Firebuds (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Car in a Tree/Dalmatian Day

[alarm ringing]
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
If you need a helping hand
Or need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are here for you ♪
Just listen to our sirens squeal ♪
On your block or on the town
There's nothin' we won't do ♪
To help our friends and neighbors out ♪
We're coming through, our rescue crew! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day ♪
We're crackin'the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Bo and Flash, Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet, Axl
Yeah, that's our team! ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come
And here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day
We're crackin' the code ♪
When trouble comes around the bend ♪
On us, you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
[Flash] "Car in a Tree."
[alarm sounding]
-[Bo] Morning, parents!
-[Bo] Morning!
-Hi, Dad!
-[snorts, sighs]
[yawns] Why do we even have
an alarm clock?
I finally did it.
I planned the perfect day.
First, we have breakfast,
then Flash and I go to work
with you and Chief Faye,
put out some fires,
do some rescues,
and roll home for some pizza
and booster shakes! Yes!
[chuckles] That's a solid plan,
except the part where I bring you to work.
But we could help you!
[chuckles] It's against the rules, Bo.
-You know that.
-Hey, I have an idea!
They're opening the new
moto-skate park today.
How about you and Flash
go there with your friends,
then we'll meet you all there
for a picnic lunch?
Yeah! It's a plan!
You're welcome.
Did he say yes?
-Did he? Did he?
Then you must not
have asked him enough times.
I don't know, Flash
Pfft! It'll work, Bo!
We'll just ask after breakfast.
Put it there, vroom-mate!
-[both] Wee-oo!
-All systems go, go, go!
Whoa-oa, there!
Where's the fire?
Breakfast is served!
[tires squealing]
Fruit smoothie for Chief Bill.
And super-unleaded for Chief Faye.
Ooh. Thanks, Beth.
I'm a wreck before my first gallon.
-[Flash] Can we go, too?
-Can we? Can we?
Flash, I already
went through this with Bo.
Only trained firefighters
are allowed on the job.
Can't you make an exception,
just this once?
[deep breath]
Sorry, kiddo.
We just wanna save people!
Like you guys do!
And one day, you will.
-[alarm sounding]
-[phone ringing]
We got a call, Chief Bill.
[grunts] Gotta go, boys.
[siren sounding]
Come on, Flash. The moto-skate park
will cheer you up.
Let's round up the gang.
Jayden! Piston!
-Hi, buds!
-Hey, guys!
Check out the radio earbuds
I just invented.
Just pop 'em in your ear,
we can talk to each other
from way far away! I hope.
[through buds]
I call 'em "Buds by J."
-[both] Look out below!
-[brakes squeal]
-[siren sounds]
That was the most reckless, risky,
irresponsible move I have ever seen.
-Thank you!
-What up, dudes?
We're going to the moto-skate park.
Sweet! That's the perfect place
to try out our new radios.
Ooh, I like the sound of that!
Then let's roll, Firebuds!
-[baby quacking]
-[loud quack]
[scolding quacking]
Have you ever seen
so much fun in one place?
Looks more like an accident
waiting to happen.
Well if someone gets in trouble,
we'll be there to save 'em. Come on!
Nah, I'm gonna stay here
and test out the radios.
Roger that.
[horn beeps]
Ooh! Need help, little guy?
It's not safe to park here.
But w-we gotta help him.
Whoa! Watch out! Aah!
I told ya it wasn't safe.
I'm sorry, Piston. But don't worry!
We're gonna get you down!
How are we gonna get him down?!
Well, first, we need a
well-thought-out plan.
I got it! First, we drag
that trampoline over.
Then Bo climbs up my ladder,
ties my hose around Piston's bumper,
and I pull him loose so he lands safely
on the trampoline.
Wham, bam, a perfect plan!
Yeah, I guess that could work.
Axl, push the trampoline over.
On it!
Bo, grab my hose and I'll lift you up.
You got it!
Ready down here.
Uh guys
Huh. This trampoline is really bouncy.
Isn't that a good thing?
Not if he bounces off it
too hard and goes flying.
Maybe we shouldn't use a trampoline.
But we're running out of time,
and we gotta help Piston!
Flash, I think we should listen to Violet.
It'll work. I know it.
Stop the ladder! Stop!
[brakes squealing]
-[train horn blowing]
[all gasp]
Ridin' the rails all day long ♪
Got a one-track mind
A one-track mind ♪
-[singing continues]
-Huh. That's the first time
I've seen a rescue
put someone in greater danger.
What did I do?! What did I do?!
-What did I do?!
-Whoa! Flash!
We're never ever
going to see Piston again!
[train bell clanging]
Hey, the train stopped!
Oh, nope.
It's starting up again. Never mind.
It's OK, buddy. We can still save Piston.
We can?!
But there's something you gotta do.
-What's that?
