Feels Like Ishq (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Save The Date

Hi, guys! So right now,
I'm going to show you the bride's room.
This is the lovely, gorgeous,
beautiful mess we have created.
So, the scene is set.
The altar outside looks stunning.
Just like the bridesmaid. God bless her!
But now, it's time to meet
the beautiful, gorgeous, lovely bride.
Avni Kalra, what the fuck? Shit!
Okay, guys!
So I didn't expect bridezilla at all.
I'll keep you guys updated. Till then,
stay tuned. Much love to all the Avnians.
-Don't ever do that again.
-You and your Insta Lives, Avi.
What about my life? My real life?
You treat it like a reality show.
Even Mom follows you!
Why are you so blah?
I don't know? Why are you so enthu?
Because my two best friends
are getting married.
I'll dance in the procession
and also mint money at the ribbon cutting.
What am I doing, man?
How will I deal with this huge-ass family
and their massive expectations?
Just now, they called me "Pranav's wife"
and "Chopra's daughter-in-law!"
You think beer is bloating me?
-We should stick to tequila, no?
What about me? Sunaina Dev.
It's not a big deal. Just keep
your maiden name, Sunaina Dev Chopra.
Like Kareena Kapoor Khan.
Where's my perfume?
I just got out from college, man.
I had so many dreams.
Haven't done shit yet!
My whole life would change.
Nothing will happen to your whole life.
You are always like this.
You get jittery at the last moment.
Stop overthinking and killing the vibe.
-Where's my perfume, man?
What happened?
Are you mad? Don't overthink it.
It's just a wedding.
Okay, listen to me. Okay. Susu… Listen.
Apart from your career, didn't you dream
of a home with Pranav,
walk-in wardrobe and all that shit?
A cozy destination wedding in Goa.
With only 50 people, family members.
And it turned out to be 200 people.
Didn't you think of all this?
It's happening now!
Chill out. Don't think so much.
Once you see Pranav,
you'll forget everything. You'll be like…
"Okay, finally this is happening." Okay?
I know what's going to make you okay.
Jay's looking into it.
Don't worry, I'll check on him.
-Supervise please. Okay.
-Don't worry.
-You look so lovely.
-Thank you. Sunaina…
Yes, I'm with her, Aunty. What…
She's planning a surprise entry for you.
Is this the time for that?
Come on, Aunty!
We live once, die once,
we marry only once, too,
if everything goes well.
-You got the point. Let her do it.
When did I stop her?
She does what she wants.
And everything at the last moment.
Go on, do it! I am leaving.
Su! Bro, we would've
had a shoot-out with the shots right now.
Aunty almost came inside,
and this room smells like… us!
Where are you? Taking a dump?
Pranav? Yes, how much longer?
Sorry, dude. An hour or two at the least.
Yeah, take your time.
Awesome! We are waiting. Bye!
The washroom is that side.
I really need to see the CCTV footage.
Will you be able to help me out?
No, ma'am. The IT guy's on leave.
Ma'am! Have you lost something?
My mind!
I have an emergency.
I need to go to the hospital right now.
Can you just help me out? Yeah?
-Yeah, sure. Come.
-Okay? Awesome. Let me get in.
You want to go to the closest hospital
or something specific?
-Girl's side or boy's side?
You are here for the wedding, right?
From the girl's side or boy's side?
I am from both sides.
Actually, right in the middle.
I am the wedding project manager, Jay.
Perfect. Okay. Cool. Awesome.
Hi, babe!
Okay, Jas, I have a small favor to ask.
Do one thing, take Sunaina's
room key from the reception
and just lock yourself in.
Of course, she's with me.
We are planning a surprise!
We want you to be a part of it.
Love you, bye!
If this is not an emergency, then I'd like
to go back. I have arrangements to make.
If you don't help me right now,
you won't have any arrangements left.
Sir, have you seen her around?
No, madam.
-Look carefully, she must have been here!
-She ran away?
-With someone else?
-We have to find her.
-We? Who's we?
We. You and I, us.
One second.
No one else knows!
Wow! Thanks. I feel…
You know, I think the first thing is
that we should inform the family.
