Fartblinda (2019) s01e01 Episode Script


Come out so we can talk
about this, dammit! Open the door!
Open the door so we can talk about this!
Hold the door!
Hold the door. Take it easy.
Everyone to the door!
Take it easy!
Sweden's 191 billionaires
He promised to return my call three
days ago. I think that was on Thursday.
Okay, but listen Can you just
put me through to his cell phone?
Yes, I called you on Monday.
Okay, but I just need
a quick comment about
Tell him I need five minutes.
Hi, thanks for getting back to me.
My name is Bea Farkas
and I'm a reporter.
You're one of Aion's customers and I'm
curious about the type of advice you got
Isn't it true that he lost a lot of money?
Exactly. I'm writing about this
to prevent others from being victimized.
Can't wait to see you
Shit, you look hot, darling
Don't be afraid of lobsters.
This is actually very simple
Hi, I'm calling from The Daily Post
and I have some questions about Aion.
I just talked to Johan Hertz
and he said to call you.
Bea Farkas.
I'm a financial reporter and I need
You know what? Go ahead.
It would generate even more publicity.
Thanks a lot. Bye.
Sorry. I'm tied up at work.
I'll make it up to you. A thousand apologies.
-Please, can't I borrow yours?
-Charge your own.
I don't know where the charger is.
Can I borrow yours?
Hurry up or you'll be walking to school.
Let's go.
Yeah, soon!
-What are you doing?
-What are you watching?
-Give up!
How much time do you spend on your iPad?
Knock it off!
-I win!
-Okay, Mom rules.
-Are you going into the city?
-Yeah, let's go.
-Give me a kiss.
-Come on!
Hampus wanted 500 kronor for the
school outing, but I told him to forget it.
-Rebecka and I thought it was about right.
They're 13 and it's just one night.
What's he gonna buy? Potato chips?
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Did you see Silva last night?
-That playlist I got is way too dark for me.
-Are you talking to that English guy today?
Take everything Klingspor says
with a pinch of salt.
Okay, now!
-No! Fuck!
-Don't tell me DI got it again?
Yeah, for their exposé about the deals
surrounding the New Karolinska Hospital.
Did we lose to that obnoxious Scanian?
-Hang on, we didn't lose anything
-Time for a speech?
-Bea, help me with the bubbly.
-I'll make it brief. I'm not a speaker.
But as an editor, I'm damned proud.
Not just of Mackan. Of all of us.
We don't have to deal with artillery shells
and reporting from the front.
It may seem less than sexy
to report on interest rates
Speak for yourself.
But as you all know, a country's well-being
is dependent on its economy.
The core of what we do
is defending honesty.
The thing we're all dependent on.
We have a shared responsibility
to make sure one cheats and steals.
There's a bar.
We'll scrutinize anyone
who knocks it down.
Journalism is unmatched when it comes
to understanding the world and people.
I just want to make a toast and remind you
of the importance of our work.
Now I'll shut up so we can drink.
-Here's to the best financial section!
Let's get to work. That corrupt prick
Lagerstedt generated the most clicks.
According to my sources, the prosecutor
will decide on the matter later today.
-Lagerstedt will be out right away.
-Good, Mackan. Run with that.
Farkas, I'm assigning you to ST Bank's
quarterly report. We're short-staffed.
Okay, but I'm working on something,
this pension consulting thing.
They steer customers away from secure
pension plans and into expensive funds.
-We're the only ones who have this, right?
-I hope so.
-Then squeeze this in. Let's get to work.
I have a question about the Lagerstedt story.
Okay, everyone! We go live in one minute.
CEO speaks out
-How much can we hedge?
-Any amount.
Beijer turned over 400 mil yesterday,
his record is 740. He's a fucking genius.
Mozart was a genius. Don't overdo it.
Our plan for today: Roll the timer, but pay
for extra premium and use it as a hedge.
-Okay, how?
-A max of two vol points per ten delta.
We don't want the skew against us.
If the DAX pops, brief some puts as
best you can, at the money if you have to.
Then we can box the shit in if we need to.
-And hey, nice license plate.
Lose it.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Beijer, can I borrow you for a sec?
How's your family situation?
I took your advice
and caved completely and apologized.
