Family Secrets (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

[theme music playing]
[breathing heavily]
- [thud]
- [gasps] Oh, excuse me! I'm so sorry!
Alicja, call me back!
You won't believe what just happened.
How come no one's answering?
Call me back, Mama, okay?
- [woman] Watch out!
- [man] Stop! There's a train coming!
- Hey, look out!
- [screams]
[train whistle blows]
[woman] Are you crazy?
[man] Oh yeah, I'm so sorry
for saving your life
while you were staring at your cellphone.
[woman] Oh, I I'm sorry.
[woman groans]
Yeah, you're right. That was stupid of me.
Although I just got accepted
into university med school!
Isn't that amazing?
After two years!
EMS? Rehabilitation?
Internal medicine.
You'll be thanking me
for the next six years.
- Seriously?
- Yeah.
Well Maybe you'd let me buy you a coffee?
I'd like to make it up to you somehow.
First it's coffee, then friendship,
and finally marriage, huh?
No, I was really thinking just coffee.
Other direction.
- [chuckles]
- [Paweł] Watch where you're going.
[Kaśka] High five. [soft chuckle]
- [traffic humming]
- [distant car horns beeping]
[woman shouts] Kaśka!
[woman] Kaśka!
Kaśka, come on! What are you doing?
[woman] Kaśka! Kaśka, come on!
We'll be late!
[breathing heavily]
[church bell chimes]
[birds chirping]
Come here, sweetie. It's about to start.
[nun choir] Your love ♪
- Is higher than the highest mountains ♪
- [shutter clicking]
Great is Your fidelity ♪
It reaches up to Heaven ♪
Your love ♪
- [clamor]
- [man] Oh! Damn it!
Is deeper than the bottomless ocean ♪
Great is Your fidelity ♪
When You descend to me ♪
Your love ♪
- Hi!
- [woman] Hi.
Is higher than the highest mountains ♪
- Look who's here.
- Thank you for coming.
- [woman] Thanks for being here.
- Thank you.
[man] So nice to see you.
It reaches up to Heaven ♪
- I'm Klara.
- [woman] Anka.
- Lucjan.
- [Anka] Hey.
Your love ♪
Is deeper than the bottomless ocean ♪
Great is Your fidelity ♪
When You descend to me ♪
[music fades]
[indistinct chatter]
She'll be here any moment.
[indistinct chatter]
Kaśka, what is going on?
I have to chase you around
the whole city on your wedding day?
Have you lost your mind?
[Kaśka puffs]
We should've been there long before this.
I'm begging you, sis, please get a grip.
Unless you
You want me to tell them
you're calling it off?
[nun choir] Love is patient ♪
Love is kind ♪
It does not envy ♪
Love is patient ♪
- How you doing?
- Love is kind ♪
Hi. Thanks.
It does not envy ♪
- Are they here?
- They're not.
Love is patient ♪
I'm about to have a heart attack
right now.
[both chuckle nervously]
Thankfully, the whole place
is full of doctors.
- This wasn't part of the plan.
- [chuckles]
[softly] Let's do one more.
[clears throat]
- [indistinct chatter, coughs]
- [music starts]
- Have you called?
- Who?
Your mama, dumbass.
All right, chill, I'll call them now.
Obviously, she's not in any hurry.
[man] Janeczek, don't worry.
It's only a 15 minute delay.
Fifteen minutes was half an hour ago.
[cellphone rings]
[exhales] Hello?
[man] Oh, hey. How's it going there?
[woman] We're on our way.
[choir sings softly]
Has she told you yet who the father is?
Are you serious?
I've got no time for your jokes, okay?
This is gonna take ages.
[man] That doesn't sound good.
- I haven't even pinned her veil on.
- [man chuckles]
Well, no problem there.
Veils are only supposed
to get pinned on virgins.
Oh yeah, very funny, very funny.
Kaśka, hey
Kaśka? What are you doing?
[woman] Don't be ridiculous.
Kaśka, open this door!
[handle rattling]
[woman] Kaśka! Do you hear me?
- Alicja?
- [Alicja] Kaśka!
- What's going on?
- [Alicja] I'm talking to you!
[Alicja] Kaśka, open the damn door!
Take my heart ♪
- All good?
- Sure, yeah.
Maybe she thinks this is a mistake.
Just shut it, Emil.
