Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Round One: The Ballad of Chicken Man

- FRANK: You fucking with me, Chicken!
And I don't let nobody fuck with me.
When I pull this trigger
and put your lights out,
and you standing at the Pearly Gates,
- what you got to say to God?
- I don't know, Frank.
You do believe in God, right?
With all my soul.
Then testify.
- Come on, Frank, please
- Testify!
Amen, then.
You know, they burned
Atlanta to the ground.
Ol' General Sherman.
Burned it down to the ashes.
Just like they did in that
Gone with the Wind motherfucker.
Yeah. But Atlanta rose up.
How we do that?
'Cause of us.
'Cause of Black folk.
That's how we did it.
Did the same damn thing in Chicago, too.
Yeah, difference is
we're not like Chicago.
Not one bit. We're not
like Chicago, New York,
LA, no.
No, down here, we different.
You know why we different?
We different 'cause niggas
think different down here.
We move different.
We know our history, but we don't
let that history fuck up our hustle.
Speaking of hustle.
This Muhammad Ali fight,
this here is when Atlanta
turn them ashes into gold.
Do you hear me?
Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.
You did good.
I don't think I've ever
seen Earl look that good.
Should've charged his ass double.
What you doin'? You bettin' or what?
- Is water wet?
- Mmm-mmm.
Mmm. My man.
WOMAN: Hey, Chicken.
- As you should.
- Four-nine-three.
Talk to me.
You know I do.
Why your license plate
say "Chicken Man"?
Because that's my name, baby.
All I know is that hoe right
there put $5 on two-four-nine,
and it hit. That means you owe me $50.
I gave her the money on the
goddamn spot. I got it in my pad.
- It's in your pad?
- It's in my pad. Look. Look.
I don't give a fuck what's on that pad!
Dee-Dee, I ain't got all goddamn day.
- Now play your number.
- Okay.
Give me all nines.
That money's supposed to go to
the pimp. She don't earn, I earn.
Hey, listen, man, whatever your
business arrangement is with Coco,
- that's your bag.
- This bi
You ain't got to explain pimping to me.
- Good luck.
- Wish me luck.
I just did, Dee-Dee.
Go on, what you gonna do?
- Go on and hit me with seven-eight-nine.
- Yeah, there it is.
My man.
Sully, there he is.
Sully, why every time I see you
shining that goddamn 50 cent pin
like it's your freedom papers?
You know what this means to me.
- Don't start. Okay.
- This is a personal gift from Leroy Johnson
- That's right.
- BOTH: the first Black senator
in the statehouse since Reconstruction.
Yeah, I know.
That man's butt got to be red as a
damn tomato from all the ass kissing
- you done done over the years.
- Pardon me for knowing my history.
- Okay, come on.
- And put me down for my usual.
Usual one, that's gonna
be three-two-seven.
- That that that's me.
- All right.
Hey, hey. Hey, baby.
Uh, Chicken, these bags
getting lighter and lighter.
Yeah, well, it's the
number business, baby.
It's like any other business.
You gon' have your
peaks and your valleys.
Right now, we're just in
a little bit of a valley.
- VIVIAN: Mmm?
- What is this?
Life insurance.
Viv, you know how I feel
about these goddamn pistols?
(SIGHS) That ain't my problem.
Well, then who problem is it, then?
What we gonna do about these
cash flow problems, Chicken?
I think it's time we start diversifying.
We ain't goin' back to
selling no goddamn smack.
Well, we need to figure out something
fast, 'cause these politicians
is getting real serious
about the state lottery,
and if that happens, we
dead in the water, Jack.
I made promises, and I
ain't going back on it.
Every time we get something, they
take it and capitalize off of it.
Worried about everything
but the right thing.
'Cause I don't tell you stuff,
don't mean it ain't going.
I got things percolating.
As a matter of fact, look, we
gon' go down there to the Clermont.
We're gonna meet Silky there tonight.
- Silky in town?
- Yeah. He in town for that fight.
You ain't gon' believe who
this nigga working for now.
- Who?
- (SCOFFS) You ready for this?
Frank Moten.
- That gangster from the tabloids?
- Mmm, Black Godfather himself.
I couldn't believe it when he told me.
- Go on, Silky with yo' bad self!
- Mmm-hmm.
Same thing I said. So let me
tell you how I'mma play it.
I'mma get Silky to
introduce me to Frank, right?
After he do that, well,
naturally, I'mma do my thing.
When I do it, Frank gonna want me
to be his man down here in Atlanta.
And next stop is the moon, baby.
All our dreams of being big
time are about to come true.
- You hear me?
- I hear you, Chicken.
I'm talking about moving up from
all this penny ante shit for good.
All I need is a chance
to prove myself to Frank.
- Well?
- Well, all you do is talk.
Now, don't act like you don't
know that this mouth is legendary.
Now what you think you're doing?
I'm about to give you a reminder.
That's what I'm about to do.
Well, come on now.
- You want me to come on?
Ask and you shall receive.
This so called fight is a travesty
and I will do everything
I can to stop it.
Muhammad Ali is a race-baiting traitor.
"Muhammad Ali."
- No good draft dodger.
- OFFICER 1: After all this country gave him,
can't even be bothered to defend it.
Ungrateful dog.
- Hey, Huddie, didn't you serve?
