Extrapolations (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

2037: A Raven Story

Is here good?
[OPERATOR] That works.
What happens when the
corporations that control our world
tell us we have to go to 2.1, 2.2?
We can't.
[OPERATOR] Is there anything you need?
[SIGHS] For people to listen.
[OPERATOR] Hologram going
live in three, two
I was born in 2015,
when the world went to Paris
and was issued a warning.
Scientists told us way back then
that if the average temperature on Earth
increased beyond 1.5 degrees Celsius,
there would be devastating consequences.
And they were right. Just look around.
[REPORTER] Today is July 16th, 2037.
The highly anticipated
climate change meeting, COP42,
continues today in Israel amidst
urgent cries for action and hope
[SPEAKER] Yet here we are in 2037
considering the possibility
of an increase of 2 degrees.
markets posted record gains today,
with demand for batteries and
pharmaceuticals leading the way
what happens after two?
What happens when the corporations
that are destroying our world
say that our economies will fail
if we don't allow the temperatures
to rise by 2.1 or 2.2 degrees?
Nick Bilton, CEO of Alpha Industries,
is rumored to have invested in a new
casino project above the Arctic Circle.
Wherever the future leads, we
know we're going there together.
Bilton's partner in the enterprise
is none other than
controversial developer,
[SPEAKER] Friends, Nick Bilton
is not coming to save us.
- [SPEAKER] We must save ourselves.
Inside that building right now,
the powers that be are
negotiating your future.
But you can't negotiate with a fire.
- Or a flood.
- Or a famine.
[PROTESTORS] If we go to 2,
it's the end of me and you!
If we go to 2, it's
the end of me and you!
A priest, a rabbi and an imam
are all fishing together on a boat
in the middle of a lake.
And the priest realizes he
left his fishing rod in the car.
So the priest, he
turns to his colleagues,
and he says, "Hey, I'll be right back."
He gets out of the boat. He walks
across the water to the beach.
He goes to the car.
He gets back across the
water and gets into the boat.
The rabbi is amazed. The
priest just walked on water.
About 30 minutes later, the imam
says, "I have to go to the toilet."
So, he stands up, steps out of the boat,
walks across the water to the beach,
finds the nearest men's room,
walks back across the water
and gets into the boat.
The rabbi stares dumbfounded.
But he thinks, "Well, my faith
is at least as strong as theirs."
So, he says, "Uh [STAMMERS]
I'm a little thirsty.
There's a There's a snack bar
over there on the beach. Excuse me."
He stands up, puts his feet in the
water. Splash. Sinks like a stone.
- And then he
- I told you that joke. That's my joke.
I love that joke.
And it's "refreshment
stand," not "snack bar."
Are you sure you wanna make
jokes your first day as a rabbi?
Yeah. Well, first of all, rabbis
are supposed to tell jokes.
And secondly, it's a perfect
description of the job.
That's what I'm doing.
I'm helping people
find a way through difficult passages.
That's what I do at the center.
How are you helping people with no homes
by sending them to other
places where they have no homes?
Dad, it's not their fault they don't
have homes. It's They were
I gotta get this.
- Hello, Junior.
- They were displaced.
[PARENT 1] Are you there yet?
[PARENT 2] Marshall, how
long has it been like this?
I can barely breathe in this air.
Ugh. So much smoke from the looting.
Um, no, Ma. There's no looting.
That's forest fires
in Eshtaol and Tzora.
When you were born, we planted
trees there in your honor.
I was hoping to go.
Well, maybe if you guys come
back and visit for the holidays,
the fires will be out
and I can take you.
So, you're staying here?
That's what you've decided?
Yes, Ma. I I told you, I wanna stay.
I know. And I'm telling you, your
father has other expectations.
There are laws, Junior.
That's all I'm saying.
If the land is designated as
protected, then there could be issues.
[JUNIOR] I have it on good authority
there will be exemptions on
this protected lands bullshit.
[PARENT 1] How do you know?
