Gold Rush: Parker's Trail (2017) s01e01 Episode Script

Footsteps of Legends

This trek is the
Ultimate adventure.
And a tribute to my grandpa.
Many people have
Tried it and failed.
Let's hope we don't die.
I'm on fire!
Don't go that way.
This is so dangerous.
James, look out!
In march, 2016 parker schnabel's
Grandpa john passed away.
He came to alaska with nothing.
He had 100 bucks in his pocket.
And bought a steamship
Ticket up to haines.
I miss him.
We had a lot of fun, you know,
Some of the best
Times in my life.
Ooh, boy.
I'm proud of you, parker.
What I have gone through.
Is nothing compared
To what he went through.
To honor
His gold-mining grandfather,
Parker is attempting
The legendary klondike trail.
40 years before john schnabel
Came to the gold fields,
100,000 people
Risked their lives.
In the last great gold rush,
Racing north to stake
A claim and get rich.
70,000 never made it.
Now, parker
And his three friends.
Are testing themselves.
Against his grandpa and the
Pioneers who came before him,
But they're going
At the toughest possible time.
No trail For the last half-mile.
And for the next Half-mile.
Parker was gold mining
Well into the fall,
So now he's forced to race
The winter freeze.
You're just gonna leave us
Over there sitting on the beach?
How the Was I supposed to know?!
It's a 600-mile quest
For klondike gold.
Before winter slams
The trail shut.
This looks like fun?
Dudes, We are not moving.
We cannot get stuck here.
There's no plan b.
Yukon or bust!
Captions by vitac
Captions paid for by
Discovery communications.
How are you feeling, Rick?
You look drunk.
I've been drinking A lot of beer.
To get
I'll say!
In less than 24 hours,
Parker and his foreman,
Rick ness, leave to attempt
The original gold rush trail.
Joining them will be
Parker's great friends:
Filmmaker james levelle
Hi, sunshine.
And, to keep them alive
Pull up a stool.
Wilderness guide karla ann.
Have you guys done much
Planning for this?
- no.
- You guys got beer, you guys
- I hope you guys have.
These alpha males, It's a lot of
I think it's gonna be
A bit of a rude awakening.
The trail to the klondike
Begins just a few miles.
From parker's home in haines,
With the most dangerous
Part of the mission:
A 33-mile hike over
The coastal mountain range.
And a climb over a frozen pass
Called the golden stairs.
If they make it to the summit,
They face another 567 miles
Of lakes and rivers.
That could freeze at any time.
Before they get to dawson city,
Where they'll prospect for gold,
Stake a claim, and register it,
The same way
The pioneers did in 1897.
One of the craziest things
I've ever done.
Is comin' up in the next
Four weeks here.
I've never done any hiking.
Not even really camping.
Like throwing up a tent.
At a music festival
And gettin' drunk.
And passing out in the tent,
I've done. I've done that,
But I don't think
This is gonna be like that.
Hey, bud. Long time no see.
Sounds like you're off
On a crazy adventure.
- Yeah.
- Winter starts now.
- Right.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I know. I know.
- It's winter and I don't know.
How you're gonna float
Down a frozen river.
To the klondike.
How is this Gonna happen?
I don't know.
You flip your canoe over
And you slip under the ice,
It's it's bye-bye
Forever, bud.
No dying On this trip, boys.
All right, parker. Good luck.
What do you think
Yours weighs, karla?
I don't know. I'm repacking.
So my heavy stuff's
At the bottom.
The only one who has any idea
What to expect on the trail.
Is wilderness guide karla.
We're dealing with layers
And layers of dangers:
Hypothermia, bear attack,
There's drowning.
I've got no troubles
With layin' down the law.
If I need to and just
Speaking my mind.
What do you think
Of our crew, karla?
They're all bitches.
She didn't even
Fall over. Damn it.
Bull - yes.
This is rick's prep.
We're all unpacking
And repacking
and rick is sitting here,
- Poundin' beers.
- Yeah.
Parker and his crew will be
On their own most of the way,
So they'll have
To film themselves.
I do not know
How to use a camera.
You're gonna be the first
To get eaten, james.
Look at that; That's the look
Of our first meal.
No one's gonna be carrying
Our bags on this trip.
We want it to be
As authentic as possible.
That means sticking
To some rules:
No help, no motors,
No modern technology.
It should be as tough for us
As it was for the oldtimers.
Just like the pioneers of 1897,
This journey sets
Parker and his friends.
