Get Even (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Get on It

I don't know if we're
the victims or the villains.
None of us could have guessed
how bad things would get.
Still, the world we were in
needed changing.
It looked pretty from the outside,
but underneath
it was cold and unfair.
And we just couldn't be OK with that.
Good morning, Bannerman.
Welcome back.
I hope you all had a good break
and you're excited for the start of
a new school term.
I had a lot to prove.
A need to be the best.
I'll hand you over now
to Ronny and Rex.
The rugby boys.
Olivia, she wanted her secrets
to stay secret.
Margot just wanted to survive.
Bree, she wanted the world
to think it couldn't hurt her.
-Er I'm Rex Kavanagh.
Yeah, go on, bring on the cheers.
But even someone as excellent as me
would be nothing without our coach.
Coach Creed, we
Well, we spent all summer working on this,
and I hope you enjoy it.
The only thing we had in common was
..we wanted justice.
You disgust me.
You're pathetic!
Give up!
-Turn it off!
You're a let-down.
A weak, insignificant let-down.
Give up!
You going to cry about it?
Obviously, I knew they were filming
Kavanagh, what's going on?
-Just shut it down!
-Pathetic! Pathetic! Pathetic!
Stop the tape. Stop the tape!
-Rex Kavanagh, stop the tape.
-Turn it off.
They're not special.
I'm special. I'm special.
I'm special. I'm special.
I'm special
Give up! You're nothing without me.
You're pathetic!
Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic
Oh, I don't want to be arrogant but
..we nailed it.
Yeah, if I wasn't me
I'd probably use the word "yay".
One bullying coach exposed.
-And new burners for next time.
-And Kitty.
-Thanks, Margot.
Hope it leads to his suspension.
You know, it's like we've hit our stride
as a team.
Let's not use the word "team".
-We're not friends.
so if we're not a team,
then what are we?
Co-workers in
the Department of Vengeance.
Well, co-workers,
I know all your secrets ♪
I know all your lies ♪
Oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
Your secrets and lies ♪
Did you see Coach Creed's face?
He looked like he might kill someone.
Come on, Mika, concentrate.
Right, but who would he kill?
I mean, it's not like anyone even knows
who DGM is.
Which makes him cooler.
Uh It doesn't.
And don't let your brother hear that.
I want you all here at 8am tomorrow.
Time to pick a team captain.
She knows tomorrow's a Saturday.
When has that ever bothered her?
I'll catch up with you later.
You been training over the holidays?
-Yeah, it shows.
-Good job.
-Thank you, Coach.
Yeah, but is he too freaked out
over his ruined film to throw the party?
Nothing stops Rex from throwing parties.
Not even someone
puking in your wardrobe?
If my parents let me have a lock
on my door, it wouldn't happen!
I mean it wasit was like, projectile,
all over your clothes!
-We called you Barfarella for ages.
I mean, you basically smelled
till Halloween.
-Hey, cut it out.
-Are you coming tonight?
Oh I kind of have to be on
my best behaviour.
-But it's basically the event of the year.
And I could really use some help
on wardrobe protection duty.
Really? Oh
Oh, OK, sure, count me in.
Pleasure taking money from you.
Margot, hey.
You know gambling is
an unhealthy addiction.
And I'm giving fellow students
the opportunity to learn its perils.
Real kind of you. What's the bet?
DGM's next target.
No-one predicted Coach Creed.
Maybe no-one thought DGM would be
stupid enough to go after a teacher.
Stupid or baller.
No question.
Are you
Are you going to Rex's party tonight?
Ed, I never go anywhere.
-So, no.
-OK, I'll take a no to the party
..if you say yes to joining me
and the geeks at debate club on Monday.
-You're in debate club?
Your outsider status
could take a battering.
I'm not a true outsider.
It's more an air I give off.
Because you're actually a geek?
I guess I still have to pick
an extracurricular.
Finally, she sees the wisdom
in my words.
But it involves talking.
And people.
Not on my to-do list any more.
You talk to me. I'm people.
No, you're a geek with outsider air,
It's that kind of quick retort
we need in debate club.
You can't! I was set up.
Mr Creed, there will be
an investigation into DGM,
but you are suspended!
-But I didn't
It's bullying. It's unacceptable.
Leave the school grounds immediately!
Bree Deringer!
It says here that you haven't
attended PE this term.
And last term you missed 18 lessons.
Yeah, I've been having
a lot of heavy periods, Mr H.
I like your father's generous
contributions to this school,
but they can only buy you so much.
So want me to promise
to try harder?
Just give me a sec
to work on my sincere voice. Ahem.
Can either of us
be bothered with that?
No, you're right.
So let's just cut to the chase
where you call my dad in.
It's an interesting idea,
but you don't seem fazed by it.
I think maybe this will
garner a reaction.
One more missed lesson
and I will call your father in discuss your expulsion.
Now get out.
John, why do we even still do PE?
It's a political conspiracy
designed to repress the youth of today
through humiliation.
OK. And which politicians
are involved in this?
-All of them.
-Including my dad?
Yeah. See, he's the head of the
humiliation task force.