You're revved up, you're excited ♪
'Cause you wanna save the day ♪
But there's something
You're forgetting ♪
And it's getting in the way ♪
You're goin' on a rescue ♪
You're not goin' alone ♪
You've got a team beside you ♪
With ideas of their own ♪
And if you don't listen ♪
The rescue could be blown, so ♪
Stop, look, and listen
To your rescue crew ♪
You gotta stop, look, and listen ♪
That's what you gotta do ♪
It's better to think twice ♪
When your friends give you advice ♪
So stop, look, and listen ♪
To what we're tellin' you ♪
I'm revved up, I'm excited ♪
' Cause I know it's not a drill ♪
On a real-life rescue mission ♪
It's not easy to be chill ♪
But I'm gonna change my gears ♪
A new day has begun ♪
Though I don't got any ears ♪
I will hear everyone ♪
I promise I'll listen
Until the job is done ♪
Just stop, look, and listen ♪
To your rescue crew ♪
You gotta stop, look, and listen ♪
To other points of view ♪
It's better to think twice ♪
When my friends give me advice ♪
So stop, look, and listen ♪
'Cause we've got work to do ♪
It's better to think twice ♪
When you friends give you advice ♪
So stop, look, and listen ♪
'Cause we've got work to do ♪
Hang on, Piston!
We'll get you off that train!
Ridin' the rails all day long ♪
Got a one-track mind
A one-track mind ♪
You have a car on your roof!
He can't hear us over the music!
-What do we do?
-I've got it!
I'll drive ahead and swerve
in front of the train.
Then he'll see us!
Or crush us!
Ooh, yeah, good point.
-[train horn blowing]
-Uh-oh. Look!
Once they cross the bridge,
we won't be able to follow them.
Then we have to get Piston
off the train now!
[gasps] I have an idea!
We can use the crane hook
to lift Piston off the train
if we can get there first.
What do ya think, Flash?
Hold on to your helmet!
[brakes squeal]
[train horn blowing]
[sighs] Guys, can you hear me?
-We sure can!
I don't know which levers work the crane!
Oh! I got an idea!
I know! Just flip each lever
till you find the right one.
Uh if you say so
[train bell clanging]
Stop, look, and listen.
No, Bo, wait! Jayden was trying
to say something before.
Go ahead. I'm listening.
There's a quicker way.
I can download the crane instructions.
[gasps] You can?!
The lever on the far left turns the crane.
The one on the right lowers the hook!
Grab the hook, Piston!
Bo's gonna pull you off the train!
Just a little bit more
Yeah! He's got the hook.
Lift away!
-[train horn]
[sighs] That was a close one, P.
-[train horn]
You did it, Bo!
No, we did it, Flash.
[Chief Faye]
Where have you been?!
It's kind of a long story.
That's OK, I'll tell it.
First, I got stuck in a tree
and they tried to get me out,
but bounced me onto
a passing train instead.
Then, they outraced the train
and used this giant crane
to swoop in and save me.
[gasps] My baby's a hero!
Oh! Here come the happy tears!
I'm so proud! So proud!
Well done, Bo. Well done, all of you!
[sighs] Now, who's ready for some lunch?
'Cause this basket weighs a ton.
-I am!
-Oh, you know I am.
All this rescuin' works up an appetite.
Thanks for the good advice today.
Thanks for listening.
Firebuds forever!
Firebuds forever.
[both] Wee-oo!
[Bo] "Dalmatian Day."
-[cars approaching]
-Chief Bill, you hear something?
-Hey, Dad!
-Bo, wow!
You kids are the first to arrive.
Well, The fire station only has
an open house once a year.
And we wanted to be the first
to see all the new fire gear!
And learn the latest fire safety tips.
And blast the fire hose!
And slide down the fire pole!
And chow down on the fire snacks!
[laughs] Well, in that case
Let's start with a grand tour
of the Gearbox Grove Fire Station.
As you all know, this is where
the fire engines hang out.
And this is where the firefighters
put on their gear. Ow.
We got new stoves for the kitchen.
-Ooh! You made ensaymadas!
Oh, yeah! Filipino sweet rolls?
That's what's up!
And everybody's favorite spot,
-the recreation room.
-[gasps] Ooh! Ping pong!
[Chief Faye] Where we
put up our wheels and relax.
Are those puppies?!
[all barking]
[light whimpering]
Yep! We're hoping some nice folks
will adopt them today.
That's right! We're gonna
find you all good homes,
-yes, we will!
-What are their names?
Well, this one's Flint. That's Ember.
Sparky here is always hungry.
And we haven't picked out a name
for the little guy yet.
Oh, that was paw-some! Heh-heh. Get it?
Aw, you wanna play, huh?
-[alarm sounding]
[gasps] It's a four-alarm fire!
That means it's a big one.
Meet ya downstairs, Chief Bill!
We wanna help, too, Dad!
-[vehicles] Yeah!
-Me, too!
-I'm in!
-If we can!
OK, then.
I have the perfect job.
I need you all to watch these puppies
-until we get back.
Fur-rific! I could watch 'em all day long.
But I was thinking we could come with you
and put out a fire, or save someone
from a burning building.