How do I know? Oh, um,
I have an app on my phone
that tells me the future.
Don't be such a What
do you call it? A putz.
[PARENT 1] If Mr. Bilton
knows something ab
No, I don't wanna discuss it on
this line, or any line, or email.
I'm gonna be back in Miami
on Friday. I can see you then.
Look, I wouldn't be here if Bilton
didn't want this to happen. Goodbye.
- [PARENT 1] I'm not back till Mon
- Where is that?
- What?
Outside. That doesn't look like Russia.
It just says, "tropical." I
mean, I'm not even sure it exists.
Oh, shit! Look at it out there.
[SINGER] It's from the
forest fire in Ozera.
The firemen just quit over wages,
and it's burning out of control.
750,000 acres. That
is happening right now.
Well then, good thing we're leaving.
Is there any special song
you want me to sing tomorrow?
Yes. One that makes people
wanna give me their money.
[NEWS ANCHOR] Protests
have erupted in major cities
across Europe and the US today
over the perceived lack of progress
at the Tel Aviv climate talks.
Issues on the table at Tel Aviv
include strengthening prohibitions
against development in protected areas.
Could you turn this shit off?
Namaste, Hannah. Shall we begin?
[PERSON 1] Okay.
[COUGHS] Give me a minute.
[PERSON 2] No, we
gotta keep going, Becca.
[PANTS] Why the fuck did I do this?
Get pregnant or take a job counting
ravens in the middle of the woods?
Maybe this is nature's way of
telling us to stop making babies.
Still an hour to the evac spot. Come on.
[BECCA] Ah, shit. You
were right. [PANTS]
We should've left yesterday.
Hey. It's not your
fault the wind shifted.
Oh, great. It's Omar.
Are you gonna answer it?
And say what?
Sorry, I can't talk right now,
I'm in the middle of a forest
fire with your unborn son.
Come on.
and Italy are losing crops
to drought and infestation.
Austria and Poland are dealing
with nationalist movements.
Raising the number of people the
EU is willing to take in right now
is a hard ask.
We need to focus on temperature.
So where do you suggest
we tell our people to go?
They have no water.
I think we'd all prefer
to solve the problems
that make people leave their
homes in the first place.
The goal here is
consensus on temperature.
Keeping it below 2 degrees is critical.
If the temperature goes
up 2 degrees or 10 degrees,
it doesn't matter if you have no water.
[IN ARABIC] You catch
more flies with honey.
Who are you right now?
An Algerian or a Frenchman?
to support certain proposals
related to temperature and carbon
as long as our basic
needs are guaranteed.
[REPRESENTATIVE] Can you elaborate
on the term "basic needs"?
Unlimited refuge in Europe?
Water. Water.
We'd like access to state of the art
desalinization and
purification technology.
And what do you mean by "access"?
The patents and designs developed
by Alpha Hydro Solutions.
You think Nicholas Bilton is
going to just give you his patents
because we ask nicely?
Okay. Drought leads to instability.
Look at Sudan in '24. Cape Town in '27.
Look at the west. Argentina, 2033
Look here. We have made
such progress in the region.
Israel and a Palestinian state
are living side by side in peace,
but it can still all unravel so fast.
Is that a threat?
A threat?
- [IN FRENCH] No, it's an invitation.
take that call. Okay?
We need water.
[REPRESENTATIVE] Mr. Bilton does
not give things away for free,
so we need to be prepared for
what he will ask for in return.
We have 3,000 reservations already.
Did I tell you who's
doing the interiors?
- You said Kanye. Still Kanye?
- Yeah! Yeah.
[CONTRACTOR] I put together a schedule.
From groundbreaking to
grand opening, nine months.
A wise man once said,
"What the bulldozers and
dump trucks do doesn't matter,
so long as they do a lot of it."
- Can you believe these people?
Hard to imagine they can march
with their heads up their asses.
They say ice sheet in Greenland
is gonna break down the middle.
- 79N ice sheet.
- Great, we'll build there next.
