Familiar Wife (2018) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Next, in science.
Wolf, a star that lies
68 light-years away from Earth,
is rapidly becoming a black hole
as it approaches extinction.
The astronomers are amazed
at the unprecedented rate of annihilation.
They're focusing on
whether this will change
the gravitational pull
between the Earth and the moon.
While some are interested
in the change in gravitational pull,
others are concerned
about potential earthquakes and tsunamis.
The world is full of strange things.
Strawberries grown in greenhouses
in the winter
are tastier than wild strawberries
in the summer.
Forsythias bloom in the middle of winter.
It costs 30 won to make a 10-won coin,
meaning there are over 1.4 trillion won
in unclaimed financial assets.
The plate number is 4885.
He just got to Incheon Airport.
His phone is turned off.
The weirdest thing in the world is love.
You get married
because you love each other to death,
and then you become deadly enemies.
Come to think of it,
you meet a lot of enemies in your life.
Out of them, the strongest
and most vicious is…
…your wife.
It's your wife.
Poor baby.
It's okay.
Watch the kid.
Don't push him again.
I didn't do it.
It wasn't me.
Shut your mouth.
Damn it. Hey!
Watch the baby.
Just wake up.
Let's eat.
Let's eat.
Let's eat.
-I'm doomed.
-Oh no.
Damn it, I'm late.
I'm late.
-I don't have a shirt!
Check the closet.
-Check the closet!
I don't have a shirt.
-Check the balcony.
-Darn it.
There isn't one.
-How about the one you wore yesterday?
-You didn't wash it?
I didn't have the time!
You always…
It stinks.
Let's put this on.
Good boy.
What time is it?
Raise your arms.
The kids missed their bus.
Can you drop them off?
-What did you say?
Drop the kids off. They missed the bus!
I'm late.
I might get fired today!
I'm late too!
-Damn it.
-Sorry, I have to go.
I have a group reservation later.
Can you pick up the kids?
I'll have to see.
Wait, my phone.
Text me if you can't.
I have to let the teacher know.
Text me, okay?
Sorry, I didn't hear you.
Text me.
You better text me!
I'll be late if I miss this.
Stay right there.
Don't move.
Turn around.
So you already clocked in,
and you came back with a cup of coffee.
That's the scenario, right?
Yes, sir.
Great. Move aside.
But I don't see your bag.
You don't even have a jacket.
How do you explain your sweat?
You've got your cash box, though.
-Yoon Jong-hoo.
-Yes, sir.
You're trying to cover for him,
aren't you?
Mr. Cha, that's three strikes.
I said if you're late three times,
you'll lose points
in your performance review.
I'll deduct another point
for trying to pull tricks.
And another point just because.
How many is that?
It's a lot, right?
Do you have a problem with that?
-No, sir.
-You shouldn't--
-Good morning, everyone.
Good morning!
Hello, sir.
What's going on?
My clan member, Mr. Cha.
Now, what did you do wrong this morning?
He keeps showing up late to work.
Oh, come on.
It's too early for this.
Mr. Byeon.
You're too much of a perfectionist.
Having flaws is what makes you human,
like me.
-Don't you agree?
-Well, I…
Hey, Ms. Jang.
Did you check today's TTS rate chart?
Just give me anything.
I told you.
If you want to survive in the jungle,
don't let your enemies notice you.
What do you say
to some bowling after work today?
I'd love that, sir.
I respect you.
Why are you so damp?
That old Magistrate Byeon.
What did I do to him in my past life?
He picks at every little thing.
It makes sense that he does.
He was the last special recruit,
which was good for him.
But he can't go up anymore.
He should've been
assistant branch manager by now.
But that's not our fault.
It's his own bad luck.
Hey, at least
the branch manager's got your back.
Although for a lifeline,
he isn't the strongest.
I'm already tired from the morning.
What a rough start to the day.
You couldn't sleep because of your kid?
You're going to miss the days
they cried all night
but couldn't talk.
When they learn how to speak,
it'll be hell.
"What's this?"
My twins.
"What's this?"
It's one thing after another.
"It's a perfect day to die."
"If you put that gun down now,
I'll let you live."
