Fatma (2021) s01e01 Episode Script


Fatma Yılmaz.
Does he look familiar?
Have you seen him before?
How about him?
Do you know who killed this man?
Apparently, you killed him as well.
Do you own a gun?
-We found it.
The ballistics match.
Did someone ask you
to take the blame for it?
-Are you scared of someone?
-Why would I be?
Then tell me, Fatma Yılmaz.
Who committed the murders?
What business do you have with these men?
Welcome, ma'am.
Fatma, you scared the hell out of me.
I'm sorry. I heard your voice and I--
Come on, honey. Where are you?
Fatma, have you seen Serra?
Where is she? Serra is missing, ma'am.
I brought her gifts.
Since she's not here,
I'll just return them.
Don't, Mom!
-I'm here!
-There's nothing I can do about it.
-She's missing.
-I'm here!
-I don't see her. Do you hear her?
-I'm here!
-I hear something, but I can't see her.
-I'm here!
She's nowhere to be seen.
Zafer, is that you?
Zafer, please answer me. Is that you?
Leave the phone and brew some tea for us.
Let's have a chat.
Still nothing from him?
No, ma'am.
He finished his sentence
and just vanished.
Then the calls started.
I ask if it's him. I beg him to answer.
But nothing.
He says nothing?
He just listens and hangs up.
How do you know it's Zafer?
Maybe it's someone else.
No, it must be him.
Who else could it be?
Who else do I have left?
I'm guessing…
he doesn't know about Oğuz yet.
He doesn't.
I'll tell him when he's back.
Ma'am, please don't come here.
Everyone here already hates Zafer.
I'll bring him to you if he comes.
Can you put this up?
Maybe someone will recognize him.
Why are you so stubborn?
He would've come if he was going to.
You know how he is.
Just put it up in the window, honey.
-Thank you.
-For God's sake.
What's this?
Maybe someone will recognize--
We've all seen his ugly mug
countless times already.
Are you trying to embarrass us?
Are you going to put up
his photos everywhere?
It's for the missing person report.
So, you're saying
you'll just walk up to these men
and tell them, "I have no man."
Is that it?
It's not like that.
Do you need money?
-Don't hesitate to ask.
-No, thanks.
Off you go.
Here you go.
This is why you were running?
-Why else would I run?
-I don't know.
I thought you wanted
to make fun of me too.
Don't mind İsmail.
He's just worse than you at football.
That's why he's doing it.
You were laughing too.
Because I've never seen
a girl play before.
Plus, I didn't yell "Fatma the Boy"
like the others did.
Boys can't be this cute anyway.
That's not the way. You'll get lost!
I'm talking to you! That's the wrong way!
-What's up, Kadriye?
-Not much.
Sorry to bother you this late.
Do you have food? I'll get you a bowl.
No, thanks. I ate.
They cut our power again.
Can you ask İsmail
if he could pay it for me with this?
He's not home yet.
I'll ask him, but this is not enough.
They won't just switch it on
because you paid some of it, Fatma.
Not everyone is generous like us.
You're right.
This is all I have for now,
but I'll find the rest.
When Zafer's back, I'll--
He's not coming back.
You waited for him to get out,
but he left.
Anything else? The stove's on.
All right. Bye.
Are you home?
Open the door.
Open the door. Fatma!
Are you home?
Where's your other shoe?
Come out and play
-Are you home?
Are you drunk?
-Don't get started again.
-God damn you.
-I'm so tired of you.
-I'm the one who's tired. Come in.
Just come in.
Your socks are dirty. Take them off.
Take them off there.
You should give me a key.
Yeah, I'll just give the deed to you.
Who would want this place?
I heard that, Fatma. I heard you.
Your ears work fine when it suits you.
I waited for ages,
but you didn't hear me knocking.
I did hear you. I let you in.
If you hear so well,
why don't you open the door for people?
Who said that I don't?
Your neighbor.
He says, "Mr. Author only gets the door
if he wants to."
The water guy said the same.
Why did you order it
if you weren't going to open the door?
I didn't have any water.
How was I supposed to take my pills?
That's the thing. You don't take them.
They're always sitting there.
They're always fighting and shouting.
It's not like there's peace at his home!
That bastard…
-You seriously watch this stuff?
I'm just observing. This show…
It's related to a story I'm working on.
That's why.
See, this woman's father is missing.
In fact, he was murdered.
Then all their relatives say
that he was a bastard.
He tortured her and her mother.
So the police are
investigating the relatives.
They're looking for the murderer.
Is this normal to you?
They're telling it
like it's a movie script.
It's like a script.
Isn't it an interesting story?
What did you expect?
The country is filled with such stories.
Don't be ridiculous.
You don't know because you don't read.
I'm an author
who tells stories about this country.
You get that?
These incidents used to be uncommon,
but we've grown accustomed.
-I bet it's her.
I bet she killed her father.
Don't be stupid. Why would you think that?