They say three-meter sea level
rise by the end of the century.
"They"? They also said
the same thing about Miami.
All we did was make a fortune
retrofitting the buildings.
And guess what? When it goes
up another couple of inches,
we'll retro-fucking-fit again
and make even more money.
Here's what you need to
know about global warmings.
It will all go to shit at the end
of the century. One hundred percent.
We'll be dead. We'll have to miss it,
but we'll be smiling in gold-plated
coffins designed by Kanye.
- So, let's focus on the now.
- Mmm.
Top of the World Casino is gonna
be the best casino in the world
- 'cause there's nothing else like it.
Holy shit. [CHUCKLES]
Would you look at that?
If we go to 2
[JUNIOR CHUCKLES] Oh, thank God.
The trolls finally shut her up.
[MARSHALL] So then you're
planning to keep it empty
for the foreseeable future?
Never mind, Marshall. Forget it.
I'll go ride a bike in
the gym or something.
[MARSHALL] Yes, I understand.
- At least there's no soot there.
- [MARSHALL] Yes, thank you.
Okay [SIGHS] here's the deal.
[STAMMERS] With the
drought and the fires,
they think that filling the
pool would be insensitive.
They're worried about the protests.
They're using the pool water
to put out the forest fires?
A Lebanese man set himself
on fire at the camp yesterday.
Was he protesting me swimming laps?
I know you don't follow
this kind of stuff,
but a lawyer, David Buckel, in
Brooklyn, did the same thing in 2018.
Self-immolated to
protest climate change.
- And did it work? Does it ever work?
- [MARSHALL] Define "work."
I-I-It showed that the world is
in pain. That change is needed.
The world is always in
pain, and it never changes.
But to answer your question, work
is something you get paid for. A job.
- And then there's how the world works.
- Well, I get paid in more than money.
Dad, the people here need me.
That's why I am planning
on staying in Israel.
The people who are lighting
themselves on fire need you?
Those people need psychiatric
help and fire extinguishers.
- Why does nothing I say matter?
- [PARENT] You asked for my help.
You said you wanted to be a rabbi,
so I paid for you to come here,
- now you're a rabbi.
- Yes, I appreciate that.
And then I set up the interview
at Temple Israel in Miami.
Don't remember asking you
to do that one, but okay.
I paid for the wood tick eradication
in their summer camp up in the Catskills
when the Ellenberg child got ill.
I appreciate that too.
[PARENT] And because
of what I did for them,
they are now offering you
the position of Youth Rabbi.
That's how the world works.
[OMAR] I want to speak
to my wife, please.
[PERSON] Low visibility along
- Hi, baby. Bad timing, I know.
- How long till they get to the hospital?
Let me call Dr. Kilmer to make sure
[BECCA] She had to evacuate.
Her daughter's asthmatic.
[PARAMEDIC] BP 152 over 97.
Dr. Shearer, that's higher
than we'd like it to be.
Wh Who was that?
[OMAR] What's happening,
Becca? I'm coming.
No, just stay where you are, okay?
- We'll
- [PARAMEDIC] How far along are you?
just see what the doctor says, okay?
- But you just told me
- Thirty-one weeks.
Dr. Kilmer isn't even there.
[FRIEND] They just put her on oxygen.
I'll call you as soon as we land.
But she's going to be okay, right?
She's not in danger or anything?
- Hello? Hello?
- Let me through!
[PROTESTER] I am the
alpha. I am the omega.
I am the air that you breathe
and the water that you drink.
I am Nick Bilton, and I own this planet.
Mr. Bilton? Mr. Bilton?
In addition to the countries
previously mentioned, Mr. Bilton,
Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Kuwait
and Sudan would also be candidates
for the water desalinization patents.
The lawyers are reviewing the
legality of such an offering,
but Alpha Hydro Solutions
wanted you to know
that giving away the patents
would amount to a net loss
of over 2.7 billion euros.
[NICK] Where are we at with the Arctic?
The Arctic Council is open to your
proposal on underwater mining,
pending UN approval.
