Generation Z (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

# Our captain cried,
"All hands away tomorrow"
# Leaving us girls behind
in grief and sorrow
# What makes you go abroad,
fighting for strangers?
# When you'd be safe at home
and free from dangers #
RADIO: Hello, Delta five.
Delta five. Is that you, Billy?
Hey, Mike. Yeah. Where are you?
What's your ETA?
Oh, the satnav's routed me down
a load of country lanes.
I swear there's no way of getting
this run done
in the time they've allocated for
Yeah, I don't know what they're
playing at at logistics, honestly.
I mean, I'm good with time.
There's just loads of twists
and turns around here.
Mike? Can you hear me?
What, what's going on? Mike?
What's going on?
RADIO: This is an emergency,
all switch to frequency five
and scramble all communication.
Alpha, please
deposit all teams to crash site.
Do you have any visual? Over.
We have a visual
on the down transporter. Over.
Does the canister look like
it's been compromised? Over.
I just needed some fresh air.
Yeah, yes.
There was a definite school dinners
ambiance in the home tonight.
No, I I meant to clear my head.
You know, I sometimes wonder why I
came to this place.
But then
..I only have to spend
a few minutes with you
..and I know I made
the right decision.
You are sweet, Frank.
Here we are.
What's that smell?
Oh, that's shocking, Frank.
What's with the choppers? It started
about half an hour ago. Tea?
I actually can't stay, but
Well, of course not,
it's Saturday night.
Wouldn't want to cramp your style.
Oh. Here you go.
Footage you asked for.
Don't know why you can't just
download it yourself.
It's only off YouTube.
Because you're my security air gap.
Look, I googled you, Morgan.
You attended a few minor
demonstrations in the '80s,
a string of ukulele gigs in
the '90s.
Retired science teacher.
Status, single. No one cares.
Oh, my God. I sound all washed up.
Oh, are those the?
Yeah, magic truffles.
Grown by my own fair hand.
I don't approve, but there you go.
They're not for me.
And that's what I don't approve of.
You don't have to buy drugs
for a boy just to talk to him.
You're being mean now,
and I don't have a problem talking
to anyone.
I'm telling you, it's not a solid
basis for a relationship.
Says the guy selling
discounted drugs
so he can hang out with kids.
Just kidding.
It's a little bit true, though.
You know what, you're really mean to
me. No wonder you've no friends.
Wow, is that the time? Gotta go.
All right? Charlie! You came.
I haven't seen you in so long.
Well, yeah, you've been
revising, innit?
And I haven't been revising.
I can't stay for long, anyways.
Why? I need to
I need to check on my mum.
Thethe boyfriend? Still?
Yeah, he was
He was going off when I left, so
It's not your responsibility
to police your mum's life.
Yeah, I know.
And it's not yours to police mine,
by the way. Not any more.
I've got feelings for you still.
They didn't just curl up and die.
TANNOY: Resident Cecily needs
I don't want to see it. Don't show
me. This is sick. Ah, no.
It's what I downloaded for Morgan.
Look, I'm death destroyer! Nah, man.
It's real. It's from Libya.
No, nah, it's fake, man, it's fake.
No way, that's not fake.
Is this another delivery
of global snuff
for your Hannibal Lecter dude
at the old people's prison?
Old people's prison run by your mum.
Yeah, well, you can't choose
your parents.
I'm I'm sorry.
I'm not sensitive to it.
It's just a fact.
Well, I know, but, but they are
They, they died, yeah.
It's not catching.
Have have you got those
Not mushrooms, Steff.
They're truffles.
There's a distinction.
If not a legal one.
As long as they'll get me fucked.
Thanks, Finn. Er, you're the best.
Erm Is this it?
I, I, I I gotta go.
To revising.
Why did we split last summer?
I miss you, Charlie.
I miss you.
Look, I miss you too. But we got on
each other's nerves, remember?
And then we came up
with this being friends thing,
which is the worst of both worlds.
But, but I hated us in the past.
Like, it wasn't healthy, was it?
We were, we were, we were dicks.
Well, speak for yourself.
I feel like I was
I was pretty all right, I think.
Hug me. Why? Why?
I mean, why, what's the point?
I don't
It's what friends do. OK.
Like friends hug.
How's that?
This is torture for you, isn't it?
I don't really
I don't really like this.
Can I ask her out?
What, Finn?
No, not Finn. Why Finn?
I saw you chatting to her.
You cheeky boy.
No. I barely know her.
And more to the point, mate, she
barely knows you.
Which is an advantage.
No, Kelly.
Yeah, Kelly.
It's your call, mate.
She's, she's a free agent, innit?
