Furies (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

I work for her

[woman] Paris.
With all its monuments,
its department stores,
its fancy bars
It's the city of light. The city of love.
The whole city's a postcard.
["Breach (Mr Bird Remix)"
by The Herbaliser playing]
But Paris is also the city of crime.
Thefts, robberies, murders, prostitution.
Six mafia families run
their businesses in this city,
and none of them
tolerate anarchy or chaos.
- [grunts]
- [gun blast]
- [gunfire]
- [men grunt]
But when money and power are at stake,
chaos is inevitable.
[high-pitched ringing]
Even in organized crime, someone
needs to keep order among the mobsters.
[rapid gunfire]
[man grunting]
The underworld has a sheriff:
- The Fury.
- [man grunts]
She intervenes when a crime
is committed amongst criminals.
And those who have met her
are no longer alive to tell the tale.
- [echoing gun blast]
- [music stops]
Except for me.
- My name is Lyna.
- Happy birthday to you ♪
- I'm just an average college student.
- Happy birthday to you ♪
Shh! Hang on! It's
That guy being loud and singing
out of tune? That's Elie, my boyfriend.
Happy birthday dear ♪
- [kissing] ♪Lyna ♪
- [text alert on cell phone]
Happy birthday to you ♪
Your folks?
- Is it your lover?
- Well, of course it is.
You put on the same face
when it's your parents.
- Here.
- [chuckles]
[quiet, music box music playing]
They throwing a party for you?
I could finally meet them, right?
- What's wrong with the damn door?
- No, you're right.
There's no rush anyway.
Whenever you're ready.
It's only been three years, after all.
[Lyna sighs]
My parents, it's complicated.
I don't wanna complicate things for us.
E ver.
[Lyna] My parents are criminals
and Elie's a cop.
So you can see
why I don't want them to meet.
[Lyna gasps]
- [distant dog barks]
- I'm sorry.
[woman] Stupid idiots.
Wrong apartment.
Why didn't you say anything?
It's complicated to stop you.
[Elie chuckles]
["Cauchemars" by Chilla playing]
[Elie] Didn't you have class this morning?
[upbeat French pop music continues]
Damn it, the alarm didn't go off!
Damn it, damn it, damn it! Damn it!
[gasps and sighs]
I don't know what to say.
Try "damn it."
- Out of clean clothes, baby?
- Yep.
I've been wearing this for a couple days.
Could be worse.
[Lyna] Ever since I was a little girl,
my favorite day has been my birthday.
My parents used to throw these
huge parties for me. Crazy parties.
Here, try this.
Oh, thanks.
Birthdays with Elie are different.
They're smaller, more intimate.
Definitely better.
Did you know you're magnificent?
And did you know that I love you?
[both chuckle]
Oh! Uh, hold on, brush your teeth.
Brush your teeth.
- No, yeah, yeah, no, no. It's bad.
- Oh no. No, oh I love you!
- Keep your distance, ma'am, please.
- [giggling]
[Lyna] It should've been
the case again this year.
- Come on, stop.
- Mmmm. Mm.
[gasps and giggles]
[Lyna] It's actually gonna be
the worst birthday of my life.
Don't come home early tonight, okay?
Give me some time to prepare your party.
- [Lyna] Mm-hmm.
- [song ends]
- It'll be epic.
- [chuckling]
["Diaspora Gang"
by KT Gorique, Le Juiice & Santo playing]
[cell phone vibrating]
[French rap music halts]
Mr. Laroche.
Yeah, I I know I'm redefining
the meaning of a bank overdraft,
but don't freeze my account, just
[dramatic music playing]
€ 2,550,857
[Lyna] My father is the Parisian
underworld's accountant.
He moves, launders
and redistributes money.
He's unseen, and unknown.
When I was a kid, I noticed
gangsters were always at our house.
I didn't know why they came,
but one day, I finally understood.
That's why I distanced myself
from my parents.
