Fresh off the Sea (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

- Form a single file! - Yes, sir!
(Somewhere in the South Sea)
(Yum Jung Ah)
(Park Jun Myun)
(Ahn Eun Jin)
- Work faster! - Work faster!
- Let's work! - Let's work!
- Let's work hard! - Let's work hard!
(What are they doing here?)
Let's work!
(This story starts with anchovies in the South Sea.)
(Fresh anchovies caught from the South Sea)
- Look. - Excuse me.
(How does this precious, in-season fish)
(get all the way to us?)
(In the hot and sunny summer, )
(ripe in-season ingredients get on our dinner tables.)
(We will dive into that journey.)
Oh, my.
(From the ocean)
(to our tables)
This is looking good.
(These four people have gathered)
(for the best in-season ingredients.)
(We will directly ship their fresh summer days to you.)
(A sunny day in May near Seoul)
(The youngest arrived first.)
I'm not the most punctual type,
but I came early since I'm meeting my seniors in the industry.
(Kim Jin Young, Dex)
- Oh, my. Dex. - Hello.
- Ms. Park. Nice to meet you. - Dex.
Should I sit here?
(Park Jun Myun, Actress)
- It's an honour. - No, it's an honour for me.
I pour water for you.
How sweet.
(Polite, timid)
- Do you like sashimi? - Yes. Do you like sashimi?
Gosh. There's not enough sashimi in the world for me.
- Do you like alcohol? - You don't even have to ask.
Are you a heavy drinker?
Not that much. Just a bit.
(Fancy hand movements)
- It was like playing an instrument. - Gosh.
I heard you filmed a drama together.
Yes. I met her for the first time.
She took such good care of me.
I thought she was scary at first because she has that aura.
- Not at all. - But behind the scenes,
she was so lovely.
She's lovely, cute, and easy-going.
Her fashion is very lovely as well.
- Hello. - Hello.
- Hello. - Hi.
- Hello. - Hello.
- Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.
We just met.
- We were just starting to talk. - Breaking the ice?
Yes. We are being shy.
- Being shy. - Yes.
- Could I have the menu? - Yes, here's the menu.
- Thank you. - Here
What? You're already here?
- Hello! - Hello.
- Yes! - We finally meet again.
Look at that red. Goodness.
- Hello. - Did you have a good trip?
(Yum Jung Ah, Actress)
(Yum Jung Ah, Boss)
Hello, Boss.
- We were being shy - Did you talk a bit?
- Yes. - We were being shy.
You look so cute today.
I dressed up a bit
- to meet you guys. - You have a red bag today.
- It's so cute. - Gosh.
Just half for now.
Do you feel awkward? You don't feel awkward, right?
- Not yet - Not yet
I do feel a bit awkward
I don't feel totally comfortable, but I'm sure
- We'll get close very quickly. - We will.
We're going to eat together.
- Exactly. - Yes.
(There is no fan on.)
- The wind. - Don't you think
we'll have many days like this?
It'll be like this, then suddenly start to rain.
- We'll have many days like that. - Totally.
I think the wind will blow a lot
- What if it rains? - since we're by the ocean.
What if it rains?
- If it rains - That will be total chaos.
"Reel it in! Get it in there!"
- We'll have a lot to do. - I'll take care of it.
Don't plan on doing physical labour. I'll do it all.
Gosh. How could you do all of that by yourself?
I searched about you three actresses.
- You - Actresses?
- Exactly. - How should I call you
Just our names.
- Your names. Eun Jin. - You don't have to do that for me.
- Jun Myun. - Not for me.
- Call me - Jung Ah.
That's nice.
After being there for a while,
- I think it'll naturally happen. - Of course.
Since we'll always be together.
Dex. Carry this for me.
I'm worried we'll be calling Dex a lot.
Dex! Everyone will be calling Dex.
I can go back and forth.
All I have in surplus is energy.
- You have energy in surplus? - In surplus?
I'm always lacking energy.
Us three are such Seoul people. Right?
Are you all from Seoul originally?
- We've never gone fishing. - Exactly.
- We'll take this chance to learn. - Yes, we can learn through this.
We can learn.
I'm so curious what we'll end up doing.
We'll really need a lot of energy.
I think it'll be fun.
Do you remember what you said?
It'll be so fun to see you in a reality show.
- You said that to me, right? - Yes.
Did you think so from seeing her on set?
- Yes. - Right. She's very neat.
- She's very organized. - Yes, she's very organized.
She's the epitome of productivity. Seriously. So productive.
- So - It could be fun
- to see her suffer a bit. - I'm looking forward to that.
Can you go into a mudflat?
- Of course, I can. - Really?
What if we're playing around and put mud on your face?
It's okay. I'm not like that.
That kind of thing is okay.
- We'll be able to tease her. - I can just wash it off.
I love it.
I'm serious.
Now that I think about it, there is a right time for travelling.
- Totally. - Of course.
Now, I really don't want to
- go on tough trips. - Right.
But when you're young, it's fun
- to go through that hardship. - Right.
Even back then, I didn't like hardship.
Even when I was in my 20s.
- Really? - Yes.
I was thinking about it.
We will take care of earning money, seriously.
She's so funny.
How do you plan to make money?
Whatever they tell me to do.
Really? Then can I
- I'll buy everything you need. - just cook all day?
Yes. Seriously.
They said I should just cook and that they'll earn money.
If we don't have enough money, I'll work 2, even 3 jobs.
(Not trusting him)
Next day, I'll get sick.
- It's possible. - I don't think I can get up.
We have four people, so even if one is missing
(Jung Ah is such a rational person.)
When one person is resting
- I'll do the dishes at home. - Exactly.
I'm so tired.
It'll be fun. Every day will be tough, but it'll be fun.
It'll be fun because it's tough.
Yes, we have to make it fun. What else can we do?
- Should we raise our glasses? - Yes.
- For our hardship. - For our hardship.
(One month later)
We're here.
We're finally here.
It's so similar to the set where we filmed "Smugglers."
(The harbour is quiet in the morning.)
I feel as if I should put on a diving suit and jump in.
(Scenery that reminds Jung Ah of "Smugglers")
(A blue ocean that makes you want to dive in)
(This is Namhae-gun, South Gyeongsang Province.)
(Bursting out in laughter)
Gosh. I feel so awkward.
(Jun Myun is not used to variety shows like this.)
- I think it's this place. - Okay.
(A small restaurant)
(by the harbour)
(Running over)
"Anchovy sashimi, anchovy wraps." We really are in Namhae.
- Come in. - Are we eating right away?
(Smiling at the thought of eating breakfast)
(A small restaurant at the harbour that feeds the crewmen)
(Anchovy wrap speciality store)
(Let's see.)
About ten years ago,
I lived in Namhae for a month
to film a drama.
Out of all oceans I've seen, I think South Sea is the best.
Among oceans. It's so beautiful.
I can't forget the anchovy wrap I ate back then.
It was so delicious.
The anchovies are this big.
- Yes. I thought they were sauries. - Right.
I thought the anchovies were sauries because they were so big.
(And here comes)
(a pair of big eyes.)
(And here comes)
(a pair of big eyes.)
Eun Jin is here.
(Sticking her head out to see)
- Oh, my. Hello. - Eun Jin.
- Hello. - Hi.
Hi, Eun Jin.
- Hey. - How can I get used to this?
Come here.
Hello. Oh, my. Hello.
You suddenly became even more beautiful.
- Really? - Should I put on a hat?
- You don't have to yet. - Do whatever you want.
Then why do you already have one on?
- This was for fashion. - Really?
I brought a hat to be fashionable too.
- Oh, my! - Oh, my!
- Hello. - Dex.
- Why do you keep - Look at that.
Carrying a book around?
- I have come to spread the word. - Gosh.
- You always have that. - Why do you always have that?
You said you read up to page ten yesterday.
- Yes. - Did you read more?
What are you talking about? Page ten.
Look at that.
- You stopped here. - I've been on page ten
for three hours now.
Are we here for breakfast? Or will we live here?
- We came to eat breakfast. - Oh, for breakfast?
- I saw there was a harbour outside. - Right.
(These four gathered at the harbour early in the morning)
Okay. Come in close.
Gosh. Stretch your arm out more.
- Dex. You should take it. - Gosh.
I'll take a picture for you.
(A human selfie stick)
It's early in the morning, and you already look so pretty.
Yes, you two.
- Hello. - I just rolled out of bed.
Come on.
I'll read a bit.
Gosh. Look at him pretending.
(Jun Myun is allergic to pretending.)
Look at you.
- You're so impressive. - Give me that.
You're a monster that YouTube created.
So that's how you become a YouTube star.
- Come on. - I'm learning a lot right now.
(While they were bickering, )
(the table has been set with the anchovy wrap meal.)
Oh, that looks delicious.
What is this?
- Anchovy sashimi. Anchovy salad. - Anchovy.
I didn't know anchovies were so big.
Yes, they're anchovies.
I've only seen baby anchovies.
Is this place famous for anchovies?
I think so. They must be anchovies from the South Sea.
Do we wrap the anchovies with the lettuce?
(How do we eat this?)
That will come soon.
They still have to bring one item.
- Oh, I see. - Are you waiting for this one?
- This is a type of stew. - A type of stew.
Oh, it's an anchovy set.
This is the set.
(With the anchovy set, they can try the sashimi salad and wrap.)
Sashimi salad.
You're right. Anchovy wraps.
(Sashimi salad, sashimi on the house, braised anchovy)
Jun Myun already
- opened her rice bowl. - You have to be ready.
