Fiasco (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

You're the Boss

Go ahead, Raphaël, tell me
To be honest, I don't know where to start.
It's impossible to sum up in one word.
The whole story is insane.
During filming
everything you could imagine
being a problem, became one.
And everything you could never imagine
being a problem, became one.
Well, this world is foreign to me,
so at first, I thought it was normal
this shitshow on a film set
No, I quickly realized it wasn't supposed
to be that hard. It just all went to shit.
Usually, for a making-of,
I have one or two cameras.
But it was such a fiasco,
so many things happened,
that sometimes,
I had ten cameramen.
It's not just my film
My whole life came crumbling down.
Disaster has struck the film shoot of
A Defiant Woman, by Raphaël Valande.
Of course they're pressing charges!
Offensive, misogynistic.
I'm going to put my big sausage
between mommy's titties.
Robin Jacomet doesn't sanction this!
No, I won't calm down!
I'll speak to you however I like!
No director is allowed
to behave like this.
Shit! Stop filming!
A director writing about his
grandmother in the Resistance sounds good.
We invested a lot.
Personally, I would have never put
my money on Raph.
He thought he was better than us,
that he could do something
other than milk cows.
Look at this mess now.
Excuse me, sorry! Team, please!
A director needs charisma, right?
Authority too, be a smooth talker
That's not Raph.
Raph is a sensitive guy. So, add
the whole "mole" thing onto that
Who's the fucking mole?
Who the fuck is it? Damn it!
Fuck! Stop filming, please. Stop!
Obviously, someone set me up.
Someone set me up.
I had a dream, and someone decided
I wouldn't achieve it.
Do you want to know who it is?
Come on, Slice, look.
- Ready?
- Yes.
Are we good? Is it rolling?
- All good.
- Come on. Follow me.
So, is "Slice" your real first name?
No, it's Jean Robert.
I like "Slice", it's snappy.
Here we are.
Here, you have all the departments.
It's bustling with activity.
That's cinema!
Look over there. Film this, please.
It's Raphaël, the director,
with his female lead.
It's incredible to see you in costume.
You look so much like my grandmother.
I mean, younger. Like her,
when she was young. The age of the role.
I can imagine.
It's a compliment. My grandmother is
everything to me, I love her so much.
- Yes, I felt it when I read your script.
- Yeah.
I like to think that
Well, she saved
dozens of Jewish families like mine
I can't help but be touched by that.
She saved me too, in a way.
- Oh yeah?
- She raised me when my parents died.
Sorry, I didn't know.
No, it's okay. It's not your fault.
Well, I don't think so, at least.
Unless, you were some crazy chick,
"Yeah, I killed your parents."
Blood everywhere.
No, anyway
You're not feeling too stressed?
I'll be okay.
It's not my first film shoot.
Me neither, fortunately.
Actually, it is. Why did I say
Yes, it's my first shoot.
- Quite the opposite.
- Please, everyone!
Everybody, get ready, focus.
We're going to shoot!
Come on, let's do it!
We'll talk later. Thanks, and good luck.
Well, yeah. Good luck to you too.
There we were.
That was it, the culmination
of two years of teamwork
between a great talent like Raph
and a huge producer like
We had clearly gotten involved
with an old has-been producer.
Rather unreliable.
I would know,
I lived with him for 15 years.
Raphaël had written
the most beautiful script I had ever read.
It's an amazing saga that spans many eras.
And obviously,
with Robin Jacomet in the lead role,
I didn't hesitate for long,
I just went for it.
I play Huguette Valande,
Raphaël's grandmother.
During the war,
but also in parallel lives.
It goes from the time of the Vikings
to the Enlightenment.
It was exciting as I was going to do
my own stunt work for the first time.
And that had always been
my dream since I was a little girl.
Sound is rolling!
Look at that, son. It's impressive, huh?
It's wonderful.
Here I go with the clap.
Six-one, first take.
Robin, thanks for being here,
it means so much to me.
You're sweet.
I'm here for you, man. Come on.
Here we go. For real.
- Come on, rolling.
- Okay.
- You can say "action."
- Action.
- Louder.
- Louder!
- No, say "action" louder.
- Action! Right.
Move, I have to see her!
That's good.
Huguette. Huguette.
- Huguette, my love.
- My love!
Fuck! Cut!
Shit! Fucking coffee table!
We can't see anything!
It's not Normandy, it's a hookah bar!
Oh, man, shoot. Are you okay?
