Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s01e01 Episode Script

The Origin of the Fantastic Four: Part One

Eat napalm, fish breath.
It burns underwater.
Incoming. Yow!
Looks like Namor got himself
a date for the party.
That means it's clobberin' time!
Fantastic. And I mean that in
the most respectful sense of the word.
But I think what telethon viewers
really want to know
is how you got your fantastic powers.
The whole story is here
in our book, Dick.
We wrote it just for your telethon
to raise scholarship money for
State University, Reed's alma mater.
The intrinsic value
of a college education
Hey! Education's a good cause.
So you out there, get on the phones
and start buying books
before I get steamed.
That's a real smooth pitch, Ben.
Hey, don't get cute with me,
you walking hotfoot.
Hey, guys.
The origin of your powers, please.
I wanna see some bread first.
Will you cool it, Ben?
Hmm. Oh, okay.
But I'd better hear a whole mess
of ringy-dingies.
Well, Dick, our story begins
several years back in my lab
when an amazing phenomena
came streaking into our galaxy.
Are you kidding? I seen wilder
stuff at Captain Louie's Video Arcade.
It appears to be moving
faster than the speed of light.
But that's impossible. Isn't it, Sis?
I must evaluate it at closer range.
But, Reed, sweetheart, wait.
Whatever this streaking phenomenon is
it may pose a threat to the Earth.
You're my husband.
I can't let you go alone.
Me either, Brain-O,
'cause you're no pilot.
And I still don't like it.
Your new doohickey
hasn't even been road-tested.
Besides which, you got no shieldin'
for cosmic ray protection.
Recent data indicate no negative effects
from exposure to cosmic rays.
However, actinic solar rays
do have cumulative injurious effects
Okay, all right, all right.
But just promise not to explain
everything when we're up there.
- All systems on-line.
- Brace for blastoff.
our flight path will intersect with
the phenomenon's trajectory Now.
We didn't know it then
but the phenomenon had disrupted
an unknown energy field
and that occurrence mysteriously altered
normally harmless cosmic rays
Cosmic rays? Yeah.
I, I tried to warn him,
but, oh, would he listen to me?
- Oh, no.
- Ben, we're on televisiĆ³n.
I know. It still steams my clams.
I mean, the world's greatest scientist.
He didn't know beans
about them cosmic
Thing. Er, Mr. Grimm, please.
I'd really like to get back
to your story.
Yeah, whatever you say, Dick.
What happened next was
incredibly frightening and amazing.
Reed, Johnny's on fire.
I can't let go.
But it it doesn't hurt.
I'm coming, Johnny.
- Oh.
- Sue, darling!
You've got to get out
from under before it collapses.
I, I can't.
You've got to try, darling.
If I could just reach Your hand.
I can't reach that far.
When I lift it,
you both run for it, okay?
All right. Ready
By all rights,
we should've been finished
but then miraculously,
the autopilot kicked in.
We all survived.
Oh, darling.
- Johnny, Ben.
- Yeah, we made it.
But it was just dumb luck,
if you ask me.
Whatever it was, we're here.
We're all alive.
But we would soon find out
that things would never be the same.
We'll be right back after this important
and extremely commercial message.
Welcome back, friends,
this is Gary Owens
and we just passed
the $1.5 million plateau.
Truly a fantastic tribute
to the Fantastic Four.
Oh, yeah, Mr. Hands-Over-Your-Ears?
It ain't good enough.
On the contrary, I think it's great.
"I think it's great. "
Great, schmate.
D'you know what education costs
these days?
Hey, you folks out there.
You better get back on them phones
and start kicking in some real dough
- Or we're walkin'.
- We will do no such thing.
While the Fantastic Four
have a little heart-to-heart chat
here's the worid's greatest
dog act: Fritz and Cootie.
A dog act? All right, pick it up, Reed.
You were saying how we survived
the crash.
While we failed to unlock the secret
of the streaking phenomenon
at least we were all still there
to talk about it.
And then
Just as I was saying.