- Uh-huh.
OFFICER 2: And Ali's
shitting all over it.
Nature calls.
TV HOST: This is Ali's
first fight in three years.
He was stripped of his title
for refusing military
service in the Vietnam War.
Howdy, Miss Delores.
Detective Mason.
DELORES: Detective Mason
touched him up real good.
Boy can't be more than 17 years old.
The boy has a name.
(SIGHS) Well, is David willing to
testify in front of a grand jury?
- This ain't enough?
- You a social worker,
you've been down this road enough
times to know that it ain't.
I should've known.
When you took this job,
you promised change,
Detective. It's been two years!
You can't put this kind
of change on a clock.
Tell that to him.
I'll run it up the flagpole again.
Thank you.
- Meatloaf tonight, okay?
- Yeah, it's fine.
- I'll see you at home.
- Okay.
- Fucking pig.
- Sellout.
- HUDSON: Chief.
- Hmm? Hudson.
Thank you for joining us.
You must be familiar
with Senator Johnson.
- Who isn't?
- Detective Hudson.
It is a pleasure to meet
you. Please, have a seat.
Don't you just hate how much
the camera love this guy?
It'll be sleeting in hell
before Governor Maddox allows those
bow-tied Nation of Islam thugs here.
So you've been drafted, pun intended.
- I don't quite follow.
- Huddie.
You will be Ali's personal bodyguard
during his time here in our fair city.
Now, Chief, my caseload is piling up
Ali's safety is now your priority.
I I need to take a piss.
They tell me, you was one of the
first Black cops on the force,
but you couldn't arrest white people.
Hell, you couldn't even
shower at the damn station.
Now I know you got some stories.
I may be just a simple lawman,
but I can smell bullshit
a mile off, so
Let's cut the shit.
Now, something tells me
you'd rather eat a bowl of nails
than guard Ali. That sound about right?
- Picked up on that, did you?
- I did.
Assignment like this,
it'll help you rehabilitate
your standing in the community.
See, Black folks need to see
another Black officer as an ally.
Look around. Go on.
Now inside of ten years,
this gon' be a Black city.
With Black leadership just
pumping in Black dollars.
So I suggest you find
yourself a new act,
because this little John
Wayne thing you got going,
ain't gonna work much longer.
All right then.
Fire ♪
Fire ♪
SILKY: Damn, Vivian.
You looking good, girl.
- Hey.
- VIVIAN: Thank you, sugar.
You look good, too. I
see New York been good
- to you, ain't miss no meals.
Chicken tells me you hanging
out with a heavy hitter.
They don't get much
heavier than Frank Moten.
Hey, uh, what do you say I buy
Frank a drink after the fight?
Now, why would he want to have
a drink with your country behind?
No, but once Frank see
what Atlanta got cooking,
- he gon' want in.
- That's right.
Ain't nobody got more juice
out here than ole Chicken.
- SILKY: Is that right?
- Oh, you know that's right.
And what you gonna do for
a businessman like Frank?
Emerson, my man.
Don't worry about them. They cool.
Come on.
I'll be right back.
Keep my seat warm for me.
VIVIAN: You got it, sugar.
You make my body shiver, boy ♪
You make my head go bad ♪
You make my liver quiver, babe ♪
You make my eyes get red ♪
The fuck was that?
My daddy's gonna be
working with Muhammad Ali.
I don't know about working with
Hey, you, dishes.
- RENEE: But
- Did I stutter?
I don't see Chief Jenkins asking
any of the white detectives
to guard the most hated man in America.
That's 'cause Chief Jenkins want to put
that bullseye on my Black ass
Well, uh, Leroy Johnson was saying
he think this might
actually lead to something.
What the Senator got to do with it?
Uh, he was at the mill,
too, laying it on thick.
Talking about a
This might be an opportunity for me
to rehabilitate my
standing in the community.
Slick son of a bitch.
They got this boy playing on
damn near every TV in America.
I don't like how he carrying it.
Loud mouth, talking trash.
You know, when my number got called,
I showed up, all right? I served.
Baby, you served in Missouri.
That ain't the point, Dee.
I didn't know where
they was gonna send me.
But I went. This man
won't even do the reserves,
and these fools out here acting like
I'm the one that got
to be rehabilitated.
They using you.
- Trotting you out for shot.
- I know.
But I'mma use them right back.
When this whole thing is over,
they're gonna owe me a favor,
and I'mma use it to do
some real police work.
- Like taking down Mason.
- Like taking down Mason.
I just wish you worked for people
who didn't think you were expendable.
Well, I ain't gonna quit, Dee.
Be careful.
Hey, you got some dessert
- Ew!
- HUDSON: Hey, hey, hey.
How do you think your little
behind got here in the first place?
What do you think they're
over there talking about, baby?
Do I look like I got
supersonic hearing, nigga?
All right, they done. Look natural.
- Oh.
- Okay.
What you over there talking
to that pallbearer about?
He helping me put together
a little party for Frank.
- A party?
- Yeah.
- What kind of party?
- Frank's throwing a post-fight shindig.
So where y'all gonna hold this shindig?
Well, my man, Emerson, has a line
on the penthouse at the Biltmore.
- Biltmore.
- The Biltmore?