And I said we should keeps things
out of the courts, for the boy's sake.
-What did Jenny say?
-That I could kiss my ass.
She's always right.
-And how is Olle?
-He's at least stopped wetting the bed.
He'll get used to how things are now.
And if you need time to yourself,
he's always welcome to stay with us.
It's time to come down, Henke.
-How are things looking for tomorrow?
-Dammit, Henrik.
-We're fucked, but we'll handle it.
I have to tell Sweden about how great this
bank is doing. It doesn't feel quite optimal.
The market is going against us,
but I've been through worse.
That's reassuring to hear.
You're losing a bunch
No one's losing anything
as long as we don't close our positions.
I've been really patient with you. I have
three other business areas doing well
-What's your bonus?
-Quarter after quarter!
What's your bonus? Was it eight last time?
That money comes from profit
and profit comes from risk.
But I can put everything into index funds
if you want me to.
Is that what you want?
-Nothing's happening.
-Hang on
I'm supposed to interview you tomorrow.
About the quarterly report.
I tried to get out of doing it, but I couldn't
-What are you gonna do?
-I don't know.
What do you think I should do?
-What have you told your boss?
We knew this day would come.
Hang on, I want an ice cream boat.
Do you want one?
I'm getting one.
Strong report from ST Bank
ST Bank exceeds expectations
-It's up 1.5 now.
-Is Otto here?
His flight's delayed, he'll be here at ten.
I'm supposed to spout off a bunch of key
performance indicators, but that's boring.
You've all read the report.
We're showing
a tremendously strong result this quarter.
We're solid, we're growing
and we're earning money.
When I joined ST Bank five years ago,
I couldn't even have dreamt that we
would rise to the top like we've done.
I think our recipe for success
is based on a single thesis,
and that's that we work as a single unit.
Hi, excuse me
ST Bank has presented a quarterly profit
of 245 million kronor after taxes.
And joining me is Peder Rooth,
CEO of ST Bank.
You have the highest operating margin out
of all niche banks your size in Scandinavia.
-Why is that?
-Several factors.
The primary one is our strategy
of recruiting the best people in the industry.
Such a strategy costs money.
ST Bank leads the market in salaries.
Yes, we do, and our result speaks for itself.
Our employees
deserve their level of compensation.
Something else that stands out
are your extremely small credit losses.
That's right. We're very careful about
identifying risks and evaluating each trade.
But risk and profitability
tend to go hand in hand.
We take calculated risks, but that's not
the same as making foolhardy decisions.
Then it's difficult to be profitable.
You have a required rate of return
of 15 percent.
Some analysts say that's
an unreasonable requirement
in a low-inflation economy
and that it could trigger risky behavior.
-What was that?
-What do you mean?
We're posting a great result
and she goes on about credit losses?
-She's young and hungry. You've been there.
-What? Am I old and sated now?
If you want to, you can ask softball questions
while I work the camera.
-How are you?
-Fine. What are you doing here?
-I work here. I started this summer.
-You're kidding?
You should check
your Instagram some time.
-You looked great at the press conference.
-And you're a banker now!
Adam! Come on.
We should get together.
It's been like a thousand years.
-Let's do that.
-Great to see you.
-Peder! Damn fine work!
-Thanks a lot.
-Really good presentation.
-How's Marianne?
-Fine. She doesn't complain.
My grandfather founded this bank in 1919.
We'll be turning a hundred next year.
Tradition. Lineage.
That's something to be proud of.
But the future is even more important.
Today we're presenting
a tremendously strong report, again.
I know that you're all doing amazing work.
But the one who deserves the credit
for our strong position today
is the captain of the ship.
Peder Rooth!
What's a captain without his crew?
I want to thank all of you. Private Banking.
The Trading department.
-Corporate Finance. Risk & Compliance.
And Equity Trading.
I know why you're so impatient.
Yes, we're calculating the bonuses.
We're not quite done,
but they're looking fucking awesome!
Good stuff!
-Hi, it's me.
-I'm working.
-Sorry, I didn't mean to
I just wanted to call and tell you
-I got a bit annoyed.
-Yeah, I could tell.
I'm sorry. I know how you must feel.
-What do you mean?