But we still don't know if there'll be
aftereffects from the flight.
I I feel so strange.
Huh? What? Hey, you're not
gonna throw up, are you?
- Sue!
- Sis!
She She's fading away.
What is it? What's wrong?
Oh. Reed?
- Reed.
- Sue, speak to us.
What happened to me?
The streaking phenomenon must have
destabilized the cosmic rays
and altered your atomic structure,
making you invis
- Invisible.
- Oh, sweetheart.
No. How long will I be this way?
I There's no way of knowing.
But what if she never
gets visible again?
No. Hey, look, everybody,
she's coming back.
I did it myself.
Just by thinking about it.
Oh, thank heavens you're all right.
All right? Huh. How do you know
she won't turn invisible again?
How do you know that something
even more rotten
ain't gonna happen to the rest of us?
I don't. No one does.
Scientific exploration is dangerous.
Stop trying to talk
your way out of this.
You were too big-headed
to try and listen when I warned you.
Now it's time you learned a lesson.
He's turned into a thing.
Batter up!
No, Ben, stop and think.
You've got to think about it.
Think, Ben!
I think you need clobberin'.
What's with this stretcho jazz?
What's goin' on?
What's happened to us all?
Those cosmic rays
turned you into monsters.
It's makin' me crazy. I mean
No wonder I've been feeling warm
and funny. I'm changed too.
Whoa! Wh I can fly!
Oh. Oh, man, that was fantastic.
You can say that again,
Mr. Blowtorch.
You better chill out.
Together, we have more power than
four beings have ever possessed.
Oh, stand back, folks,
here it comes.
I suppose you're gonna give us
some sheep-dip
about using our powers
"for the good of mankind. " Right?
- Right?
- Right, Ben. Absolutely right.
I'm gonna call myself
The Human Torch.
And I'll be with you
as The Invisible Woman.
Oh, and maybe you should
call yourself Mr. Fantastic.
Well, er, rather presumptuous
but it does have a ring to it.
Mr. Fantastic, it is.
One of us is missing. Ben?
Er, I'm in, but I
I ain't Ben no more.
Look Like Sue said
now I'm just a muscle-bound Thing.
But things
weren't easy for us, Dick.
Wait till I get my violin
before I start sobbing.
When we started, not many
New York apartment buildings
were eager to have us as tenants.
Then it's the four of you,
Professor Richards.
You, your wife,
your brother-in-law, John M. Storm
Ah, that's just "Johnny. "
And Benjamin J. Grimm.
What is your relation
to the others, may I ask?
Er, none of your business, I may answer.
Yes, of course.
Now, then, about your experiments,
They won't be dangerous,
noisy or smelly, will they?
Hey. I'm dangerous, noisy and smelly.
You don't like it?
What am I supposed to do?
Sleep in the park?
Hey, for the rent you're charging us
you shouldn't care
if we're breeding hogs in here.
- You're rude. Very rude.
- Oh, yeah? You're a dingbat!
The rent is high, Ben,
but you must admit
that we're rather, er, unusual tenants.
Now, we have some shopping to do
and, er,
What are you doing?
I'm making
a grilled cheese sandwich.
We do our cooking in the kitchen.
Darling, did I hear you say "shopping"?
And so we went out
little dreaming we were heading into
our very first strange adventure
as the Fantastic Four.
- Vos vas dos, Harold?
- You got me, Maurice.
Guys, look.
Somebody has to save him.
The police can't get close enough.
Witnesses report the young man
seems to be in some sort of trance
no one knows the identity
Identity indeed. He's nothing.
A mere nobody I observed
on the subway one day.
But now I have crafted his likeness
in my special neuro-kinetic clay
he's mine to control.
It's just Too far.
It can't be!
Someone whose power
is greater than mine.
This may burn,
but it's better than going splat.
Stop! Only I control the destiny
of my living puppets.
The flames.
Father! I heard you cry out in pain.
- How did you burn yourself?
- No, don't call me "Father. "
How many times must I remind you?
I'm your stepfather.
