Freud (2020) s01e01 Episode Script


You hear my voice and see the pendulum.
Only my voice and the pendulum.
Everything else disappears.
The day you lost your voice, 30 years ago,
was the day your daughter Josephine died.
Is that correct?
She ended up under
a horse-drawn carriage. Correct?
How old was she?
Seven a little girl.
When you came to yourself again,
you didn't remember the accident
and had lost your voice.
You haven't spoken since then. Correct?
You're there now.
That day, at that place, on the pavement.
With which hand
are you holding your daughter?
You can feel Josephine's hand
in your hand.
Her warm, little hand.
Can you see the carriage approaching?
What happened then?
You're holding Josephine's hand,
you're protecting her.
She tore loose?
And you screamed, but she didn't hear you.
Your voice couldn't save Josephine.
What did you shout? Shout it now.
Josephine, stop!
It's already very believable.
Does it help having me swing
my pocket watch in front of your face?
I really don't care.
But do you know what bothers me?
It won't be all that dark
tomorrow, either.
Unfortunately Look, could you maybe
cry a little at the end?
I can't just cry when
nothing sad has happened.
You lost your daughter.
I didn't. I don't even have a daughter.
Let me tell you something, Doctor.
I'll do anything for you.
I wash your clothes, clean the house,
cook for you, even though you never eat.
It's sad!
And put the painting away!
Hang it up. It looks terrible here.
Sorry, Lenore.
No tears.
How many people will be there tomorrow?
Around 30.
Everyone of distinction
in Viennese medicine.
All of them against me!
No surprise.
You'll perform a charade.
I'll perform hypnosis.
A therapeutic revolution.
Of course they don't take this seriously,
those haughty
But the two of us
will change that tomorrow.
But, Doctor, you can't do it.
I'm not under hypnosis.
I'm only acting as if I am.
I can do it, I'm learning.
It doesn't work like this!
One can't simply hypnotize someone.
The conditions have to be right.
Lenore, come. Once again.
Would you also like some cocaine?
Happiness is a bird
Kind, but shy
It's hard
To catch but it will soon have flown away
The heart is the cage
And if you look away
You'll lose your happiness
And also your peace
We are here.
What happened here?
I heard a scream in the evening.
So I thought I should look after her.
Is she a whore?
No, she just lived here.
She was a sweet girl.
I'm telling you.
She wasn't ready yet.
She hardly spoke.
She was always on her own.
She wasn't today.
Are you finally done?
I can't close off the house all night!
- Poschacher, question him.
- Yes.
Who are you?
Heinz Konrad, the renter.
Of course you are.
- And you are being rented out?
- Don't get insolent.
This is Anneli.
She's a tenant, like Miss Horváth was.
Miss Horváth's first name?
Who was with her? Did you see anyone?
- Poschacher!
- What is it?
Come, hurry!
- What is it?
- She's still alive!
Just concentrate on breathing.
Where's the nearest doctor?
Good evening, Dr. Freud.
For the last time, the rent!
For October, November,
and December with interest!
Very soon.
Did a letter arrive for me?
Don't forget the rent!
Woe, Martha. My princess.
Woe, for when I come,
I'll kiss you red.
And if you don't behave,
you'll see who's stronger.
A gentle little girl who hardly eats,
or a big wild man full of cocaine.
Dear Siggi, whoever calls me
a weak little girl can't see properly.
Does the cocaine have side effects?
Or why are you suddenly going blind
at the peak of your virility?
My mother's medicinal almanac
says masturbation can be a cause.
I have to ask her what that means.
Kidding aside, Siggi, Mum summoned me.
The usual rant.
Your ordination, money, and our future.
She'll deny us permission to marry
for the time being, my love.
The thought is unbearable
to wait even longer.
You wrote about a lecture at the academy
that will change everything.
Hello! Open the door!
- Hello?
- I'm coming!
- You'll wake the whole house.
- Open the door!
