Exterior Night (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Aldo Moro

Set up a second, wider cordon
around the entire hospital.
-Use the helicopters.
-They're already deployed.
-I can't hear them.
-They're in the air.
Call the Minister of Defense.
Don't forget double cordon.
Good morning.
-He is stable.
-Has he said anything?
-Who knows that he's alive and free?
-No one, not even his family.
No one must know that he's here.
One thing at a time.
-Not even the Pope?
-No, not yet.
What is stopping us
from releasing the news?
Caution. First we must talk
to our American friends.
How is he? Is he conscious?
-Does he remember anything?
-He's exhausted.
-Can we see him?
-Let him rest for now.
-Just quickly and quietly.
-He needs to rest.
In this situation
I thank the Red Brigades
for their generosity.
By grace
they saved my life and
restored my freedom.
For this I am deeply grateful.
As for the rest,
after everything that's happened,
I have no choice but to state
my thorough incompatibility
with the Christian Democracy.
I shall forego all public office,
except for any future candidature.
I resign from the DC.
Let's close everything. Help me!
Turn the lights off. Quickly!
Fascists, bourgeoisie,
soon dead you'll be!
In 1978, Aldo Moro, president of
the Christian Democracy (DC),
tries to form a unity government
with the Communist Party
for the first time
in a NATO member state.
Chlorine for the clergy,
dioxin for the DC!
Lead for the MSI!
We can't make an agreement
MARCH 12, 1978
or our voters will feel betrayed
and turn their backs on us.
Our electorate is our wealth.
Their crosses on our symbol,
the crusader shield
are our political reason
of existence.
What would we be without
their patient approval?
They ask us to lead the country,
not to negotiate with the enemy.
We are the majority of the party.
All respectable people, gentlemen.
Although much of the leftist
and radical press
calls us wrongdoers.
We say no to
an emergency government.
We say no to a coalition government
including the PCI.
We don't trust the Communist Party
that has unleashed hatred and
mockery against us!
Where do you think this climate of
violence comes from?
Those hotheads
are destroying our city!
They come under our windows,
not in front of the PCI headquarters.
They don't shoot there!
Not there!
Therefore, we demand a vote
and the votes to be counted
to see how many like us
shout out loud:
Never with the Communists!
Let the Communists wait
another 50 years!
And they must prove
that they are not Moscow's vassals!
Silence, my friends.
President Aldo Moro
has asked for the floor.
If we go to a vote,
we'll be the minority.
Colleagues and friends.
We are in front of questions
that I have defined as unpleasant.
There's something broken,
something rusty
in the mechanism of
Italian political life.
Another party has, for years,
threatened our primacy.
Two winners of the same battle
create problems.
Imagine what would happen
in this country,
so full of passion
but with such fragile structures
if the opposition's logic
were to be fully applied.
We'd be at a standstill,
paralyzing the entire country.
This is why it is important
to include
those 33 % of Italians
who do not vote for us.
I want to be extremely clear.
Those who do not agree,
must trust us.
As you know,
I respect everyone's position,
but I repeat to everyone:
Let us be united.
Should we err,
it is better to err together.
But if we get it right,
it will be wonderful
to get it right together.
But we must stick together.
Because it is the unity
of what we are
that has made us,
these past thirty years,
the biggest Italian popular party.
So, my friends,
it's about courage and trust,
it's about living the time
we are given.
It is today we are given to live,
and today is
the time for responsibility.
Thank you.
Good evening.
-Thanks for coming.
-No problem.
-Where do you want to sit?
-Wherever you like.
-Would you like a drink?
-No, thanks.
Did you see? The world didn't end.
We even reached party majority.
You know, if all the party factions
are involved,
proportionally distributing
ministries and undersecretaryships,
and in this you are a master,
the party will obey.
My fear is the Americans.
Verbal reassurances
might not be enough for them.
They are different. They don't go
for subtleties, for them red is red.
We'll show the Americans
that nothing will change.
