Frikjent (2015) s01e01 Episode Script


1 Mum? Everyone's waiting in the canteen.
Come in, please.
Close the door.
Scan Brazil has withdrawn the contract.
-It was watertight.
-They've gone bankrupt.
They sat here and smiled just a week ago! I'll find a solution.
Go down now.
I Just look at the figures! Scanbrazil are toast! Yes, I'm sure.
Why? Because it's my fucking job to be sure.
-There you are! -It's not that ugly.
-Oh, I dunno I'm so proud of you.
You got them in? Great.
I'll be right there.
-They're making speeches in there.
-Sorry, I gotta go.
-This is your night.
You've worked so hard for this.
-This is not what I worked for.
It's good to take a break, look back and enjoy everything you've achieved.
Looking back won't get me anywhere.
Keep it.
It's yours.
I don't give a shit who're you fucking.
Just get your arse down here right now.
Oh but Aksel, you should see her! She is this beautiful blonde! Her tits are the size of melons.
-and legs as long as my dick! -Fuck you, Degang! Scanbrazil, huh? People must be shitting themselves all over the planet.
CDN, Genergy, Oxon and Mintecs European branch- get rid of it! Someone get us some coffee? Gonna be a long night.
I need you to check on Pronovo and Sandelman.
Buy whatever you can.
I need a clean shirt! That is how you open champagne! 55 million so far.
I love the smell of bankruptcy in the morning! What about Tsirk? Belarus.
Need to bear in mind the political aspect.
These guys on the other hand -Technically, they're already bankrupt.
-I wasn't finished.
Borgen, there's a call for you from Norway.
Says it's personal.
Do you have a private life? Just put him through.
Can you please go? -Hello? -Hey -Aksel? Aksel Nilsen? -Who's this? William Hansteen.
Are you still there? How are you? -Do know Solar Tech? -How so? Formely Lifjord Mekaniske.
We added solar cell production some years ago.
-We've lost an important contract.
-Scanbrazil? You've an interest in alternative energy.
-We're facing a breakthorough in 4G -We're not interested.
How do you know that? -I see Eva's heading the company now.
-I wenthow do you say? I went to pieces after what happened to Karine.
Eva never got over it.
She's worked like a madwoman.
-Don't you long to come home? -No.
-It's been 20 years.
Things have changed.
-And Eva? It's been 20 years for her.
I can't help you.
Hi, darling.
I thought it would be Nan desire for a political solution.
We're talking about a whole community.
But not a single company would bring in ourselves with pliers.
It will not go.
Don't say that.
I have let everybody down.
Myself, you No.
Solar Tech was your life's work.
And I've thrown it away.
I love this place.
I have lived here half my life.
Everyone who lives here would suffer.
Are you saying that you're going bankrupt? No, I say I believe in miracles.
If it is required for to save the situation, so -It's not my problem! -Tim! He's been expelled again.
This time for smoking.
-How stupid can you be? -It wasn't just me.
There were a lot of us.
-It's complicated.
You either did it or not.
-You're grounded.
-Are we bad parents? -He's 16.
It's just a phase.
You're home early.
-What? -Nothing.
-What? -Nothiing.
S "Appeal" "Released after one year in prison" -Are you OK? -Yeah -Listen I gotta get back to the office.
-Can't it wait? No.
This has been waiting too long.
-No -Leong, you always trusted my instincts.
-Not with 10.
2 million Euro.
-Solar energy is the new oil.
These people are doing groundbreaking research on nanocrystals.
And apparently, they're close to breaking 4G code.
-Heard that one before.
-I think it's worth looking at.
-Leong, have I ever let you down? -I'll send Degang.
-No, I'll go myself.
After all, I speak the language.
-You speak Norwegian? -Yeah, I was born there.
-You never told me that.
-You never asked.
Send the numbers.
If I like the look of them, you move in.
-Do whatever it is you Vikings do.
The press is waiting.
I just want to coordinate with you.
We tell them that we are looking for new opportunities.
"Facilities"? What you babbling about? You don't tell me what to say.