Not today, all right?
[woman] You're right, son.
We'll go back to the guests.
My heart, my soul ♪
Everything's okay.
Lord Jesus, take them ♪
- [music fades]
- [bracelets rattle]
- [banging on door]
- [Alicja] Kaśka! Please, talk to me!
What's going on with you?
Is everything okay?
[door handle rattling]
[Alicja] Kaśka, please!
Open this damn door, will you?
Ugh! Kaśka, I swear,
I'm gonna kill myself!
[Alicja] Kaśka!
[woman] Stay there,
don't go disappearing on me!
What makes you think I'm gonna
[woman] Because I know you.
So promise me
that you'll stay there to the end,
and pick up some hot guy,
and have a fucking awesome time.
- because you're gonna be a doctor!
- [smooches]
- What are you doing here?
- I was in the bar next door.
Ah, your photoshoot! Tell me about it!
Not me, not me, this is about you.
Where is he?
Your white knight
in a lab coat, of course.
Oh, stop it already!
[woman] Hey.
- Where are you hiding him, huh?
- Stop it!
Guys, let's do this!
[Klara] Woo hoo! [chuckles]
[Lucjan] Here we go!
[DJ] First-year med students!
This one's for you!
Have fun while you can,
because tomorrow
you gotta start hitting the books.
[Lucjan] Cheers!
- Hey!
- [Paweł] Whoa, sorry!
I'm sorry about that.
[Paweł] Sorry.
You a first-year med too?
- Yeah, I'm Paweł. Hi.
- I'm Klara, hey.
Rajski, Lucjan.
- Drzewiecki, Paweł.
- [Klara] Let's drink!
- [Lucjan] Have one.
- [Klara] Here's to us!
- [Paweł] Okay.
- [Lucjan] To friendship.
Yeah. Which?
- [Klara] The blond one?
- [Lucjan] The dark one. What?
You always like the dark-haired ones.
Just look at her, look at her legs!
What do I care about her legs?
Look how natural she is.
I care how natural she is?
[Klara] Lucjan, you're so obvious!
[Lucjan] Obvious?
What do you know about what I like?
[pop music playing]
Dance with him.
[music crescendos]
But I don't feel like dancing ♪
When the old Joanna plays ♪
My heart could take a chance,
But my two feet can't find a way ♪
You'd think that I could muster up
A little soft-shoe gentle sway ♪
But I don't feel like dancin'
No sir, no dancin' today ♪
Don't feel like dancin', dancin' ♪
Even if I find nothin' better to do
Don't feel like dancin', dancin' ♪
Why'd you pick a tune
When I'm not in the mood? ♪
Don't feel like dancin', dancin' ♪
I'd rather be home with the one
In the bed till dawn, with you ♪
Don't feel like dancin', dancin' ♪
Even if I find nothin' better to do ♪
Don't feel like dancin', dancin' ♪
- [music changes abruptly]
- [indistinct chatter]
[Alicja] Kaśka, stop this!
- [banging on door]
- [Alicja] Kaśka, open this door, come on!
[Alicja] Kaśka!
[banging on door]
[Alicja] Kaśka, please!
You're being impossible!
- [banging frantically]
- Open this damn door, Kaśka!
[door opens]
Let's do it.
- [rain lashing]
- [sobbing]
[sobbing continues]
[answer machine] Hi, this is Paweł.
At the moment, I'm busy surgically
repairing the hamstring on a hamster.
If you have good news,
record it after the tone.
If you have bad news,
uh, record it before.
[answer machine beeps]
Paweł, call me back, please.
[thunder rumbles]
[breathing heavily, groaning]
All right.
[exhales] My kingdom, sister.
At your disposal for as long as you like.
Recognize this?
You remember
who lost their cherry on this?
- Cherry? Are you for real, sis?
- [Alicja chuckles]
Come on.
Virginity is too long and too stiff.
[Alicja] Well? Who was it?
Well, you?
I kept this mattress in the basement,
as a souvenir of my
- newly acquired adulthood
- [Kaśka retches]
[coughing, spluttering]
Jesus Christ, Kaśka,
maybe you're pregnant, huh?
[Kaśka groans] I'm not freaking pregnant!
[toilet flushes]
So, what did you eat?
Wanna tell me why Mom
kicked you out of the house?
Mm, mm.
