Geek Girl (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

["Hold Me Closer"
by Elton John and Britney Spears plays]
[young woman] My name is Harriet Manners,
and I am a geek.
Being a model was never my dream.
With so many people, lights and colours,
the fashion world was so overwhelming.
I'd spent my life trying to be invisible,
trying to fit in.
Until I got discovered,
and invisibility became an impossibility.
[acclamations, indistinct chatter]
I always knew I was wired differently
than everyone else.
But they just called me "geek"
and I guess it sort of stuck.
But when all you've ever wanted
is to fit in,
sometimes to change your life,
you have to stand out.
Hold me closer, tiny dancer ♪
Count the headlights
on the highway ♪
This is a story
for anyone who's ever wanted
to be someone different.
And I'm guessing that's most of us.
It isn't a makeover
it's a full metamorphosis.
[schoolmate, giggling] Falling over
your own feet again, Geek Girl.
[Harriet] And full disclosure,
I spend a lot of it on the floor.
Geek. Noun. Informal.
A person who feels compelled
to look up the word "geek"
in a dictionary.
And also actually owns a dictionary.
A socially inept or unfashionable person.
Got dressed out of lost property
again, Spanners?
[Harriet] Geek.
An obsessive enthusiast.
[video narration] From dogs to dinosaurs,
trees to Tyrannosaurus Rex,
the atoms inside your body
will have previously been part
of every type of living thing.
[Harriet] This is where I go to school.
Five days a week.
Where I try to blend in seamlessly.
Or not.
Like my next-door neighbour Toby.
And where my non-existent social skills
are pushed to their limits.
At least I have my best friend, Nat.
That's her by the way.
You see, I'm the kind of person
who regularly gets called
into our headmaster's office
Harriet Manners
[Harriet] not to be told off,
but to be commended.
This is inspiring work.
If only the rest of my students
were as dedicated.
[school bell ringing]
[rock music]
[PA] Good afternoon, students!
Couple of announcements.
A reminder to our brilliant
competition winners
8B Textiles class,
representing Hollybridge
at London Fashion Week this weekend
to get your consent forms signed!
No forms, no bus!
And after reviewing
the entries for Bronte week,
I am delighted to announce
our Bronte Week winner is
Harriet Manners.
Oh, so Spanners wins again.
[headmaster] Congratulations, Harriet!
[Harriet] But don't worry,
my entire life is about to change.
And frankly it's about time.
[theme music]
[woman] Harriet! Time to go!
[Harriet] Okay, focus,
you're doing this for Nat.
[woman] You should wear
the bumblebee shirt.
[man] Don't you think
it gives me a bit of a belly?
[woman] No. And I like your belly.
It's cute.
[man] Cute? Just what every nearly
40-year-old man wants to hear.
- [woman] Dashing. Suave.
- [man] Yes.
[woman] Devastating.
Why can't you two just politely
loathe each other like normal parents?
You look very cool today, sweetheart.
I do not, Annabel.
And if you mean "calm and collected,"
then not even close.
Sugar cookies.
If my 40-year-old stepmom
thinks I look cool,
I've got it wrong yet again.
[indistinct muttering]
What's Toby up to?
Always a mystery.
Probably just rehearsing
his talent show bit again
I'm Toby. But I am?
I am Yes.
I am Toby Pilgrim, and today
I'll be performing Space Dust Legend,
a one-man show
about time travelling King Arthur!
- Oh, felicitations, fair maiden.
- What?
What "fair maiden"
or what "felicitations"?
Not now, Toby. The bus leaves
for fashion week in ten minutes.
I am aware of the parameters.
Have you given any more thought
to a guest appearance?
The part of Queen Guinevere is
yours for the taking
[door creaking]
[rock music playing]
- Morning, Nat.
- Morning, everyone.
- Have you had breakfast?
- Um, Mum made her smoothies.
Mm! Come on, we need to go.
Hustle that muscle
[indistinct whispering]
Our phones will be on. Message any time.
And don't just eat the crisps
and leave the sandwiches.
They'll have a wonderful time.
It's gonna be epic, okay?
[Harriet] Bye!
[both] Bye!
["Reach Out For The Sky"
by LIBERATI plays]
You okay?
"Wonderful," apparently.
I love you, Nat,
but these necklaces are ancient.
We should probably
stop doing this in public.
Just let her spread her wings
and fly ♪
It's going to be too much for her.
No. She'll be fine.
She's with Nat
what could possibly go wrong?