-Explains a lot.
So how comes you weren't dragged in,
too, then?
Cos I'm smarter than you.
Not true.
Except maybe a bit in geography.
But that's not even
a real subject, so
I am smarter than you because,
whilst I skip PE a lot,
I still go just enough
to stay off the radar.
OK, you're not smarter than me.
You're just more scared
of getting in trouble.
Hey. I'm a dangerous bad boy, right?
I am fine with getting into trouble.
You are, like, 67 miles away from being
a dangerous bad boy.
OK. But geography is a real subject.
Seriously, how do you not get lost?
Close your eyes.
This looks so good on you.
Really? Do you think?
I just don't wear eyeshadow, so
Poor Rex.
DGM ruined his video.
Well, the second he sees you
in that outfit, he'll get over it.
So, what's happening
with you and Donte?
Honestly, things have been
reallyweird lately.
I don't know, he's justoff.
Well, he's an idiot.
You're the most beautiful girl
I've ever seen.
You're just saying that
to make me feel better.
That doesn't sound like me.
Um This dress is amazing.
You will grab Donte's attention.
You will grab everyone's attention.
Oh, you look great!
Although I'd rather be home,
prepping for tomorrow.
Kitty, you have prepped for tomorrow.
Yeah, we've barely seen you.
I know. I'm sorry.
Sogo have some fun tonight.
What he said.
But be home by half ten.
OK. Bye.
This is why you don't mess with me ♪
See, I'm technically
the best there'll ever be ♪
Yes, I'm blessed indeed
So don't test me, please ♪
I am Hercules
I unleash the beast ♪
I ain't dressed to please
I am dressed for me ♪
The way they step to me
It's like chess to me ♪
See these nobodies
Try and kill the queen ♪
You've got best of three
Then it's time for me ♪
Now you're in a situation
You don't know what to say ♪
Don't worry, that ain't gon' make
a difference anyway ♪
If you ain't gonna make a move
then I ain't got all day ♪
Got nobody else to blame
if you don't know how to play ♪
Now you're in a situation
You don't know what to say ♪
Don't worry, that ain't gon' make
a difference anyway ♪
If you ain't gonna make a move
then I ain't got all day ♪
Ain't nobody else to blame
if you don't know how to play. ♪
There you are!
I figure if I stop people going upstairs,
it'll stop them puking in my wardrobe.
No, you can't
Hate to break it to you, Miks,
but it's not working.
Hey, Mika.
Hi, Ronny.
That was hot.
He just said, "Hey, Mika."
-But, like, the way he said it.
-OK, then.
Is there anyone you like?
I never think about it.
My brain's too full of school practice,
school council
and hanging onto my scholarship,
and then more practice
Guys can wait.
I want to talk to Ronny now,
but I can't because
I have to protect my wardrobe.
You don't have to.
I have a present.
For your room.
See? You don't have to worry about
your wardrobe any more,
people barfing in it.
You can actually have fun
at Rex's parties.
You lose every time.
Every single time.
Ever feel like, as a species,
we're coming to the end of our days?
Yeah, about six times a day.
Remind me, what are we doing here?
Free food.
Yeah. He's a solid eight out of ten.
And he's in a band,
which adds on two points.
Oh, Redcar64,
I see you and I'm on to you!
I just worry about her.
Why? She's OK.
You sure about that?
She never goes out.
Never socialises.
You mean she's not normal?
Come on!
He has to be DGM.
He's weird and he doesn't care
that he's weird.
Why are you so sure DGM is a guy?
Bree's weird too.
Maybe that's why her mum left.
Amber, even for you, that's low.
There's no way
a girl could do all of that.
What's wrong?
Sorry. It's justone of those nights.
Ever heard the phrase "lighten up"?
I'm going to go upstairs.
Seriously, who's in there?
I don't know.
I don't know what they're doing.
-Whatever it is, it looks bad.
I think I was born in this queue
and I'm going to die here too.
A tragically early end to the life
of Kitty Wei.
You'll probably survive.
How come?
Cos we're different.
Not so different.
We're both in student council.
Right, but there's leadership teams
like you,
and then there's people like me.
People like you become leadership.
At Bannerman?
Even if their surname
doesn't go back generations?
And things change.
My dad was the first
My dad.
He was the first black student.
-At Bannerman.
At Bannerman.
Did he hate it?
And no.
He appreciated the opportunity.
He was
-He was on a scholarship.
-Me too!
Oh, I don't know why I said that.
I guess I'm
Cos you have captaincy trials
in the morning?
-How did you know?
-I'm in the same boat.
Basketball captain.
If I don't get it,
I'm never going home again.
I know. I've listed out all the countries
I'm going to move to
if I ever let them down.
New Zealand is pretty tempting.
I'm thinking Tahiti all the way.
Do you want to get out of here?
I'm just not in the right headspace
for a party.
I can't be that guy tonight. It's
It's too fake.
I just want takeaway,
an early night and
..a chance to drop the act.
Dropping the act sounds pretty great.
Also, if I stay here,
I don't think I'll ever get to pee!
Oh, Kitty!