Against some of the world's
Toughest wilderness.
Brutal weather,
Barren mountains,
And apex predators.
Threaten their survival.
Parker's crew will be packing
Food, but when it runs out,
They'll be forced to hunt
For fish and meat,
Just like any bears
They encounter.
Who'll be looking
For their last meal.
Before they hibernate.
Really starting to question
The time of year.
That we're setting off
On this trek.
It's starting to get
Pretty real.
The one thing that I do know
Is that if my grandpa.
Were here right now,
He'd be right here with us,
Trudgin' up the trail,
Breakin' trail.
When the going gets tough,
We'll definitely be
Doin' this for him.
It's snowing.
Bye-bye cruel world.
This is some nice weather.
I'll take this
Over rain, though.
I'll take this over rain
Any day.
The last help parker's crew
Will get on this trip
- how's it goin'?
- Is a boat ride from haines.
To the start
Of the gold rush trail.
- Let's do this.
- Yeah.
Goodbye, haines.
Whether we like it
Or not, here we go.
What do you think, Richard?
Yeah, it's kinda just
Settlin' in now.
That we're actually doing this.
Man. We're idiots.
So we're going to dyea,
Which is just right up here.
Dyea was the first staging post
Of the 1897 gold rush,
Where the dreamers
Of the lower 48.
Met the cold, hard reality
Of life in the frozen north.
Boats from seattle
And san francisco.
Dumped thousands of prospectors
On the beaches.
For a while, it was one of
The biggest cities in alaska,
But, today,
There's nothing left.
- Let's do this.
- Yeah-eah!
Let's go, boys.
Tide's coming in.
Come on! I'm stoked.
My legs are already tired.
How long 'til We get to the car?
Parker and his crew
Are in a race.
To get to the klondike
Before the big freeze.
Over the next 7 days,
They need to climb
A mountain range.
And cross the first
Of the lakes,
But to start with,
They have a 12-mile hike.
From dyea
To a place called sheep camp.
It's a steep climb
Through dense forest,
Littered With gold-rush relics.
Look at this old saw.
My grandpa used to pull one
Of those with his dad.
No kidding?
It had to be hell of a job,
Pulling on one Of those all day.
He said he'd go To eat dinner.
And he just like he had
A face full of food:
He'd fall asleep eating.
So I think We have got it easy.
Yeah, no kidding.
Holy - karla: What?
- Wet?
- Yeah.
I'm soaked.
I think everybody else is, too.
You look like a drowned rat.
How are you doing, richard?
You just can't let the weather
Get to ya. Ya can't.
I go from feeling pretty good,
Pretty strong to.
Goin' a little ways uphill, to.
And just bein' completely
Legs just don't Wanna cooperate.
Engage your butt, rick.
I should've called you
Like a month ago.
And been like, "Start pumpin'."
Yeah, rick's havin' A rough time.
And really this is
Supposed to be.
The easy part of the trail.
So, hopefully he can.
Muster up the strength
To get up the golden staircase.
Well, there's some
Pretty fresh bear.
That is bear, Definitely bear.
Looks like he's
Eaten some quinoa.
Hopefully, we don't see him.
How you feeling, rick?
I don't know,
My right quad in my leg.
Is just wantin'
To ball up into a knot.
It's not good.
Why the Did I agree to do this?
- Hold up, parker.
- What's wrong?
Just letting rick
Cool off for a sec.
I'm not gonna have
Any legs left.
The crew is just 4 miles in.
To a 600-mile journey.
And, tomorrow,
They have a mountain to climb.
It's a genuine concern
That, if it's this hard,
With these packs, to get
Up here, through stairs,
We're talking, let's say
45° or something?
45° angle, yeah.
I can't even imagine it
With this pack.
I mean, I don't know
If I can do this.
Up ahead
This is probably Gonna be one of.
The most miserable
Months of my life.
If I can make it.
Yeah, this is madness.
James, look out!
Parker schnabel
And three friends.
Are honoring
His pioneering grandpa.
By attempting the original
Gold rush trail.
You don't have to charge
Ahead like that.
- No?
- No. Hell, no.
Slow and steady.
Like think about tomorrow.
But they've only just started
And rick ness has hit a wall.
Get some water in you.
This is the easy bit.
I'm soaked head to toe.
Like that's not good,
Once you get up into
That colder weather,
Especially if you Can't get dry.
- You want to roll?
- Yeah.
Okay. Let's go.
They're just 4 miles
Into a 12-mile hike.