Andreotti will still be
Prime Minister.
You'll be Minister of the Interior.
Thank you,
I'm honored by your trust.
No need to thank me,
you have what it takes.
You also have the creativity
to fulfill the role.
Reassure them.
After all these years
they still haven't realized
that the PCI is at least
as legitimate as we are.
-They don't understand.
-You must insist.
"Constant dripping
hollows the stone."
How are things with your wife?
She's always home.
She lives like a ghost.
Or maybe I'm the ghost.
She ignores me.
When I come home, she disappears.
Politics has a price, dear friend.
Stay strong.
We must never forget
that we are on a mission.
Faith in this mission must help us
endure our domestic woes.
Don't go there, there is a fire.
The firemen are working on it.
-Good evening, carry on.
-Shall we turn on the siren?
-No, there's no need.
-Should I prepare something to eat?
-Don't worry, you can go home.
-Good night.
-Good night. See you tomorrow.
You are still awake?
Why don't you go to bed?
I'm reading the paper.
-Did you wash your hands?
-I'll do it now.
So, what is going to happen?
I think at least within the party,
we should reach an agreement.
I made a long speech,
more than an hour and ten minutes,
to convince
the more recalcitrant exponents.
Afterwards I realized that
I hadn't uttered that word once.
What word?
I didn't say that word even once.
But not out of fear.
I didn't want to frighten them.
Those earrings?
They're lovely.
He gave them to me tonight.
So, this Lionello
Go to bed.
I was just asking.
I'll stay up for a while.
Giovanni isn't back yet.
Good night, then.
-Wash your hands well.
-I just washed them.
-Hi, Giovanni. Good night.
-Good night, Dad.
-Did you take some Valeriana?
-Yes, but it doesn't work.
-Take a Valium.
-I don't want to get addicted to it.
I was wondering
Should you ever need a notary
No, please, tomorrow.
-Remember Brighetti.
-Yes, all right.
He's good, scrupulous, honest.
For selling assets,
get advice from my brother,
because none of us in this house
knows much about these things.
We are all idealists.
I'll stop talking.
Pray, all right?
If I pray I'll wake up completely.
Sleep. Close your eyes.
Good. Now we'll all sleep.
-Good morning, sir.
-Good morning.
Good morning, Domenico.
Good morning.
Thank you.
I just want to talk to him.
Please, can I give you my son's CV?
He's good, so clever,
but he can't find work.
He graduated summa cum laude,
but he can't find a job.
Please, help us. Thank you.
-Have a good day.
-Same to you.
Thank you.
You who live and reign
forever and ever.
May the peace of the Lord
be with you.
And with your spirit.
Let us offer each other
a sign of peace.
For you.
Comrades, hand them out.
Hand them out.
Hand them out.
-Comrades, hand them out.
-Good morning, professor.
-Good morning, Tritto.
-Give it to me.
Give me one.
Feels the same as last year,
holding classes in a private school.
No, this year it's much worse.
Hold this for me, please.
-Good morning.
-Good morning, professor.
Before we begin today,
allow me to digress.
I don't know how many of you
saw on Saturday night
the television adaptation of
I watched it with my little grandson
who enjoyed it immensely
and was very moved by it.
I don't know whether it was
from professional deformation,
but during the trial scene
Excuse me, who are you?
You can buy PCI revisionists,
but never the proletariat.
You're not in my course.
-What difference does that make?
-Well, this course is for
The proletariat will never be
your accomplice.
We'll never be your accomplices.
I don't understand
how this is relevant.
This protest of yours would be
more justified in a public setting,
in a rally, in a political debate.
A university hall is not the place
But it is! Because it's here
that consciousness is formed
and deformed.
-Shut up!
-You shut up!
You're in the minority,
but since I respect
the laws and the institutions
to which this course is dedicated,
I ask you not to obstruct
the majority of students
We're the majority in here.
-It's not true.
-It is.
They keep quiet out of fear.