No, I'm not okay!
No, right.
I hurt myself! I already fucked up
my knee ligaments,
on the set of One Second in the Future.
I have to be careful.
We can't see anything with this smoke.
The smoke, yeah, you gotta
But then again, smoke on-screen
looks really beautiful, very oneiric
Okay, oneiric. Let me tell you something.
- I come in, I trip and I smash into poor
- Ingrid.
Can you let her speak please? Poor
- Ingrid.
- Ingrid!
I smash into gorgeous Ingrid.
And then, we're all in deep shit,
you, me and the crew!
- Yeah.
- Well, yeah.
There you go. So, we better
get rid of the smoke. Okay?
Maybe not all the smoke,
because I had envisioned
No! All of it!
Okay, all of it, it's safer.
Exactly! Because it's also
your duty to protect your actors.
- Yeah.
- Because if we get hurt, then
Yes. Once
- Listen
- What?
- There, that's all.
- Right. Yeah. Okay.
Wait. You're not going to let him
walk all over you, are you?
No, I'm handling it. It's good
without the smoke, you can see
All right, let's go again
with no smoke!
- Good.
- Get in position.
All right, good. Let's do it again.
- Then let's roll.
- Let's roll.
Okay, roll it!
- Roll it.
- Rolling!
- Action!
- Oh. I don't understand, is it you who
No, sorry, cut!
We can see everything!
The wires, detonators,
and explosives are in shot.
Well, yes, but it was hidden
by the smoke before, so
- We can see everything now.
- Yes, right.
What a crew of clowns.
Yes, the smoke was hiding that, but So
Oh, man, we can see the
Maybe we can have a bit of smoke
to hide the explosives?
- We have other problems.
- We made a decision. Okay?
You said, "no smoke."
So your crew has to follow your lead.
And stop changing your mind,
your crew will think you're a moron.
- A moron?
- Yes.
Come on, no smoke, no explosives,
back to it.
Let's stay focused please!
- Focus. Explosives, smoke.
- Come on, back to our spots.
- All right, it's rolling.
- Rolling
Still rolling!
Sound is rolling.
He said it.
Okay. All right, yes.
Oh, dear!
- Did you watch my tape?
- Fuck, Tom!
- Sorry.
- Oh, no!
What the fuck are you doing? Please!
You promised not to come
and bother me here.
Did you watch my tape? If you did
I don't give a damn about your tape.
Sorry, Tom, but
Can't you see I'm totally panicking?
It's my first day of shooting and I
I'm fucking up, no one's listening.
If I fuck up, I won't get another chance.
It will be my first and last film.
I'll never be able to show my grandmother
that I was made for this. Fuck
Yeah, grandma is starting to get real old.
It must smell like litter in her knickers.
- Please, Tom.
- No, but
Yeah, well
It'll be fine. Get it together.
Forget about what your grandmother thinks,
and people saying
you're a piece of shit with no charisma.
What? Why, who said that?
No, nobody, but
People at boarding school, in the village.
And your family.
Great, so glad you came.
That's how you cheer me up?
Look, let me take a weight off your mind.
Forget about the tape.
It was my actor's demo tape. No need.
I'll do the Viking live.
You'll see what I'm made of.
- The?
- The Viking.
He's my best childhood friend.
Unfortunately for me, Tom has always
wanted to be an actor.
And there, he was bugging me
to get a role in my film.
May the blood of Odin
flowing in my veins
May the
Hang on.
Like the mead No.
Yes. Like the mead of the goo
Gods. Of the gods.
Like the mead of the gods
Sycophants! Model!
- Wait
- No, meddler!
- What
- Meddler!
Is that the script? Who gave you that?
I found it in a trashcan.
What trashcan?
I don't know. The ones
you wave at and it opens.
I don't care what kind it was!
Where was this trashcan?
In the kitchen, where else?
For fuck's sake.
Whose kitchen, damn it?
- Magalie's, your assistant.
- What?
Her French doors weren't very secure,
so I went in.
She doesn't recycle!
The pages were illegible because of
the cucumber peels. But don't worry
Damn it. You have to stop burglarizing
the members of my crew. Okay?
- "Burglarizing"
- Yes, it's a burglary.
Breaking and entering.
I'm no lawyer,
but I think it's breaking and entering.
And don't come back here, let me work.
Come on.
I'll show them I'm not shit.
- "With no charisma."
- With no Yes, all right, I got it.
Please, okay?
If you have a minute,
please take a look at my demo tape.