- Let's eat. - You should eat first, Jung Ah.
- Thank you for the food. - Thank you for the food.
This looks so good. What should I eat first?
- I'll wait for the last dish. - Okay.
Oh, my.
(The main dish, braised anchovy, is here at last.)
(In the spicy gochujang sauce, )
(big whole anchovies fill the pot.)
How should we eat this?
In the lettuce, add some rice, some of these anchovies,
- wrap it up, and eat it. - I'm salivating.
- In the lettuce. - Let's try.
(Jung Ah makes the first wrap.)
- Thank you. - Add the rice first.
Add anchovies.
(Grabbing a big anchovy)
And she said to add this, right?
- Gosh. - How great is this?
(A mouthful of anchovy wrap)
(Dex makes a big wrap too.)
- Thank you. - Thank you.
(Taking a big bite)
What? What is this?
- Try this. - Oh, my!
Sashimi salad.
Tangy and sweet.
She's good at cooking.
Oh, my. This is so delicious.
- It's not fishy. - Is it not fishy?
- It's not fishy. Not fishy at all. - Not at all. Right.
How do they make it not fishy?
Right. Do they have a way of cleaning the anchovies?
Or they use good anchovies.
- Is it because they're fresh? - Right.
- Yes. - Oh, my.
I've never seen these on the menu.
Right. I've never seen anchovy wraps before.
(But for the people of Namhae, anchovy wraps)
(is soul food that everyone loves.)
This is so good.
What dish is the tastiest?
Out of all of the dishes.
(Thinking about it)
- Jun Myun. - What?
- She's asking you a question. - What?
She asked which dish was tastiest.
(Jung Ah interprets for Jun Myun who is busy eating.)
You're so serious.
(So serious)
The salad.
- Right. - I like the salad too.
It has a special flavour. I think I taste
- yuja? - The scent?
- Really? - Is there yuja in here?
When we make the sauce, we use yuja preserves.
I couldn't tell. You're so amazing.
Oh, my.
(Pour the handmade sauce with yuja preserves)
(on fresh anchovy sashimi and vegetables)
(and mix with your hands to make Namhae-style anchovy salad.)
You're an epicure.
(Of course, I am.)
Did you see it on "Korean Cuisine and Dining?"
I'm just very skilled when it comes to food.
- Enjoy. - Thank you.
Thank you.
- Here you go. - Oh, that's delicious.
You need to add some of this.
(They didn't know)
(what was in store for them.)
This is so good.
The meal you just ate
was made with seasonal ingredients grown in Namhae.
- It's a seasonal Namhae meal. - Yes.
(Actually, today's breakfast)
These ingredients
are related to the harvesting and delivering
here in Namhae.
Please take a guess
as to what you'll do.
(Looking around nervously)
(There is something here that we'll harvest?)
We don't even have to guess. It's anchovies.
You served us three anchovy dishes.
Did you see that?
There is an anchovy de-netting facility here.
- A statue of a fisherman - An anchovy de-netting facility?
I guess this place is famous for anchovy de-netting.
(Looking closely)
This guy?
- What is this? - What is this?
(They spotted an unfamiliar dish on their table.)
Is it taro?
Take some of this.
- Potato. - Potato?
Is this place famous for potatoes too?
- Is there more? - Those are red potatoes
Could we have a bit more?
- Red potatoes? Red potatoes. - Red potatoes.
It's red potatoes.
(Will they harvest red potatoes next?)
- What? - Yuja?
- Is this place famous for yuja? - The yuja here?
(Sniffing around)
- Yuja? - She said
they used yuja in the sauce.
We're smarter than you expected, right?
(We found all of the clues.)
(Anchovy, red potato, yuja)
(Which ingredient will they send off for delivery today?)
The place where you're eating now
is Mijo Port in Namhae.
- Mijo Port - Yes, Mijo Port.
They're one of the biggest producers of anchovies in the country.
(Namhae's speciality food)
(They catch fresh anchovies)
(and shake them out of the net.)
(Anchovy de-netting)
(It is a hard task, even for experienced workers.)
So you'll change
So you'll change
- Now? - Right away?
- Without going to our house? - We're not
Right away?
We're not One moment.
- Oh, we're not going to our house. - Without going to our house?
(Starting now, )
(these four siblings)
(will shake out)
(some anchovies.)
(Their work clothes are here.)
Oh, my.
(These work clothes)
(will block out the anchovies)
(flying all over the place.)
I dressed up so much today.
- What is going on? - Oh, my goodness.
(The first hardship for Jung Ah, who loves to plan ahead)
(Looking around nervously)
I didn't even imagine we wouldn't stop by the house.
They say life doesn't go according to plan.
- It doesn't. - It doesn't go to plan.
Oh, my goodness.
(Just 5 minutes)
(away from the harbour)
(The four siblings are hired for anchovy de-netting right away.)
(We will take care of earning money, seriously.)
(Her eyes were full of confidence.)
(I will do anything.)
(I will dive into the water if I have to.)
(Then can I just cook all day?)
(She's excited since they told her she can just cook all day.)
(Now, I really don't want to go on tough trips.)
(They were looking forward to the trip full of romance.)
Each ship has its own team.
(There are 2 ships for 1 barge.)
(On the barge with any shades, )
(they're divided into different teams for the anchovy de-netting.)
(When they shake the net non-stop at the same pace, )
(the falling anchovy scales hit them like rain.)
(After each shake, lots of anchovies come off the net.)
(Naturally, they pile up on the floor.)
(Anchovy de-netting and picking)
- Dex, take this. - Okay.
(Their job is to sort and pack.)
The scales splatter a lot.
- They splatter on your face. - Gosh.
- Hello. - Hello.
(The ship approaches the anchovy barge.)
- Hello. - Goodness.
- Hey. Thank you. - Pick up the anchovies here.
Do we pick them up?
(They have to pick the anchovies up at the pace of de-netting.)
- Do we pick up the anchovies? - These anchovies.
Oh, no!
How do I do this?
(It's visually shocking for those new to it.)
Will I be able to do this?
(They have to do it to earn the ingredients to cook.)
(On the other hand, Jung Ah starts picking them up without hesitation.)
My goodness.
Gosh. Jun Myun is sweeping them up.
(The 2 skilled workers, Jung Ah and Jun Myun)
- How are you grabbing them? - Come here.
I don't know.
- Just do it. - Okay. I'll try it.
- Do I have to use my hands? - Hurry up.
- Jun Myun, why can't I do it? - It's amazing.
Is it because it's my first time?
The anchovies are flying at us.
(Due to powerful de-netting, the anchovies keep flying at them.)
(It's raining with anchovies.)
Let's do it.
Oh, no.
Pick them up quickly.
Gosh. They come flying at me.
(Anchovy shower area)
I'm scared. It's so scary.
This is crazy.
Gosh. It feels weird.
You're doing great.
(Jung Ah and Dex have filled up a box.)
- One should grab it and follow me. - Okay.
- Carry it and pour it here. - "Carry it."
- Pour it. - Are we throwing them away?
Bring them here.
(Are they throwing them away after picking them up so hard?)
Go that way. Thank you.
(He grabs Jun Myun and Eun Jin's anchovies and)
- They are a waste. - We have to wash them in water.
("Wash them in water?")
Here is how we de-net them at the Mijo Port.
We de-net them together.
Because we do it inside the seawalls,
there are no waves.
That's why our anchovies are of great quality.
(Because they are de-netted in the calm sea, )
(the anchovies from Mijo, the South Sea, are less scarred.)
When you shake the net, the anchovies fall off.
(They shake the anchovies off the net hard.)
(They gather the anchovies on the net)
(set up between the barge and the ship.)
(They pick up these anchovies and send them to the land.)
(The four siblings' job is to gather up)
(the anchovies on the barge.)
One, two, three. Yes!
(Dex is dumbfounded by the raining anchovies.)
Hurry up.
You were like, "Oh, no, Jun Myun." before.
- I was scared. - But you're just grabbing them now.
- I know. - It's because you have no choice.
(Dex follows to sing the work song.)
(The sound from the belly of the assistant instructor spreads.)
Gosh. I like it. It cheers me up.
(Laughing. The youngest one likes the work song.)
It's exciting.
Gosh. There is a lot here. It's a bonanza.
(They are getting better at picking up the anchovies.)
(Their faces are almost buried in the anchovies.)
- Jun Myun. - Yes?
- We automatically become silent. - Yes, you're right.
(Not me)
(Their backs start to hurt.)
(Because they are bundled up, their body temperatures are rising.)
(The strong and youngest one lifts the basket at a breath.)
Pour them over there.
(They fall into the net.)
(Eun Jin and Jun Myun follow after him.)
(He shouts to cheer them up.)
(He is still full of energy.)
(De-netting is tough for a newbie because it's a difficult process.)
- I got it. - Jun Myun.
(I, Dex, go all the way to the end.)
- Go up there. - Gosh. Hi.
- Oh, my! - What should I do?
(Her eyes sparkle as Dex tries out the de-netting.)
- Let's go. - What do I do?
(Like this)
- Like that? Let's go. - Let's go.
Let's go. One, two, three, four.
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
(He is surprised by the anchovies flying toward him.)
- Heave-ho. - Good job.
(Our youngest member is doing a good job.)
(Cheering up)
(He's covered in anchovies after shaving the net five times.)
- Louder. - Louder.
You should be louder.
- Let's shake it. - Shake it.
- Let's go. - Let's go.