Uh huh.
Ask her, maybe she'll tell you.
Not worth it.
Why are you both such drama queens?
[Alicja puffs]
What about that guy you were seeing?
Is that
- [Kaśka retches]
- Not done? Again? Wait, I'll
I'll help you get your hair.
[Kaśka coughs]
This is like being back at school again.
- This one.
- It's okay, I'm done.
I don't get why Paweł
isn't calling you back. What's with him?
You left him a message, yeah?
And nothing? Jesus, what a jerkoff.
Because your Robert is perfect, huh?
- [Alicja scoffs]
- I don't wanna talk about it.
Okay. I just preferred when you
were pining after him for four years,
rather than the way
you're pining for him now.
- And that guy you were seeing, is he?
- What guy is that?
Kaśka, come on. How are we supposed
to talk if you won't tell me anything?
Who is he, how old is he,
when did you meet him?
A few-just a while ago.
Exactly. When I met Robert
I introduced you immediately.
Only because you wanted to show off
his awesome apartment
and the house with a pool outside Warsaw.
Of course, sure.
No pool.
Besides, he's an incredibly
talented interior designer.
And he gets commissions
from across Europe
He'll give you the life
you always dreamed of
It's not that
It's because he loves me, you idiot.
And you? You love him?
The man should be the one
who loves more, no?
But forget me.
What about your guy? How old is he?
Please. A hundred and fifty.
- Thirty? Forty?
- Ugh.
- Is he fifty?
- Here!
Kaśka, is your medical specialty
going to be geriatrics?
- Bye!
- Be at Żelazna at seven, okay?
- Okay!
- At Żelazna!
Ladies and gentlemen,
today we begin studying the brain.
First we have to get access to it
and I will now show you how.
We're going to make an ear-to-ear cut.
Starting here from the back of the head.
From ear to ear, huh?
[professor] Good.
Now we're going to lift away the scalp.
Some assistance here with this
would you, please?
[flesh tearing]
- [teacher] Fold the scalp onto the face
- Ugh.
Doesn't that make you sick?
Nothing disgusts me.
[professor] Next, we use the saw
to cut away the skull vault.
[high-pitched buzzing]
[Lucjan] Huh?
For a fifty.
All right, then! [chuckles]
We do not dispose of the fluids
that appear here, please note.
We collect and save them
because they might come in handy
for research later.
[professor] For that reason, we keep them
in the sawed-off calvaria, or skull-cap.
He's got more brains than you do.
[Lucjan sniffs]
[Lucjan gags]
[chokes, coughs]
Am I interrupting your lunch?
- I apologize, professor.
- Excuse me.
He was hungry
because he drank his allowance up.
[students laugh]
Ms. Matysewicz, Mr. Rajski.
Please leave the room now.
[both] I'm sorry, professor
Please leave the room now.
Sorry, professor.
[Lucjan coughs]
And now we will carry on
with dissecting the brain. Uh, so
Maybe a volunteer?
- I will.
- Very good then.
[professor] Start by holding it here
Paweł, I really need to talk to you.
Please call me as soon as you get this.
I have something I have to tell you.
Just give me a call, okay?
Do you even listen to these messages?
[sighs] Call me.
[professor] Problems?
[sighs] No.
Have you chosen your specialty?
- Yes.
- Do you want to talk about that?
No, thank you.
Let me give you a lift somewhere
and we can talk on the way.
Not about my specialty though.
Sure, whatever you say.
Would you mind sitting in the back?
That other car's parked too close to me.
Sure, no problem.
[professor] Did you consider
surgery from the beginning?
My husband makes a lot of money
in plastic surgery, for example.
I really never thought that in this
country that field stood a chance.
But it turns out
women are the same everywhere.
[car door opens]
[car door closes]
[Emil] Morning, sweetie.
Thanks for picking me up.
We're not alone though, my sweetheart.
[groans] Why are you here?
[professor] I wanted to introduce you
to one of my students.
Though you may already know each other.
Isn't that right?
[guitar music playing]
[nun] Everyone, maybe we could
sing this one together, what do you say?
It's called "Love is patient."
[nun choir] Love is patient ♪
Love is kind ♪
It does not envy ♪
Love is patient ♪
I think the Sister's run out of songs.
She already sang this one.