I won't stop asking you!
I'll be on your ass!
Your family is on the set.
They're waiting for you.
- My family?
- Yes.
- They said they weren't coming?
- Well, they're here.
- Come on.
- Oh, yeah?
I'll be back.
I was surprised
that they came to see me.
Since I had left the farm
to go to the capital
to make movies and all that,
our relationship hadn't been easy.
From the beginning,
the grandmother didn't want the film.
Nope. She wasn't interested
in this biopic.
Does it look familiar?
There you go, we rebuilt
our farm's living room.
But just like it was in 1943.
Say, my chandelier isn't that ugly.
Oh, no. You don't have
the right lampshades on there.
Yes, well, I'll ask them if they can
replace the chandelier with another.
Say, all this must have cost a fortune.
We could have used
that money at the farm.
Same armchair and everything.
Did it sadden you that your family
wasn't interested? Their denigration.
For me For me, that wasn't the issue.
I was certain that at some point,
I thought, "They'll see the film,
the lights will come on in the theater,
they're going to wipe their eyes
and they'll understand."
Just like in American movies,
and they'll think,
"He fucking did it."
- That's it
- "He did it." Wait, said twice.
Yes, okay, I felt one was missing.
Generally, in American movies,
they say it twice.
"He fucking did it."
"He did it."
Otherwise, it doesn't work.
Thanks so much for coming
to see me on my first day.
We didn't come for you,
we came for Joséphine.
Right. What?
I told her that she should do my stunts.
Well, for my character.
Sorry, I didn't
Joséphine, the Berneuils' daughter?
The Berneuils, yes.
They're buying almost all our livestock.
So for once, they're asking us
for a favor and we're going to do it.
All right, but actually Unfortunately,
it's going to be difficult because
She's really good.
- She's really good.
- She's a Ninja Warrior champion.
Oh, that's great, a Ninja Warrior.
That's great. With the monkey bridges
and everything, but
Hello. Sorry to interrupt.
- Hello.
- No.
Mrs. Valande
Who is she?
What? It's Ingrid Flaumenbaum, Grandma.
She's going to play your role
in the film. She's our Huguette.
Where have I seen you before?
Nowhere. Why? On TV maybe?
- Yes.
- Since she's an actress.
Oh, I know!
She's the one on the poster
above your bed.
- No!
- Yes.
No, nonsense. She's joking, Ingrid.
It is her.
There she is.
Joséphine, come here darling.
- Nice to meet you. Ingrid.
- Hello.
- Three kisses, sorry.
- Yes, it's 3.
Are you family too?
- Yes.
- A family friend, yes.
Okay, all right, cool, so you came to see
how the shoot is going?
Yes, but I'm going to work
on the film too.
Great, what are you going to do?
Go on, Raphaël, tell her.
Yes! Well, Joséphine came
She came She's really a great gal She
She's going to do your stunts, there.
When I learned that I wasn't going to do
my own stunts,
I was really bummed.
It's unfair.
At my last shoot, the director did
the same, nasty tricks like that.
Not to mention
the misogynistic comments.
What? No, what misogynistic?
No, there won't be any of that here.
I'm telling you that right now.
I promise you.
No, here, it's for technical reasons,
issues around insurance and safety.
Raph, I disagree with your decision.
I don't feel good about it.
Maybe what we could do is
- How are you? All good?
- Yes.
- No, not really.
- No.
Raph doesn't want me to do my own stunts
even though I worked like crazy.
No, that's not it. But we
Listen, Ingrid, Raphaël is the director.
So if he made that decision,
he must have a good reason.
So, I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.
As you wish.
I'm sorry, Ingrid, it's simpler.
All right, come on, I have to talk to you.
Let's go.
Listen, you have a vision,
you have to stand up for it.
You have to assert yourself.
I know, you're right.
Look at me. You're the boss.
Get that into your head. You're the boss.
No, not "okay." Go ahead, tell me.
- "I'm the boss"?
- Yes.
- I'm the boss.
- Say it like you mean it.
- I'm the boss.
- I'm the boss.
- One more time.
- I'm the boss.
Good, that's how you're going to
tell them.
What? Tell them?
Go ahead, stay there.
There you go.
Sorry, this morning,
we got going pretty fast,
and Raph didn't have
time to make his intro speech.
And I think he wants
to say a few words.
You're the boss, go on.
Well, to begin with, well,
thanks for being here.
I am
I haven't written a speech.