Relax. No one is telling the family.
It's my two best friends' wedding
and one is missing.
It's my fucking responsibility
to go and find her.
But it's not my responsibility.
I have a job and my job is at stake here.
What a guy! The wedding is at stake
and you're worried about your job.
Listen, she ran away of her own will.
I don't think she wants to be found.
She has cold feet.
We are childhood friends. She wants this.
Whatever. This is their problem.
I have nothing to do with it.
In fact, my team will be happy.
Their much awaited dream came true.
Bride ran away, wedding's cancelled
and they get paid.
Just keep your mouth shut.
I'll handle the rest.
What are you doing, man?
Cool down. Please, relax.
Okay, cool down. Let's make a deal.
I have a lot of money. Lots of money!
-Her mother is a heart patient.
-One second.
-Hello, Jacob? Hey! One second…
-Asshole! Hang up!
-One second. Hello, Jacob!
I am going to pick up the priest.
It'll take an hour.
Let Paroma know.
And listen, the bride's side
will sneak in to grab a bite.
-So, keep an eye on catering.
-Especially the chickpea counter.
-Got it.
-I'll call you, okay?
-Okay, cool.
Panditji, I'm coming to pick you up.
Send me your location.
But it'll take some time.
No. This isn't water.
I am not a driver, ma'am.
How funny you are.
You don't trust me not to tell anybody,
but you still got in the car
without knowing me.
You didn't seem like the kind
who'd take me for a ride.
Well… Technically,
I am taking you for a ride.
I just don't know where I am taking you.
Fair point.
I have a strong feeling
that she's at Miguel's.
-Miguel's? The pastry shop?
Normally people follow a location.
We'll follow feelings.
So what? Is there a rule that you must get
married if you're together for five years?
-Happily ever after is a myth.
-Your order.
-Thank you.
-Mr. Miguel, sorry.
Have you seen her?
No, I haven't.
-Can you please take another look?
-He hasn't seen her.
Asking him three times
won't make her appear.
Thanks for all the help.
Enjoy your cheesecake.
I need desserts when I am stressed.
"Desserts" is "stressed"
spelled backwards. Stressed, desserts.
-Papa jokes.
-What papa jokes?
I think it's a great Instagram caption.
You look fine.
One bite won't make a difference.
I really want to look good
in tomorrow's pool party.
There will be a pool party
only if there's a wedding.
Why did you go?
You could have sent an intern.
-No, I thought…
-Are you fucking stupid?
Paroma, he's the MVP of the wedding.
He was sounding very lost.
-I'll pick him up. Stop stressing.
-Whatever, Jay.
But, Paroma,
we need a priest for the wedding.
So I have to get him.
I thought I'd do it myself.
And I'll get him on time.
Listen, there'll be no problem.
I'll be there.
Hello, Paroma!
Paroma, listen. Paroma?
Hello. Hello?
Did she just hang up on you?
She's my boss.
So? I hate bossy people.
Really? You must really
hate yourself then.
When did I boss you around?
-I requested you.
You tricked me. You lied to me.
Not that I am complaining.
But I will very soon,
if you don't find her.
You are complaining.
Hi, babe! Okay, listen, Shaurya.
I need a really small favor, man.
You know how careless Sunaina is.
She just lost her phone
and her phone is off.
And we need to locate her location ASAP.
Of course I am going to take the police
complaint back. What are you saying?
Thank you so much, sweetheart.
Thank you. I am waiting, huh?
Do it fast.
Police complaint?
Our college hacker…
He's a bloody asshole.
You think she could be in a church?
Or a temple? Lost, confused people
always run straight to God.
No, man. She's not such a cliche.
Well, she decided
to get married, didn't she?
Are you only this negative about marriage,
or are you generally full of bile?
Like, what's the scene?
Tell me. It's your job.
You are a wedding planner.
How can you hate weddings so much?
It's like how those who sell alcohol
aren't alcoholics themselves.
Because they know
that alcohol is a bad addiction.
Likewise, weddings
are a bad societal addiction
which we can't get rid of.
I sell marriages, I don't consume them.