Yes, what is it?
- Are you the doctor?
- Yes.
- Where shall we put her?
- But
What's wrong? Do something!
Stop the bleeding!
There are cloths over there.
Stay awake, stay with us.
- Where is the injury?
- Deep cuts in the pubic area!
What is it? Do something!
Look at me, stay calm.
Look at me.
It's too late.
She's shredded inside.
I'm not a surgeon, but even the best
couldn't have done anything.
At least you have the nerve
to call yourself a doctor.
What happened?
I'll have her picked up.
You can't be serious.
Regiment Five?
I've buttoned the uniform for 20 years.
The girl was a whore.
Anyone could have lost the button.
She wasn't, she just lived there.
Who said so?
She was a sweet girl.
She was being kept by an officer.
Same old story,
but it's getting a bit boring.
The officer stabbed her to death.
I don't think that's boring.
How would you know?
The house is full of riff-raff
all day long.
It could have been anyone.
This is too little for me.
This way.
Our meeting
What happened?
I can see that. Details?
I won't stimulate your morbid fantasy.
You will!
In the carriage. We have to leave.
It starts at midnight.
Schnitzler, look around.
I have to be well rested
for my presentation tomorrow.
I'm warning you! I've been working
to get us at the table for weeks.
I owe half the city a favor.
You can't sleep anyway.
You have cocaine in you.
- Good evening, Mr. Schnitzler!
- Hello.
Do you know all of them?
The main thing is that they know me.
Of course.
Henriette, Clara, Leopold.
There they are. The Szápárys.
How do I look?
Henriette! Good evening, Miss Clara.
What is he doing here?
He normally has no imagination.
- Leopold!
- A friend of yours?
Definitely not. A colleague from hospital.
How is he related to the hysteric?
His mother?
That fits.
The poet!
Count and Countess!
It's an honor.
My company, Dr. Freud.
A physician, like myself.
Neurologist, and an explorer
and rebel in this field.
Welcome, Doctor. Go and drink
while I kidnap your literary man.
Discoverer and rebel?
This is your home then.
I'm a Hungarian in Vienna.
Tolerated at best.
You're the center of the world.
You're right. I have to be grateful.
My father still was the head of
a bloody riot against the emperor.
You win.
I'm just a Jew and in my guild,
I'm regarded as maladjusted.
A quack.
In that case, your guild
has to adjust to you.
That's my plan.
That's my goal.
Careful, Clara. A Jew.
Dr. von Schönfeld.
- Good evening.
- Young lady.
I'm not surprised to see you, Freud.
You'd never stay away from magic.
While you accompany your mother.
As you do everywhere, I guess.
Have you already seen
the presentation list for tomorrow?
You're right after me.
What an honor for you.
The moment has come!
We need 12 volunteers.
- Here!
- One!
- Here!
- Two!
Clara, three!
Who else?
Hold each other's hands.
You as well, please.
Come on, do it.
Before the ending of the day
Creator of the world, we pray
That with Thy wonted favor Thou
It's your father.
Clara, you were still so little.
Can you remember me?
Why did you leave us alone?
Without a farewell letter!
I couldn't live on.
It wasn't your fault.
Henri, flower of my life.
Forgive me.
Come on, help me.
The exact level of the brain atrophies
can only be evaluated posthumously.
From now on, I'll refer to the pioneering
writing of Professor Dr. Meynert
He said it.
That schmuck!
It's how you survive, Sigmund.
Which kind of hypnosis will you use?
I know that you prefer tactile stimuli.
It's simpler and works more often.
Breuer, please.
You're making me nervous.
Hug them. Dance with them.
And slowly take the lead.
I don't want to slowly take the lead.
This is wrong! It needs to stop.
Mazel tov, my friend.
- Technique for hypnosis.
- Now I'm curious.
I'm Dr. Sigmund Freud.
I recently founded my own ordination.
I also work part-time in the psychiatric
department of the General Hospital.