Quit playing.
It's from New World.
"Those who live for tomorrow will
be killed by those who live for today."
"I only live for today."
"How much do you want?"
You're so flexible.
My dream in elementary school
was to be a ballerino.
-Want to see?
How can you do that?
You can't do this?
Look at you.
Wow, Cha Ju-hyuk.
Look at that.
What happened?
What is it?
Stop. They ripped…
My pants ripped. Go away.
Let me see.
-Stop it.
-Darn it.
Hey, Mr. Cha.
Customer number 324,
please come to counter six.
Customer number 324.
Customer number 325,
we'll do our best to serve you. Welcome.
I'm here to apply
for an apartment mortgage.
-I'm number 324.
You skipped me
while I was in the bathroom.
Could you wait a moment?
Let me assist her first,
then get back to you.
But I'm number 324.
Why should I wait?
It's because you weren't present.
I didn't leave for no reason!
I was waiting forever to be called.
So I had to go to the bathroom.
It's so crowded in here!
And that counter's been empty for a while.
You think this is a joke?
Do I look like a pushover?
It's lunchtime for them.
We take turns eating lunch--
How can you eat lunch for an hour?
I'm starving too.
I'm so mad.
The more I talk, the angrier I get.
Where's the branch manager?
I want to talk to him!
Let's talk outside, sir.
-Let go of me.
-Let's go.
-I said let go.
-Let's go.
-Do you know who I am?
-Do you know who I am?
-Have a seat.
I said, do you know who I am?
You punks! I ought to…
I wonder why people say that so often.
You're here for a mortgage?
Thank you.
Mr. Cha, personal banking is backed up.
Can you help?
But I don't want to.
Hwan, take some
personal banking customers.
-Yes, you.
You need to learn
how personal banking works.
-Just do it. Don't argue.
Can't you see they're swamped?
How are you so unmotivated?
Why don't you do it yourself?
Then send me home early.
I have a Chinese class today.
Customer number 786.
Here it is.
This is Korea's most famous spa.
-I see.
-I see.
Thank you for coming.
This way, please.
You'll each take a station
and prepare a relaxing tea first.
This way.
This way, please.
This way, please.
Thank you for coming.
This way, please.
You should come more often.
I'll come more often from now on.
Can you pick them up or not?
Let's go home.
Personal banking team,
have you found it yet?
We're checking for the third time.
I'm telling you, it's accurate.
There was a mistake, but no one caused it.
How is that possible?
Why are you on our case about this?
The loan team could've caused the loss.
Given the circumstances, we couldn't have.
It's a currency exchange issue.
Hey, listen.
Can we keep it civil when we're working?
Yes, sure.
-You caused the loss and then…
-That's right.
Our counters were backed up,
so I sent a customer to the loan team.
I think he was exchanging currency.
I sent him to Kim Hwan.
-I found it.
It was Hwan.
What do we do?
I think he mistook ten dollars
for a hundred dollars.
That's what happened. Manager Byeon?
I knew Kim Hwan would cause trouble.
Where did he go?
He left early for his Chinese class.
What? Says who?
Who let him leave early?
I did.
Why would you do that?
What a great duo.
A late supervisor and an inept newbie.
One leads, the other follows.
What amazing teamwork you have!
Hey, Ju-hyuk.
You take care of Hwan's mistake.
Right now.
Get to it!
The person you have called
is not available…
He's not answering his phone.
I'll try his office.
Is this Banana Travel?
Yes, is there a Mr. Park Yeong-rye…
He just left for the airport.
What now?
We have to go after him!
Just run.
Can you give me your car keys?
I'm sorry. I'm not off work yet.
I should've called you earlier.
My husband said he might be able to…
You're meeting your fiancé's family today?
I see.
I'll call you back soon.
What are you talking about, Woo-jin?
You're leaving in the middle of work?
I'm sorry.
I have no one to pick up the kids.
I told you in advance
that we had a group reservation!
You should've come up with a plan.
How could you
leave your customer like that?
You are way out of line.
I know. But--
Forget it.
Damn it.
Damn it.
Mr. Cha.
Mr. Cha!
