Gogol (2019) s01e01 Episode Script

An Unexpected Case

It's not salty enough.
Just add more bacon.
And it will be salty.
Don't pretend
you're so clever!
I don't like it here.
It's a godforsaken place.
I'm on my way to Khortitsa,
to visit my friend Taras.
We'll go fight the Turks -
it will pay well
and I'll get a piece of land
with peasants.
One can strike it rich even here.
Look, Petrovich is back!
With some loot!
Sorry, friends,
nothing good came my way.
But I brought you a girl instead.
To have fun with!
Now we're talking!
It's hard without a girl, for sure.
And you called it
a godforsaken place!
She's just like a chicken
with its head cut off!
I'd rather you had
brought us some salt.
Have mercy!
My father and I will pray for you!
Don't worry,
we aren't going to hurt you!
We're not animals, after all.
Hello there, sir!
Have you lost your way?
Just look at his horse's harness!
It looks expensive.
And his horse is a good one too.
Well, how about
we talk things over?
Miss Elena Atashinskaya.
Found dead in her living room.
The victim has suffered burns
to her right hand.
There are marks of
asphyxiation on the neck.
That's a nice nightgown,
a French one.
No need to write that down.
Mr. Gogol!
Start writing!
My wife bought a goose for dinner.
If I'm late, my kids will leave me
nothing but the beak.
- So start writing! Write!
- Sorry.
- Mr. Guro!
- How are you, Mr. Kovaleysky?
Good, Mr. Guro.
I must say I wasn't expecting
to see you here.
Mr. Gogol, what is it?
Just look at him.
Our Gogol had another fit of his.
- Gogol?
- Gogol.
Is that your real surname?
I'm Nikolai Gogol-Yanovsky.
I had a friend
whose surname was Omelet.
- Are you the clerk?
- I am.
I told them he needs
to get treatment,
otherwise I don't want him
as a partner.
So this Atashinskaya was going
to marry Kirenin, the merchant.
He turned out
to be well-connected,
so he contacted the Governor
to help solve this case.
Obviously, this killing and robbery
is the work of the Klimovskys.
They broke in, strangled her,
unlocked the coffer,
and took all the money.
We can arrange a couple of raids,
maybe they'll turn in the murderer.
He knew her.
Excuse me?
The murderer knew her very well,
and they were intimate.
See, it has started again!
So, clerk, you've written
everything down? You may go now!
May I?
A volcano, a cross,
and a lamb.
- What does it all mean?
- I don't know, it wrote itself.
A volcano, a cross,
and a lamb
Does it make any sense to you,
Mr. Kovaleysky?
Volcano is her horse's name.
Did she have a coachman?
Here he is,
Ivan Somov - her coachman
and her servant.
She didn't leave any heirs,
so he'll be put to auction, and then
as luck would have it.
My, my, Ivan!
What a tragedy!
Are you a Christian, Ivan?
- Of course!
- Good.
Then show me
your cross!
Listen, Nikolai
What's your patronymic?
- Vasilyevich.
- Nikolai Vasilyevich
Mr. Gogol.
See the scratch marks
on her palm?
Do they remind you of anything?
- The cross?
- Yes, the cross.
She tore it off the attacker
when he was strangling her,
and then she clenched it
in her hand.
Well, well, well
The lamb
"Lamb" - is that what you called her
when you were in private?
Because of her curls
Did you love your lady, Ivan?
I did. I loved her more
than life itself.
And she loved me too.
Then why did she decide
to marry another man?
'Cause she was broke.
That's why she agreed
to marry this Ingrian
She said, "I can't live
like this any more, Ivan."
"I just can't!"
And I don't know
how it all happened!
Take him away
when he's done crying.
Gentlemen, congratulations:
case closed.
Especially you, Mr. Gogol.
Write a detailed report, but go easy
on the whole Lamb thing.
Well, Kovaleysky,
you owe Gogol now.
You'll be given credit for this,
not him.
Tell me more about his fits.
He blacks out sometimes.