To sheep camp,
The last rest stop.
Before the most dangerous
Part of the mission:
A 45° climb up the
Legendary golden stairs.
Quite honestly, I can't
Remember being more.
Terrified of something
In recent history.
I don't know how I'm gonna
Get through tomorrow.
I mean there's like
A 4- or 5-mile hike.
Before we even get
To the golden staircase.
And then that's straight
Frigging up in the air.
We're headed for some trouble.
Tomorrow's a huge day.
Going up the golden staircase
You know,
As we gain elevation,
It's gonna get colder,
Those wet clothes are
Just gonna freeze.
And, you know, that's when
People get hypothermia.
- I'm soaked.
- We've gotta get.
Our clothes dry.
Sweatin' my bag off.
Just fingers crossed that.
We can dry some of our
Gear out tonight.
Mountain guide karla
Has the yukon in her blood.
I came from a super-
Active family,
always doin' Outdoor activities,
And my great-grandfather
Came over.
In the original batch
Of pioneers.
Pretty important for me
To walk in his footsteps.
After 12 miles of pain,
Sheep camp,
A site that's been there
Since the gold rush,
Finally comes into view.
Hey, looks like there's
Still a camp here?
Never been so happy to see
A tent in my life.
Our only hope is if there's
Still a stove in one of them.
- Yeah.
- No way.
We got a stove.
Never thought I'd be so happy.
To see a little shack Like this.
Fire started.
You think so?
Maybe we should close it?
Should dry out
Pretty well, rick?
Yeah, buddy.
So we're sittin' at 1,000 feet.
And we're climbin' up to 3,500.
It's the golden staircase.
The golden stairs is the highest
Section of the trail.
And, for this stampede years,
It was the gateway to the gold.
This treacherous mountain pass.
Is the most dangerous
Part of the journey.
If a pioneer gave up,
It was the golden stairs
That broke them.
Umm, worried about rick.
Like he certainly doesn't seem
To be takin' it real well.
Thinking about.
Being wet and cold like this,
For that long,
Settin' in that this
Is gonna take a month.
And it's probably gonna be one.
Of the most miserable
Months of my life,
If I can make it.
So today is a huge day,
But none of us are
In great shape, except karla.
If somebody's
Gonna get hurt on this trip,
Today is probably
The biggest risk.
My legs feel like rocks,
I'm terrified,
And I don't wanna do this.
Let's do it.
- You good, karla?
- I'm good.
Look at that up there, boys.
Hopefully we can make it over
The pass with some daylight.
The chilkoot pass crosses the
Alaska coastal mountain range.
From sheep camp.
It's 2 miles of huge boulders.
Then, the final ascent
Is a punishing 45° climb.
Up to the summit
Of the golden stairs.
We should really
Keep pushin' on.
Loose rocks.
Be careful there.
This is dangerous, man.
It's just snow-
Covered boulders.
Is that the trail Over there?
Are we lost?
What do you figure?
Is it this? Right through here.
Who knows.
In the stampede,
There was a constant stream
Of people leading the way.
Now, there's nothing.
You lost the trail?
There's no trail right here.
That's for sure.
Well, there's No trail.
For the last half-mile
Or for the next half-mile.
Well, then, start
Cuttin' left, parker.
You see the tram, right? Line?
- No.
- Follow the tram line.
What tram line?
During the gold rush,
An aerial tramway was built.
To haul pioneer supplies
Over the pass.
If parker can find
What's left of it,
It should lead them
To the golden stairs.
Hug the left side. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it.
When we were back there,
You said it was the other one,
The one in the middle,
Not the one on the left.
that was the one in the middle.
It looked like that,
There was a notch there
From back there.
I can't see it.
This is not a trail.
Slippery, can't see
The holes, very steep.
This is sketchy.
Snap an ankle anywhere.
Look for that Tram cable.
None of it looks Like trail.
I'm slippin' All over the place.
All right, I think
It might be over there.
Tram cable.
All right.
After four hours
On the mountain,
Parker's crew finally reaches
The end of the boulder field.
It looks pretty
Decent up to here.
But that only gets them
To the foot of the stairs.
The golden stairs.
- I don't see any stairs.
- I don't see any gold.
I could sure use a
Golden escalator right now.
Let's do it.
- This is beyond sketchy.
- Holy.
Yeah, this is madness.
Didn't realize that you
Were gonna try.
To break your leg Every step.
Big hole.
- James, look out!
- Ooh!
James, Are you all right?