I'd like to know the total amount
of acreage burning
worldwide at this moment.
And I'd like to know what
our people think of 79N
and what it means for sea level
change in Mumbai, Guangzhou, and
and Miami.
Yes, Mr. Bilton.
[REPORTER] Models differ on the
future of the 79N glacier in Greenland.
Although all agree the giant glacier
is melting due to
extreme heat and friction,
it is unclear if a catastrophic collapse
is days away, or possibly years.
Any idea what she's watching?
Fuck if I know. She's probably shopping.
If you really wanna know, I am
watching the video for my new single.
It's just me in front of a
fireplace on this fur rug,
and I'm wearing nothing but
whipped cream and a smile.
And then in one hand I'm holding
a riding crop, and
in the other, a leash.
And there are these four supermodels.
And there's this really nasty beat.
You would like that, wouldn't you?
She likes fur? I know a guy
who still gets polar bear.
They have a thing in Alaska
now called a pizzly bear,
comes from a grizzly
bear fucking a polar bear.
A friend of mine shot one last
year. Any bears on the island?
No, mainly just rocks.
The construction guy says
sometimes a walrus swims by.
You want me to ask about pizzly?
- Walrus?
- Yeah.
Maybe the casino should
offer safaris as well.
It could be you with this great
big bear, waving at people,
"Come to the Top of the World
and make a killing." [ROARS]
[HANNAH] Go ahead. Check
it out. It's super hot.
[REPORTER] Record heat is being blamed
for the spread of wildfires worldwide.
Over 20 million acres have
already burned in that
[BECCA PANTING] Just talk to me
about something. Just distract me.
Okay. Okay, let me think
Fuck, anything! Anything, just
Um, uh The lunch you had
with your mother last week,
you never told me how
that went? How's she doing?
- It never happened.
- What?
[BREATHES DEEPLY] I had a job interview.
With who?
Why would you do that?
Because everything's
fucking dying around us.
- Please, just distract me, please, please.
- Uh. [GROANS]
Just tell me anything. Tell me
Okay, okay. Um. Uh Uh,
here's a story about ravens.
Long ago, back at the
beginning of the world,
Gray Eagle was the guardian of
the sun and the moon and the stars.
And back then, Raven
was a snow-white bird.
And one day, Gray Eagle's daughter
invited Raven into her father's house.
The total global population
is projected to reach
nine billion this year.
- Those people are the ones in need
- Hey. I'm flying home.
of help, not the
leaders of the world's
largest corporations
who we must finally
Are you crazy? You go
now and you miss Bilton.
We're so close. We need you here, Omar.
She's at the hospital.
So then she's safe, no?
I need to be there.
And on what planet will you
and your new family live?
[SIGHS] What are you doing?
Going to be with my wife.
You can have my vote.
[PROTESTORS] If we go to 2,
it's the end of me and you!
If we go to 2, it's
the end of me and you!
[GUIDE] Welcome to 80 degrees
north and 55 degrees east.
Just a few years ago, this
was all covered with ice.
There's really nothing up here.
Exactly. That's what makes
it a great place to build.
It's all the nothing you could hope for,
but in a year, you'll be
able to see it from here.
Ten stories, tropical gardens,
floor-to-ceiling smart windows.
Let's hope.
Hope? Fuck hope. Let's build.
Mr. Bilton is concerned with
this ice sheet in Greenland.
That's the ice sheet I
mentioned to you earlier.
- Nick really see it as a problem?
- One of two problems.
[GUIDE] I'll show you the other.
And again, there's a splash.
And as he's going down
for the third time,
the priest turns to the imam and says
"Do you think we should show
him where the rocks are?"
[CHUCKLES] I left law
school a few years back
because I realized that the world
didn't need another Jewish lawyer,
much to the chagrin of my father.
But we live in a time of crisis.
Not far from here,
environmentally displaced people
are in need of food and water.
And rest assured,
any leader who is not trying to
improve the situation is complicit.