You expect a bunch of Black bosses
to get together and let their hair down
in a luxury hotel in Klan country?
You gotta go to a private location.
Somewhere outside the
prying eyes of the law.
- This is just a little party for the bosses. Okay?
- Shit!
- All you need is some liquor and some trim.
- Frank Moten affair?
On the heels of an Ali fight?
No, that's got to be big.
You and I both know
that's got to be big.
I'm talking flashy.
Something first-class, right?
I'm thinking Vegas. Mmm?
I'm thinking Black Vegas
right here in Atlanta.
Now follow me, okay?
When I say Black Vegas,
I'm talking about casino
night with all the trimmings.
- Gambling, liquor, women.
- That sounds like a lot of noise.
- Frank's a quiet guy.
- Talking about making it a business conference.
While bleedin' niggas
dry at the same time.
I got everything you need.
I got the venue, I got the
I got the goddamn women.
Yeah, more importantly,
I got the goddamn vision.
Ain't nobody gonna see
shit the way I see it.
All I need from you is Frank's
blessing and his Rolodex.
I got all the rest. Fuck your man E.
Now, who's gonna be footing the bill?
'Cause it ain't gonna be Frank.
Okay, slow down, now.
You're going way too fast. Look, I
I done told you, I'm a professional.
I got the bread.
The bread ain't never been the problem.
All I need is my investment
back, and another, what
- Five percent.
- Another five percent, yeah.
You on.
But you fuck this up,
and I can't protect you.
Got his ass.
Hey, it's me. Fat boy fucked us.
Throwing the party with one
of his country-ass friends.
Oh, no, no, this makes
the plan even better.
We've got the perfect patsy now.
This dumb motherfucker's got no
idea what he just got hisself into.
When Jesus washed ♪
When Jesus washed ♪
He washed my sins away ♪
(SINGING) Oh, happy day ♪
Oh, happy day ♪
- PASTOR: Praise the Lord.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Now, on this most special of Sundays,
I would like to take a moment
- to acknowledge an angel walking amongst us.
- JOY: Hi Daddy.
Brother Gordon Williams,
would you please rise?
MAN: Come on, now.
PASTOR: Yes. Bless you! Get on up.
Brother Williams is a
stalwart in the community,
and not only has he given his
soul in service to the Lord,
he has graciously offered to
finance the church's brand-new roof.
Faye, I can't pay for that roof.
Go on and put this on the table.
No, we agreed to pay for it months ago.
Yeah, I know we agreed on it.
I also know that
church has had they hand
in my pocket ever since I could walk.
- I don't ask you for much.
- I know that.
I don't ask where you
be at half the time
- or what you be up to.
- I know. I know.
All I ask is that you provide a
legitimate living for this family.
You pay your tithes,
and you have your behind in
that pew 9:00 a.m. on Sunday.
Faye, now, I'm sorry I was late.
I really am. But ain't nothing
I can do about that now.
I was out there handling
business, big business.
Business that required my attention,
and it's gonna require my funds.
- Unfortunately, that roof will have to wait.
- What business?
I'm throwing a party.
I'm throwing a party that's gonna
go down after that Ali fight.
You must really think I just
fell off the turnip truck.
Ain't nobody said nothing
about you falling off no truck
and nothing like that.
Faye, Faye, listen, this
ain't what you think.
I'm talking about throwing
a high-class business affair
with all the top businessmen,
from all over the country that's
gonna come down here after the fight.
And how'd you come to
know these businessmen?
Through Silky, that's how I know 'em.
Silky Brown? Who you was pushing
drugs with back in the day?
Silky ain't doing that
stuff, he done went legit,
- just like me.
- I got you, Gwen!
Hey, y'all go on and wash up, now.
Hey! Hey, do what your mother said.
Faye, Silky is the assistant
to one of the top businessmen
out there in New York.
He about to put a million
dollars into this city.
After he do that, he
gonna need a handler.
That's my play. I'm the handler.
- I'm the man.
- You?
That's what I do. That's my play.
Faye, see, you not
listening to me. Faye.
Faye. Now listen to me, Faye, please.
Now you know damn well ever
since I got out that joint,
I've been working.
I've been working hard to
earn your hand as a man.
And earn your love, right?
Now, this one here is the one that
can put me on top, and I feel it.
I feel it. I know it is, and I want it.
I want it for us.
- No drugs.
- No. What? Come on, Faye.
- It ain't got to do nothing with no drugs.
- And no girls.
My girl right here.
- Are you not my girl?
- Mmm-hmm.
- I'm your girl.
- There you go. Say it one more time for me.
- I'm your girl.
- All right, my girl.
That's what you are.
My girl.
I'mma square it with the pastor.
- Call them kids.
- All right.
All right, I love you.
Hey, come on.
We takin' down Ali?
- We guarding him.
- Wait, are we early or something?
'Cause I only count three guys here.
I decline on general principle.
No way I'd take a bullet for that fool.
Hey, Colt,
this is the detail.
Ali is the job. Now, you
got a problem with it,
you go on down there and take
it up with the suspension board.
That's the spirit. Dismissed.
All right now, Chicken.
Listen up and listen good.
Go ahead and grab a pen, 'cause I'm
only gonna say this shit one time.
Now, Frank controls New York.
Cadillac controls New Jersey,
but they already coming.
