Finding Ola (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Finding a reason for what has passed.

Hi, I'm back!
Hisham. I married him, you know?
Of course I married him. Right?
And we have
two beautiful children.
There's Nadia, my girl.
And Salim. Not Selim. Salim, okay?
I'm very happy. Really.
I mean, what else does a woman want
in her life? Nothing. Mmm.
But of course, there are all the tiny
little issues of everyday life, and
I don't understand.
Why do we celebrate Salim's birthday
at his other grandma's house?
I love her. God bless her.
Of course she's here with me.
Where else would she be?
My dear, supportive mother.
Mom! That's becaue
Hisham can't say no to his mother.
Why don't you go a little faster?
We can't always be laid back and relaxed
and take our sweet time
with everything we do.
-What do you mean, laid back?
Just because I'm not as stressed as you.
I like to take my time.
When the birthday party's
at your mother's, I have to be stressed.
Okay? Right, Mom? Huh?
Didn't I tell you?
Everything is under control.
Everything is under control.
Honey, you're getting hunchback
from bending over your phone.
-Salim, listen to me.
-Listen. Listen.
-Mom, you do realize where we're going?
So let's just stick together.
-Not give our enemies the satisfaction.
-You need to listen more.
Okay, come on.
-Hi, Gehad. How are you doing?
-She's still alive, obviously.
-Stop it.
-How are you, Gehad?
-Hi, Mother.
-Hisham, my baby! I've missed you so much!
-Hi, Mom. How are you doing?
-Mwah! You good?
I'm fine.
-Why do you look pale?
-Mom, I'm not pale. Everything's fine!
-Don't worry. I'm fine.
-My mother-in-law.
That's Nazly, "The Mona Lisa".
She's convinced her son married me
because he couldn't find someone like her.
And for 13 years now,
I've been trying to copy her style.
It's not working. It's not.
And it's exhausting, you know?
That's it, that's it. Blow them out.
Come on. Let's take a picture.
-Happy birthday, honey.
-Wait, Ola.
Okay. Hmm.
Come here, Hisham.
Hey, H, I have to tell you,
the grilled meat is delicious.
We should call you "Dr. Chef" from now on.
Now you know
what an amazing friend you have.
Mmm, and who's the actual chef?
The one barbecuing, or the one
who spent three days marinating the meat?
This is the same recipe we used to have
at your friend's restaurant, remember?
But instead of going there all the time
and paying a fortune,
I got the recipe from the chef,
and now I make it at home.
Only on special occasions, because
meat is not good for him, right, honey?
I season it with garlic, soy sauce,
and what else? Olive oil, orange juice.
And there's one more ingredient,
but I'm not going to say what it is.
'Cause that's my little secret.
-You're a full-time mom and housewife.
So everything has to be homemade.
You even made Nadia's medicine yourself,
didn't you?
That's the first stage.
Bet you wanna see what's happening next.
You really think she'll compliment me,
then leave it at that?
It seems homemade nowadays
-is just garlic and orange juice.
-Mm-hm. Hmm!
Where's your ambition, Ola?
Soha, Hisham's cousin.
She loves going around
bursting other people's bubbles.
Especially mine.
Well, Soha, you can't have it all,
can you, huh?
You chose to have a career,
I chose to raise a family,
and honestly, I have no regrets.
See, if I had a career going on
while I was raising my kids,
how would I be able to know them
as well as I do?
-Here, honey.
-I've been vegan for two years.
I know that. I know, sweetie.
It's not for you. It's for your brother.
Salim. Take it to him.
Take it to him.
Also, they learn good manners from me.
This level is mine! I'm kicking your ass!
But, honey, having a career
or not having a career,
what matters is that you take good care
of your home and your husband.
I mean, it doesn't make sense
for him to have a heart attack,
when he isn't even 45 years old yet!
But who saved him, Nazly?
Just imagine if he'd had the heart attack
while she was at work!
Some of this?
Watch your head.
Okay, here's the key right here.
Let's see. You just take these.
You take this.
That's it. And you takeke this.
That's it.
Brush your teeth,
and no playing games on your phones.
Happy birthday, honey!
Wait, let me help you with these.
It's bad enough your mother actually
thinks I gave you a heart attack.
It's okay, just ignore her.
She's sensitive after the surgery.
-Leave these, I'll take them later.