You can't just murder family.
Come in.
I heard you have a meeting,
so I wanted to clean the place up.
All right. Go ahead.
What is it this time?
It's Zafer, right? I saw this coming.
I saw it as soon as you walked in.
Fuck Zafer, Fatma.
How many times has it been?
I'm having more meetings with you
than I have with clients.
How many times?
How are things at the food court?
-Don't you work at the mall?
You know, the floor you clean up
at the shopping mall?
That's called a food court, yeah.
What is "court" in English though?
It's not the only floor I work on.
-I clean up everywhere.
No one cares if you work the whole week
or if you're just a weekender.
I wonder what they'd do
if I worked there the whole week.
Still, thank you so much.
It also means
"a court of law," apparently.
-I mean… What?
I said, "Thank you so much."
You're welcome. No worries.
Perfect. Awesome.
As long as there's work, we'll work.
I should separate these.
Did Zafer owe you money?
Why would he owe me money,
for God's sake?
-It's just that--
-It's just what?
He told me you wanted him to solve
the issue with Şevket, before he went in.
He said, "He's keeping me
at the edge of the cliff."
For God's sake, what?
Why would I keep him at the edge?
I'd just push him over, for God's sake.
That's ridiculous.
He came up with some good stories.
He must've been making a movie.
What did you ask him to do?
What was he going to do about Şevket?
Why would I ask him anything?
I don't think you know me.
I can fill this place up with goons
in a second.
I wouldn't bother with Zafer
to solve my problem with Şevket.
You get it? Come in.
-Mr. Bayram, they're here.
-Good. They're here.
-I have a meeting.
-But if I just--
-Let's talk later.
-Please listen to me.
I'll be there in a second.
Go ahead. Get them what they want.
For God's sake, listen.
He used to come and go as he pleased.
I thought it was normal,
but this time it's different.
I'm desperate.
Please help me out. What should I do?
I heard Zafer owed Şevket some money.
Maybe that's why Zafer's hiding.
I don't know.
My partnership with Şevket fell apart.
We were friends back in the day,
but we're enemies now.
I'm not certain
that Zafer owed him money either.
So would Şevket know where Zafer is?
I don't know. Maybe.
So, what should I do?
Should I ask Şevket where he is?
-Ask Şevket?
Sure. Try that and see what happens.
You're a woman.
How would you make him talk?
Look at it.
This product is something else.
You see that?
I told you to bring sunglasses, Rıza.
You see? Go ahead, touch it.
These aren't some cheap rocks, you know.
Our miners in Africa dug these up.
Where can I find Şevket?
How can I help you, ma'am?
Does this place belong to Şevket Alanur?
Yeah. What do you want?
-Are you Şevket Alanur?
Where can I find him?
What's your name, ma'am?
What do you do?
-I clean.
-A cleaning lady.
Why are you looking for Şevket?
Mr. Bayram sent me.
Why? Does he want money?
What the fuck does everyone want from me?
Our partnership is over.
I don't have his money.
I'm not running a circus here.
Everyone comes here. Go on, leave.
-Are you Şevket Alanur?
I am Şevket Alanur.
What are you going to do?
Do you know Zafer?
Which Zafer?
My husband. Zafer Yılmaz.
-Bayram's guy?
The one with the moron son?
Are you his wife?
Hey! Are you Zafer's wife?
Are you?
That piece of shit owes me money!
But we don't have any--
Bayram gave him so much money in prison.
That motherfucker should pimp you out
if he needs money.
He will pay me. He can pimp you out.
Look at me! You will get me my money.
-Leave my husband alone.
-You know what?
I'll tear him to pieces!
Did you hurt him?
Not yet, but I will.
I will hurt him, and I will hurt you.
-Look at me.
-He will pay me.
-This is going to end badly.
-You're not listening.
-He will pay me!
Are you fucking listening?
I swear I'll beat you up right here.
Fuck off!
What's going on? I heard gunshots.
Come on, run!
I heard shooting.
Zafer, is that you?
Hello? It's me.
-They found the murderer.
I said they found the murderer.
It was the daughter. How did you know?
You know, this is
such good writing material.
Hello? Fatma?
Every substance with a mass
attracts other masses.
Earth does it. The stars too.
You as well.
You've been fighting against it
since the day you were born.
Let's say you're short.
It's because of gravity.
If you're getting exhausted
while you're cleaning,
it's because of this force.
So it's always been this acceleration
that made you move, Fatma.
But you don't know about this.
It just so happens
that now you're in a black hole,
which accelerates things even more.
I feel like a whore.
Everyone's calling me.
They shot the bastard. You know, Şevket.
Yeah. They've been taking my statement
for, like, two hours.
Hang on. I'll call you later.
I'm so tired of the damn police station,
you know.
They fucking shot Şevket,
and you're not answering calls.
Everybody already thinks it was me.
What will they think if you don't answer?
Look at me.
