gorillas.
So something the size of bigfoot
is allegedly over 7 feet tall
And could be 1,200 pounds.
The strength, the sheer force --
it's mind-blowing.
We have no idea what to expect,
And that's scary.
- Oh, look at this.
- We got company?
Yeah, we sure do.
In order to begin our hunt,
we've brought in a lidar team
To help us map this area.
Bryce, jamie.
Nice to meet you.
Hey, jamie.
Nice to meet you, man.
Bryce: With about 150 square
miles of dense forest to cover
And only three weeks,
we don't really have time
To be searching blindly,
So we have with us
one of the most sophisticated
Mapping technologies
Ever deployed
on a bigfoot expedition.
Narrator: For the past 48 hours,
a state-of-the-art mapping team
Has been scanning
the target zone
Using a drone-mounted lidar rig.
Lidar, or light detection
and ranging,
Is a highly advanced system that
uses thousands of laser points
To create a high-resolution
topographical rendering
Of the terrain below
And is accurate
to within one inch.
The system is so sophisticated,
It can penetrate
the forest canopy
To reveal anything hidden below.
It's like x-ray vision
from the sky.
It can see right through
the trees
To help us pinpoint any signs
or clues of bigfoot activity.
We need to find targets
or points of interest.
Narrator: The lidar team has
processed the mapping data
From the target zone,
and it is ready for analysis.
Bryce: The amount of detail
this system can detect
Is mind-blowing,
So we're gonna be looking
for signs of bigfoot habitats --
Water sources, caves, tunnels,
possible food sources,
Any signs of disturbances
where bigfoot might be moving.
We got something up here.
Yeah, look at that.
What is that?
- Looks like game trails.
- That is amazing.
Oh, we definitely want
to get eyes on that.
Narrator: Deep in the forests
of central oregon,
A team of expert researchers
have followed a data pattern
Of bigfoot sightings
to this location.
And now they're getting
their first look
At never-before-seen images
By a state-of-the-art
lidar mapping drone.
These images may reveal clues
Of where the fabled beast
is lurking.
- Got something up here.
- Yeah, look at that.
Bryce: What is that?
Jamie: Yeah, I'm not quite sure
what's going on there.
Can you zoom out
a little more?
Oh, my god.
Look at that.
That is amazing.
Oh, we definitely want
to get eyes on that.
Narrator: The lidar scan has
revealed an elaborate web
Of connected game trails,
Hidden paths created by deer
Frequently moving between
food and water sources,
And these same paths filled
with animals to eat
Would make ideal hunting grounds
for bigfoot.
Rpg: This is like a christmas
morning moment for a 'squatcher.
Literally looks like
google earth, los angeles,
And you're seeing
all the different streets
Running in every
different direction,
And we realize, do you
understand what we have here?
We have sasquatch's
freeway system.
Bryce: We have a lot to do,
so, rpg, mireya,
Think you should find lots of
interesting things over there.
I have no doubt in my mind
That this is how
bigfoot is getting around.
You can see from this --
You can see
elevation changes
Before you walk
all the way to it.
Where is
that highest point?
Here is
the highest elevation.
Mireya: Probably some
pretty hard trekking.
That's exactly what I'm looking
for is the toughest areas
To get to because that's where
I would hide --
Where humans
don't want to go.
That's where
I would want to go.
That would give me
a great perspective
Of everything else
around me, too.
Could be something
hiding there.
Russell: In my experience,
you can't go elk hunting
Without thinking like an elk.
You can't go bear hunting
without thinking like a bear.
You become bigfoot.
You have to think like
what it is that you're seeking.
Well, listen,
we all have targets
That we can be excited about,
And we'll see
what we can find there.
Sounds good.
Narrator: The expedition will
split into teams.
Mireya and rpg will hike
seven miles north
To investigate a location
Where several of the game trails
all converge.
Russell will travel solo
and trek east
To scale an isolated
6,000-foot peak,
A likely spot, he believes,
For bigfoot to seek refuge
from humans,
And bryce will be based
at a remote headquarters
34 miles
outside the hot zone.
During the investigation,
There's gonna be
lots of things
That need to be handled
outside the hot zone.
Evidence will need to be
tested and analyzed.
There are witnesses and experts
that we'll want to speak with,
So I'll be in charge
of gathering intel
And supporting our field team,
doing anything I need to do
To help us find
conclusive evidence
For the existence of bigfoot.
Are you ready?
Hey, guys.
This is where I leave you.
Stay alert.
Stay safe.
If you guys hear anything,
if you see anything,
Call me on the satphone.
I want to know about it.
Good luck.
I wish you success.
- All right.
- Be careful.
- Good luck.