- Let's go. Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
(Jung Ah picks up the anchovies Dex de-netted.)
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
(He might be clumsy at it, but he does his best.)
(Breaking into laughter)
(It's hard to keep up the pace.)
Heave-ho. Keep going.
- Let's go. - Let's shake it.
- Let's shake it. - Let's go.
- Let's go. - Let's go home.
- Let's go quickly. - Let's go.
The fish splatter on my face.
- Let's go. - Go.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
(He rejoins right away.)
(Anchovy de-netting isn't easy.)
Gosh. We're done with one net.
- Is it hard? - It's hard.
- Gosh. - I'm exhausted.
- It doesn't matter. - "It doesn't matter?"
- You're right. - Am I doing okay?
Take your position again.
Okay. Let's start.
- Heave-ho. - Let's go. One, two.
- Heave-ho. - Let's go.
- Let's go. - Let's shake it.
- Let me go home. - Let's go.
(What he really wanted came out of his mouth, didn't it?)
Shake it.
Gosh. I'm going to throw up the anchovy wrap I had.
- Good job. - Good job.
(But Dex, who goes all the way, guts it out with persistence.)
- Let's go. - Let's go.
- Let's go. - Shake it.
Let's shake it.
By the way, you catch them a lot around this time, right?
(Eun Jin has many questions.)
Because they are in season, right?
The anchovies taste the best around this time.
I had some for breakfast, and they were good.
- They are fattier around this time. - I see.
The other fish don't stick to the net
like the anchovies do, right?
Lots of anchovies were caught to see Jung Ah's face.
I see. That's what happened today.
(The unexpected reason for a full load of fish)
I knew it.
(Mustering up her strength)
It's so heavy.
It's very heavy. Where do I take it?
(The average weight of 1 basket is about 20kg to 25kg.)
- Good job. Bring it here. - Okay.
(Captain Yum is learning to stand on her own.)
- You can do it like this. - Okay. Thank you.
(Let's enjoy the ASMR of the labour for a moment.)
Come on.
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
(Her hands are moving non-stop.)
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
(She rummages thoroughly so that she won't miss one.)
(While focusing on picking up the anchovies non-stop)
- Gosh. It hurts. - Heave-ho.
(Didn't you say all I needed to do was cooking?)
(Meanwhile, Eun Jin finishes a basket too.)
It's too heavy to carry by myself.
(Looking dangerous)
(Taking a bow out of nowhere)
These are the anchovies I dug up today.
Please enjoy.
Gosh, my back.
(Same here)
(When the shower of anchovies is falling down)
Gosh. Their eyes are
(She is absorbed in picking up the anchovies.)
(I can't see forward.)
(She adjusts her hat so that it won't distract her.)
(Slipping down again)
(She gives up.)
(She'd pick up one more anchovy rather than adjusting her hat.)
I miss Mom.
Goodness. Already?
(Now, they are on the move.)
(But she can't get a hold of herself.)
I didn't know I'd look like this right away.
(The trace of their labour)
It's tougher than being a war refugee.
- No. Being a refugee is tougher. - Gosh.
(This is a battlefield.)
(Just screaming)
Come on!
(He shouts as if he's on a special operation.)
- Let's go. - My goodness.
(An anchovy watch)
My goodness!
(Finally, another net is done.)
Take a break. Drink some water.
- Take a sip of water. - I can't see.
"You can't see?" Drink some water. We'll begin again soon.
- Wipe off the baby's face. - Are you all right?
- Hey, Dex. - I'm not all right.
- Wipe it off for him. - Hey, are you all right?
I'm not all right. I'm exhausted.
- Go home, then. - "Go home?"
Can we do that?
(Not a chance)
We have to make money!
(I see.)
We can't go home, then.
Hey. Go and take some rest.
- Good luck. - It's so hard.
Let's go.
(The crewmen take a break while relieving their thirst.)
(Dex takes a sip to refresh himself too.)
Water. Gosh.
(It tastes the best!)
For how many hours do you do that?
- About 2 to 3 hours. - "About 2 to 3 hours?"
Gosh. It's refreshing.
(The older sisters take a sip too.)
- Do we do it again? Let's go. - Let's go.
- Let's go. - Let's go.
Let's go.
(They are worried about Dex who is doing the hard work.)
Jung Ah, let's do it too.
- Can we Excuse me. - Yes?
Sir, can we go up there too?
- Yes. - Yes?
Okay. Come up here.
(The eldest Jung Ah goes for it first!)
(She is eager to help them.)
- Gosh. - Goodness.
- Gosh. - Are your legs this weak?
(Shooting her bolt!)
- Gosh. - That's it.
(She can't help but laugh at Jung Ah trying so hard.)
- Let's go. - How do I do it?
Shake it off with your right hand first.
- One, two. - Right, left.
One, two, three, four.
You're doing great.
- You are doing great. - Three.
Good job.
- Right and left. - One, two.
- Right - Good job.
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
- Heave-ho. - Make some noise.
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
- Scream. - Heave-ho.
- Heave-ho. - You should scream.
- Yes! - That's right.
(The anchovy rain starts to fall again.)
(The school of fish starts to go inside her mouth.)
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
(Though her body is swaying, she doesn't let go of the net.)
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
(It's impossible to do it anymore.)
She's exhausted.
Jung Ah, here.
Jung Ah.
Jung Ah, are you okay?
(I'm not okay at all.)
- Let's go. - Go.
(Jung Ah, the third one will help!)
- Okay. Hold this. - How do I do this?
Try it. Okay.
Let's go.
Father, here we go.
- One, two, three, four. - Heave-ho.
- Pick them up quickly. - Pick them up.
(We should pick them up quickly too.)
- One, two, three. - Left.
- Right, left. - It hurts.
- Right, left. - Heave-ho.
- Right, left. - Heave-ho.
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
- It's gone. Left. - Heave-ho.
- I have to grab it. - Heave-ho. Go for it.
- Heave-ho. - That's it.
(Meanwhile, at the back)
I give up. I give up now.
Jung Ah.
(Jun Myun announces that she's out of energy.)
(But Jung Ah still has the energy to pick them up.)
Anchovies are falling down.
Let's go!
- One, two. - One, two.
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
- Halt. - Heave-ho.
- Heave-ho. - Stop.
(She poured her heart into it.)
You are all amazing.
The anchovies automatically fall from the sky.
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
- Heave-ho. - Goodness.
- Are you tired? - Yes.
(A new concept of working while lying down)
Jun Myun, you're almost on your back to pick them up.
(Her silhouette itself is already funny.)
(This is the posture of a lazy worker.)
They will be back.
- Cheer up. - Yes.
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
(The end is near.)
(Captain Yum is still absorbed in picking up the anchovies.)
(In the suspended net, the anchovies pile up.)
Do you want some anchovies?
Pull it.
- Cheer up. - Go for it.
- Heave-ho. - Heave-ho.
(They work in the same posture for a long time.)
We're almost done.
- Let's go. - Until the end.
Until the end.
You're a man.
- We are the men. - We are.
I'm the man.
He still has energy. He's amazing.
He's going to say "Heave-ho" in his sleep tonight.
- He's going to talk in his sleep. - Heave-ho.
(The work song is almost getting inscribed in his DNA.)
When will we ever do something like this?
- Exactly. - Right?
I've seen the process of it
only on TV.
- Exactly, Jung Ah. - Exactly.
(Who knew we'd de-net them ourselves?)
To feel them in my hands
I know. At first,
- I couldn't touch it. - it was weird to touch it
because it was squashy.
Now, it sticks to my well.
Why are these anchovies so big?
(They enjoyed the anchovy wraps comfortably at a table.)
(Until they reach the table, they go through so many hands.)
By doing this, I paid for my son's college tuition.
- And for my daughter - What?
(The bit ends with the anchovy attack.)
I got slapped by the anchovy.
(They learned and felt a lot through the process.)
- Go! - Go! We're done.
We're done. Yes! We're finished.
(They are done!)
(The tough anchovy de-netting comes to an end.)
Do it until the end.
Good job, everyone.
(Dex didn't give up until the end.)
(He catches his breath for a moment.)
You're the best.
Jung Ah!
- Who did this to our baby brother? - Jung Ah.
Jun Myun, please wipe my eyes.
We can't do anything without you.
(They have mixed emotions after finishing a hard work.)
Will the fishy smell go off, Jung Ah?
It will last for days.
Of course.
But what can we do?
(The crewmen who de-netted together catch a breath too.)
(By getting doused with water, they wash off the anchovy scales.)
(It's refreshing.)
(They go under the gush of water as if they are sucked into it.)
- That must be refreshing. - Hurry and come here.
It's refreshing.
(Being cautious)
(Jun Myun who is easily scared)
(What? It feels good.)
(Like this)
The water trucks must be here now.
Go and sort the anchovies.
- You meant the market. - Do we go back over there?
- Yes. - Good job.
- Good job. - Good job.
- Good job. - Thank you.
Well done.
(They go on board.)
(Lying down flat)
- Jun Myun. - Hold on.
Jun Myun.
Oh, no. Hold on. It's too high.
My legs are shaking.
- Here. - Thank you.
(They drag their tired bodies and board the ship.)
Good job, everyone.
- Bye. - Bye.
(She lies down right away.)
Jung Ah.
(Let's take a break for a second.)
(Seafood business is not easy.)
This is perfect.
(All anchovies caught)
(in Namhae are gathered here at the consignment market.)
(The anchovies from Namhae are the best in the country.)
(And there are anchovies that are more special.)