You still need to reach out to
the rest of The Firm members.
- You understand?
- Who the hell is The Firm?
The Firm is a council of all the
top Black bosses across the nation.
Mushmouth rules Detroit.
Now, he'll snatch a car
straight off the assembly line.
- SILKY: That motherfucker's mouth
never stops moving. Don't
mean you gonna understand
a damn thing he's saying, though.
Good morning, uh, Mushmouth.
I'm calling on behalf of Frank Moten
to invite you to Frank's
party of the year.
Bunker's Cuts.
Bunker Willis controls
the South side of Chicago.
You fuck with that man and
he will chop you in two.
Derrick Patterson goes by Tex.
Cowboy-boot wearing motherfucker.
He controls everything from
Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.
This is Tex.
Missouri Slim is
holding down Kansas City.
Now, don't let his penchant for
hot presses and manicures fool you,
- because that man is a real goon.
- Slim.
I'm calling on behalf of Frank Moten.
Well, he's throwing one of
the biggest parties ever,
and he wants you there.
- You work for Frank?
- Frank lookin' to do business.
I don't need no business opportunity.
You know who the fuck you talking to?
I'm a very important man, baby.
Oh, you're precious.
Now I want you to grab as many
of the foxiest bitches as you can,
'cause The Firm's gonna want
top of the line tail. You dig?
All I need is your number. I'm
having myself a party. Hold on now!
Y'all can hear the same thing.
I'm having a stone cold groove,
and that groove ain't nothing
without the right people.
I don't know what this nigga saying.
I want some real invites printed up.
None of that scratch
that you used to doing.
- Now who the fuck this is again?
- I'm Chicken Man.
- Huh?
- It's Chicken Man!
- Chicken wing?
- It's Chicken Man!
What the fuck is a chicken man?
What kind of country name is that?
I don't do no poultry.
Party got one rule.
- No guns.
- TEX: I gots to have my pistol.
I'm faster than Sammy
Davis Jr, motherfucker.
I bathe with my piece.
Guns are too impersonal.
I prefer the blade.
I hate to tell you this,
but there ain't gonna be
no knives either, okay?
This here is a networking opportunity.
That's how you got to
look at it. All right?
It's time for you to
goddamn get around some folk
that you ain't normally around.
Just tell me what time to show up.
And it better not be in no chicken coop.
Fuck this up with The Firm, and you can
kiss your pie in the sky dream of
being Frank's man in Atlanta goodbye,
'cause you'll be dead.
God damn it.
- Senator. Senator Johnson.
- JOHNSON: Yes. Mmm-hmm.
Now, Ali's license has
been rejected in 49 states.
Don't you think it's
dangerous to have someone
so hated in a city like Atlanta?
JOHNSON: Well, you know,
Lo, that's a great question,
and a very simple answer. Okay,
we are no longer the city of Jim Crow.
We are a vibrant, inclusive
city that's open for business.
- Great question, Lo.
Y'all can breathe now, the
Black Adonis has arrived.
Look, I'm sorry I was tardy,
but I ain't scared of a fight.
I'm a-scared of the flight.
And that plane was shaking, man.
I'm happy to see y'all.
Y'all look beautiful.
Do you think you'll be rusty
after such a long hiatus?
Mmm, I don't know
nothin' about no hiatus.
I got blackballed.
Jerry, do you feel any pressure to be
the so-called Great White Hope?
- Not at all.
- MAN: Draft dodging piece of shit!
If you hate America so much, leave!
HUDSON: Romel, get that other door.
ALI: Calm down, it's fine.
It's fine. He's entitled to his opinion.
Just like I'm entitled to mine.
Next question.
Look, that ain't gonna
be good enough, okay?
If something happens to this
man, it's gonna be on us.
This is Detective JD Hudson.
- He's gonna take good care of you.
- Mr. Clay.
Mr. Ali. I'm sorry.
"Mr. Clay."
Ain't that somethin'.
Now I done been called "Cassius,"
I done been called "Clay."
I done even been called "Boy."
But never in my life have
I been called "Mr. Clay."
Especially by no real live
Black policeman in Dixie.
Oh, and, uh, Mr. Clay? That's my father.
You call me Ali.
How y'all doin'? Y'all alright?
(SOFTLY) Let's go.
We are here at Morehouse College,
the mecca of Black excellence.
We got Black excellence everywhere.
- We got future doctors, lawyers, politicians.
This is greatness here.
I ain't never seen
nothin' this beautiful.
This many beautiful Black people?
It must have taken the prettiest
man alive to get them here.
Y'all got women here now.
When's the last time
y'all had women over here?
- Romel! Romel!
- Whoa, whoa, hey, hey!
- Hold on. What's your problem?
You pigs are always looking
for a reason to fuck with us.
Everybody stay back! Come
on, let's keep moving.
- Keep moving? I'm the Champ. These are my people.
- HUDSON: Paul, get this guy.
Ali! Ali! Ali! Ali!
You hear 'em? You don't
know nothing about nothing.
Go on, please!
- ALI: I'm the Champ!
HUDSON: It's a logistical
nightmare, Chief.
Now all you give me is two
rookies and a And a burnout.
How are we supposed to protect this man?
You had a rough day, Huddie.
- It happens to the best of
- It ain't about having a rough day, chief.