What, so there's no ties between
you two?
We're just best buds.
You do what you want.
Well, in that case
Indoor fireworks.
Let's liven up this place.
You two went out together, right?
There's a law, isn't there,
a time limit? Yeah, a dating law.
What dating laws? I saw it online
somewhere. It's a book or something.
Ah, you've been watching that pimpy
creep bloke
with the mirror shades
and the Bugattis, haven't you?
He says some smart stuff.
Oh, what, so you know what
masculinity is, yeah?
Well, I've got a good idea. Well,
what it isn't is clips on TikTok.
What? You haven't seen them.
Steff. Don't be a follower.
What service do you require?
Police and ambulance. I'm at the
Sunny Rise Residential care home.
What's happened?
They're trying to break in!
Outside, form up outside, yeah?
Right, teams of two.
You go down there.
Down there. Don't slip on that.
Oh, my God.
Check if this one's still alive.
Just keep checking, guys.
Keep looking for more residents.
We're missing 15 residents.
Keep checking, yeah? Keep going.
This is one of two care homes
in Dambury.
Has anyone checked the other one?
Golden Uplands is about 5K away.
It won't have reached there yet.
Nobody in this room.
Let's get these body bags lined up
and get 'em counted up, OK?
Sarge? What? What's going on?
RADIO: We're on the edge of Danbury
at the crash site.
There's a hole in the side of the
canister. I can see that clearly.
There's a lot of dead animals around
the place.
It's come out of the labs
at Kafferton Chemical Research
Kafferton? That's supposed to be
shut down, isn't it?
It's shutting down, like
everything else.
I want you to oversee
the clean-up operation.
Something nasty.
There's already been casualties.
How many? The driver,
and six at a local care home.
What was on the truck?
We don't know.
I want you to control the flow
of information from that town
till we work out what we're dealing
I'll send what I find out once you
get there.
OK. Do this well,
it could be good for you.
That's not what I'm thinking about.
I know you've been looked
over in the past.
They're not indoor fireworks.
Those are fireworks indoors! Run!
LOUDSPEAKER: Return immediately to
your houses
Frank? Where's Frank?
I don't know what is going on,
but I like it.
Stay where you are. Do not run.
Where's Charlie? I don't know.
We lost him. Is he all right?
He seems down.
Kelly. Yeah?
What do you think of Finn?
Finn? She's OK.
I don't know her that well.
You should ask her out.
Sure. Sure I should.
Anddon't wait.
TV: Our top story tonight
is the toxic paint spill in the town
of Dambury
Oh, hello, babes. All right?
You all right? Yeah.
TV: ..the contaminated area.
In other news, the Home Secretary
Go and sit at the table, go on.
LOUDHAILER: This is an army callout
for the return immediately to your
houses. Cecily?
Return immediately to your houses
MAN ON SCREEN: What do women want?
What do you want? What is want?
It's a positive mental attitude.
Positive mental attitude.
It's goal-orientated thought.
Women want to be dominated.
Dominated. You see the lobster,
it dominates with its claw.
The claw. You are the lobster.
You are the claw.
Don't be a cuck. Be a winner.
Don't be a cuck. Think about that.
RADIO: No sightings. Fuel low.
Returning to base. Over.
Base receiving you, Alpha Leader.
Return and refuel.
Yeah. What, she spent the night
there with the two blokes?
Oi, that's grubby.
Do you want a tea, love?
Don't be using all the milk,
mate. When you pay for it,
then you can use it all, yeah?
You forgot the lid. Yeah?
Oh, God. You OK?
I feel great.
Good. Don't be late for work.
I would not want to be late
for ten hours of stacking tins.
You coming down, Jay?
Right. Best go and pick
The Duchess up.
Just what I need after commuting
all week,
nice long trip to the airport
and back to pick me mum up.
Why can't she get a cab?
I think she should go on
another holiday.
Switzerland. I'll pay. One way.
They've arrived for
the final days at St Coloman's.
We don't have many resources here,
as you can see.
We're breaking down the base.
Three months' time,
this will all be gone.
So, where do you plan to start?
Well, in the next few hours
we'll be monitoring the town's
the internet, landline and cellular
And then we start seeding
the cover stories.
That's not usual procedure.
This truck has come from
the secure labs at Kafferton.
Oh, Kafferton. There's an obvious
security sensitivity.
Colonel Wrollen, are you taking
me seriously? Oh, yes.
Good. Because we don't have time
to dance about
with whatever ingrained biases
might have taken up residence
inside your head.
All my biases are rugby-based.
So, what is this? Salvepuerian?
I never heard of it before today.
But it is tagged as inert.