These are utjang anchovies, which are really good ones.
They are nice, aren't they?
(Utjang anchovies?)
(Usually, the anchovies are tangles in the net.)
(But utjang anchovies are different.)
(They are not tangled in the net, so they have less scars.)
These go to Seoul.
They go to all fish markets,
including Garak, Noryangjin, and Oebalsan.
(Utjang anchovies, The anchovies off the net)
(The sorted utjang anchovies go to Seoul.)
(The anchovies off the net are made into jeotgal.)
(They are already busy working.)
(They are sorting out the clean utjang anchovies.)
- Yes. Hurry. - They are so clean and pretty.
Hurry up.
- Good job. - Hello.
- Tell me how to do it. - Use this
You are good.
- Do it like this. - "Like this?"
- This is about 3kg. - I see.
You have to do it like this.
Do we strain a basketful of it?
- No. - About this much?
- Yes. That's good. - I see.
- You put it there after that. - Yes.
- I'll try it. - Then
- You wash them. - Here. I strain them.
- And I put them here. - And
another person should come here.
- Put it here. - You do it like this.
You have to sort out the good ones.
I see. Do I take out the ugly ones?
- Pick out the ugly ones. - Take out the ugly ones?
There are some ugly ones here.
So they sort out the good ones.
(After picking the anchovies with scars)
- Dex, take it. - Okay.
(The youngest checks the weight.)
Gosh. It's exactly 3kg.
Nice. It's done.
We place the wrapper.
(Pile them up after placing the wrapper.)
Okay. I put it there after placing the wrapper. Okay.
When you're done, put it down here. I'll take care of it.
Jung Ah, these are
- really good anchovies. - It's amazing.
These are all done manually.
I know. It requires a lot of work.
Your body will hurt from fatigue.
Come on. We can handle this.
- Is it all right? - Of course.
I enjoyed them for breakfast without knowing about this process.
Eating them was easy.
(Feeling proud)
Eun Jin is a smooth talker.
Are old are you this year?
- This year? - Yes.
I'm a little old.
But you look so healthy.
I'm 76 years old.
My goodness.
You are truly amazing.
- Are you from the Namhae? - No.
- Where are you from? - I came from Busan and got married.
- Where? - From Busan.
- Really? - Yes.
It was still in South Gyeongsang Province.
I see.
Did you adapt okay because you were also from
- the village near the sea? - Yes.
By the way, what a hard job to do after coming all the way from Seoul.
No. It's so much fun.
- That's it. - Yes. Good.
- They are all gone now. - Yes.
- Nice. We are done. - Great.
- Yes. - Yes. That's it.
- Good. - It's all done.
Good job.
I didn't do anything, though.
You did everything.
When you are done,
we have to load these onto a truck
- to put some ice. - Okay.
- Do we carry them now? - Yes.
(It's time to load the utjang anchovies.)
- Hurry and go. - Okay.
(When the sisters hand over the boxes from underneath, )
(the youngest starts shovelling.)
Put it here.
It's to maintain the freshness.
You are good. You should work here.
What would we have done without you?
- I'm reliable, aren't I? - You're so reliable.
- Do these go to the fish markets? - Yes.
- To Noryangjin? - Yes.
That's good enough.
(They are ready to go straight to the Noryangjin fish market.)
- Gosh. - Well done, everyone.
- Nice work. - By the way, what is your name?
- Why? - I want to know.
Why do you want to know it?
Still. We worked as a team.
It's Byeon Man Seon.
Ms. Man Seon.
You remind me of my granddaughter.
Really? How old is she?
- She goes to college now. - She's a college student.
Yes. She's a junior.
Thank you for everything.
- You did a great job. - It was nice meeting you today.
Good job.
- Stay healthy for a long time. - Okay.
They are leaving. Bye.
See you in Noryangjin.
(The anchovies from Namhae are sent all across the country.)
(Noryangjin Fisheries Wholesale Market)
(They go through the markets)
(to meet us at our tables.)
- You did an awesome job today. - Well done.
We'll give you the delivery fee
for the anchovies you harvested today.
Thank you.
- I'm curious how much we've earned. - Yes!
- Here. - My hand is
- We'll give it to Captain Yum. - Captain Yum will get it.
- Captain Yum. - Thank you.
- I'll watch it like a hawk. - Go ahead.
Let's see.
- It's for four people, right? - Yes.
It's quite a lot.
- Three - Three,
- four, five, - It's about two hundred dollars.
- six, seven, eight, - Seven, eight,
- nine, ten, - nine, ten,
- eleven, twelve, thirteen, - eleven, twelve, thirteen,
- fourteen, and fifteen. - fourteen, and fifteen.
Is it 150 dollars?
- Gosh. That's a lot. - They gave us a lot. Thanks.
We don't have to work for days now.
Yes. We'll buy some ingredients.
This is for you to enjoy tonight.
These are the utjang anchovies you just harvested and sorted.
- "Anchovies?" - Yes.
(The utjang anchovies will be on their dinner table soon.)
(With Captain Yum's touch, they will become crispier.)
(The sound of the anchovies getting fried is as clear as the rain.)
(The grilled anchovies are coming soon too.)
(Please look forward to lots of seasonal dishes of Namhae!)
Thank you for visiting the Namhae.
- Yes. Thank you. - Thank you.
- Thank you. - Excellent job today.
- Thank you for your hard work. - Yes.
- Thank you. - We will enjoy these anchovies.
Gosh. We already have the ingredients to cook.
We should make something with the anchovies.
(They head to the village they'll stay)
(with the anchovies from Namhae and money from work.)
Should we get going?
- Yes. Let's go. - Yes.
We're like a family right now.
Of course.
Everyone, we need to discuss something.
We're heading to a market.
We have to buy minor ingredients.
We have to get what we'll eat for breakfast tomorrow.
We have to decide what we're going to eat.
I want to fry and grill the anchovies.
- Those are for dinner, right? - Yes. For dinner.
But that's not enough.
Should we grill pork belly too
- since we have the money? - Gosh.
Pork belly sounds great.
- I love it. - We can get lettuce
from the garden.
Then, we should buy mozzarella cheese and
We should make pizza bread with them.
We should make pizza in the morning.
We have nothing to worry because we have so much money.
Do not entrust the money with me.
I'll use them all.
- What? - I'll spend more than you think.
- Money? - No one would give you the money.
"No one would give you the money."
I considered someone like that here.
- No, Jin Young. - It's because
You touched our hearts today.
- Me? - Yes. I was deeply moved.
I cried because you were moving.
- For a long time. - Jin Young, seriously.
- You should get all the money. - You were so reliable.
Do you see a man in me now?
You can't say that while yawning.
If you say that while yawning,
- it doesn't sound credible. - I'm sorry.
- You yawned like this. - Gosh. I'm tired.
- Then, guys. Jung Ah. - Yes.
- It's time - Yes.
For lunch now.
- What should we do for lunch? - "Lunch?"
I crave jjajangmyeon a little.
Find a jjajangmyeon place.
The country-style jjajangmyeon looks good.
- The hand-pulled jjajangmyeon. - Exactly.
- Gosh. - Did you find one?
- Haebyeon Chinese Restaurant. - I found one.
Gosh. It's amazing.
Jung Ah, after smelling fish all day from the morning,
- That's why we want oily food. - I want oily jjajangmyeon.
That must be the reason.
- There's a reason why we crave it. - There is.
Let's have some jjajangmyeon.
(Let's go and have jjajangmyeon.)
- Hello. - Hello.
What should we get?
- Can we get a menu? - It's up there, baby brother.
- "Baby brother." - Boohoo.
We'll get 3 jjajangmyeon and 1 jjamppong.
That sounds good.
The fried rice looks good too.
We can order tangsuyuk with the money we earned.
- We have to eat dinner too. - Let's save it for dinner.
Right. We have dinner too.
- I'll devour everything at dinner. - We have to save it.
The fried anchovies will go so well with beer.
"Fried anchovies?" I've never had it before.
We can make the sauce to go with the fried anchovies.
We can make the sauce with soy sauce
and Cheongyang chilli.
- Let's fry the anchovies. - Fried anchovies. I see.
- He's crying. - Come on.
Stop crying. It's okay. It happens.
Why on earth did you cry?
- I was so moved. - Moved by what?
Because she had this experience.
- I was moved by doing labour. - Was it your first time ever?
How should I put it?
I could feel their lives.
- Are you crying again? - I'm not crying. It's just
- "I could feel their lives." - It was very moving.
- I worked with one old lady. - Right.
- Did it warm your heart? - Yes.
You kept talking to the old lady.
She was a colleague and senior.
Are you the Feeling Type?
The two of us are the Feeling Type.
- You two are the Thinking Type. - The Thinking Type.
(The polarized table)
- They are the Thinking Type. - I couldn't understand her at all.
Why did she cry?
Honestly, I was really confused when she cried.
I can't believe it.
We'll share it.
Thank you.
Gosh. It's been a while since I saw jjajangmyeon topped with peas.
You're right.
(Jjajangmyeon topped with peas and egg garnish.)
It's the first meal we've earned by working.
- Yes. You're right. - You're right.
We'll pay for jjajangmyeon with that money.
- It's a meaningful meal. - Yes.
Gosh. Seriously. It looks so good.
I love jjajangmyeon.
It'll taste better
- because we worked hard. - I know.
It looks so good.
(She tries the jjajangmyeon right away.)
- It's good. - It's good, right?
It's the old-fashioned jjajangmyeon.
It's tasty.