It's like Elie Wiesel said,
"We must take sides.
Neutrality helps the
oppressor, never the victim."
[REPORTER] Controversy
erupted today at COP42
as tech tycoon Nick Bilton was
added to the list of speakers
at the conference's closing ceremony.
Bilton has drawn the ire of
environmental groups in the past,
most recently over his rumored plans
to partner in a hotel
development project
[ANNOUNCER] Flight 89 to
Newark International Airport
is now boarding at gate 48A.
[REPORTER] Last year at Davos,
Mr. Bilton said the following
about business and
environmental regulation.
[NICK] It is entirely possible
that the limits we have
created for business
are also limiting our ability to
solve the problem of climate change.
[JUNIOR] Oh, this is bullshit!
What the hell are they doing here?
My sister went through all of
this with the State Department!
Ben Zucker and the lawyers
went over all of this!
This is just This is part of the,
uh What the fuck is it called?
The United Nations Convention
for the Law of the Seas
and the Arctic Council.
Right! China aren't even on the council.
And last time I looked at a
map, they're nowhere near here.
Actually, they have permanent
observer status on the council.
You're the chair, right? I
mean, Russia runs the council.
[CONTRACTOR] Only until
the end of the year.
[GUIDE] You can see
the issue right here.
Our parcel is connected
by an underwater ridge
to an area they claim rights to.
You should really look at this.
They kind of are connected.
No, they're not connected, babe,
any more than Africa and
South America are connected.
Although I'm sure you could find
some asshole who feels the need
to put them back together like a puzzle.
The Russians have been
here for years, okay?
The Canadians, the Danish.
Back when the US was dicking around
with the green wet dream,
I was planning this.
Pompeo gave a speech about it in 2019.
Did someone forget to
take their meds today?
Please don't tell me
you woke up this morning
and decided to quit being famous
so that you could become a geologist
or whatever the fuck you would need
to be to know they're connected.
You invited me.
I'm gonna call my sister.
The boat's called Bing Zhànshì.
The "Ice Warrior."
Wow. [IN MANDARIN] I'm impressed.
You speak very well.
A lot of my fans speak it.
Does he?
[JUNIOR] Hey, it's me.
Uh, you're probably asleep, but
I'm waking up to a world of shit.
So, I'm up at the island,
and apparently there's a
dispute with the Chinese.
Someone is gonna turn a lot of
profit from these glaciers melting,
and it's either gonna
be the US or China.
So if you are feeling patriotic,
I suggest you call me back.
I need you to get in touch
with Secretary of State Rubio.
Tell him I'm up at the Arctic Circle
with my pants around my ankles.
- [MARSHALL LAUGHS] What is this?
What does it say?
[FRIEND] It's Arabic for mazel tov.
All that means mazel tov?
[LAUGHS] Well, the rest of it is
the kids saying they love your son.
- So cute.
- They're planning a party
in honor of Rabbi Zucker tomorrow.
Well, we're both excited to see the work
that you and Marshall have been doing.
We're discussing a second facility.
I think Rabbi Zucker would make
a great director of
faith-based services.
[BEN] I'm sure he would be,
but he's already accepted a
position as Youth Rabbi in Miami.
Dad, I don't want to
move back to Florida.
How many times do I gotta tell you?
There are people in Miami,
people with whom I have
long relationships with,
who are offering
Marshall an opportunity.
You can't turn it off for
even a single moment, Ben.
The joke about the rocks, I
taught him that. Excuse me.
Hello, Junior.
I think when he sees the work
that you've done, he'll understand.
Let's hope so.
- I wanna go fix my face. It's so hot here.
- [MARSHALL] Yeah.
- [LAUGHS, COUGHS] Excuse me.
- All right, Mom.
- Wait, I'm confused. You're going to Florida?
- Yes, sir.
[JUNIOR] How do I get the
Chinese out of my Arctic?
The Chinese? I know
nothing about the Chinese.
Well, they're parked out
in the bay, taunting me.