I won't lie.
Obviously not, Svein.
300 men must be told what's happening.
But they should hear it from me, not the press.
I beg you.
Back me up against the press now.
We have to lay off 200.
In a first round.
-Pardonthere's a Chinese man on the phone.
-Take a message, Marianne.
He said you'd prefer to talk financing with him than bankruptcy with the Board.
Babe, you know I was thinking maybe we should take time off.
I can hand over my clients to someone else.
We can travel somewhere as a family.
-What are you doing? -I go to Norway for business.
-Can't you send someone else? -It's in Lifjord.
You going back to your hometown.
I thought you hated it there.
It's an interesting proposition.
A factory making solar cells.
Could be promising.
-Is this a coincidence? -Could you stop with the interrogation? How many times have I asked you tell me about your past? You never want to tell me anything.
-One sentence about an happy childhood, that's it.
-There's nothing else to tell.
Every year we send a Christmas card to a mother-in-law I've never met.
And now you're going there on business? These people It's complicatedThere's really nothing to add.
-William! -Out here.
We are saved! It is a miracle! We have received an inquiry from a Chinese company in Kuala Lumpur.
It sounds like a joke, but they seem reputable.
They want to see the factory.
One thing at a time.
What are saying? Pacific World Group.
They are great.
Say something! Fantastic! -Champagne, thanks! -And fish.
-I'm not sure I like this.
-It's the new reality.
The Chinese are no worse than others.
-Welcome to Lifjord.
-Look at it! Looks like Hobbit land.
There they are.
Welcome to Norway! Forgive us, it's very wet.
-Rasume Sunde, mayor.
-Askel? The municipality of Lifjord is an important shareholder.
-This is my associate Hai.
-Eva Hansteen.
What are you doing here? Isn't William here? No.
Let me go! You have no right to be here Lifjord more.
You know that.
It's going welllet's move on.
What was all that about? Give me a sec, yeah? -William? Didn't she know I was coming? -I couldn't risk it.
-Unbelievable! -Now she must accept it.
I have to conduct the due digilence, then it's over.
Everything OK? I scratched the side of the car.
It doesn't matter.
How did it go? There he is.
The Chinese investor.
There he is.
Aksel Nilsen.
I took him by the hand.
Fucking It's OK.
Come now.
Tonje, the Chinese will be here soon.
What a mess! -TonjePut away the report.
-They must have the latest version.
That's not imporant now.
Go in, smile and button up your coat.
It's not good enough.
Now let's get it together.
You and I.
And we smile.
We made large investments in buildings and machinery.
-Per-Olav? -Big hotshot now? You must see the view.
This way This is our Research Department.
We are very proud of their accomplishments.
Frederick Jackman and Tonje Sandvik.
Tonje is head of our team.
Is it you? My God! -Don't you recognize me? -Yes, of course.
-The report.
-It's not needed.
-It's the latest version.
-We have what we need.
Should we move on? This, it is so It's so disrespectful! It's certainly a shock.
I have to call Lars.
EvaListen to me.
PWG is our last hope.
In a few days, the deal will be closed.
Then you need never to see him again.
Go back.
Hear what they have to say.
He must not buy! -Do you prefer bankruptcy? -Yes! He's just trying to buy his way back! Why? He's got a good life in Malaysia with a wife and kids.
How do you know that? Have you had contact with him? I had to do something.
No! It's you! You asked him to come here.
2 million euros.
The price for Karine.
He killed her! He beat her head against the stone! Stop.
It wasn't him.
Tonje saw him in another place.
The alibi was a joke, everyone knows! Try to think ahead.
Consider our responsibilities.
You can't ask that of me.
God, so glad you're here! -Did it go well? Aksel Nilsen.
He's the rescuer.
-The Aksel Nilsen? -Yes -Mom says that we should withdraw.
-We can't.
Talk to her.
-I've tried, but she's furious.
-But you need the deal! Lars! I haven't seen in 20 years, not since the trial.
And here he stands! Sick You shouldn't let her order you around.
Not this time.