(The spicy jjamppong with lots of seafood)
It smells so good.
- Is it good? - Yes.
They usually don't put this much seafood in jjamppong.
But this one has
They are so thick.
- Is it because it's near the sea? - I think so.
I wasn't that hungry before.
- Me neither. - But suddenly
My stomach has opened up.
(Her stomach has opened up.)
Let's use up the money today.
- Do we use up the money? - Can I buy lots of fruit, then?
Yes, because even if we use it all, we're going to make more tomorrow.
That's right.
- I should buy something too then. - Yes, buy whatever you want to eat.
I wonder
what we'll be doing tomorrow.
- I think - It's fun, though.
- It's so fun. - Yes.
- Really. - Right.
And we're doing it together, so
- Right? We can rely on each other. - Totally.
Definitely better than doing it alone.
I'm sweating already.
(24 hours later)
I'm so exhausted I could die.
Right? Today's really
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Get out.
- Are you kidding me? - What?
What are you
I told you not to do this.
Who said you could film here?
- Gosh. - What are you doing here?
- Shall we go? - Let's go.
- I'm full, and I feel good. - Me too.
(They're celebrating satiety.)
- Gosh. - We're full.
- You're in a good mood. - Because we're full.
(The Denim Hat Duo are putting on a joint performance.)
- The food was so delicious. - Yes.
- I can't handle them. - Hey, come on.
(The youngest is bubbly because he is full too.)
He's excited.
- Give me just two dollars. - Here's some more, just in case.
- Bring back change. - Okay.
Thank you.
(The women buy coffee for dessert too.)
Why did you buy two?
- One's for dinner. - It was buy-one-get-one, right?
- Did you get change? - It was buy-one-get-one, right?
(20 cents)
- Wait, what? - I gave you 3 dollars.
- But you only brought 20 cents? - It was 1.4 dollars. The sale
You gave him 3 dollars?
The sale was over.
It was just in case he doesn't have enough money.
- Why are they - Was it buy-one-get-one?
- I don't know. - You bought them full price?
This is nice.
(Since they had lunch and dessert, they are getting back on the road.)
Gosh, the sea.
- Snorkelling - Gosh.
- This is perfect for snorkelling. - Gosh.
- The sea is like an emerald. - Right.
It's so pretty.
It's so pretty. I would love to go snorkelling here.
(An emerald sea is in front of them.)
- I can see inside the sea. - Yes.
- The beach is huge. It's pretty. - Before we go get groceries,
why don't we take a walk on the beach to digest?
Sounds good. I think that's Sangju Beach.
- I see. - So we can walk around, right?
- Walk around on the beach? - Right.
- And take some pictures? Yes. - Totally.
- Gosh. - It's wide open.
(Sangju Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches of Namhae)
(with its silver sand and dense pine tree forest.)
- Jun Myun, get on this swing. - Take a picture.
Did you hear what Jun Myun said? "Take a picture."
Take a picture of what?
(He's not sure what to take pictures of.)
No, this is
Eun Jin, you're cute.
- Are you Chunhyang? - You're so cute.
(The former Gil Chae is on Sangju Beach.)
This is scary.
She's so good at this.
- I'm scared. - Gosh, be careful.
- I should stop. - Be careful. Please.
Come back down.
- You're finally down. - Eun Jin is fearless.
In the summer, going into the sea
- It would feel so great. - would feel so great.
- This view - Yes.
- is so magnificent. - Gosh, it really is.
One, two, three.
(The Thinking Types take group pictures too.)
One, two, three.
(While they're at it, they take individual pictures too.)
That's nice. One, two, three.
(The eldest is fighting gravity.)
Look at the camera.
- Jun Myun, you're so hip-hop. - Come on.
Jun Myun is hip-hop. Gosh.
- Good. - Take one more picture.
- We should put tape on. - This is great.
(Eun Jin's fake smile)
This is nice.
(is being captured on camera by the youngest without even looking.)
It's so nice.
Could you take a picture of us? Thank you.
Thank you.
We don't look like a scary family, do we?
- Let's look solemn this time. - Solemn. Don't smile.
- Thank you. - Thank you.
- Thank you. - Thank you.
- I like this. I like this so much. - Let's see.
- We got a good one? - This one. Look.
The one where we looked solemn.
- Why are you holding back a laugh? - She's just trying not to laugh.
Jun Myun, this is
(Among the solemn faces, )
(she's holding back a laugh.)
- That's going to be a good memory. - It is.
They're so busy admiring everything.
- Gosh, this is so nice. - It really is.
The South Sea is so pretty.
- They're lingering. - How are we so different?
(Are MBTI personality types based on actual science?)
Excuse me.
- Let's go. - Okay. Sorry.
- Aren't we going shopping? - We're running.
If we came here for pictures, that's all we have to do.
- But Jung Ah, - Right, just take pictures.
We don't know when we can be back on the beach.
- Gosh. - The sea is calling out to us.
- All right. - Let's go.
- Let's go. - Let's go.
(They shopped for groceries nearby, )
(and they're finally heading to the house.)
("What's the Matter?" by Kim Hyun Chul)
(No words come out of my mouth)
(I can't say anything because I'm sorry)
(They pass by fishing villages while they drive down the coastal road.)
Gosh, is the house nearby?
I think so.
- What is this place? It's so cool. - Gosh.
It's right in front of the sea.
(There's a small village between the mountains and the sea.)
(Below Mount Geumsan, which is famous for its beauty, )
(is Cheonha Village, known for its clear, abundant water.)
(To cool people from the heat, in front of the village, )
(Cheonha Mongdol Beach)
(there is a mongdol beach full of light.)
(Thanks to the beach, the sound of pebbles fills the village.)
(The village is full of friendly sounds.)
(The kind-hearted villagers made room for Fresh off the Sea.)
I'm so excited.
(They walk toward the house with excitement.)
(Looking around)
Is this the house?
This one? What?
(Which one is the house we'll be staying at?)
Maybe it's this one.
I think this is it.
(They walk toward the house closest to them.)
This must be the house.
Maybe it's that one over there.
(The owner of the house came out.)
- Hello. We're looking - Hello.
- We're from Seoul. - for a house. Is this it?
- I don't think this is the house. - What?
Maybe it's that one.
Over there. It's behind the village hall.
Which one? The house with the red roof?
Not the red roof. Behind it.
- Behind it? - Yes.
(They found the house quickly thanks to the kind neighbour.)
Thank you.
- Thank you. - Sure.
Let's go.
(Now, shall we head over to where we're really staying?)
Yes, we are
We're here. I think this is it.
- All this space is ours? - Gosh.
(The two older members are exhausted.)
Can you go help them?
(Dex, can you go help them?)
Why is it so packed?
(It's hers.)
I brought too many things.
(The youngest to the rescue.)
(The youngest to the rescue.)
Gosh, the front gate is so cute.
Gosh, look how pretty the house is.
- Gosh. - Goodness.
It's so clean and neat.
(What does the house look like that has them admiring like that?)
- It's so pretty. - It is.
(The roof is as blue as the South Sea.)
- These are all ours. - Isn't it so cute
that there are four of each?
It is.
(We've prepared them so that they can work hard.)
(Work hats, belt stool)
(Everyone's looking around the house.)
Hey, come over here. We have to take pictures.
Is it a ritual or what?
(The Feeling Type is at it again.)
Pictures are all we'll have. Come on.
(Pictures are mandatory.)
Pictures are indeed all we'll have.
Dex, you should take it.
You have the longest arms. We just got here and
All right.
One, two, three.
(The house with the blue roof at Namhae)
That's fine.
(She suddenly changed her attitude.)
- Never more than three pictures. - No. It should be over quickly.
- Can we open the door? - Of course.
(The kitchen is neat and clean.)
Jung Ah, the kitchen is so clean.
This is my kitchen now.
(This is my kitchen now.)
My kitchen.
(The master of this kitchen)
(Dae Jung Geum)
(I'll be making food for the four of us.)
(Jung Geum will be making)
(dishes with plentiful seasonal ingredients.)
(Have some potatoes.)
(She makes so much food.)
(Generous Jung Geum is coming with seasonal meals.)
There's a rice cooker, rice
(Jung Geum is doing a thorough check of the kitchen.)
Hey, I'm suddenly so jealous of you.
- You get a room by yourself? - It's great.
This is amazing.
- This is our youngest's room. - I'm so jealous.
This is amazing.
Mom, does he get his own room just because he's a son?
Being the youngest son is the best.
The three of us will be staying here.
Can all three of us fit?
Or we can keep the door open
and one of us could sleep in the hallway.
- Jung Ah. - Yes.
You can have this room to yourself and the two of us will
No, I can't sleep by myself.
- Are you scared? - Yes.
Either one of you has to sleep with me.
(Scaredy-cat Jung Ah)
(went to sleep right between Jun Myun and Eun Jin.)
(The youngest is looking around the sisters' room.)
Gosh. We have uniforms.
That's cute.
There are cute little decorations all around the house.
(The house is full of cute props for the four siblings.)
(What kind of work will the four siblings be doing at Namhae, )
(and what kind of seasonal meals will they be making?)
The rooms and the kitchen are so clean.
This is so nice.
(The four siblings are in love with the Fresh off the Sea house.)
Let's fill up the fridge.
(The young members are organizing the ingredients they bought.)
This is driving me insane.
- Jun Myun. - That's so
- Dex. - Jung Ah.
- How did you - I packed so many things.
How did you bring all of this baggage here?
Gosh. One, two, three.
(Three of them together are just barely carrying the baggage.)
