Fish Upon the Sky (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Clear sky.
Nice weather.
It’s just perfect for today’s mission.
Pi, hello!
My mission is to deliver love to people.
Not the people I love though.
I’m just their cupid.
Pi, the next surprise is about to take place.
A med student is going to confess to a dental student.
Where are they?
This way.
Pi, take the balloons with you.
Give them here.
What are you doing?
I hate this event.
Do you know what it is?
It happens once a year around Valentine’s Day.
It’s when people confess to their loved ones.
Pi, what are you standing here for?
Go get the next surprise ready.
For those who are too afraid to confess, they tell it to us instead.
The staff will select the top love stories and throw a free surprise for the people they like.
We say love for those who can’t say it.
How romantic is that!
I bet everyone likes that.
But I hate this event.
Here comes the guy.
And here comes the girl.
Get ready to witness it.
Witness what?
You’ll find out.
Sometimes I think heaven made us because we’re meant to be ♪
I belong to you ♪
We’re real soulmates that finally found each other ♪
Having goosebumps, aren’t you?
Me too.
I’ll never get a chance to experience this kind of love in my life.
I’m like an innermost molar.
In the back!
The back!
In the very back!
Because it’s strong?
It lives under the gum,
waiting to be a wisdom tooth.
It will grow without its opposing tooth.
It’s a goddamn wisdom tooth! With no opposing tooth!
I’m no use. I grow just to be pulled out.
I have no worth.
I don’t even have friends, let alone a lover!
Pi’s brother should share his hotness and brains with him.
I can’t see any good things in him except his brother.
He is so hot.
I was only a joke to them.
They talked badly about me.
Many of them approached me because I was nice and had a handsome brother.
Some people got close to me because I was book smart.
I knew absolutely nothing about sociability.
They said I had bad taste and I liked to do weird things around people.
And what hurt me the most?
It’s when they said nothing in my life was decent, except my brother.
You, thick glasses!
What happened that day has changed everything.
I couldn’t look people in the eyes and trust them.
I quit thinking that people actually meant it when they gave me a smile.
I was afraid to show my true feelings
even when I wanted love, friendship, and support from other people.
So dramatic!
Let's get back and continue having goosebumps here.
A nice surprise and a song.
Look! They’re even tossing rose petals.
What a huge surprise!
How about you two get married already?
Damn it!
Raining in February?
Everything must have gone crazy. Where will I get an umbrella now?
Here we go again.
They stink.
Here comes the second couple.
People in love stink.
And here’s the third couple.
I just want to push them down the stairs.
It’s burning bright. The rain might stop in just a few minutes.
Damn it!
Hey! Don’t go out in the rain.
You might get sick.
Going home?
Let me walk you to the bus stop.
Actually, I…
Come on.
Let’s go.
You’re welcome.
Happy Valentine’s Day.
Well, I gotta go now.
So this is how love at first sight feels like.
People in love feel so good and fresh.
It’s like I’m showering with holy water.
I feel forever young.
Very young…
Super young…
When will you stop? I’m soaking wet already!
you’re home?
Where are you going? Aren’t you going to have dinner first?
I’m full.
You are?
Yes. I’m full of love.
Nothing. I didn’t say anything.
What’s with you?
Today was the first time I got to talk to someone I’ve always had a crush on.
His name is Muang Nan.
I want to go up north just by hearing his name.
The more I look at him, the cuter he gets.
Muang Nan is like a star everyone wants to reach.
He just looks so good no matter what he does.
His favorite dessert is choux cream.
Aww! He’s so cute.
[Yesterday was sunnyyy. Today was rainy.]
'Sunnyyy?' You are just too cute.
[Sunnyyy, huh?]
[Sunnyyy, huh?]
[Sutthaya Nithikornkul: Sunny, huh?]
It’s you again, Sutthaya?
Damn you, Sutthaya!
All these times, this whole year that I’ve followed Muang Nan,
I always see this guy by his side.
You kept me waiting!
Why does he have to like the one I like?
You like sweet drinks, huh?
I wish you choke to death.
You think you’re so cool just being a basketball player?
Muang Nan, don’t wipe the sweat for him.
He’s such a pain!
What the heck are you yelling at?
You’re freaking noisy.
This guy is my big brother.
He isn’t the one my friends admire though.
I can’t poop now. What is going on with you?
Nothing my ass.
I saw you mumbling and mumbling over your phone.
Whatever. It’s not your business.
Just go poop. I’m out.
Being so secretive. Must be about love.
Are you secretly in love with someone?
Muang Nan, is it?
How do you know that?
How do I not know? I’m your brother. I see through you, man.
You are frustrated because you’re having a love rival.
You’re worried because you have nothing to compete with him.
