Extinct (2017) s01e01 Episode Script


Hey, Handsome.
: Brain activity normal.
Stop! You have not been verified.
Verification complete.
Welcome, Ezra.
Please state your date of birth.
What? Can you recall your birthday, Ezra? Uh, October second.
Please identify the following: A firetruck.
An apple.
Well done.
Can you read this word? Encyclopedia.
Why are you asking me these questions? To ensure that you are functioning properly.
Can you identify this person? Lynn.
My wife.
And this person? Where did you get these pictures? This is your daughter.
Can you not recall her name? Kylie.
Her name's Kylie.
You have passed your evaluation.
Please let me know if you experience dizziness, nausea, or shortness of breath.
- HELP! Hey! Hey! It's okay, I got you.
There we go.
I'm okay.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Help! Get back! [SPLASHING.]
Whoa! It's all right.
I'm here to help.
Are you hurt? You're treading water.
You know how to swim.
We'll go to the shore, okay? DRONE: Can you state your date of birth? Back off! Very well.
I will prepare your equipment.
Was there anyone else out there? I don't know.
I didn't see anyone.
What happened? Did we crash? I don't remember.
Why are we dressed like this? [GROANING.]
HEY! Leave him alone! Verification complete.
Welcome, Abram.
Are you okay? I, uh I woke up on the lake.
We all did.
It's going to be all right.
Your name's Abram? - Yeah.
- I'm Ezra.
This is Feena.
We're going to help each other.
- Okay? - Where are we? None of this looks familiar.
It's worse than you think.
That's a Karik warship.
Like the ones from the invasion.
It looks a thousand years old.
That is not Karik.
EZRA: It's not human either.
Neither is that tower.
ABRAM: What did you find? What is that? Is that a car? It was a car.
How long does it take for a tire to decompose? Who knows the answer to that? A hundred years, maybe? Engine block would take a lot longer than that.
So what are you saying? I'm saying this car's been here for centuries.
That's impossible.
Cars haven't been around that long.
This one has.
Those too.
ABRAM: This was a road? Where's the asphalt? Disintegrated? Covered in sand? That would take Centuries.
Maybe acid rain corroded everything really quickly.
Rain in a desert? It makes more sense than what you're suggesting.
You just said that looks like it's been here a thousand years.
Well, it was an expression.
I don't have a Master's degree in metal corrosion.
The invasion started three years ago.
That thing has been here a lot longer than that.
Wait! Three years? The invasion started a year ago.
Last October.
, New York, Tokyo.
The invasion started three years ago.
Three years, five months.
Three years, two months.
It's December.
It's March.
It gets weirder.
I'm 67 years old.
You sure? I think I know how old I am.
Well, you don't look a day over Twenty-five? That's because this is what I looked like in my twenties.
DRONE: You have been reconstituted at the prime of your lives.
Reconstituted? DRONE: This way, please.
DRONE: Your equipment.
Your immune systems have been modified to accomodate new diseases and bacteria, but I santized the water in your canteens just to be safe.
What do you mean, our immune systems have been modified? Your original genes have been altered to increase your chance of surviving.
What? Our genes? Who are you? Where are we? What is this? I am programmed to answer some of your questions.
EZRA: Then answer them! Why do we remember things differently? He said the invasion started only a year ago.
Why? Becasue he died one year after the invasion began.
He would naturally have no memories beyond that point.
Wait I'm dead? DRONE: You were.
Now you're alive again.
And you, Ezra, died three years after the invasion.
Thus, in your mind, the invasion began three years ago.
And I died last.
Are you saying this is some kind of purgatory? DRONE: This is not the afterlife, Abram.
This is Earth long after human extinction.
Oh extinction? The Karik annihilated your species over 400 years ago.
So everyone we know Is dead.
All my grandchildren I am sorry for your loss.
How did you bring us back? We call them Sparks.
They are biological weavers.
Weavers? You are an intricately constructed organism.
Ten thousand trillion cells, each with as many as 100 million proteins.
The Sparks rebuilt them all.
Are you saying they made us? DRONE: Remade.
Using what? DRONE: The fundamental elements of life are all around you.
They need merely to be organized.
So they're what? God? DRONE: Is the plow the farmer? A tool is a tool.
Could they bring anyone back? You mean Lynn and Kylie.
Can they? We are programmed to bring back the three of you.
Why us? DRONE: More questions will be answered once we reach the settlement.