They only obey you out of fear.
May I ask you again politely to leave
and allow us to go on
with the class.
Very well, then stay.
We'll begin,
it may interest you as well.
-I'll do the roll call later.
Please go to article 62
regarding general mitigating
-This is Cossiga.
-Put the president on.
Minister Cossiga
wants to speak to you.
-What is it, Francesco?
-They killed a carabinieri sergeant.
It's become a daily occurrence.
Either a murder or a kneecapping.
-Has anyone claimed responsibility?
-Not yet.
It's Red Brigades or Prima Linea.
They are rivals.
I have to go,
I'm about to enter the Vatican.
I'll let you know
if there's any news.
-Say a prayer for me.
-For sure.
-Bye, Aldo.
Blessed are those called
to the supper of the Lamb.
Lamb of God who takes away
the sins of the world.
The body of Christ.
-The body of Christ.
-The body of Christ.
The body of Christ.
-The body of Christ.
I found a letter of yours
in my archive.
Addressed to Cardinal Siri,
dated 1962.
You asked for support
in opening up to the Socialists.
You said it was a way
to isolate the Communist Party.
And now you want to let
the Communists into the government.
No, I want the Communists
to support this government,
but without any official role.
I'm well aware of the dramatic times
we're living in,
but I think of the consciences
of those Catholics
who are against divorce, abortion,
now that Parliament is close
to passing a bill
to legalize
the termination of pregnancy.
I think of those consciences
faced with a party
that defines itself as Christian,
but which forms alliances with those
who have profoundly different beliefs
on fundamental issues.
It's disorienting, Aldo.
That is precisely why, Your Holiness,
it's essential, now more than ever,
that a connection is being created
between differing ideological forces,
that our relationship
should not be blurred.
It must remain clear that our values
remain those of the Church.
Besides, that letter to Cardinal Siri
is from fifteen years ago.
Fifteen years have passed, it's true,
but some are still angry about it,
imagine now.
All I ask is that I may be allowed
to exercise persuasion.
I'm tired, Aldo.
Your Holiness,
are you breathing well?
Well enough.
Father Giano.
Thank you, Your Holiness.
May the Lord be with you.
Let's go, please.
Considering all the different
factions we came up with this.
The Communists will never
vote for it.
Let's change the list,
we'll leave the party no choice.
I'm the secretary, you the president,
Giulio the head of government,
we have every right to decide.
The true unknown
is the Communists' reaction.
We shouldn't be asking ourselves
whether a government like this
with these ministers
who were already sworn in,
or with these undersecretaries,
will be accepted by the Communists,
but whether this government
would be accepted by the world.
No, this is the government.
You can reduce the undersecretaries,
but for me it's fine.
Only the list of undersecretaries
has been changed.
Am I on it?
Those who are out
will make up for it next time.
No, you're not on it.
I'm not on it anymore.
You certainly are.
You have the Ministry of Agriculture.
-But I'm a head radiologist.
-Agriculture is all about health.
You've butchered us!
We had to reduce the amount
to give a signal of discontinuity.
-What does that mean?
-Five at Foreign Affairs?
But Foreign Affairs
isn't some lesser ministry.
My faction is entitled to
some compensation!
We're not at a street market.
You've halved us
as if we were unpresentable.
Let's behave.
The very presence of the Communists
in the majority
requires a more widely spread
defense of the government.
Spread yourself too thin and you die.
The presidency already has five.
You came up with an undersecretary
for women's issues.
What problems do women have that
made an undersecretary necessary?
If I bring 100,000 Christian voters,
picked one by one,
it's only right that they are
proportionally represented.
We don't count for anything.
But remember that these votes
are our votes.
What will my mother say?
The president is in the car.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
Thank you for coming.
This is the list.
I understand your disappointment,
but it's only in the shadow of
apparent conservatism
that you can bring about change.
In this country, at least.
It's your vote of confidence
that will change everything.
This would be true innovation,
true change.