Reach out for the,
reach out, grab it ♪
[indistinct chatter]
["Gonna Be A Sunny Day"
by Richard Mead plays]
Where's your weird little girlfriend?
Good morning, Lexi!
Olives. Harriet's on her way,
but for clarification,
we're not romantically involved.
I have yet to reach that section
of my personal narrative arc.
And what section are you at, Tobes?
Hm? Is it the one
where you're a total freak, forever?
- [laughing]
- Yeah. Like, forever.
That's the plan.
Urgh, I literally can't. Let's go.
♪It's gonna be a sunny day ♪
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪
It's gonna be a sunny day ♪
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪
Harriet, how are you this unfit?
We have the same PE classes.
[coughing] My talents lie
in less aerobic activities.
Like like an oyster.
♪Da da da da da da da day ♪
Ah, sorry guys. We normally sit here.
Now I know this is exciting,
but as I would prefer
not to lose any of you
and therefore my job,
a head count is essential
Miss? I fear two fellows
of our valiant crew have yet to arrive.
Would you sit down?!
It's like Whack-A-Mole!
♪Da da da da da da da day ♪
Woo da da da da day ♪
Da da da da da da da day ♪
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh ♪
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪
It's gonna be a sunny day ♪
- Now that's dedication, Nat.
- [panting] Oh, for fashion, Miss. Always.
Oh, we still need to wait for Harriet
♪It's gonna be a sunny day ♪♪
[indistinct chatter]
- Do you wanna
- Argh!
Take a seat, please, Harriet.
First seat you see.
Uh, no thanks.
You're sweating like a pig.
Actually, pigs don't use sweat glands
to regulate body temperature.
Uh, why are you even on this trip?
It isn't like you know anything
about fashion.
[Harriet] Actually,
I know the word "fashion"
comes from the Latin for "to make"
but don't say it.
- Don't say it
- Harriet!
Seat. Now.
Sorry. Sorry, Miss.
- And post!
- [camera shutter clicks]
[Harriet] People who hate
Harriet Manners.
In first position, we have Lexi Roberts.
Closely followed by her minions,
The Olives
Ollie and Liv.
[Teacher] So unnecessary, come on.
You okay?
Yeah, just all my nightmares
coming true at the same time.
[Ollie whispers]
[Nat] Listen, I'm here, okay?
If you need anything give me the sign.
Not now, you doofus.
Now we're already behind schedule
so if you could all listen up
for a quick health and safety briefing
[Nat] Wilbur Evans, the modelling agent
that's going to discover me.
You only need one break
Gisele was spotted in a McDonald's,
you know.
Karlie Kloss was at a mall.
Jourdan Dunn was in a Primark.
And Alek Wek was at a market.
Yeah how do you know all that?
I do sometimes listen to you
when you talk, you know?
Be careful with that, Pilgrim!
It is ill-advised to keep bags
in the gangways.
In an emergency,
they can become a trip hazard, so
- [students shouting]
- Pilgrim!
- Ew
- What is that?
Spirulina smoothie.
With lemongrass.
It's um
it's good for intestinal health.
Both of you get to lost property
and find something to wear.
Quickly! We're already late.
["Pretty Girl Era" by LU KALA plays]
I don't care,
I'm in my pretty girl era ♪
I'ma stare when I see myself
in the mirror, oh-oh ♪
'Tis the season,
it's that hottie time of the year ♪
Now please keep your passes on
at all times.
Next Generation Showcase
starts in ten minutes.
Thanks, Miss!
Inspiring the next generation.
My apologies really are infinite.
You're disgusting.
Well, that's a separate issue.
You drink pond water.
Well, let's not blame the smoothie, here.
[scoffing] Stay away from me.
Come on, Nat. I mean, he didn't mean it.
Plus I think we look quite cool! Athletic.
We do not look "cool," Harriet.
Nothing about this looks cool.
Do I look like a model to you?
- Um
- Maybe a table football model?
I was not talking to you. Leave us.
Bye, Toby.
Looking good, Bend It Like Beckhams.
Nice bag, loser.
Aw again? I mean
Well, actually
maybe I'm just a a really big fan
of ancient history! Actually.
[indistinct chatter]
["All My Dreams" by Helena plays]
[Nat] This is where I get my big break.
[Harriet] Here we go.
London Fashion Week,
Nat's biggest dream come true.
And very much not mine.
How am I going to talk to agents
looking like this?
I look like a highlighter!
Well, at least you'll be easy to spot.
Yeah, but that outfit took me
two weeks to prepare, Harriet.
- Two weeks!
- I know, but um,
but no one hopped
into a wardrobe looking for Narnia.