- [doorbell rings]
- [music fades]
- Hi, little darling.
- Hi, Mom.
- Happy birthday, sweetie.
- Thanks.
Mwah. Mwah.
- Your old man will be happy to see you.
- Well, won't be for long.
Two million, Papa?
Come on, who gives two million
as a birthday gift? No one.
I mean, it could be because, uh,
people don't love their kids enough.
Don't worry,
the money's origin is untraceable.
Your father knows what he's doing.
He's the best. The boss.
[Lyna] I already told you
I don't want your money, I'm not like you.
Having all that money
in my account is too dangerous.
- I'll make it disappear.
- [quiet, dramatic music playing]
But you know,
an old man like me,
not being able to look after his daughter,
that's really rough, you know?
Mm, Papa.
[both chuckle]
Okay but, the boss
should never sign his transfers.
You'll get caught for that someday.
[electronic beeping]
The last six digits
of your bank transfer.
[music becomes mysterious]
[distorted and echoing]
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday to ♪
[Lyna] All I've ever wanted
was a normal life.
But when you're born into the underworld,
sooner or later, it catches up with you.
[bullet firing in slow motion]
[ominous music playing]
[mother screams]
[mother gasp and pants]
- Stay here!
- [dramatic action music playing]
[cocks gun]
No, no, no, no.
- No!
- I love you.
- No! Mama!
- [door thuds]
- Mama!
- [electronic beep]
- [sobbing] Mama!
- [loud gunfire]
- [sobbing]
- [gunfire continues]
- [echoing scream]
- [quiet, moody music playing]
[electrical zapping]
[man, muffled] Police!
"Are you okay?" "Are you hurt, ma'am?"
[music fades]
[woman] You expect me to believe
you didn't know
about your parents' business?
[loud, rumbling distortion]
All of your father's documents
are encrypted.
- But you know how to decode them, right?
- [noise fades]
My mother, is she, uh
She's alive,
but we're talking about you here.
Don't be their scapegoat.
[inhales] 'Cause believe me,
girls like you don't do well in prison.
Just with what you have in your account,
I can put you on remand for six months.
I wanna help you.
So just tell me who shot your father.
I'm sure you saw something.
Your father took one bullet
in the eye and one in the hand.
That's not your average hit.
That's a message signed by The Fury.
[people grunting]
Wait, what?
[Elie] Lyna! Lyna!
What happened?
Hey. You okay, baby? You okay?
- Mm-hm.
- The hell are you doing here?
- She shouldn't be here, she's a victim.
- Okay, hey, stop it! Francis?
Don't touch me.
- I said, don't touch me!
- [grunts]
- Damn it, let go of me!
- Calm down.
- Get off me! Lyna, I'll be back.
- Step back!
- [Elie] Get off me. Lyna! Get off me!
- [officer] Come on.
[Elie] Get your hands off me. Lyna!
[quiet, tense music playing]
[woman] You're the closest
I've ever gotten to The Fury.
So, you better give me a good description
or I'll make your life a living hell.
[door shuts loudly and lock clicks]
[distant chatter]
[Lyna] When I was little, my father
taught me to play chess, mahjong, and go.
My mother, on the other hand,
put me in the ring.
"If you learn how to box,
you'll be ready to face the world,
my sweet girl."
Sorry, Mom,
but I guess I'm still not ready.
[quiet, dramatic music playing]
I was terrible at boxing.
[grunting painfully]
- I got my ass kicked.
- [neck cracks]
At least I knew how to take a punch.
[man chattering]
- Learning how to strike takes time.
- [gasps painfully]
- And in here, time's all I got.
- [knocking]
- [man] You've got a visitor.
- Tell 'em I'm busy, okay?
You don't have a choice, it's a cop.
[door buzzer rings]
Elie, I told you, I don't want you
to see me here, not like th
[music becomes quiet and tense]
[door shuts and locks]
So, sweetheart, did this month here
help you remember?
[gasps painfully]
I have nothing to say.