(What on earth is inside?)
- This room? - Yes.
This is the living room.
We should unpack here, Jung Ah.
(What's In My Bag? By the cast of Fresh off the Sea)
(What's in Eun Jin's bag?)
I want to play on the beach.
(Her bag is full of her desire to play.)
(What's in Dex's bag?)
(A book)
Gosh, what is that?
(The book's purpose: fly swatter)
He's acting again.
He's reading.
How long are you going to stay in that character?
We're just unpacking.
(The long-awaited reveal of Jung Ah's bag)
What is she unpacking?
There's not much to show.
(Glancing around)
(One side is full of snacks.)
Oh, well. What can I do about it?
(She smuggled them from Seoul without the staff knowing.)
No wonder your suitcase was huge.
- What is it? - Hangover cure.
Put them in here.
We'll take these to the kitchen.
Gosh, it's hot.
(They're secretly smuggling away the snacks.)
This is
Put these in there. I don't care anymore.
- Give it to me. - I don't care.
I'll put them in the fridge.
(She's become an actual smuggler since she filmed "Smugglers.")
- What? - How many did you bring?
There's a lot more.
Are these it for snacks?
She's not done.
(Yumraemon is still taking things out from her pocket.)
- I'll go put these away. - Is that it, Jung Ah?
(After a successfully smuggling the snacks)
- Get some rest. - Okay.
(Since we've worked since early in the morning, let's relax.)
- Gosh, I didn't even - Do you take these well?
- Yes. - Can I go in strong?
Yes, that's great.
(Jung Ah brought her own portable massager.)
(That feels great.)
This is really strong, but you're taking it well.
(Jung Ah is giving Eun Jin a massage since she must be exhausted.)
That feels great.
(Jung Ah, I'll give you a massage too.)
All done.
(The short but sweet massage is over.)
Let's change into comfortable clothes.
And then let's go out to the vegetable garden.
- Sounds good. - Okay.
(Eun Jin is the first to get changed.)
(She's calling someone.)
What are you up to?
Mom, I got up early in the morning today and caught anchovies.
You caught anchovies?
Mom, can you touch anchovies?
Of course. I've caught them before too.
I'm talking about big anchovies,
not the small ones.
I caught them on a boat using a fishing net.
The anchovies I'm not even joking
My back hurts so much.
- So at the harbour, - Yes.
- we were de-netting the anchovies, - Yes.
But the professional fishermen were definitely
(Eun Jin, we have to go to the vegetable garden.)
She just
She was startled?
Let's go to the vegetable garden.
Jung Ah, don't you think we kind of look like New Jeans?
Your outfit, and yours,
- and mine too. - Right now?
- New Jeans? - Don't we look like New Jeans?
Where's the vegetable garden?
It should be right outside.
This is our vegetable garden.
(The small vegetable garden is in front of the house.)
I feel like those are a day's worth of vegetables.
There's not much we can eat.
The green onions aren't even fully grown yet.
(The green onions are still sprouts.)
There's something
Hey, aren't these pumpkin leaves?
- They are. - Right.
They'll be delicious if we steam them.
With gangdoenjang.
- Are those perilla leaves? - Yes.
(The second food they found: perilla leaves)
The perilla leaves look so good.
- What's this? - These are adorable.
- Are these leaf vegetables? - They are.
They're endives.
There are a lot of leaf vegetables here.
We'll pick the perilla leaves and the endives later
and make a salad.
- Can we pick them? - Of course.
We can have some chilli peppers too.
(The fourth food they found: chilli peppers)
Then should we gut the anchovies
- right now? - Okay.
Or why don't we take a walk around the village?
All right. Let's go have fun.
- Do you know how to ride a bike? - Yes.
- I don't. - Bikes are
Jun Myun, do you want to get on the back?
Can you peddle with me behind you? I weigh a lot.
- Of course. - Are you sure?
It will be like a rom-com.
As if I'm your younger brother
(Dex starts flirting without hesitation.)
Gosh, stop. Gosh.
- You say you're tired of this - Hey, I'm tired of this.
(He's fully immersed in the song.)
You're great at singing.
- Gosh. - I'll try sitting on the bike.
- Okay. - Yes, make it happen.
"Make it happen."
(An unexpected challenge)
- All right. That's it. - Ready?
How should I get on? Like this?
Yes, just like that.
Gosh, this is great.
Let's go.
(The Bike Siblings set off.)
- Honey, I'm sorry. - I'm just
- Guys, - Gosh.
- how far are we - My butt hurts.
This is so nice.
Jung Ah, the sea breeze is so nice.
(The freshness of riding a bike through the sea breeze.)
- This is good. - Yes.
("Sun Glitter" by Band Nah)
- I'll go slowly. - Okay.
(With the blue waves of the South Sea right next to them, )
This is amazing.
Let's go.
(they are riding off.)
Come on.
This is so nice.
You're great at this.
(How are they doing?)
They're right behind us.
(He's relaxed as the strongest one in Fresh off the Sea should be.)
(Coming through.)
- Bye. - Bye, guys.
It's so cool and nice.
- Hello. - Hello.
(The four siblings ride their bikes by the endlessly open sea.)
This bike is nice. It's fast.
It's really nice. The breeze is so cool.
Right. There's nothing to do in our rooms.
- Right. - Right?
Jun Myun is in pain.
- My butt is - She is? Then let's stop and
- take pictures. - Yes,
- Jung Ah. Sounds good. - Really? Here?
I can take the best picture you've ever taken right here.
This is the best spot to take pictures.
Come sit here, one by one.
- My butt. - My butt hurts.
- My butt. - Sit where?
(This photo spot captures on camera the entire South Sea.)
Look. You know what I want, right?
- I do know what you want. - Right?
- Yes, what is it? - I didn't even call your name.
(Something like this?)
Look at her face.
- "What is it?" - What?
- Eun Jin. - What is it?
(No one called for her.)
- This is it. - My goodness.
(What is it?)
- Gosh. - Jun Myun.
- Yes? - Are you exhausted?
I was just watching you.
Do you know what it's like to want to go up but not be able to?
You can come up, Jun Myun.
- How can I go up? - Let's give it a try.
You can go up after stepping on this.
- Step on what? - My thigh.
Oh, come on.
That is the most comfortable way.
It will be like a step on a staircase.
- And I'll hold you from the top. - Okay.
- Come on. - No.
Like a step on a staircase. There you go.
Because I want to go up!
- Gosh, I'm scared. - Be careful.
Gosh, that was scary.
- Do you want your shoes? - Her shoes?
- Here are your shoes. - Thank you.
All right, Jun Myun.
Hold on. Be careful.
- All right. - Be really careful.
This is a step on a staircase.
- Okay. - Jun Myun!
- Gosh! - There. I made it up!
- We all did it! - I made it up.
(Jumping up lightly)
Jin Young, you know we should get a selfie from there, right?
- A selfie? - A selfie?
- From this angle? - Right.
Stick out your face.
- Right. - One
(A shot from the top of the mountain)
Jung Ah, if you check later, all that remains is photos.
This is true. You know this, right?
Gosh, Jung Ah. This is nice.
And thanks to the drone, it's nice and cool.
- That was why it was cool? - Right.
- I thought it was the sea breeze. - Hi!
- Hi! - We're Fresh off the Sea!
Let's think about what we have.
(Let's talk about this now.)
We have fresh kimchi.
- We can grill the pork belly. - We need sour kimchi.
It would be great if we could get some from next door.
We'll try visiting them. Let's try and ask for some.
- Shall we go then? - Why go already?
- Do we have to go now? - What time is it?
It's perfect right now.
- Let's leave a little later then. - Right now,
- it's 3:44pm. - It's 3:44pm.
Let's stay until 3:46 then.
Just for two more minutes?
That's harsh.
Dex and I have enjoyed enough of this moment.
- Too much. - Really? It's the start for me.
- Too much. - You two are really
- exhausting. - Right.
- It's the same view all around. - These feelers are so exhausting.
- Gosh. - We get different thoughts.
The view is the same, but our thoughts flow differently.
We should be done after getting our pictures.
- Gosh. - Gosh, Jung Ah.
- You have to feel more of this. - Right.
Let's head back first on our bikes.
Shall we head back now?
- That's okay, right? - Sure. The feelers
- are ready to leave now. - Right.
The feelers are okay to leave now.
Shall we turn it around?
Shall we head back?
It'll be stable once we get some speed.
- This village looks pretty. - Right.
- It's so pretty. - It's so pretty here.
Right. Everything is so peaceful.
You look pretty too on the bike.
How pretty!
Thank you. We're pretty too?
- It's so romantic. - Of course.
I'll get off now. Stop here, please.
There we go.
- Gosh, thank you. - Don't mention it.
(They returned to the village.)
Should we ask for some fermented kimchi?
I'll ask for some fermented kimchi.
Where? Shall we go together?
Right. She lives next door.
We met her while trying to find our place.
She's so nice.
(She's so nice.)
(When they first came to the village, )
(they went to their neighbour by mistake.)
(She kindly led them the way.)
(They will try to ask for some kimchi from the kind lady.)
Is this it?
(They came back to their neighbour.)
- Ma'am. - Hello.
We have to come to ask for something.
Can we get some kimchi?
- Kimchi? - Yes.
We do have kimchi, but I don't know if it will taste good.
- Gosh. - Gosh.
We ask for just a little bit.
- We just need a little. - But your hands went like this.
(Just like the paradox of hot iced Americano)
Please give us just a little bit.