- It does not envy ♪
- [nun clears throat]
Love is patient ♪
[nun] I can't go on any longer.
Dorota, I think I'll just go wait outside.
I know you feel uncomfortable
but you promised me, so
Then maybe we should end this farce
because she's not coming.
You think you know her
so well but you don't.
You can have sex with someone for 30 years
and still not know
the first thing about them.
[Emil] Jesus, Dorota, I'm begging you,
I thought we had an agreement.
- It's over now, I told you.
- Okay.
- So it doesn't matter.
- What do you mean it doesn't matter?
[nun clears throat] Dorota?
I'm really sorry
but I just can't do this anymore.
I've been singing for an hour and it's
You're quitting?
Aśka, don't upset me.
You, of all people, and of all days!
You sing the Mass
for hours in the monastery!
First off, I sing in a choir.
And secondly, you still
continue to call me "Aśka."
I've asked you nicely
and I insist that you call me "Beatrycze."
- Understand?
- Oh, fine.
Yes, you can laugh but that's my name now.
- [Dorota] All right.
- I get it.
- Beatrycze.
- Sister
Just sing us one more song.
[Dorota] Oh my god, seriously?
Just one final blessing.
The last one.
There is no joy at all
in the bride's heart
if she does not rush
to walk down the aisle.
[Dorota] What'd she just say?
That this whole charade
is all just a traveling circus.
And an expensive one at that.
[choir] Cross of Christ, be praised ♪
For eternity be hailed ♪
Where God, The King of the whole world ♪
[Robert's cellphone beeps]
[Robert] They're close. They're close!
- They're close!
- [Dorota] That's great!
[Robert] Good.
- ♪God, the King of the whole world ♪
- [Dorota] Great!
Gave his life ♪
Good, good, about time.
What a relief.
[music fades]
[Robert sighs deeply]
[upbeat music playing]
[tires screech]
[Anka] They're here.
- Hey. Wait, don't move!
- Agh.
For god's sake, don't stand like that
'cause you can see you're pregnant.
Can you get the veil?
Which month is it anyway?
- Can you get it? Ugh.
- I've got it.
[relieved sigh] Good.
What the hell? Hurry up!
- Are you ready?
- Are you?
I'm not getting married, you are.
Are you sure?
Kaśka, you can pull the plug
if you need to.
- I'm ready.
- Are you sure?
- I'm ready.
- Okay.
[Alicja] Okay. [exhales]
Ugh. Ah, the veil! All right. Hi.
- [Alicja] How do I look?
- [Kaśka] Perfect.
- Thanks. You too, sis.
- Not even close.
I hope the father of the child
is going to be at the wedding.
I don't get how you could've
not told your own sister who he is.
- [Kaśka] I hate you.
- [Alicja] I love you.
[Anka] Nice of you to drop by.
- Anka, Could you move my car? Thanks.
- Yeah.
Agree to everything.
Just say, "I do" and it'll be okay.
Hey, babe.
The bride came! She's here!
- [clamor]
- [clapping]
[loud applause]
[Lucjan] Kaśka!
[gate rattling]
[bell ringing]
- [dog barking]
- [bell ringing]
I was just at your place,
why didn't you answer?
Are doors beyond a model's abilities?
Fine, I'll stop talking
'cause I sound like a douche.
But Anka, please just call me back, okay?
I'm waiting for your call.
Kisses. Bye, bye.
- [ringtone]
- Hello? Hey, s'up, dawg.
Where'd you disappear to?
Taking a course on
- Good morning
- Good morning.
[chuckle] Scandinavian architecture?
No, I'm at work, I can't.
[Jan] What do I tell the old man?
No. Not an option.
Oay, I'll catch you later.
[nurse] Then we get a half-hour break
before the next patient.
[nurse] Everything's healing very nicely.
We'll see you again in a week.
Next time, we'll be able
to take the bandages off
- Pick up!
- [nurse 2] Okay.
[phone ringing]
Jaworowicz and Son clinic.
Um, yes? Uh, the doctor's next
available opening?
- Let me check.
- Do you have Laskowska's file?
- December 16th.
- Good morning.
I looked at Laskowska's stitches just now.
How many times do I have to tell you
that the stitches should be five
millimeters apart, not three and a half?
And you're late.
Because I knew you'd be on time.
- Watch your tone.
- You watch yours.
Especially when talking to Mom.