And it has been happening
more and more often recently.
- Is he afraid of blood?
- We don't know.
He can black out
even if there's no blood.
But he'll certainly faint
at a murder scene.
And if it's something
less serious,
like theft or domestic violence,
then he normally doesn't faint.
And does he always write something
while he is unconscious?
Usually he does.
Moving his hand with the quill in it
- Usually it makes no sense.
- No sense?
Maybe you just can't
decipher it, Kovaleysky?
- Best regards to your family!
- Yes.
"Hans Kuchelgarten"
by Mr. Alov - do you have it?
Hmm, Alov
Yes, we do, 18 cents.
Eighteen cents?
Tell him you want a discount.
We paid 16 cents
at Zakharov's shop.
Yakim, wait outside.
I'd like to buy
every copy of this book.
Let's see
One, two, three, four
First you pay your own money
to print them,
then you pay your own money
to buy them.
And then you burn them all.
Your dear mother secured you a job
with the Secret Police.
But instead of just doing your job,
you'd rather be a writer.
Then you wait when the critics
start criticizing you,
you weep like a girl
and burn your own books.
Everyone has normal masters but me.
Yakim, I'll sell you
to the Crimean Tatars!
They cut out the tongues
of people like you.
I'll sell you and then buy you back,
but this time without your tongue, got it?
Yeah, but you won't be able
to buy me back
'cause you won't have
any money left.
You'll have spent it all
on your books, Mr. Nikolai.
Yakim, remember about
the Crimean Tatars!
Life experience is
just firewood to a writer.
It disappears during the process of
writing, just like these books do.
The more you suffer,
the better the writer you are.
So, worry not, Mr. Gogol,
the best is yet to come.
Sorry for dropping in on you
I'm leaving today,
and maybe for a long time.
I was driving by and decided
to pay you a visit.
I wanted to say that it was a pleasure
to meet you and work with you,
even if it was rather quick.
Thank you.
I've heard a lot about you.
That you are an investigator
who can solve the most difficult cases.
That's what people say.
Good bye!
- Wait!
- What is it?
- Where are you heading?
- To Poltava Province.
I have a matter of
great urgency there.
Something tells me it might be
one of the most interesting cases
in my career.
You are going to need
a clerk there, no?
Take me with you.
Will you manage?
The case is difficult,
and the journey is long.
- And these fits of yours
- I'm sure I'll manage.
Moreover, I was born
in that province.
I can prove useful to you.
Well, Gogol, you've got
5 minutes to get ready.
The bodies of young women
have been found near Dikanka village.
Three bodies. So far.
Do you think they'll find more?
And most likely
these are ritual murders.
The locals are poorly educated
and thus - superstitious.
There are rumors about Gypsies,
an evil spirit, a Masonic conspiracy.
"these damn Muscovites" will get
their share of accusations too.
You and I need to catch the murderer
as soon as possible.
Or the murderers.
Did you sleep well?
We're almost there.
That's what I was afraid of.
Mr. Guro, welcome!
Have some bread!
We'd rather have
some bacon and borscht.
Of course.
Let's go to my place -
the table is set, the meal is hot.
Come, you'll be staying
at my place.
And who are you, my dear?
I'm Alexander Binkh,
head of the local police.
And they are
Or better yet, let's go to my place,
you'll get to know everyone there.
Don't take it personally,
but we'd rather stay at the inn.
That's what we are used to.
Of course.
So, where's the girl?
To be honest, we haven't
even thought about it, but
I think it can be arranged.
Mr. Binkh,
where is the murdered girl?
You got a message -
to keep the body in an ice-cellar
until the investigator arrives.
It's against the Christian tradition!
What would we tell her family?
And who would agree to keep
a dead body in their ice-cellar?
Mr. Guro,
we are on the same side,
and we don't want to cause
anxiety among the locals.
Our goal is to find the murderer
as soon as possible.
We'll be exhuming the body today.
You want to dig her up?
- What do you mean by "digging her up"?
- As usual, Father, with a shovel.