-Nowhen she feels well.
Talk to her.
-Hi, it's me.
-I'm not sure I'm talking to you.
-How's Tim? -He's OK, I guess.
Spoken to him maybe twice without screaming.
Angie, I'm sorry for leaving like that.
-Are you OK? -You were right.
Coming here was a bad idea.
-Did something happen? -No.
Listen, I'll be home soon.
This is it.
I'll take some time off work.
And maybe we can go away somewhere.
I just don't get you sometimes.
I miss you so much.
I miss you too.
Aksel The corporate inspectionHow's it going? -I won't get into it.
-Stubborn bastard.
Do you remember when you came to the cottage with Karine? On skis.
You went more backwards than forwards, but you didn't give a damn.
You and EvaYou're not so different when it comes to a crunch.
-Why did you come? -You asked me.
Wasn't it to show them what you've become? So that they would repent, everyone who was looking for you then.
-You know nothing about me.
-They commited a fucking injustice against you.
But Eva needs you.
And you only have this chance.
If you leave now, you'll never come back.
Quite right.
I will never return.
Hey! We've been working round the clock.
We are really close to a breakthrough.
-Do you have a breakthrough? -No.
-Then we're not interested.
The technology could revolutionize the energy market.
It's our greatest asset.
We won't do it anyway.
It's a bad idea.
There's no money in it.
No money.
-Aksel, it's me.
-Yes? And? Have you met the family? Have you been there? Damn.
No wonder people think it was you.
Start preparing the documents.
We're buying.
You need to look at this.
Someone's done some creative accounting.
-I think we need to pull out on this one.
-These people are amateurs.
They're panicking because they don't see what their main asset is.
Did you read the new report? No.
Well, I did.
We're going ahead.
-Are you sure about this? -You know me? Always sure.
Give the proposal to Solar Tech.
I need to go see someone.
Yes, I know, but But that would give us a 40% reduction.
But I canplease hear me out? I understand.
Mom, they give us an offer.
You could at least look at it.
Hey, it's me again.
Did you read my mail? Get lost! Mom? It's me.
-Go, I said.
-Mamma, it's me.
Aksel? Aksel? Is it you? Mamma? -Have you come home? -I'm here in connection with work.
So I stopped by.
Aksel! How grand you have become! Were you beaten up? No, it's nothing.
-Shall we go in? -No.
Your brother's at work.
-It doesn't matter.
He must be home.
I have certain rules.
You know well.
Bad things can happen.
-It's just me.
-Yes, yesbut You never know.
You've been gone a long time.
Yes, I know.
Mamma, I I should have.
I should have called and so, but Well, II don't know You know how it was, so -It was just that way.
It just happened.
Can't you come tomorrow when Erik is here? Sure.
We can see you then.
Now you must go.
Aksel? Aksel! Drive carefully.
I thought you'd be here.
See, so many lights.
Everyone understands what we go through.
That was a long time ago.
I know I should have talked to you first about it.
But we can't let our grief go before the consideration of other people.
Accept the offer, Eva.
Well I have no choice.
I'm looking at it right now.
It's all good.
-Degang's worried.
-No wonder.
He wants my job.
-Chen sent some figures -It's all accounted for in my final analysis.
-There's risk, but the potential upside is astronomical.
-Generation 4? I say we give them 2 years and they can't turn it around, we take the research and run.
-Two years is a long time.
-I can make this work.
Give them two years if that's what it takes.
-But make sure you keep the back door open.
-I will.
25% from the municipality and 26% from the Hansteen family.
-You will become the largest single sharehodler.
-Yes, it's the standard PWG policy.
We can't invest these kind of sums without being in complete control.
-Out of Norway? -We guarantee production here for two years.
Our know-how, our financial muscle and our access to the markets No problem.
I have a requirement.
You do not sit on the board.
I want another representative of the PWG.
-To dictate a company's -I know the bylaw! OK Thanks.
No No, I can not.
Please, Eva You can't do this! Not again! You do not touch me.
It's not about me, but about Lifjord.

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