Are you trying to pin this shit on me?
Why would I do that, Mr. Bayram?
I'd see right through you anyway.
Here we go again.
For God's sake,
I have to deal with her now.
Take a seat, Fatma.
Ask about Zafer sitting down.
Not like you'd ask anything else.
Zafer is your only topic.
You know what? Don't ask about him.
If you see him, just tell him
that he should keep hiding
in whatever hole he's in.
You know my ex-partner, Şevket?
Someone shot the bastard.
God rest his soul. I loved him.
Mr. Bayram, it's the police.
Hide it. Come on.
Officer, welcome.
-How can I help you?
I already gave my statement this morning.
I presume this is about Şevket.
I would have dropped by if I'd known.
Ma'am, don't stand there.
We're going to search the place.
-We're going to search the place.
-Of course. Go ahead.
Search the meeting room as well.
Zafer, is that you?
Come in.
It's Fatma Yılmaz.
Come in.
Fatma Yılmaz.
Tell me what happened, ma'am.
It just happened.
In the blink of an eye.
I just wanted to ask him.
I thought I could find Zafer
if he told me something.
It just happened.
My husband, Zafer, was in prison.
He got out and vanished.
I asked everyone. I couldn't find him.
I was all alone after he--
Tea, ma'am?
No, thanks. I had a lot of tea today.
I was all alone, so I started--
Send us two cups of tea.
I've been working as a cleaner since then.
Fatma Yılmaz.
Tell me what happened, ma'am.
Are you Zafer Yılmaz's wife?
Do you know where your husband is?
-I don't.
-What do you mean?
-I don't know where he is.
-Why is that?
That's what I was telling you.
I don't know.
Does your husband work for Bayram Karadağ?
He used to.
Then he was in and out of prison.
He's been missing for two months.
Did you make a report here?
I did.
I swear I did, sir. I came here.
I told them he's missing.
They asked for his info and my ID,
and I obliged.
They told me that my ID card was old
and sent me away.
How can I renew it without Zafer?
I don't want a new ID card.
I want my husband.
Is he in hiding?
Why would he hide?
He got four months for assault.
He assaulted Şevket Alanur.
Didn't you know that?
You don't know what crime he committed,
what he does for a job, or where he is.
What do you know?
Do you know who you are, Fatma Yılmaz?
Şevket was murdered. Did you know that?
I didn't.
Tell me what his problem was with Şevket.
Why did he assault him?
He didn't. He just took the blame for it.
-That's what he told you?
Who did, then?
I don't know.
Still, Zafer took the blame for it.
Do you have any recent photos of him?
Hand it over.
Come on.
All right.
Wait outside. I'll type up your statement.
Come on, ma'am.
God damn it, Fatma.
He wouldn't let me go until you came.
I'm so sorry, Aysel.
Why were they looking for you?
It was about Zafer's
missing person report.
This is not okay, Fatma.
Leaving work with the police and all.
She's here, so I'm leaving.
Such nerve. He didn't even knock.
Don't let him walk all over you.
Fight back a bit.
Stand your ground,
or they'll just stomp all over you.
I have a new job for you.
What job?
Like that "cleaning" job you took
regarding Şevket.
That kind of job.
That wasn't me. You're mistaken.
I thought it was weird.
I asked Bayram about it.
I asked him, "Did the cleaning lady
seriously go and off Şevket?"
He gave me this.
"Get this to Mrs. Fatma right away,"
he said.
You see?
The lady who's been cleaning our shit up
became "Mrs. Fatma" all of a sudden.
It is what it is.
I took my hush money. The rest is yours.
I don't want your money!
We'll help each other out.
That's how we operated,
your husband and I.
Do you know Zafer?
I know him very well.
Where is he?
That's what I've been
trying to figure out.
Why are you looking for him?
To get back the money he got from me
saying he had a sick son.
"My boy is sick. I need money."
"The doctors want a lot."
Zafer kept asking for more and more.
You don't have a sick son, do you?
I've been following you for days.
Zafer lied to me, didn't he?
I don't.
My son died.
I don't know about the money.
Zafer doesn't know yet.
He wouldn't leave me all alone otherwise.
Zafer will come back,
and I'll tell him that his son died.
Yeah, right.
Bayram says no one would suspect you.
You slipped by the police
with the gun in your purse.
How could you have the courage to kill?
He's hiding, isn't he?
He killed Şevket, right?
I killed him.
I'd get it if you did it
in the heat of the moment.
But that's not what happened.
That heat dies down fast.
It's like the feeling you get
before jumping off of somewhere,
but you have to know how to land, right?
You don't know where Zafer is, do you?
Let me tell you what I know.
Zafer owes me a lot of money,
and you're going to pay me back.
You're going to do whatever Bayram says
and cut me a share.
From now on, you're pulling the trigger,
but I'm the one holding the gun.
Are we clear?
All his jobs are mine. All he has is mine.
Next Episode