Junior, I'm not a lawyer. I'm
just your business manager.
But if they're not
actually on the island,
they may be within their rights.
It sounds like we may
have a real problem here
- with the Arctic Council.
- Ben. Ben, Ben.
You don't call Bilton with problems,
you call him with solutions,
which is why I just called my sister.
Yes, I know Bilton is the
richest man on earth, I do,
but what I don't know
is if that puts him
in a position to change treaties.
Help! Somebody call a
doctor! Hurry, now. Please.
[JUNIOR] Ben. He's
Nicholas fucking Bilton.
He can change you and
I into poor people.
[MARSHALL] Mom? Mom, can you hear me?
Hey, Mom, squeeze my
hand if you can hear me.
- Hey, Mama. Mom.
- [BEN] Isabel.
I is is somebody coming?
[MARSHALL] Dad, do something!
Get Get help! Mom!
[BYSTANDER] She has a pulse, Rabbi.
Come on, Mom. Mom, stay with me.
- [GUIDE] It's all going as planned.
He's still under the impression
that you are interested
in the hotel business
rather than what's beneath the ground.
Quite frankly, he is clueless.
All we need now is UN approval.
O-One more thing, sir.
Do you know if he's romantically
involved with the woman trav
- [GROANS] Delete message.
Counsel Hampton for you.
Send them in.
[HAMPTON] Are we really
considering waiving our patents?
Have you seen what's happening?
Markets, please.
Nickel is up 5.6%. Cobalt
up 7.7. Copper, way up.
All the base metals.
You were right. It's the fires.
The world is a desperate
but predictable animal.
And it wants to run on batteries.
That makes Tel Aviv easier.
It's all just one
giant, self-regulatory,
living feedback loop, isn't it?
Greenland, please.
And here we have our ice turning
into water. Adirondacks, please.
Trees turning into fire.
The solution miles from the problem.
Or it's all just chaos out there.
Either view presents us an opportunity.
The man whose house is on fire
is incredibly easy to
negotiate with, Mikey.
Didn't they teach you
that in law school?
[INHALES DEEPLY] Time to go.
[JUNIOR] Yeah, it's your
brother calling again.
Did you know that China has a
permanent seat on the Arctic Council?
- Did you?
- Do you expect me to wear this?
Call me back.
- [HANNAH] Do you?
- Uh, that depends.
Do you really expect to get paid?
Because if you do, let me remind you
of the deal that we both agreed on.
You would dress up as
a Christmas ornament,
sing your little song,
do your little dance,
I stick a shovel in the
ground, we all go home.
Next year, when you have a
100-night residency at my casino,
wear what the fuck you want.
As long as you don't run
afoul of a global superpower.
What are you doing?
I wanted that one.
[LAUGHS] Th That one?
Oh, okay. Uh, I'll get you another one.
In fact, you can have any rock
you want on the fucking island
as long as it fits on the plane.
It was gold.
- What?
- Yeah. Jordan gave it to me.
He says it's everywhere, if
you know where to look for it.
Gold, copper, nickel. Yeah,
and there's one other one.
[MARSHALL, IN HEBREW] Thank you, Doctor.
I'm sorry I don't have better news.
what the doctor's saying, Dad.
[INHALES DEEPLY] She has a subdural
hematoma from the fall. Okay?
Um, her temporal lobe
appears to be involved,
so that is why she can't speak.
And so far, the extent
of the damage is unclear.
I'm sorry, Dad.
- Dad, do you understand the, uh
- [MOUTHING] I'm on the phone.
[BEN] Just pull everything we have
on the Arctic development
deal. Everything.
As well as all relevant
law of the sea statutes.
- Yes, and
- Dad. Dad! Hang up the phone!
Marshall! That man and his family
have been a client for 25 years!
Twenty That woman upstairs who
can't move has been your wife for 40!
[BEN] What? Marshall, where
are you going? Marshall!
Are you still there?
[NARRATOR] We may not be
able to stop extinction,
but what if we could bring
these creatures back?