In any case,
marriages have now become a joke, man.
Everybody treats it like one big party.
But nobody thinks about
the hangover after the party.
And there's no pill for that hangover.
You desperately need aura cleansing.
Ms. Vidya.
-Don't pick up, man.
-One second. I have to talk to my client.
-Ms. Vidya. Yes.
Where are the priest and the DJ?
-Yes, they're both with me, Ms. Vidya.
-They are with you?
-And where are you?
-No need to get stressed.
No, it's all sorted. It's all on track.
I'll be back soon, yes.
Yeah. You don't stress.
Hello. Hello…
-The network is terrible in Goa, right?
What did she say?
She's asking where Avni and Sunaina are.
She thinks something is fishy
and she suspects you.
How did she know?
Jas must have told her.
That dumb bitch! I told her not to…
-You asshole!
The hacker's going to call on that.
By the way, I never told you my name.
We have met before.
-Really? Where?
You came to the hotel
to discuss the wedding plans.
-That night in the hotel? Remember?
-That horrible night!
I was so hungover, dude.
Don't remember a thing.
But I remember that I had a great time.
I have to go, man.
-I really have to go.
-No. You can't just leave.
Okay, I have one more place.
Let's check that out.
Listen, now I am getting really annoyed.
Why are we here?
This is called "backwaters" for a reason.
-No one comes here.
-Yeah, it's our secret spot.
It's our go-to place in Goa.
Can you please be more positive?
Just… change your vibe.
I am trying.
-Look at the view.
-I see it everyday.
You know what? Don't mind,
but I feel your hate for marriages
is really stereotypical.
I mean, a love marriage is different.
I have seen so many. They work.
I know love exists, but it's temporary.
After that, you face
compromises, unfulfilled dreams,
resentment, and finally…
feeling of being stuck.
And after that, the longer you are
together, the more baggage you have.
I have seen my own parents.
It sucks.
You really need it.
I really feel you should have it.
I really feel you should go to rehab.
-Are you gonna have it?
Let's go to the secret spot.
You know, I think Sunaina's smart.
No marriage, no risk.
You are ruining her plan.
High risks lead to high rewards.
See, marriage is like a mutual fund.
You don't know what the future holds.
But you still invest in it
hoping for more.
-I know, right.
You should marry
Hindustan Unilever's stocks.
More reward, reward, reward.
So funny!
See, I am not saying that happy marriages
mean you are happy all the time. Okay?
A happy marriage means
that if you are having a good day,
you celebrate like a team.
And if you are having a bad day,
then you stand
with each other like a team.
Not all teams work well together, no?
Yes, but they can work better, no?
Try to communicate.
Look, I feel
healthy communication is the key.
Just say what you like, what you don't.
What triggers you, what doesn't.
Like, balance each other's
strengths and weaknesses, no?
Running away isn't the solution, man.
You think there's insurance for that?
Bride runs away, marriage is
cancelled, everyone gets their money.
You are a cheap person, man.
This is my business. I am a businessman.
Show me the money, honey!
-What should I do?
-She really terrorizes you, no?
No, it's not like that.
She's just having a bad day
-and I should have been there, man.
What, man?
What should I say?
Don't say anything stupid, man.
-You are welcome.
-What happened?
Are you crazy?
What happened?
Why are you reacting like this?
You are nuts!
I'll get you a new one.
-I told you, I am rich…
-I don't need your money!
You threw away my phone!
Don't react like this. Haven't you seen
You Only Live Once?
I haven't seen that!
Fine, we will watch it later.
-We are almost there. What's wrong?
-Almost where?
Almost where?
We are in the middle of the water,
on a boat.
The wedding party is at the door.
I am calling Ms. Vidya to tell her…
Fuck you, man!
I don't wanna go with you.
What did I get into?
Hey, turn the boat around!
Fuck you.
I am sorry.
Okay, imagine… You find her.
You take her back
and force her to get married.
But afterwards, she's not happy.
She feels like she wasted her life.
Then what?
Who'll take the responsibility? You?
Or you'll just be a shoulder
for her to cry on?
