Flipante Noa! (2018) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Mom, Dad,
you're not going to believe this!
School has its own currency.
They're called skauros.
Teresa, our principal,
has given us a bunch of them
so we can learn the… Wait.
The Fundamentals of Market Economies.
In class it seemed a lot more fun.
The thing is, we have loads of these bills
and the principal has told us
to use them freely but wisely.
And that's what I've done.
I covered my folder with the bills!
Awesome Noa
I'm from Antarctica
And everyone calls me Awesome Noa
Look around and you'll see
Everything's awesome
Awe-- awe-- awe-- awesome
Every single minute here deserves a party
Awesome Noa
How could you cover your folder
with the bills?
It's a great idea, right? It's so cool!
Yeah. No!
They're for learning
to use money in society.
Buy, sell, lend, invest in ideas.
-It's the game of life.
We have a great power in our hands.
And with great power comes
a great responsibility.
-Get it?
Get whatever you want, guys! Noa's treat!
Here's the cash, honey.
-Your breakfast invitation was so cool.
-It was great.
But I don't have
any skauros left for my breakfast.
Can you lend me a few? I'm starving!
I don't have any left either, dude.
Oh, yeah!
They're amazing.
You have to make an appointment.
I guess we'll have to manage
for the rest of the day.
I guess so.
-Good luck, Noa.
-Good luck, Minerva.
Hot dogs, pizza, fresh fruit!
Watermelon! Coconut water!
I'd love a hoagie.
And the filling, miss?
Why are you looking at me like that?
Charlie! I need you to do me a favor.
You've spent all your money
and you want me to lend you some.
-Is that it?
-No way!
How can you think I would…
Yeah, that's it.
I'm sorry, but I can't help you.
I've spent all my money making copies
of my notes to sell them.
Great idea.
-And? How many have you sold already?
-Not one.
This is a hedonistic society,
but in two weeks we have an exam
and this will soon be a coveted product.
A start-up with a genius business idea
in search of funding.
Well, I need someone to lend me money.
Skauros! You said you didn't have any.
-Please lend me some.
-I can't.
I have an appointment for a foot massage.
I'm hooked on those little hands.
But do like me and ask Raquel for some.
She'll give it to you.
Raquel is giving money away?
Noa, I'm so happy to see you.
You're so nice.
Customer service is
the most important thing for us.
-Can we help you?
-They say you're giving away money.
Not giving it away, dear, lending it.
You give me your skateboard,
I give you five skauros,
and you can get it back for six.
But six is more than five.
I see you get it.
In Antarctica
we lend each other things for free.
This isn't Antarctica,
this is civilization.
We frown upon riding penguins
and giving away money.
Okay. If that's the case…
Invest it wisely
so you can get your kit back. Thanks!
Don't worry, I'll invest it wisely.
-I'm buying a banana!
-Wonderful investment.
-We ran out of money.
-Don't worry.
Soon it will be recess,
they'll all want the boards back,
and we'll recover our money.
Plus a little extra.
Loans with interest. The cornerstone
of capitalism. Extraordinary!
-How are those sales going, Charlie?
Who am I kidding?
This business is a disaster.
-I haven't sold a single one.
-But they're the best.
I'd buy them,
but I've spent everything on this banana.
I'm starving.
I'd sell my business for that banana.
I can give you half if you want it.
-Half of my business for half a banana.
Guys, your business is so lame.
Don't you understand the market?
You're offering study and hard work
when people want entertainment and fun.
Our notes are cool.
They have yellow-underlined titles
and a cool graph at the end.
IFC. In full color.
Yeah, right. That's why I'll be
a millionaire by recess.
And you'll be broke losers.
Capitalist contempt for the weak.
This is my moment!
Are you here for your skateboard? Cool.
That will be 30 skauros.
-Thirty? It says there for six.
Five skauros for your skateboard
and six times that to recover it.
If my math is right,
five times six is thirty.
It says so in the small print.
-What small print? There's nothing here.
-There is.
Our customer service
will be happy to help you.
It is there. It's really there.
False advertising, small print
and abusive clauses. Genius!
Now, come get your skateboards
and make me rich.
Guys! Forget about skating.
It's raining and we can't go out.
So start studying math
because I'm giving you a surprise test.
Or half-surprise. I've already warned you.
What? No!
Charlie, I'll buy your notes!
Let's get those notes!
Intense market fluctuations
due to unforeseen weather conditions.
This is beautiful!
Noa, we're rich!
-Being rich is so cool.
-Awesome, actually.
But you know what I like better?
Skating with my friends.
Follow me.
Come on.
-What do you want? To laugh at me?
I'm here for all the skateboards.
Thank you, Noa.
Thanks to your ridiculous kindness,
I now own all the school's skauros!
I'll ration snacks, privatize the toilets,
rent out the lockers,
take over the school, the city, the world!
Guys, the skauros have now expired.
And you did a good job.
Besides, it's stopped raining,
so you can go out.
Depression onset by an excess of ambition,
power, money and lack of morals.
Wow, the skateboard
covered in skauros is awesome!
That's a great idea.
What would you like for it?
Thank you, Noa. For you, it's free.
The truth is, you've inspired me.
Thank you.
Laugh all you want.
But one day I'll take over this school.
I guarantee it.
Raquel, stop laughing like that,
you'll make it rain again.
Next Episode