Using the latest genomic technology,
Menagerie2100 will save
what nature cannot.
We are committed to gene-capturing
the animals and plants you love,
and the ones you never think about.
We project that by the
end of the century,
Menagerie2100 will be able to maintain
a vast library of all species,
preparing for the day when they
can be reintroduced to zoos,
parks and someday even the w
[BECCA] Lack of oxygen,
hypoxia. He wanted to come out.
Feel like he was safer inside.
He's lucky he has such a strong mother.
Oh, he landed. [SIGHS]
He'll be here soon.
Thank you so much for staying.
Can I ask you something?
On the helicopter,
you said you interviewed
with Menagerie2100.
So they decide what species survive?
- Give up on now. Hope for the future.
And you wanna help with that?
Come on. I mean, you see the numbers.
The ravens are going away.
The bees are almost gone.
We're on track to lose
a third of life on Earth.
Everyone wants to play
God but God, I guess.
Maybe it's better than playing
funeral director for the Park Service.
I don't know.
The fires are spreading further north.
All the way up to Whitefeather Forest.
- They're evacuating Pikangikum.
- Oh, my God.
My mother wants to know
where she can go that's safe.
I'm not sure safe exists anymore.
Here, take this.
I think it helped.
Keep it.
Ask your friends at Menagerie if
they have a plan to bring us back.
[HANNAH] Ow. Shit.
So, are we groundbreaking
or rock collecting?
Nickel, copper, what was the
third? Cobalt? Was it cobalt?
- I don't remember.
- Because that's why the Chinese showed up.
Batteries. That's what
they want, batteries.
That look like copper to you? That line?
I don't know. I'm not a miner.
I'm a singer and an actress.
Then there's just a chance
I'm wandering around a beach
staring at fucking rocks.
[SMACKS LIPS] Here's an idea, why
don't you ask somebody who knows?
How come Jordan knows and you don't?
Okay. So, if Jordan knows, Bilton knows.
And I b I bet you our deal
is just for hospitality
development only, not mining.
Then we're out.
We're just out. Lost between the laws.
Just bent over by the fine
print. Castrated by contracts.
'Cause who's going to stay in a hotel
with a view of a fucking copper mine?
So does this mean I'm not singing?
[BECCA] That line there,
that's the heart monitor.
I don't know. They
seem really concerned.
We knew the risks, Becca. We
are all filled with plastic now.
Maybe my sperm is defective.
No, I don't think this was you.
I think I did this to him.
Did what?
He's here.
I'm here. You're here.
I was out in the woods saving birds.
I should have been protecting him.
And I left a climate
summit to be with my family.
Are we bad people?
I guess we can ask him when he grows up.
- It's okay.
I called the chairman of the
board at Temple Israel in Miami.
They want to introduce you
officially to the congregation
- during the High Holidays.
- Dad.
I bought you a ticket,
but they're gonna need your passport
number and your vaccine status,
- because goddamn dengue is back and
- Dad, can you listen to me for one minute?
There are people here who depend on me.
You saw those kids.
You have a mother who's in the hospital.
She's got a brain injury.
She can't use her arms.
She can't form sentences.
She's gonna need a great
deal of care back in Miami.
I understand.
Do you? Do you, Marshall? Do you
know how much that woman loves you?
Because if you did, you
would come back home with us.
I love her.
"Honor your father and your mother,
so your days may be long upon the
land of the Lord your God gives you."
Dad, what is happening right now?
You're quoting the
Ten Commandments to me.
Do you r-realize that
that she would never even have been here
walking around through the smoke
if it wasn't for you?
Glad she didn't have
to hear you say that.
I really am glad that her brain
does not have to try and
make sense of that one,
because mine sure can't.
She needs you.
[MARSHALL] You gonna answer that?
Are you?
I need you!
[PROTESTERS] The world is on
fire! And Bilton is a liar!
Hell is upon us, ladies and gentlemen.
We are living in a disco inferno
where the music is cooking on a
dance floor right beneath our feet.