My goodness.
What is it?
What is it this time?
You really have no worries, don't you?
How can you sleep in this situation?
It's because I can't sleep at night.
-By the way, how did you get here?
-How do you think?
Ms. Yoon called me.
I sent Mr. Byeon's car to the shop
and paid the hospital bill
with the card in your wallet.
You what?
My card is maxed out.
What about the customer?
He's gone.
They're probably
flying over China right now.
How lucky.
Darn it.
Why did you make me
do the currency exchange?
I'm not familiar with it yet.
Are you blaming me?
I was going to go bowling
with my classmates after class.
There's a girl I've been flirting with.
Be quiet. You're stressing me out.
The manager said he'd make up for the loss
-with the loss mitigation fund.
-Be quiet.
Well, it's understandable
that he's so pissed off.
You caused a loss
and destroyed a freshly leased car
-while chasing down the client.
-Stop it.
What did he say?
"Idiots. They deserve to be slaughtered."
-"They ought to be torn into pieces--"
-Stop it!
Shut up. Seriously, stop it.
He said to let him know when you arrived.
Give him a call.
My phone.
Where's my phone?
Where's my phone?
I'm in trouble.
Here it is.
Remember to pick up the kids.
It's by 7:00 p.m.
Did you leave?
Where are you? Are you on your way?
-Why aren't you picking up?
-What is this?
-Hey, pick up the phone!
-Oh my god.
-You're dead meat!
-Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Where are you going?
I think you should stay here
until tomorrow.
-Hey, shut up.
-I might end up in a hospital bed forever.
You should at least give Mr. Byeon a call!
Socrates once said,
"If you get a good wife,
you'll become happy."
"If you get a bad one,
you'll become a philosopher."
Yes, I'm a philosopher.
I am a philosopher.
I am a philosopher.
A philosopher.
A philosoph--
-How dare you come in?
How dare you?
-Get out.
-I can explain…
Get out. Right now.
-I don't want to see you. Get out.
Get out.
-Honey, I…
-I said leave. Should I leave?
Should I leave?
Let me explain. Today…
Shut up. Don't say another word.
I'll staple your mouth shut.
-Isn't that a bit harsh--
-Shut up.
-What I mean is--
-Shut up.
I don't want to hear your voice,
so just shut your damn mouth!
Do you know how much I ran today?
There was traffic.
So I got out of my taxi,
took off my shoes,
and ran barefoot like a madwoman.
The preschool kept calling me,
you kept ignoring my calls,
and the customers
were already flooding in!
What do you want me to do?
Is it that hard to send a text?
Is it that hard to answer a call?
It's not like I had them on my own!
Why am I the one who has to do everything?
Honey, I'm sorry.
So please calm down.
I was startled when I saw
your missed calls a little while ago.
"A little while ago"?
You found out a little while ago?
I was on pins and needles all day
and calling you like crazy.
But you found out a little while ago.
I'm really sorry.
How can you say that right now?
You piece of trash!
Get out!
Why did you call me here so late at night?
I only have 30 minutes.
I told my wife I was going to buy gum.
Eat slowly, or you'll get sick.
What's wrong with him today?
Leave him be.
A newbie stirred up trouble today.
Ju-hyuk wrecked Mr. Byeon's car
while chasing down a client.
Today was a total mess.
It's so much easier
to work for yourself, isn't it?
Isn't that an office worker's dream?
-Is business good?
-If it were, I wouldn't be sitting here.
I've given up.
Bars like this can't hit it big anyway.
And I can't do anything
about the recession.
I want to move up the ranks.
When do I get to be
the company's cleanup hitter?
An organization can't win
just because it has a good pitcher.
It needs a catcher who can read the game
and a shortstop
who runs as if his life depends on it.
Why? Does it taste weird?
Is it because of today?
Hey, shake it off. It's over.
I want a divorce.
Is Woo-jin cheating on you?
I'm just scared.
I'm scared of how she has changed.
Where's the cute and cheerful girl
I used to know?
I feel like
I'm sharing a bed with a monster.
That's what happens
when women get married.
My wife used to be so delicate.