-She's sensitive
-Does that mean I'm the insensitive one?
-I didn't say that, honey.
I don't get it!
Why would you even have a heart attack,
when I'm taking care of all your needs?
I make sure you sleep well, eat well
-No stress
-Are you listening to yourself?
Are you seriously blaming me?
No, I'm not,
but I'm terrified too, by the way!
You've been terrified all your life.
Does she realize what could
happen to me if something happened to you?
You're not the center of the universe.
I know I'm not the center of the universe.
All too well!
If I was, would your mother even dare
talk to me like that?
I mean, I do everything
just to please her! Everything!
And when she says it was my fault,
you say nothing? That's too much!
I can't believe you've been talking about
my mother ever since we left her house!
-I have no idea how to make her love me!
-Ola, listen!
I can't do this anymore.
-There's meat in here. I'll carry it
-Who cares about the meat?
Our marriage is the problem.
I want a divorce.
They're sleeping.
I told them that I'm going away on a trip.
Let's just wait a few days,
then give them the news together.
Don't you have anything to say?
Why, Hisham?
What have I done?
Come on, just just tell me.
You've done nothing.
The tell me why Why? What is it?
Okay, just stay. Stay, and
I'll do what you want. I'll change. I'll
I won't say bad things
about your mother ever again.
-I promise, I won't
-Ola, I'm not happy anymore.
You're not happy?
And who is happy, then?
Why should we bother ourselves
with existential questions?
Who's happy? Tell me, when was
the last time you even saw a happy person?
I was.
You were, too. Remember your old self?
No, I don't.
I don't. All I remember is that
we got married and we made a family.
-A family. Remember what a family is?
I mean, this is a chair, this is a lamp,
and this This is our family.
Ola, I had a heart attack
at the age of 45.
I'm gonna need
to change something in my life.
So I'm the thing that needs to be changed?
You said nothing today
because you agree with your mother.
You really think I was the cause
of your heart attack, Hisham?
Okay, give me these.
You're not taking anything out of here.
These are staying,
and you're not sleeping here tonight.
Go and make her happy
with the great news.
Go spend the night at your mother's!
Get out, Hisham!
Wait right there!
You forgot the motorcycle contract
that was in your underwear drawer!
Mr. Smartass!
I hope you'll find happiness
while riding it.
Mom? Are you still sleeping?
Mommy, when is Daddy coming back?
I don't know.
Please close the door, honey.
Mom, we're late for school.
Not now, Mom. Not now.
Look at that stupid big smile!
So I guess he's unhappy,
just like you are.
You're unhappy.
He knew that.
Yes, he knew that.
Good morning, anti-depression pill.
Yeah. Yeah, that's it. That's it.
We argued, one thing led to the next,
and things got out of control.
Yeah, I know, every couple
goes through ups and downs,
but, I mean,
it's been going on for too long.
It's been a week now.
I don't know.
-What do you think we should do, Mother?
There's no "we".
I can't interfere
with something like that.
Now she can't?
Sure, I understand.
But the kids are starting to notice.
I mean, I don't know what to tell them.
Hisham is a man, Ola. He has a right
to be happy. I can't pressure him.
How cold!
Okay. Okay, Mother.
Let's just hope he doesn't hurt himself
on that motorcycle he bought
to feel young again.
And let's hope he doesn't end up
like his cousin Khaled, God rest his soul.
Remember him? Remember?
Remember how the motorcycle
got totally crushed on the asphalt? Yeah.
Ugh. Give me a couple of days
and I'll see what I can do.
Okay, Mother. Sounds good.
I'll call you.
No, I'll check back with you. Okay.
I miss you, by the way!
Bye-bye, Mother. Bye.
Mommy, the internet's out!
Yes, honey, I know it is.
-The power's off.
-Dad forgot to recharge the card.
-Card? What card?
-The electricity card, Mom!
Right. I'll just put the eggs
Why don't you call Daddy and ask him?
I almost beat the level.
His phone's off, dummy.
I'll find it. I will.
Why should we bother your dad
with these small details?
There it is, there!
See? Yes. Fine. Let's go.
We'll be late for school.
-Good morning.
-Good morning, Zeina.
Good morning.
Your sandwiches are with Nadia, okay?
The bread was burnt the last couple
of times. I thought you should know.
Really? If it was burnt,
why'd you eat Salim's sandwiches too?