[gasps painfully]
I don't know anything.
- I'm a nobody.
- Oh no. [tuts]
The shooter was a pro,
your father gets killed,
your mother sent to the hospital,
and you nothing?
- Not even a scratch?
- What do you know?
Uh, I don't know anything. I just
I just state what the facts are.
- Then I try to understand.
- [door slams in distance]
All the other cops?
They don't care about The Fury.
Nor this case,
they think The Fury's a myth. [inhaling]
And that your father was a thug
who got what he deserved.
[quiet, tense music continues]
"He's better off dead,
his murder was a favor to the world."
- So you won't do anything?
- No.
[hissing out air]
The investigation's closed.
Game over. It's official.
I'm the last
to still have a little interest in it.
[clicks teeth] But hey,
if you've got nothing to tell me, then
Does The Fury mean anything to you?
Want some advice?
Don't ever mention that name.
To anybody.
I'm not looking for advice.
I want answers.
My father never hurt a single person.
[loud punching]
He doesn't deserve this.
I think I feel tear rolling down my face.
Oh, no.
If you're not doing anything,
I'll bring The Fury to you.
I look forward to that.
[tense, dramatic music playing]
[music intensifies]
[Lyna] My father was murdered,
and I wanna know why.
You transferred here yesterday,
you weren't alone.
The Shark?
Is that who you're interested in?
They put her in solitary confinement.
Every time she's transferred,
she eats someone's ear
as soon as she arrives.
To show 'em who she is.
As for me,
I don't know if I'll fit in here.
[prisoner shouting]
Nah, you'll be fine.
You have to watch out for three things.
The inmates,
the food
and that guard there.
So, be polite, avoid the expired pasta,
and as for him,
I'll show you.
So, Lyna, last day?
You're gonna miss me, right?
[officer grunts]
- [whistle blows]
- [prisoners shouting]
[melodic dramatic music playing]
Well done, champ. You'll spend
your final hours here in solitary.
[door creaks]
[door shuts and locks]
They don't care much about you
to lock you up with me.
[music fades]
Did the bosses send you to break me?
[The Shark panting]
- Who do you work for?
- Nobody.
I'm just looking for answers.
The underworld sheriff, the investigator,
the magistrate, The Fury
Don't say that name.
[Lyna] Why?
Scared they'll come here?
- [grunting]
- [metallic thud]
Damn it. [groans]
[Lyna coughing]
When I got here,
I didn't know how to fight.
I'd never even been hit, imagine that?
Then I found this at the library.
- Self-defense in 16 lessons.
- You can't learn that from books.
- [grunting]
- [quiet, action music playing]
Yeah, sure, but it hurts all the same.
[grunts painfully]
In six months, you're the first big shot
I've seen from the underworld.
So you're gonna tell me
all you know about The Fury.
[music ends]
[door buzzer rings]
[door lock clicks]
[hip hop music playing]
[people chattering and chuckling]
[Elie] Sorry, excuse me. Sorry, sorry.
Sorry, excuse me, sorry.
Sorry, Lyna?
[music stops]
[breathing deeply]
My little darling. How are you?
[sighs happily] Mom.
[both chuckle]
I've missed you so much. [sniffling]
Mrs. Guerrab?
Shall we go in?
My little darling, how are you?
[faint, dreamy music playing]
[nurse] She'll get better,
but it'll take time.
A consequence of the medically-induced
coma your mother was placed in
for the treatment of her injuries.
[Lyna] She recognized me, right?
Sometimes, amnesic patients
subconsciously come up with mechanisms
to give that impression.
But it can only do her good to see you.
[exhales sharply]
[quiet, dreamy music continues]
My little darling.
How are you?
Not great.
Not great at all.
And I can't tell anyone about it.
Elie [sighs]
I'd just put him in danger, and
and I don't even think
he'd get what I'm doing.
Prison was just horrible.
[grunts painfully]
I got my ass kicked, Mama.
[quiet, moody music playing]
Every day.