- That's none of your business.
- [cellphone rings]
This patient's waiting.
Start a facelift on her
while I take the other two.
Doctor, you have a patient
waiting in room three.
Yes, please tell her I'll be right there.
I'll join you during the procedure.
I'll be fine.
- I will do the stitches.
- [phone rings]
Pick it up. I won't tell Mom.
[knock on door]
Doctor? The patient's waiting.
She's very agitated.
Yes, I'm coming.
[woman] Oh, yes
Oh, yes.
- Please, now. Yes, take me, yes!
- [door opens]
No! No! Yes, yes, yes, yes!
Emil, if you don't like my breasts,
maybe you could operate on them?
Make them whatever shape,
as big as you like, Emil!
[gasps] Oh, my god. Please excuse me.
[woman breathing heavily]
I'm so sorry, I actually thought
Well, I thought that I
Gosh, I really don't know
what I was thinking.
I guess what I mean is I thought
this was Doctor Jaworowicz's office.
Mm, it is. And I'm his son.
Well, I really don't know what to say.
[clears throat] Maybe it's best
not to say anything.
- [footsteps approach]
- [door opens]
Małgosia, I apologize
[Dorota] Here you go.
[Emil] Jesus, watch what you're doing!
You have to control your hands.
You're a surgeon.
You oughta control your lust, Dad.
You're married.
- I think he's seeing someone.
- Yes, but we're not talking about that.
A lady around fifty
came into the clinic today.
Smitten, or sexed-up,
or maybe just insane.
Did you not hear your mother?
We're not talking about that.
She was in his office, wearing lingerie,
mostly naked from the waist up,
and when I came in unexpectedly
[Emil] Stop it, goddamn it!
she was waiting for him
like an actress in some porno.
Good job, see what you've done?
I'm so sick of your ridiculous ego.
Of you. And all of your scheming.
[Emil] My schemes?
I'm not the one who started this game!
This is not a game. This is my life.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Let's just eat.
[Robert] So what's the big rush?
I had to get outta there, dawg.
The doctor kinda looks down.
I'm still prettier than you.
Didn't your parents used to piss you off?
- You could move out.
- How 'bout you?
You send yours to the
old folks home just or anesthetize them?
I deleted them both, problem solved.
Though I wouldn't recommend that solution.
So where are we off to?
You're gonna meet my lady.
What for? [sniffs]
I'll just meet the next one tomorrow.
Ah, Janeczek, no. I'm in it
for the long haul this time.
A man can mature.
I'm going to Żelazna.
Ah, okay.
Cheer up! Anka will be there.
- Seriously? What are you talking about!?
- All right.
That's fucking epic!
- Okay, just take it easy! Be careful!
- Come on.
But please behave yourself there.
[photographer] Okay, a sharp look at me.
A sharp look, Anka.
- Yes, smile at us now.
- [camera shutter clicks]
Beautiful. Beautiful.
Now slowly remove the coat.
- Yes, take it off. Get up.
- [phone rings]
Okay. Can you move the plant?
- [woman] Anka, Dawid's on the phone.
- One second, please.
- Not now, I'm begging you.
- You'll live, I'm sure.
Uh, Dawid? Um, yes I'll ask.
When do you want that apartment?
- [Alicja] In a month? Two? Three?
- [Kaśka] Soon as possible.
[Anka] Uh, Dawid, my love, right away.
- [Anka] You mean today?
- Super.
[Anka] Great. Okay.
[Alicja shrieks] Robert's here!
Sorry, sorry, I gotta go say hi!
- [Robert] Hey!
- [Jan] Wow, wow, wow.
Oh, there she is, it's Anka!
Wow! You're so beautiful
in all those reds and ruffles!
Like Carmen! So tall.
- [chuckles] Moron. Get up.
- [chuckles]
You wasted already, man?
[chuckles] No. You know,
oddly enough, not yet.
Sorry, I wasn't talking to you.
So tell me, this girl is she hot?
[Anka] Yeah, yeah.
I'll give her the address. Bye!
How come you haven't returned my calls?
- Wasn't in the mood.
- Oh, since when?
Since I'm single, yo.
[Alicja] Anka, come here
for a minute, please?
- Come, come. Show me, face the light.
- [Kaśka] Alicja, I want to go home.
Kaśka, give me the one
that charcoal Awesome.