Which would also
pave the road for you
towards a real participation
in a future government.
This is
only the first step.
Think about it carefully.
The party leadership will decide.
Of course.
What do you think
they're talking about?
I sometimes wonder.
They make far fewer problems
for themselves than we do.
Maybe they're the proof
that this country is ripe.
In fact, it might be ahead of us.
-Good evening.
-Leonardi, call Maria Fida, please?
-Right away.
-Hi, Dad.
Hi, I wanted to ask you
if Luca can stay with us
again tonight?
-But he stayed over last night too.
-I know.
-You'll spoil him like this.
-I know.
Tomorrow's an important day,
and I sleep better if he's there.
Okay, I'll pick him up
in the morning.
- I'll let Mom know.
- All right.
-But tomorrow he's coming home.
-Ok, I promise. Bye.
Bye bye.
Thank you, Leonardi.
Listen, Eleonora.
Tomorrow, after the vote
we could go to Torrita Tiberina.
The builders never finish the job,
maybe seeing us will help.
Yes, but it's always raining.
Let's go on Sunday.
Bricklayers don't work on Sundays.
We'll think about it tomorrow.
Come to bed.
Come on.
I'll go get the president.
-What are you building?
Good morning.
-Want to come with Grandpa?
-I'll get the bags.
Will they let me in?
You're small. I'll put you in my bag
so they don't see you.
How will I breathe?
Gosh, if you stick your head out
the policemen will see you.
Okay, we'll think about it.
Good morning.
Hi, Mom.
Bye, Luca.
-Has the boy eaten?
He even ate some fruit.
Sweetheart, get ready.
We have to go.
See you later.
Good morning, Mrs. Moro.
What's he doing, is he crazy?
Slow down.
-The florist is not there?
President, get down! Stay down!
C'mon, come!
Come, president!
Get in! Quick!
Go, go!
Help me.
I swear to be faithful
to the republic,
to observe its constitution
and its laws
and to carry out my duties
in the interest of the nation.
I swear.
Now the undersecretaries to
the council of ministers.
The Honorable Piergiorgio Bressani.
Senator Giovanni Del Rio.
Giulio, a tragedy.
-Moro has been kidnapped.
Senator Vincenzo Senese.
Moro has been kidnapped!
Red! Red Brigades!
Red! Red Brigades!
The president of the Christian
Democracy Aldo Mor  o
has been kidnapped.
Turn up the volume.
He left his residence
to go to Montecitorio
where the parliamentary debate on the
new government was to take place.
Moro had an escort of five people.
According to the earliest accounts,
four of the five men have died.
Moro has been kidnapped. There are
no traces of the kidnappers.
- On the scene have arrived
- Your Holiness, please .
the Minister of the Interior
Cossiga and the police chief.
Rome has been locked down so that
the kidnappers won't get away.
Come, Your Holiness. Please.
Moro was always escorted
by five men.
This morning the terrorists used the
same technique used in Germany.
They opened fire on the escort,
without any warning
and kidnapped Moro.
The cilice.
Holy Father, right now?
When the news reached Montecitorio
it was received with shock,
dismay and protest.
Agency news flashes are coming in,
here are the first statements.
Minister Tina Anselmi
Excuse me, they're calling me.
-We're connected with Montecitorio.
-What are the reactions?
President Ingrao
is giving a statement.
We'll cross over to him.
Just a moment
-We can't hear anything.
Please send someone to my house .
I need a change of clothes.
Don't let anyone in.
Right away, Prime Minister.
Fascists, bourgeoisie,
soon dead you'll be!
Fascists, bourgeoisie,
soon dead you'll be!
The bourgeois state can't change,
it must be demolished!
The bourgeois state can't change,
it must be demolished!
Let's go.
All reference to people
and real events
has been artistically elaborated
by the authors.
The roles have beenreinterpreted
for dramatic purposes.
Any connection with real people
is therefore coincidental.
Translation: Katia Brunetto
LinQ Media Group
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