- I need more resources.
- Well, I can't do that.
- More men!
- I can't get you more men. My hands are tied.
What's really happening here, Chief?
Is this some kind of a punishment?
A reprimand?
I'm telling you, he stays in Atlanta,
I can't keep him safe.
Huddie, do you remember the day
I swore you into the department?
- Like it was yesterday. 1948.
- Mmm.
I believe the words you used
were "as a nigger police."
I I know.
But it was a good day
for the department.
And after Dr. King's assassination,
we can't afford another colored
hero going down on our watch.
Now, look, I know this detail
is a shit sandwich, I get it.
But I need you on this one, Huddie.
You're the only one I can
trust with this assignment.
All right,
we do this thing, we
got to do it my way.
There he is. You found
it. Welcome to the cottage.
Listen, the Champ is gonna
be in the main bedroom.
Everybody else, I've
got cots in the garage.
Come on in. Make yourselves at home.
(CHUCKLES) Come on in.
If the press find out why I'm
here, they gonna have a field day.
HUDSON: Better than
an assassin's bullet.
Look here, Officer Mayberry.
I know you supposed to be
in charge of my security,
but you really think bringing me
up here with these sticks and ticks
- is gonna keep me safe?
- Detective Hudson.
I didn't hear you. You say somethin'?
Detective Hudson.
That's my name, son. Just
thought I'd clear that up for you.
JOHNSON: Gentlemen. Gentlemen, please.
Now, listen, as long
as Ali win on the 26th,
ain't nobody gonna care where
you slept on the 25th. Huh?
You're one smooth brother, Senator.
Smooth, man. Smooth as the peanut
butter on my sandwich this morning.
Take notes, Detective
Don't you let us down, Detective.
(SCOFFS) Uh-huh.
You see how it's like grass
right here, but then it get brown?
I want the grass to flow
through the goddamn yard.
Chicken, what you want me
to do about it today, huh?
You know what helps
grass turn green? Water.
- Uh, meat delivery.
- What kind of meat is that?
I got chicken cutlets, I got prime ribs.
That's going to Charlene in
the kitchen. Come this way.
- Charlene, he got the cutlet.
- Yeah.
- You can't throw no party for niggas with no seafood.
- Don't do it now.
- Don't do it now.
- Don't do it with the grass, then.
- WOMAN: Chicken.
- CHICKEN MAN: Peaches, hey baby. You look good.
One second. Uh, where y'all goin'?
Oh, we're the painters, ma'am.
We just came here to
drop off some paint.
- All right. Keep that shit down there.
- Yeah.
- Thank you, Mama.
- I ain't yo' mama, Jack.
Hey, Mrs. Jenkins, now I'm
sorry for all the commotion.
We're just doing a little
spring cleaning, that's all.
It's October, nigga.
Yeah, we just getting a
head-start, Mrs. Jenkins.
This is a classy neighborhood.
- Yes, ma'am.
- You best not be running no party house,
- or I'll call the authorities.
- No need to do any of that.
Damn it, Maxine.
Hey, baby.
Baby, what'd I tell you?
Huh? You got to slow down now.
But you better hurry up
over here and give me a kiss.
I missed you, Daddy. (KISSES)
- CHICKEN MAN: You got everything?
- MAXINE: Everything.
Then go on and get it. God damn it!
So, can I get one of you strong
brothers to help a sister out?
What she Hey, hey,
why she got to ask y'all?
- Come on, man.
- MAXINE: Don't hurt yo'self.
God damn it, everybody
not focused around here.
That's my cousin.
- On my mother's side, we
- Mm-hmm.
Go in the house, Mrs. Jenkins. Goddamn!
ULYSSES: Last thing I wanna do on
my day off is drive niggas around.
Especially live ones.
Should've asked for 100 bucks.
Yeah, well, you didn't. You
asked for 50, and a deal's a deal.
- The fuck is Ulysses doing here?
- He driving.
Oh, hell no. I
- Chicken, I know this ain't what I think it is.
- What?
It's for the families. Ain't
no dead bodies ridin' in there.
Well, that's gonna change
real quick if Frank finds out.
Ulysses, hit the bricks.
Chicken, you're driving.
You know what? I'm taking
my ass to Waffle House.
- Have my shit back in one piece, hear?
- I hear you.
- Where your ride at?
- Parked out front.
Hit me with the keys. Come on.
I got the broads, you got
the swinging dicks. All right?
What you gonna do?
You wanna introduce me?
Hey, you just need to shut
the fuck up, and drive.
Get down ♪
Paid the cost to be the boss ♪
Paid the cost to be the boss ♪
I've paid the cost to be the boss ♪
Look at me ♪
Know what you see ♪
See a bad mother ♪
Look at me ♪
SILKY: Mr. Moten, gentlemen,
I trust y'all had a smooth flight.
I want to welcome y'all to Atlanta.
I want to say, uh, Mr. Cadillac,
Mr. Lamar, of course Mr. Moten,
listen, whatever you gentlemen
need while you're here in Atlanta,
- I'm your man.
- CADILLAC: And who are you?
You our party host?
Yes, sir.
Mr. Chicken Man?
Guilty as charged, yeah.
Know what you see ♪
See a bad mother ♪
expected his ass to cluck.
I got that for you, Mr. Moten. Please.