-It's a weird situation.
You want to do a good job
and you also don't want
But don't you think
you're pushing a bit too hard?
You have to be able
to write whatever you want
But our Communications Director got
The bank is doing better than ever
and you tried hard to find a negative angle.
I'm just worried. I don't want anyone
to think you might have it in for me.
What I mean is that I don't want anyone to
think that you and I
have some personal relationship.
Okay, but
-That's great. Thanks a lot.
-Yeah, bye.
My stomach is rumbling. Potato pancakes?
-How did it go with ST Bank, Bea?
-How's your Minecraft project, Ada?
-I blew it up.
We have to be at the dentist in an hour.
Jonas couldn't make it so
Not a problem. Come on in.
I'll get us some coffee.
Five minutes.
I don't know
if I can be a party to this anymore.
-A party to what?
Withholding information
from the market about our problem.
We're not withholding anything. Isn't Ada
in sixth grade? We're looking for a school
Peder, I know how to read a quarterly report.
There are no rules about
which valuation models we should use.
-Everything's been cleared by the auditors.
-But they reacted to the differences
We've explained the situation.
I understand your concerns,
but these models are internal tools.
I see no reason
Does the board know about this?
It's my job to report to the board. Let me
handle that. Anything else I can do for you?
What? I told you word for fucking word.
Rinse out those nasty bottles
before they go in the dishwasher.
Can you just listen?
I have to work now. Bye.
I was thinking
-It's your name day today, so here you go.
You can open it later if you want
What is it?
It's just a ball. For stress.
Anders, can't I show you
how to use Tinder?
No, it's just
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
What's going on?
Lagerstedt has stepped down and Tommy
Boholm has been asked to take over,
but I think he'll wait a few days
so it doesn't look predetermined.
Good. - Bea, can I talk to you?
-ST Bank. What was that about?
-What do you mean?
Our competitors are reporting
on a clean bank that's kicking ass,
and you're choosing to be the slave
on the triumphal chariot?
It's really fishy
that their credit losses are so small.
I know you want to do good work,
but you have to pick your battles.
You made a whole speech
about the importance of digging
I'm well aware of what I said.
Maybe what you said
is only true for Mackan?
-Excuse me?
-I don't think I did anything wrong.
I get that,
but this was your last solo stunt, okay?
How are you doing
on that pension consulting thing?
You'll have something boring to read
by tomorrow.
Hey, I'm not finished with you.
It's bullshit that he has freer reins
than anyone else. Just so you know.
Let's maintain a higher standard
going forward.
So I run down to the cabin and start
yelling at Stefan, but he's asleep.
When I pick up the fish,
it turns out it's a flying fish.
A lot of weird things happen on those trips.
I'll put you down for a full share
of convertible notes.
-I think I'll pass.
I have enough convertible notes
for my grandkids' grandkids. I'll pass.
But you know
what kind of discount we get, right?
I mean we
I know, but not this time.
It may seem weird if you don't sign up
when everyone else does.
I could send out bad signals.
Yeah, that's why I thought
we could keep it between us.
Okay You have to join us next time.
I want to come. It sounds magical.
Be patient with old dogs.
He has to deliver some positive stories,
or he'll be asked why we hate corporations.
-I don't think he likes me.
-Try sleeping with him.
It works great for me.
Let it go. Your only problem
is that you're 25 and awesome.
He likes you, he just doesn't realize it.
Thanks. I really mean that.
You give a great pep talk.
-And the Oscar goes to Marcus
-Fuck you.
I love it when you talk like that.
-People are always telling him what to think.
-Hi, Totte.
-Hi, Bea.
-Is everything okay?
How's Eszti's hip?
She jumps around on one leg.
It's so-so, but it's getting better.
You'll have to teach her
how to use crutches.
-Do you want some?
-No, I'm good. Take care.
Hey, Grandma! What's this?
These are all loose.
They want to kill the old lady
so they can sell the apartment.
-What's the chairman's name?
-Greger Andersson.
They have fancy jobs,
and they smile in the elevator.
But I can see how they look at me
- like a fat goose in November.
-Have you tried calling him?
-It's no use. He's an idiot.
You've started seeing him again, right?
What do you think it's like for his wife?