You've got good soil here,
so it won't take us long.
Holy Mother of God!
It has been agreed then.
He refused to live at my place
Are they trying to dig up dirt on us?
Why would he?
We are no big wigs.
Who knows
what he will find here?
"You can't hide muck from a pig."
Follow me.
Don't worry,
we don't have any bed bugs.
Almost. Not more
than the others do, that's for sure.
Make yourself comfortable.
And your room is down the corridor.
How about some lunch, Mr. Nikolai?
I'm so hungry.
I passed by the kitchen,
they have so much to offer!
They have pies, dumplings,
fritters, and much more!
Mr. Nikolai, even my stomach
started to growl!
Judging by the records,
a horseman was always seen
not far from the crime scene.
Everyone describes him
pretty much the same
and calls him the Evil Spirit.
See, Mr. Gogol -
the farther you go from the capital,
the stronger people's superstitions.
What's the point in
murdering all these girls?
It must be some degenerate
who finds pleasure in doing this.
Have you often come across
such people?
Not really.
Although some time ago
I had an interesting case.
One registrar,
who had his coat stolen,
suddenly began to kill people.
Not just people, but officials
ranking no lower than 'Counsellor'.
He killed and disemboweled them,
took out their organs,
then roasted and ate them.
Mr. Gogol, do you want
a bigger slice or a smaller one?
A smaller one.
What's that house over there?
The Danishevsky family lives there.
The man is not from here,
he is rarely seen in public,
only on special occasions.
Well, we don't have
a dead house here,
so we've arranged
a shed for you.
Well, what are you going
to tell us?
There's a small cut made with
a sharp object above the girl's breasts.
The cut is not deep,
so it couldn't have caused her death.
And now comes
the most interesting part.
Her aorta has been severed.
Most likely by a professional -
a doctor or a butcher.
How are you feeling,
Mr. Gogol?
- I'm fine, Mr. Guro.
- Wonderful.
The most impressive thing is that
there is no blood at all.
My congratulations -
you haven't fainted today.
I'm doing my best.
Although you aren't looking
very well.
Hey, how about a drink?
Thanks, but if you don't need me
anymore today, I'd rather take a walk.
Go ahead.
It's you?
It's me.
Am I dreaming?
As far as I know, you aren't.
I can pinch you, if you want.
Where am I?
How did I get here?
Our carriage ran you down.
Our coachman tried to warn you,
but you didn't hear him.
Alexey and I brought you here.
And you were raving badly
all the way.
Sometimes even in verse,
about some Louisa.
Is she your sweetheart?
No, not at all.
She is the character of
some horrible poem
that you've never read and,
thank God, you never will.
Well, how is he?
He's talking about poetry.
It means he is getting better.
I am Alexey Danishevsky.
I see you've met my wife already.
Did you introduce yourself
to our dear guest?
Yes, everyone is talking about
these murders these days.
And what are they saying?
Well, nobody knows for sure,
but naturally everyone
has their own theory.
Entertainment is limited here.
Local landlords enjoy doing
two things -
drinking vodka and arguing about
who has the most serfs.
Have some quail.
And how did you
end up here?
"My uncle, a most worthy gentleman"
Have you read "Eugene Onegin"?
Alexey means to say
he inherited his uncle's estate.
We wanted to settle all the formalities
and go back to St. Petersburg,
but we got carried away
by the local flavor.
Lisa, what's wrong with you?
Are you alright?
No, I'm just a bit tired.
Lisa, did you forget?
Excuse me, Nikolai.
Don't worry.
She just needs to take
her medicine regularly -
it's all about the frail
female constitution.
- Have some more wine.
- Thank you, but I have to go.
I'll give you a horse.
You can ride a horse,
can't you?
What the hell!
Go that way!
Hey, horse, gee-up!
- Who are you?
- I'm Oksana, the miller's daughter.
And what are you doing here?
The horseman who murders people
was chasing me through the woods!
Nobody's chasing you.
I saw him, he's real.
Follow me.
Where to?
To warm up.