You're no child of mine.
I want to help you if you've been hurt.
You're blocking my view, Alicia.
You may be blind,
but I can see perfectly.
What are you doing?
Detour, buddy. I got a friend
coming in for a landing.
No one must steal my power!
My glory!
Almost 3 million and climbing.
Let's hear it.
Okay, Dick. We're doing better.
But now I'm gonna put us over the top.
All right, ya gonzos!
I'm gonna give the first hundred
of you coach potatoes
that pledge a thousand bucks or more
my personal body building
lessons absolutely free.
One, two
five, six.
No bully's gonna kick sand in your face
when yours truly gets done.
Put biceps on your triceps
in only ten quick steps.
Kill camera two.
Camera four on Reed.
Now, Reed, you were telling us
about the Puppet Master.
We had no idea what a cunning and
desperate adversary he'd prove to be.
His grasp of strange science
was as startling as it was dangerous.
Mustn't overfill the matrix.
Whoever, and whatever, you are
you shall be the first to serve me.
And through you
I shall conquer and control
your powerful friends.
Now no force on earth can prevent you
from coming to me.
Your new master.
Come, my puppet.
Uh. Come on, let me in, Reed.
I wanna see what you're workin' on.
Come to me.
- Now.
- Uh?
I said I'm not really ready
to show this particular
experiment to visitors, Ben.
Hey, who's a visitor?
I'm one of the Fantastic Four, ain't I?
Well, there's no need to be offended.
I'd better keep an eye on him.
If he saw you and Johnny trailing him,
he'd be furious.
Be careful, Sue. Uh, Sue, darling?
She's gone, Reed.
At least I think she is.
It's kinda tough to tell,
when your sister's invisible.
How many times have I told you?
Don't play with fire in the house.
Well, excuse me.
He's heading into a house on Sullivan
Street and I don't wanna lose him.
I'll be in touch.
I've been expecting you.
Come to me.
What is it, Stepfather?
Do we have guests?
Only one guest, Alicia.
Do make him comfortable.
Good afternoon, I'm Alicia Masters.
And your name is?
That's not important.
What a strong, gentle man you are.
With a strange sadness
I can feel in my heart.
Oh, hello.
Your other guest has arrived,
You're imagining things, girl.
No, I'm not. I can sense her presence.
Yes, her.
I feel sure it's a woman.
You're indoors too much, Alicia.
Your mind is playing tricks.
I long ago learned
to trust your instincts.
If we do have an uninvited guest
this sleep gas will deal with her.
There is someone after all.
Good work, Alicia.
I don't understand.
Why are you using sleep gas
to greet someone?
I must try to stay awake now.
Let me think Call Reed.
J- Johnny
That woman was on televisiĆ³n
with our other guest earlier today.
What a delightful development.
I could not have planned it better.
You're scaring me, Stepfather.
- What's happening?
- Stop your prattling, girl.
I'm trying to think.
Yes. The resemblance is uncanny.
It shall be no problem
for the Puppet Master.
Come, I have work for you.
There, my child.
You will at last pay your debt to me
for caring for you
when your mother ran away
from me in fear and loathing.
Too terrified to even return for you.
Excellent. Only two things more.
Your eyes, girl.
Open your eyes.
The contact lenses are perfect.
Now, put on her clothes, Alicia.
My stepdaughter's presence at your side
will convince the flaming torch
and the man who stretches
that their friends have returned.
When they let you in
destroy them.
I'm ready, Stepfather
but I don't understand
the purpose of this masquerade.
It's a friendly joke, child.
You said you could sense
my guest's goodness.
Would he ever engage in wrongdoing?
No, of course not.
Then go.
Now My great work begins.
Once my obedient puppet has
destroyed his powerful friends
I will activate my criminal army
and quickly terrorize
and dominate the city.
I shall be master!
Master! Anyone I wish!
tomorrow's telecast
for the rest of the story
of the origin of the Fantastic Four.
To be continued.
And keep them calls coming in. Or else.
Next Episode