Four Lives (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Wait for it. Wait for it, Sezza.
Here we go. This is me!
MUSIC: Rude Boy
by Rihanna
Come here, rude boy, boy
Can you get it up?
Come here, rude boy, boy
Is you big enough? ♪
Oh, I love that, look at those!
Nan, Kate!
A burka?
Oh, bloody hell, Anthony.
I know, brilliant or what?
Sod this, I'm getting up.
Come here. Here, grab a picture.
Grab a picture!
No way that were a burka, Anthony.
It bloody were. A women's lib burka.
I wrote an essay about it,
said it's diabolical,
women being forced to wear burkas,
so I revolutionised them.
Me tutor failed it,
said it were too extreme.
I said I'm not racist,
me stepdad's Muslim, for a start.
Imagine I try put your mother in burka.
Well, I thought it were a lovely dress,
Anthony, whatever it were.
Ah, thanks, Nan. Right, come on,
I'm taking you lot to Soho.
Well, not tonight, you won't, sweetheart,
we have got a bus to get home.
Oh, yes. Come on.
Let's go.
We made it, come on.
Well done, love. I were so proud.
Shove over, Calvin Klein,
Anthony Walgate's coming!
When'll we see you again?
Any time. You know where I am.
- Hey, nowt to stop you
- coming up and seeing us
every now and again, you know.
Yeah, there is. It's called Hull.
Anyway, Mum's moving here.
Yeah, well, Sami'll not
move to Hull, will he?
Here, Anthony, son, take that.
Take care, love.
Aw, thanks, Sez. Thanks.
And have a belting holiday.
You bet.
You be up in good time on Sunday.
Oh, please.
Bye, Sez.
Love you.
Love you too!
Oh, shit a brick.
I've bolloxed me hair up.
Do you know what time it is?
Just come over and sort it out, can you?
I I'm not sure I like this shade.
That's your natural colour.
Why can't I have your colour, China?
Because you'd look like a twat.
Oh. Hello, hello.
Looks like I might have a gig.
Bloody hell, Anth. I'm only doing it
now and then, aren't I?
When funds are low.
There are other ways of making money.
What, like you two, handing out
leaflets on Oxford Street
for a fiver an hour? This is
money for old rope. It's risky,
not knowing who you're
hooking up with until you get there.
You were bricking it that first time.
Piece of piss in the end, though.
But suppose you met someone,
got into a relationship.
What, like, when I'm 60?
No, seriously.
You'd have to quit then.
Oh, my God.
This one's offering me 800 quid.
You are kidding. Who is it?
Says his name's Joe Dean.
Jesus Christ, he's no oil painting, is he?
Yeah, for 800 quid, who cares?
And 28, my arse. 40, more like.
Yeah, so? I told him I'm 18
cos he's into twinks.
And Barking? How can someone
from Barking afford 800 quid?
Yeah, no offence,
if he's got that kind of money,
he'd go for high class.
Oi! I'm high class.
I will ask him, though.
"You got that kinda money,
"how come you live in a shithole?"
Seriously, Anth, I'd give him a miss.
Wait, wait, wait, he's answering.
"Don't live Barking.
"House-sitting for mate
who gone South Africa."
It just sounds dodgy to me.
Anyway, you decide to do it, do the usual.
Let us know when and where
before and that you're OK after.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Come on. Have you got the keys?
"Come on, get your arses in gear.
All right, shut up,
Paul. Have you got your passport?
You had. No, I didn't. I had mine.
If you've left it in Essex,
I will bloody kill you.
Oh, you idiot. Come on!
"Mum. Hold on.
"For tomorrow.
Oh. Where's me flowers?
Thought you'd get me
garage flowers for me birthday.
"I would have done
"if you'd stopped in Hull.
Ambulance, what's the
address of the emergency?
Cooke Street.
There's a young boy,
looks like he's collapsed outside.
Outside of which number?
What area?
Barking. Looks like he's had
a seizure or something or,
or just drunk.
I was just driving past.
OK, what number are you calling from?