But I do like to make
impromptu speeches sometimes.
So as you know,
I'm making a film about family,
a film about my grandmother also.
And I often say, well, we all have to be
united inside a grandmother.
In a family.
The grandmother
No, I have to stop saying "grandmother."
What matters the most
is that we are united
and that we know
each other like a family.
And I'm thinking that,
I know you all,
since I'm the boss.
But you don't know each other yet.
So here we go!
Let's start with wardrobe,
and Sophie. Go ahead, introduce yourself.
No, I'm Gabrielle. I'm job shadowing.
Yes, Gabrielle, sorry! I saw you
last week at the makeup meeting.
No, that's not possible, I got here
this morning, actually. It's
All right. Go ahead,
Tania does the stunt work.
- Tatiana.
- Tana, tania,
Tatania, bingo. Go on. Please.
Well, hello everybody,
my name is Tatiana, stunt coordinator.
I handle the stunts.
I wanted to take this opportunity
to say that it's too bad
that Ingrid won't be doing her own stunts.
We worked really hard.
I kind of agree with you, Tatiana.
- I told you guys earlier
- Wait, Ingrid.
Sorry to interrupt you.
Guys over there, excuse me.
Are we bothering you?
Are you laughing at her accent?
Not at all, we weren't laughing.
I'm not laughing at all right now.
I'm not laughing at all.
Just because someone speaks differently,
"I'm going to ski,
I'm going to have my toast"
You find that funny? Well, it's not.
You can't make fun of people,
otherwise, it's harassment.
And that's a big nein on my film.
That means "no" in German.
And yes, it also means "nine" in English.
Do you find that funny too?
When I challenged those two technicians,
it was an opportunity,
to show the team and also Ingrid,
that I'm on top of it when it comes to
issues of harassment, misogyny,
and none of it will be tolerated
on my shoot, you know?
No, but I knew he meant well.
But with the stress,
the kid really did mess up.
And what's the next step? Misogyny.
Actually, let's talk about misogyny.
No, we don't need to
I see them coming,
your horny little comments,
"Look at Ingrid, the actress,
looks like she likes role playing."
"In gang bangs!"
Very bad pun, actually.
Very bad.
So these types of lame jokes, here,
it's a hard pass.
It's a no.
- All right.
- That's for sure.
- It's "nein".
- Nein. Leave it.
- And not the number.
- No.
Sorry, I'm getting carried away,
but I've heard so many terrible things.
- Great.
- Come on.
"I want to put my big sausage
between mama's titties."
"Oh yes." Because she's wearing
a low-cut neckline.
All right, thanks.
- My good old sausage.
- Thank you.
No, gentlemen.
Keep your sausage in the pantry,
nice and dry.
All right, we'll finish
the introductions later,
so we can let the crew
have their lunch in peace.
There you go.
Anyway, thanks so much for listening.
And, "enjoy your lunch,
ladies and gentlemen."
Raph. What the heck were you thinking
with your titties story?
I don't know! When I'm stressed out,
I do stupid things.
I wanted to show
that I had some charisma,
that I was on top of harassment issues
and all that.
It was Jean-Marc who told me to speak.
Why did you tell me to do that?
I just told you to show them
that you're the boss.
Well, they're all going
to hate me now.
No, don't worry.
But if you want to bring
people together, next time, go simpler.
- But I
- I don't know.
Well, I don't know. Well, sing a song
for example. Because the titties
Because the titties
Because the titties
What are you doing?
He told me to sing.
- Stop listening to him.
- Just advice.
- I didn't say that.
- You did.
No, I said, "Stop with your titties story
and sing something normal."
That wasn't clear. Singing in front
of everyone is my worst nightmare.
It makes people feel happy.
It's festive. They clap along, it's great.
Elton John.
I know that's all you listen to.
Yeah, Elton
No, that's not all I listen to.
I'm not a monomaniac.
He's talking nonsense. I listen to
stuff that's a bit more You know
Like what?
Like a bit of rap, dubstep.
I'm into that, dubstep.
They just released some hits.
- You're spitting on me.
- Sorry.
It projects a bit.
- Do you have a minute?
- Yeah.
What was that about, at lunch?
- I went a bit off the rails.
- Clearly.
First, you take away my stunt work,
then you talk about sausage and titties.
Are you a dick
or are you doing it on purpose?
Yes, that.
What, that?
I did it on purpose. Yeah.
I don't get it.
Actually, I realized that you were
too nice for the role.
And that didn't work for me.