Now, she carries a twin in each arm
and pushes a bag of rice with her feet.
Isn't that really something?
It's worse than that.
It's like she's a different person.
When we first got married,
she would lock the doors to shower.
But now,
she exposes her butt in front of me.
Can't you do that when you're in a hurry?
Stop overreacting.
You can.
I can understand that much. But…
I've never seen someone so vulgar.
Let's say that makes her down-to-earth.
But recently,
she hasn't cooked any meals.
I came home starving
after working overtime,
but she didn't even
leave me a bowl of rice.
I haven't eaten.
You want me to cook now?
I'm just asking.
Why, you little…
I'll figure it out. Put the baby to sleep.
Open the freezer.
That's hot.
Even stray cats get fed.
I'm a human being.
It's not like I want an extravagant meal.
I just want a home-cooked meal
once in a while.
Do I have to feel so guilty
about wanting a home-cooked meal
from my wife?
That's how Korean men live.
That's why they say
husbands in their thirties
are the most miserable since Dangun.
Women just have so much to do.
They take their kids to various classes,
line up at dawn
to register them for kindergarten,
and meet with other moms for information.
And they make money while they're at it.
This country is crazy.
Your wife must be stressed too.
She works at the spa all day
and takes care of both kids by herself.
She wouldn't have the energy
to dress up and cook.
I felt bad about it, so I tried
to understand and put up with it.
She's suffering
because I don't make enough.
But I can't handle it anymore.
Her anger management issues.
What issues?
When she loses her temper,
she will explode at any time, anywhere.
How much is this?
The price went up again.
What's taking so long?
I forgot to buy shaving gel.
I'll be right back.
Next time. It's our turn soon.
We have to pick up the kids.
It's because I'm out. I'll be quick.
Just buy it tomorrow after work.
Look at my mustache.
-Why won't you listen?
-I'll be back soon.
It's 30,000 won.
-I'll use my card.
He said he'd be right back.
Thank you.
Damn it.
Next, please.
He said he'd be right back…
-You go first.
This is driving me crazy.
You're dead meat.
Buy one, get one free. Isn't it awesome?
I told you our turn was coming up,
you son of a…
She swore at you
in front of all those people?
Swearing? She's good at it.
She's been doing it for a while now.
That's a bit worrisome.
But it's just verbal.
She's not physically violent, right?
My college friend
gets beat up all the time.
-He needs to recover for four weeks.
-Physically violent?
Who says she isn't?
-Woo-jin did that?
-Oh my god.
I've feared for my life many times.
And I'm too scared to ask for a divorce.
Do I have to live like this
with her forever?
Have another drink.
That little…
Let's all make it safely through the day.
Forget about yesterday.
Today is another day.
You know the rules, right?
If there's a robbery,
don't get hurt
and give them all of the cash.
Because there's more money in that safe.
The amount taken
won't be enough to put us under.
And we have a team dinner tonight.
I'm going to use the money
the president gave us last time.
So loan team, finish up your work on time
and organize the loan documents.
-Of course, our team--
-Let's go!
-A new kind of banking
-A new kind of banking
-through trust and generosity.
-through trust and generosity.
-Have a good day, sir!
-Keep up the good work.
-Let's do this.
-Let's go.
Loan team, assemble.
Gather around.
What are you doing? Come on.
Why don't you look guilty
after causing trouble?
Aren't you scared?
This is me scared, sir.
This lunatic.
I'm also…
I'm sorry.
I'll increase my sales by the same amount
as your insurance premium increase.
That's why I called you all here.
See this?
How do we rank on loan performance?
Lucky seven.
Yes, seventh place.
Our ranking has plummeted.
Hand these out. Wait.
And put these on.
What is this, sir?
Banks are now businesses.
Customers won't come
if we don't find them.
Each of you will take 500 flyers.
Pass them out during lunch.
I mean…
Mr. Yoon.
I said 500 flyers.
Take more.
This much is for you.
All right!
Hello, we're from KCU Bank.
Hello, we're from KCU Bank.
-Hello, we're from KCU Bank.
-We're from KCU Bank.
We're from KCU Bank.
This is a bit much, don't you think?
We're KCU Bank.