What happened in the care home
didn't look very inert.
Our patrols are out searching
for the missing residents.
Well, we'd better hope that your
troops pick up
the remaining stragglers, then.
How far could they get?
Is it working? Yeah. Right.
Loading the Liminals.
I'll re-start and let you in.
All right,
what are we looking for, then?
Oh, you'll see in a minute, man.
Oi, don't do that to me.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Is that a spider?
Yes, it's a spider. Hey, Steff.
Have you been playing that
all morning?
Say hello to Charlie.
Hello, Charlie, son, how are you
Yeah, good, man.
These video gameskills,
they're not transferable.
Yeah, they are. Come the big one,
you're gonna need to learn
to be practical.
Learn how to kill
and gut something.
What do you know about it?
You can't even wire a plug.
Listen, you know I've got skills
where it counts.
Oh, Dad! Jesus Christ.
Don't say that.
You're better than Steff, Terry.
Charlie's right there.
You're right, Charlie.
I am better at this than Steff.
No, he's not. Fucking are.
You've only just started.
You're outside the map.
They've quarantined Sunny Rise.
Oh, darling. I swear,
we're gonna go bust this time.
Wendy, I'm sorry, darling.
What's going on? Just play your
game, Steff.
Some kind of problem
at the care home.
All good? Yeah, there's just
Something's going on at my mum's
work, I think.
Jason, come on!
Oh, dear. Hey!
All right, Janine?
Yeah. Why the glum faces?
It's not what you want to see when
you get back from a holiday, is it?
Ten hours,
it's gotta be a personal best.
Here we go.
Want a brew?
Average fucking speed cameras.
What? Yeah, please, love.
Janine? Yes, please. One sugar,
I'm watching my weight. Again.
I'm all right, Mum. All right.
How are you doing?
I'm all right, just revision.
What have you been up to? Work.
Work Work, work, more work.
Something very strange
is happening. I feel
Like every memory isfiring
at the same time.
Cecily. What happened?
Oh, Frank.
No more secrets. No more games.
Maisy. Look.
Oh, what is it? What is it? Oh.
What do you think?
And we've got hereSpoogle.
I've no clue what that is,
but it sounds really boring.
No. Thisis Dad's music.
Er, yeah.
Charlie? Mm? Will you do us a
favour? Mm?
Can you,
can you go and find Michael?
He's not answering his phone?
Well, you know
what he's like when he gets thirsty.
Here, turn that off.
It's giving me a headache.
Kelly, are you still doing
that summer special camp thing?
You know, the erm,
the crammer for uni?
It's not a crammer, but, yeah.
You are a very clever girl.
So clever that my summer is now
taken up by study.
Is he paying for it? Old tight arse?
Yeah, Dad.
Yeah, course.
She's in there like
the fucking queen.
Queen's dead, love.
Like A fucking queen, then.
Yeah, well, I've had it all
the way back from the airport, so
That lot had the best this country
had to offer,
and they fucked it. Cradle to grave.
We are flat broke, and she's here
rubbing our noses in it.
That's for you.
I nicked it from the hotel.
I got you the towels as well.
She didn't even like going abroad.
I mean, she voted Leave.
Why can't she take a hint?
Plan is to spend it all. She's
having a bloody good go at it.
Listen to me.
You need to leave Dambury.
I learnt that too late.
You, my darling, have got
imagination. Those two, not so much.
And if you see an opportunity,
grab it.
Because no one else is gonna help
you. Do you understand?
Good girl. Here, look.
Nan! Shhh.
HE WHISPERS: Fuck her.
I haven't seen you all week.
Hello, baby. Mm, looking good.
RADIO:Helicopters sweeping woodland
through a 10K area.
Buildings being searched.
..pulling wreckagebody recovered.
Body found
Sunny Rise Retirement Home being
Roads closed in and out of area
Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear.
MUSIC: Without You by Badfinger
# Well, I can't forget this evening
# And your face
when you were leaving
# But I guess that's just #
Yes, Charlie. Has your mum sent you?
I'll have one, and then we'll go.
You having a pint of lager, yeah?
Just fucking playing some tunes,
you know what I mean?
And then he steps back, like that.
I went, "Oh, aye, who the fuck are
you, Bruce Lee?
"What are you gonna do?" He's like
fucking seven and he's like
She went, "You're pissing
in the fucking drawer, Michael."
I fucking pulled out the top drawer
and I'm pissing and socks are
fucking floating, and underpants,
and I'm like, "Fuck!"
"You fucking want some?"
# And now it's only fair that
I should let you know
# What you should know #
Fucking any more for any more?
One word, abracadabra. Let's go.