So I wanted to provoke you,
make you angry,
to get this emotion out of you.
Please forgive me, it's because
we have to work more American style.
Method acting.
"Method actings." You know?
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
You went really far.
- Yeah, I admit, it's a method
- It's
Okay, I get it now.
I must say I was a bit confused.
It didn't seem like you.
You've always been so warm, kind,
from the beginning.
But the character isn't kind, isn't warm,
and that's what I was trying to bring out.
You should get closer to the character.
Have you talked to my grandmother?
No, actually, when I called her,
she said she didn't have the time,
and told me to go fuck myself, so
There. That's my grandmother.
She doesn't have time? "Go fuck yourself."
I can tell.
We have to do it American style.
We'll do it like Christian Bale.
Did I tell you my anecdote about him?
I don't think so.
You'll love it, you guys too.
It's so silly. Come on,
come closer, two minutes.
You'll love it.
Okay, crazy story.
Raphaël had decided to go
on a road trip, summer 2013,
to go explore in his Peugeot 405.
I'm 2014!
End of 2013.
I'm on the road, and suddenly,
I think to my self, "Wow" 2016.
Actually, it was 2016.
Anyway, I stop at this little place
serving Portuguese specialties.
Only excellent dishes, bacalhau,
baklavao, lots of things.
And so I say to myself, "Okay,
I'm going to wash my hands."
"I'm going to wash my hands."
At first,
I couldn't find the restroom.
I find the restroom.
I go in the restroom.
I look over, and I see there's guy
at the urinal and he's there,
taking a pee.
I say to myself, "I know him."
I say to myself, "I know him."
"From my sister's wedding? No."
"I know him from a movie."
And then, the wheels start turning,
my brain is gubbling
Bubbling up,
and I think, "Oh, shit, I recognize him."
You'll never guess who it was.
- It was
- Christian Bale.
Christian Bale.
- I kind of gave it away.
- Because you said it. Yes.
Anyway, whatever.
It was Christian Bale!
He walks past me,
I'm washing my hands,
like, playing it cool, relaxed.
He comes close to me, and says to me,
"Oh, hello, David."
He confuses me for David, I guess.
Whereas I'm not David, I'm Raph.
And he heads for the exit.
And he leaves.
It was Christian Bale.
He had mistaken me for another guy.
That's a lousy story.
Excuse me?
No, but
Sorry Raph, I was trying to be
more blunt like your grandmother.
Oh, yes!
Oh yes! Very good!
That's it, that's the character!
Let's do it method acting style,
you can even insult me if you want.
Stop with your anecdote!
There are no twists, it's fucking boring!
It's so long,
you take forever to tell it!
With your meerkat face,
you piece of shit!
Yeah, even the body and everything.
So good. Great, we found the right tone.
Sorry to bother you, I just
Well then, don't disturb us then! Bitch!
Is that a joke or are you
We can't understand a word you say!
With your slutty-ass accent!
Are you fucking with me right now?
- We don't understand.
- She's got a real problem!
Shut up!
No, it's just practice, she doesn't know.
So, Christian Bale, but
- You shut up too!
- Come on.
You lemur!
She's good.
Very good.
- How are you, Jean-Marc?
- I'm fine, thanks.
What's going on?
Here, you asked me to sort through
your emails. There's an urgent one.
What is it?
"Enlarge your penis."
No, they won't get me again.
No, not that one. Here, look.
Oh, okay.
Look at Ingrid, the actress, oh, man,
looks like she likes role playing.
In gang bangs! I want to put
my big sausage between mommy's titties
Oh, man, no.
The big titties.
My good old sausage.
Fuck, what the hell is this?
Hang on. He's giving us until
Let me work it out.
Thursday morning, 10 a.m.,
to give him 50,000 euros.
Or he says he's going to post the video
and our film "will be fucked."
Oh, fuck.
But who is he going to post it to?
What do you mean, who?
Well, when you post a package,
you have to put a recipient on it.
Sorry, but I think he's talking
about social media, I guess.
Yes, thanks, Gabrielle. Okay, I got it,
I'm not completely stupid.
Social media
I hadn't gotten it,
but I wasn't about to admit it.
Is that serious?
Well, it looks like blackmail.
It had to be someone who was
in the lunchroom who filmed this.
Fuck, this is an inside job!
Someone in the crew
is trying to fuck us from the inside.
It's horrible, shall I call Raphaël?
What? Oh, no, absolutely not. No way.