My mom still thinks
the most ideal workplace is a bank.
What are we doing out here?
-I know. This is KCU Bank.
-This is KCU Bank.
-Thank you.
-I didn't even do this in college.
We're KCU Bank.
Now I'm handing out flyers.
I can't do this.
I have to write
a letter of apology anyway.
I can return these
and write another letter.
I'd rather be destroyed by Mr. Byeon.
Look at you. You've got guts.
What makes you think you can?
My family is pretty wealthy.
How wealthy?
Does your dad own any buildings?
He only owns two in Gangnam.
Anyway, I'm going back.
Take your time.
Can he do that?
He only has two buildings.
I'm jealous.
He drives people crazy
in so many ways, doesn't he?
You're annoying too.
You're handing them out
right in front of me.
So no one is taking mine.
Let's split up.
Let's split up!
What's your deal?
-This is KCU Bank.
-This is… Come on!
This is KCU Bank. Hello!
What's going on there? Stop it.
You can't put those in there!
Hello, sir.
I'm a representative from KCU Bank.
-Please let this slide once.
-No, you can't.
-I'll get in trouble if I allow peddlers.
-A peddler?
I'll get in trouble.
-It's hard for me to make a living too.
-You can't.
Then I'll just leave this here.
-Get out!
-Just this one.
It's you, Ju-hyuk.
What's with the reaction?
Did you forget me?
It's me, Hye-won.
Hi, Hye-won.
-It's been ages. Right?
-It has.
We could've gotten something better
since I'm buying.
But I love short rib soup.
I've lived in the US for so long
that I really missed this.
And you like Korean food.
I remember you always lined up
for Korean food in the cafeteria.
You remember that?
Of course I do.
Have some more meat.
No, I'm fine. Just eat.
You should eat. You've lost weight.
I'm on a diet.
What's wrong?
It's been so long
since anyone has been kind to me.
It's nothing.
Are you back from the States for good
or just visiting?
I'm back for good.
I joined the orchestra there,
but it was boring.
I guess I was homesick.
I missed my family and my friends.
And I missed you from time to time.
Especially in the spring.
We first met in the spring.
That was when I hung out a lot
with my seniors.
You must have been lonely living abroad.
By the way,
I heard about you from my friends.
Your wife is very beautiful.
-Everyone says you hit the jackpot.
-Jackpot, my foot.
They're just being nice.
I was a little jealous when I heard that.
I used to
like you.
You know that, right?
Mr. Cha.
Mr. Cha!
Mr. Cha!
What are you doing?
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
Is the machine broken?
I'll start in order.
-I'm so busy.
-I'm looking for a personal credit loan.
I used to like you.
I liked you.
I didn't know.
I had no idea
that Hye-won liked me too.
Excuse me.
I'm also looking for a mortgage loan.
Of course.
The qualifications…
The qualifications…
I used to like you.
Then was that why she
I had no idea.
YEAR 2006
-Hi Ju-hyuk!
I'm sorry.
Sorry, excuse me.
It's so heavy.
I'll work in administration next time.
Is this the practice room?
The floor is so nice.
It's so spacious. How many square meters?
You were playing this live, right?
I'm sorry. Please go ahead and practice.
I'm sorry.
I heard all the seniors in our department
are struggling to get a job.
Should I just give up
and start a business?
Want to go see a movie?
That's Lee Hye-won,
the goddess of the music department.
She's famous.
She's every male student's dream.
The Madonna, the muse.
She looks good in pink today.
Any man with eyes would fall for her.
I guess you have eyes.
Are you interested?
You're not?
You're totally into her!
Give up, man.
She has so many hot guys around her.
Thanks to her, the Music Appreciation Club
turned into a boy's club.
Music Appreciation Club?
Can a returning student join?
Most members are returning students.
I heard it's your birthday.
It's nothing.
I found it on my way here.
What are you even saying?
What brings you here?
Happy birthday. Here.
How did you know?
They're so pretty!
Come on, I'll buy you a meal.
Let's get out of the city.
I can't go far. I have a performance.
My favorite cellist, La Kohlhoff,
is in Korea right now.