-I wanted to check for myself.
-Look, you forgot to pack them.
-I was complaining about burnt ones
Now I have nothing.
Hang on.
Don't spend it on junk food. No chips.
-What about me?
Okay. Bye. Bye.
That's Kamilia. Her official job
is Head of Student Affairs.
Her actual job
is bullying the parents of her students.
-My dear Kamilia!
-I tried to call you more than once,
but you wouldn't answer.
-We've a serious situation to talk about.
What situation? What do you mean?
Who told you about the situation?
It's a temporary, anyway.
If there's a situation,
-it's only temporary.
-Of course it's temporary.
-You're clearly in a hurry.
-Yes, very much!
How about we talk a bit more
on Parents' Day next week?
Yes, sure, let's talk on Parents' Day?
-Next week?
-Sure. I'm ready.
-I'll be waiting.
Hey, Ola! Ola!
-Hey, ma'am. What's going on?
-Do you know if anyone's home, Saleh?
-Why doesn't the doorbell work?
-Actually, Mrs. Abdel Sabour is inside.
-But the power is out.
She gave me her card
-and told me to recharge it for her.
Mm Yes, coming!
I'm coming!
Hi, Mom!
I'm sorry, I was sleeping.
Are you pregnant?
Congratulations, ma'am!
Congrats! Good for you!
What made you think that I'm pregnant?
You must be.
Whenever I call, you say you're sleeping.
Your house is a mess.
You're eating the kids' food, and you look
like you're mad at your husband.
I'm so glad! I kept telling you,
"Have a third child!
Have a third! A third!"
But you were so stubborn about it!
At last, you're now expanding your family.
Congratulations, my dear.
I'm not. I'm not.
You're not?
What is it, then?
I'm getting divorced.
This is a nightmare!
A nightmare! Oh, my head!
You must be kidding!
Should I get you some sugar water?
Why are you getting divorced?
Why, Ola?
What did you do?
I mean, Hisham is a perfect husband!
Why would he leave you? Tell me!
I didn't do anything! It wasn't me.
I did nothing wrong, Mom! Trust me.
He came to me out of the blue
and said he wanted a divorce.
Apparently, he's not happy.
But tell me, how can he not be happy?
You tell me, how?
Does that mean he's been pretending
all these years? I don't get it, Mom.
But nothing is official yet, okay? Listen.
This this is all temporary.
Nothing's set in stone.
What do you think, Mom? Right?
He'll regret it and come back.
Where will he find someone like me?
Everywhere, silly!
Women are everywhere, a cheap commodity!
Temporary? Temp
By the way, I don't care if it's temporary
or all these things you're saying to me.
All I care about right now is
Why is my daughter getting divorced?
Why? Why is all this happening to me? Why?
I don't know. I'm sorry, Mom.
And there I was wondering
why your face was looking so dim!
But that's right! That's what the face
of a divorced woman looks like!
Tired and bitter, Ola!
What do I do?
What do I do now? What do I do?
Oh my God! Oh my bad luck!
My daughter!
The wife of Dr. Hisham no more.
Now she's Mrs. Nobody.
And and what am I going
to say to your brother?
How do I tell your Aunt Shukreyya?
Oh, look. Look, Ola.
Don't be scared, honey. It's okay.
-It's okay. Listen to me.
You cannot live like this.
Why, Mom? Am I missing an arm or a leg?
You're missing a man, dear. A man!
You're living without a man,
and you're fine.
Fine? What are you talking about?
What's fine?
Listen, Ola. Not another word!
I just want you to go quietly and silently
and bring Hisham to me.
What do you mean, bring him?
Carry him in a sack?
-If he doesn't want me, it's not my fault.
-So whose fault is it? Mine?
My child!
Don't you know?
It's always the wife's fault.
Do something, Ola. Just wake up
and find a way to get him back.
Damn! Okay, listen, honey.
Just think, nice and easy, just think.
-Haven't you got anything on him?
For instance, didn't he ever sign an IOU
that we can threaten him with?
-I don't know what, just do something!
Pressure him!
Use the kids, the bills, anything!
Do you want to live and die alone?
Or or marry a stranger
who will end up killing your whole family?
-Which is it?
-Uh I want to leave.
Uh, yeah I have things to do.
Uh, I still have some bills to pay,
then I gotta pick the kids from school.