Parker schnabel and his friends
Are 2 days into a 600-mile trek.
- Are you okay?
- But filmmaker james.
Just collapsed on the most
Dangerous part of the climb:
The golden stairs.
Glad you didn't
Break a leg there.
The backpack broke My fall, see.
One of grandpa john's
Absolute, classic quotes?
"Never give up."
That's what parker's all about.
That's what I'm all about.
Never give up.
We go up the mountain.
In these conditions, frostbite
Can set in within 2 hours.
Push hard, boys.
If the snowstorm Gets any worse,
They could be trapped
On the mountain.
Come on!
I'm done right now.
Don't go that way.
This is brutal.
This is so Dangerous.
I can't see.
- Yeah.
- You, nature.
There it is. Yes.
The summit!
It's just cool!
- Whoo!
- Yeah!
- Whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo!
- Yeah!
There's a cabin.
I feel like I'm not even
On earth right now.
By the end of it,
It was just like.
"When is it gonna end?
Is it gonna end?"
That was the toughest
Hike I've ever done.
I walked into this cabin,
I was just like,
"This is!"
I'm so happy
About this right now.
- Nobody thought you'd make it.
- Nope.
True to my form,
I smuggled a flask of whiskey.
Over this whole way With us, so.
only you would act that -
Worth the extra weight,
So I figure let's celebrate
A little bit.
Good day, boys.
It is a good day.
I think this whole trip has
Really got me.
Firing on all cylinders.
This has really kind of
Opened my eyes to, um
It sounds cheesy,
But a different way of life.
I'm proud of rick.
I know my grandpa would be
Damn proud of all of us.
We made her.
Now, we just got about
590 miles to go.
Bye-bye, cabin.
Get this show on the road.
We should all howl like wolves.
After two days of struggle,
Parker and his crew
Have crossed into canada.
They're headed down
Towards the lakes,
Where they've stored boats
And equipment.
For the next stage
Of their mission.
That's a wolf. Fresh.
That's A pretty big track.
There must be two of 'em.
That's a pretty Nice-sized wolf.
Where's his other footprint?
That's super-fresh, too, Karla?
Could be from our dog
Howls this morning.
They were hangin' Out here.
Rain, sand, on and on and on.
Karla's just like, "You".
We're getting so close.
I see bennett lake.
We're he-e-e-re!
Honeys, we're home!
I'm so happy that we made it.
Look how long That is.
Bennett lake is 27 miles long.
And is the first in a series
Of long lakes.
They need to survive
Before hitting the yukon river.
In 1897,
20,000 pioneers got stuck
At bennett in the brutal winter.
For a while, it was a town.
They even built a railway,
But it arrived too late.
For the gold rushers,
And taking a train.
Would be breaking one
Of parker's rules:
No motors.
It wouldn't be too bad,
Being out there right now.
Let's hope it stays That way.
Let's go talk to edna.
Yeah, Let's go find edna.
Who's edna?
Edna is a friend of a friend
And has a trapping cabin.
Our canoes and cold-weather
Tent are stashed there.
I'm pretty sure this
Is edna's cabin down here.
Yeah. There's our stuff.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- You must be edna.
- Yeah.
Nice to meet you. I'm parker.
Our stuff showed up, I see.
more than I thought.
You crazy fools.
Whatcha doin', doing it.
This time of the year?
It's blowin' from the north
Right now, isn't it?
- From the north.
- It's north breeze now.
Well, we'll deal with it. Yep.
Thank you so much
For everything.
Thanks, edna.
We don't know
Whether we can even actually.
Canoe in these conditions,
So, what we're gonna do.
Right now is take the canoes out
And just give it a go.
And just see what
We're capable of achieving.
Gotta head north and we're
Gonna be fighting a north wind.
For the next 150 miles,
At least, If not 500 miles.
We nailed the hike and that
Was a big part of this,
But, as far as puttin' miles on
Goes, it starts right now.
This looks like fun?
This is the hand
That's dealt to us,
So we just gotta hit the water.
All right, let's do it.
Hold on two secs.
- You good?
- Yeah!
You in?
- All right. You ready?
- Yeah.
All right, let's do it.
Yeah, I'm gettin' wet, Baby.
Are we going anywhere?
It's really hard
To control with the wind.
This is dangerous.
We ain't gettin' anywhere.
Let's turn around.
Let's go back!
Didn't he say turn
Around head back?
I thought he did, yeah.
What the?
You see our boys back there?
- What?