Everyone thought that Harry Potter
was an ordinary boy.
Mary Poppins
was supposed to be a regular nanny.
and what does made-up worlds and wizardry
have to do with me
getting scouted as a model?
Magic comes
when you're not looking for it, Nat.
[sighing] OK.
Well, I might need to give
the magic a helping hand.
So I'm going to find the loos.
And I'll meet you on the FROW.
- OK, uh, the f?
- The Front Row, Harriet!
[cheering and excited shouting behind]
[Harriet] Who in the world is that?!
♪All my dreams come true ♪
All my dreams come true
Now I got ♪
Penthouse with the valet
All the whips ♪
Wait did he actually just look at me?
♪Ain't no stopping it ♪
Money always answer
when I'm calling it ♪
Oooh oh oh oh ♪
[music continues muffled]
[ music sound increases]
Made ‘em real all of my dreams ♪♪
[indistinct chatter]
Yeah, get me in, get me in.
Ready for Fashion Week!
I think you're done, darling.
- Marvelous.
- I love it.
Wilbur, angel.
Val Garland.
Oof, don't look at me, I'm hideous.
Now, if I'd known
I'd be in the presence of an icon, today,
I'd have made an actual effort.
You will let me know
when you make that effort,
won't you, darling?
I'll give you a heads up
when I plan to look as fabulous as you.
Deal, darling, deal.
Nick, baby. Can you get me
a reverse osmosis water?
- They only have mineral.
- Uh. There's OJ?
I'm about to walk
and you want me to drink juice?
Betty, would you mind sourcing
some moderately temperatured water
for lovely Poppy here?
Thank you so much, Barbara.
It's uh, Betty.
Sorry, always forget.
You see, I know the FROW
loves a tangible air of misery
but uh
hey, what's going on here, brother?
- What is this?
- Nothing.
Right I would love to stay and chat
but these new Infinity models
won't scout themselves.
Catch up after you've dazzled
with the walkie walkies?
I'm a model, not a dog, Wilbur.
Let's throw a ball and see what happens.
I'm off to scout the next star!
Let's kick it, Betty!
[announcement] Ladies and gentlemen,
the show is about to begin.
[heartbeat thumping]
[Harriet] Breathe, Harriet.
Breathe. Ignore the lights.
And the sounds.
And the people. And the frills.
So many frills!
Her. Redhead.
Giving alien superstar vibes.
Let's go!
[Harriet] I just need
to find a table to hide under.
Sorry. Where'd she go?
[Harriet] Or just find something
interesting to focus on. Anything.
["Connection" by Elastica plays]
Riding on any wave ♪
That is the luck you crave ♪
[Harriet] Why is the veil at the back?
That makes zero sense!
[indistinct chatter]
And it doesn't even protect you
from the sun.
Seriously, you had one job, hat!
♪But somehow
the vital connection is made ♪
Nice hair.
[Nat, gasping] Wilbur Evans.
This is it.
Riding on anything ♪
Anything's good enough ♪
Wilbur Evans. Natalie Grey.
Your number one fan
and maybe your next biggest find?
I know you're scouting models here and
Hello, Girl with Surprisingly Strong Grip.
Heaven to meet you.
- But I'm just looking for someone.
- Yeah, well I am someone!
Uh oh.
You are beautiful.
Stunning in fact.
But darling, this is fashion.
Beautiful and stunning, just isn't enough.
I'm looking for something unique.
[soft dramatic music]
[exhales deeply]
[rock music resumes]
[Harriet, singing]
I'm too sexy for my hat ♪
Too sexy for my hat ♪
What d'you think about that? ♪
["Take Me Out"
by Franz Ferdinand starts playing]
- That's Nick Park?
- Yeah.
I know fashion is about experimentation
but you cannot be serious!
Take it off now!
You cannot actually touch these.
I'm so sorry! Um
[curator gasps]
[crowd exclaims]
[indistinct chatter]
Is that Spanners?
[Harriet] Great.
More to add to the "People
Who Hate Harriet Manners" list.
Everyone at London Fashion Week!
[gasping] Bingo, Betty
one o'clock, go, go, go!
Go! Your best Usain Bolt.
Run! Run, Betty, run!
[Wilbur] Sorry!
I didn't mean to,
I promise I really didn't mean it.
Wilbur Evans.
And I'm I'm Betty.
Are you okay?
- I'm sorry
- What's your name?
[Harriet] Um
Disgraceful behaviour.
- Yeah!
- I'm dead. Stop.