The oven below is slow and low,
and we are still not learning.
Where did the undying yearning go?
2 degrees.
2 degrees will cook the fool out of you.
What are you willing to do?
[PROTESTOR] The world's on fire!
[SPEAKER] What are you willing to do?
Net-zero now
How many more?
- [SPEAKER] Don't give a fuck about how.
- [OFFICER] Hey, sir.
- [SPEAKER] Net-zero now.
- Net-zero.
[SPEAKER] I say, save
the planet somehow.
- What's it gonna take?
- [SPEAKER] Net-zero now.
I say, save the planet somehow.
Or it will save itself from you.
[REPORTER] I spoke
privately to a delegate
who expressed their frustration as
we enter the final evening of COP42,
where the real possibility of
raising the temperature ceiling
above the previously agreed
upon limit is now up for debate.
Both the United States and China,
as well as Russia and India,
seem open to this idea
I wanted to tell you
how I decided to vote.
It's all become very complicated.
What does that mean, "complicated"?
What decision did you make?
[SIGHS] I think I may
have made a mistake.
[ANNOUNCER] Please make your way
You need to tell me, what
decision did you make?
[VOTER] I fear I traded
the future for the present.
- I agreed to an increase.
[PROTESTERS] The world is on
fire! And Bilton is a liar!
[MIKEY] It's done. All
parties agreed to our proposal.
Exemptions for patents.
You never really cared about the casino.
The whole island could
end up underwater.
My father liked to gamble.
I used to go with him to
Monaco when I was young.
He thought he was so very
clever when he beat the odds.
More clever, I think,
to control the odds.
The lawyers would like you not to
mention the Arctic mining exemptions,
at least not until after the vote.
Of course not. Today's not about
the exemptions. Today's about water,
and how Alpha is solving the drought
and the resulting refugee problem.
- Tomorrow, however
- The world is on fire!
And Bilton is a liar!
Hey, Bilton!
[PROTESTORS] The world is on
fire! And Bilton is a liar!
This is on you!
[BECCA] When Raven saw the sun
and moon and stars and fresh water,
he knew what he should do.
He waited for his chance.
And when no one was looking,
he stole all of them.
And a brand of fire too.
It made so much light.
I don't know what to do, Mom.
[BECCA] That he was able to
fly far out to an island
in the middle of the ocean.
And when the sun set
he fastened the moon up in the sky
and hung the stars around
in different places.
And then when he flew over the land,
he dropped all the water he had stolen.
It fell to the ground
and became the source of all the
streams and lakes in the world.
And then Raven flew on.
The smoke from the fire he was
carrying blew over his white feathers
and turned them black.
And when his bill began to
burn, he dropped the fire.
Raven's feathers never were white again
once they'd been blackened by the smoke.
And that is why Raven is a black bird.
I like that story.
It isn't mine. I
borrowed it from a friend.
- [JUNIOR] You are one lucky walrus.
If I had my gun, you would
to 2, it's the end of me and you!
If we go to 2, it's the end
Good evening, everyone.
It is an honor to be here
and to be included in
these vital conversations.
Around the turn of this century,
climate change was described
as a symptom of capitalism.
A symptom.
I am here to suggest that
capitalism is also the cure.
So, today I can announce
that I will make the
patents for desalinization
and purification of water available
to any country that can
demonstrate the need.
Additionally, Alpha will
join the Tel Aviv Accord
in committing to keeping the global
temperature increase in this century
as close to 2 degrees
Celsius as possible.
- With a ceiling of 2.3 degrees.
Thank you.
What does an increase in global
temperatures by 2 degrees Celsius
mean to you and me?
It means that when the
temperature goes up,
our imagination must increase even more.
[SPEAKER] It means that when the sea
level rises, we must rise up as well.
It means that when forest
fires obscure the horizon
we must look toward each
other to find our way forward.
We cannot give up and go
home for one simple reason.
We already are home.
This is our only home.
We're not fucking giving up.
Next Episode