- We want to make dinner. - Sorry. I don't know your names.
It's fine.
Jun Myun is so funny.
- "We ask for just a little bit." - "We ask for just a little bit."
(Replay of the different gesture from her words)
- Hey! - You're so funny.
- You're so my style. - Gosh, go away!
(In the end, )
(the lady brought out as much as Jun Myun asked for.)
- This kimchi is - Gosh.
- I brought some, but - Isn't this too much for us?
- She's giving us this much? - Gosh.
This is too much for us.
- It's fine. - Gosh.
Do you like fried anchovies?
We're planning to make some for dinner.
- Right. - We'll make sure to bring you some.
- I'm planning to make some tonight. - Gosh, she's so nice.
- Thank you so much. - Thank you.
I'm not sure if it'll taste good.
- Gosh, no way. - It will definitely taste good.
I didn't season it much.
- It already smells good. - My goodness.
- Thank you so much. - Thank you.
Thank you.
We'll come back with the fried anchovies later.
- Thank you. - Thank you.
- Head back safely. - Thank you.
- It smells amazing. - Really?
(The kimchi smells amazing.)
She gave us this much.
- She gave us way too much. - It must be delicious.
- Gosh. - This will be amazing.
- She gave us this much. - You should move with the bike.
I'll walk back with Jun Myun.
(It's the kimchi with the warmth of the neighbour.)
Isn't it heavy? You know what will happen if you drop that, right?
- Jung Ah! - You know what will come, right?
Come on, Jung Ah. Why are you scaring me?
She's a bodyguard. The kimchi bodyguard.
My goodness. She gave us way too much.
I feel so thankful.
You asked for this much.
(She gave as much as she asked for.)
- Stop making me laugh. - Fine.
(The four siblings return with smiles on their faces.)
Let's get some rest.
- Just a little bit. - Sounds good.
Let's rest our backs for a while.
Do you want a pillow?
No. I don't usually lay down.
I'm serious.
I should stay standing like this in front of the room.
(Let's go.)
- What are you doing? - I'm going to stand here
since she won't lay down.
Gosh. I have to lay down then.
Jun Myun, lay your head on the pillow.
- You want to lay down? - She keeps wanting us to lay down.
But it's so nice. It's so nice!
- Gosh. - It makes you say that.
(It's time to enjoy a time of)
- Gosh, I can't stay like this. - Jung Ah!
Exactly 20 seconds went by!
- I can't be on my back. - Prepared for roll call!
(Have you already gotten up, Captain Yum?)
Only 20 seconds have passed.
Don't mind me
- and just lie down. - No.
- I'll be sitting here. - Prepared for roll call!
- Lie down again. - If you tell me
what you will be doing, I'll get back down.
- I'll just sit here. - You will?
Okay. Then I'll get back down.
You're going to get back up after 20 seconds, right?
Gosh, you have so much energy.
(You're right.)
(It's the hardest for Jung Ah to rest.)
Lee Sang Woo.
(Eun Jin tries to match the energy of the eldest.)
Lee Sang Woo's songs are great too.
All right.
My love
Then it'll work.
(Playing the turntable)
It's working.
(The singing grasshopper joins in too.)
(This is so good.)
- My Love - It's so refreshing.
(Stay by my side)
(The only person in this world)
(Only you)
The next is "Like Rain, Like Music" by Kim Hyun Sik.
- I'm loving this! - Fade out.
- Fade out. - DJ Park!
(DJ Park's next song of choice is "Like Rain, Like Music.")
(The F Sisters have become moist with the rain.)
(One more time with emotion)
(They are truly feeling the song.)
(She plays along once.)
(Let's fall into the excitement in earnest.)
Jung Ah! Are you going to stay there like that?
- Me? - You have to get up.
(The eldest reacts to the fast beat.)
Let's have all the fun while we can.
(These people were shaking off anchovies this morning.)
Do you know this song?
Who is this? It's Wax, isn't it?
- "Oppa." - "Oppa."
- You can't pass on this one. - Oppa!
(She gets ready to perform with the curtains closed.)
(Sister's Club)
(The youngest plays the guitar.)
(Come on!)
- Oppa! - Oppa!
(Come on with the eldest sister's body roll!)
(The four siblings work hard when they have to)
(and play passionately when they play.)
- Like this? - Jun Myun.
Yes! Come on!
(The excited grasshopper feels so happy.)
- Bam! - This is so funny.
Hey, let's make dinner.
- Right. Let's do it. - Understood.
- Let's get ready. - All right.
The sun is slowly setting.
(It's already time for the pink sky to meet the sea.)
(Dinner time has come to Cheonha Village as well.)
Right. It's quiet there.
(The elders who were chatting in the village hall)
(return home one by one.)
(Each house gets ready for dinner.)
(What will the neighbours have for dinner)
(with the ingredients from Namhae in season?)
(Cho Yeon Ja, the head of village's house)
(Ms. Cho Yeon Ja's red seasoning)
Some garlic.
(with gochujang, garlic, sesame seeds, and soy sauce)
Anchovies. I'm going to stir-fry them.
(She stir-fries the fresh anchovies of Namhae with it.)
This is how I stir-fry them.
I'm not sure how the others stir-fry them.
(Neighbors's menu 1: Spicy and salty stir-fried anchovies)
These potatoes were harvested too.
(Made with self-harvested potatoes, onions, and zucchinis)
There are zucchinis outside too.
It's doenjang jjigae.
I made the broth with the anchovies.
I made it with ingredients like the onion and zucchini.
(Head of Village Cho Yeon Ja's seasonal meal)
(made with anchovies in season)
I got the anchovies from the market at the Mijo Port.
(The anchovies at Jung In Sook's house)
It's anchovy wrap.
(are going to turn into the anchovy wrap.)
(After harvesting various vegetables from the garden, )
(she chops them up.)
It will be good with some soy sauce.
A bit of chilli powder and doenjang goes in.
(It gets poured on top of the fresh anchovies in season.)
It will become a good anchovy wrap once it gets boiled.
(After boiling it for a while)
They are in season in the summer.
That's when I make anchovy wraps often.
(Neighbors's menu 3: Anchovy wrap boil)
(Another ingredient in season)
Chive pancake.
Chives are called junguji here.
Chives are harvested from the garden.
(The chives are also from her vegetable garden.)
(Neighbors's menu 4: Chive pancake)
(President of Women's Association Jung In Sook's seasonal meal)
(made with anchovies in season and vegetable garden ingredients)
(And here's the seasonal meal of the sisters that is just as good.)
(Fresh utjang anchovies caught from the South Sea)
(Silver anchovies, best ingredient in season of Namhae)
- We should make a lot. - Right.
(The hearty seasonal meal of the sisters will be made with them.)
Okay. Let's go.
How many lettuces should I pick, Jung Ah?
You can start with the wide ones on the outside.
Right. How many should I pick?
- Don't pick the small ones. - Just the wide ones.
(Captain Yum's orders have been received.)
It's a salad.
Let's take a look.
My gosh. How do I pick these precious lettuces?
Gosh. Is this how I pick them?
Will this be okay?
(Being careful)
I have to be careful.
(She does well to pick the lettuces.)
(She picks a generous amount of fragrant sesame leaves too.)
(She delivers them to the kitchen fresh off the garden.)
(While Eun Jin was picking the lettuces, )
(a lady walks through the village.)
(She's holding a big bundle of something.)
(She heads to the house of the four siblings.)
- Excuse me. - Oh, hello.
(The lady from next door?)
- I brought potatoes. - What?
I'm not sure if you know how to boil them.
- She brought potatoes for us. - Gosh.
I brought potatoes for you.
You should cut up the ones that are big.
It will be better to boil them with the skin peeled off.
They need to be boiled with the skin peeled off?
That would be better.
We're so sorry we don't have anything to give you.
- It's fine. - You're giving us everything.
I have a lot more at home.
- Gosh, thank you. - Thank you.
Cut them up
- and peel off the skin. - Right.
Boil them like that.
(We will make sure to enjoy them.)
(Jung Ah gets the rice cooker out in the kitchen.)
Where was the rice with mixed grains?
It's up there. Look.
Help me get the rice with mixed grains, Eun Jin.
- Where is it? - It's right here.
- It's right behind the salt. - I see.
(Jun Myun knows exactly where the rice is.)
(Two hours ago)
(After arriving at the house with the blue roof, )
(she looked through every nook and cranny.)
(Her attention was attracted like a magnet)
(to the seasoning rack in the kitchen.)
(Anchovy powder)
(Korean soy sauce)
(Sesame seeds)
(Frying powder, pancake mix, kelp)
(She scanned through everything.)
(After that)
(Where are all of the powders?)
- Powders? What kind? - Yes.
(She finds everything that is needed.)
(That is how Jun Myun became the ChatGPT of the kitchen.)
(Stay tuned for more from the reliable seasonal meal assistant.)
There's waxy barley, glutinous rice, and black rice.
- Let's go with black rice. - Black rice?
(The black rice and white rice get washed cleanly)
(and entrusted to the electric rice cooker.)
(Meanwhile, Eun Jin takes her place by the faucet.)
(She tries to peel the potatoes given by the lady earlier.)
Shall I give it a try?
(She tries to peel the potatoes given by the lady earlier.)
(The blades seem lost.)
How was this done again?
I'm just bad at this, aren't I?
(Hardship has come to the mountain of potatoes.)
(There may be potatoes that try to escape, )
(but the potato factory is still running.)
This works really well.
(Thankfully, the peeler works really well.)
Come out, Jun Myun.