Every day.
But I got back up.
That's what you told me to do, didn't you?
I'm gonna find out who did this to Papa.
And don't worry, I know how
to force them to come out.
[music becomes ominous]
Because I figured something out.
The trick to getting to The Fury
is to follow the money.
[man] What'll be your stake today?
We've got one joker.
You have to follow the ace of clubs.
It's very simple.
Good. The ace of clubs, ace of clubs.
Yeah, the ace, you're welcome.
I came out with 500 euros,
I only have 300 left. It's your turn now.
If you have the cash,
you just might win, right?
Today's your lucky day. One, two, three.
Place your bets. It's your lucky day.
Unfortunately, ma'am, you lost. Ah
- [man whistles]
- [car horn honks]
["All Day" by Olly Anna playing]
No shame no shame in my game
Ain't nothing I would change ♪
I could do this all day ♪
You won't draw out The Fury
by hitting the guys at the bottom.
You gotta go higher in the chain.
- All day day day ♪
- Yeah, I could do this all day ♪
Day d-d-day day d-d-day day ♪
- Day d-d-day day ♪
- Day day day ♪
Day d-d-day day d-d-day day ♪
Yeah, I could do this all day ♪
Day day d-d-day ♪
Hey, what's up?
[music continues]
- Any chance I can bet on tonight's game?
- [shopkeeper] Get lost.
Everything shines
When you vibe like me ♪
Giving thanks to the trees
For the air we breathe ♪
[Lyna] Hi.
Uh, a couple of those, please?
Ahh, sorry, they've expired.
That's too bad, I was hoping
to find a golden ticket in the wrapper.
All day day do this all day ♪
- All day day day ♪
I could do this all day ♪
All day day do this all day ♪
- ♪Al day day day ♪
- I could do this all day ♪
[song fades]
[faint, mysterious music playing]
[approaching footsteps]
She's out of jail.
And she's looking for you.
[woman] Okay.
You keep watching her.
And let me know when she's getting close.
[mysterious music intensifies]
Day d-d-day day d-d-day day ♪
- Day d-d-day day ♪
- Day day day ♪
Day d-d-day day d-d-day day ♪
Yeah, I could do this all day ♪
Day day day d-d-day
D-day day day d-day ♪
Day day day d-d-day d-day ♪
I could do this all day ♪
All day day do this all day ♪
All day day day
I could do this all day ♪
All day day do this all day ♪
- All day day day ♪
- I could do this all day ♪
Day d-d-day day d-d-day day ♪
Day d-d-day day ♪
- Day day day ♪
- Day d-d-day day ♪
Hi, guys.
What a day!
- What a day!
- [song ends]
[French lounge music playing]
[Lyna] Who would suspect
that there's a secret casino
under one of the biggest
tourist attractions in Paris?
Getting in was easy.
I put on a nice smile,
slipped some cash to the bouncer
Getting out will be harder
because from here on in,
everyone around me is a criminal.
[quiet, dramatic music playing]
[people chattering]
[croupier] Blackjack, fold.
Place your bets, gentlemen.
[Lyna] I thought I'd found
the perfect spot for observing.
Discreet and safe.
[croupier] Are you betting?
[Lyna] I was wrong.
[croupier] Here is your hammer.
In this world, all games are dangerous.
Rien ne va plus.
[tense music playing]
- [croupier] Hammer on the table.
- [person] Oh.
- [man] Oh, he got the hammer.
- [croupier] Sir, you know the rule.
[quiet, tense music playing]
[music intensifies]
- [hard hit]
- [people groan]
[man gasps painfully]
[music fades]
[croupier] Ma'am.
[suspenseful music playing]
Uh, I'm gonna fold.
The gentleman leads with 20.
I'm sorry.
[man] About what?
You're just winning at a card game, right?
[music builds]
[croupier] Bank error.
[suspenseful music continues]
There are six hammer cards in the deck.
I'm afraid the odds aren't in your favor.