Fine, I'm coming too.
I'll get some clothes to stay here
-until we can figure out this mess!
I really don't know what to do.
I just don't know!
-You like it?
Hey! Didn't I tell you
I was going to make mombar?
Why did you guys go and get takeout?
Grandma, I told you a hundred times,
I don't eat that whatchamacallit.
It's called mombar, my dear.
Mom, just let them eat whatever they want.
Thank God I have my sweet, sweet grandson.
He's inherited your dad's taste,
God rest his soul.
Your dad could eat 30 pounds of mombar
all by himself.
-When does Dad come back?
Sweetie, never speak with your mouth full.
-It's not right.
Hey, you, Zeina. I'm sorry, sweetie.
I had to take all your things
that were on the bed in Nadia's room,
that's where I'm going to sleep.
I can't sleep next to Ola.
Her snoring is really bad.
Oh, that's right! In fact
isn't your dad picking you up today?
No, Daddy isn't coming today.
He's busy. He'll be in surgery all night.
-But I can sleep next to Nadia, right?
Why don't you sleep with Salim?
I can't. He's the man of the house.
He needs privacy.
Man of the house!
Should I get you
some hot mombar, sweetie?
No, thanks.
Okay, people of the house.
I'm going to the bathroom.
Why can't you just say, "Okay"?
Agree with her!
That's how old people are,
you need to reassure them.
And saying "okay" will do that.
Well, you told me you regretted doing
that, and that I shouldn't be like you.
You told me to argue with you
and anyone who says things
that don't make sense, right?
I did say that, actually.
I never said that.
-Now, what do you want?
-Where's Daddy?
Huh? Where did he go?
-Daddy's on a trip.
-And what else?
What do you mean, what else? He's away.
Listen. I'm not a baby.
What does "away" mean?
Did you have an argument,
or are you guys separated or divorced?
-Or are you consciously uncoupling?
-Hm? Huh? What was that last one you said?
I don't think I've heard
of that type of trip before.
-Conscious what?
-Uncoupling, Mom.
It means conscious separation.
I heard it at school.
Most of my friends' parents are like that.
Most of your friends' parents
are consciously separated?
I don't know if it's conscious
or unconscious, but
Daddy wants us to separate.
Listen, I'm really sorry.
I didn't want you to find out this way.
I said to him, "We need to tell the kids,"
but he said he wasn't ready and started
analyzing his feelings, or whatever.
I'm sorry, honey.
I understand you're angry.
Nothing is going to change for you guys,
nothing, I swear.
Everything's going to change!
Someone's gonna need an extra dose today.
Right? Mm-hm.
-Good morning, honey.
-Good morning, Mom.
-Drink this, sweetie.
-No, I haven't even had my coffee yet.
-Even better!
This will quench your thirst,
and also fix things for you.
You know what? Sheikh Hmedah blessed it
himself with Al-Mu'awwidhatayn
-and all of Surat Yasin.
-What? Sheikh Hmedah?
-Well, just in case
someone cast an evil spell on you,
or gave you the evil eye or something,
-This will help you. Come on. Drink it.
-No, Mom. Stop it, please.
-Just listen to me, my child!
-Stop it, Mom!
Why not? Just listen!
Stop it, Mom!
-Slow down, child!
-I have a long day. I need to go.
It's going to be a great day!
Just take this and have a sip. Please.
Actually why not?
-That's it, that's it!
-Mm. Mm!
Thank God! Drive carefully!
-Want some?
-No, thanks. Let's go in.
-Come on.
-Yes, okay.
Okay, just ask him to wait a little bit.
I'm in a meeting right now.
-Are you sure? Want some?
-Okay, I'll call him back. I will!
-No, thank you.
I've been trying to reach
both of you for a while.
Clearly, the two of you
are both too busy for your son.
I can't give a definitive diagnosis,
I'm not a professional.
All children like to play games.
That's normal.
Among Us, Fortnite
You have to kill everyone in order to win!
But when a child becomes totally detached
from society, that's a problem.
If we don't make an intervention
with Selim
-It's Salim.
Salim If we don't make an intervention,
he can be a serious threat to society.
On a small scale, the school of course.
-Ugh. Yes?
-Hisham sighs]
It's not a big deal.
Why is he being so pushy?
Yeah? Well
-Ola! How many did you take?