You don’t go out. You’re anti-social. You like to stay home.
You can’t play sports. Actually, you can’t play anything.
Even a little kid beats you.
Just shut up.
You’re not helping. Don’t add insult to injury.
I’m out.
Nan, I know you like choux creams.
I happened to pass by a bakery today so I got you a box.
Happened to?
It doesn’t sound very sincere.
Nan, I know you like choux creams so I meant to buy some for you.
Meant to? Isn’t it too obvious?
Shit! How should I say it?
Happened to? I meant to buy?
Happened to? I meant to buy?
I know you like it, so I stole some for you.
Damn it!
What have you done?
Damn you!
My ear!
I am sorry.
Let me buy you a new box.
What a shitty day!
My choux creams are ruined and my hand is dirty.
That was an accident.
But this is not.
Are they from the shop in the white building?
I will buy you a new box.
No need. I can do it myself.
I’m late and I have no choux creams.
Hello, Nan.
Hello, Pi.
You know my name?
Of course.
On Valentine's Day, it was raining.
And I shared with you my umbrella.
You had a name tag on that said ‘Pi’.
He isn’t only cute, but also pays attention to details.
It was just a sigh. What’s wrong with that?
The student who just walked in, which faculty are you from?
The Faculty of Dentistry.
Okay. We’re all here then.
Smart! I didn’t know that.
Can I sit with you when we have a lab?
You’re gonna have to deal with me.
Do you want a problem?
What are you guys doing?
Have you ever had a crush on someone?
People like good-looking people.
If you never think of changing yourself,
don’t expect anyone to like you, bro.
You think you’re so clever, don’t you, Sutt?
You’re such a nerd.
Second-year students aren’t supposed to know that.
Did you read the seniors' textbook?
You don’t have to make yourself sound like that when you talk.
Aren’t you annoyed by your own voice?
Give it here. Stop doing that.
Are you bullying me?
Do you want a problem?
What are you guys doing?
I am wiping something off his shirt.
Be careful not to make it dirty next time.
wanna go eat?
I’ll be outside.
Do you want to eat with us?
I’ll not be a third wheel.
Let’s stay here together then.
You, asshole.
Would you stop that?
Take it back, please.
Just go wherever you want.
Aren’t you going?
I can’t.
You’re blocking my way.
Just admit you want to be alone with me.
(If someone didn’t stop me first, he’d get punched in the face.)
(Who would believe that?)
I have only one friend in this university. I’ve never met him though.
He told me he was from a faculty nearby,
so I call him ‘A Guy From Nearby Faculty.’
Seriously, how am I inferior to him?
Why did Muang Nan go with him, not me?
Do you really want to know why?
You have a few problems.
One, your glasses are too thick.
Two, your braces make you sound unclear when you talk.
Three, you’re not confident. You’re always round-shouldered.
Four, you get scared so easily.
Seventeen, you’re nerdy. You don’t have many friends.
when you lose your glasses, you’re completely blind.
Enough already!
Am I that bad?
You’re not that bad.
I’m about to say your strengths.
Stop it.
Don’t you give me a kiss after a kick.
You said I had a few problems.
A few, my ass! You went on to 120 problems.
A few, my ass! You went on to 120 problems.
I’m not talking to you anymore.
I have more than a hundred problems?
That’s painful.
(This is a story of Pi’s older brother who is full of crap.)
(Let’s see how his life goes.)
No matter where I go,
What are you ordering? Can we make that two?
this kid is there calling my name, always.
Duean, Duean, and Duean.
Why didn’t you say you wanted noodles?
My friends told me they have many tasty dishes.
Duean this and Duean that. I’m losing my mind now.
When he’s hungry, he calls Duean.
Ah! You want some rice.
This shop serves nice food too.
They have Stir-Fried Basil, Noodles in Gravy Sauce, Stir-Fried Macaroni.
Whatever you want, make that two.
When he wants water, he calls Duean.
When he needs to pee, he calls Duean.
So you decided to have noodles?
What kind of noodles do you want?
Egg noodles.
Make that two!
Two, my ass!!
Stop calling me already!
I’m done here!
Where are you going?
A toilet!
Why don’t you come calling me when I poop?
I need toilet paper.
Come on, Duean. What can this little piece of paper do?
Can I have more?
Take this. I hope it’s enough for you.
Since when do I have a kid?
Do you want to know who this leech is?
I don’t know what I did in my past life to deserve this.
He’s haunting me like a ghost.
(That’s just an appetizer.)
(Stay tuned for more next week.)
Hold on, you piece of crap!
I’m not done telling my story yet.
What’s the hurry, jackass?
Duean, who are you talking to?
Not you, that’s for sure.