Hello? Hello?
Hello, we got cut off there.
Can you confirm the location, please?
You said 160 Cooke Street before?
Yeah, sorry, yeah, 160.
You said you were driving past
and you saw the patient lying there?
Yeah, I was just I was just
driving out of my car park.
Oh, your car park's there?
Yeah, and I got out of my car,
had a look at him,
called you and got back in my car.
OK, thanks for letting us know.
We'll get someone there as soon as we can.
Come in, come in.
I'll never get it, Sami.
I'm trying.
Come on, you can do better!
Bollocks I can!
This is beautiful.
Only the best for my wife.
I'm gonna show you more dance now.
Sami! What are you doing?
No, but this dance makes this go off.
Just inside on the right,
around the corner. Thanks.
Stephen Port?
Met Police. Barking and Dagenham.
A 999 call was made by a mobile
registered to you at this address.
Was it you?
May I come in?
Yeah, I was coming back from my night shift
and, er, I just saw him lying there.
And where do you work, sir?
Bus depot, West Ham. I'm a cook.
Thought he must have had too much to drink,
you know, a seizure or something.
And did you recognise the man at all?
No. Never seen him before.
"And did he appear to be dead or alive?
Alive, I thought.
Yeah. He was making noises.
So I sort of jogged him,
see if I could make him come round.
Er, he didn't.
So I moved him a bit.
You moved him?
Yeah, I just sort of
propped him against the wall.
Why did you do that?
Just thought it would be a better position
for coming round and that.
I see.
And after that?
Er, called 999 and, er, I came inside.
I was knackered.
So I went straight to sleep
and, er, next thing I know,
you're knocking.
Anthony? Are you there?
Any luck?
I've been knocking and knocking.
Tried calling him.
If his phone was inside, I'd hear
that stupid ringtone, wouldn't I?
Yeah, unless his battery's died.
He'd have charged it, Kiera.
It's been two days.
I think we should report it.
Yeah, OK.
"What's the name, please?
Anthony Walgate.
"Do you have his home address?
He lives in a flat above here, number 61.
"That's handy.
"If you need a copper.
What is it?
"A person by that name's been found.
"Found dead.
Hiya. Is, er, Sarah Sak in?
"No, I'm Sarah's sister.
Right, sorry, this is the
address I was given for her.
"Yeah, she did live here for a while.
"She's on holiday in Turkey.
"Can I help?
Well, it's about her son.
"Sarah. Yeah, it's me again.
"Can you call me back when you get this?
"Oh, God, it's Tom.
"Hiya, Tom.
"We were about to come round.
It's all right. I know.
At least. I think I do.
"What do you mean? Copper come round.
She said, "We've had a message through
"to say your brother Anthony's dead."
"Brother? I said, "I haven't got
a brother called Anthony.
"I've got a son by that name."
She said, "Well, it'll be him, then."
"Jesus. Where's Sarah?"
"She's away with Sami.
"I can't get hold of her.
"What else did the police tell you?
Just that a member of the public
had found him dead.
"Yeah. That's what she told us.
I'm Detective Sergeant O'Donnell
and this is DC Slaymaker of Barking
and Dagenham CID.
I believe you, er, knew the deceased?
He was my mate, yeah.
Right, come on.
Where did you get a key?
Er, landlord.
Do you want to set up there?
So I understand Anthony went
to Barking to meet someone?
It's An-thon-y. And, yeah, he did.
This guy called Joe Dean,
he'd contacted through the internet.
What, through a website?
A dating website?
Sort of.
So, you say it was a guy?
Anthony was gay, then?
Anthony. And yes, he was.
So, this was a, erm, a gay dating website?
Sort of a gay escort site.
So he was a male escort, then?
No, student. Like me.
It was just something he did now and then.
I see.
There was nothing sleazy about Anth.
He was lovely.
So what do you think happened to him?
Do you think he was mugged or robbed or?
He had no money on him
when he was found. Or phone.
Well, I can give you his phone number.
You could get his records etc,
get info on this Joe Dean.