CADILLAC: Chicken Man don't cluck.
We're going to the Hyatt, right?
We gotta make a stop first.
Okay, yeah.
MAN 1: Hey, hey. I didn't
know y'all was in town.
You know, you need anything
while you're here, I'm your man.
Whatever it is you need done, I
can get it done for you, Mr. Moten.
You want me to put on some music?
- I like the quiet.
- MAN 2: I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
- LAMAR: Yo, hey, sit your ass down!
Can't steal with no fingers.
CADILLAC: (CHUCKLES) There you go.
Now the Hyatt.
FRANK: When I was a kid, I lived
in the country with my grandparents.
One of my favorite things
to do, dig in the dirt.
Whether I was in the
field with my grandfather,
or in the garden with my grandma.
The first time I dug deep
enough to hit red clay,
Big Daddy told me I had dug
down to the devil's front door.
Scared the shit out of me. (LAUGHING)
Well, I told Big Mama, she said,
"Oh, boy, he just playin' with you.
"But that clay is red because it's mixed
with the blood of our ancestors.
That mean this land belong to us."
That Georgia red clay is our birthright.
And it's our obligation to cultivate,
and protect it.
This land we standing on,
belong to us.
I had no idea you was
from these parts, man.
Well, not here, but Brunswick,
down the Georgia coast.
Back then, (SCOFFS)
Atlanta might as well
have been the moon.
CADILLAC: What you
think about the moon now?
You call me Neil Armstrong.
I'm about to plant me and
Big Mama's motherfucking flag.
So you accessory to
a murder now, Chicken?
I ain't got nothin' to
do with no murder. See,
what it was, it was a loyalty test.
Okay? You know what I
did? I sat there, unfazed.
I looked them all right in the
goddamn eye. You know what Frank did?
Frank looked at me goddamn back.
I passed that test, that's what I did.
- He trusts me.
- So you a gangster now, huh?
Nigga, you won't even own a gun.
What's with you and these goddamn
guns? What I need a gun for?
'Cause you think that damn mouth
gonna get you out of a jam every time.
- Don't work like that, Jack.
- Ain't I protect you all the time?
Hmm? Hmm? Haven't?
- Huh? Huh?
- Come on Chicken, stop!
- Yeah, yeah, I ain't protect you?
- Cut it out!
- I pop that every morning for you.
- No, whatever.
Move before you get burned.
- Puttin' on a show in this goddamn kitchen.
VIVIAN: Always running your mouth.
You expecting somebody?
The fuck are you?
Is that all the cheese you gonna shred?
And where the rest of the
collard greens? Y'all moving so
- CHICKEN MAN: He ain't say nothin' to me, man.
- Chicken?
What we doing?
No, no, no, hold on! No,
no! Get your hands off me!
Now what's going on, baby? Talk
to me, tell me what's going on?
He said nothing to me, man.
Shit. Hold on, man.
I am Javi Lopez.
You must be the infamous Chicken Man.
- Hey.
You a student of geography?
No. Not, not really, no.
Florida y Georgia are neighbor state.
Where I'm from, when a
neighbor wanna throw a party,
he gets permission from
all the other neighbors
to not cause a disturbance.
Your party is the talk
of Miami, mi hermano.
That's what it's about.
Baby, here's what I'll do.
I can reach out to my bosses,
have my bosses reach out
to you, get you an invite.
And we get this all squared away.
I don't want no invitation,
you know. (SCOFFS)
I want a little neighborly courtesy.
Okay, so whatever you need, I
I'll square it away, I got it.
- It's settled.
- Okay.
After the party, you pay me.
Fifty percent I think,
is more than fair.
Fifty percent of what?
Come on, man. (SPLUTTERS)
Now, cut the job, now.
I just got shook down by
goddamn Ricky fucking Ricardo.
He put me in the back of
the car and everything.
Did he have Lucy's fine ass with him?
Cadillac, look, maybe
you can help me out? Huh?
Talk to Frank, maybe have
Frank go talk to Javi.
Why the fuck would Frank wanna do that?
Hey, it's your party, it's your problem.
God damn it, Silky. You know I'm
putting up my own money for this.
Okay? Now, I go pay
this Puerto Rican man,
and then another goon come out and
and want me to do the
same damn thing again?
Welcome to the big leagues, brother.
CADILLAC: Yeah, maybe you need to
rustle up some extra chicken feed.
- CADILLAC: I don't know.
Mon dieu.
- Yeah.
- LOLA: Excuse me.
Would you happen to have Cool Breeze?
We don't have that brand here, sorry.
- LOLA: Thanks.
- CADILLAC: That broad is a dead ringer for Lola Falana.
- That is Lola Falana.
- Nigga, please.
Frank will lose his mind
if he find out she here.
Frank a fan?
CADILLAC: Frank love that bitch.
He'd walk through hell
with gasoline drawers on,
just to drink her bathwater.
SILKY: He had me fly all the way to LA
just to get a personal
print of Lola Colt.
So, uh
So, you're telling me that if I
give Frank an introduction with Lola
that maybe, uh maybe he'll
help me settle this Javi situation?
Hell, you do that, Frank
might know you alive.
Um, I overheard you downstairs
at the bar looking for these.
So I went and went
and grabbed them for you.