But I can't even go to the meet-and-greet.
How was the show?
-Today's show was great.
-It was good.
I was just passing by this event,
and there was a huge line.
I thought it was a celebrity
meet-and-greet, so I lined up.
Apparently, he's a famous cellist.
I got his autograph,
but I don't really know about the cello.
So you can have it.
And I know it's late,
but happy birthday.
Open the door!
Open the door!
My arms are about to fall off!
If you don't open the door
on the count of three, I'll kick it down.
Look at this.
Is this a room or a pigsty?
It stinks.
Why didn't you tell me you were coming?
What about school?
School anniversary. It's a holiday.
Can you take this?
I was going to sleep in,
but Mom made me bring you side dishes.
You don't know how hard
she smacked my back this morning.
I'm a senior in high school. I'm busy.
I even took a standing train.
You better appreciate these side dishes.
You've gained weight.
You must not be stressed lately.
I'm eating more because I'm stressed.
How can an apartment smell like this?
I'll have to move in and clean this up
after I graduate.
It's a total mess.
A complete mess.
Yesterday was the World Cup match.
Didn't you see
Lee Chun-soo's legendary inside shot?
I saw it too.
You were so excited about their comeback
that you partied all night?
And drank a ton?
That's not it.
It's our first World Cup win in Germany.
Don't you have any patriotism?
Forget it, and start cleaning up!
Excuse me. You, over there.
I know you're awake. Get up.
I've heard a lot about you.
I'm Ju-hyuk's classmate and freeloader…
I mean, practically his roommate,
Oh Sang-shik.
All right.
Please get dressed.
You're hurting my eyes.
Nothing is in the right place.
Are the clothes on the desk
and the books in the closet?
-What's this?
Hey, stop it.
-Not there!
-They're his.
-They're his.
They're his.
Ju-hyuk, can I borrow this?
I'm late.
All because of Ju-eun.
I'm late.
Oh no!
What now?
You should've said you were passing by.
You're right.
I should've said so.
I'm passing by now.
What's this?
I'm so annoyed.
Pretty and handsome people
always end up with each other.
I know. It's so unfair.
-You must be late for first period.
I'm on my way to practice.
Good luck.
Are you free tonight?
There's a cello recital
I have two tickets for.
Do you want to go together?
I'm free.
Of course. Let's go.
I'll meet you at the venue at 8:00 p.m.
Don't be late.
I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine. I'm really okay.
-Have a nice day.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Cover for me for tonight.
In return, I'll do two shifts
for you next time.
Did something good happen?
Yes, something really good.
I'll leave you to it. Thanks!
I don't like any of them.
All right.
What are you
doing? Why did you touch my butt?
When did I touch your butt?
I brushed up against you
because the bus shook.
I didn't even know.
You were groping me like this!
I said I didn't. How rude!
I told you I didn't do it.
What's the big deal?
Did anyone see me touch your butt?
Tell them to speak up if they did.
I didn't see it.
Are you really a student?
Are you a scam artist
who picks fights to extort money?
Excuse me?
I saw it.
I can't believe this.
I saw it.
You were touching her butt like this.
That's unbelievable.
That's not what happened.
-Sir, I'll get off here.
-Oh my!
-Don't stop the bus!
-Please go to the police station!
Please go to the police right away!
The bus shook, so I…
-I barely touched it!
-How shameless.
She's right.
He didn't just barely touch her.
It was intentional.
-I witnessed it.
It's not his first offense.
Right? No wonder
the way he touched me was…
Excuse me, I'm late.
-That felt disgusting.
-Can I go now? I'm really late.
Okay, sure.
Thank you. I'm really late.
-Hey, wait.
-You're not done yet.
I'm not leaving.
I couldn't even thank…
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to.
Something happened on the way, so…
It's okay.
I waited for a while
and went in alone to see the show.
I see.
Anyway, I'm sorry.
I want to make it up to you.
If you're free tonight…
No, I have plans.
I have to go practice now.
Excuse me.
Don't you remember me?
I was on the bus yesterday.
What are you doing here?
I overheard you mention your school
at the police station.
I didn't know I'd find you right away.