I work under
Professor Dr. Theodor Meynert.
I also was his student.
One year ago,
an educational journey lead me to Paris.
To the Hôpital de la Salpêtrière.
I then worked successfully
with Dr. Jean-Martin Charcot.
The founder of the hypnosis therapy
for hysterics.
He calls it therapy, I call it theater.
Charcot's results prove that
the previous speaker's remarks are wrong.
Is he serious?
Hysteria, poorly defined
and multi-faced as it is,
is not a disease of the brain.
And it surely isn't a cry for attention.
It is an emanation
of what I call the unconscious.
I'm not listening to this drivel
any longer. Goodbye, gentlemen.
I am a house.
It is dark in me.
My consciousness is a lonely light.
A candle in the wind.
It's flickering.
Sometimes here, sometimes there.
Everything else is in the shade.
Everything else is in the unconscious.
But they are there.
The other rooms.
Niches, hallways, staircases and doors.
At any time.
And anything that lives within you
and wanders within you
it is there.
It works and lives.
Within the house that is me.
Instinct, eros and taboos.
Forbidden thoughts.
Forbidden desires.
Memories we don't want
to see in the light.
That we displaced from the light.
They dance around us in the darkness.
They torment and poke us.
They haunt and whisper.
They scare us.
They make us sick.
They make us hysteric.
Mrs. L. is a patient
from my private consultation.
She's been dumb for 30 years.
Paralysis of the vocal chords.
No medical results.
No physiological reason
why she doesn't speak.
And no neurological.
I will demonstrate that now.
With the therapeutic instrument
of hypnosis.
This is it.
You hear my voice.
You see the pendulum.
Only my voice and the pendulum.
Everything else disappears.
There's nothing but my voice
and the pendulum.
The day you lost your voice
was the day that your daughter
Josephine died, right?
She ended up under
a horse-drawn carriage, right?
How old was she?
You were there, but had a shock.
When you came to yourself again,
you had no memory and no voice.
You're there now.
On that day, at that place.
You're on the pavement.
With which hand are you
holding your daughter?
You can feel Josephine's hand in yours.
Can you see the carriage approaching?
But you're protecting her.
You're holding her hand.
What happened?
She tore loose from your hand.
You screamed, but she didn't hear you.
Your voice couldn't save her.
What did you shout? Shout, now!
Dr. Freud!
Maybe you should turn to chemistry.
As I heard, they're still looking
for the philosopher's stone.
Dr. Freud just demonstrated
that he missed something
during my lectures.
The human spirit is an emanation
of physical processes in an organ.
To understand, treat and heal that organ
on a physical level,
is the task of psychiatry.
And nothing else!
The lecture is over.
I want to leave.
Give me a minute.
Mrs. Horváth, wait!
Was she
Was she a whore?
But she had a sweetheart
and we're looking for him.
It's been a long time
since we last talked.
But she said that she was with an officer.
Do you know the name?
She mentioned a Georg.
I don't know his last name.
My condolences.
That's what happens when sleepwalking.
You dream that you're awake.
I'm losing my mind.
I'm here.
The girl. Clara.
You always felt things.
More than anyone else.
But that was different.
I saw it.
I was there with her.
In the darkness.
Look at me.
I'm here.
Sleep now.
I'm always there.
Pull out! One, two!
Gun down! One, two!
Stand at order!
Shoulder arms!
You were with Steffi last night, right?
You said you wanted to see her.
Yes, I was with her.
I hope that sod will be hung.
I was with her. I gave her chocolates.
It's not your fault.
I brought her chocolates.
And then I was here again.
- Just let it out.
- It's fine.
What do you mean, "you were here again"?
Who is it?
Come in!
It was stupid of me.
I had a daughter.
How did that work?
How is that possible?
How often did we rehearse?
Forty times, seventy times.
The story was burned into you.
It was deep in your unconsciousness.
And under hypnosis, you experienced
the false memory as your own.