-None of your business.
No. Okay, thanks.
For example, last week, he missed an exam
because he was playing a game
in the bathroom.
And then, he asked the teacher
if he could reset the exam,
because he only had one life left!
Okay Well, as you already know,
I work as a psychiatrist.
And I think you're exaggerating a bit.
The truth is that
his mother and I have split up.
We still haven't told the kids,
but my absence at home
is seriously affecting them.
And Salim is just a sensitive kid.
Mm That's what I thought.
But anyway, folks,
all this stuff is really old-school.
I mean, today,
married couples are a minority.
Most students in my class have parents
that are consciously uncoupled,
and they're just fine.
So I'm the only one
who doesn't know this term!
Right, yes, Kamilia,
but in all seriousness, you can't deny
the importance of a father's presence
in his son's daily life,
especially when he's at
Salim's critical age.
So it's extremely important, isn't it?
Help me out, woman! Be a peace-maker,
we're on the same side!
-Huh? You agree, right?
-Well, you guys, I'm really sorry.
But the school can't interfere
with personal issues of the family.
But anyway, I strongly advise you
to pay attention to Selim.
And also, doctor, I'm sure you can find
some specialists to help him?
Yeah, sure.
-Thank you so much, both of you.
I really have a busy schedule today.
-Thank you.
Goodbye, guys. Have a good day.
-Come on.
Yes. Now ask that pushy guy
to come in, please.
-So, what are we going to do now?
She's really making a big deal
out of nothing, you know?
But I can talk to Sherif, and take the boy
to see him once or twice to be sure.
You actually think
this is a good solution? For real?
Sherif who
Didn't you hear what happened to your son
because of your absence?
Not to mention my poor Nadia.
-She just learned what happened
-Nadia knows?
Nadia figured it out. On her own.
I told her it was true.
I'm not lying to my daughter.
-You're not lying to your daughter?
Didn't we have an agreement?
-Didn't we agree to talk to them together?
-Did I agree?
No! I didn't agree on anything, Hisham!
-You decided that.
Just like you decided
we're getting divorced.
You never even thought about the kids.
This divorce isn't just about us.
-I don't think about my kids?
-No, you don't.
-You don't.
I'm working all day, that's why.
What's your excuse?
-What do you do all day?
You're busy orchestrating
your idea of a perfect family.
And if anyone fails to meet
your expectations or goes off script,
you just put them on trial.
You know something? You're totally toxic!
Fine, tell me that I'm toxic,
then walk away, Hisham!
-Goodbye, all.
-Say it and walk away! That's so typical!
It's so typical of you to jump ship
when it's sinking, right?
But unlike you, I keep going, Hisham!
I keep going!
And I'm telling you right now,
if I don't make you pay for all this
I'll be damned
What? Oh. Marwan.
Hello, Zeina.
Are you going with Daddy or us?
With us. Let's find the others. Bye!
Hey! What? What are you all looking at?
Didn't you hear? I'm sure you all did!
That's right, I got divorced!
"Ola got divorced? Oh, poor girl!
Ola got divorced? You're kidding!"
Of course, you're all better than me!
You're all Bravo!
Bravo! You might get cheated on,
but you'd never get dumped!
Me, on the other hand, I got dumped!
Divorced. Why? I don't know.
Up to this day, I still don't know why.
Are you filming or typing?
Or are you sending a message
to that private WhatsApp group
you guys removed me from
thinking I'm too dumb to notice?
Go ahead, keep typing! I just gave you
enough material for the next two years!
What does that mean?
It means
or something like that.
Listen, he isn't wrong.
You really are difficult, Ola.
-So where do you think I got it from?
-Not me.
Okay, but still, it's not appropriate
to say something like that in public.
You're right about that. You know what?
-Just allow him to let off steam.
By the way, your dad was just like that.
He kept it all bottled up,
then he would go crazy
and then come back
as if nothing had happened.
But Hisham isn't coming back, Mom.
-He won't.
-You know what's bothering me the most?
That he's actually right
about some things.
How could I be so oblivious
to what was going on in my house?
-Where was I?
Anyway, whatever energy I have left in me
is barely enough for me
to take care of Salim.
I'm sorry about today, Ola.
I shouldn't have said those things.
Nadia might be old enough to understand,
but Salim's situation is really tricky.