I can't believe you even came.
You're normally such a Virgin Mary.
You know
..always doing the right thing.
Have a good time, guys.
-You too.
Ronny asked if I want to hang out.
Can you come with?
-He's so cute.
-Don't look!
-Sorry, Miks.
I have to head home.
But you know I get shy around guys.
Well, so, maybe instead of that,
go have fun with Ronny.
Is your dad away again?
Genuine Dad of the Year I've got,
Movie marathon tomorrow?
I can't, I've got band practice.
Wait, sorry.
Since when are you in a band?
OK, you know music?
That thing that I do?
Yeah. On your own, like an emo loser.
It's comments like that
that made me join a band.
So I gain two points now?
Yeah, OK.
But then you also lose three
-for not telling me sooner.
So, technically, you're less cute
than you were this morning.
You see, that would wound me
if you weren't basically my best friend.
..And your dad's guitar ♪
Kicking out in the park ♪
Oh, ah ♪
Don't you know it's past ♪
Oh, ah ♪
Time to know who you are? ♪
Oh, ah ♪
Yeah. ♪
-Excuse me.
What happened? Why did you even?
Send Ronny a photo
of me in my underwear?
I didn't. He stole it from my phone.
No-one's going to believe me,
though, are they?
I wish I could give you
a great answer you want to hear.
I didn't even notice him
by my phone.
I was just too excited
that he wanted to hang out.
I didn't realise
it was just to laugh at me.
Miks, why was the photo
even on there?
I don't know.
I guess I just wanted
to try andlook
There are other photos on my phone.
I don't know if he has them.
If he's going to share them.
Outside now!
We start in one minute.
-You should go ahead. I'll catch up.
-No, I'm not leaving you.
Why not? You did last night.
What? No. That was
That was when I needed you.
Nice one. Pass it.
Pass it!
Good effort.
Right, really nice work, everyone.
But our best player and therefore
our new team captain is
Well done.
Right, go change.
Maybe next time.
Did you get it?
Yeah! Yeah
That's amazing!
That's great.
What I would do to take away ♪
This fear of being loved ♪
Allegiance to the pain ♪
Now I've messed up ♪
And I miss you ♪
Why'd you lie?
Because I can't let them down.
They think I'm this girl.
-Aren't you?
Still, I'd swap with you if I could.
Trust me, you wouldn't want to.
Why not?
Because Bannerman is the kind of school
that will break you down.
..I'm only human, can't you see? ♪
I made, I made a mistake ♪
Please just look me in my face ♪
Tell me everything's OK ♪
Cos I got it ♪
Ooh, I'll never be like you ♪
I'm only human, can't you see? ♪
I made, I made a mistake ♪
Please just look me in my face ♪
Tell me everything's OK ♪
Cos I got it ♪
Ooh, I'll never be like you ♪
How do I make you want to stay? ♪
Hate sleeping on my own ♪
Missing the way you taste ♪
Now I messed up ♪
And I miss you ♪
I'll never be like you ♪
..Stop looking at me with those eyes ♪
Like I could disappear
and you wouldn't care why ♪
Now I messed up ♪
And I'm missing you ♪
I'll never be like you ♪
This one.
No, I don't look good.
I made, I made a mistake ♪
Please just look me in my face ♪
A text didn't come through.
That's weird.
I think maybe I just grabbed
my mum's or something by mistake.
I know, I know, I'm late. I'm sorry.
Were you getting your nails done
or just being generally shallow?
No. I was writing bad poetry because
I just dream of being deep like you.
Oh, can you guys not?
Because it doesn't matter.
What matters is,
we have to take down Ronny.
Is this about the photo of Mika?
You've seen it?
Hang on.
This is breaking the six-week rule.
Your six-week rule.
But we can't wait this time.
Because you feel guilty?
Cos, I don't know, maybe you should have
stayed with Mika
instead of leaving the party
with my boyfriend?
He's allowed friends, Olivia,
and that's all we are.
Yeah, and this isn't on, Kitty.
She's not the one that's done
anything shady. Ronny is.
Especially because
Mika didn't even send that photo.
-He stole it from her phone.
-Anyway, this still feelspersonal.
OK, Ronny's a creep,
but the photo's still out there.
That photo is, and there's more.
There are others?
How bad?
She didn't say,
but she's devastated,
so I'm guessing not great.
OK, I'm in.
I'm in too.
Yeah, OK, and me.
I'm Kitty Wei,
and I don't get mad.
I am Margot Rivers,
and I don't get mad.
I'm Bree Deringer,
and I don't get mad.
I'm Olivia Hayes,
and I don't get mad.
We are DGM. We don't get mad.
We get even.
OK. So here's my plan.
You should've got a better bed ♪
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut-eye ♪
You should've got out of the red ♪
In the red you're better off dead ♪
Deader than the red dead sea ♪
Promise it to me ♪
Promise me the sea ♪
People, all the people
with big bellies ♪
Banging bigger drums ♪
They beat down on you ♪
They beat the pulse into your shoes ♪
You should've got a better bed ♪
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut-eye. ♪
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