We really are meant to be, aren't we?
-What do you want?
-I'll buy you dinner.
I don't allow any debts to go unrepaid.
It's okay. Let's pretend you did.
I have to go to work.
Isn't your skirt too short?
-Why don't you wear it longer?
-I already…
Hey! Wait for me.
I just wanted to thank you for yesterday.
You must have strong arms to work here.
Isn't it exhausting to scoop ice cream?
I saw muscles bulging out of your arms.
Are you free on weekends?
What about Saturday?
-How about Sunday?
Then let's watch a late-night movie.
-Superman Returns!
-I saw it already.
It hasn't come out yet.
Where do you live? I live in Boeun-dong.
I'm sorry.
But can you go? You're distracting.
I'll get fired
for chatting with a customer.
I'd be happier if you got fired.
Would you like to be my math tutor?
-My mom is looking for a tutor.
I'll tell her to pay you a lot of money.
Why don't you be my tutor? Please?
I don't know.
I have to study again to do that.
It's 300,000 won a month,
twice a week, on a two-hour basis.
No, 400,000 won!
All right.
Basic trigonometric functions
are "what" about inflection points?
So if you look at this question…
It's delicious.
I love strawberries the most.
Let's study, Woo-jin.
You missed a bunch of classes
because of your cold.
And you're usually so energetic.
Why do you get sick so often?
Because I have big tonsils
and a big mouth. Wanna see?
Next question.
Does having a big mouth
give you an advantage in kissing?
How many times have you kissed?
I like men who are good kissers.
With kissing,
if you do it for too long,
don't your mouth and tongue hurt?
I heard some people kiss
for more than an hour or two.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Your wife.
Pull it back up.
You impudent little brat.
I really like you.
I like you so much I could die
from choking while eating live octopus.
I'm being totally for real.
How are you so crazy
even when confessing your feelings?
So, you think I'm cute?
Then go ahead. You have my permission.
When you do this to me, I feel so happy.
I think
my erogenous zone is the top of my head.
Are you kidding me?
You're blushing.
You're so cute.
I'm not blushing.
You look like a strawberry.
Do you want to get in trouble?
No, honey!
Mom, what do we do?
Be careful.
Oh no.
Oh no.
Are you okay?
Do you have a fever again?
Can you stay?
What are you doing, Mr. Cha?
Take the drink.
No, I'll take it.
You're a lightweight, so here's half.
And the other half with soda.
Our side of the table, let's cheers.
-Let us join too.
-Us too.
-All together.
Great job, everyone!
Thank you! I love you!
-Bottoms up!
-Bottoms up!
-Great work.
-Great work, everyone.
Excuse me, Mr. Byeon.
What's wrong with you today?
You've been totally out of it all day.
Just shut up and eat.
Hey, my brother.
Eat up.
Yes, sir. Thank you.
I could be his older brother.
And Cha Bum-kun could be my older brother.
We're from the same clan!
-Eat up.
-Yes, sir!
Brother, my foot.
You're not from the same last name clan.
When will you tell him?
I don't know.
I can't do anything about it anymore.
He's sneaky in a way.
Mr. Cha thinks they're from the same clan,
but he won't deny it.
Ju-hyuk sold his ancestors
to cozy up to his boss.
That's a bit harsh.
Sell my ancestors?
Am I a Kim or a Yoo?
I am a Cha.
Do you think
there are a lot of Chas in Korea?
We're all related.
They're connected roots.
And what's wrong
with selling my ancestral roots anyway?
You think I can afford to be picky?
With loans, childcare,
and money we send our parents,
we're in the red, even with two incomes.
I have to do everything I can right now.
I'll sell my roots.
Do you know how I feel?
Okay, I'm just kidding.
Are you drunk already?
Why are you so sensitive?
Don't touch me!
What's wrong?
It's a lovers' quarrel.
I just love him so much.
-Don't do that.
I hate you,
I hate my wife,
and I hate my job.
I hate everything.
Are you crazy? You'll wake the kids up!
You can't even hold your liquor.
Why'd you drink so much?
Don't make a sound.
Go to sleep quietly.
Are you crazy?