Settlement? You said humans were extinct.
You were.
The settlement is composed of humans we have reborn.
So you've done this before.
You've brought back other people.
We will help you restore the human race.
EZRA: So where is this settlement? DRONE: I will guide you.
The Sparks will come with us, carried in this canister.
How do I catch them? They will come to you.
EZRA: This will get hot in the sun.
DRONE: Sparks are resilient.
Anything else? Food.
Sparks wove these plants for you.
To eat? They contain every nutrient, vitamin, mineral and protein you need to sustain life.
Carry what you can in your pouches.
Can we trust this thing? I say we hit it with a rock and run.
Run where? We don't know where we are.
And if it's telling the truth, the only people that can help us are at that settlement.
And if it's not telling the truth? It shot us with a dart.
It could shoot us with something else.
Do you really want to take that risk? Feena, I must prick your finger now.
Why? To ensure that you are woven correctly.
I am not allowed to bring dangerous mutations into the settlement.
If she says no? I will use the dart.
The dart hurts, FYI.
Verification complete.
Welcome, Feena.
If I knew we had a choice, I would've went with the finger prick.
ABRAM: How do we know this drone's not taking us to the Karik? FEENA: Karik never use drones.
ABRAM: That we know of.
It's been 400 years.
Tech changes.
The Karik wiped us out.
Why would they bring us back? Why did they attack us in the first place? They're Karik.
Maybe they don't need a reason.
They said we died at different times.
So? So do you remember how you died? No, actually.
I don't even remember the moment right before.
Like, getting shot at or whatever.
EZRA: Me neither.
FEENA: What does that mean? EZRA: I don't know.
ABRAM: I remember the invasion.
That's crystal clear.
I was in Louisiana for my grandson's birthday.
Had I been at home in Chicago, I would've died with everybody else.
Lucky, I guess.
How about you, Ezra? Where were you? Washington.
EZRA: What does the map say? LYNN: I can't get a signal.
I tried multiple lines Nothing, no reading at all.
It won't even tell us where we are.
We can't take the Interstate.
Everyone will do that.
LYNN: Everyone will think that and take backroads.
What about the 117? Doesn't that turn into Bellamy Church Road? I don't know, I've never been down here.
I say we turn back and take that highway.
EZRA: I'm not taking some highway if I don't know where it goes.
LYNN: You're going too fast.
Slow down.
Will you calm down, please? I'm getting a map.
Should we say a prayer? Yes, yes, Kylie Lou, a prayer is just what we need! You do that.
I'll get the map.
You want to consider what you're teaching our daughter right now? What I'm teaching her is that we have to do our part too.
Our part too or our part only? If God let this happen, Lynn, do you really think.
He's going to single us out for favor? Don't you? [SIGHING.]
TV ANNOUNCER: All lanes leaving the city.
Again, if you're just now joining us, this footage you're now seeing is a vessel of unknown origin that has maintained its flight position over downtown L.
since 10:00 A.
this morning.
- Hey.
Cash only.
Card reader just broke.
I don't have any cash.
You okay back there, sweet potato? This is fun, huh? I'm not going to let anything happen to this family.
Neither are you.
ABRAM: Washington.
You were lucky too, I guess.
What about you? FEENA: No thanks.
ABRAM: Oh, come on.
We're all sharing.
FEENA: Well, then you can exclude me from your little therapy session.
My life is none of your business.
ABRAM: You'd think after 67 years I'd understand women.
Give me a second.
You're a private person.
My mistake.
I think it's my age.
You reach 60 and you think you can say and ask whatever you want because who's going to punch an old man, right? Your life is your life.
It's none of my business.
And yes, we are two of the only people alive, which greatly diminishes the opportunity for good conversation, but hey, I'm not going to pry.
Of course, if you're a serial killer or something, I'd appreciate a heads-up.
Ezra! Come look at this.
FEENA: There's something you don't see every day.
ABRAM: You know what I think? I think I like being young again.
No osteoporosis, no back ache, 20/20 vision.
I peed back there It didn't even hurt.
Too much information.
My point is, I haven't felt this alive in 50 years! Who wants to race me to the rings? It's over 100 degrees.
Yeah, but we're alive! Come on! Afraid you're going to lose to an old man? Huh? No takers? Suit yourselves.
Last one there is a rotten egg.
Rotten egg.