[Wilbur] Perhaps we should get you
somewhere you can catch your breath?
Would you mind holding this
for a second?
- [laughing]
- Yes! Take her away, security!
[Wilbur] Let's go.
Your sporty tiara.
I'm only sixteen
and my name is Harriet Manners,
and I'd really like to call my step-mum.
Her name is Annabel, and she's a lawyer
- She's actually my lawyer
- OK, just sit down, please.
- [phone dialling]
- [Harriet] Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!
Thank you.
[soft music]
[phone buzzing]
Hi, you've reached Annabel.
Please leave a message aft
["No Way" by Greg Hatwell plays loudly]
[phone buzzing]
Congratulations, you've reached
the awesome phone of Richard Manners.
Please leave your number after the beep.
No, not that beep
there's a real beep coming.
- [beeping]
- Dad.
I'm going to need you to come post bail.
Welcome to dreamland!
If we can just take
a few quick photos here
Mugshots?! Um
Are the mugshots really necessary,
I didn't, um
They're called headshots, daffodil.
Mugshots you kids.
[whispering] Oh, my darling.
You've just been discovered!
We're being so quick today, I love it.
Um, I can't have just been "discovered."
I was very clearly already here.
Uh-uh, honey, this
this is giving sporty offspring
of an alien and a tree frog. Slay.
What did you just
Oh no.
No, no, no. No, no, no, no!
I need to find my friend Nat,
she's perfect for this, actually
not me.
Have you seen her?
We're wearing the exact same thing.
I thought there might be eleven of you.
Like a football team. Hmm
She's not really
what I'm looking for, I'm afraid.
But you, our mini macaroon.
You've just stepped
beyond the velvet rope.
Heck, I'll say it.
We're the best agency in town.
Hum I, I'm sure you are.
But this is very much
Nat's dream and very much not mine.
I'm only here
because my class won a competition.
You won a?
She won a competition?!
- Perfection ♪
- [both hum]
[Harriet] What is happening right now?
- Betty, take a note.
- Yes!
- It'll be amazing for the press release
- I really do need to go.
- I have to find Nat.
- No, no, no, no!
- I just you
- No, sir.
- Uh
- Good day, sir.
He's got really lovely hair.
[Harriet] Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
That can't have just happened.
Okay breathe, Harriet, breathe.
Just find Nat
and never ever ever tell her
what happened in there.
It would totally destroy her.
Hey. Everything alright?
[Harriet] Oh, for the love of
say something cool.
No! Say something smart.
Say something sophisticated.
It's you.
Nope. Not that.
Hey. Look. What happened in there
it could happen to anyone.
Has it ever happened to you?
No. But I avoid hats at all costs.
It's very nice hair.
Sort of like a lion's mane.
Thank you, uh
[Harriet] Name, name?
What's my name?
Harriet Manners.
A handshake? Seriously?
Hello, Harriet Manners.
It's nice to formally meet you.
I'm Nick Park.
Nick Park.
A name I can see being scribbled
in many journals over the coming days.
Uh, It's nice to meet you too.
[woman] Hey, Nick, we need you.
Hey, I gotta
[awkward laugh]
["The Girl Who Fell to Earth"
by Gaz Coombes plays]
She gets her kicks from science ♪
Oooh, ooh ♪
Oooh, oooooh ♪
- Hey!
- Where did you go?
Er don't worry about it. Come on.
♪It's hard to see, it's not enough ♪
When you're blinded
by computer love ♪
- Oh, Betty.
- She's a star.
- She just doesn't know it yet.
- Totally.
♪So tear it down
and play it rough ♪
[Harriet] Except
here's the thing about stars
they're born out of chaos.
And a whole lot of mess.
But once we start shining,
the universe
is never quite the same again.
♪How I wish we could start over ♪
Oooh, oooooh ♪
Oooh, oooooh, oh ♪
You wear your elastic heart
on your chewed up sleeve ♪
Oooooh, ooh ♪
Ooooh, oooh, woah woah ♪
First you cry and then you laugh ♪
You're like a circle, cut in half ♪
Another night of broken sleep ♪
I'll comfort you,
I'll warm your dreams ♪
But you've still got time,
my warrior child ♪
When the storm starts
it's only on the outside ♪
At times we couldn't see the light ♪
We only wipe our tears dry ♪
I know you're there, I know it's you ♪
The girl inside is breaking through ♪
I know you're there, I know it's you ♪
The girl inside is breaking through ♪
The girl who fell to earth ♪
Oooh, ooooh ♪
Oooh, ooooh ♪♪
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