You know, a real rescue.
Bo, keeping these little guys safe
is an important job, too.
I'm counting on you, anak.
[sighs] OK, Dad.
Why'd he call him "anak"?
His name's Bo.
It means "son" in Filipino.
[siren sounding]
Look at that little guy go!
It's kinda like watching popcorn pop.
[Bo] Hey, I have an idea.
Let's see if the fire is on the news!
Uh, Bo, we're supposed
to watch the puppies.
Aw, come on, they're all
safe and snug in their playpen.
Aren't you, you little cuties?
Yes, we are live here
-as firefighters from as far away
as Gearbox Grove
have driven into Motopolis
- to battle the blaze.
-Flash, there's your mom!
[Flash] Cool!
[gasps] And there's your dad!
[siren through TV]
[curious whimper]
[barking, whining]
See, this is what we should be doing.
Rescuing people. Not watching puppies
who aren't going anywhere.
Uh guys?
The puppies are gone.
They're what?!
How'd they get out?
I don't know, but we've
got to find those puppies
before your parents get back.
Looks like we've got ourselves
a rescue, after all.
I wouldn't call it a rescue, Flash.
We just need to round up a few puppies.
Let's all just, uh, fan out
and search the firehouse.
Mount up, Violet! It's go time!
Ready to rescue.
Not really a rescue.
But sure, let's find those puppies.
-[distant clanging]
-[Bo gasps] In there!
See, Flash? This was too easy.
[grunting continues]
Well, at least it's not too easy anymore.
If I was always hungry like Sparky,
and I always am, the kitchen'd be
the first place I'd go.
-[siren whoops]
Are those paw prints in the flour?
-Paw prints confirmed!
[dog barks]
[siren sounding]
Freeze, Sparky!
You're coming with us.
-Caught him!
-That's one puppy apprehended.
-[happy whimper]
And one ensaymada!
-[engine revving]
-[both barking]
-Almost got 'em!
-[barking continues]
Which one do we go after?
[both barking]
Both. You take the one
on the right now!
Come to Axl.
Way to save the day.
[sighs] Not that one, either.
Check it out, y'all! We got three of 'em.
And the fourth is under
one of these helmets.
Proper procedure would be
to secure the perimeter
so the suspect can't escape.
Piston, there's no need
to block all the exits.
'Cause the last puppy is right here!
Hey, come back here!
Shoulda secured the perimeter.
You really are [grunts]
like popping popcorn. Aah!
But you're running out of beds!
What?! No!
This isn't a game, you know.
You could fall!
That is not good.
No it's terrible! I just don't get it.
One second, he's locked in a pen,
and now, he's on the roof?
How did this happen?
Mostly because you told us
we didn't need to watch the puppies.
[sighs] I guess it was
an important job, after all.
But the job's not over yet, Bo.
And ya gotta admit,
it's looking a lot like a rescue now.
You're right.
We've got to save that puppy!
Let's roll, Firebuds!
[engine revving]
[sirens sounding]
Hit the sirens
Turn on the lights ♪
There's trouble brewin'
And we gotta make it right ♪
We're gearin' up
We're in the groove ♪
Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move! ♪
OK. First, we need a safety net.
One safety net, comin' right up!
I'm gonna go up in the bucket
and try to get him.
But I'll need the four of you
to hold the safety net
in case something goes wrong.
Always good to have a back-up plan!
All right, then. Let's save that puppy.
Don't you worry, boy.
I'm gonna get you down.
Flash, lift me up higher!
Copy that!
Stop! Stop! [grunts]
It's not getting me any closer.
Is there a back-up, back-up plan?
[sighs] Not yet.
Oh, man! If only that balloon
hadn't floated in the way!
[gasps] Huddle up, Firebuds.
I think I've got
the back-up, back-up plan.
Ready for launch.
Three, two, one liftoff!
All right! Now pull me towards the roof.
-OK, boy.
Just stay right there. I'm coming for ya!
-[tape sticking]
I need more rope!
That's as far as it goes!
Come here, boy. Come on.
All you wanna do is play, huh?
Then let's play.
-I got him!
-Reel me in!
-[all grunting]
[all cheering]
It's paw-fect!
Uh what's going on?
Bo rescued the puppy from the roof!
And how'd he get on the roof, exactly?
-I'm sorry I didn't take
watching the puppies
seriously enough, Dad.
That's okay, Bo. At least now you know
that keeping someone safe
is just as important
as fighting a four-alarm fire.
Right, anak?
Right, Dad.
Whoa! He really likes you.
[chuckles] He sure does!
Hey maybe his new home
should be our home!
Ooh! Can we adopt him?
Can we, can we, can we?
What do you think, Faye?
Well, I think
we gotta give him a name first!
Hmm. How about
-[happy barking]
I was gonna say "Troublemaker,"
but Popcorn works, too.
Now, who wants to blast the fire hose?
-I do!
-Me, too!
Come on, Popcorn!
[closing theme plays]
Next Episode