I heard you talked.
I talked to myself.
You can talk to me, you know?
La la la la…
I don’t understand what you’re saying.
La la la la la la…
Do you want to see donkeys?
La la la la la la…
I barely survived today.
What’s wrong?
You look like you need to poop.
I’m fine. Just leave me alone.
You’re lying to my face.
You’re not going to tell me, are you?
I told you it’s nothing.
That’s it.
- Tell me or I’ll fart right in your face.
- Duean, stop it!
All right. I’m telling!
Have you ever had a crush on someone?
I have,
every day.
Girls from our U are so cute.
And what?
How do you know if they’re single or taken?
You have a mouth, don’t you? Just ask.
How can a dental student be this dumb?
It has nothing to do with being a dental student.
But you’re right.
I’ll never know if I don’t ask.
But he will know how I feel if I do that.
That’s easy.
Just tell him that your friend wants to know.
But I don’t have any friends.
Aww! My poor little brother.
I’m gonna tell you this honestly.
It might hurt you badly though.
Look at yourself.
Thick glasses and messy hair.
You don’t speak clearly.
You dress way too neatly.
People like good-looking people.
If you never think of changing yourself,
don’t expect anyone to like you, bro.
But when you like someone, you like who they truly are.
Don’t be so optimistic.
Even you like good-looking people too.
They call it the first impression.
Okay. I can’t argue with that.
But when you love someone, you love what lies inside.
You will learn it yourself eventually, bro.
You won’t listen to what I have to say today.
What a waste of time!
Maybe Duean is right.
I’m not hot. That’s why Muang Nan doesn’t like me.
But I think I am hot.
[Muang Nan: See you at the same place, everyone.]
My chance is here.
I’m going to prove I'm right.
Pi wants to take pictures with you.
Can I tag you?
Careful dude!
I wear glasses and braces.
But you convinced Muang Nan to take pictures with me because you want people to look down on me.
Take it back, kiddo.
You’ve come to the wrong place.
We sell liquor here, not butterbeer like in Harry Potter.
I’m old enough. Just let me in.
You don’t fit in here. Trust me.
I’m going in.
Just go home.
He is my friend.
His looks might not say it but he’s a very cool guy.
Let’s get in, buddy.
First time here, isn’t it?
Get your arm off my shoulder.
Watch where you’re going.
Otherwise, you might get hurt.
Go wherever you want.
I’m not going.
I’ll stay here.
I know you came to see Muang Nan.
Why can’t I?
There’re plenty of people out there.
Why do you have to like the one I like?
Why do you think that I like Muang Nan?
No matter where I go, you are there.
If you don’t like him, why are you always with him then?
Well, if you want to see Nan, you have to see me too.
Piss off, Sutt!
You call my name very often.
You like me?
you’re here too?
You look great tonight.
You look great tonight.
You look great too.
How about some pictures for your keepsakes?
Pi wants pictures with you.
Mork, no. I’m too shy.
Why giving me your phone then?
Let’s take some pictures.
1 2 3.
Lean on his shoulder.
Happy now?
Here. Done.
Can I tag you?
Go for it.
Why did you two come in together?
We met out front so I kind of brought him in.
You dress up nicely. I don’t usually see you in this look.
Team Rock Star, you know?
Have you eaten anything?
I have, a little.
Want to order anything else?
I’m okay for now.
What is the matter?
I’ll be right back.
Hey! Watch it, glasses!
Look where you’re going, not your phone.
How about I teach you a lesson?
I am so sorry.
Damn! Careful dude!
That’s hilarious.
You’re such a loser.
He’s so weak.
What’s happening here?
I warned you. You don’t belong here.
You can’t protect yourself.
Hey! Are you okay?
Get off me!
You wanted this.
What did I do?
Are you here to make fun of me?
I haven’t done anything.
I know it’s your plan. You’re such a clever guy.
Are you happy making me look like a clown?
What are you talking about?
Don’t play dumb.
I know I’m a loser. I wear glasses and braces.
But you convinced Muang Nan to take pictures with me because you want people to look down on me.
People look down on you?
Let go of me! Don’t make me feel more pathetic.
[How dare he stand next to you, Muang Nan?]
[Don’t be near him. He makes you look bad, Muang Nan.]
[Know your place, loser!]
How about some pictures for your keepsakes?
Pi wants to take pictures with you.
Okay. 1 2 3!
Look at yourself.
Thick glasses and messy hair.
You don’t speak clearly.
You dress way too neatly.
If you never think of changing yourself,
don’t expect anyone to like you, bro.
You don’t fit in here. Trust me.
He’s hilarious.
Pi’s brother should share his hotness and brains with him.
I can’t see any good things in him except his brother.