# I can't live
# If living is without you
# I can't live
# I can't give any more
Heyyy! Are you for real?
WOMAN SHOUTS: Fuck's sake, Michael!
Look at it. When are you gonna clean
this shit up?
Sounds bad. It was OK earlier.
WOMAN: Well, great. You left
to fucking go to the pub every
I have to go. What? Charlie.
No, just give it a sec, all right?
Charlie, no. Trust me, Maisy.
Quiet. Hey, don't pull at the shirt.
You can't leave me like Billy and
No, I'm not going
anywhere, all right?
I'm gonna stay right here.
Me and you.
Everything's gonna be all right.
Oh! What are you doing?
That's mine!
Get off that. Ow! Ow!
You! Hey! Oi, you!
I don't know why I'm looking
at t'engine.
I ain't got a clue how it works.
How are you getting to work?
I don't know.
Start walking.
At least I'll save on petrol.
Well, where are you?
I dunno, about halfway to work.
RADIO: No sign of missing residents.
Turning off speakers
for emergency landing.
LOUDHAILER: Please return
to your houses.
Please return to your houses.
Please return to your houses.
Look, I was talking to Dave
the other day.
He's in sixth form,
doesn't have to wear uniform.
Really? Yeah. No, I heard that loads
of schools do. What?
It gets you ready to, like, work,
and, like, wear suits and stuff, no?
It preps you for the real working
I feel like it's the best idea ever.
Why can't we just be in high school?
How do I pay for the summer school
without my parents knowing?
It's all gotta be done through
the school website,
and that only takes Mum's card.
What and you're paying for
it, yeah?
Well, yeah, I think I have to.
The car broke down this morning.
How's that gonna get paid for?
Just be upfront. Tell 'em, innit?
How can I go on this big school trip
when my old man has to walk to work?
They are supposed
to be looking after you, you know.
If they can't afford to send me
to France for three weeks,
there's no way I'm going to uni.
No, you are going.
I know you, and
there's no way you're not.
Oh, so is that what
the other night was about?
What, about you fucking off?
No point starting something we ain't
gonna finish, you know what I mean?
What, is that what you actually
I'll just leave
and forget all about you?
No, I'm saying more than that.
You should drop me.
OK, my mum is calling. I gotta go.
Look, I think I like
to make my own mistakes, yeah?
Yeah, and I'm not gonna be one
of 'em.
Why is everyone so fucking
Can't it just be fun?
Drop the mic!
Hiya, Steff. Oh.
How are you doing? Hey, Dad.
Good day at school?
Yeah, yeah.
OK. Package came for you.
Oh. Do you know what it is?
Um, school stuff.
Because it looks suspiciously like
a fucking crossbow, Steff.
Oh I was trying to buy
a smaller one as a model.
I must have got the scale wrong.
Bullshit. What's it for?
I I was just thinking about what
you were saying, about skills.
Right, so it's for us, then?
It's a, it's a, it's a father-son
Yeah. I, I, I don't know,
we could go shooting.
Cats or something.
Steff, that's horrible.
Look, I'm gonna go
and find somewhere to hide this,
OK, where your mum won't find it.
You know what she's like.
You're not gonna try and find it.
You are gonna go upstairs. No, no,
no, Dad. That, that is mine
and, and I paid for that,
so I deserve it. So give me it now.
What, what's wrong with your hand?
No, nothing's wrong, it
It's a claw.
A claw? Yeah. I, I watched it on a
Upstairs. But Dad, it's
Steff, upstairs.
Dad, it's mine, though! Upstairs.
I'm back.
Mum? Shh. Keep it down.
You all right? Yeah, keep it down.
It's just that M-Michael's had
a drink, all right?
That what he's been doing all
day, yeah? Yeah.
Oh, God, don't be like that,
right, cos, you know, it's really
Not exactly any work out there.
There's no work.
You know what, I was looking at
the unemployment rate.
I don't remember him looking,
if I'm honest.
Oh, well, you don't know.
What do you know?
Internet's a liar, innit?
Hiya, Mum. You OK?
Oh, brilliant.
Just walking home from work.
I don't feel well. Oh. What's up?
Been feeling a bit sick.
Do you think you could bring me some
food round?
My car's bust. I wouldn't ask if it
wasn't important.
Yeah, course. Thanks. No worries.
For fuck's sake.
Who's there?
It's me.
All right?
There he is.
What are you up to?
Just talking to my friends.
Yeah. A little birdie tells me
that you've been wondering why I
ain't got a job.
No, I was wondering that, yeah.
Oh, you were, were you?
You were wondering.