Yeah, but I know
that they are meant to be together.
The same bullshit story again.
You know what the agenda is
for self-proclaimed Cupids like you?
Hype your friends up into marriage.
Dance, eat, drink and post photos of it.
#BFFWedding! And you are done!
You don't give a shit
about what they really want.
Listen, I know them
for the past 15 years, okay?
I know what they want.
I know… I do care for them.
I'm not crazy
to be running around for this!
If you really cared for them,
you'd have called Pranav first.
She's his soulmate, right?
He must know where his soulmate went.
You are doing all this
because I threw your phone, right?
Hey, should I throw something? Should I?
Not the phone!
Her location will be sent on it!
What should I do?
-Got your revenge?
Avni, she must be at Miguel's?
-We already checked!
-She's not there?
I don't understand, Avni.
Why would she do this?
One second, hold on.
-Her location shows she's at Mandrem.
-Mandrem Beach?
That's where I proposed to her.
Who found her?
-The stalker. I'm going to her. Bye!
-Stalker? Avni, which stalker?
Hello? Avni!
I told you we should have asked Pranav.
Man, even aura cleansing can't help you.
Can't you just be happy for once?
We found her, right?
We haven't found her.
Oh, God! So annoying.
Thanks. You, too.
What happened? You crazy? What did you do?
What the… What's he doing here?
Are you okay? What happened?
I'm so sorry!
You don't have to be sorry. I am sorry.
I don't listen to you.
-I am such a bad listener.
-I am so embarrassed. What…
You don't have to be embarrassed, you…
But what will we tell Pranav?
We'll cook up a story. Who is going…
-We'll solve it. I am here.
-Hey, hello!
What about your "healthy communication"?
Will you just shut up right now?
Look at the situation, man!
Fuck it! Let's not get married
if you don't want to. Shit, man!
Pranav, what are you saying?
We just came here
to complete Su's bucket list. Hey!
Shut up, Avni.
Step back.
I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry, babe.
For what? If you don't want to
get married, we won't. It's fine.
It's okay if you don't.
-Want to move in? I'll stand up to Dad.
-I am so sorry.
Baby, just tell me what you want.
Are you giving up on us?
Then? A marriage is
between two people, right?
Then we both should want it.
I know you love me.
Don't you?
-Then why aren't you reacting? Come on.
-I am sorry.
I am sorry, babe.
My mom and dad,
they are crazy, they get excited.
They pile on.
But it's all for us.
I'll tell them
we don't want to marry, fuck it!
That's what you call true love.
But all our plans… I was supposed
to go to Japan and study.
You had to do a law program
and we had to travel the world.
This is called compromise.
Dude. You are not helping, dude.
Some privacy? Thank you.
Come. Let's go?
What do you think?
I think I have lost my job.
Get over yourself for a change.
What do you think about them?
I think, cancel.
I think, kiss.
-Don't jinx it.
-Then why did you ask me?
Seriously, man. Guys!
Guys, I know this is
a big life decision and all.
But we don't have time.
Shall we do a coin toss?
Lift your headdress,
I want to anoint your forehead.
Aunty, please. I can do push-ups,
but can't lift the headdress.
Don't call me "Aunty," son. Call me "Mom."
And lift the headdress,
I have to anoint your forehead. Come on.
Lift your headdress. Lift it up. Now!
It was a surprise, Aunty!
It was a surprise entry.
I had it planned along with the kids.
Imagine if I were Live throughout.
You would've gained followers.
You would've become an influencer.
I am an influencer!
I am serious.
You did influence my mood a little.
Sarcastic or genuine?
Fuck! I look like a mess.
But gorgeous.
You can put #IWokeUpLikeThis.
I have started to like you.
And here's your treasure.
-Thank you.
For everything.
Excuse me.
Yeah, I'll…
I'll see you!
Jay, where were you, man?
I kept calling you.
-What happened?
-The priest still isn't here.
The priest!
Fuck! The priest… You go, I'll go get him.
I am not going anywhere.
This is your emergency.
Okay, just message him
that we are on our way.
There's a problem.
A crazy girl threw my phone in the sea.
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