You were under hypnosis.
I can do it.
Do you know why, Lenore?
Because I touched you.
Tactile stimuli.
Breuer was right.
We convinced you of a daughter.
It's a scientific sensation.
But nobody will ever find out.
Not so strict, Mrs. Tobisch.
I'm just doing what your mother
urged me to do,
teach her how to play the piano.
But she's not a Lipizzaner and we're
not in the Courtly Riding School.
She's a child.
From the beginning please.
It's against the regulations,
Officer Kiss!
Nice uniform.
Is it new?
You'll regret this.
The old one was full of blood?
The blood of that sweet girl.
The battle at Maglaj on the Bosna.
That's why we're here.
Not because of that dead whore.
What's her name again?
He asked for her name?
- What was her name?
- I don't know!
What was her name?
Stop! Georg von Lichtenberg
is to be freed now!
What happened between the two of you,
happened during war.
The war is over.
You won't work on this case anymore!
Fall out.
Come with me, please.
Take care of him.
Ha! What pleasure, from beautiful eyes
On flowering bosom
In blissful quiver
To suck new life with a kiss!
Ha! What pleasure, with loving caress
With lascivious courage
The sweetest blood
- Like sap of the roses
- Look!
- Crown Prince Rudolf.
- From red-purple lips
Adulatingly to sip!
And when the burning thirst is quenched
And when the blood oozes from the heart
And when they groan full of terror
Ha-ha! What delight!
Ha, what pleasure!
Her blood gives me new courage
Her death tremor gives new life!
Forbidden thoughts.
Forbidden desires.
Memories we don't want
to see in the light.
That we displaced from the light.
They torment and poke us.
They haunt us.
They whisper and scare us.
They make us sick.
Treating the crown prince.
That would make you rich.
You think he's looking for a neurologist?
His life has to get on his nerves.
Since he was born,
people have stared at him.
Change of plan.
A little lower.
- Yes?
- Arthur? Can we please leave now?
This is only the beginning.
A well-deserved break!
The nightshade!
- Can we leave now?
- It's only the beginning.
You're embarrassing me.
Should I have dressed like a tree?
- Music!
- Music!
- Music!
- Music!
Get out!
You got lost, leave!
Sorry, I'm looking--
I'm sure you're being missed in the salon.
I'm looking for the exit.
You're Dr. Freud.
You were here yesterday. For the séance.
Excuse my intruding.
Sit down.
You were a skeptic yesterday.
I didn't say a word.
I'm a medium.
You are not.
At best, you have insight
into human nature.
He said skeptically.
What are you doing here on your own?
In the darkness?
You have guests.
They're the guests
of the Count and Countess.
A weird way to spend your time.
That's what we're there for.
Why did you cry?
You're a neurologist, right?
So please
what's your diagnosis?
You saw my episode during the séance.
That wasn't part of the show?
I saw something.
I was very scared of it.
And my memory is incomplete.
I lack time.
Will you help me?
Dr. Freud, neurologist, treat me.
You can hear my voice.
And you see the pendulum.
Only my voice and the pendulum.
Everything else disappears.
Listen, this watch thing is silly.
You have success with that?
Can you even hypnotize?
Close your eyes.
Feel the beats.
Waves are spreading in your body.
Like from a stone
that falls into the water.
Miss Salomé?
You're back at the séance at the table.
What's happening?
I'm following the girl.
She walks through a door.
Where is she going?
Follow her.
Without fear.
Where are you now?
I'm at the canal.
The Vienna canal.
Follow her.
Water rushing.
I hear water rushing.
Clara, stop!
I see--
Miss Salomé?
Wake up!
Wake up!
Miss Salomé, you're waking up
from the hypnosis!
Miss Salomé!
- What are you doing?
- Wake up!
- Take him out now!
- A hysteric seizure.
Countess, let me help her!
What's happening?
Calm down, I'm here.
Next Episode