Narrator: The team separate into
the unforgiving wilderness
To examine the darkest corners
of a place humans rarely go.
It's just you and me,
This is my home.
This is where I belong,
right here.
I'm not afraid to get up
in the rocks.
I'm not afraid to sleep
on the hard ground.
I'll stay as long as I need to
in the dark, scary wilderness
To prove the existence
of bigfoot.
Mireya: Gonna be a great,
great adventure.
You don't know
what you're gonna find
When you're on an expedition.
You never know that.
But the fact that
we could be out here
And discover something new --
I mean, that's exciting,
And it would change everything
that we think we know
About our own human evolution.
Rpg: This isn't going to be
an easy adventure.
Nature is consistently filled
with signs,
Especially in
the pacific northwest,
Telling you to go home.
We're gonna be out here
for three weeks,
So if we're going to
find bigfoot,
It's going to be
the fight of our life.
In the heart of central oregon,
A team of four elite specialists
Have begun a three-week
investigation to find bigfoot.
But while the rest of the team
explores the target zone,
Bryce will oversee the campaign
from a mobile command base.
Bryce: We have three weeks
to prove the unprovable,
So I'll be operating about
30 miles outside the hot zone.
It's the nearest location
that had reliable wi-fi,
Decent cell reception,
and access to roads and highways
So that I could stay mobile.
Not only that,
we have the latest technology,
Which can help support and guide
our team every step of the way
'cause, look,
if we're gonna find bigfoot,
That's the only way we're gonna
be able to pull this off.
I've given each of the teammates
a satellite phone
So that they can get ahold of me
any time they want,
And I can get ahold of them.
I will be their eye in the sky.
And what that means is I've
equipped each of the teammates
With their own gps tracker,
so in real time,
I'm gonna be able
to track their location.
Also, of course,
knowing their position allows me
To extract any type of evidence
That they may come across
in the field.
There's russell right there,
And there's rpg and mireya
right there.
This looks like a path
through here.
Yeah, something's been
going through here.
Something came moving
through here.
Five miles from base camp,
Mireya and rpg use
a lidar-generated map
To guide them towards an area
Where several of
the game trails converge.
Rpg: That looks
pretty new, right?
There's deep prints here.
There's fresh, deep tracks here,
here, here, there.
Rpg: So mireya and I
are traveling along
This perfect little game trail,
and it's active.
There are deer prints
kind of everywhere.
All the research says this is
the number-one food for bigfoot.
Rpg: It looks like
something definitely
Came flying down, and
So it's possible something
was being chased down.
Looks like they were in a hurry.
Why are deer in a hurry?
What do they have to run from?
- Oh!
- Look at that.
- That looks different.
- Yeah, I can't tell.
That almost looks
That could be a shoe.
That could be --
it depends on how it stepped.
If it stepped here
pressing off this way,
Then you could be looking
at a 'squatch print.
Rpg: So as we're walking
through, looking around the area
And seeing that things
were in motion,
That's when we notice
an actual print.
Now, sasquatching for years,
It is very hard
to find a footprint, okay?
This is not something
you come across every day.
- So where would the toes be?
- It's
Well, they would be
up in here,
But you don't see them.
I don't see it very strong
'cause you would --
You'd see
some kind of toes.
There's very little,
just a little bit of scrape.
I don't know.
Rpg is like an excited
9- year-old on christmas morning
When we start talking
about bigfoot.
I have to be a little bit
more cautious with rpg
Because a lot of it is
intuition, feeling,
But I'm interested in
evidence and facts.
We should set up one tree here.
What do you think?
Absolutely, yeah.
Here you go.
Narrator: With signs of possible
predatory activity,
The team deploys a sophisticated
trail-camera system.
All right.
So what we're gonna do is,
we're gonna daisy-chain
This one to some of the other
ones that I brought.
Instead of having to check
each camera individually,
This system utilizes a
self-generated wireless network
And sends captured images over
four miles to one local device,
Saving the team precious time,
And with a 1/4-second
trigger speed,
Anything that passes by is
guaranteed to be caught on film.
Mireya: So the fact is, is
I've been out there for months
Waiting to capture one image.
In this case,
we don't have months.
We have weeks,
and so I'm really hoping
That we'll be able
to get some images
That ultimately
could lead us to bigfoot.
[ laughing ]
one down.
Narrator: 25 miles away,
bryce has a target of his own --
A bigfoot witness
who had an encounter
Just two miles
outside the hot zone.
So I am on my way to meet
a young lady named hannah.
She is a wild-mushroom forager.
Hearing about her encounters
And what she can possibly offer
in terms of advice --
It could help us
gather evidence of sasquatch.
- Hey.
- Hannah.
- How's it going?