You're going to snore all night
since you drank.
Will you deal with it if they wake up?
Sleep in the living room.
I hate the smell of alcohol.
Are you crazy?
Are you crazy?
Do you think I'm crazy? Yes, I'm crazy.
How can I live with you if I'm not crazy?
Why are you doing this to me?
You too?
You idiot.
You don't know how a woman feels
and you're always in people's business.
When Wolf becomes a black hole,
the Earth's rotation will slow down.
It will create a rift in space-time.
A wormhole will be created.
The rift is already opening.
Once Wolf is gone,
gravity will reach its peak.
The wormhole
will allow us to travel back in time!
The timing is important!
The moon is a sign.
He looks so normal otherwise.
Why are there so many
crazy people these days? It's scary.
Get up, sir.
Hold this.
-Are you okay?
If Wolf becomes a black hole…
What's this?
They're 500-won coins.
It's a 500-won coin from 2006.
This is a rare item.
You can go back in time…
-It's all done.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Have a good day.
-You too.
Customer number 419.
This is killing me.
-Mr. Byeon.
Mr. Han's mother passed away.
The burial is tomorrow.
His mother wasn't that old. Was she sick?
I have a memorial service today,
so I can't go.
If anyone is free, go instead of me.
I'm sorry.
My father is sick, so I have to go home.
And the funeral is in Jangwon.
That's so far.
Ms. Jang?
I have an appointment at the hair salon.
It's hard to get a reservation there.
What about you?
I'm meeting a friend.
My friend opened a nail salon.
I should stop by.
I'm out.
I don't even know what he looks like.
Mr. Cha!
Thank you. Safe trip.
-Let's close up.
All right.
How did she suddenly pass?
She said she'd bring over
some side dishes.
On the way, a motorcycle…
I see.
I'm sorry.
Mom, it's me.
Did you sell a lot of gimbap?
I ate dinner.
Woo-jin takes good care of me.
How is your wrist?
I was just thinking about it.
Tell Dad to cut down on alcohol.
I'll visit you when I have time.
good night.
I miss my mom.
What's wrong with the radio?
What? Was there a tollgate here?
I didn't see one earlier.
I remember the dream
of an eternal summer night.
So that I won't forget it
even when the morning comes.
Listening to this song,
I realized that summer
is the most romantic season.
It's not even automatic.
And a toll fee of 500 won?
It ate my money.
Excuse me!
Excuse me!
I can't believe this.
Will it only take 500-won coins?
Gosh, I just paid 1,000 won.
Did I pass by this on the way here?
-What's going on?
-You have deviated from the route.
What's going on?
-What's happening?
-You have deviated from the route.
What's happening?
What's this?
Am I in the hospital?
This doesn't look like a…
Open the door!
This is my old apartment.
Why am I here?
Open the door!
What's with that voice? It's Ju-eun.
If you don't open the door
on the count of three, I'll kick it down.
Look at this.
Is this a room or a pigsty?
-It stinks.
I didn't skip school.
It's the school anniversary.
Can you take this?
I was going to sleep in,
but Mom made me bring you side dishes.
You don't know how hard
she smacked my back this morning.
I'm a senior in high school. I'm busy.
I even took a standing train.
-You better appreciate these side dishes.
-What's going on?
I've been in this situation before.
How can an apartment smell like this?
It's a total mess.
Bet you threw a crazy party last night
watching the World Cup.
-The World Cup?
-With the comeback win.
-Comeback win?
-What are you doing?
Put that down and clean this up!
Excuse me. You, over there.
I know you're awake.
I've heard a lot about you.
-This is that day!
-I'm Ju-hyuk's classmate and freeloader…
-Please get dressed.
-That day, 12 years ago.
What's this?
Not there!
They're his.
They're not mine.
can I borrow this?
It's the same as that day.
Goodbye, Woo-jin.
And have a nice life.
Were you dreaming?
You're going to die like that.
It felt too real to be a dream.
Shouldn't you look for a nursing home?
Your promotion.
-Oh my god.
-It's over.
I told you not to buy any more games.
I must've been out of my mind!
I want my life back.
It wasn't a dream?
Next Episode