I'll treat you to some tea.
- Aren't you afraid to be out here?
- What should I be afraid of?
Of the murders.
Haven't you heard?
Three girls have been killed
so far.
More than three.
- What?
- More than three.
Many girls have been murdered.
What do you mean by "many"?
What do you know?
Tell me.
Get some sleep.
Soon you'll find out for yourself.
There is time for everything.
So her name was Oksana?
Hanna, the apple of my eye,
is there a lake with a windmill
in the neighborhood?
It's been gone a long time.
Mr. Guro, maybe I did dream it?
The difference between a dream and reality
is sometimes insignificant.
And for impressionable
people like you,
there is no difference at all,
I am afraid.
It is helpful
when writing books,
but as for the investigation
time will tell.
Well, let's go, Mr. Gogol.
- Where to?
- To the mill.
This mill has been in ruins
for 30 years now.
What do you expect
to see there?
Well, clerk, are you happy?
Did you enjoy your stroll?
The girl was here.
She said she was
the miller's daughter.
And the mill was intact.
That's my coat!
I lost it here.
Are you saying it was here
you saw the miller's daughter?
And that her name was Oksana?
Dear Lord!
- What do you know about it?
- Everyone knows it.
It happened about 30 years ago.
They say she was a good-looking girl
until she drowned.
And then her father went insane
and hung himself.
And her stepmother left for good.
It was a bad summer.
How could she have been the miller's
daughter who drowned 30 years ago?
Mr. Guro, is your clerk
capable of raising the dead?
Mr. Gogol's abilities can be
beyond your understanding.
I see.
Several other girls disappeared
at that time too.
A dozen of them
You mean
You mean to say you already had
similar crimes here?
And you didn't say
anything to us?
What do you think
you are doing?
Do you understand
why I am here?
Or are you withholding
this information on purpose?
Mr. Guro, I'd appreciate
I'd appreciate if you answered
my question!
My duty is to prevent
silly gossip from spreading.
These murders
cannot be connected.
Today's murderer must have been
He might not even
have been born then.
It's the Devil's doings.
And the Devil has no age.
If it hadn't been for you
and this Oksana,
he would still be keeping
those murders a secret.
Do you remember all the details
of your night stroll?
I do, but what if it was really
just a dream?
Mr. Guro, do you know
a good doctor in St. Petersburg?
- I think I need a good therapist.
- Why?
I might be going crazy.
We are in search of the truth, and
there are only two possible ways here -
the one that leads to it,
and the one that leads away from it.
You don't need
to see the doctor yet.
Mr. Gogol!
You are alright, thank God!
I'm fine
How did you know?
The horse Alexey gave you
came back covered in
thorns and scratch marks.
I've been worried
You have?
Mr. Guro, please meet
When my time on this earth shall be past
And the images of my dreams are cast
Unto the wilderness my remains shall be
Scattered to the wind from a hilltop high.
There shall be no tears or no sad eye;
I shall be honoured and so must thee
To rest with my guardian angel at last.
Did you write this poem?
Don't lie to me.
You're Mr. Alov, aren't you?
I am.
But how did you?
Alexey and I read a lot of books.
When you were talking in your sleep,
your words rang a bell
I've read your "Hans Kuchelgarten".
So you are a poet,
Mr. Gogol?
I thought I burnt all the copies.
Never ever do that again.
You're just an instrument in the hands
of God who talks to us through you.
Your books do not belong to you.
And don't you dare burn them!
Promise me
you'll never do it again.
- I just
- Just promise me.
All right, I promise.
That's better!
Perhaps your stay here
will bring you inspiration
for new works.
- Yakim!
- Yes?
I've been scolding you lately
When I nursed you in these very arms,
you were kind to me.
But I don't hear
anything good from you now.
You are so grumpy, Yakim!
So you've met a girl?
That's good.
At least we didn't
come here in vain.
What does it have
to do with it?
We have a platonic relationship.
We are just friends.
Of course you are, Master!
I've got loads of children
all across Russia
as a result of such
platonic relationships.