- Hey. Good.
How are you?
- Good.
Bryce: You obviously spend
a lot of time in the woods.
Hannah: Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Me and my boyfriend --
We full-time live
in the woods, honestly.
What kind of wildlife
do you run into?
Oh, a ton of bears.
We've seen three bears
this week --
Two grizzlies
and a black bear.
- Really?
- Yeah.
And what do you do
when you encounter a grizzly?
You don't make eye contact,
and you go the other way.
Speaking of confrontation,
your bigfoot story --
Can you tell me
a little bit about that?
Yeah. Well, we had just
finished picking for the day,
And we were showering
in this little pine opening,
And right after we finished up,
we're heading back to the car,
And we hear this thing
come through the brush --
Something super heavy
running, like, at us.
These footprints are just,
boom, boom, boom.
And so I just screamed,
and we just took off,
And we were about
50 feet from the car,
And it just keeps coming.
It was just
sheer terror, like,
"this is the probably
the end right here."
We get in the car,
and we could see its figure,
Like, come from
out of the deep woods
Into kind of
the roadside brush
And just crouch down
in there,
And it was just
sitting there watching us.
It was like an 8-foot creature
with kind of, like,
Manlike features,
You know, on two legs,
super hairy.
It wasTerrifying.
The crazy thing is the next
morning, my boyfriend --
He went back out into
where we were showering,
And it reeked
to high heaven.
- Really?
- Yeah, the worst smell ever.
He said that it was just like
a rotting-animal smell.
There's so many things
that ring true about her story,
But what really caught
my attention
Was the fact that
she's been around grizzlies,
But that didn't even come close
to scaring her
The way that whatever it is
scared her.
I've never actually
shaken from fear before,
And there was a long sound,
like a banshee.
Like, it sounded like a woman
giving birth, like, screaming.
Bryce: How did you guys feel
when you heard that sound?
[ laughing ]
You know, I've read of theories
of large mammals
Using something called
infrasound to debilitate
Or sort of paralyze
their prey.
In nature, infrasound is
a powerful low-frequency tone
That many large mammals,
such as elephants and tigers,
Use to communicate.
Tigers use it to ward off
competing males
That might enter
their territory.
Many witness accounts report
That bigfoot also uses
this sound
To intimidate, injure,
and inflict paralyzing fear.
So a lot of people
who have experienced
Sightings like you --
They've reported nausea,
intense headaches.
Have you ever felt
anything like that?
Hannah: Yeah.
I feel like a lot of it
is territorial.
Stuff will start happening
When you start going
a certain direction.
I think if you push too far
into their territory,
That's when you'll have
one of those experiences.
What would you say
to somebody like me
Who has a team in there
To go look for evidence
of this creature?
That I think these things
are smart enough to know
If you're coming
after them, you know?
Narrator: Coming up
- Hey, rpg?
- Yeah.
Six miles north of base camp,
investigators rpg and mireya
Are following a network
of hidden game trails
That move throughout the forest,
A newly revealed clue
in the area
Where data analysis says
bigfoot is likely to be.
this looks promising.
Yeah, I think
we're pretty close.
With only three weeks
to uncover evidence,
They've been setting cameras
across the trails
And are heading to an area
where several of them converge.
We need to know
the lay of the land.
We need to know
who's taking these trails,
Who's running through,
and at what time.
That'll give us the information
we need to find sasquatch.
Oh, look at that.
That's a great sign.
Mireya: Yeah.
That means
there's life around.
Oh, wow.
Are you kidding me?
This is a really good area
Because it's a bit
of an animal magnet.
It's where water is.
That's where you see
prey coming in,
Drinking from the water,
And predators, of course,
following after.
I mean, this is, like,
a perfect spot to ambush.
We definitely
got life here.
There's some remains here
of a kill.
As daylight fades,
Rpg and mireya
place their final cameras.
They strategically position them
on each trail
So that any wildlife
That approaches the pond
will be recorded.
Hold on.
Yeah, I got a little bit
of a headache, you know?
Nothing too
Just annoying me.
Mireya: Expeditions are
really challenging.
You're facing all the elements.
You're getting bit by insects.
You're really struggling.
You're tired.
You're not getting
a good night's sleep.
It's tough.
But that potential,
that possibility of discovery
That as an explorer
and a scientist,
I can't turn away from.
It's set.
- All right.
- Let's go.
Narrator: Rpg and mireya will
now make the seven-mile trek
Back to base camp.
Eight miles to the southeast,
Former u.S. Army sergeant
and survivalist russell acord
Is hiking to an elevated
position of 6,000 feet
Where he thinks any bigfoot
in the area will be hiding.
I'm running along parallel
with this creek to my left.