[Kaśka] You hear me?
Yes. Now look up.
- That's perfect. Thanks.
- Thank you.
Kaśka, don't be ridiculous.
We're going to Robert's after this.
Robert! Come on, let's you and me
take a real photo
- for Dog and Cat magazine! Come on.
- [all laughing]
- We'll do a magazine cover shoot.
- Okay.
Yeah, you two-
[Alicja] I'll be a cool party.
You'll thank me.
And put that phone away, would you? Jeez.
- [flash]
- [photographer] Got it.
- Thank you very much, the shoot is over.
- You're a moron.
You see I'm not a moron!
I beg your pardon!
Hey, who's that idiot?
[Jan] Okay, I'm really sorry!
I'll behave now.
It's just Robert's buddy.
He loses it sometimes.
[laughter, loud chatter]
Maciej, you're a fucking
brilliant photographer. Boo!
- Got a light?
- Yeah, you got it.
Alicja I wanna go home, seriously.
I wanna get my stuff.
Kaśka, stop it, come on. You know what
awesome parties Robert throws.
You've gotta see this, sister-in-law.
Ooh, sister-in-law is it now?
I don't see my engagement ring?
I don't want to spoil the surprise.
- Ah.
- [Kaśka] Alicja. Alicja!
- Of course, get in!
- Come on, let's go!
What am I supposed to do?
Yep. Wait, wait. Uh, Anka!
Anka, take Anka, take the kid!
- No, no, no, no, please!
- Thank you, Anka!
- Come, it'll be wonderful.
- Come on if you're coming!
- You'll have fun!
- Ginger 102 heading for Moscow!
- I hate you for that!
- We won't be stopping!
- I wanna go to Czechia!
- Quiet down for a sec!
Or else I'm gonna forget.
Get your phone and write this address.
- Uh huh.
- Yeah.
Eh, Kwiatowa Street.
- [Kaśka] Wait.
- Jan, this isn't for you.
- 9 Kwiatowa Street
- Uh huh.
Apartment 4.
- [Kaśka] Okay.
- Jan, no.
- [Jan] Fine.
- Got it.
- Success?
- [Kaśka] Mmm hm.
Good girl. He said you can even
move in there tonight.
- [Kaśka] Thanks.
- [Anka] You're welcome.
And who are you?
[Maciej] A Polish child.
[Maciej and Jan chuckle]
- Why are you here?
- She's Alicja's sister.
- Our make-up artist.
- Ah, okay, okay. Alicja.
Janecek, nice to meet you.
Kaśka, nice to meet you.
So what's up?
We're here driving.
And what else?
I'm a student.
How'd you know that?
[house music playing]
Welcome, beautiful!
Come on, let's hear it for Robert!
Everyone drink to the host!
Let me hear you, give it up for Robert!
[Alicja] I love you, Robert!
- Awesome, huh?
- Yeah, sure.
I called for a taxi.
No, Kaśka!
- I'm gonna go wait out front!
- No, stay a little longer!
- Don't leave me! Please don't leave me.
- [Jan] Alicja!
Jesus, you're so beautiful!
Yes, I am. No wait, wait, wait
- I think you're great, you're amazing.
- Hey, stop.
- Get him off. Leave me alone.
- [Robert] Let go of her.
- No.
- [Alicja screams]
Jesus Christ!
- [Jan] Jesus, I'm really sorry!
- [Robert] You okay?
- No I'm fine, yeah, it's all right.
- Let me help you up.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
- Robert, get him away from me.
- You sure you're okay?
[Jan] She's fine, everyone.
It's okay! I'm sorry!
[Jan] Anka!
Anka, wait. Anka, Anka, Anka! Anka.
Anka, I'm sorry. Hey, hey, hey!
Don't take off!
You're a bitch too.
[Jan] Oh.
The doctor. [chuckles]
Oh the comedian.
You're kind of a tease, aren't you?
Can I have a cigarette?
Specialty in surgery?
Uh What are you, psychic?
Agh, a tragic love affair will befall you,
that much is for sure.
And besides that, from what I can see,
you're going to die in a week. [chuckles]
Not a psychic.
A doctor.
Surrounded by doctors.
My folks are doctors.
Are you always so obnoxious?
Family problems.
No surprise, eh?
What's your deal?
[mellow music playing]
I know all about you.