Anthony showed us a picture of him.
Bet you'd find it on there too.
His whole life was on that.
I mean, it's not for me to tell you
your job or anything, but do you think
he could have been drugged?
Well, did he do drugs?
Ah, not really.
Maybe the odd line of coke.
No, those are just poppers.
Loads of people take those
before a night out.
Presume his mum and dad have been told?
Yeah, that's in hand.
Could you ask his dad to call me?
Anthony never told him he was gay.
Better he hears it from me than you.
Jeez, this heat!
Oh, I love it here,
but I couldn't live here.
I bloody could. And I did.
Then I'm in love with mad English lady,
she takes me to her country
where it rains dogs every day.
Cats and dogs, sweetheart.
Shower, cocktail, dinner?
You go bathroom first,
or we be here all night. Hey!
I smoke outside.
Bloody hell.
"Hello? Paul."
What's going on?
I've had all these messages.
"It's Anthony.
"The police have been round.
"He's dead.
What? What do you mean, dead?
"They found him. They found him dead.
"I can't talk about it, Mam.
"I'll tell Kate to ring you.
Oh, Jesus.
Love you too.
Oh, love. Come here.
I still can't take it in, Mam.
Me neither.
"I've got that number they gave me.
"It's for Barking police.
Oh, er
I'll go give them a call.
"Barking and Dagenham Police. Hello?
"Yes, hello?
Erm, can I speak to Detective
Sergeant O'Donnell, please?
"And your name is?
Sarah Sak.
"What's this concerning?
It's about my son.
"I see, and, er
He's dead.
"I'm sorry?
He, he was he was found dead.
"Are you reporting it?
No, no, I'm not reporting it,
you're already dealing with it.
Detective Sergeant O'Donnell.
Hi, erm, I'm, I'm calling
about Anthony Walgate.
Right. And you are?
Sarah Sak.
I'm his mother. I was, I was told
to ring you for further information.
Sarah Sacks?
No, no, no, Sak. S-A-K.
OK, um, we've assigned a dedicated
Family Liaison Officer to the case.
If you can give me your number?
Trying to imagine you're
on a beach in Malibu?
All right, neighbour.
Yeah. You?
Not seen you about much lately.
Yeah, been busy.
Work and shit.
Yeah. Nice set of wheels over there.
Wouldn't be yours, by any chance?
Got an even nicer set inside.
What do you reckon?
Another for the collection, eh?
Four quid on eBay.
Bidding on another
dumper truck at the moment.
Still winning.
You're spending too much
time on there, Stephen.
Why don't we go out one night?
Like Soho or somewhere?
I was thinking here, Barking.
Who goes out in Barking?
I dunno. Some people must.
Not gay men.
There's got to be some.
You never see any twinks.
Anyway, who cares?
Let's give it a go.
You, me, night in the Barking Dog?
Easier meeting guys online, isn't it?
Yes! One vintage dumper truck.
Mine for £6.50.
Hello? Am I speaking to Sarah Sak?
DC Slaymaker, Barking and Dagenham CID.
I'm the FLO that's dealing
with Anthony Walgate's death.
It's Anthony.
Right. You're his mother?
Yeah. Yeah, erm
So, so what happened to him?
He was found dead by a
member of the public last Thursday.
And you're quite sure it was Anthony?
He had his passport on him,
we're satisfied of the likeness.
So how did he die?
Well, the, er, the initial
postmortem was inconclusive,
so we're waiting for toxicology tests.
Toxicology test?
Do you, do you think he's been
poisoned or something?
No, no, I'm not saying that,
but it should help determine
the cause of his death.
Why? Why was he in Barking?
That's a matter of ongoing investigation.
And when you say he was found dead,
I mean
What do you mean, was he just lying there?
So I believe, yes.
Was he injured?
There were no obvious signs of injury.
So what, you think he
just dropped down dead?
A fit healthy, 23-year-old lad?
Look, Mrs Sak,
I understand you're very upset.
But it's important you trust us
with the necessary investigations.