You work for the hotel?
No, no, no. I just, uh
I just like taking care of people.
I'm Gordon. I'm sorry,
I'm Gordon Williams.
Are you attending the fight, Gordon?
Yeah, yeah, I mean, I wouldn't
I wouldn't miss it for the world.
- You?
- I am.
Okay. Uh, excuse me, I'm sorry.
Just a question. It's
gonna sound crazy, I know.
But a business partner
of mine, a real good man,
he's a huge fan, loves you to death.
We're downstairs having a drink.
It would mean the
world if you could just
kind of stop down there and show face.
- He'll go crazy.
- The answer is no.
- No? Yeah, long shot.
- Mmm. Mmm-hmm.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, okay.
Uh, wait. Uh, last thing.
I just want to tell you that
you were amazing in Lola Colt.
You saw Lola Colt?
- You don't believe I saw Lola Colt?
- No.
I'm a huge Lola Colt
Okay, all right. Um
"And it's true.
In Atlanta, they call me El Diablo.
Let me ask you Do I
look like the devil to you?"
"You know, the devil appears
in many forms to all of us."
- Wow.
That's it. I mean, that's amazing.
That's it. I'm just a sucker for
Westerns, and you just blew me away.
- Hey.
- Uh, yeah?
Eight o'clock?
HUDSON: I don't know if I told you,
but my granddaddy used to bring
me up to this lake to go fishing.
Catfish and crappie.
Forgot how quiet it was.
It's it's too quiet.
How's Ali doing?
He on his best behavior.
Ain't that many people out here
for him to run his mouth to.
Well, he a different guy when
he out of the lights, you know?
A little more to himself.
You know, quiet.
I mean, he's still Ali.
Oh yeah, yeah, I like the way that look.
It sounds like you're warming to him.
The man clearly ain't no coward.
I mean, he takes his life into his hands
every time he steps in that ring, but
can't square it somehow.
Ain't like it's just a white man's war.
There's Black boys dying
over there in the fields, too.
I just don't understand
why he can't fight for them.
I can't speak for the man, JD.
- Why don't you ask him yourself?
Code red, Romel. Romel, get up!
- Right there!
BOY: I'm gonna kill you, nigger!
- Detective!
- Take cover, Romel!
Do not fire unless you're fired upon!
BOY: Get out of Georgia tonight!
Or you're gonna end up like
your buddy, Martin Luther coon!
- ROMEL: Son of a bitch!
They're throwing eggs, Romel!
- I told you not to shoot.
- I'm sorry, boss.
Go back in the house, god damn it!
- MAN: Guess we're out of it now.
- HUDSON: Shit!
You know, I wonder how long it
would take a nigga to hit the ground
from way up here.
Last time, it took about nine seconds.
But I ain't never dropped no nigga
from this high before, though.
Yeah, that shit they talk
about you having a heart attack
before you hit the pavement,
that's a fucking myth.
That nigga Silas, he
screamed the whole way down.
CADILLAC: Hell, Chicken Man
keep Frank waiting any longer,
he gonna find out tonight.
- Hey, you made it.
- Blame my agent.
(CHUCKLES) That man can talk.
Oh. You look absolutely breathtaking.
- Thank you.
- Um, okay, so look,
I want to introduce you
to my business associate
I was telling you about.
His name is Frank, he a really
good cat. He really adores you.
Hey, uh, Frank?
I want to introduce you to Lola Falana.
Miss Falana, pleasure's all mine.
Thank Gordon here.
He made this whole thing happen.
CHICKEN MAN: Oh, no, no, no.
Well, look, I don't want to be in
the way, so I'm gonna go on and get.
Y'all need anything, please
let me know. I'm your man.
- Uh, Gordon?
- Yeah?
That little problem of yours,
ease your mind, I'm gonna handle it.
Everything's copacetic.
I appreciate you, Mr. Moten.
FRANK: Thank you so much
for accepting my invitation.
- MAN: Oh, we're going right now.
- ALI: How can it be my headache
when You know what, man, hey,
let me go hear what he got to say.
- MAN: Fine, but don't ask him again
Uh, so the sheriff caught up
with them boys down the road away.
One of them saw you boxing
on the dock down there, and
Oh, so this is my fault?
Well, you're the one who brought
me out here, away from my people.
- And now you trying to tell me this is my fault?
- I'm not telling you that.
If anything, it's my fault.
I'm just telling you what they told me.
Them boys will probably just get
suspended from school tomorrow.
Have to pick up trash off the
side of the road one Saturday
- or something.
- That ain't my jurisdiction, man.
You had them in your sights.
- Why ain't you fire?
- Because they had eggs.
All right? I got bullets.
I'm more famous than
the damn president of
- the United States of America.
- Please.
I should have the National
Guard protecting me.
Instead, I get saddled with
the Black Andy Griffith.
Yeah, well, I live in the real
world, okay? With real rules
Well, you're real lucky my brothers
from the Nation wasn't guarding me.
'Cause you'd have three body
bags outside on that lawn.
- Oh, well then, you lucky.
I lost three years,
'cause I didn't want to go
kill for king and country.
Every time I step out of my
damn house, I'm in danger.
What the fuck do you think
I've been doing out here
- for the last 20 years?
- Playing overseer!