Please, don't tell him anything
before we can do it together.
I hope you haven't told him already.
Can we all meet on Friday?
And I'll tell him?
Sorry again. Please forgive me.
You became a star
after what you did today, Mommy.
I'm just relived you're not angry
with your crazy mother.
Of course I'm not angry.
I'm actually proud.
-Know what we call that WhatsApp group?
The Mummy group. The mummies!
They've been mummified with Botox.
Mummies, mommies. Good one.
That's a good name for them.
It's true.
Well, it's all his fault.
He should have never talked to you
like that. You know, I'm on your side.
It's not a war, Nadia.
We're not forcing you guys
to take any sides.
Get it?
-Do you really want to be on my side?
Go check on your brother.
I told him the bundle is expired,
so he won't flip out.
Come check on me
if I'm gone too long, promise?
I can't promise!
Well, I might as well see how it's going
with that other mummy. The Mona Lisa.
She blocked me.
She actually blocked me.
Huh. You blocked me, Nazly?
Hmm. Hmm?
I can't believe this!
His status is "Divorced"!
That fast, Hisham?
How could you, Hisham?
And what's with all these red hearts?
What's with all these flirty comments?
Oh my God, Hisham!
And they're all women!
They're all women.
"I'm glad you're finally free!"
I can change my status too.
Nesrine Shafeeq is online.
-How are you?
-I can't believe my ears.
Did you call me by mistake,
or are you keeping a secret from Hisham?
-Are you okay?
I'm not okay.
Hisham left me, Nesrine.
I'm getting divorces.
That's the best news
I've ever heard!
Congratulations, Ms. Abdel Sabour.
Wait. Come here, Zouzou.
Stay with me. Good girl.
Nesrine Shafeeq. My friend.
She was my friend.
Till Hisham told me to stay away from her.
Anyway, Nesrine Where are you?
-So, are you back in Egypt or what?
-I'm back now.
Do you know that my dad passed away
some time ago?
I'm sorry. No, I didn't know that.
But tell me, when did that happen?
Two years ago.
But, hey, I inherited a fortune.
So I came back to spend it all in my home
town instead of somewhere else.
-You were always the fun one.
-I know I am. Unlike some other people.
Anyway, we need to see each other
so we can celebrate.
Celebrate? I said I'm getting divorces.
Here I am, I can't even sleep,
and the kids have school in the morning.
Drop them off, then let's meet.
I have to celebrate your divorce,
it's such a big deal!
I'm glad you're here again.
And when wasn't I, silly goose?
I've missed you.
I'll be waiting for you.
-Good. This will stay on for half an hour.
-Half an hour?
-Okay, thanks.
The first step after a divorce
is to dye your hair
and get a new haircut.
It's a fact, you can ask anyone.
Honestly, I was sure
this marriage wouldn't last.
I don't know how
you were able to live with him.
He's so dull. I told you so many times,
the man sucks all the energy out the room.
He used to wear a dark blue jersey!
Does anyone still wear a dark blue jersey
in the 21st century? A dark blue jersey?
Of course not. No one wears
dark blue jerseys anymore.
-Who would wear that?
-I picked out a dark blue jersey for him.
-You know what I'm really glad about?
You came out of all of this
in perfectly good health,
and that your kids took
from your side of the family, not his.
Yes, here. Yeah.
I guess you did have a point
about this whole thing, Nesrine.
I never understood why the two of you
could never stand each other. I mean, why?
I never had a problem with him except that
he didn't accept you for who you were.
He wanted to control you.
"Quit the job. Take care of the house."
"Yes, sir."
"Don't talk to Nesrine.
She's a bad influence." "Yes, sir."
But honestly, what ticked me off the most
was your behavior!
You wouldn't object to anything he'd say.
You'd just obey his orders.
And by the way, you really think
it was okay to cut ties with me
without giving me any reasons?
Let me tell you something.
I didn't come today
to see Ola, Hisham's wife.
I actually hate her,
I'm not talking to her.
I came to see Ola Abdel Sabour,
my old friend, 'cause I really missed her.
Remember her?
I'm trying. I'm trying to remember her.
Let him see that
you still look after yourself.
Right, Mom. What
I really want him to see
is that I'm moving on.
And that I'm fine now,
that I'm actually happy on my own
and that I don't care about him anymore.
I'm out of lotions.
I need to make a new batch.