They could easily populate
three villages.
Yakim, go to sleep.
And keep your dirty stories
to yourself.
As usual
my stories are dirty,
but yours I have to listen to.
Raven, raven, what are you doing?
I'm digging a hole.
Why are you digging a hole?
To find a coin there.
Why would you need a coin?
To buy a needle.
Why would you need a needle?
- Help me!
- What?
You can see
what other people can't.
Who are you?
And where am I?
You are looking for the black horseman
who murders young women.
I'll help you if you help me.
But how can I help you?
Help me take vengeance
on my stepmother.
Every night she comes to my lake
disguised as a mermaid
and sucks the strength
out of me and my sisters.
She caused so much pain to me.
Look at my face -
she took all the color from my cheeks
with her evil spells.
Look at my neck -
these bruises are caused
by her iron claws,
and they won't fade.
Look at my eyes -
I can't see anything
because of the tears.
How can I help you?
You can see.
Have a look.
She is among them.
She is hiding,
but she is among them.
Raven, raven, what are you doing?
I'm digging a hole.
Why are you digging a hole?
To find a coin there.
Why would you need a coin?
To buy a needle.
Why would you need a needle?
To sew a bag.
Why would you need a bag?
To buy some salt.
Why would you need salt?
To put it into the soup.
Why would you need the soup?
To pour it into your children's eyes.
Mr. Gogol,
I think it was stupid of me
to agree to come here
with you.
I didn't even have time
for breakfast.
And a good breakfast is
the basis for a healthy diet.
And a healthy diet is
the basis for a long life.
So it was here
where she was torn to pieces?
Hanna, wait!
It's all your fault.
Hanna, I don't really understand
what you are talking about.
Hanna, dear, what the hell
are you doing?
You've ruined everything!
It was none of your damn business!
What a turn of events,
Some strange powders
Looks like they are for witchcraft.
- How are you feeling, Mr. Guro?
- I'm alright.
And here is a knife
made of Damascus steel.
Most likely
it's the murder weapon.
The same sign was found everywhere,
where the girls had been killed.
I would've never thought
the murderer was a woman.
I thought the murderer was supposed to be
as strong as hell.
And she was strong,
I assure you.
Anyway, I think everything
turned out well.
Mr. Guro caught
the murderer with our help,
the murderer put up a fight
and was killed.
Your report will be perfect.
I suggest having dinner at my place
to celebrate it.
You know,
I have no appetite at all.
We're going back
to St. Petersburg tomorrow,
so all I want is to sleep.
No offense, I hope?
None taken.
I was told you are leaving
I had to come and say goodbye,
I will miss you.
I will miss you too, Lisa.
I will miss you,
and this place,
and this air
It wasn't the murderer
you caught.
The black horseman
continues to kill.
Wake up!
Or you'll burn to death!
Mr. Guro!
- Stop or you'll get killed!
- Mr. Guro!
Let go of me!
Take Mr. Guro's body
with you back home.
Although there is not much
left of him,
but still it's better to bury
people where they belonged.
I'm not going anywhere.
Excuse me?
The real murderer hasn't been caught,
his body wasn't found in the house.
Hanna was just an accomplice.
I'll replace Mr. Guro
until the new investigator arrives.
That's my decision.
I respect your wish
to be of help,
but you are an educated man
and you should understand -
Mr. Guro was a great man,
a legend, and you
All you can do is scribble on paper.
Enough, Mr. Secretary.
Look at things the way
Germans do - realistically.
You've got no business here anymore.
If you have any objections,
appeal to the Secret Police.
But please, Mr. Binkh,
give a detailed account of
everything that happened here.
We must find the murderer.
The real one
or ones.
Yakim, unload the stuff!
Mr. Nikolai?!
Unload the stuff!
As you please!
No! It's him - the clerk!
I don't know
how he found out everything.
Something's wrong with him.
I've never met people like him.
He has some strange power -
it's a dark power,
from a dark source.
How should I have known it?
No, please, don't!
Next Episode