Well, if you don't like the
service that we're providing,
feel free to go to the senator
and tell him you want
to back out the fight.
ALI: All right, boys.
Y'all know it's past my bedtime.
Let's get some sleep.
I got a white boy to knock out tomorrow.
ALI: I'm good, man. Leave
me. I've got it, man.
Just give me a minute, man.
WOMAN: Oh, my God, it's Liz!
MAN: Over here, brother!
WOMAN: It's Aretha Franklin! Oh, my God!
Oh, come on, Faye.
Hey, Faye!
Faye, where my goddamn drawers at?
- FAYE: Gordon, I told you, they in the hamper.
- In the hamper?
In the goddamn hamper? Hold on.
Come on, Faye, I can't
Faye, I can't wear no goddamn
long johns to the fight now.
FAYE: And why not? Ain't
nobody gonna see 'em.
God damn it.
Hey Hey, see
You seen my cufflinks?
HUDSON: Hey, Colt, I want
you posted in the upper deck.
See something strange, give
us two squawks on the walkie.
And keep your eyes open for flares.
Could be light bouncing off a scope.
If I see a shooter,
what good's a walkie?
If you see a shooter, and you got a
Hey, Silky.
He gonna go handle the
Javi situation for me?
Man, be cool.
Hang back.
Why you squeezing poor
Chicken Man so hard, Javi?
He's just a small-timer
trying to make a buck.
El Señor Chicken throw big party
in my backyard
and doesn't invite me. (LAUGHS)
Miami about 600 miles from Atlanta.
And you're a long way from New York.
Why you messing with my business?
Did you know, this party Chicken
Man is throwing is in my honor?
- I did not know.
- Well, now you do.
And that 50% you're trying to
squeeze out of the yard bird
is coming out of my pocket.
No, no.
I didn't know aquel
pollito worked for you.
Tonight he does.
So, we good?
Absolutamente, hermano.
It's okay.
It's okay.
You know
perhaps next time you want
to do business down here,
you reach out, you know?
Talk to me.
A little neighborly courtesy.
Like I said, you're a
long way from New York.
See you at the party.
PARTYGOER: Let's get this party going.
MAN 1: Big Tex is in the House.
WOMAN: Can we get some
more chips through here?
Stunnin', just like my
hoes, they keep coming back.
- On the move.
- MAN (OVER RADIO): Copy that.
Look at all these goddamn people.
- We ain't got no clear lane.
- Yeah, and neither would a shooter.
Look, I told you about this, man!
- How you supposed
- Hold on, hey, hey.
- Just get in the damn ring
- Hey! Hey!
Hudson leads the way.
Come on, Detective. After you.
All right, tight
circle around the Champ.
Each man put a hand on
the man in front of you
and do not stop moving. Let's go.
Fuck you, Ali.
HUDSON: Get him out of here!
This way, this way, this way.
CROWD: (CHANTING) Ali! Ali! Ali! Ali!
CHICKEN MAN: Hey, baby, listen to this.
That Javi situation? It's settled.
Frank took care of
the whole thing for me.
(GASPS) Oh, thank you, Jesus!
Hey, how's the party?
Black Vegas, just like
you said. Hold on, baby.
Go on in the back and make sure
that keg of beer's back there.
(EXHALES) Oh, you did it, baby.
We did it, you hear me?
Gots to admit, I ain't think
you was gonna pull it off.
Yeah, well, I want you
to go on and get ready.
This here's gonna be a night
that we ain't never gonna forget.
Papa was a rollin' stone ♪
Wherever he laid
his hat was his home ♪
And when he died ♪
All he left us was alone ♪
Oh, Papa was a rollin' stone ♪
My son, yeah ♪
Wherever he laid
his hat was his home ♪
And when he died ♪
All he left us was alone ♪
This is Joy. Who is this?
Hey, baby, it's me. Put
your momma on the phone.
JOY: Daddy.
What's wrong?
Nothing, baby. I'm just, uh
I just wanted to call and tell
you good night, that's all.
You can't hustle me. What is it?
I don't know.
You know, I'm, uh
I just feel like
everything is lining up.
After everything. You
know, after all the moves
and all the hustles and the big ideas,
I just feel like this one here is
This is it, you know?
And I want it, Faye. But
then, at the same time,
I'm thinking to myself,
like, what if it's not?
Well, you know, doubt
is the devil's drug.
- And faith is the elixir.
- Amen.
Folks say Papa never
was much on thinking ♪
Spent most of his time
chasing women and drinking ♪
Momma, I'm depending on you ♪
To tell me the truth ♪
Momma looked up with a tear
in her eye and said, "Son ♪
Papa was a rolling stone ♪
Well, well, well, well ♪
Wherever he laid
his hat was his home ♪
And when he died ♪
All he left us was alone ♪
Papa was a rolling stone ♪
Wherever he laid
his hat was his home ♪
And when he died ♪
All he left us was alone ♪
I say, yeah ♪
- Papa was a rolling stone ♪
- Yes, he was, my son ♪
Wherever he laid
his hat was his home ♪
And when he died ♪
All he left us was alone ♪
My daddy was ♪
Yes, he was, yeah ♪
- MAN 1: Everybody get on the fucking ground!
Get on the fucking ground!
MAN 2: Do what the fuck I say! Get down!
Next Episode