That's the best thing you can do.
'Cause if you totally ignore him,
-he'll come back running like a
Mm Hmm.
Like a good husband.
-A good husband.
-Of course.
Grandma Soheir is right, though.
You should go there and make him feel like
no one from the family even needs him.
Wow, someone's planning ahead!
And how will she do that?
I think you should be
Uh What's the word?
Oh. Dressed to the nines.
-How does she know this expression?
You just made my day! Finally, something
good came out of that mouth of yours!
Well, well! What a nice gathering.
Grandma and Zeina
are smiling at each other!
Did you get a haircut?
Why, yes, I did.
-Don't you like it? Is it that bad?
-Sure, but we'll see if you get noticed.
Get noticed by whom?
I don't care if I get noticed or not.
I'm only going for your sake.
I said I'm not going.
Did you think I was kidding or something?
Besides, what else is he going to say?
I already know.
I'm sorry, Doudou,
you need to be stronger.
This is the best time to negotiate.
When Salma's parents got divorced,
she got two iPads.
And doubled her allowance.
Come on, girl! Haven't you ever heard
about emotional blackmail?
-It's your chance. Now or never.
-Emotional blackmail?
Right. Zeina is right!
Let's go hear him out. Hear him out.
I'm not asking you to do anything.
Mom, don't lie to me.
You're going because you still have hope.
And what if she does?
So what? Is that a bad thing?
Shame on you.
Instead, you should be pushing her
to go there and grovel
until he realizes he made a mistake
and comes back,
or at least to tie him up,
bring him over
and force him to stay here
for the rest of his life!
What's wrong with you?
What a generation!
-You're going.
Come here!
-How are you doing?
-I'm good.
I've missed you.
I'm watching you, by the way. Your mother
tells me everything you're doing at home.
How are you, Doudou? I've missed you.
Well, get used to it.
How are you, Ola?
I'm fine, thanks for asking.
Well done, thanks.
I want a cheeseburger!
Make that two cheeseburgers.
But remember, burger gives you heartburn
What do I care? Seriously, what do I care?
Let him get heartburn, or even reflux.
What the hell do I care at this point?
I heard they have excellent burgers here.
Really good.
Okay, kids, there's something
I wanna talk to you about.
Salim, I know you're old enough to
understand what I'm gonna tell you.
Your mother and I won't be living
together anymore. We're separating.
Is it because of what I did at school?
Of course not, Leemo.
Of course not.
This is grown-up stuff,
you'll get it when you grow up.
But but where am I going to live?
With me, of course.
Both of you will live with me.
Don't be scared, Leemo. I'm right here.
Great job, you guys.
Buddy, you'll stay with your mother,
but you can come to my place on weekends.
And whenever you need me, I'll be there.
Nothing is going to change for you guys.
Kids, could you let me talk to your mom
alone for a minute? Please?
Come on, help me out. I'm unable to tell
the boy he's gonna start therapy sessions
or why he has to go to therapy
to begin with.
We're harming the kids this way.
I know I need to apologize to you
for everything that's happened
the past few days.
But it's best to stay friends
for the sake of the kids.
If you ever need me,
you know I'm there for you
-in every way I can.
-No, you're not there.
You're not.
You're not there to recharge
the electricity card or to fix the heater.
Or to help me with Nadia's hormones,
or my mother's drama,
or Salim's issue.
I'll have to handle it on my own.
Did you ask yourself how I'm going
to manage? Even financially?
And what's even worse
is that I still don't understand why. Why?
Why are you leaving?
If you weren't happy with me,
you could've said something, warned me.
If there's something that I could change,
I would. But why leave?
I told you a hundred times.
I told you, but you took me for granted.
You thought we had a dream life.
And it is a dream life.
I'm sure it looks ideal.
A stable home,
a beautiful wife, two amazing children.
A job that pays well.
But what was happening inside?
Can you tell me?
Do you even know what I like?
-Do you know what you even like about me?
I bet you can't answer that, because
I myself don't know anymore.
-Actually, I know that perfectly well.
-Tell me.
I like that you that
-But, uh
-Ola. Ola! We became an image.
You're not really upset because I left.
You're upset because
the image you painted for us
started to look a bit ugly.
Because Hisham was braver than you
and said the truth.
I'm sure you don't have
my heartburn medication.
Unfortunately, I have it.