So where is he now?
The mortuary.
And when can I have his body back?
That's a decision for the coroner.
I'll be in touch when I have any
more information. All right?
Thank you.
Hi. Is that China?
Hi. It's Tom Walgate, Anthony's dad.
Oh, hi. I'm so sorry about Anthony.
The police gave me your phone number.
Yeah. I'm glad you called.
Erm, we gave the police some
information about Anthony
and I wanted you to know what it was.
When did he tell you?
When he was 14.
I was driving him to a hospital appointment
and he just come out with it.
I said, "I know." He said, "How?"
I said, "Mams just sense these things."
So everyone else knew except me, then?
It was for Anth to tell you.
Why didn't he?
Anyway, what about this Joe Dean?
China's sure it was a false name.
But Anthony showed her
a picture of him on his phone.
She's told the police all this,
but she's worried they're not
going to follow it up properly.
She thought with us being parents,
we can insist that they do.
Of course. But you'd think the
police would have told us.
I mean, Jesus,
it's like we're bloody irrelevant.
Good to meet you.
Take a seat.
That's what I call a rucksack.
Everything I own.
So how
How long have you been here?
Few weeks.
Why London?
Best city in the world.
To be gay, you mean?
So they say.
Well, having travelled a fair bit,
I would say that's true.
I have a job at a deli in Richmond.
The guy who owns it doesn't like me,
don't even give me packet of potato chips.
Don't pay me yet either. Why not?
Cos no bank account.
So, erm, where have you been staying?
Hostel. Isle of Dogs.
Well, like I said when, er,
when we messaged
I have a spare room. I mean,
I know it was a dating website,
but I think we both already realise
we're not exactly going
to be leaping into bed.
You don't mind?
I'm old enough to be your dad.
I'd planned to take in a refugee anyway.
So if you want it
I pay you rent.
OK. Say £50 a week?
That's cheap.
Well, my flat's a bit of a tip.
I'm doing it up.
Let's just give it a couple of
weeks and see how it goes.
You all right?
Hi, Jean.
This is DC Slaymaker's voicemail.
Sorry, I can't take your call,
please leave a message after
the tone and I'll get back to you.
Hello, this is Sarah Sak.
Look, I want to know what's
going on with the investigation.
And when I can get my son's body back?
I mean, do I need to come
down there and get it or what?
China. Hi, love, it's Anthony's mam.
Oh, hiya.
Look, you heard anything from the police?
Er, no, have you?
Not a thing.
They've given us this
Family Liaison Officer,
but I can never get hold of him.
All I know is what you told Anthony's dad
about him going to meet this Joe
Dean he'd met off the internet.
Right, yeah.
Well, surely they can track this guy down?
Yeah, you'd think so. I was thinking
if they haven't got his phone,
maybe they could get him
from the dating website.
Do you know what it's called?
Sleepyboys, I think.
And, erm
And did Anthony use his own name?
No, he called himself Ryan.
OK, love.
Thanks. Bye.
To find out he was doing that
with a total stranger for money
Yeah, but he had money, though, didn't he?
"With his student loan.
"His dad used to give him
a hundred every month.
Yeah, I was always subbing him.
So was Sami.
And you know what he was
like about his personal hygiene.
He wouldn't get in a
bath without bleaching it
because other people's
arses had been in there.
Hello. Sarah Sak? I've been trying
to get hold of you all week.
Is there any news?
Not really. Enquiries are ongoing.
What about this Joe Dean?
Have you tracked him down yet?
I can't discuss operational matters.
Look, I don't know if you're trying
to protect me, but I know,
I know why Anthony was meeting that guy.
And you know what, I don't give a shit.
I don't want to get into a
discussion of Anthony's lifestyle
It's Anthony!
And what about those toxicology results?
We haven't got them. Er, the coroner
won't release his body till we have.
Although I should probably point out
that we found drugs in his flat.
What drugs? Er, do you mean poppers?
Poppers, because they all do them,
straight, gay
I'm not making any judgments
about your son being gay.