[woman gasps]
[people shouting]
- [man 1] Hey, hey, hey, hey!
- [man 2] Stop that!
[man 3] Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- [people continue shouting]
[tense, dramatic music playing]
Where do you think you're going?
- Thanks.
- Wait, wait.
This was your card. You won.
No, no, no. You don't understand.
I always win.
- Um, okay? I have to go now.
- Yeah. Yeah, sure.
But not until you tell me who you are.
- Who do you work for?
- I don't work for anyone!
Hey, my name's Orso, in case
Apparently she's in a bit of a rush.
[quiet, ominous music playing]
[taps truck]
[man] Yeah, boss.
She knows about the casino money.
She saw the garbage truck,
she's up to something.
No. No, no, no, not now.
She's gonna need some preparation.
She'll go see her mother now.
[thunder rumbling]
[glass squeaks]
[loud thunderclap]
You'll only get in if you break a window.
Get in the car before
you do something stupid.
- [thunderclap]
- [quiet, dramatic music playing]
[Lyna] 246 texts, Elie? Really?
When I'm worried about you,
I get a little crazy. I'm sorry.
I'm okay.
[paper cup clatters]
Did you wait for me all day?
No, no, no.
[whimsical pop music playing]
[music stops]
- I forgot I can't hide anything from you.
- And I forgot that you're so messy.
A cop and a convict,
what will your colleagues think?
[snickers] That sounds like a porno,
so they'll love it for sure.
[both laugh]
[Lyna] Why did you stop?
I know I promised you an epic birthday.
[quiet, heartfelt music playing]
I did my best.
[Lyna squeals happily]
[zipper zips]
[dramatic action music playing]
[Lyna] I have a plan to draw out The Fury,
but it involves stealing
a heavily guarded truck full of money.
I know, doesn't sound like a great idea.
But this truck is my only chance.
ID please?
[Lyna grunts] Damn it! [groans]
Who the fuck are you?
With that large jacket and your piercings?
Did you forget?
Cops never do inspections alone.
[man in truck] Stop!
Come on, let's go, let's go.
[distant sirens blaring]
[dramatic action music playing]
[tires screech]
- Hey!
- [tires screech]
[tires screech]
[car horns honking]
[car horns honking]
[tires screech]
- [Lyna grunts]
- [screams]
[both grunt]
[both groan]
[Lyna gasps]
- [Lyna gasps]
- [truck idling]
[Lyna gasps]
- [Lyna pants]
- [quiet, tense music playing]
[music fades]
All the money's here.
Nothing's missing, I don't get it.
Why would they steal the truck
and leave the cash?
Who are these lunatics?
[ominous music playing]
Whoever he is, he's clever.
He spotted our route,
hijacked our truck
and abandoned it in the middle of Paris.
[dramatic music playing]
But didn't bother
to get our GPS tracker removed?
[breathing deeply]
That doesn't make sense.
- You know what he wanted?
- What?
He didn't want the truck or the money.
He wanted me.
He did all this
just to bring me to this exact spot.
And he's watching us now.
[dramatic music intensifies]
[camera clicking]
- I got ya.
- [children shouting]
[woman] You get down right now.
Come on. Right now.
But where's my toy car?
[woman] I don't know, you must've
dropped it somewhere. Look for it.
- Damn!
- Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me.
Are you a photographer?
Looks nice, right?
Would you like a cookie?
- My husband makes them.
- [chuckles faintly]
They're gluten free.
- [child screams playfully]
- What's up? Did you find it?
- No.
- [man] Come on, help me look.
He must have left tracks.
Never mind, I've got it.
So, what are you doing here?
Watch what you say,
I think we're being listened to.
[main thug] Copy.
[tense music playing]
- [high-pitched noise]
- [groans]
You okay?
Yeah, yeah.
I can see ya.
Damn it.
- [main thug] Stop her, guys.
- Hey, hold on a second.