I should share my plans for tonight's dinner.
What should we do with these?
This is what we'll make.
- We'll make fried anchovies - Fried anchovies.
- and grilled anchovies. - Grilled anchovies.
(Mixed in the sticky dough)
(and fried on the spot)
(Crispy and salty fried anchovies)
(A salt grill with the gridiron)
It gets burnt really easily.
(Passionate goggles)
When grilling the anchovies, we can grill the pork belly and shoulder.
(Meat is the best choice after labour.)
- We'll make a cold seaweed soup. - I see.
There are a lot of hot dishes, so we'll make that.
Then we should also make fresh lettuce kimchi.
(Fresh kimchi made with the vegetable garden ingredients)
- Jun Myun will make the cold soup. - I'll make the cold soup.
Also, the fresh kimchi. I'll make the fried anchovies.
I'll make a fire with the firewood.
We could wrap up the potatoes with foil and put them inside.
- Right. Give it a try. - Like that?
(The youngest gets ready to make a fire.)
(He skilfully stacks up the firewood like a hashtag.)
(He places a charcoal briquette on top.)
(The firewood brazier has been set up easily.)
(Working hard)
You all were dancing just a while ago.
You're all pretending as if nothing happened.
Gosh, nothing happened.
How did you grab this earlier? Like this?
Just take it like this and do this.
Face it away from you
- so it doesn't fall on you. - It has to be done lightly?
Like this.
If you peel off too much, there won't be much to eat.
(The potato factory runs again after getting a nice tip.)
(Captain Yum prepares the precious anchovies.)
(She washes them lightly so that they won't get ruined.)
(Being extra careful)
(Meanwhile, Jun Myun is collecting the seasoning.)
(A mini kitchen is set up outside in no time.)
(Fresh summer vegetables are torn up.)
Should I use all of them, Jung Ah?
All of them?
(A vegetable mountain after the potato mountain)
(Fish soy sauce, vinegar)
(Spicy chilli powder gets sprinkled on top.)
(She uses her eye to measure things.)
(The savoury sesame oil gets sprinkled on top.)
(The sesame seeds get sprinkled generously too.)
(A seasoned dish must be mixed up with the hands.)
- This isn't heavy. - Right.
(Shake it up.)
(She gives it a try.)
(It's perfect.)
I made it.
Give it a try, Jung Ah.
It's good.
How is it, Jung Ah? It's good, isn't it?
- I'm good at making this. - It's delicious.
You're good.
(A touching taste)
Right. Like this?
You're good.
- It's so yummy. - Right.
- Dex. Try some. - Yes?
I love fresh kimchi.
I can finish a bowl of rice with just that.
- It'll be nice, right? - Yes.
Me too. I can finish a bowl of rice with just that.
(The perfect rice partner, the fresh lettuce kimchi is ready!)
(Dex is trying to light up the charcoal briquette with a torch.)
So that's how you light it up.
(Fire show)
- That's fascinating. - That's dangerous, Dex!
(He's perfectly calm.)
(He does look impressive, )
(but it won't catch on fire.)
(Only the steam can be seen.)
I think it'll catch on fire after a while.
I'm not quite sure.
That must take a while.
I do think it'll take a while.
(The potatoes are all peeled.)
Then we can boil the potatoes inside, right?
Let's boil them, Jun Myun.
- Sorry? - Let's boil them.
- Don't you think so? - Right.
They feel fluffy when you boil them.
That's right.
(His back stings for some reason.)
When will we have the time to wrap them up with foil?
(Feeling awkward)
- Shall we do that? - I think that's a better idea.
- Right. - I felt a sense of threat.
Something might happen if we don't boil them.
(Something might happen if they aren't boiled.)
(The washed potatoes are placed on the steamer.)
(They are steamed with the lid on top.)
It isn't easy to light this up.
The charcoal briquette.
(The charcoal briquette is hard for the one born in the 90s.)
This will catch on fire easily.
(The youngest moves to the firewood brazier.)
(Fortunately, the firewood catches on fire easily.)
(We hope that the firewood brazier)
(will help with the charcoal briquette too.)
(Next to him)
(It's raining sesame seeds on top of the cold seaweed soup.)
(Fish soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, and onions)
(In the cold broth with sweet and sour flavours, )
(refreshing ice gets added.)
(However, it isn't easy to get the ice out.)
- Do you need help? - Help me get the ice out.
(He twists the ice cube tray.)
(The cold soup is stirred with the ice for it to become cold.)
Did I make too much?
(She adds a bit of seasoning with the fish soy sauce.)
(She tries it again.)
(She seems to be in a rush.)
(Captain Yum heads over to see how things are going.)
- Ma'am, are you done? - Yes.
I'm working on it.
You must feel full tasting it so often.
You might lose your appetite trying to taste it.
(Feeling embarrassed)
Are you okay, Jun Myun?
(Shaking her head)
Eun Jin wanted to try some.
(Eun Jin tries the cold soup too.)
It has the taste of summer.
Right? I just used what we had.
- It's good. - Right.
(It's perfect to Eun Jin's taste!)
(The cold seaweed soup of summer gets done after a lot of hardships.)
Kimchi? Should we get out some kimchi?
(The precious kimchi shared by the lady next door.)
Shall we try some?
- It's good. - It's so good!
This is perfect for ramyeon.
It's perfect for ramyeon. It has fermented well.
This is insane.
We can get out around this much.
(It's the for the seasonal chef to step forward now.)
(A large caldron appears with a loud shout.)
- I'll carry it. - No. This isn't heavy.
(She is planning to make fried anchovies with this large caldron.)
Should I heat up the caldron now?
- Yes. Place it on top. - Okay.
(The youngest follows Captain Yum's orders right away.)
(The caldron is ready for the fried anchovies.)
- Pour the oil. - Okay.
- Be careful. Do it lightly. - Okay.
(I'll get the oil ready too.)
(After pouring a decent amount of oil, )
(he fans it with power.)
The fire is strong.
I think it'll be done in no time.
(While the youngest heats up the oil, )
There we go.
(Jung Ah starts making the batter for the fried anchovies.)
(Salt, pepper, and soju get added.)
- Pour in the water, please. - Okay.
- Here it comes. - Right.
(She matches the density of the batter with water.)
I'll stop here.
(Jung Ah's fried anchovy batter is done quickly and simply.)
- We have to check if it's okay - Check to see if it's okay?
With a wooden chopstick.
- A wooden chopstick? - Yes.
If will shoot up like this if you put it in.
- A wooden chopstick? - Yes.
A wooden chopstick used for cooking.
- The one used for cooking. - Right.
(Assistant Eun Jin's first mission: Get a wooden chopstick for the oil)
A wooden chopstick used for cooking.
- That's right. - This?
- This is used for frying? - Yes. It's used for frying.
But she said it was going to be fried.
She said it will shoot up when it gets fried.
- Bring this to her for now. - Okay.
This is all we have.
These are the only wooden chopsticks we have.
- Will these work? - Yes.
Do I throw them in?
- No. Just try sticking one in. - I see.
(Dipping the chopstick vs. frying the chopstick)
How will we get it if we dunk it in?
I'm sorry.
Shall I check the temperature with the chopstick?
- It's ready. - It seems ready.
The temperature seems just right.
(The best ingredient in season from Namhae)
(It's time for Mijo Port's utjang anchovies to appear.)
(Freshly caught utjang anchovies with the scent of the South Sea)
Check out the colour.
They are very plump.
(Utjang anchovies in season that have been sorted by themselves)
(There are many different fritters that are delicious, )
(but the final boss of fritters, the utjang anchovy is coming.)
(The utjang anchovies taste amazing as they were bought)
(straight from the South Sea.)
(It's good.)
(The sister's seasonal meal of Namhae is coming soon.)
(A suspicious person comes from afar)
(What are you doing?)
(Do you hear me?)
Get out!
(Someone starts shouting all of a sudden.)
(Actor Hwang Jung Min)
(Oh, my gosh! Jung Min!)
(A special guest has visited the four siblings.)
(Please check if they have any value as a product.)
(Don't just cut them up.)
(Cut them nicely.)
(Don't make it look like a rat ate into it.)
(The appearance of Captain Hwang that goes after Jun Myun)
(Working meticulously)
(and picking some more)
(He has an amazing driving force for work.)
(We can't lose to him.)
(The four siblings do as well as Captain Hwang.)
(After picking at least one more, )
(they have collected so many.)
(An amazing amount of harvest)
(Clean kabochas that have felt the sea breeze of the South Sea)
(and seafood from the South Sea)
(A special menu)
(with all of the ingredients in season)
(Braised seafood)
(Kabocha and gochujang jjigae)
(Bring it on, braised seafood.)
(It's not that one.)
(Get the bigger one.)
(It's even greater with a greater size.)
(Captain Hwang's cooking skills come to work.)
(Captain Hwang also has great cooking skills.)
(Captain Hwang is just as good as Captain Yum.)
(It tastes great even though I made this.)
(Captain Hwang's cooking skills with Captain Yum's scale)
(All of them?)
(Really? Put in all of them?)
(The big player is on fire.)
(A size that has gone beyond appropriateness)
(This isn't a jjigae. It's a soup.)
(Gosh! He's nagging all the time.)
(It definitely feels like a national holiday.)
(There are always arguments during national holidays.)
(We might get into a big fight at this rate.)
(Holidays Full of Quarrels Between the Four Siblings and Captain Hwang)
(Summer Full of Quarrels Between the Four Siblings and Captain Hwang)
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