What about this Joe Dean?
He's taken his profile off the website.
Why would he do that? Something
just seems so bloody suspicious.
Look, if my governors thought
there was anything suspicious,
I'd have been told.
It's being investigated
as an unexplained death, that's all.
Well, pull your finger out
and fucking explain it, then!
You all right?
Yeah, yeah, OK.
Still no wages, though.
So I take revenge.
Did you nick all that?
One night, I make us Slovakian meal.
TV: It's just nice to meet people
who take seagull safety
as seriously as I do.
Do you like this?
You don't.
Maybe after a few more of these.
I have DVD we can watch later.
Yeah? What's that?
Revolutionary Road.
Kate Winslet.
You know it.
No, I haven't seen it.
My favourite movie.
It's about a couple trapped in
old-fashioned society, killing them.
Is that how it felt for you back home?
In Slovakia, they vote against
civil partnership for gays.
And how were your family
with you being gay?
My dad is dead.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Mother, brother, sister,
I mean, they love me,
but, you know,
I don't want to embarrass them.
So I think best I go somewhere else.
Here, a guy show love for a guy,
whether there is sex or no, no-one minds.
You're a good man.
"He hated you, mate,
and couldn't tell you he was gay.
"Just took the money.
"The hundred every month
just gave him drug money."
Anth didn't do drugs.
I know, I texted back and said that.
And then I gets this.
"He told me he never felt loved by you
"or the slag that was his mum,
"just married a Turk,
didn't give a fuck about him.
"He was screwed up by you."
I told that liaison officer, Slaymaker.
He's asked me to forward them to him.
Yeah, well, it's not true, is it,
any of it.
Me and Anth couldn't have been any closer.
And to say that we screwed him up
I know.
I can't get it out of my head.
Did he ever mention a Dan to you?
No. No, me neither.
Don't ring any bells with China
and Kiera either. So who is it?
Look, I've no fucking idea, Tom,
and I can't handle this right now.
I mean, is it some random nutter
or does he know how Anth died?
Or maybe it's this Joe Dean?
I don't know, Tom, all right?
I don't fucking know.
Just leave me be, will you?
You're not the only one
that's hurting over this, Sarah.
"Well, we said that you'd get Mam a scarf.
"Sarah. Sarah?
Oh, God, I wish Tom had never told
me about them text messages.
"Well, don't beat yourself up.
But they're lies.
They're just all vicious, horrible lies.
Yeah, you both know that.
I mean, how could
somebody put that in my head?
Telling me I don't know my
own son any more. It's rubbish.
I thought I knew him. Well, maybe
I didn't. Don't even think that.
I just can't help it.
And I still can't get that.
I can't get my head around him,
doing all that
All that for money.
It's the thought of him doing that.
Selling himself.
Come on, now, don't get yourself worked up.
And who is this Joe Dean?
I mean, who is he?
Why haven't they found him
and asked him what he knows?
"All right, love,
"why don't we go and get a coffee?
I don't want a fucking coffee, Kate!
I just want to know where my son is.
I just want to know.
I just want to know what's
happened to my son.
That's all I want!
I want my lad back.
We just wanted to clarify
a few matters with you.
Does the name Joe Dean
mean anything to you, Stephen?
I'm not sure.
We've reason to believe
it's a name that you
used on a gay escort site.
Is that the case?
Yeah, possibly, now I think about it.
We have reason to believe that
you met a man on that site
on the evening of Tuesday 17th June,
for the purpose of having sex.
Is that correct?
Yeah, possibly.
Who was that person, Stephen?
Er trying to remember.
Was it the same young man
you say you found outside in the
early hours of Thursday 19th June?
No. It wasn't him.
Now, the name of the young man
that was found outside your flat
was Anthony Walgate.
What was the young man you met
on the Tuesday night called?
Er I think his name was Anthony.
You see, you're asking us to believe
a very big coincidence here, Stephen,
that the man you had sex with
and the dead man outside
your flat have the same name.
Now, I put it to you that
they are the same person.