- [all grunting]
- [hip hop music playing]
[grunts loudly]
[man screams]
- [panting]
- [music fades]
How did you find me so quickly?
- [quiet, tense music playing]
- [clicking on phone]
[zoom sound on phone]
Watch what you say,
I think we're being listened to.
[tense music builds]
[Lyna] So you're The Fury.
It ain't cookies
I got for you, believe me.
[tense music continues]
[car engine idling]
[music fades]
Forget your gun, okay?
Your customer from Pont Neuf,
take me to her place.
[suspenseful music playing]
[dog barking]
[person chattering]
[suspenseful music intensifies]
[lock clicks]
[tense music playing]
[music intensifies]
[phone chimes]
Damn it!
[music becomes ominous, fades]
Gotta put your phone on silent
when sneaking into someone's home.
[quiet, dramatic music playing]
But you did great apart from that.
You got further than anyone else.
Good job.
Stealing the truck was really smart.
You're bright.
- And you're careless, aren't you?
- No, but I'm married.
He's a messy DIYer, you know?
I ask him to tidy up, but well
[music becomes ominous]
On the other hand,
sawdust is pretty great.
It soaks up blood.
Why did you kill my father?
Oh, that's why you found me, then?
Well, found, or, uh,
looked for me, right?
I'm the one who led you here,
do you realize that?
No, I've never said anything
about The Fury.
To anybody. Ever.
I swear to you.
But her
You'll tell her everything
she wants to know.
[metal door opens, creaks]
And don't make things too easy for her.
[quiet, dramatic music playing]
[door shuts and locks]
Don't feel bad, though.
I'm always one step ahead.
It's a gift and it's my job.
[grunts and groans painfully]
Well, your fighting skills need some work.
But I think there's some potential.
We'll make something of it.
- [groans]
- If you work for me.
I don't work for anyone!
- [man] Selma?
- [approaching footsteps]
Selma? Did you find the bott
- This is the new girl, Lyna Guerrab.
- [music fades]
Lyna, my husband, Papou.
Oh. Nice to meet you.
- Your wine.
- Hm? Oh!
So, uh
- On your head.
- Hm?
On your head.
[sighs] She sees everything.
[Papou chuckles]
Well, I think this is great. It's
It's perfect. Are you staying for dinner?
[both] No.
Well, another time, then. [chuckles]
[Selma] See you later.
So tell me, did you get the answers
you were looking for?
Do you get that your father
embezzled The Godfathers' money?
- Oh. What are you gonna do with that?
- [tense music playing]
That's not true, he would never do that.
If you'd looked in the right place
you wouldn't have
[grunts and screams]
- Either shoot or ramble about your life.
- [moaning]
[music stops]
I didn't kill your father.
[tense music playing]
And I don't have to lie to you
because now you know who I am.
- And you're already done for anyway.
- Wait, wait!
He left a message.
- What message?
- [groans]
Shit, I'm having trouble articulating
with a gun on my face.
[groans] Okay, okay.
Three, three, seven, three, nine.
The last numbers of his bank transfer.
[sniffling] It was a game between us.
- [Lyna moans]
- [tense music continues]
[Lyna exhales deeply]
What the hell is the "jelly"?
The nickname of one of The Godfathers.
- [tires screech]
- [mysterious music playing]
[Lyna] Did he force my father
to embezzle the money and then kill him?
- [gun blast]
- If he did, there will be war.
[ominous music playing]
[shuddering] I gotta talk to him then.
I don't think you grasp
the complexity of this mess.
Take your time before answering.
Who do you work for?
[music becomes tense]
[door opens]
[approaching footsteps]
[man] You okay, boss?
Lyna, Mud Man, The Fixer.
[The Fixer] The hell is she doing here?
The hell is she doing here?
["Bruce Wayne (feat. Zed)" by Josman]
[sighs] I work for her.
[French rap song continues]
[chainsaw buzzing]
- [man screaming]
- [chainsaw buzzing]
[song continues]
[song ends]
Next Episode