And what happens if it gets out?
A rumor like that could cost you your job.
Do you want to waste
your fancy education?
For someone like that?
-How was work on Friday?
-It was what it was.
People always
play catch-up when it's too late.
Why don't you plan things in advance?
For the same reason you want to do your
homework five minutes before bedtime.
Do you sleep at the bank?
I had to this time, but normally not.
How's your vocabulary homework?
-Good. Dog?
-Okay, that's one tricky. Shark?
Take your socks off and turn out the light.
Good night, sweetie.
It's not sustainable to hide
this problem from the market!
-Find anything good?
-Can't you find someone who's available?
-No, all the good ones are taken.
It's good your mother doesn't
have to suffer through this.
You're on the right track about ST Bank's
small credit losses. Peder Rooth is lying.
I get it, but jumping makes it
harder for them to hit you.
And keep all the forest.
It'll protect you from enemies.
If someone starts to cut down trees,
you can bet he's planning to attack you.
Can you hang on a sec? Thanks.
-I'm Bea, from the financial section.
-I know who you are.
I've received an email
from a strange address.
It's just numbers and letters.
And when I try to reply,
it bounces right back.
-I'd like to know who sent it.
-Why are you telling me?
Because it's your job. Or?
Sorry, I have to say no.
-Can't you just have a look?
-I don't have time.
I have a shitload of work.
I'm not gonna hit the wall.
I'm breaking out in hives from the stress.
Those are freckles.
-Hi, Torbjörn. This is Beatrice Farkas.
-Hi there.
-How are you?
-Fine, thanks.
But don't delve too deeply into that.
Just kidding.
Thanks for your help last time. It was great.
-I have another question for you.
-Are you investigating ST Bank?
-Not at the moment. Why do you ask?
When was the last time you reviewed them?
-It's been a few years now.
-Can you send me your report?
-You have my email address, right?
I gotta run, but we'll talk later. Thanks again.
-Bye. Thanks for calling.
-Great, bye.
-What if he finds out you've been snooping?
-What can I do? I still have to do my job.
-Maybe I went a bit too far.
-Maybe a bit. Why not let it go?
He called me and tried to manipulate me
into writing something nicer
He's leaving his wife to be with you.
What do you expect?
-There's something wrong.
-Just that you can't handle intimacy.
-You always shy away from it.
-No, that's not how it is.
That's exactly how it is.
He's married. Of course it's not optimal.
I don't want to ruin this, but I still can't
I can't treat him differently
just because we have a relationship.
-Now I got this stupid email.
-You get loads of tips.
Maybe it's some nutcase who has
a crush on you and wants to impress you.
-It could be anyone.
Just don't ruin this.
You deserve something good in your life.
-Any reply from the board?
-Aren't you working out during lunch?
Everyone's pestering me about working out.
Listen I've got a tip.
I thought you might be interested.
-What is it?
-ST Bank. They might be hiding something.
Come on, this is your gig. Rapp will love it.
I'm supposed to focus on Aion.
Orders from Rapp.
I miss you. Drop by tonight if you can. Kiss.
-Can't you fix the elevator?
-"Fix the elevator"
-Give me a break, I'm an old man.
I'm tired from walking up all those stairs.
I've missed you.
Do you think it's scary? No pressure.
I want to.
But I keep thinking about Sophie.
I never want to end up in her situation,
with you.
It will never happen.
What we have is completely different.
It'll be good for everyone.
I have to be able to trust you.
You can trust me.
I'll never lie to you.
-It's J-A, from the paper.
-Can we talk tomorrow?
How about never? It's about the email
you wanted me to look at.
-Hello? Are you still there?
I did it.
You wanted to know where it came from?
I don't know if it matters anymore.
Okay. Then let's forget about it. Bye.
What did you find?
Well, I grabbed the address
from the email log and found the sender IP.
I ran a reverse lookup
and found the domain.
I don't know who sent the email, but I
know the VPN environment it came from.
So where did it come from?
ST Bank.
And joining me is Peder Rooth,
CEO of ST Bank.
Something else that stands out
are your extremely small credit losses.
careful about identifying risks
and evaluating each trade.
stands out are your
extremely small credit losses.
Next Episode