I already said they weren't.
And I'm asking you again
because I'm not convinced
you're telling the truth.
Did something happen that
you're not telling us about, Stephen?
No. But, erm
But what?
Can I just ask for the scenario?
If it was an accident,
if he had a fit in my place
and somehow ended up there,
would that be my fault?
Why do you ask that?
If it was something that didn't happen?
I panicked.
I thought I'd get the blame.
For what?
We met up, like I said.
We'd agreed I would pay him 800 quid
but I didn't have that much money on me,
so we settled on 200.
Went back to my place.
He asked me if I minded him taking a drug
cos he wanted to get high and horny.
I said, fine.
Got some stuff out of a brown bottle.
Mixed it with water, swallowed it.
Got quite hyper.
We had sex for a bit and, er,
he took some more.
Had sex again.
Er, then he was sick,
like he wasn't used to the drug.
And he said he felt tired, so, er,
I suggested he go to bed and, erm, I got
I got in with him. And, erm,
when I got up in the morning to go to work,
he was still asleep.
I thought he'd be gone by
the time I got back that night
but he was, he was still there.
And, er, I tried to wake him up.
But I didn't think too much
about it, you know,
because, you know, I know that
drugs can take a while to wear off.
So what did you do then?
Bits and pieces.
Um, then I went to bed.
But in the middle of the
night I touched him and, er,
it seemed like he was in a deep coma.
Well, that was when I panicked.
Cos I thought if people
found him like that in my bed,
they'd think I'd murdered him or something.
So I moved him outside.
Was he dead when you moved him?
Didn't think so, no.
You should have told us this at the time.
You realise that it's a serious offence,
giving a misleading
statement to the police?
He's been charged with
perverting the course of justice
and bailed. Could be six months
before it gets to trial.
Upstairs'll be glad it's done and dusted.
Someone will need to put
the mother in the picture.
Bloke's a time-waster.
He's probably sat out now with his feet up.
Only spag bol, I'm afraid.
Spag bol is great.
I find another place.
Another place to stay.
You said two weeks.
It's nearly six.
And you go for holiday next week.
Is it because you want to meet guys
and you feel like you
can't bring them back here?
Fair enough.
So, um, sorry when you say
you've found somewhere else
On Couchsurfing website.
Guy in Barking.
And he's got a spare room, or?
No. Just a sofa.
How much rent does he want?
That's double what you're paying me.
Oh, it's OK, now I'm getting paid wages,
thanks to you sorting out
bank account for me.
Just so long as you don't feel
I'm pressurising you to move on?
It's cool, honestly.
We stay friends, yeah?
"I know it must seem strange,
"us coming to see an MP about all this.
"But she's absolutely desperate.
And this family liaison officer
hasn't been up to see you?
I don't even know what he looks like.
And where is Anthony now?
In a mortuary, down there.
Why haven't you been able
to bring him home?
They say they're still doing
toxicology tests.
Could be months before we get
him home and have a funeral.
It all just feels so wrong.
Me not knowing what's happened to Anthony,
the police not telling me what's going on.
Well, Sarah,
I think your concerns are
completely understandable.
I will speak to the Chief Constable
here in Hull and I will ask him
to chase this up as a matter of urgency.
Thank you.
All right, neighbour?
Just me and my couch surfer.
Ah, you're Gabriel?
Stephen was telling me about you.
Hi. You want to see the girls, I believe?
Yes, please. Come in.
You like chickens?
Yeah, usually with side order of fries.
Oh, no, these two will never be eaten,
will you, my darlings?
Um, that one's Izzy, and that's Ginger.
And they make eggs?
And mountains of shit.
So, art's your thing?
Yeah. I like sketching.
Maybe I'll find an art course to take.
Or look for work as a translator.
So still finding your feet
at the moment, then?
Yeah. Well, Barking's definitely not
the centre of gay civilisation,
is it, Stephen?
You can say that again.
QUIETLY: Hey, how's it going with Stephen?
He's strange guy.
Yeah, Stephen is a bit quirky,
but he's harmless enough.