- Mm?
- Don't you wonder how?
I only wonder
why you need so much attention.
- Wow. Is that all?
- Mmm hm.
That's great then.
[Robert] Jaworowicz!
I asked you for one thing. Just one thing!
That you behave yourself.
[Jan] I'm sorry, brother.
What were you saying?
That's it. End of conversation.
- [Emil] Yes, I can hear you.
- [Dorota] I'm talking to you.
- I hear ya.
- What is your problem?
- I don't have a problem.
- I don't get it.
What is there to get? I'm moving out.
Why, did that not register?
- Emil!
- What do you want?
What do you mean, you're "moving out"?
[Emil] I'm just so sick of you.
[Dorota] It's not that simple.
You have responsibilities here.
[Emil] Yeah? Well frankly, I'm over them!
The little shit just called you
on your crap.
- That's enough.
- And you react by going into hysterics.
- [Emil] That's enough.
- [Jan] I guess the little shit is me?
Maybe I'm the one
who ought to be moving out.
Well it's about time.
You're finally talking some sense.
Yeah, you'd like that,
but I'm not going anywhere.
Jan, please leave us alone right now.
Of course, I wouldn't want
to interrupt you ruining your lives.
- [sighs]
- [Emil] You hear what your son's saying?
Son that doesn't want to be like you.
I told you to watch your tone!
I've had enough of this whole mess,
and the truth is that me and Mom
are glad you're finally leaving.
- Jan, please don't.
- [Emil] You know what you'll have?
Without us and our money
and our contacts? Zero!
Dad, you can shove all that money
up your ass and then sew it closed.
With an even seam.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
PIER 511
[answer machine] Hi, I'm in Toronto.
Leave me a message and I'll call you back.
[knocking on door]
What do you want?
What a lovely greeting.
How do you know where I live?
I'm psychic, remember?
Why are you here?
At the party I asked
if I could come stay with you
and as I recall,
you enthusiastically agreed to it.
Your desperation is almost funny.
[Kaśka] Bye.
I love radical girls like you.
[man] Yeah? How about girls who
have friends with slightly larger fists?
Acromegaly is a disease
and can be treated. Tell your friend.
Stalking is a crime and you could
go to jail, maybe you should look that up.
Anything else?
I thought you'd be my wife.
- You'd be best man.
- [scoffs]
I don't think so.
Hi, Dawid.
[bell ringing]
- [organ plays]
- [applause]
- [organ plays "Here Comes the Bride"]
- [cameras click]
[music fades]
[music resumes]
Hey. What's going on?
[indistinct chatter]
[water bubbling]
- [Marek] You're so sexy my darling!
- [Małgosia] Stop. [chuckles]
- You're beautiful.
- Give it a rest, Marek.
Even now you're still my hot sexy wife of
Of many years now.
- [Marek] And I still love you the same.
- [both chuckle]
But now let's talk about you.
- Me? What for?
- Mm.
[both chuckle]
Why do you find me attractive?
- You wonder why I find you attractive?
- Mmm hm.
I want to move there.
To Bieszczady?
- Mmm hm.
- Impossible.
What for?
'Cause there's a job for me,
a big opportunity.
Something has to change in my life.
Can't keep working part-time!
It's going to end badly for me.
If you go,
it'll end badly for our marriage instead.
- Why do you say that?
- You have two kids.
They're grown up now.
So you really think you can just whisper
some sweet words in my ear
and then I'll change
my whole life for you?
Małgosia! We need to start
thinking seriously about our future.
- There's a good job for me there
- What about my job?
You're working part-time
at a public library.
Ah, so my part-time job is nothing
and your part-time job as chief engineer
is just great, right?
Why are you like this?
It's like you never know when to stop!
- Doing what?
- Stop making everything about you!
Really, Marek? I'm the selfish one?
And where were you when Kaśka
lay in the Emergency Room for 12 hours
because she got food poisoning?
Who was there to hold her hand?
Or when Alicja got wasted for the
first time at her friend's birthday party?
And how they both jumped,
headlong over each other,
and her mother took her
and she ended up hooked to an IV.
Then there was the time one of the girls
rammed a hair clasp into the other's head!
We thought Alicja had a concussion
because blood was spewing everywhere?
I'm asking, where were you then, Marek?
I'll tell you where.