- Okay, jump out.
Karla and parker
Get back to shore,
But rick and james
Can't figure out.
Who's in charge of their boat.
- All right, let's go.
- Spin it around.
- I'm goin' over there james.
- Okay, go for it.
Don't go sideways In the trough.
No, I'm gonna
Spin this around quick.
You motor, but you
Don't wanna go sideways.
No! You're on the same
Side as me, james.
Let's just go Straight that way.
I am paddling
At the same time as you.
Same side as me.
No, we can't do that.
We'll unbalance.
You have to do that To turn!
Right. We're heading there!
- Yeah.
- They've gone in over there.
Why are we not heading
Where they're going?
That's where we're gonna
Have to end up.
Parker schnabel
And three friends.
Are taking on the legendary
Gold rush trail.
In memory of his grandpa.
They've made it
To the first of four lakes.
Parker, hold on.
But they've been forced back,
By winds gusting.
At 35 miles per hour,
And rick and james.
Are losing it.
I can't feel my hands.
You got cold hands?
- I can't even feel them.
- Here, here, here.
No, I'm good.
Don't worry about it.
- I've got these.
- What happened to richard?
His hands were freezing.
I offered him my gloves
And he raced off.
He got pretty Frustrated.
We'll, let's go get him.
You're just going to leave us
Over there sitting on the beach.
While you smoke
A cigarette over here?
I just walked over here.
I just walked over here.
Tried to find you guys.
we're all over there.
- Over where?
- Right where your
- boat is.
- -how the was I.
Supposed to know?!
- You okay, though?
- Yeah.
- Yeah? Promise?
- Yeah, well, until parker.
Comes over and starts
Givin' me a lip.
Just told him To off.
Rick really struggles
With things like this.
We barely got 500 feet,
Paddlin' our assess off.
It's obvious that this
Is gonna be far.
From the easy
Part of the journey.
It's gonna be damn tough
And we have a long ways to go.
It's still pretty rough.
At the rate we're goin',
We're not gonna
Make it anywhere.
You know, this right here
Is a brick wall.
Basically we're bettin'
On the wind changin'.
We're hopin' the wind's
Gonna change.
If the wind doesn't change,
We're not making it
Anywhere, anyway.
- Right?
- True story.
I think our best bet is
To lash these canoes together.
Ain't it?
We'll be way more stable.
Probably one person can steer.
If you guys wanna try it,
I just, in my opinion,
I think it's faster
If we're separate.
Do you think you can steer
Just by yourself in the middle?
We'll find out, I guess.
They are way more sturdy
Tied together.
we're close to each other.
We know somebody's
Not gettin' lost.
We know if somebody's not
Gonna get in a bad spot.
- Okay.
- We got a catamaran.
Hey, james, Let me bring my
Is that pretty good spacing?
Yeah, that's good. I like that.
To build a catamaran,
The crew needs to lash
The canoes together.
- Let's find some poles.
- Do we have a saw?
That'll work.
There's another one
Over here, rick.
So, I think We can ratchet-strap.
These bad boys and they
Ain't gonna go nowhere.
And I think we've got
A solid back-and-forth.
My grandpa bought a boat.
That sunk I think
Like three times.
And they called it
The excuse me.
Why, "Excuse me, My boat sank"?
Yeah, "Excuse me.
My boat sunk a third time."
Lookin' good.
The frame must be strong enough.
To carry a mast and sail.
- Were you a scout?
- No.
I beat up scouts
When I was a kid.
If the wind changes,
This tarp could double
Their speed on the lakes.
- Okay, pass me that rope line.
- Pass her that rope.
Thanks. Are you good, rick?
Yeah, I'm Jim dandy.
You could walk all the way.
Over the chilkoot trail
Like that.
I could. I think you're
Lighter than my pack was.
Down she comes.
- Yay!
- Hee-hee!
Rick? Perfect!
What's the name Of our boat?
The golden edna.
The golden edna.
The golden edna. I feel good.
I think it looks
Bloody brilliant.
Finally, it's time.
Should we pull this thing
Down to the water?
Keep goin', Keep goin'.
We got to put
Some miles going north.
If we get two good days,
Then we can get across these
Lakes and be on the yukon river.
- If you pass me heavy gear,
- yeah.
Those heavy Barrels first.
We can't spend the Winter here.
I ain't spendin'
The winter here.
I've got an australian
Girlfriend waitin' for me.
Yukon or bust!
Right up there on the list
Of dumb
yeah. Whoo!