That's what I thought first.
..he's really strange.
Has he tried to come on to you?
Because if he has
and you're not interested,
you just make that very clear.
I know that.
Not easy.
Here, with you, he's OK.
When I'm on my own with him
..he's different.
I don't like him.
Look, if you're not happy at his place,
you are very welcome to stay here.
What's your mobile?
..all under one roof ♪
Right, you've got mine.
The offer's open, OK?
New range of Transformers in Toys 'R' Us.
Die-cast metal. Stunning.
Hello, ladies. There we are.
Good lad.
Off you go, Ness. Go on.
You weren't in a relationship
with him, as such?
No, we're just good friends.
I mean, I helped him out with a few things.
I set up a bank account using this address.
Yeah, that's how we traced him back here.
Can you tell me the circumstances?
Well, this is being dealt with
by Barking and Dagenham,
so we only know what they've told us,
which is just that his body was
found in a graveyard in Barking.
A graveyard? It's being treated
as an unexplained death.
All right, neighbour?
Yeah, OK.
Been meaning to get in touch, actually.
Had a bit of bad news.
That Gabriel.
He's dead.
I know. I couldn't believe it.
But no, you said he'd
gone off to be with some guy.
Must have been bollocks.
Went back to Slovakia.
Cos he was sick, apparently.
Got back there
and went into some kind of
medical crisis and just died.
God, you're kidding?
I knew there was something
he wasn't telling me.
Must have had a virus or something.
Jesus, poor kid.
So how did you find out?
Some guy who knew him got in touch.
He said, don't go posting about
it on Facebook or whatever.
Gabriel's family will be devastated.
Last thing they need is people
going on about it on social media.
Oh, no. No, I won't. Obviously.
This is DC Slaymaker's voicemail,
I am sorry I can't take
Voicemail again.
Well, say something.
"What is there to say?
Anything. Anything at all.
You don't talk,
you don't even mention Anthony.
"What do you want me to do?
"Bawl my eyes out?
"Or swallow fistfuls
"of these things like you?
"Nothing's gonna bring him back, is it?
But we could still talk about him.
It's not normal, trying to
act as if it hasn't happened.
"What's normal about any of
this, for fuck's sake? Nothing!
You don't have to tell me that, Paul.
"It wouldn't have happened
if it hadn't been for you!
What do you mean?
"If he'd have stayed here in Hull,
he'd still be alive, wouldn't he?
No. He
Anthony couldn't be himself in Hull.
He was forever saying that, wasn't he?
"You should have stopped him.
I couldn't.
That's all he ever wanted.
He wanted to go to London.
"Yeah, and look what's happened.
DC Slaymaker.
It's Sarah Sak.
I was about to ring you.
Why have you done this?
Done what?
Complained to your MP.
Because I didn't know what else to do.
You don't answer my calls.
That's not true. You don't tell me
anything. I tell
I don't know what
investigations are going on
I tell you as much as I'm able to.
When I'm going to get Anthony home,
or his clothes, or belongings.
I mean, I'm sat in here,
in middle of fucking Hull,
in a big fat silence,
not knowing anything except
I think my son's been murdered.
What? You can't start saying that.
I can and I will.
If there was any evidence of that,
I'd have been told.
Well, there's been that other lad
found, hasn't there, in Barking?
In the graveyard.
There is nothing whatsoever
to connect what happened to your son
to any other death, Mrs Sak.
If there was, my governor would
have told us. But to go to your MP
and tell him you want another
Family Liaison Officer.
Yeah, well, you're neither use
nor ornament, are you?
I mean, have you even done the job before?
As it happens, no.
But I've done the training.
You've put me in a very difficult position.
Well, what about my fucking position, eh?
I appreciate you're distressed.
No, you don't.
You don't have the first
bloody clue about my distress.
I suggest we end this call and
speak when you've calmed down.
I want answers!
I'm going to end this call, Mrs Sak.
Don't you fucking dare!
I'll speak to you when you're calmer.
Next Episode