You think I'm gonna sit here and
explain to a schoolboy why
You know what I mean,
what I am and I'm not doing?
I don't need to say shit to
you, mate.
Got a big score coming, as it goes.
I'm fucking your mum every night.
That's gotta count for something.
Do you wanna say anything?
Now get back to your fucking phone.
I can't do this every day.
Two hours to get back.
Kelly, can you look up
the buses, please, baby?
I can't do it on my phone. Yeah.
Oh, well, I'm getting me steps in.
Yeah, get your complexion back.
Rosey cheeks.
So you can't get it fixed?
What, the car? Not this month.
I've had enough.
Have you got those magic mushrooms?
Truffles. What?
Magic truffles.
I don't care, whatever.
Well, are you sure this is
the right thing to do?
It's never the right thing to do.
That's why I'm doing it.
You win at logic.
Let me make a circle around me.
A circle around you?
A safe little bubble.
Oh, mate, that's not
Ah, man, come on, man.
Can I You're telling me
My circle.
I'm a virgin, bro,
and you're not gonna let me
penetrate your circle?
I've got money to pay for the French
trip that I saved from my job.
I want you to have it.
For what?
For the car.
Look, he won't take it off me,
but he'll take it off you.
And what makes you think I'll take
the money?
Well, you will for Dad.
I don't get it, it's not working.
Well, we only just took them.
Yeah, but I can just tell, it's
just Let's double down. Right.
I have a feeling this was
very, very, very irresponsible.
My name is Charlie,
and today, we're gonna be looking
at who has the longest stick.
On this side, we have a very girthy
one. Long arms.
Mum, no. Just stay out of it,
all right?
Yeah, I'll tell him myself.
Mugsy! Mugsy!
No, don't go too far ahead.
For fuck's sake. Are you
Are you Are you hurt?
Oi, what's that?
Er I think someone's collapsed.
I'll call you back, OK?
Oh, um, all right, don't worry.
I, um, I did a course at work
Fucking hell.
Well, don't just stand there.
Help me!
Get off!
Get off! Get off my dog!
Are you OK? He killed my dog.
Oh, my God, and he bit me.
What do we do? What do we do?
Why are you filming me?
Hello, police. Yeah,
I've just been attacked.
I've got it on camera!
Sorry about the mess. I've been
feeling too horrible to clean up.
You had foxes in here, or something?
Dad's car is bust. Yeah, I heard.
I don't think he can,
you know, get it fixed.
Look, I'd love to help,
but my holiday left me a bit short.
You'll understand
when you spend your life
putting other people first.
There's no meat in this.
Slow down, Nan.
Um, well, I, I put how much it said
in the recipe,
but, you know, maybe next time I
could I don't feel too good.
I'm gonna lie down on the sofa.
I'm just gonna put this
in the fridge. And I'll be back.
Oh, shit.
Hello? Hey. Um
Yeah, my nan is acting
really strange.
DISTORTED: Yeah, my nan is
acting really strange.
Well, what's the matter with her?
Fucking phone, man.
What? Dropped again?
Yeah, weird.
I think I might go over to Kelly's
nan's house and see how she is.
What? Something up?
Yeah, she sounded weird.
All right, you go down,
meet you outside. All right.
They mean to imprison us.
Again. Or worse.
Why do they want to catch us?
We have something, and they want it.
Imagine what they'll do to us.
Cut us up like rats.
Steal what we have.
They already keep us locked up.
They can't take us.
No. We won't let them!
Leave us alone!
Do you feeldifferent?
I just feel hungry.
I feel a power in me.
Something has transformed us.
They don't want us to be different.
They want us weak.
They want us silent.
They! They!
ALL: They! They! They!
They! They! They!
They! They! They! They!
They! They! They!
They! They! They! They!
They! They! They!
Nan? Here. Have some water.
Here you go.
I'm not well, Kelly.
Did I poison you? Cos I did,
didn't I?
I mean, I I followed the recipe.
Come here, Kelly. Come here!
You're scaring me, Nan.
Come here!
Oh, fuck.
It's for your own good.
I've been treated very unfairly.
I'm hungry, Kelly. I need to eat.
It's my right.
Why shouldn't I eat?
Why shouldn't I have what I want?
There you are.
Kelly? Kelly? Go round the side.
Don't! Oh, I'm really sorry, Janine.
I'm so sorry!
Hey, hey, you OK? You
Oh, my God, Kelly.
Get it out, get it out.
Just breathe, just breathe. Oh, God.
Just breathe. Arrrrgh!
There we go. That's bad, innit?
Stop it, Nan! Just stop!
I'm sorry, Kelly.
I'm sorry.
I can't
What the f
Next Episode