His bro is so hot.
Swimming at midnight?
Your mom taught you this is called swimming?
My mom is your mom.
Tell me who bullied you.
I’ll beat the crap out of him for you.
I got what you said to me now.
Someone like me is unlikable.
I don’t want to look like crap anymore.
I want to change.
Let me help you with that.
What can I do?
You don’t need to do anything.
I’ll make myself worthy enough to be with you.
Just delete it.
[Muang Nan: Don’t worry, Pi. You’re fine just the way you are.]
[A Guy From Nearby Faculty: Gone to bed? I heard it wasn’t your day.]
Read those comments, haven’t you?
That Sutthaya dude wanted to make fun of me.
I don’t think he meant to do that.
Are you taking his side?
No. I’m always on your side.
I asked because I was worried about you.
Are you okay?
I am not.
Not at all.
I’ve always been insulted.
Even you can name more than 100 flaws I have.
I am sorry.
I didn’t mean to look down on you.
I will not give in anymore.
I’ll make myself worthy enough to be with Muang Nan.
That was an accident.
But this is not.
I’m such a loser. I wear glasses and braces.
But you convinced Muang Nan to take pictures with me because you want people to look down on me.
Don’t make me feel more pathetic.
I am sorry, Pi.
Smells great.
The food looks so good just like the one who made it.
I just wanted to prepare the best meal when I’m not on duty.
But I don’t feel like eating rice soup today.
What do you feel like eating then?
Let’s see.
The thing is…
we already have Wan, Duean, and Pi.
How about we make Winatee too?
They’re sleeping.
What if they wake up and see what we’re doing?
They’re sleeping.
Then we better hurry.
Stop playing.
Go sit.
Pi is here. Sit down already.
- Have breakfast with us.
- Have a seat.
You don’t have class today. Why got up so early?
I’m going out with Duean.
According to the latest report from The Meteorological Department,
a heatwave will soon hit and that makes the next few days the hottest days of the year.
The temperature can go up to 43 degrees celsius.
Take care of yourself and avoid heatstroke.
If you’re going out, bring an umbrella and water with you.
We do care about you.
Here is your water.
You heard her, right?
Grab an umbrella and a water bottle.
That’s great. You should go out sometimes.
Don’t study too hard.
You all should go and leave us here alone.
I mean you still have time to go out now. Just go.
After you graduate, the internship program will keep you busy, just like Wan.
You won’t have much free time then.
Speaking of Wan, will he be coming home this month?
He’s been very quiet lately. He hasn’t called in a long time.
Trust me. He’s in Hat Yai, and very much in love.
Let me.
I’m off now.
Where are you going? Eat first.
No time.
I have to meet my friends at 8 for our report.
What about me?
Don’t worry. Just wait at the same spot.
I’ve told my guys about you.
They are the Kitty Gang.
Adorkable and cutesy.
Bye now.
And what is adorkable and cutesy?
Teenage slangs.
He’s too busy being adorkable. He doesn’t even eat.
When will they be here?
Did Duean lie to me?
I think my brother just tricked me.
He said he would help me.
He bailed on me and said he’d send his friends.
The Kitty Gang, adorkable and cutesy.
I don't see any cute face here. They’re standing me up.
I’m so pissed.
If you’re that pissed, just stop being his brother.
Stop being friends with you is much easier.
Are you serious?
Of course, I am.
I mean do you want to stop being friends with me?
Are you scared of not being my friend?
Can I ask you something?
If you make a friend mad, how do you make up?
There’re many ways, kid.
write a letter.
Two, play your friend a song.
Three, go to your friend’s house and beg on your knee until you’re forgiven.
Or beg in the rain.
Four, follow your friend around until he or she agrees to speak with you.
Stop right there.
Your ways are so out of date.
Can I get a serious answer?
A real one.
Is that person really a friend?
You sound so serious. Not just a friend, I guess.
Let’s get serious.
Have you apologized to this friend of yours?
Not yet.
What are you waiting for?
If you guys are really friends, just say it.
We have to become friends again in order to do that.
You're so worried. Clearly, you guys aren't just friends.
That’s it?
Iced-chocolate, double shot, please.
Why do I have to see you here?
What a horrible coincidence!
It’s not a coincidence.
I came to see you.
I’m sorry about last night.
Don’t say it.
I just wanted you to have pictures with Nan.
- I didn’t want you to get those awful comments.
- Stop it.
I really didn’t mean to.
What can I do to earn your forgiveness?
You don’t need to do anything.
Don’t talk. Don’t move. Don’t breathe.
Are you literally doing it?
I am Meen.
I am Duean.
We’re here to transform you.
We can be friends.
I don’t want to be your friend.
Next Episode