You were working on some
swimming pool in Pierdołowice!
You weren't here!
'Cause of that
we have to do whatever you want to do?
Yes! Because unlike you, I'm not
full of dumb-ass ideas! I'm right here!
[Marek] You always do this!
- [Małgosia] What do I do?
- [Marek] You never have any faith in me.
[Alicja] Okay.
Tell me about securing material
during a post mortem
for a toxicology test.
Oh, man.
[Kaśka] Easy.
[Małgosia and Marek
continue arguing in background]
Blood, urine, bile.
Nah, I can't listen to this.
When will she stop?
- It's madness.
- What are you talking about?
He's the crazy one
with his Bieszczady bullshit.
Mom's right, it's another dumb-ass idea.
I don't get it. People their age usually
just buy plots of land outside Warsaw
and grow organic vegetables
and hope for grandchildren.
I think he ha a point.
He's always given in to her on everything.
Right. Of course.
'Cause that was easier for him.
Of course.
'Cause the guy should always defer
to the woman, right?
[Alicja sighs]
Is there someone else?
A mistress?
Please don't start with that again!
How old is she? Is she younger than me?
[Marek] Christ, this is mental.
So that's why you're always talking
about leaving! How old is she?
God, these fights are always the same.
- [Marek] There isn't anybody else!
- I know.
[Małgosia] Oh, sure. That's what you say.
That's what you always say.
[Marek] What else can I say?
[arguing continues in background]
[doorbell chimes]
I've told you not to interfere
when I'm talking to your father.
I almost talked him out of it!
Just when I'd knocked that stupid idea
out of his head, you get hysterical.
I wasn't hysterical.
I just don't understand
why you can't consider his idea.
Why not give him a chance?
I've already given your father a chance
a hundred times before, Kaśka.
A million damn chances.
- Can you stop yelling?
- I'm not yelling.
Yeah, you are kinda yelling.
Dad has trouble with emotions.
He can't explain things.
He's had thirty years to learn.
Just the same, when you talk to him
you could be a bit kinder.
Women should be on each other's sides,
especially women in the same family.
Oh, come on, I am on your side.
But do you wanna be alone when you're old?
Is that what you want?
[Kaśka sighs] He's not gonna change.
Your father won't change,
so I'm supposed to? Just give up my life?
[sighs] So it's over? Yeah? Great!
- Why are you squeaking? Stop squeaking.
- I'm not squeaking.
- Look at this. This is pretty.
- It's ugly.
It's pretty! Please, go try it on!
Is it wrong
that I want you to stay together?
- Your father is a cheater.
- He didn't cheat on you.
He did so cheat on me!
Do you mind?
Right, because everyone
here wants to look at you.
[Kaśka] Yes, they do.
Seriously, Mom?
You're putting it on wrong, you have
a label and a zipper both on the back.
You can't put it on like that.
- Shouldn't you try holding it up first
- Stop it! I give up.
- Here! You try it on.
- Wait
- Great, so you're just going to leave?
- Can you just stop yelling?
- I'm not! You're the one being hysterical.
- Just stop it!
I'm so sorry.
Kaśka, don't be ridiculous, come on now
and walk down the aisle.
- [Alicja] What are you doing?
- You all right?
[Alicja] Kaśka!
- [Robert] What is it?
- I don't know what's going on.
I don't know,
maybe this one or this one [gasps]
Małgosia, for God's sake.
You're really going to just sit here
and not see your daughter get married?
You're going to be very sorry
if you don't go.
- Did she say anything?
- Nothing.
Kaśka? I'm, uh
What is it?
What's going on?
[Małgosia] Tell me,
why did you do this to me? Why?
I hate you, you understand?
You can forget about me.
Leave and don't come back!
I don't ever want to see you again!
Mom. Mom, please, just let me explain
You've already explained!
I heard you and I don't give a shit!
Mom, Mom. Mom, Mama! Please.
It was my last chance!
You get that? My last one!
So why are you still here?
Pack your shit, get out of my house.
I don't care anymore.
I want you out the door!
[distant thunder rumbling]
I want you out of here!
[melancholic music playing]
[door bangs]
[rain lashing]
[man coughs]
[footsteps approach]
[priest] Excuse me,
but could we please start the ceremony?
Our Father awaits.
[indistinct mumbling]
[theme music playing]
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