The sound of the water
masks my sound.
I know I won't make
my high point tonight.
Still a couple days away,
so I'll keep moving in the dark
Until I can find a good
flat spot to put this tent out.
Narrator: Traveling at night is
crucial for this expedition.
According to data analysis,
Bigfoot is far more likely
to appear in the evening hours,
Leading many to believe
they're nocturnal.
Russell: All this rain made
this slick through here.
I love the wet ground
'cause it makes it quiet.
It's about the stealth.
In the dark of the evening like
this, this is an ideal time.
If I can move quietly
in the woods,
So can anything that hunts.
[ twigs snapping ]
Did you hear the sound?
I just heard something.
I heard something right down
in here somewhere.
Ah, it's gone.
I'm walking.
I hear something.
It sounded like
something brushing by,
So I stopped, and I waited,
and I listened.
I didn't hear the sound again,
But through
the next few minutes,
I smelled something.
There was a distinctive shift
in the smells in the air.
It went from wet ground
and earth
To something very, very nasty.
Deer, elk, bear, cats --
They all have
their own distinctive smell.
I wish I knew
what that smell was.
I only caught it
for a little, tiny pace,
But it was definitely
not native to the soil.
This is what the hunt
is all about.
I'm in my element, for sure.
I've got a long ways to go,
But this really feels good
right here.
I think we're on the trail.
I feel like I'm getting close.
I'm not sure what it was,
but that's
I know I'm not alone.
That's either comforting
or frightening.
Rpg: Oh.
It just sounds like
someone is pounding
On the back
of my eyeballs.
It keeps coming.
It just -- it comes,
and then it backs off,
And then it comes,
and it backs off,
And it's starting to
drive me a little crazy.
I don't know.
I just --
I can't shake this one,
and I have no answers,
And that's the problem.
God, this is all so weird.
He sounds awful.
Earlier tonight,
before we went to bed,
He could hardly walk.
I don't know what's going on,
but he's in really bad shape.
I'm really worried about him.
Bryce: Base camp to production.
We need a medic.
Russell: No problem.
I'll be on my way.
Couple hours.
I just got a call from bryce.
Rpg got taken out
on medical.
I'm headed down to base camp
right now.
Nobody likes to get
a phone call like that
In the middle of the night.
But as luck would have it,
the rain has stopped.
It's gonna make the going
a little easier for me.
What's going on?
So they're running some tests
right now.
They're not exactly
quite sure what's going on.
So, unfortunately,
I have some bad news.
We're not gonna continue
the expedition with rpg.
Bryce: So rpg is in
the hospital right now.
It's just too much of a
liability to have him out here.
We only have three weeks.
We're not gonna continue
the expedition with rpg.
Narrator: With less than
three weeks to uncover
Evidence of bigfoot,
The team has been dealt
a huge blow.
Bryce: After getting this far
and doing the research,
Literally recruiting the best
bigfoot experts in the world,
To have our researcher
Who has an encyclopedic
knowledge of bigfoot
Just mysteriously go sick after
the first night, I'm devastated.
I don't know what to say,
But what I do know is
we'll definitely be continuing.
- Okay.
- We got to go on without him.
I'm working on finding
a replacement right now.
Just keep doing
what you guys are doing.
That's what rpg would want.
Look, I don't know
what caused rpg's condition,
But I do know this -- it's not
gonna stop our expedition.
All right.
- Thanks for letting us know.
Good luck.
Stay safe. Yep.
The team still have targets and
points of interest to explore.
We are gonna keep
moving forward.
What do I think happened?
I mean, witnesses have felt
these same types
Of symptoms and experiences
When they've come into
close contact with bigfoot.
Do I want to make that jump
to the conclusion
That this could be
bigfoot's use of infrasound?
No. But, look, I'm definitely
not gonna rule it out.
Narrator: This season
on "expedition bigfoot"
Mireya: It seems like
a really calm place,
But there's a feeling
of being watched.
Man: Once you hear that roar,
you just know it could
Rip you apart
like a piece of paper.
Mireya: It feels like there's
something else out there.
Shut them off.
Shut them off.
Bryce: There we go.
Here, right here.
It doesn't match
any other known species.
Oh, my god.
Mireya: My mind is just
completely blown.
We're really close,
but we're running out of time.
- Something doesn't want us here.
- This is a nest.
Mireya: Oh, my god.
It knows we're here.
Did you hear that?
I've seen things out here
That I can't explain away
with logic
Hear that?
And science.
What the hell
have we just found?
Bryce: We have technology
that no one else has.
We have every advantage
that we could possibly hope for.
I feel like we are being led
to this place.
All right, well
What is that?
I have no idea.
We're not alone here.
Next Episode