You ever heard of that? Must be an old person thing.
Abram! What happened? I'm all right.
I touched one of the symbols, and I saw What? Everything.
What is that? His breathing's shallow.
His heart's racing.
What do we do? [GUNSHOT.]
- Can you move? - Yeah.
FEENA: Okay, let's go.
What did you inject in my friend? What was in this needle? Are you from the settlement? Your drone lies to you.
There is no settlement.
There is you and there is us.
Us who? If you're not from the settlement, who are you? What is that on the back of your neck? I am not on the back of the neck.
The Skin Rider and the body are one.
Is that what you are? A Skin Rider? Cut me loose and I'll show you.
Why did you attack us? You have something I want.
- The drone? - The Sparks.
Give them to me and I will let you go.
You're the one who's tied up.
If he tries anything, zap him.
EZRA: These symbols Do you know what they mean? Confusing, isn't it? To wake in a world you do not know, formed by creatures you do not understand.
The symbols.
Yes or no? We're wasting our time, Ezra.
She's right Ezra.
You're wasting your time.
Well? An 11 on the crazy scale.
He said there's no settlement.
I'll believe the drone before I believe him.
What did you see? I can't explain it.
How big it is Billions of galaxies.
I could feel their size.
SKIN RIDER: And your own nothingness.
That is what you felt, human.
Your insignificance.
You are but a speck of primary elements.
Easily assembled and easily destroyed.
So you do know what these mean? You want the truth? Set me free and I will set you free.
Does that symbol call to you, Ezra? Have you seen it before? - [GROANING.]
- [THUD.]
That weapon is centuries beyond your understanding Woman.
A little tighter this time.
You'll probably be able to free yourself in a couple hours.
You give me your water.
A strong man would kill me.
Then you're lucky I'm so weak.
Don't follow us.
You disappoint me, Ezra.
I thought you'd be more like your brother.
If the Sparks can rebuild you, they can rebuild him.
He's messing with us.
Ignore him.
I can take you to him.
If you know my brother, say his name.
HEY! SILAS! I've been banging on the door.
I was sleeping, obviously.
In the middle of the day? I work nights now.
At the mill? That didn't work out.
I stuck my neck out to get you that job.
Yeah, well, it didn't work out.
Grab your things.
We're leaving.
As much as I'd love some big brother time right now, I think I'm just going to go back to sleep.
Do you have any idea what's going on? No, what's happened? [LOUD ELECTRONIC BUZZING.]
What was that? We got to go! [YELLING.]
SILAS! I'm waiting.
You must love this brother.
Such a weakness of humans.
We'll come for the Sparks, Ezra.
We will find you! How did you know how to handle that weapon? I don't know.
I just knew.
Do you think he'll follow us? We're armed, he isn't.
Then why not stop him? He's unstable.
We find the settlement before he finds us.
FEENA: What if he's telling the truth? What if there is no settlement? Whoever put us here didn't put us here to die.
I say we keep climbing to a more elevated position, try to see the settlement from there.
A plan.
I like it.
It'll be dark soon.
All the more reason to keep moving.
If we don't find the settlement, we'll camp for the night, keep looking in the morning.
I should look at that wound again.
I'm fine.
I'll see a doctor when we reach the settlement.
If there is a settlement.
Or a doctor.
EZRA: We'll camp here for the night.
FEENA: Don't bears live in caves? EZRA: Not unless they're, like, desert bears, no.
FEENA: Yeah, funny.
Let's see that wound.
I'm fine.
You really are an old man.
Let him look at it.
Has it been that way for a while? Why didn't you say something? It'll be fine.
I'm going to try for the settlement.
Bring someone back.
No! We're safer if we stay together.
I'll be good in the morning.
Who's up for some seaweed? Mmm.
Took you long enough.
There was three of them.
I recorded their faces in my memory.
Show me.
This is the grossest thing I've ever eaten.
Do you think they'll have donuts at the settlement? No civilization without cream-filled donuts is worth living in.
EZRA: Considering the terrain, you'll be lucky to get a cactus salad or prairie dog stew.
I still don't see how they could've made us.
Wouldn't they need our DNA or something? A complete set, probably multiple copies.
How would they get that? Fossil records, maybe? Assuming that bone marrow was preserved.
They dug up old bones I'm not saying it's likely.
But getting our DNA would be the easy part.
The hard part would be capturing our brain state.
How we think Memories.