This is a heavy Thing?
Definitely sturdy. For now.
Big wave. Big wave.
- Boy.
- Big wave.
We're headin' for some
Rocks over here, guys.
Okay, forward left,
Forward left.
- Okay, forward left!
- Me.
- Left, turn left.
- Left, left, forward right.
Hard right, hard right.
Big wave.
We're not gettin' anywhere.
Dudes, We are not moving.
Stuck at bennett lake.
The wind has just been howlin'.
You know, I can hear
The lake right now.
It's kinda creepy
Being out here right now.
I'm kind of away
From everything.
Every day we sit
At bennett lake here.
Is another day the
Yukon river's freezin' up.
Not no bears that way.
All right,
I'm gonna get outta
Here and go to bed.
Good night.
Parker and his friends.
Are trying to reach
The klondike,
But the wind has trapped them
On bennett lake for 5 days.
This is just a little pond
Here beside bennett lake.
And the ice is slowly creeping
Towards the center.
And I'd imagine in a few days,
It'll be completely frozen over.
You know, I hate
Not being in control.
I hate not being In control.
And, right now,
We're pretty helpless.
Rick, What're you thinking?
I don't know.
I suppose the question is
How long.
Are we prepared
To stick out in here?
We're a month, 2 months,
Maybe even 3 months too late.
And the weather
Is biting back now.
At what point do
We activate plan b?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
We don't have a plan b.
- That's the problem.
- What is plan b, you know?
There's only 2 ways
Out of bennett lake:
The boat and the train.
I mean, there's a reason.
Why they built
That train, wasn't it?
It was so that people
Didn't have to wait
6 months here.
Do we want to try
And find other ways.
To complete the journey?
Which is called cheating.
Is it not?
Well, it really depends.
Because this is the thing:
We either go, "It's cheating,".
So, in that case,
The rest of our adventure.
Is potentially,
You know, 3 more weeks.
In this tent,
Waiting for the winds.
To die down On lake bennett.
I think we need parker
For this conversation.
I don't see why we're
Doing it without him.
Parker, can we have a word?
How are you feeling
About everything?
I'm desperate To get to dawson.
And complete what, You know,
We've all set out to do,
But the yukon's freezing up.
Is there
Is there another way
Of doing things?
I know we said we
Weren't going to do anything.
Mechanized and stuff,
But, what if we're
What if we're having
To wait here for like a week?
Would we consider
Would you consider
Sticking the canoes.
On the back of one
Of those trains.
And leapfrogging
A bit further down the road.
To give us a better chance
Of getting to dawson?
We're in the same boat
They were in 120 years ago.
I'm not gettin' On the train.
It's just a thought.
We're not taking The train.
That's not what my grandpa
Would've done.
That's not what
The pioneers would've done.
I just gotta figure out.
A way around this stupid, lake.
We gotta Figure something out.
All right, well obviously
We can't stay here,
But we've got too much stuff.
That we need now
To be able to hike it.
Right. 'Cause
We could walk the rails.
But that's Agggh!
Somethin' we can drag, I think,
Is gonna be The only option.
Is that a little wagon,
Dude, on the tracks?
- Whoa!
- It's light, though.
Whoa! S-what?
You're kidding me.
but it's not on the main line.
Could we get it
On the main line?
Dude, we gotta
Get this figured out
'cause look at this thing.
This thing Moves like butter.
We, we derailed.
It ain't that heavy.
I think We might be on it.
Rick's off! He's off!
- Look what we found!
- Whoo-oo!
Are you guys serious?
Look at how easy It rolls.
It rolls so good.
We're rolling it! We're rollin'!
Whoa, yeah, We're rolling!
Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo!
Does this thing Have a brake?
To your right a bit.
We have a new plan
And I love it.
That's rad.
Let's do it.
Let's keep The momentum going.
Bye-bye bennett!
After 5 days stuck
On bennett lake,
Parker's crew is
Finally moving north,
Still under their own steam,
Honoring his grandpa.
By retracing
The original klondike trail.
But they still have
Another 567 miles to go,
And the yukon river
Could freeze any day.
Up ahead, on "Parker's trail"
- Dawson city, here we come!
- We're headed for the rocks.
Brace yourselves!
We're gonna die!
It's a flake of gold.
Watch out. James, look out!
Go on.
The current is ripping
Under the shelf ice.
We're kinda getting
Pulled downstream.
We're never gonna make it
To dawson before the freeze.
Parker. Whoa!
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