Leemo, Doudou!
The food is here!
Your new haircut looks beautiful.
You know, I've always wanted
to sleep on the left side of the bed. Hmm?
Aah. Oh, it's nice.
Much better here.
Dear God!
Why do you want, Nazly? What do you want?
Go to sleep, dear. Good night.
Aah! Mmm.
How nice! Mmm!
Look at all these shoes!
That's too many shoes, Hisham!
Are you Imelda Marcos?
Me and Daddy are going to Grandma Nazly's.
-What are we having for lunch?
-We're having zucchini.
Zucchini, sweetie.
You don't know what zucchini is.
See, I wasn't allowed to make it
because Daddy doesn't like it.
But starting today,
that's what we're eating.
We're going to roll in zucchini,
all of us!
-Now, go. Enjoy.
-Mm. Bye.
Wait, hang on a second.
Come here, come here.
Come here. We don't want
the man to go barefoot, now do we?
Tell Daddy Mommy says hi, she's thinking
about you, and sending a bag of shoes.
-Okay, sweetie. Bye.
No! Wait! Wait a second! Here, Salim.
Take this, sweetie.
I almost forgot this.
Kiss Grandma Nazly for me.
Open the bag, will you?
Kiss her really hard for me and tell her,
"Mommy sent you this
because it belongs to you."
Okay? Don't forget to tell Grandma
I said hi, and that we're having zucchini.
This will teach the woman to block me!
Whoa, it's really crowded!
There's no available
It's never been this empty.
Come on, let's find a place to sit.
You're supposed to shake your body
when you pass through the dance floor.
Dance. Dance!
I think I see a spot. Just stay here.
-There's only one chair.
-I'll find a place to sit!
-I'm going to sit. I'm tired.
-What would you like to drink?
-You know I don't drink.
-Oh my God. You're so boring!
-Wait here, I'll find a chair.
-Hmm. Yeah.
-I want to leave.
Let me just ask those two women
if I can have a chair.
-Don't get kidnapped while waiting!
Ha, ha.
-Come on. I found a place.
Ah! Just come with me.
-Come on!
-No! We don't know them.
-Sh. Not a word.
I'm Nesrine, and this is Ola.
-Pako, Kooky.
-Kooky, hi.
You guys come here often?
-All the time. We love it here.
-You've never been here before?
-I love it here.
I bet you are both single, because
you two look fun, beautiful, and happy!
Stop that's rude.
-Come on! Do people still get married?
-Oh, sure!
They have these big expensive weddings,
and they get divorced 15 minutes later!
-Yeah! Remember?
-Oh, yeah!
Forgive her. She's still in shock.
Ola got just divorced.
-What? Why
-Wow! Congratulations!
-Congratulations, honey.
-Good for you! Wow!
-What was it? Was he beating you?
-No, no! He didn't beat me, no.
-Nothing like that.
Then he must be stingy.
No, no. In all fairness, he's not.
-Was he cheating on you, then?
-I don't think so.
He was definitely cheating on you.
See how funny they are.
He must be a mama's boy, I'm sure.
See, that's the new trend.
-Well, that one, you're right.
-Yeah. You're right.
-I know exactly what you mean.
-He is, but she's difficult.
-Yikes. Yikes.
-Oh, girl!
Anyway, that's exactly why
you should be very happy.
Exactly right, that's what I'm saying.
Now you can actually begin
to live your life!
Marriage is a contract
between two parties.
But only one of them gets the benefits,
while the other party doesn't get any!
The one getting the benefits
is the one who gets to leave!
-Right. Why did you divorce?
-No, honey, I didn't.
-Of course not.
What happened?
He's dead!.
Oh my God!
-Sorry. May he rest Sorry.
-May he rest in peace.
I used to love him so much. So much.
And he used to adore me.
But the day he died,
some woman showed up out of nowhere,
and told me she was his second wife.
-At the funeral!
-So I was like "I'm glad he's dead, then!"
Bye-bye, both of you.
-What did you do then?
-We had a party.
Bravo! Did you hear that?
-What are you drinking?
-She doesn't drink!
I've been trying to change her mind. Help!
-You have to drink.
-You're going to drink!
-You have to.
-Come on. What are you having?
-A black coffee.
-No. Maybe orange juice.
One orange juice.
It's good! Whoo!
Next Episode