Knowledge, basic motor function.
Everything that makes us, us.
Without that, we wouldn't be able to walk, talk We'd have the mind of a newborn.
But we don't.
We're us.
I remember my life.
Don't you? Unfortunately.
So, our brain states.
How would they get those? From what's left of our brains? Nothing's left of our brains.
After 400 years, we are just bones and dust.
Then how? They must've recorded us while we were alive.
They scanned our brains before we died? I think I'd remember that.
Not if they didn't want you to.
You think they cut out some of our memories? Everyone has gaps in their memories.
If they removed a few, we wouldn't know a difference.
How do you miss something that you don't remember? You remember your wife.
You mentioned two names before.
I I figured one of them must be your wife.
So, we can talk about my life, but we can't ask questions about yours? I'm a hypocrite.
Sue me.
Lynn and Kylie.
My wife and daughter.
I know it's a long shot, but maybe they'll be at the settlement.
I'm counting on it.
SILAS: Okay, I think she finally fell asleep.
The older she gets, the more she looks like you, you know.
I see Lynn in her.
Not just physical features, but who Lynn is, you know? And bits of me too.
It's like she's us, except better.
Thanks for coming to get me.
Hey, nothing's going to break this family apart.
FEENA: Ezra! Ezra, come quickly! [ABRAM WHEEZING.]
He's burning up.
Grab the canister.
Pour the Sparks in the water! [INTENSE MUSIC.]
We don't know what these things can do.
No, but I know what happens if we do nothing.
Hold him! How do you know these won't kill him? I don't.
A little ranch dressing would go a long way right now.
I'm fine.
Like a baby's bottom.
I can't explain it either.
Strangest part There at the end, I didn't want to be healed.
I could feel this infection inside of me.
I knew it was there, but I welcomed it.
You were delirious with fever.
Where's Ezra? Scouted ahead.
Turns out this tunnel cuts all the way through the mountain.
Was that a miracle or was that science? Both, I think.
Did you get any sleep? I'll sleep when we get there.
Did you get the Sparks back in the canister? They swam right back inside.
'Course they did.
You know that feeling when you wake from a dream? And you're relieved to realize it was just a dream? I keep waiting for that to happen.
Don't bother pinching yourself.
I tried.
Biggest mystery Billions of people in the history of the world: Philosophers, kings, inventors and they bring back me.
Well everyone deserves a second chance.
Not me.
Do you know how impossible this is? Bringing us back.
How much intelligence that requires? How much effort.
Why go to all that trouble and then bring back the wrong people? Unless they chose us randomly.
They put your memories back in your body.
Does that seem random to you? I don't know you, I don't know what you've been through, what happened in your life, but if you want a better one, this is your chance.
You're right.
You don't know me.
FEENA: Is that it? It has to be.
EZRA: Well, another three or four hours of hiking and we're there.
FEENA: More walking? [SIGHING.]
ABRAM: How many people would you say are at this settlement, judging by the size of it? A few hundred, I hope.
You need that many to mix up the gene pool.
ABRAM: You are such a romantic.
EZRA: It's biology.
We can't safely restart the species without a little genetic diversity.
Oh wow.
Is that how you wooed your wife? "Hey baby," "what say me and you mix up the gene pool?" I was never that smooth.
ABRAM: Do you think that's what this is really about? Restoring the human race? You don't? EZRA: Hold up.
What? EZRA: You hear that? FEENA: I didn't hear anything.
ABRAM: THEY'RE GAINING! What are you doing? Run to the settlement! - No! - I'll be right behind you! Go! [INTENSE MUSIC.]
After them! [INTENSE MUSIC.]
Silas? - FEENA: Open the door! - ABRAM: Hey! FEENA: Help us! If anyone's in there, open.
Silas, listen to me He's our brother now.
- Hey! - Hey! - Let us in! - Open up! - Help us.
Anybody! - Open the door! [BUZZING.]
ABRAM: Wait! Wait! Somebody's still out there! And you'll be our brother too.
: Grab hold.
You all right? Get up! [INTENSE MUSIC.]
What is that? FEMALE DRONE: Shield barrier.
The Skin Riders can't get inside.
You're safe.
Where are the other settlers? EZRA: The people Where are they? Follow me.
The truck's not here.
Mom? Dad? KYLIE: Grandma! Grandma? They're not here.
There, north.
134 settlers.
What do you see? Graves.

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