You know what,
we're going to go Tiger Brigades style,
we're going undercover.
We'll solve this the old-fashioned way.
So not a word, not to the money people,
nor to Raphaël.
Jean-Marc, what's this fucking video?
- The video.
- He's cc'd on the email.
Cc'd? Well, it's perfect.
Actually, I wanted to talk to you
about it, perfect timing.
So should we forget about Tiger Brigades?
- What?
- Why are we talking about tigers?
It's Gabrielle.
No, there's no tiger,
no feline, no animals. There.
Well, there is a mole.
Yes, that's true. There's a mole.
Oh, fuck, it's a mole.
Blackmailing us.
Oh, this is a nightmare.
Oh, fuck!
- Yeah.
- Oh, fuck.
- Fuck, yeah.
- Fuck.
Raph, think for a second.
Is there anyone you know
who could resent you that much?
No, honestly, I can't think of anyone, no.
Think it through.
You've never I don't know
shat in the guy's mailbox,
after a date at the Marly
that had gone really well,
good vibes,
nice cocktails, it was all,
"Your place or mine?"
We go to the car,
we feel each other up and then
He ghosts you.
Something like that, I don't know.
- She shat in a
- What?
- You shat in a?
- No, who said
Not at all, that's absurd.
It's an example. To help you think.
- It was very specific.
- Well, it was to help you.
- We're thinking.
- I never shat.
You didn't shit, there you go.
Fuck, who can it be then?
Well I
Bam, it's her!
Fuck, the kid is spilling the beans.
I had a bad feeling
about her and her sneaky face.
No, I was saying that I have
an idea of who it could be.
Yes, great. Go on, tell us.
I got a bit ahead of myself with the kid.
Earlier, with Ingrid,
when you were insulting Tatiana,
she was really upset,
and she left crying, and
Yes. No, she's right.
That could be it. When we were
method acting, we insulted, Tania
- Tatiana.
- Tatiana. Man, that name
Wait, the angle of the video
more or less matches
where she was sitting in the lunchroom.
Yes, it fits.
I'll fix it,
I'll go and make up with her.
No, she's already gone,
do it tomorrow morning.
You have to sort it quickly.
We have a big stunt tomorrow,
or we lose the location.
So please, focus.
- Yes.
- Okay.
Please, it's too noisy!
Come on, we need you
for Tatiana's briefing.
I just want everything
to be clear for everyone.
Okay, Tatiana, it's your turn, please.
I just want everything to be clear
for everyone. Okay?
On "Action," Joséphine starts the bike.
Then, she'll come down, speed up,
head towards the launch pad,
and straight into the wall of cardboard.
Once she's in the air,
I'm going to activate her safety harness,
I'll trigger the cable
that will cut the motorbike in half.
Is that clear for everyone?
- Yes.
- Thank you!
- Hi, Tatana Tiana.
- Hello.
- How are you?
- Good, you?
- Yeah. You've got a lot, let me help you.
- No, it's okay.
- It's fine.
- Okay.
- Okay?
- Okay.
I wanted to talk to you about yesterday,
I wanted to clarify
the situation with Ingrid.
The context was a bit particular.
When Ingrid told you, "We don't understand
you with that shit accent, dirty slut."
"Articulate, whore." Or maybe
"whore" or "bitch."
I remember the insults,
but what was the context?
It was to tell you
that we were practicing something,
so it was nothing against you.
I wanted to say we're very happy
to have you with us.
We're very I'm a big fan of your work.
For real?
Yes, for real.
Look at the movies you worked on.
Fast & Furious, John Wick, Casino Royale
No, those are movies that I love,
my inspiration. It's
Oh, man!
Okay, films you love.
Right. I heard,
"Those are films I've done."
No, not at all.
Well, anyway they're great inspiration.
John Wick
- It's a killer.
- Thanks. Yeah.
Wait, I can't let you do it
all on your own.
- No, please.
- No, but I
It's better if I handle it alone,
I can do it.
- All right, here you go.
- Okay.
And well, so, no hard feelings for
Yes, for sure, no stress.
I promise. Spit and shake.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Oh, man.
Let's go!
Come on, everyone in position,
please, quietly.
We're going to roll sound.
- This way.
- Rolling.
Okay. Good!
Sound is rolling.
Raph, whenever you're ready.
Right. Here we go, and
Oh, she said it.
Oh, man what's this? Well
Who turned this on?
Hey, there's interference!
Subtitle translation by: Laura Player
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